
Defines functions regulatorAnalysis.directed_weighted

Documented in regulatorAnalysis.directed_weighted

#' Function to Identify Network Regulators from Directed Weighted Networks
#' Identifies network regulators from directed network weights.
#' @param adj Required. An n x n weighted upper triangular adjacency in the matrix 
#' class format.
#' @param G Required. A named vector of node scores.
#' @param h Optional. Neighborhood search distance (h nodes away from current node) 
#' (Default = 3)
#' @param n Optional. Number of randomisation for pvalue computation. (Default = 100)
#' @param correction.method Optional. Multiple testing correction method. Options
#' are; c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")
#' (Default = 'bonferroni')
#' @param pval.cutoff Optional. Adjusted pvalue cutoff for regulator selection.
#' (Default = 0.01)
#' @return scores = n x 5 dimensional data frame with columns giving neighborhood
#'based score, adjusted pvalue, whether a gene is regulator/global regulator.
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
regulatorAnalysis.directed_weighted <- function(adj, G, h = 3, n = 100, correction.method = 'bonferroni', pval.cutoff = 0.01){
  # Error checking
  if(dim(adj)[1] != dim(adj)[2])
    stop('Adjacency matrix should be symmetric')
  if(!all(adj[lower.tri(adj)] == 0))
    stop('Adjacency matrix should be upper triangular')
  # Convert lsparseNetwork to igraph graph object
  g = igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = 'upper', weighted = T, diag = F)
  # Get the background genes
  background.genes = igraph::V(g)$name
  # Compute node scores based on neighborhood scores
  node.scores = score.nodes(g, G, h, mode = 'out')
  # Permute node labels and calculate null distribution of scores
  i <- NULL
  perm.node.scores = foreach::foreach(i = 1:n,
                                      .combine = cbind, 
                                      .packages = c('igraph', 'dplyr', 'parallel', 'doParallel', 'foreach'),
                                      .verbose = FALSE) %dopar% {
                                        pg = igraph::permute(g, sample(1:length(background.genes), length(background.genes)))
                                        perm.node.scores = score.nodes(pg, G, h, mode = 'out')
  # Perform one sample t-test to estimate significance
  i <- NULL
  pval = foreach::foreach(i = 1:length(background.genes), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
    tmp = stats::t.test(perm.node.scores[i,], mu = node.scores[i], alternative = 'less')
    data.frame(pval = tmp$p.value, t = tmp$statistic, t.low = tmp$conf.int[1], t.high = tmp$conf.int[2])
  adj.P.Val = stats::p.adjust(pval$pval, method = correction.method)
  names(adj.P.Val) = background.genes
  scores = data.frame(Gene.ID = names(node.scores),
                      scores = node.scores,
                      adj.P.Val = adj.P.Val[names(node.scores)])
  scores$regulator = FALSE
  scores$regulator[scores$adj.P.Val <= pval.cutoff] = TRUE
  # Calculate node degree for identifying global regulators
  node.degree = igraph::strength(g, mode = 'all')
  mean.node.degree = mean(node.degree, na.rm = T)
  stddev.node.degree = stats::sd(node.degree, na.rm = T)
  # Find leaf nodes to identify global regulators
  node.in.degree = igraph::degree(g, mode = 'in')
  # Promote high degree nodes as global regulators 
  scores$global.regulator = FALSE
  scores$global.regulator[scores$regulator == TRUE & (node.in.degree == 0)] = TRUE
  scores$global.regulator[scores$regulator == TRUE & 
                             (node.degree > (mean.node.degree + 2*stddev.node.degree))] = TRUE
  return(dplyr::arrange(scores, dplyr::desc(.data$global.regulator), dplyr::desc(.data$regulator), adj.P.Val))
Sage-Bionetworks/metanetwork documentation built on April 27, 2022, 7:42 a.m.