
#' Get and aggregate PSUNASC. Rows are reordered.
#' \code{getPSUNASC} gets a joined table with meanNASC, psu, stratum, and area. I.e., reads transect data, strata and area information from baseline Java object and merges them into one data frame. \cr \cr
#' \code{aggPSUNASC} aggregates psuNASC Layer to PELBOT. Used within functions when resampling and rescaling NASC values if Layer!=PELBOT. \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param psuNASC		Data frame as returned from from \code{getPSUNASC}.
#' @return A Java integer, double, or Boolean
#' \code{getPSUNASC} returns psuNASC Data frame with mean NASC (Value) per transect (PSU) and Layer together with strata area \cr 
#' \code{aggPSUNASC} returns psuNASC_agg Data frame with mean NASC (Value) per transect (PSU) \cr \cr
#' @examples
#' psuNASC <- getPSUNASC("Test_Rstox")
#' psuNASC_agg <- aggPSUNASC(psuNASC=psuNASC)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPSUNASC
getPSUNASC <- function(projectName){
	psuNASC <- getBaseline(projectName, proc="MeanNASC", input=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
	# Test the presence of acoustic data:
		warning(paste0("Process with function MeanNASC missing in project \"", getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName, "\""))
	psuStratum <- getBaseline(projectName, input="psustratum", proc=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
	# Filter psu/stratum by includeintotal flag in table stratumpolygon.
	stratumPolygon <- getBaseline(projectName, input="stratumpolygon", proc=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
	inclStrata <- stratumPolygon[stratumPolygon$IncludeInTotal %in% TRUE, c("Stratum")]
	psuStratum <- psuStratum[psuStratum$Stratum %in% inclStrata,]
	stratumArea <- getBaseline(projectName, proc="StratumArea", input=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
	# Added a warning if SampleUnitType is not set to PSU, but rahter EDSU:
	if(!any(tolower(psuNASC$SampleUnitType) == "psu")){
		warning("getPSUNASC() requires SampleUnit to be PSU in the baseline.")
	psuNASC <- merge(x=merge(x=psuNASC, y=psuStratum, by.x='SampleUnit', by.y='PSU'), y=stratumArea, by.x='Stratum', by.y='PolygonKey')
	# PSUSTRATUM may contain strata not covered by NASC EDSUs-> therefore drop empty stratum levels in factor.
	psuNASC <- droplevels(psuNASC)	

	#change headers by using names
	names(psuNASC)[match(c("NASC"), names(psuNASC))] <- "Value"
	names(psuNASC)[match(c("Distance"), names(psuNASC))] <- "dist"
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getPSUNASC
aggPSUNASC <- function(psuNASC){
	# The functions J and .jnew and other functions in the rJava package needs initialization:
	Functions <- J("no.imr.stox.functions.utils.Functions")
	# psuNASC contains the column PSU (AJ 2016-08-31):
		names(psuNASC)[names(psuNASC)=="PSU"] <- "SampleUnitType"
	a <- aggregate(Value~Stratum + SampleUnitType + SampleUnit + SampleSize + dist + Area, psuNASC, sum)
	data.frame( append(a, list(LayerType=Functions$LAYERTYPE_WATERCOLUMN, Layer=Functions$WATERCOLUMN_PELBOT), after=grep("^dist$", colnames(psuNASC))) )

#' Weighted mean NASC by stratum
#' Calculates mean by stratum (Jolly & Hampton 1990 Eq(2)) and variance by stratum (Eq3b).
#' @param tr.value	Transect NASC values.
#' @param tr.dist	Transect distance values.
#' @return list with mean and variance by stratum
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
wtd.strata.est <- function(tr.value, tr.dist){
	# Average of transect values weighted by transect distance:
	mean.strata <- sum(tr.value * tr.dist) / sum(tr.dist)
	#var.strata <- (sum((tr.dist^2) * ((tr.value - mean.strata)^2))) /
	#	(((mean(tr.dist))^2) * length(tr.value) * (length(tr.value) -1) )
	var.strata1 <- sum(tr.dist^2 * (tr.value - mean.strata)^2)
	var.strata2 <- mean(tr.dist)^2 * length(tr.value) * (length(tr.value) - 1)
	var.strata <- var.strata1 / var.strata2
	out <- list(strata.mean=mean.strata, strata.var=var.strata)

#' Estimate mean NASC distribution
#' Calculates mean and variance of NASC, based on Jolly & Hampton 1990 http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/f90-147
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param psuNASC	MeanNASC table from baseline.
#' @param NASCDistr	Assumed distribution of mean NASC values, "normal", "lognormal", "gamma", or "weibull" ("normal" is default).
#' @return list with mean(NASC) and var(NASC) per strata, global (stratified) mean, SE and RSE (Relative standard error) of NASC
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' psuNASC <- getPSUNASC(projectName)
#' stratumNASC <- getNASCDistr(projectName, psuNASC=psuNASC, NASCDistr="normal")
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getNASCDistr <- function(projectName, psuNASC, NASCDistr="observed"){
	# Test the presence of acoustic data:
		warning(paste0("Process with function MeanNASC missing in project \"", getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName, "\""))
	stratumArea <- getBaseline(projectName, proc="StratumArea", input=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
	names(stratumArea)[1] <- "Stratum"
	tmp <- psuNASC
	if(psuNASC$LayerType[1]!="WaterColumn") {
		tmp <- aggPSUNASC(psuNASC)
	# Estimates strata mean and variance:
	tmp2 <- split(tmp,list(tmp$Stratum))
	strata.mean <- sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {wtd.strata.est(yy$Value,yy$dist)$strata.mean})
	strata.mean[is.na(strata.mean)] <- 0 # If no NASC-values, mean is 0
	strata.var <- sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {wtd.strata.est(yy$Value,yy$dist)$strata.var})
	strata.var[is.na(strata.var)] <- 0 # If no NASC-values, var is 0
	n.by.strata <- sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {length(yy$Value)})
	## Put in function that tests data before this step!
		 observed = distr.fit <- sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {c('mean' = NA, 'sd' = NA)}),
		 normal = distr.fit <- sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {coef(MASS::fitdistr(yy$Value, 'normal'))}),
		 lognormal = distr.fit <-	sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {coef(MASS::fitdistr(yy$Value+1, 'lognormal'))}),
		 gamma = distr.fit <-	sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {if(length(yy$Value>0)>5) coef(MASS::fitdistr(yy$Value+1, 'gamma')) else c(shape=0,rate=1)}),
		 weibull = distr.fit <-	sapply(tmp2,function(yy) {if(length(yy$Value>0)>5) coef(MASS::fitdistr(yy$Value+1, 'weibull',lower=c(0.001,0.001)))	else c(shape=0,scale=1)})
	tmp3 <- as.data.frame(cbind(strata.mean, strata.var, n.by.strata, distr.fit[1,], distr.fit[2,]))
	tmp3$Stratum <- row.names(tmp3)
	tmp3 <- merge(tmp3, stratumArea, by="Stratum")
	tmp3$w <- tmp3$Area/sum(tmp3$Area)
	# Estimates stratified mean and standard error:
	# Global mean 
	mean.tot.NASC <- sum(tmp3$strata.mean * tmp3$w) 
	#Global SE
	SE.tot.NASC <- sqrt(sum(tmp3$w^2 * tmp3$strata.var))
	#Global RSE
	RSE.tot.NASC <- round(100 * SE.tot.NASC / mean.tot.NASC,2)
	print(paste("Global RSE of NASC is",RSE.tot.NASC, "%" ))
	out <- list(NASC.by.strata=tmp3,	NASC.tot.mean=mean.tot.NASC, NASC.tot.SE=SE.tot.NASC, NASC.tot.RSE=RSE.tot.NASC, NASCDistr=NASCDistr)

#' Resample NASC distribution
#' Generates resampled NASC distribution.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param psuNASC		MeanNASC table from baseline.
#' @param stratumNASC	Strata NASC estimates from getNASCDistr(baseline).
#' @param parameters	Parameters set by user in Stox;
#'			parameters$nboot: Number of bootstrap replicates
#'			parameters$seed: The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility)
#' @param sorted	Should the data be sorted prior to sampling?
#' @return Matrix of resampled strata NASC means 
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' psuNASC <- getPSUNASC(projectName)
#' stratumNASC <- getNASCDistr(projectName, psuNASC=psuNASC, NASCDistr="normal")
#' resampledNASC <- getResampledNASCDistr(projectName, psuNASC=psuNASC, stratumNASC=stratumNASC, 
#'     parameters=list(seed=1, nboot=5))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getResampledNASCDistr <- function(projectName, psuNASC, stratumNASC, parameters, sorted=TRUE){
	# Test the presence of acoustic data:
		warning(paste0("Process with function MeanNASC missing in project \"", getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName, "\""))
	# Declare the seed vector, as this is returned from the function:
	SeedV <- NULL
	# Run the reampling of acoustic data:
		tmpNASC <- psuNASC
			tmpNASC <- aggPSUNASC(psuNASC)
		# Change introduced on 2017-11-14 by Holmin. To make the code more robust to changes, all generation of seeds has been moved to the functions setSeedSingle(), getSeedV(), getSeedM(), expandSeed():
		#set.seed(if(isTRUE(parameters$seed)) 1234 else if(is.numeric(parameters$seed)) parameters$seed else NULL) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
		#SeedV <- sample(c(1:10000000), parameters$nboot, replace=FALSE) # Makes seed vector for fixed seeds (for reproducibility).
		SeedV <- getSeedV(parameters$seed, nboot=parameters$nboot)
		tmp2NASC <- split(tmpNASC,list(tmpNASC$Stratum))
		res.NASC.dist <- matrix(NA, nrow=parameters$nboot, ncol=length(unique(tmpNASC$Stratum)))
		for(i in 1:parameters$nboot){
			# Function used for sampling the PSUs:
			reest <- function(yy){
				# Change made by Holmin 2016-08-26: Initiated after warnings from Are Salthaug that the variance in the boostrap estimates were unexpectedly low. An error was found in this function, where the variable formerly named "PSU" has been renamed to "SampleUnit" in the Java code, but this has not been updated here. 
					#	tID <- sample(yy$PSU, length(yy$PSU), replace = TRUE) # Resample NASC
					#	yy2 <- yy[match(tID,yy$PSU), ]
				# Change introduced on 2017-11-03, applying the function sampleSorted() for all sampling throughout Rstox in order to avoid dependency on the order of rows in the data:
				#tID <- sample(yy$SampleUnit, length(yy$SampleUnit), replace=TRUE) # Resample NASC
				tID <- sampleSorted(yy$SampleUnit, size=length(yy$SampleUnit), seed=SeedV[i], replace=TRUE, sorted=sorted)
				yy2 <- yy[match(tID, yy$SampleUnit), ]
				resmean <- wtd.strata.est(yy2$Value,yy2$dist)$strata.mean
			# Estimates strata mean and variance:
			strata.mean <- sapply(tmp2NASC, reest)
			strata.mean[is.na(strata.mean)] <- 0 # If no NASC-values, mean is 0
			res.NASC.dist[i,] <- strata.mean
				colnames(res.NASC.dist) <- names(strata.mean)
	tmp <- split(stratumNASC$NASC.by.strata,list(stratumNASC$NASC.by.strata$Stratum))
	# Change introduced on 2017-11-14 by Holmin. To make the code more robust to changes, all generation of seeds has been moved to the functions setSeedSingle(), getSeedV(), getSeedM(), expandSeed():
	#set.seed(if(isTRUE(parameters$seed)) 1234 else if(is.numeric(parameters$seed)) parameters$seed else NULL) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
		 normal = res.NASC.dist <- sapply(tmp, function(yy) {rnorm(parameters$nboot, mean=yy$strata.mean, sd=sqrt(yy$strata.var))}),
		 lognormal = res.NASC.dist <- sapply(tmp, function(yy) {rlnorm(parameters$nboot, meanlog=yy$meanlog, sdlog=yy$sdlog)-1}),
		 gamma = res.NASC.dist <- sapply(tmp, function(yy) {rgamma(parameters$nboot, shape=yy$shape, rate=yy$rate)-1}),
		 weibull = res.NASC.dist <- sapply(tmp, function(yy) {rweibull(parameters$nboot, shape=yy$shape, scale=yy$scale)-1})
	res.NASC.dist <- ifelse(res.NASC.dist<0, 0, res.NASC.dist) # Note this assumption! Negative values are set to zero
	return(list(NASC=res.NASC.dist, seed=SeedV))
Sea2Data/Rstox documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:58 a.m.