
#' Run one bootstrap iteration of biotic stations and acoustic data 
#' This function is used in bootstrapParallel().
#' @param i				The boostrap iteration number.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param assignments	Trawl assignment from baseline.
#' @param strataNames	The strata names of the survey.
#' @param psuNASC		MeanNASC from baseline.
#' @param stratumNASC	Strata NASC estimates from getNASCDistr(baseline).
#' @param resampledNASC	Resampled NASC distribution.
#' @param startProcess	The start process of the bootstrapping, being the first process before which biostations has been assigned and NASC values have been calculated.
#' @param endProcess	The end process of the bootstrapping, being the process returning a matrix containing the following columns: "Stratum", "Abundance", "weight", and grouping variables such as "age", "SpecCat", "sex".
#' @param seedV			A vector of seeds. seedV[i] is used.
#' @param sorted		Should the data be sorted prior to sampling?
#' @param JavaMem		The memory occupied by the Java virtual machine. Default is returned by getRstoxDef("JavaMem"). Reducing this may be usefull when using mutiple cores. 
#' @return list with (1) the abundance by length in the bootstrap run, (2) the abundance by super individuals in the bootstrap run
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
bootstrapOneIteration <- function(i, projectName, assignments, strataNames, psuNASC=NULL, stratumNASC=NULL, resampledNASC=NULL, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seedV=NULL, sorted=TRUE, JavaMem=getRstoxDef("JavaMem"), ...){
	# NOTE: We need to use ... to accommodate changes in parameters in the bootstrap. This function can be run in parallel, so we cannot change the parameters before the bootstrap. However, some data are extracted from the baseline, and these will also need ..., or that the parameters are chcanged "globally":
	# Load Rstox if not already loaded:
	# Get the baseline object (run if not already run), as this is needed to insert biostation weighting and meanNASC values into. The warningLevel = 1 continues with a warning when the baseline encounters warnings:
	# 2019-02-08: Added the tempRScriptFileName=paste("tempRScriptFile", i, sep="_"), which ensures that R-functions run by StoX are sourced from differently named files, so that we avoid any complications caused by mustiple parallel sessions writing to and sourcing the same file at the same time:
	temp <- runBaseline(projectName=projectName, out="baseline", msg=FALSE, warningLevel=1, tempRScriptFileName=paste("tempRScriptFile", i, sep="_"), ...)
	# Perform sampling drawing and replacement by stratum
	BootWeights <- data.frame()
	# Not effective if psuNASC has length 0:
	meanNASC <- psuNASC
	# Loop per strata:
	for(j in 1:length(strataNames)){
		# Get all stations with assignment to one or more PSUs in the current stratum:
		stations <- unique(getVar(assignments, "StID")[getVar(assignments, "Stratum")==strataNames[j]])
		# Change suggested for a problem with strata with no stations. The change was discarded, since there should be stations in all strata:
			warning(paste("No biotic stations in stratum", j))
		# Resample BioStation:
		# Change introduced on 2017-11-03, applying the function sampleSorted() for all sampling throughout Rstox in order to avoid dependency on the order of rows in the data:
		#StID <- sample(stations, replace = TRUE)
		# Sampling with replacement will normally result in fewer rows in the final superIndAbundance tables:
		StID <- sampleSorted(stations, size=length(stations), seed=seedV[i], replace=TRUE, sorted=sorted)
		# Count weights from resample (resulting in a data frame with columns "Var1" and "Freq"):
		count <- as.data.frame(table(StID))
		count$Stratum <- strataNames[j]
		BootWeights <- rbind(BootWeights,count)
		# Find NASC scaling factor. This is not directly related to the sampling of biotic stations above. The NASC values have actually been resampled outside of this function, in the resampledNASC <- getResampledNASCDistr() command in runBootstrap():
			# Pick out the NASC value of the current stratum j of the current bootstrap replicate i:
			sm <- stratumNASC$NASC.by.strata$strata.mean[stratumNASC$NASC.by.strata$Stratum==strataNames[j]]
			# Change introduced in the output from getResampledNASCDistr(), which form 2017-11-03 returns a list of elements NASC and seed:
				resampledNASC <- resampledNASC$NASC
			# Scaling factor. This is a factor to multiply all NASC vaules inside the current stratum/bootstrap replicate with:
			meanNASC$NASC.scale.f[meanNASC$Stratum==strataNames[j]] <- ifelse(sm>0, resampledNASC[i,j]/sm, 0)
	# Update biostation weighting
	asg2 <- merge(assignments, BootWeights, by=c("Stratum", "StID"), all.x=TRUE)
	asg2$StationWeight <- ifelse(!is.na(asg2$Freq), asg2$StationWeight*asg2$Freq, 0)
	# Update trawl assignment table in Stox Java object:
	setAssignments(projectName, assignments=asg2)

	# Scale and update NASC values
		meanNASC$Value <- meanNASC$Value * meanNASC$NASC.scale.f
		# Update MeanNASC object in Java memory:
		setNASC(projectName, "MeanNASC", meanNASC)
	# Run the sub baseline within Java. The argument reset=TRUE is essensial to obtain the bootstrapping:
	# 2019-02-08: Added the tempRScriptFileName=paste("tempRScriptFile", i, sep="_"), which ensures that R-functions run by StoX are sourced from differently named files, so that we avoid any complications caused by mustiple parallel sessions writing to and sourcing the same file at the same time:
	getBaseline(projectName, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, proc=endProcess, input=FALSE, msg=FALSE, save=FALSE, reset=TRUE, drop=FALSE, warningLevel=1, tempRScriptFileName=paste("tempRScriptFile", i, sep="_"), ...)$outputData
	# Test done to identify the source of the random failure of one core when running bootstrap in parallel. The conclusion was that the error occurs in AbundanceByLength, which may read or write to some common resource for all cores. See bootstrapParallel():
	#getBaseline(projectName, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, proc=c("AbundanceByLength", "SuperIndAbundance"), input=FALSE, msg=FALSE, save=FALSE, reset=TRUE, drop=FALSE, warningLevel=1, tempRScriptFileName=paste("tempRScriptFile", i, sep="_"), ...)$outputData
	# "TotalLengthDist", "AcousticDensity", "MeanDensity_Stratum", "SumDensity_Stratum", "AbundanceByLength", "IndividualDataStations", "IndividualData", "SuperIndAbundance"

#' Bootstrap biotic stations and acoustic data
#' Resample (bootstrap) trawl stations based on survey (Cruise) number and station numbers (SerialNo) to estimate uncertainty in estimates.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param assignments	Trawl assignment from baseline.
#' @param psuNASC		MeanNASC from baseline.
#' @param stratumNASC	Strata NASC estimates from getNASCDistr(baseline).
#' @param resampledNASC	Resampled NASC distribution.
#' @param nboot			Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param startProcess	The start process of the bootstrapping, being the first process before which biostations has been assigned and NASC values have been calculated.
#' @param endProcess	The end process of the bootstrapping, being the process returning a matrix containing the following columns: "Stratum", "Abundance", "weight", and grouping variables such as "age", "SpecCat", "sex".
#' @param seed			The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility).
#' @param cores			An integer giving the number of cores to run the bootstrapping over.
#' @param baseline		Optional: a StoX baseline object returned from runBaseline().
#' @param msg			Logical: if TRUE print messages from runBaseline().
#' @param parameters	Parameters set by user in Stox (only kept for compatibility with older versions);.
#' \describe{
#'	\item{parameters$nboot}{Number of bootstrap replicates}
#'	\item{parameters$seed}{The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility)}
#' }
#' @param sorted	Should the data be sorted prior to sampling?
#' @param JavaMem		The memory occupied by the Java virtual machine. Default is returned by getRstoxDef("JavaMem"). Reducing this may be usefull when using mutiple cores. 
#' @return list with (1) the abundance by length in the orginal model, (2) the abundance by length in the bootstrap run, (3) the abundance by super individuals in the orginal model, (4) the abundance by super individuals in the bootstrap run
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
bootstrapParallel <- function(projectName, assignments, psuNASC=NULL, stratumNASC=NULL, resampledNASC=NULL, nboot=5, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seed=1, cores=1, msg=TRUE, parameters=list(), sorted=TRUE, JavaMem=getRstoxDef("JavaMem"), ...){
	### # Stop the funciton if both projectName and baseline are missing:
	### if(length(baseline)==0 && missing(projectName)){
	### 	stop("Either projectName or baseline must be given.")
	### }
	# Allow for inputs given in 'nboot' and 'seed' to prepare for the higher level functions bootstrapAcoustic() and runBootstrap():
		nboot <- parameters$nboot
		seed = parameters$seed

	# Filter assignments against NASC:
		#assignments <- droplevels(subset(assignments, getVar(assignments, "Stratum") %in% getVar(psuNASC, "Stratum")))
		assignments <- droplevels(assignments[getVar(assignments, "Stratum") %in% getVar(psuNASC, "Stratum"), ])
	# Unique trawl station ID:
	assignments$StID <- getVar(assignments, "Station")
	# Change introduced on 2017-11-14 by Holmin. To make the code more robust to changes, all generation of seeds has been moved to the functions setSeedSingle(), getSeedV(), getSeedM(), expandSeed():
	#set.seed(if(isTRUE(seed)) 1234 else if(is.numeric(seed)) seed else NULL) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
	## Makes seed vector for fixed seeds (for reproducibility):
	#seedV <- sample(c(1:10000000), nboot, replace = FALSE)
	seedV <- getSeedV(seed, nboot=nboot)
	# Define strataNames, either by acoustic values (if psuNASC is given) or by the trawl assignments:
	strataNames <- unique(if(length(psuNASC)>0) getVar(psuNASC, "Stratum") else getVar(assignments, "Stratum"))
	# Store the SuperIndAbundance from the original model:
	# base.SuperIndAbundance <- getBaseline(baseline, fun="SuperIndAbundance", input=FALSE, msg=msg, drop=FALSE)$outputData$SuperIndAbundance
	# base.SuperIndAbundance <- getBaseline(baseline, proc="SuperIndAbundance", input=FALSE, msg=msg, drop=FALSE)$outputData$SuperIndAbundance
	# Also here, use the ... to accommodate changes in the parameters in the bootstrap:
	base.SuperIndAbundance <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=endProcess, input=FALSE, msg=msg, drop=FALSE, ...)$outputData[[endProcess]]
	# Detect the number of cores and use the minimum of this and the number of requested cores and the number of bootstrap replicates:	
	availableCores = detectCores()
	# If memory runs out, a system call to determine number of cores might fail, thus detectCores() could return NA
	# defaulting to single core if this is the case
	if(is.na(availableCores)) availableCores <- 1
		warning(paste0("Only ", availableCores, " cores available (", cores, " requested)"))
	cores = min(cores, nboot, availableCores)
	# Generate the clusters of time steps:
		cat(paste0("Running ", nboot, " bootstrap replicates (using ", cores, " cores in parallel):\n"))
		# Bootstrap:
		out <- pblapply(seq_len(nboot), bootstrapOneIteration, projectName=projectName, assignments=assignments, strataNames=strataNames, psuNASC=psuNASC, stratumNASC=stratumNASC, resampledNASC=resampledNASC, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seedV=seedV, sorted=sorted, JavaMem=JavaMem, ..., cl=cl)
		# End the parallel bootstrapping:
		cat(paste0("Running ", nboot, " bootstrap replicates:\n"))
		out <- pblapply(seq_len(nboot), bootstrapOneIteration, projectName=projectName, assignments=assignments, strataNames=strataNames, psuNASC=psuNASC, stratumNASC=stratumNASC, resampledNASC=resampledNASC, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seedV=seedV, sorted=sorted, JavaMem=JavaMem, ...)
	# Test done to identify the source of the random failure of one core when running bootstrap in parallel. The conclusion was that the error occurs in AbundanceByLength, which may read or write to some common resource for all cores:
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$TotalLengthDist)))) # Crash at run 5
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$AcousticDensity)))) # No crashes after 20 runs
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$MeanDensity_Stratum)))) # Crash at run 5
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$SumDensity_Stratum)))) # Crash at run 2, 3
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$AbundanceByLength)))) # Crash at run 4, AbundanceByLength also returning empty data, thus being the source of the error.
	#print(as.data.frame(sapply(seq_along(out), function(x) dim(out[[x]]$SuperIndAbundance))))
	# [1] "Global RSE of NASC is 21.66 %"
	# Reading:
	# Process output SuperIndAbundance 
	# Running 50 bootstrap replicates (using 4 cores in parallel):
	#    |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 23s
	#    V1  V2  V3  V4  V5  V6  V7  V8  V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38
	# 1 274 273 263 267 262 260 266 260 264 261 270 264 270 279 274 268 272 273 256 270 268 263 267 259 253 272 275 262 269 274 275 270 270 269 278 273 277 268
	# 2   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#   V39 V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50
	# 1 277 270 269 262 276 274 270 266 274 269 274 276
	# 2   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#     V1   V2   V3   V4   V5   V6   V7   V8   V9  V10  V11  V12  V13  V14  V15  V16  V17  V18  V19  V20  V21  V22  V23  V24  V25  V26  V27  V28  V29  V30  V31
	# 1 3652 3507 3301 3907 3716 3205 3642 2758 3989 3339 3228 3668 2994 3584 3004 2922 3928 3857 3433 4158 4089 3085 3329 3303 2777 3527 3940 4127 3208 4014 3465
	# 2   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41
	#    V32  V33  V34  V35  V36  V37  V38  V39  V40  V41  V42  V43  V44  V45  V46  V47  V48  V49  V50
	# 1 3700 2951 3502 3515 3622 3592 3411 4039 3462 3460 3354 4064 3646 3765 3989 3861 4234 3910 4168
	# 2   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41   41
	# [1] "Global RSE of NASC is 21.66 %"
	# Reading:
	# Process output SuperIndAbundance 
	# Running 50 bootstrap replicates (using 4 cores in parallel):
	#    |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 24s
	#    V1 V2  V3  V4  V5 V6  V7  V8  V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39
	# 1 274  0 263 267 262  0 266 260 264   0 270 264 270   0 274 268 272   0 256 270 268   0 267 259 253   0 275 262 269   0 275 270 270   0 278 273 277   0 277
	# 2   9  9   9   9   9  9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#   V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50
	# 1 270 269   0 276 274 270   0 274 269 274 276
	# 2   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#     V1 V2   V3   V4   V5 V6   V7   V8   V9 V10  V11  V12  V13 V14  V15  V16  V17 V18  V19  V20  V21 V22  V23  V24  V25 V26  V27  V28  V29 V30  V31  V32  V33
	# 1 3652  0 3301 3907 3716  0 3642 2758 3989   0 3228 3668 2994   0 3004 2922 3928   0 3433 4158 4089   0 3329 3303 2777   0 3940 4127 3208   0 3465 3700 2951
	# 2   41 41   41   41   41 41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41
	#   V34  V35  V36  V37 V38  V39  V40  V41 V42  V43  V44  V45 V46  V47  V48  V49  V50
	# 1   0 3515 3622 3592   0 4039 3462 3460   0 4064 3646 3765   0 3861 4234 3910 4168
	# 2  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41   41
	# [1] "Global RSE of NASC is 21.66 %"
	# Reading:
	# Process output SuperIndAbundance 
	# Running 50 bootstrap replicates (using 4 cores in parallel):
	#    |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100% elapsed = 23s
	#   V1  V2  V3  V4 V5  V6  V7  V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39
	# 1  0 273 263 267  0 260 266 260  0 261 270 264   0 279 274 268   0 273 256 270   0 263 267 259   0 272 275 262   0 274 275 270   0 269 278 273   0 268 277
	# 2  9   9   9   9  9   9   9   9  9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#   V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50
	# 1 270   0 262 276 274   0 266 274 269   0 276
	# 2   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9   9
	#   V1   V2   V3   V4 V5   V6   V7   V8 V9  V10  V11  V12 V13  V14  V15  V16 V17  V18  V19  V20 V21  V22  V23  V24 V25  V26  V27  V28 V29  V30  V31  V32 V33
	# 1  0 3507 3301 3907  0 3205 3642 2758  0 3339 3228 3668   0 3584 3004 2922   0 3857 3433 4158   0 3085 3329 3303   0 3527 3940 4127   0 4014 3465 3700   0
	# 2 41   41   41   41 41   41   41   41 41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41
	#    V34  V35  V36 V37  V38  V39  V40 V41  V42  V43  V44 V45  V46  V47  V48 V49  V50
	# 1 3502 3515 3622   0 3411 4039 3462   0 3354 4064 3646   0 3989 3861 4234   0 4168
	# 2   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41   41   41  41   41
	# [1] "Global RSE of NASC is 21.66 %"
	out <- unlist(out, recursive=FALSE)
	# Check the number of rows of the bootstrap runs:
	nrows <- sapply(out, nrow)
		warning(paste0("The following bootstrap runs resulted in empty output: ", paste(which(nrows==0), collapse=", ")))
	# Order the output from the bootstrapping:
	#names(out) <- paste0(names(out), "_run", seq_along(out))
	# If the old version with unsorted sampling and the original names of the bootstrap outputs on each run is needed, this is indicated with the 'sorted' option set to FALSE:
		zeropadded <- sprintf(paste0("%0", nchar(length(out)), "d"), seq_along(out))
		names(out) <- paste0(names(out), "_run", zeropadded)
		names(out) <- paste0(names(out), "_run", seq_along(out))
	bootstrapParameters <- list(
		seed = seed, 
		seedV = seedV, 
		nboot = nboot, 
		cores = cores
	# Return the bootstrap data and parameters:
	list(base.SuperIndAbundance=base.SuperIndAbundance, SuperIndAbundance=out, bootstrapParameters=bootstrapParameters) 

#' Run a bootstrap in StoX
#' \code{runBootstrap} is a wrapper function for the bootstrap functions below. \cr \cr
#' \code{runBootstrap_1.6} runs the bootstrap of Rstox 1.6. The bootstrap changed from Rstox 1.6 to 1.7, by applying sorting prior to sampling, and different results (but with the same expected value) should be expected. Using \code{runBootstrap_1.6} identical results from previous runs should be expected. \cr \cr
#' \code{runBootstrap_AcousticTrawl} runs a simple bootstrap of biotic PSUs within strata. \cr \cr
#' \code{runBootstrap_SweptAreaLength} runs a simple bootstrap of biotic PSUs within strata. \cr \cr
#' \code{runBootstrap_SweptAreaTotal} runs a simple bootstrap of biotic PSUs within strata. \cr \cr
#' Resample (bootstrap) trawl stations based on swept area data and possibly also acoustic data to estimate uncertainty in estimates. By the default method (bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl"), the acoustic transect values (mean NASC along transects) and biotic stations (trawls) are resampled with replacement within each stratum for each bootstrap replicate, and the StoX project rerun and super individual abundance recalculated (or the output from a different process given by \code{endProcess}).
#' @param projectName   				The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param bootstrapMethod				The method to use for the bootstrap. Currently implemented are given in the following table:
#' \tabular{rr}{
#'   bootstrapMethod \tab Description\cr
#'   AcousticTrawl \tab Bootstrap of acoustic tralw surveys, where both acoustic and biotic data are resampled\cr
#'   SweptAreaLength \tab Bootstrap only biotic data with length information\cr
#'   SweptAreaTotal \tab For surveys with information only about total catch (count or weight), bootstrap biotic stations\cr
#' }
#' @param acousticMethod,bioticMethod   Specification of the method to use for bootstrapping the acoustic and biotic data. Currently only one method is available for acoustic and one for biotic data: acousticMethod = PSU~Stratum, bioticMethod = PSU~Stratum. Other methods are planned in later versions, involving the levels of the data given in the below table.
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#'   Level \tab Acoustic \tab Biotic\cr
#'   Survey \tab Survey \tab Survey\cr
#'   Stratum \tab Stratum \tab Stratum\cr
#'   Assignment \tab Not relevant \tab Assignment of biotic station groups to acoustic PSUs\cr
#'   PSU \tab Acoustic data averaged over e.g. one tansect \tab Biotic station group \cr
#'   EDSU \tab Acoustic data averaged over e.g. one nmi \tab Biotic station\cr
#'   Sample \tab Ping \tab Individal catch sample
#' }
#' @param nboot			Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param startProcess	The start process of the bootstrapping, e.g., the last process before bio-stations have been assigned and NASC values have been calculated.
#' @param endProcess	The end process of the bootstrapping, e.g., the process returning a matrix containing the following columns: "Stratum", "Abundance", "weight", and grouping variables such as "age", "SpecCat", "sex" (typically "SuperIndAbundance").
#' @param seed			The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility).
#' @param cores			An integer giving the number of cores to run the bootstrapping over.
#' @param msg			Logical: if TRUE print messages from runBaseline().
#' @param ignore.case	Logical: If TRUE ignore case in species category SpecCat.
#' @param sorted		Should the data be sorted prior to sampling?
#' @param JavaMem		The memory occupied by the Java virtual machine. Default is returned by getRstoxDef("JavaMem"). Reducing this may be usefull when using mutiple cores.
#' @param ...			Used for backwards compatibility.
#' @return list with (1) the abundance by length in the orginal model, (2) the abundance by length in the bootstrap run, (3) the abundance by super individuals in the orginal model, (4) the abundance by super individuals in the bootstrap run
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' boot <- runBootstrap(projectName, nboot=10, seed=1, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl")
#' }
#' @importFrom stats terms as.formula
#' @export
#' @rdname runBootstrap
runBootstrap <- function(projectName, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl", acousticMethod=PSU~Stratum, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, nboot=5, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seed=1, cores=1, msg=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, JavaMem=getRstoxDef("JavaMem"), ...){
	lll <- list(...)
	### Backwards compatibility: ###
	# If the old numIterations is given, override the nboot by this:
		nboot <- lll$numIterations
	### End of backwards compatibility: ###
	# Open the project:
	# Get the baseline parameters, which will be used to reset the project after the bootstrapping, since ... may contain changes in parameters:
	parameters <- getBaselineParameters(projectName)$java
	# Run the different bootstrap types:
	temp <- getBootstrapMethod(bootstrapMethod=bootstrapMethod, acousticMethod=acousticMethod, bioticMethod=bioticMethod, ...)
	bootstrapMethod <- temp$bootstrapMethod
	acousticMethod <- temp$acousticMethod
	bioticMethod <- temp$bioticMethod
	# Apply the bootstrap:
	if(!bootstrapMethod %in% getRstoxDef("project_types")){
		stop("Invalid bootstrap type.")
	bootstrapFun <- paste("runBootstrap", bootstrapMethod, sep="_")
	do.call(bootstrapFun, list(projectName=projectName, acousticMethod=acousticMethod, bioticMethod=bioticMethod, nboot=nboot, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seed=seed, cores=cores, msg=msg, sorted=sorted, JavaMem=JavaMem, ...))
	# Reset to the last baseline run before the bootstrap:
	runBaseline(projectName, parlist=parameters, out="name", reset=TRUE, msg=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBootstrap
runBootstrap_1.6 <- function(projectName, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl", acousticMethod=PSU~Stratum, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, nboot=5, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seed=1, cores=1, msg=TRUE, ...){
	g <- getPrecisionLevel(projectName)
	setPrecisionLevel(projectName, 0L)
	runBootstrap(projectName=projectName, bootstrapMethod=bootstrapMethod, acousticMethod=acousticMethod, bioticMethod=bioticMethod, nboot=nboot, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seed=seed, cores=cores, msg=msg, sorted=FALSE, ...)
	setPrecisionLevel(projectName, g)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBootstrap
runBootstrap_AcousticTrawl <- function(projectName, acousticMethod=PSU~Stratum, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, nboot=5, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seed=1, cores=1, msg=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, JavaMem=getRstoxDef("JavaMem"), ...){
	# Baseline and biotic assignments. Run the baseline here with reset and optional parameter list to ensure that these are set before getPSUNASC() and getResampledNASCDistr(), which use getBaseline() with no ...:
	temp <- runBaseline(projectName, msg=FALSE, reset=TRUE, save=TRUE, ...)
	assignments <- getBioticAssignments(projectName=projectName)
	# Acoustic data:
	# NOTE: The psuNASC is read here once, and used to scale the PSUs in the baseline at each bootstrap replicate. It is important to keep this, since the PSUs are changed in memory in each core, and we wish to scale relative to the original values each time. For the same reason, the PSUs are set back to the original value at the end of bootstrapParallel() when run on 1 core:
	# Warning if 'psuNASC' is not of positive length, in which case psuNASC, stratumNASC and resampledNASC are set to NULL and not written, and bootstrapMethod "SweptAreaLength" is run as a consequence of these being empty:
		warning("bootstrapMethod was \"AcousticTrawl\", but no acoustic data recognized (empty psuNASC). bootstrapMethod changed to \"SweptAreaLength\", and this change should be applied also in the project parameters.")
		stratumNASC <- NULL
		resampledNASC <- NULL
		stratumNASC <- getNASCDistr(projectName, psuNASC=psuNASC, NASCDistr="observed")
		resampledNASC <- getResampledNASCDistr(projectName, psuNASC=psuNASC, stratumNASC=stratumNASC, parameters=list(nboot=nboot, seed=seed), sorted=sorted)
		# Assign varialbes to the project environment:
		setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=psuNASC)
		setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=stratumNASC)
		setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=resampledNASC)

	# Run bootstrap:
	bootstrap <- bootstrapParallel(projectName=projectName, assignments=assignments, psuNASC=psuNASC, stratumNASC=stratumNASC, resampledNASC=resampledNASC, nboot=nboot, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seed=seed, cores=cores, msg=msg, sorted=sorted, JavaMem=JavaMem, ...)

	# Add the method specification:
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$bootstrapMethod <- "AcousticTrawl"
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$acousticMethod <- acousticMethod
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$bioticMethod <- bioticMethod
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$description <- "Original Rstox default 'Acoustic' method up until Rstox 1.5, bootstrapping acousic PSUs within stratum, and scaleing the PSUs to have mean matching that of the bootstrap, and bootstrapping biotic stations within stratum, and assigning station weights equal to the frequency of occurrence of each station"
	# Assign the bootstrap to the project environment:
	setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=bootstrap)
	### # Rerun the baseline to ensure that all processes are run, and return the boostraped data:
	### temp <- runBaseline(projectName, reset=TRUE, msg=FALSE, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBootstrap
runBootstrap_SweptAreaLength <- function(projectName, acousticMethod=NULL, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, nboot=5, startProcess="TotalLengthDist", endProcess="SuperIndAbundance", seed=1, cores=1, msg=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, JavaMem=getRstoxDef("JavaMem"), ...){
	# Baseline and biotic assignments:
	temp <- runBaseline(projectName, msg=FALSE, reset=TRUE, save=TRUE, ...)
	assignments <- getBioticAssignments(projectName=projectName)
	# Run bootstrap:
	bootstrap <- bootstrapParallel(projectName=projectName, assignments=assignments, nboot=nboot, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, seed=seed, cores=cores, msg=msg, sorted=sorted, JavaMem=JavaMem, ...)
	# Add the method specification:
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$bootstrapMethod <- "SweptAreaLength"
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$acousticMethod <- acousticMethod
	bootstrap$bootstrapParameters$bioticMethod <- bioticMethod
	description <- "Original Rstox default 'SweptArea' method up until Rstox 1.5, bootstrapping biotic stations within stratum, and assigning station weights equal to the frequency of occurrence of each station"
	# Assign varialbes to the global environment for use in plotting functions. This should be changed to a local Rstox environment in the future:
	setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=bootstrap)
	### # Rerun the baseline to ensure that all processes are run, and return the boostraped data:
	### temp <- runBaseline(projectName, reset=TRUE, msg=FALSE, ...)
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @rdname runBootstrap
#' @export
runBootstrap_SweptAreaTotal <- function(projectName, acousticMethod=NULL, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, startProcess="SweptAreaDensity", endProcess=NULL, nboot=5, seed=1, cores=1, ignore.case=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, ...){
	boot1 <- function(seed=1, data, list.out=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, sample=TRUE, ...){
		# Function for calculating the mean density and keep the first row of a matrix:
		MeanDensity1 <- function(y){
			out <- y[1, , drop=FALSE]
			out$Density <- mean(y$Density)
		# Sample the rows of each stratum of each species (the input 'data' is split into a list by species):
			b <- lapply(data, function(y) by(y, y$Stratum, sampleSorted, seed=seed, by="SampleUnit"))
			b <- list(data)
		# Calculate the mean density of each stratum of each species, and combine to a data.frame:
		m <- lapply(b, function(y) if(is.list(y)) lapply(y, MeanDensity1) else MeanDensity1(y))
		m <- lapply(m, data.table::rbindlist)
		m <- lapply(m, as.data.frame)
		# Calculate the total abundance:
		tot <- as.data.frame(lapply(m, function(y) sum(y$Area * y$Density)))
		# Output:
			list(tot=tot, mean=m, boot=b)
		startProcess <- endProcess
	# Define seeds, and save these later:
	###	set.seed(seed)
	###	seed <- round(runif(nboot, 1, 1e6))
	###	seed <- rep(seed, length.out=nboot)
	seedV <- getSeedV(seed, nboot=nboot)
	DensityMatrix <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=startProcess, input="par", ...)
		stop(paste0("Invalid startProcess: ", startProcess))
	var <- DensityMatrix$parameters[[startProcess]]$CatchVariable
	DensityMatrix <- DensityMatrix$outputData[[startProcess]]
	# Add stratum:
	DensityMatrix <- linkPSU2Stratum(DensityMatrix, projectName, ignore.case=ignore.case, list.out=TRUE, fill0=TRUE)
	# Get the base TotalCatch:
	base.TotalCatch <- boot1(data=DensityMatrix, sample=FALSE, list.out=FALSE)
	# Detect the number of cores and use the minimum of this and the number of requested cores and the number of bootstrap replicates:	
	availableCores = detectCores()
		warning(paste0("Only ", availableCores, " cores available (", cores, " requested)"))
	cores = min(cores, nboot, availableCores)
	# Generate the clusters of time steps:
		cat(paste0("Running ", nboot, " bootstrap replicates (using ", cores, " cores in parallel):\n"))
		# Bootstrap:
		TotalCatch <- pblapply(seedV, boot1, data=DensityMatrix, list.out=FALSE, sorted=sorted, cl=cl)
		# End the parallel bootstrapping:
		cat(paste0("Running ", nboot, " bootstrap replicates:\n"))
		TotalCatch <- pblapply(seedV, boot1, data=DensityMatrix, list.out=FALSE, sorted=sorted, sample=TRUE)
	bootstrapParameters <- list(
		seed = seed, 
		seedV = seedV, 
		nboot = nboot, 
		cores = cores, 
		bootstrapMethod = "SweptAreaTotal", 
		acousticMethod = acousticMethod, 
		bioticMethod = bioticMethod, 
		description = "Bootstrap of PSUs within Stratum per species for projects with only total catch reported.", 
		var = var
	# Return the bootstrap data and parameters:
	bootstrap <- list(base.TotalCatch=base.TotalCatch, TotalCatch=TotalCatch, bootstrapParameters=bootstrapParameters) 
	setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=bootstrap)


# Function used for extracting either a matrix of bootstrap variables and domains, or the function specified by the user:
getBootstrapLevels <- function(x){
	isNULL <- any(length(x)==0, sum(nchar(x))==0, identical(x, FALSE), is.character(x) && identical(tolower(x), "null"))
		warning("Method as a function not yet implemented")
	if(!any(unlist(gregexpr("~", as.character(x), fixed=TRUE))>0)){
		warning("Invalid formula")
	# The c(x) is added to assure that sapply works on each formula and not on the parts of one formula, if only one is given:
	if(is.character(x) || all(sapply(c(x), function(xx) class(xx)=="formula"))){
		return(sapply(c(x), function(xx) rownames(attributes(terms(as.formula(xx)))$fact)))
		warning("Invalid input")

# Function for gettin the bootstrap method based on the inputs 'bootstrapMethod', 'acousticMethod' and 'bioticMethod':
getBootstrapMethod <- function(bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl", acousticMethod=PSU~Stratum, bioticMethod=PSU~Stratum, ...){
	# Function for comparing strings:
	strequal <- function(x, y, ignore.case=TRUE){
			identical(tolower(x[1]), tolower(y[1]))
			identical(x[1], y[1])
	# get the bootstrap levels:
	acousticMethod <- getBootstrapLevels(acousticMethod)
	bioticMethod <- getBootstrapLevels(bioticMethod)
	# Special care for when bootstrapMethod=="AcousticTrawl" (the default) and acousticMethod = NULL and bioticMethod = PSU~Stratum or EDSU~Stratum:
	if(strequal(bootstrapMethod[1], "AcousticTrawl")){
		if(	length(acousticMethod)==0 
			&& length(bioticMethod)==2 
			&& (strequal(bioticMethod[1,1], "edsu") || strequal(bioticMethod[1,1], "psu")) 
			&& strequal(bioticMethod[2,1], "stratum")){
				bootstrapMethod <- "SweptAreaLength"
				warning("The value of 'bootstrapMethod' changed from \"AcousticTrawl\" to \"SweptAreaLength\"")
	# Save the dotlist:
	lll <- list(...)
	# Backwards compatibility for type="Acoustic", hidden in ... (used prior to Rstox 1.5):
	if(length(lll$type) && strequal(lll$type, "Acoustic")){
		bootstrapMethod <- "AcousticTrawl"
	# Backwards compatibility for type="SweptArea", hidden in ... (used prior to Rstox 1.5):
	if(length(lll$type) && strequal(lll$type, "SweptArea")){
		bootstrapMethod <- "SweptAreaLength"
	list(bootstrapMethod=bootstrapMethod, acousticMethod=acousticMethod, bioticMethod=bioticMethod)

#' Parametric variance estimation
#' Calculates mean, variance, coefficient of variation and 90 % confidence bounds based on Jolly, G. M., & Hampton, I. (1990). A stratified random transect design for acoustic surveys of fish stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 47(7), 1282-1291.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param proc			The process which returns the acoustic density on which the variance should be estimated.
#' @param ignore.case	Logical: If TRUE ignore case in species category SpecCat.
#' @param na.rm			Logical: If FALSE return NA for all variance and mean statistics in the presence of NA in at lesat one stratum.
#' @param out			A string specifying the format of the output (first element used). (1) If out = "bySpecCat", return a list with one element per species category SpecCat, with sublists for the total survey and for each stratum. (2) If out = "byLevel", return a list with elements 'Total' and 'Stratum', where all species categories are merged in one data frame. (3) If out = "listByLevel", return a list with elements 'Total' and 'Stratum', with sublists for all species categories.
#' @return A list with names "Stratum" and "Total" containing dataframes for each species with the following columns: Stratum, Mean, SD (standard deviation), Variance, CV (coefficient of variation), and lower and upper 90% confidence bounds.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download an example swept area project:
#' # pr <- createProject(
#' #     "ftp://ftp.imr.no/StoX/Example%20projects/Example_sweptarea_BarentsSea_cod_1999.zip"
#' # )
#' # v <- varianceEstimation(pr)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @export
#' @rdname varianceEstimation
varianceEstimation <- function(projectName, proc="SweptAreaDensity", ignore.case=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE, out=c("bySpecCat", "byLevel", "listByLevel")){
	# Function used for adding statistics:
	JollyHampton <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
		# Function used for inserting an object 'add' into a data frame 'x':
		addVar <- function(x, add, name=NULL){
			# Interpret the name if missing, and add prefix:
				name <- deparse(substitute(add))
			# If only one value is given, insert this in all rows:
				atStratum <- 1
				atStratum <- match(x$Stratum, names(add))
			# Add the 'add' at the correct rows as specified by Stratum:s
			x[name] <- add[atStratum]
		# Eq (3) in Jolly and Hampton (1990), but replacing the weights w by 1:
		# Note that if there is only one station with positive values, e.g., c(0,0, something, 0), then the cv will be 1. This can be seen by deriving the unbiased sample variance estimator s2 = sum((x-meanx)^2) / (n-1), where x1 = a and all other xi are 0, giving meanx = a/n, and s2 = meanx^2 * n. The last n cancels out in the formula below, giving cv = 1 (sd / mean):
		VarDensityStratumFun <- function(x, varName, meanName, na.rm=TRUE){
			# Get the number of stations:
			n = nrow(x)
			if(n < 2){
			out <- sum( (x[[varName]] - x[[meanName]])^2, na.rm=na.rm ) / (n * (n - 1))
		# Get indices at first occurence of the strata, ordered by Stratum ID:
		atStratumFirst <- which(!duplicated(x$Stratum))
		atStratumFirst <- atStratumFirst[order(x$Stratum[atStratumFirst])]
		SampleSizeStratum <- x$SampleSizeStratum[atStratumFirst]
		PosSampleSizeStratum <- x$PosSampleSizeStratum[atStratumFirst]
		# Add stratum areas:
		AreaStratum <- tapply(x$Area, x[c("Stratum")], head, 1)
		# Add the MeanDensityStratum:
		MeanDensityStratum <- tapply(x$Density, x[c("Stratum")], mean, na.rm=na.rm)
		x <- addVar(x, MeanDensityStratum)
		# Add the VarDensityStratum, SDDensityStratum and CVDensityStratum:
		VarDensityStratum <- c(by(x, x[c("Stratum")], VarDensityStratumFun, varName="Density", meanName="MeanDensityStratum", na.rm=na.rm))
		SDDensityStratum <- sqrt(VarDensityStratum)
		CVDensityStratum <- SDDensityStratum / MeanDensityStratum
		AbundanceStratum <- AreaStratum * MeanDensityStratum
		# Overall statistics, Eq (2) and (3) in Jolly and Hampton (1990):
		MeanDensity <- sum(MeanDensityStratum * AreaStratum, na.rm=na.rm) / sum(AreaStratum, na.rm=na.rm)
		VarDensity <- sum(VarDensityStratum * AreaStratum^2, na.rm=na.rm) / sum(AreaStratum, na.rm=na.rm)^2
		SDDensity <- sqrt(VarDensity)
		CVDensity <- SDDensity / MeanDensity
		# Create output for stratum:
		xStratum <- data.frame(
			SpecCat = x$SpecCat[1], # 1
			SampleUnitType = "Stratum", # 2
			SampleUnit = x$Stratum[atStratumFirst], # 3
			Area = AreaStratum, # 4
			SampleSize = SampleSizeStratum, # 5
			PosSampleSize = PosSampleSizeStratum, # 6
			MeanDensity = MeanDensityStratum, # 7
			VarDensity = VarDensityStratum, # 8
			SDDensity = SDDensityStratum, # 9
			CVDensity = CVDensityStratum, # 10
			Abundance = AbundanceStratum # 11
		# Create output for the whole project:
		xTotal <- data.frame(
			SpecCat = x$SpecCat[1], # 1
			Area = sum(AreaStratum), # 2
			SampleSize = sum(SampleSizeStratum), # 3
			PosSampleSize = sum(PosSampleSizeStratum), # 4
			MeanDensity = MeanDensity, # 5
			VarDensity = VarDensity, # 6
			SDDensity = SDDensity, # 7
			CVDensity = CVDensity, # 8
			Abundance = sum(AbundanceStratum) # 9
		return(list(Total=xTotal, Stratum=xStratum))
	# Read the required baseline and process data:
	StratumArea <- getBaseline(projectName, proc="StratumArea", input=NULL)
	psustratum <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=NULL, input="psustratum")
	# Check for the number of SampleUnits:
	numSampleUnit <- checkNumPSUsInStratum(projectName)
	# Get the density matrix:
	output <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=proc, input=NULL)
	# Test for the required data:
		stop(paste0("The process specified by 'proc' (", proc, ") is not present in the model. This must be a process with output containing the columns SpecCat, SampleUnitType, SampleUnit and Density. Also the SampleUnitType must be \"PSU\"."))
	else if(!all(c("SpecCat", "SampleUnitType", "SampleUnit", "Density") %in% names(output)) && head(output$SampleUnitType, 1)!="PSU"){
		stop(paste0("The output from the process specified by 'proc' (", proc, ") does not contain the columns SpecCat, SampleUnitType, SampleUnit and Density, or the SampleUnitType is not \"PSU\"."))
	# Add stratum information:
	output <- linkPSU2Stratum(output, projectName=projectName, psustratum=psustratum, StratumArea=StratumArea, ignore.case=ignore.case, fill0=TRUE)
	# Apply the variance estimation:
	output <- lapply(output, JollyHampton, na.rm=na.rm)
	if(tolower(out[1]) %in% c("bylevel", "listbylevel")){
		output <- list(Total=lapply(output, "[[", "Total"), Stratum=lapply(output, "[[", "Stratum"))
	if(tolower(out[1]) == "bylevel"){
		output <- lapply(output, data.table::rbindlist)
		output <- lapply(output, as.data.frame)

#' Bootstrap utils.
#' \code{linkPSU2Stratum} Adds stratum information to a data frame with one row per PSU. Stratum ID, Area, number of PSUs and positive PSUs are added, and rows are generated for strata with non-positive density. \cr \cr
#' \code{checkNumPSUsInStratum} Checks for numner of PSUs >= 2 in each stratum, which is a requirement for variance estimation, and should possibly be a requirement for the bootstrapping when one of the methods is PSU~Stratum. \cr \cr
#' @param x				A data frame with with one row per PSU, to which Stratum information should be added.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param psustratum	A data frame linking PSUs to stratum IDs. Should have the columns 'Stratum' and 'PSU' or 'SampleUnit'. Read from the project if missing.
#' @param StratumArea	A data frame providing the area of each stratum. Should have the columns 'Area' and 'PolygonKey' or 'Stratum'. Read from the project if missing.
#' @param list.out		Logical: If TRUE, split the data frame into a list per species category SpecCat.
#' @param ignore.case	Logical: If TRUE, ingore case when splitting by species category SpecCat.
#' @return A list with names "Stratum" and "Total" containing dataframes for each species with the following columns: Stratum, Mean, SD (standard deviation), Variance, CV (coefficient of variation), and lower and upper 90% confidence bounds.
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname linkPSU2Stratum
linkPSU2Stratum <- function(x, projectName, psustratum=NULL, StratumArea=NULL, list.out=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, fill0=TRUE){
	# Funciton for expanding the matrix by zero density for missing PSUs in the matrix:
	fillZeros <- function(y, psustratum){
		n <- nrow(psustratum)
		# This is crude. We repeat the first line, and don't care that many of the colunms become invalid, as long as, SampleUnit, Stratum, Density, SpecCat and SampleUnitType are correct:
		out <- y[rep(1, n),]
		# Set all densities to 0:
		out$Density <- 0
		# Insert the positive densities:
		validNames <- !names(out) %in% c("SampleUnit", "Stratum")
		positive <- match(y$SampleUnit, psustratum$SampleUnit)
		out[positive, validNames] <- y[, validNames]
		# Add SampleUnit and Stratum:
		out$SampleUnit <- psustratum$SampleUnit
		out$Stratum <- psustratum$Stratum
		# Remove rownames:
		rownames(out) <- NULL
	# Function for adding sample size of the strata:
	addSampleSize <- function(y){
		# Get sample size:
		y$PosSampleSize <- as.numeric(y$Density>0)
		# Aggregate over Stratum:
		SampleSize <- by(y$SampleSize, y$Stratum, sum)
		PosSampleSize <- by(y$PosSampleSize, y$Stratum, sum)
		y$SampleSizeStratum <- SampleSize[y$Stratum]
		y$PosSampleSizeStratum <- PosSampleSize[y$Stratum]
	# Function for adding stratum area:
	addstratumArea <- function(x, StratumArea){
		if(!"PolygonKey" %in% names(StratumArea) && "Stratum" %in% names(StratumArea)){
			StratumArea$PolygonKey <- StratumArea$Stratum
		x$Area <- StratumArea$Area[match(x$Stratum, StratumArea$PolygonKey)]
	# Get the strata definitions to add to the data:
		psustratum <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=NULL, input="psustratum")
		StratumArea <- getBaseline(projectName, proc="StratumArea", input=NULL)
	# Check for consistency in SampleUnit:
	if(!x$SampleUnitType[1] %in% names(psustratum)){
		stop("Mismatch between psustratum and SampleUnitType in the data")
	names(psustratum)[names(psustratum)==x$SampleUnitType[1]] <- "SampleUnit"
	# First add Stratum to x:
	#x <- cbind(x, Stratum=psustratum$Stratum[match(x$SampleUnit, psustratum$SampleUnit)])
	x$Stratum <- psustratum$Stratum[match(x$SampleUnit, psustratum$SampleUnit)]
	# Split into species categories:
	x <- split(x, if(ignore.case) tolower(x$SpecCat) else x$SpecCat)
	x <- lapply(x, addstratumArea, StratumArea=StratumArea)
		x <- lapply(x, fillZeros, psustratum=psustratum)
	x <- lapply(x, addSampleSize)
	# Return either a list or combined into a matrix:
		x <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(x))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname linkPSU2Stratum
checkNumPSUsInStratum <- function(projectName){
	# Get and combine the PSU and strata definitions:
	psustratum <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=NULL, input="psustratum")
	stratumpolygon <- getBaseline(projectName, proc=NULL, input="stratumpolygon")
	numSampleUnit <- table(psustratum$Stratum)
	allStrata <- data.frame(Stratum=unique(stratumpolygon$Stratum))
	allStrata$Count <- 0
	allStrata$Count[match(names(numSampleUnit), allStrata$Stratum)] <- numSampleUnit
	# Check for the number of SampleUnits:
	if(any(allStrata$Count < 2)){
		invalid <- which(allStrata$Count < 2)
		warning(paste0("The following strata have less than 2 SampleUnits, resulting in infinite variance estimate of the survey: ", paste0(allStrata$Stratum[invalid], " (", allStrata$Count[invalid], ")", collapse=", ")))
Sea2Data/Rstox documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:58 a.m.