combine_mut_junc: Combines data sets with junctions from several different...

View source: R/combine_mut_junc.R

combine_mut_juncR Documentation

Combines data sets with junctions from several different sources


Combines data sets with junctions from several different sources





A named list of tibbles with junctions. the name should be the source, e.g. the tool name, such as spliceai or pangolin. The individual tibbles should at least contain the columns mut_id, tx_id, junc_id and might have individual sets of other tool/source specific columns. It is recommended that these input tables are unique with respect to mut_id, tx_id, junc_id, e.g. by using unique_mut_junc() or unique_junc_mmsplice().


A combined data set with unique junctions based on the columns mut_id, tx_id, junc_id. Additional columns in the input data.frames will be prefixed with the tool/source name followed by an underscore ⁠_⁠. E.g. the column score in the input data sets spliceai becomes spliceai_score. Additionally, for each tool/source with name ⁠<name>⁠ an additional column ⁠<name>_detected⁠ will be added to indicate if a given junction was detected with the indicated tool.

TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:57 p.m.