liftover_junc_id: LiftOver junction IDs using the liftOver tool

View source: R/liftover_junc_id.R

liftover_junc_idR Documentation

LiftOver junction IDs using the liftOver tool


This can be used to liftOver junctions to personalized genome coordinates.


liftover_junc_id(junc_df, chain_file)



a data.frame with at least one column junc_id containing junction IDs


path to a chain file for the UCSC liftOver tool. See also liftOver


a data.frame like the input junc_df with the following additional columns:

  • junc_id_lifted_is_unique a logical vector indicating if the liftOver was successful and unique (1-to-1 correspondence).

  • junc_id_lifted_collapsed a character vector with the lifted junction IDs. Multiple IDs are separated by |. NA represent junc_ids that could not be lifted.

  • junc_id_lifted a character vector with a unique lifted junction IDs. Potentially multiple lifted IDs are combined by the minmal start and maximal end coordinate. NA represent junc_ids that could not be lifted.


chain_file = system.file(package="liftOver", "extdata", "hg38ToHg19.over.chain")
junc_df <- toy_junc_df
liftover_junc_id(junc_df, chain_file)

TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:57 p.m.