annotate_exon_idx: Annotate splice junctions- transcripts combination and...

View source: R/choose_tx.R

annotate_exon_idxR Documentation

Annotate splice junctions- transcripts combination and transcripts with exon details


Annotate splice junctions- transcripts combination and transcripts with exon details





A data.frame with junctions- transcripts combination in rows.

  • junc_id junction id consisting of genomic coordinates

  • tx_id transcript id

  • tx_lst a list of GRanges with the transcript

and additional columns.


A data.frame as the input but with more annotations in the following columns:

  • pos_left_on_exon_end exon index if junction start matches with exon end coordinate

  • pos_right_on_exon_start exon index if junction end matches with exon start coordinate

  • pos_left_on_exon_idx exon index in transcript if junction start overlaps exon

  • pos_right_on_exon_idx exon index in transcript if junction end overlaps exon

TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:57 p.m.