
Defines functions annotate_exon_idx classify_junc_tx choose_tx

Documented in annotate_exon_idx choose_tx classify_junc_tx

#' Select a subset of transcripts per junction that are more likely to be affected by a junction.
#' All possible affected transcripts are required and can be annotated with `add_tx()`
#' @param df A data.frame with splice junctions in rows and at least the columns:
#'   -  `junc_id` junction id consisting of genomic coordinates
#'   -  `tx_id` transcript id of possibly affected transcripts
#'   -  `tx_lst` a list of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} with the transcript
#' @return A data.frame as with relevant transcript and junction combinations. If tx_id is NA in the input data.frame such rows are removed from the output data.frame.
#' This function selects transcripts that are more likely to be affected to reduce the amount of junction and transcript combinations.
#' The function excludes transcripts for which both junction positions are located in an intron. Junctions in a given transcript must either represent an
#' exon skipping, intron retention, exitron, or alternative splice site event or have both junction positions in an exon. Other junction-transcript combinations are also excluded.
#' This function may loose relevant or keep irrelevant junction-transcripts in particular in regions with multiple isoforms with distinct splicing pattern.
#' @examples
#' junc_df <- tibble::tibble(
#'   junc_id = c("chr2:152389996-152392205:-", "chr2:152389996-152390729:-",
#'               "chr2:152389955-152389956:-")
#' )
#' junc_df <- add_tx(junc_df, toy_transcripts)
#' choose_tx(junc_df)
#' @import dplyr
#' @seealso \code{\link{add_tx}}
#' @export
choose_tx <- function(df){

  stopifnot("junc_id" %in% names(df))
  stopifnot("tx_id" %in% names(df))
  stopifnot("tx_lst" %in% names(df))

  df <- df %>%

  # build GRanges of junction
  jx <- junc_to_gr(df$junc_id)

  # convert GRangesLists as natural list objects
  tx_glst <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(df$tx_lst)

  # exon starts
  exon_starts <- GenomicRanges::resize(tx_glst, width = 1, fix = "start")

  # exon ends
  exon_ends <- GenomicRanges::resize(tx_glst, width = 1, fix = "end")

  # junction starts
  junc_starts <- GenomicRanges::resize(jx, width = 1, fix = "start")
  junc_starts_grl <- S4Vectors::split(junc_starts, 1:length(jx))

  # junction ends
  junc_ends <- GenomicRanges::resize(jx, width = 1, fix = "end")
  junc_ends_grl <- S4Vectors::split(junc_ends, 1:length(jx))

  df1 <- df %>%
    tidyr::separate(junc_id, into = c("chr_junc","start-end","strand_junc" ), sep = ":", remove = FALSE) %>%
    tidyr::separate(`start-end`, into = c("start_junc", "end_junc" ), sep = "-") %>%
      start_junc = as.numeric(start_junc),
      end_junc = as.numeric(end_junc)
    ) %>%
      exon_starts_lst  = as.list(exon_starts),
      exon_ends_lst = as.list(exon_ends),
      pos_left_lst  = junc_starts_grl %>% as.list() ,
      pos_right_lst = junc_ends_grl %>% as.list()


  # annotate the exon details for each junction - transcript combination
  df_annot <- annotate_exon_idx(df1)
  # annotate putative classes of junction - transcripts
  df_annot_class <- classify_junc_tx(df_annot)

  df_fil <- df_annot_class %>%
    filter(!is.na(putative_event_type)) %>%
      - chr_junc,
      - start_junc,
      - end_junc,
      - strand_junc,
      - exon_starts_lst,
      - exon_ends_lst,
      - pos_left_lst,
      - pos_right_lst,
      - pos_left_on_exon_end,
      - pos_right_on_exon_start,
      - pos_left_on_exon_idx,
      - pos_right_on_exon_idx,
      - both_pos_on_exon_boundaries,
      - both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries,
      - both_pos_on_same_exon,
      - any_pos_on_intron,
      - intron_retention,
      - pos_left_on_exon,
      - pos_right_on_exon,
      - pos_left_on_exon_boundary,
      - pos_right_on_exon_boundary


#' Classify splice junctions- transcripts combinations based on junction and coordinates of annotated exons
#' @param df A data.frame with junctions- transcripts combination in rows.
#' @return A data.frame as the input but with more annotations in additional columns.
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
classify_junc_tx <- function(df){

  df1 <- df %>%

      both_pos_on_exon_boundaries = !is.na(pos_left_on_exon_end) &

      both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries = is.na(pos_left_on_exon_end) &

      both_pos_on_same_exon = pos_left_on_exon_idx == pos_right_on_exon_idx,

      any_pos_on_intron = is.na(pos_left_on_exon_idx) | is.na(pos_right_on_exon_idx),

      intron_retention = abs(start_junc - end_junc) == 1,

      pos_left_on_exon = !is.na(pos_left_on_exon_idx),
      pos_right_on_exon = !is.na(pos_right_on_exon_idx),
      pos_left_on_exon_boundary = !is.na(pos_left_on_exon_end),
      pos_right_on_exon_boundary = !is.na(pos_right_on_exon_start),

  df2 <- df1 %>%
    group_by(junc_id) %>%
      putative_event_type =

               # check if both junction coordinates are known exon-intron boundaries and if they belong to adjacent exons in the transcript
               both_pos_on_exon_boundaries & abs(pos_left_on_exon_end - pos_right_on_exon_start) == 1 ~ "ref junction",

               # exon-skipping (ES)
               any(both_pos_on_exon_boundaries) & both_pos_on_exon_boundaries ~ "ES",

               # there are cases for which ES in one transcript can be an exitron in another transcript
               any(both_pos_on_exon_boundaries) & both_pos_on_same_exon ~ "exitron",

               # Alternative splice site (ASS): There is a exon boundary match for any transcript, no exon skipping for this transcript,
               # and both (the reight/second) junction positions overlaps an exon,
               any(both_pos_on_exon_boundaries) & abs(pos_left_on_exon_idx - pos_right_on_exon_idx) == 1  ~ "ASS",

               # other transcripts will be removed
               any(both_pos_on_exon_boundaries) & !both_pos_on_exon_boundaries ~ "rm",

               # do not use junctions with both coordinates in introns
               !pos_left_on_exon & !pos_right_on_exon ~ "rm",

               # exitrons
               # check that this is not an "intron retention" (pos1:(pos1+1))
               both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries & both_pos_on_same_exon & intron_retention ~ "rm",
               both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries & both_pos_on_same_exon  ~ "exitron",
               both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries & any_pos_on_intron ~ "rm",
               both_pos_not_on_exon_boundaries ~ "complex",
               # IR on the right side
               pos_left_on_exon_boundary & intron_retention ~ "IR",
               # ASS on the right side
               pos_left_on_exon_boundary ~ "ASS",
               # IR on the left side
               pos_right_on_exon_boundary & intron_retention ~ "IR",
               # ASS on the left side
               pos_right_on_exon_boundary ~ "ASS",
               TRUE ~ "rm"

             )) %>%
    mutate(putative_event_type = ifelse(putative_event_type == "rm", NA, putative_event_type)) %>%


#' Annotate splice junctions- transcripts combination and transcripts with exon details
#' @param df  A data.frame with junctions- transcripts combination in rows.
#'   -  `junc_id` junction id consisting of genomic coordinates
#'   -  `tx_id` transcript id
#'   -  `tx_lst` a list of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} with the transcript
#'   and additional columns.
#' @return A data.frame as the input but with more annotations in the following columns:
#'  - `pos_left_on_exon_end` exon index if junction start matches with exon end coordinate
#'  - `pos_right_on_exon_start`  exon index if junction end matches with exon start coordinate
#'  - `pos_left_on_exon_idx` exon index in transcript if junction start overlaps exon
#'  - `pos_right_on_exon_idx` exon index in transcript if junction end overlaps exon
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
annotate_exon_idx <- function(df){

  df %>%
      # junction start on exon end?
      pos_left_on_exon_end =
          ~ GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(.x, .y, select = "first")
      # junction end on exon start?
      pos_right_on_exon_start =
          ~ GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(.x, .y, select = "first")
      # junction start exon idx
      pos_left_on_exon_idx =
          ~ GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(.x, .y, select = "first")
      # junction start end idx
      pos_right_on_exon_idx =
          ~ GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(.x, .y, select = "first")

TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:57 p.m.