
Defines functions plot_annotation_results filter_annotation_results annotation_enrichment_analysis create_summary_table_PPI get_PPI_from_HPRD get_PPI_from_BioGRID get_annotations_KEGG retrieve_all_KEGG_pathways get_annotations_enrichr get_annotations_uniprot identify_reviewed_proteins_ids parse_ids

Documented in annotation_enrichment_analysis create_summary_table_PPI filter_annotation_results get_annotations_enrichr get_annotations_KEGG get_annotations_uniprot get_PPI_from_BioGRID get_PPI_from_HPRD identify_reviewed_proteins_ids parse_ids plot_annotation_results retrieve_all_KEGG_pathways

utils::globalVariables(c("Organism (ID)", "nb"))

#' Parse protein ids.
#' This is useful to remove additionnal information such as isoform or entry name.
#' @param x Character string with protein ids
#' @param sep_split Character separating different protein ids
#' @param sep_secondary Character separating UniProt entry from other infromation in protein ids
#' @param sep_collapse Character used to separate different protein ids after parsing
#' @examples
#' ids <- "A2AMW0|A2AMW0_MOUSE; P47757-2|CAPZB_MOUSE; P47757-4|CAPZB_MOUSE; Q3TVK4|Q3TVK4_MOUSE"
#' parse_ids(ids, sep = "; ", sep_secondary=c("|", "-"), sep_collapse = ";")
#' parse_ids(ids, sep = "; ", sep_secondary=c("|", "-"), sep_collapse = ";")
#' @export
parse_ids <- function(x, sep_split = ";", sep_secondary = c("|", "-"), sep_collapse=";"){
    x <- as.character(x)
      stop("Could not convert x into a character")
                  sep_split = sep_split, 
                  sep_secondary = sep_secondary,  
                  sep_collapse = sep_collapse, 
                  USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    prot_ids_all <- NULL
    prot_ids <- strsplit(x, split = sep_split, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    if(length(prot_ids) > 0){
      for(j in 1:length(prot_ids)){
        prot_id_int <- prot_ids[j]
          for(k in 1:length(sep_secondary)){
            prot_id_int <- strsplit(prot_id_int, split = sep_secondary[k], fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
        prot_ids_all <- c(prot_ids_all, prot_id_int)
      prot_ids_all <- NA
    return( paste(unique(prot_ids_all), collapse = sep_collapse) )
#' Identify which protein IDs correspond to SwissProt reviewed entries
#' @param ids vector of protein ids
#' @param sep character separating different protein ids
#' @param organism taxon id (10090 for Mus musculus, 9606 for human). If null, the most represented organism for ten first protein ids is chosen.
#' @import queryup
#' @import dplyr
#' @return a data.frame with columns 'id' and 'reviewed'
#' @examples
#' res <- queryup::query_uniprot(query=list("gene_exact"="Pik3r1", "organism_id"="10090"))
#' identify_reviewed_proteins_ids(res$Entry)
#' @export
identify_reviewed_proteins_ids <- function(ids, sep = ";", organism = NULL){
  unique_ids <- unique( strsplit( paste(ids, collapse = sep), split = sep)[[1]] )
  #identify most represented organism for 10 first protein ids
    cat("Guessing taxon id from 10 first protein IDs\n")
    df <- queryup::query_uniprot(
      query = list("accession_id" = unique_ids[1:min(10, length(unique_ids))]), 
      columns = c("accession", "organism_id"))
    dfgroup <- df %>% 
      group_by(`Organism (ID)`) %>% 
      summarise(nb = n()) %>% 
      filter(nb == max(nb))
    organism <- dfgroup[["Organism (ID)"]]
    cat(paste("taxon : ", organism, "\n"))
  #get all reviewed protein ids for selected organisms
  cat("Getting SwissProt reviewed entries\n")
  df <- queryup::query_uniprot(query = list("reviewed" = "true", "organism_id" = organism ),
                               columns = c("accession", "organism_id", "reviewed"))
  reviewed_ids <- rep(NA, length(ids))
  is_reviewed <- rep(FALSE, length(ids))
  for(i in 1:length(ids)){
    protein_ids <- strsplit(as.character(ids[i]), split = sep)[[1]]
    idx_match <- match(protein_ids, df[["Entry"]])
    idx_match <- idx_match[!is.na(idx_match)]
      reviewed_ids[i] <- paste(df[["Entry"]][idx_match], collapse = sep)
      is_reviewed[i] <- TRUE
      reviewed_ids[i] <- paste(protein_ids, collapse = sep)
  return(data.frame(id = reviewed_ids, reviewed = is_reviewed))

#' Create a data.frame with UniProt annotations corrresponding to a set of UniProt IDs
#' @param id Character vector with UniProt IDs
#' @param sep Character separating different protein ids
#' @param columns names of uniprot data columns to retrieve. 
#' Examples include "accession", keyword", "sequence", "go".
#' @param max_keys maximum number of field items submitted
#' @param updateProgress used to display progress in shiny apps
#' @param show_progress Show progress bar
#' @importFrom queryup query_uniprot
#' @return a data.frame
#' @examples
#' id <- c("P26450", "O00459")
#' df <-  get_annotations_uniprot(id = id)
#' @export
get_annotations_uniprot <- function(id,
                                    sep = ";",
                                    columns = c("gene_names", "organism_id", 
                                                "reviewed", "keyword", "protein_families", "go") ,
                                    max_keys = 300,
                                    updateProgress = NULL,
                                    show_progress = TRUE){
  if(length(columns) == 0){
    message("Empty argument 'columns'.")
  idx <- which(!is.na(id))
  unique_ids <- unique( strsplit( paste(id[idx], collapse = sep), split = sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]] )
  query <- list("accession_id" = unique_ids)
  columns <- union("accession", columns)
  cat("Getting annotations from UniProt... \n")
  df_annot <- tryCatch({
    queryup::query_uniprot(query = query,
                  columns = columns,
                  max_keys = max_keys,
                  updateProgress = updateProgress,
                  show_progress = show_progress)
  }, error = function(err){
    warning("Query failed : ", err)
  if(is.null(df_annot)) return(NULL)
  df_annot_merge <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(id)){
    df_annot_merge[[i]] <- rep(NA, dim(df_annot)[2])
    names(df_annot_merge[[i]]) <- names(df_annot)
    protein_ids <- strsplit(as.character(id[i]), split = sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    idx_match <- match(protein_ids, df_annot[["Entry"]])
    idx_match <- idx_match[!is.na(idx_match)]
      for(j in 1:dim(df_annot)[2]){
        df_annot_merge[[i]][[j]] <- paste(df_annot[[j]][idx_match], collapse = "|") 
  df_annot_merge <- as.data.frame( do.call(rbind, df_annot_merge) )
  df <- data.frame(query_id = id, df_annot_merge)

#' Get annotations using enrichR
#' @description Get annotations from an enrichR database for a set of genes.
#' @param data a vector of gene names or a data.frame with gene names in 
#' column \code{name_id}
#' @param name_id column name used to map gene names
#' @param dbs name of the enrichR database. 
#' Use \code{enrichR::listEnrichrDbs()} to see available databases.
#' @param append_to_data logical, append annotations as a new column
#' @return an annotated data.frame
#' @examples
#' df <- get_annotations_enrichr(c("Itsn2","Eps15l1"))
#' print(df)
#' @export
get_annotations_enrichr <- function(data, 
                                    name_id = "names", 
                                    dbs = "GO_Biological_Process_2018", 
                                    append_to_data = TRUE){
  if (!requireNamespace("enrichR")) {
  df <- data
  name_id_0 <- name_id
  if(typeof(data) == "character"){
    df <- list("names" = data)
    name_id_0 <- "names"
  if( length(setdiff(dbs, names(df)))==0 ){
    warning("Annotations already loaded")
  dbs_int <- setdiff(dbs, names(df))
  enriched <- enrichR::enrichr(as.character(df[[name_id_0]]), dbs_int)
  annot <- vector("list", length(dbs_int))
  names(annot) <- dbs_int
  for(i in 1:length(dbs_int)){
    annot[[i]] <- rep("", length(df[[name_id_0]]) )
    for(j in 1:length(enriched[[dbs_int[i]]]$Term)){
      genes <- strsplit(enriched[[dbs_int[i]]]$Genes[j], split = ";")[[1]]
      idx_match <- match(genes, toupper(df[[name_id]]))
        for(k in 1:length(idx_match)){
            annot[[i]][idx_match[k]] <- paste( c(annot[[i]][idx_match[k]], enriched[[dbs_int[i]]]$Term[j]), collapse = ";")
            annot[[i]][idx_match[k]] <- enriched[[dbs_int[i]]]$Term[j]
  annot <- as.data.frame(annot)
  annot[[name_id_0]] <- df[[name_id_0]]
    df <- merge(df, annot, by = name_id_0)

#' Create a data.frame with all KEGG pathways for a given organism
#' @param org Organism (ex : "mmu" for mus musculus, "hsa" for homo sapiens).
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @return a data.frame
#' @examples
#' df <-  retrieve_all_KEGG_pathways(org="mmu")
#' head(df)
#' @export
retrieve_all_KEGG_pathways <- function(org="mmu"){
  # get kegg pathways and corresponding components (with kegg ids)
  KEGG <- read.table(paste0("http://rest.kegg.jp/link/", org, "/pathway"))
  names(KEGG) <- c("pathway", "id")
  u_pathway <- as.character(unique(KEGG$pathway))
  name_pathway <- rep("", length(u_pathway))
  gene_pathway <- rep("", length(u_pathway))
  up_ids_pathway <- rep("", length(u_pathway))
  # get names of kegg pathways
  df_pathway <- read.table(paste0("http://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/", org), sep = "\t")
  names(df_pathway) <- c("kegg", "name")
  df_pathway$name <- sapply(as.character(df_pathway$name), 
                            function(x){strsplit(x, split=" - ")[[1]][1]})
  # get mapping between kegg ids and uniprot ids
  df_ids <- read.table(paste0("http://rest.kegg.jp/conv/uniprot/", org, "/"), header=FALSE)
  names(df_ids) <- c("kegg", "uniprot")
  df_ids$kegg <- as.character(df_ids$kegg)
  df_ids$uniprot <- sapply(as.character(df_ids$uniprot), 
                           function(x){strsplit(x, split="up:")[[1]][2]})
  for ( i in 1:length(u_pathway) ){
    kegg_ids <- as.character(KEGG$id[which(KEGG$pathway == u_pathway[i])])
    idx_match <- match(kegg_ids, df_ids$kegg)
    uniprot_ids <- df_ids$uniprot[idx_match[!is.na(idx_match)]]
    gene_pathway[i] <- paste(kegg_ids, collapse=";")
    up_ids_pathway[i] <- paste(uniprot_ids, collapse=";")
    name_pathway[i] <- df_pathway$name[match(u_pathway[i], df_pathway$kegg)]
  df <- data.frame(pathway = u_pathway, 
                   name = name_pathway, 
                   IDs = gene_pathway,
                   uniprot = up_ids_pathway)

#' Create a data.frame with KEGG pathways corrresponding to a set of UniProt IDs
#' @param id Character vector with UniProt IDs
#' @param sep Character separating different protein ids
#' @param org Organism (ex : "mmu" for mus musculus, "hsa" for homo sapiens).
#' @return a data.frame
#' @examples
#' id <- c("P26450", "O00459")
#' df <- get_annotations_KEGG(id = id)
#' @export
get_annotations_KEGG <- function(id, sep = ";", org="mmu"){
  idx <- which(!is.na(id))
  unique_ids <- unique( strsplit( paste(id[idx], collapse = sep), split = sep)[[1]] )
  df_KEGG <- retrieve_all_KEGG_pathways(org=org)
  kegg_pathways <- sapply(unique_ids, function(x){
    idx_pathways <- grep(paste0("(;|^)", x, "(;|$)"), df_KEGG$uniprot)
    return(paste0(df_KEGG$name[idx_pathways], collapse = ";"))
  df_annot <- data.frame(id=unique_ids, kegg=kegg_pathways)
  annot <- rep("", length(id))
  for(i in 1:length(id)){
    annot[i] <- ""
    protein_ids <- strsplit(as.character(id[i]), split = sep)[[1]]
    idx_match <- match(protein_ids, df_annot$id)
    idx_match <- idx_match[!is.na(idx_match)]
      annot[i] <- paste(df_annot$kegg[idx_match], collapse = "|") 

  return(data.frame(id = id, kegg = annot))

#' Retrieve protein-protein interaction information from BioGRID
#' @param gene_name the gene name for which to retrieve PPI
#' @param taxon_ID taxon ID for which to retrieve PPI
#' @return a data.frame PPI information
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @examples 
#' get_PPI_from_BioGRID(gene_name = "Cd5")
#' @export
get_PPI_from_BioGRID <- function( gene_name, taxon_ID = c(9606,10090) ){
  access_key <- "7ad36061b7644111aa9f5b3948429fb2"
  for (k in 1:length(taxon_ID) ){
    url_adress <- paste("http://webservice.thebiogrid.org/interactions?searchNames=true&geneList=",
    Tbiogrid <- utils::read.table(url_adress, header=TRUE, fill=TRUE, sep="\t", comment.char="", quote="\"")
    Tbiogrid <- Tbiogrid[Tbiogrid$Organism.Interactor.A == Tbiogrid$Organism.Interactor.B,]
    taxon_biogrid <- rep(taxon_ID[k],dim(Tbiogrid)[1] );  
    s<-strsplit(as.character(Tbiogrid$Author),split = " ",fixed=TRUE)
    Author_Biogrid <- rep("",length(s))
      for (i in 1:length(s) ){
        Author_Biogrid[i] <- paste(s[[i]][1], s[[i]][length(s[[i]])],sep=" ");
    Encoding( Author_Biogrid ) <- "latin1"
      df_biogrid_2 <- data.frame(gene_name_A=Tbiogrid$Official.Symbol.Interactor.A, 
                                 gene_name_B = Tbiogrid$Official.Symbol.Interactor.B, 
                                 Author=iconv(Author_Biogrid, "latin1", "ASCII", sub="_"), 
                                 Database=Tbiogrid$Source.Database )
      df_biogrid_1 <- rbind(df_biogrid_1,df_biogrid_2);
      df_biogrid_1 <- data.frame(gene_name_A=Tbiogrid$Official.Symbol.Interactor.A, 
                                 gene_name_B = Tbiogrid$Official.Symbol.Interactor.B, 
                                 Author=iconv(Author_Biogrid, "latin1", "ASCII", sub="_"), 
                                 Database=Tbiogrid$Source.Database )

#' Retrieve protein-protein interaction information from HPRD
#' @param gene_name the gene name for which to retrieve PPI
#' @examples 
#' get_PPI_from_HPRD(gene_name = "Cd5")
#' @export
get_PPI_from_HPRD <- function( gene_name ){
  THPRD <- THPRD[which(THPRD$Gene_symbol_1 == toupper(gene_name) | THPRD$Gene_symbol_2 == toupper(gene_name)), ]
  df_HPRD <- data.frame(gene_name_A = THPRD$Gene_symbol_1, 
                        gene_name_B = THPRD$Gene_symbol_2, 
                        taxon = rep(9606, dim(THPRD)[1] ), 
                        Int_type = rep("NA", dim(THPRD)[1] ), 
                        Detection_method = THPRD$Experiment_type, 
                        Author = rep("NA", dim(THPRD)[1] ), 
                        Pubmed_ID = THPRD$Pubmed_id, 
                        Database = rep("HPRD", dim(THPRD)[1] ));

#' Retrieve protein-protein interaction information from databses 
#' IntAct, MINT, BioGRID and HPRD
#' @param gene_name the gene name for which to retrieve PPI
#' @return a data.frame PPI information
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @examples 
#' create_summary_table_PPI(gene_name = "Cd5")
#' @export
create_summary_table_PPI <- function(gene_name){
  cat("Fetching PPI from databases...\n")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 3, style = 3)
  df_biogrid <- get_PPI_from_BioGRID(gene_name = gene_name)
  utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
  df_HPRD <- get_PPI_from_HPRD(gene_name = gene_name)
  utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
  df_tot <- rbind(df_biogrid, df_HPRD)
  uInteractors <- sort(
                as.character(df_tot$gene_name_B) ) )))
  uInteractors <- uInteractors[ uInteractors != toupper(gene_name) ];
    N_pub_0 <- rep(0,length(uInteractors));
    Authors_0 <- rep("",length(uInteractors));
    Pubmed_ID_0 <- rep("",length(uInteractors));
    Detection_method_0 <- rep("",length(uInteractors));
    Int_type_0 <- rep("",length(uInteractors));
    Database_0 <- rep("",length(uInteractors));
    for (i in 1:length(uInteractors) ){
      i_int <- which( 
        toupper(as.character(df_tot$gene_name_A)) == uInteractors[i] | 
          toupper(as.character(df_tot$gene_name_B)) == uInteractors[i]  )
        Authors_0[i] <- paste(as.character(unique(df_tot$Author[i_int])), collapse="|")
        Pubmed_ID_0[i] <- paste(as.character(unique(df_tot$Pubmed_ID[i_int])), collapse=",")
        spl <- strsplit(Pubmed_ID_0[i], split=",");
        Pubmed_ID_0[i] <- paste(spl[[1]], collapse="|");
        N_pub_0[i] <- length(unique(spl[[1]]));
        #N_pub[idx_int] <- length(unique(df_tot$pubmed_ID[i_int]));
        Detection_method_0[i] <- paste(as.character(unique(df_tot$Detection_method[i_int])), collapse="|")
        Int_type_0[i] <- paste(as.character(unique(df_tot$Int_type[i_int])), collapse="|")
        Database_0[i] <- paste(as.character(unique(df_tot$Database[i_int])), collapse="|")
    df_summary <- data.frame(gene_name_A=rep(toupper(gene_name),length(uInteractors)), 
                            N_pub = N_pub_0, 
                            Authors = Authors_0, 
                            Pubmed_ID = Pubmed_ID_0,
                            Detection_method = Detection_method_0,
                            Int_type = Int_type_0,
                            Database= Database_0)
    message(paste("No interactions involving", gene_name, "found in databases"))
    df_summary <- NULL

#' Perform enrichment analysis
#' @description Perform enrichment analysis using a hypergeometric test for protein annotations stored in a formatted data.frame
#' @param df a data.frame with annotations corresponding to each row. Types of annotations are organized by columns. 
#' For a given type of annotations, annotations are separated by \code{sep}.
#' @param sep_split Character string separating different annotation groups.
#' @param sep Character string separating different annotations.
#' @param idx_subset indexes of the foreground set.
#' @param annotation_selected set of annotations on which to perform the analysis. Annotations selectd must be a subset of df's names.
#' @param col_names df's column name containing gene names.
#' @param two_sided logical, perform a two-sided hypergeometric test
#' @param updateProgress logical, function to show progress in shiny app
#' @param showProgress logical, show progress in console
#' @param orderOutput logical, order annotations by enrichment p-values in the output data.frame
#' @return a data.frame
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats phyper p.adjust
#' @export
annotation_enrichment_analysis <- function( df,
                                            sep = NULL,
                                            annotation_selected = names(df)[2], 
                                            col_names = names(df)[1], 
                                            two_sided = FALSE,
                                            updateProgress = NULL, 
                                            showProgress = TRUE,
                                            orderOutput = TRUE){
  if( is.null(df) | (sum(annotation_selected %in% names(df)) != length(annotation_selected)) ){
    stop("Annotations not available. Import annotations first.")
  }else if ( length(annotation_selected) == 0) {
    stop("No annotations selected. Change selected annotations")
  if (showProgress) cat("Perform annotation enrichment analysis...\n")
  #list annotation terms found in the dataset ------------------------------------------------
  df_int <- df
  for(i in length(annotation_selected)){
    df_int[[annotation_selected[i]]] <- as.character(df_int[[annotation_selected[i]]])
  annot_terms <- NULL
  annot_type <- NULL
  annot_names <- NULL
    warning("No separation character provided. Using ';' by default")
    collapse_sep <- ";"
    collapse_sep <- sep
  for (annot_type_sel in annotation_selected){
    df_int[[annot_type_sel]] <- gsub(sep_split, collapse_sep, df_int[[annot_type_sel]], fixed = TRUE)
    df_int[[annot_type_sel]] <- gsub("(", "_", df_int[[annot_type_sel]], fixed = TRUE)
    df_int[[annot_type_sel]] <- gsub(")", "!", df_int[[annot_type_sel]], fixed = TRUE)
    df_int[[annot_type_sel]] <- gsub("[", "_", df_int[[annot_type_sel]], fixed = TRUE)
    df_int[[annot_type_sel]] <- gsub("]", "!", df_int[[annot_type_sel]], fixed = TRUE)
    # if( annot_type_sel %in% c("Protein.families", "Keywords") ) collapse_sep <- "; "
    u_annot<-paste(unique(df_int[[annot_type_sel]]), collapse = collapse_sep)
    terms <- unique(strsplit(u_annot, split = collapse_sep)[[1]])
    annot_names_int <- terms
    annot_terms <- c(annot_terms,  terms)
    annot_type <- c(annot_type, rep(annot_type_sel, length(terms)))
    annot_names <- c(annot_names, annot_names_int)
  df.annot <- data.frame(annot_terms = annot_terms, annot_type = annot_type, annot_names = annot_names)
  df.annot <- df.annot[which(df.annot$annot_terms != ""), ]
  df.annot$annot_names <- gsub("_", "(", df.annot$annot_names, fixed = TRUE)
  df.annot$annot_names <- gsub("!", ")", df.annot$annot_names, fixed = TRUE)
  # Compute Background -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  nodes_tot <- as.character(df[[col_names]]);
  u_annot_nodes_collapse <- rep("", length(nodes_tot));
  idx_tot <- rep(0, length(nodes_tot));
  for ( i in 1:length(nodes_tot) ){
    s <- NULL
    for (annot_type in annotation_selected) {
      s <- c(s, as.character(df_int[[annot_type]][ i ]))
    u_annot_nodes_collapse[i] <- paste(s, collapse = collapse_sep)
  N_background = length(nodes_tot);
  n_annot <- dim(df.annot)[1]
  N_annot_background <- rep(0, n_annot);
  freq_annot_background <- rep(0, n_annot);
  nodes_annot_background <- rep("", n_annot);
  if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)!="list") pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 2*n_annot, style = 3)
  for ( k in 1:dim(df.annot)[1] ){
    annot <- df.annot$annot_terms[k]
    idx_annot <- grep(paste("(",collapse_sep,"|^)", annot, "($|",collapse_sep,")",sep=""), 
                      u_annot_nodes_collapse, fixed=FALSE)
    #idx_annot <- grep(df.annot$annot_terms[k], u_annot_nodes_collapse, fixed=TRUE)
    N_annot_background[k] = length(idx_annot);
    nodes_annot_background[k] = paste(nodes_tot[idx_annot], collapse=";")
    freq_annot_background[k] = N_annot_background[k]/N_background;
    count <- count +1
    if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)!="list") utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
    # progress bar
    if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
      text <- paste0( round(count/(2*n_annot)*100, 0), " %")
      updateProgress(value = count/(2*n_annot)*100, detail = text)
  N_annotation_test <- length(which(N_annot_background>0))
  # Perform enrichment test for each annotation and each subset of indices ---------------------------------------
  if (typeof(idx_subset)=="list"){
    n_sets <- length(idx_subset)
  } else {
    n_sets = 1
  df.annot.tot <- list()
  if (showProgress  & typeof(idx_subset)=="list") {
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n_sets, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:n_sets){
    if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)=="list"){
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if (typeof(idx_subset)=="list"){
      idx_d <- idx_subset[[i]]
    } else {
      idx_d <- idx_subset
    N_annot <- rep(0, n_annot);
    freq_annot <- rep(0, n_annot);
    nodes_annot <- rep("", n_annot);
    p_value <- rep(0, n_annot);
    fold_change <- rep(0, n_annot);
    p_value_adjust <- rep(0, n_annot);
    for( k in 1:n_annot ){
      annot <- df.annot$annot_terms[k]
      idx_annot <- idx_d[ grep(paste("(",collapse_sep,"|^)", annot, "($|",collapse_sep,")",sep=""), 
                               u_annot_nodes_collapse[idx_d], fixed=FALSE) ]
      #idx_annot <- idx_d[ grep(df.annot$annot_terms[k], u_annot_nodes_collapse[idx_d],fixed=TRUE) ]
      N_sample = length(idx_d);
      freq_annot[k] = N_annot[k]/N_sample;
      nodes_annot[k]=paste(nodes_tot[idx_annot], collapse=";")
      inclusive_upper_tail <- 1-phyper(N_annot[k]-1,
      inclusive_lower_tail <- phyper(N_annot[k],
      two_sided_hypergeometric_p_value <- 2.0*min(c(inclusive_upper_tail, inclusive_lower_tail))
        p_value[k] = two_sided_hypergeometric_p_value
        p_value[k] = inclusive_upper_tail
      fold_change[k] = freq_annot[k]/freq_annot_background[k];
      count <- count +1
      if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)!="list"){
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
      # progress bar
      if (is.function(updateProgress)) {
        text <- paste0( round(count/(2*n_annot)*100, 0), " %")
        updateProgress(value = count/(2*n_annot)*100, detail = text)
    if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)!="list"){
      idx_annot_exist <-  which(N_annot_background>0)
      idx_annot_exist <-  which(N_annot>0)
    p_value_adjust_fdr <- rep( 1,length(p_value) );
    p_value_adjust_bonferroni <- rep( 1,length(p_value) );
    p_value_adjust_bonferroni[idx_annot_exist] <- p.adjust(p_value[idx_annot_exist], method = "bonferroni");
    p_value_adjust_fdr[idx_annot_exist] <- p.adjust(p_value[idx_annot_exist], method = "fdr");
    df.annot.set <- data.frame(
    df.annot.set <- cbind(df.annot, df.annot.set)
    if (orderOutput) df.annot.set <- df.annot.set[ order(df.annot.set$p_value, decreasing = FALSE), ]
    df.annot.tot[[i]] <- df.annot.set
  if (showProgress & typeof(idx_subset)=="list") close(pb)
  if (typeof(idx_subset)=="list"){
  } else {

#' Plot the result of the annotation enrichment analysis
#' @param df a formatted data.frame obtained by the function \code{annotation_enrichment_analysis()}
#' @param p_val_max threshold for the enrichment p-value
#' @param method_adjust_p_val method to adjust p-value for multiple comparisons
#' @param fold_change_min threshold for the enrichment fold-change
#' @param N_annot_min minimum number of elements that are annotated in the foreground set
#' @param test_depletion logical, test for annotation depletion as well as enrichment
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
filter_annotation_results <- function(df, 
                                      method_adjust_p_val = "fdr", 
                                      fold_change_min =2,
                                      test_depletion = FALSE
  if(length(df) == 0 ){
    warning("Empty input...")
  }else if( dim(df)[1] == 0){
    warning("Empty input...")
  name_p_val <- switch(method_adjust_p_val,
                       "none" = "p_value",
                       "fdr" = "p_value_adjust_fdr",
                       "bonferroni" = "p_value_adjust_bonferroni")
  df$p_value <- df[[name_p_val]]
    idx_filter <-  which(df$p_value <= p_val_max & 
                           (df$fold_change >= fold_change_min | df$fold_change <= 1/fold_change_min) & 
                           df$N_annot >= N_annot_min)
  } else {
    idx_filter <-  which(df$p_value <= p_val_max & 
                           df$fold_change >= fold_change_min & 
                           df$N_annot >= N_annot_min)
  if(length(idx_filter) == 0){
    warning("No annotation left after filtering. You might want to change input parameters")
  df_filter <- df[ idx_filter, ]

#' Plot the result of the annotation enrichment analysis
#' @param df a formatted data.frame obtained by the function \code{annotation_enrichment_analysis()}
#' @param method_adjust_p_val name of the p-value variable. Possible choices : "none","fdr" or "bonferroni".
#' By default : "fdr".
#' @param fold_change_limits limits for fold-change scale. By default : c(1,4).
#' @param save_file path where the plot will be saved
#' @param filter Apply filtering to annotation results (using \code{filter_annotation_results()})
#' @param type Palette type (one of seq (sequential), div (diverging)) 
#' @param flip flip x-y coordinates
#' @param angle angle of x tick labels
#' @param font_size font size
#' @param trans trans object applied to fill scale
#' @param scale_factor_width factor to adjust plot width
#' @param scale_factor_height factor to adjust plot height
#' @param ... parameters passed to function \code{filter_annotation_results()}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @import scales
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @return a plot
#' @export
plot_annotation_results <- function(df,
                                    method_adjust_p_val = "fdr",
                                    fold_change_limits = c(1,4),
                                    save_file = NULL,
                                    filter = FALSE,
                                    type = "seq",
                                    flip = FALSE,
                                    angle = 90,
                                    font_size = 10,
                                    trans = NULL,
                                    scale_factor_width = 1,
                                    scale_factor_height = 1,
  if(length(df) == 0 ){
    warning("Empty input...")
  }else if( dim(df)[1] == 0){
    warning("Empty input...")
    trans <- switch(trans,
                    "linear" = identity_trans(),
                    "log2" = log2_trans())
  if(is.null(trans)) trans <- identity_trans()
  name_p_val <- switch(method_adjust_p_val,
                       "none" = "p_value",
                       "fdr" = "p_value_adjust_fdr",
                       "bonferroni" = "p_value_adjust_bonferroni")
  df_filter <- df
    df_filter <- filter_annotation_results(df = df, 
                                           method_adjust_p_val = method_adjust_p_val, 
  if(length(df_filter$fold_change) == 0){
    warning("No annotation left after filtering. You might want to change input parameters")
  df_filter$fold_change_sign <- df_filter$fold_change
  df_filter$fold_change_sign[df_filter$fold_change>=1] <- 1
  df_filter$fold_change_sign[df_filter$fold_change<1] <- -1
  df_filter$annot_names[df_filter$p_value == 0] <- paste("*", df_filter$annot_names[df_filter$p_value == 0])
  df_filter$p_value[df_filter$p_value == 0] <- min(df_filter$p_value[df_filter$p_value != 0])*0.1
  df_filter <- df_filter[ order(df_filter$fold_change_sign * (-log10(df_filter$p_value)), decreasing = FALSE), ]
  #df_filter <- df_filter[ order(df_filter$p_value, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  df_filter$order <- 1:dim(df_filter)[1]
  df_filter$fold_change[df_filter$fold_change >= fold_change_limits[2]] <- fold_change_limits[2]
  df_filter$fold_change[df_filter$fold_change <= fold_change_limits[1]] <- fold_change_limits[1]
  df_filter$minus_log10_p_value <- -log10(df_filter$p_value)
  df_filter$log2_fold_change = log2(df_filter$fold_change)
  p <- ggplot( df_filter, aes_string(x="order", 
                                     fill = "fold_change")) + 
      axis.text.y = element_text(size=font_size),
      axis.text.x = element_text(size=font_size, angle = angle, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
      axis.title.x = element_text(size=font_size)
    ) +
    scale_x_continuous(name = NULL, breaks=df_filter$order, labels=df_filter$annot_names) +
    scale_y_continuous(name = paste("-log10(",name_p_val,")",sep="")) 
    #scale_fill_distiller(palette = palette, direction = direction, trans = trans, limits = c(fold_change_limits[1], fold_change_limits[2])) + 
  if(type == "seq"){
    p <- p + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdBu", n = 11)[6:1],
                         trans = trans, limits = fold_change_limits)
  }else if(type == "div"){
    p <- p + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "RdBu", n = 11)[11:1],
                                  trans = trans, limits = fold_change_limits)
  p <- p +  geom_col()
    p <- p + coord_flip() + ylab("")
    p <- p + xlab("")
    plot_height <- 0.1*( 0.5*max( sapply(as.character(df_filter$annot_terms), nchar) ) + 20 )
    plot_width <- 0.13*(1.5*length(unique(df_filter$annot_terms)) + 35)
      plot_width <- 0.13*( 0.5*max( sapply(as.character(df_filter$annot_terms), nchar) ) + 35 )
      plot_height <- 0.1*(1.5*length(unique(df_filter$annot_terms)) + 20)
    pdf(save_file, plot_width*scale_factor_width, plot_height*scale_factor_height)
VoisinneG/pannot documentation built on July 5, 2023, 4:19 p.m.