
#### get fam ####


sel = 2

s = which(family[,1]==sel)

fam1 = family[s,]

i = fam$gtindex[fam$famID==sel]

fam2 = fam[fam$famID == sel, ]

geno = retrieveGenotypes(as.numeric(i))


#### x ####

#fam1 = read.table("~/Downloads/family44.txt",h=T,as=T)

p = pedigree(fam1[,2],fam1[,4],fam1[,5],as.numeric(fam1[,3] ) +1  , affected = fam1$status == 1)



x[1] = "123\n123"
x = sprintf("Age: %.0f\nOnset: %.0f",  as.numeric(fam1$currentage), as.numeric(fam1$ageonset)   )


x[s] = sprintf("Age: %.0f",  as.numeric(fam1$currentage)[s]  )


par( mar = c(5,5,5,5) )

plot.pedigree2(p, extratext = x, mar=c(2, 5, 2, 5), printids=1)

#### plot gt ####


gt = 3-genotype[,1]

drawgt = function(gt, x1,y1,w=0.3,h=0.3,ncol=10) {



for(i in 1:length(gt))  {

    if(gt[i]==1) col="gray"
    if(gt[i]==2) col="black"

    rect(x1 + x*w, y1 + y*h, x1 + x*w + w, y1 + y*h+h,col=col,lwd=0.3 )

    if(x>ncol) { x=0; y=y+1; }



plot.pedigree2(p,extratext = rep(1,20),mar=c(2,5,2,5), printids=1)

s = which(fam[,1]==2)

#genotypes = retrieveGenotypes(1:5)

for(i in 1:length(s)) {

    ind = fam$gtindex[ s[i] ]
    ind = as.numeric(ind)
    gt = genotype[,i]





#### Draw IBD matrix ####


n = 5

m = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=n)

for(i in 1:n) for(j in 1:n) {

    x = computePairIBD12(i,j)
    m[i,j] = x[1]/2 + x[2]


colnames(m) = fam1$indID
rownames(m) = fam1$indID

ibd = read.table("inst/examples/family/IBD_family44.txt",h=T)
colnames(ibd) = sub("X","",colnames(ibd))

m = as.matrix(ibd)

note = m

for(i in 1:n) note[i,] = sprintf("%.3f",m[i,]+1e-19)
note[note=="0.000"] = "0"
note[note=="1.000"] = "1"

c1 = rev(heat.colors(100))
c1 = rev(gray.colors(300,start=0.4,end=1))

gplots::heatmap.2(m,trace="none",Rowv = F, Colv = F, col = c1,
                  rowsep = 0:100,
                  sepcolor = "black" , sepwidth = c(0.01,0.01),
                  cellnote = note, notecol = "black",notecex=1.3
title("0.5*IBD1 + IBD2")
x= computePairIBD12(1,3)


#### Function pedigree2 ####

plot.pedigree2 = function (x, id = x$id, status = x$status, affected = x$affected,
                           cex = 1, col = 1, symbolsize = 1, branch = 0.6, packed = TRUE,
                           align = c(1.5, 2), width = 8, density = c(-1, 35, 55, 25),
                           mar = c(4.1, 1, 4.1, 1), angle = c(90, 65, 40, 0), keep.par = FALSE,
                           subregion, pconnect = 0.5, extratext = NA,
    Call <-
    n <- length(x$id)
    if (is.null(status))
        status <- rep(0, n)
    else {
        if (!all(status == 0 | status == 1))
            stop("Invalid status code")
        if (length(status) != n)
            stop("Wrong length for status")
    if (!missing(id)) {
        if (length(id) != n)
            stop("Wrong length for id")
    if (is.null(affected)) {
        affected <- matrix(0, nrow = n)
    else {
        if (is.matrix(affected)) {
            if (nrow(affected) != n)
                stop("Wrong number of rows in affected")
            if (is.logical(affected))
                affected <- 1 * affected
            if (ncol(affected) > length(angle) || ncol(affected) >
                stop("More columns in the affected matrix than angle/density values")
        else {
            if (length(affected) != n)
                stop("Wrong length for affected")
            if (is.logical(affected))
                affected <- as.numeric(affected)
            if (is.factor(affected))
                affected <- as.numeric(affected) - 1
        if (max(affected, na.rm = TRUE) > min(affected, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            affected <- matrix(affected - min(affected, na.rm = TRUE),
                               nrow = n)
            affected[] <- -1
        else {
            affected <- matrix(affected, nrow = n)
        if (!all(affected == 0 | affected == 1 | affected ==
            stop("Invalid code for affected status")
    if (length(col) == 1)
        col <- rep(col, n)
    else if (length(col) != n)
        stop("Col argument must be of length 1 or n")
    subregion2 <- function(plist, subreg) {
        if (subreg[3] < 1 || subreg[4] > length(plist$n))
            stop("Invalid depth indices in subreg")
        lkeep <- subreg[3]:subreg[4]
        for (i in lkeep) {
            if (!any(plist$pos[i, ] >= subreg[1] & plist$pos[i,
                                                             ] <= subreg[2]))
                stop(paste("No subjects retained on level", i))
        nid2 <- plist$nid[lkeep, ]
        n2 <- plist$n[lkeep]
        pos2 <- plist$pos[lkeep, ]
        spouse2 <- plist$spouse[lkeep, ]
        fam2 <- plist$fam[lkeep, ]
        if (!is.null(plist$twins))
            twin2 <- plist$twins[lkeep, ]
        for (i in 1:nrow(nid2)) {
            keep <- which(pos2[i, ] >= subreg[1] & pos2[i, ] <=
            nkeep <- length(keep)
            n2[i] <- nkeep
            nid2[i, 1:nkeep] <- nid2[i, keep]
            pos2[i, 1:nkeep] <- pos2[i, keep]
            spouse2[i, 1:nkeep] <- spouse2[i, keep]
            fam2[i, 1:nkeep] <- fam2[i, keep]
            if (!is.null(plist$twins))
                twin2[i, 1:nkeep] <- twin2[i, keep]
            if (i < nrow(nid2)) {
                tfam <- match(fam2[i + 1, ], keep, nomatch = 0)
                fam2[i + 1, ] <- tfam
                if (any(spouse2[i, tfam] == 0))
                    stop("A subregion cannot separate parents")
        n <- max(n2)
        out <- list(n = n2[1:n], nid = nid2[, 1:n, drop = F],
                    pos = pos2[, 1:n, drop = F], spouse = spouse2[, 1:n,
                                                                  drop = F], fam = fam2[, 1:n, drop = F])
        if (!is.null(plist$twins))
            out$twins <- twin2[, 1:n, drop = F]
    plist <- align.pedigree(x, packed = packed, width = width,
                            align = align)
    if (!missing(subregion))
        plist <- subregion2(plist, subregion)
    xrange <- range(plist$pos[plist$nid > 0])
    maxlev <- nrow(plist$pos)
    oldpar <- par(mar = mar, xpd = TRUE)
    psize <- par("pin")
    stemp1 <- strwidth("ABC", units = "inches", cex = cex) *
    stemp2 <- strheight("1g", units = "inches", cex = cex)
    stemp3 <- max(strheight(id, units = "inches", cex = cex))
    ht1 <- psize[2]/maxlev - (stemp3 + 1.5 * stemp2)
    if (ht1 <= 0)
        stop("Labels leave no room for the graph, reduce cex")
    ht2 <- psize[2]/(maxlev + (maxlev - 1)/2)
    wd2 <- 0.8 * psize[1]/(0.8 + diff(xrange))
    boxsize <- symbolsize * min(ht1, ht2, stemp1, wd2)
    hscale <- (psize[1] - boxsize)/diff(xrange)
    vscale <- (psize[2] - (stemp3 + stemp2/2 + boxsize))/max(1,
                                                             maxlev - 1)
    boxw <- boxsize/hscale
    boxh <- boxsize/vscale
    labh <- stemp2/vscale
    legh <- min(1/4, boxh * 1.5)
    par(usr = c(xrange[1] - boxw/2, xrange[2] + boxw/2, maxlev +
                    boxh + stemp3 + stemp2/2, 1))
    circfun <- function(nslice, n = 50) {
        nseg <- ceiling(n/nslice)
        theta <- -pi/2 - seq(0, 2 * pi, length = nslice + 1)
        out <- vector("list", nslice)
        for (i in 1:nslice) {
            theta2 <- seq(theta[i], theta[i + 1], length = nseg)
            out[[i]] <- list(x = c(0, cos(theta2)/2), y = c(0,
                                                            sin(theta2)/2) + 0.5)
    polyfun <- function(nslice, object) {
        zmat <- matrix(0, ncol = 4, nrow = length(object$x))
        zmat[, 1] <- object$x
        zmat[, 2] <- c(object$x[-1], object$x[1]) - object$x
        zmat[, 3] <- object$y
        zmat[, 4] <- c(object$y[-1], object$y[1]) - object$y
        ns1 <- nslice + 1
        theta <- -pi/2 - seq(0, 2 * pi, length = ns1)
        x <- y <- double(ns1)
        for (i in 1:ns1) {
            z <- (tan(theta[i]) * zmat[, 1] - zmat[, 3])/(zmat[,
                                                               4] - tan(theta[i]) * zmat[, 2])
            tx <- zmat[, 1] + z * zmat[, 2]
            ty <- zmat[, 3] + z * zmat[, 4]
            inner <- tx * cos(theta[i]) + ty * sin(theta[i])
            indx <- which(is.finite(z) & z >= 0 & z <= 1 & inner >
            x[i] <- tx[indx]
            y[i] <- ty[indx]
        nvertex <- length(object$x)
        temp <- data.frame(indx = c(1:ns1, rep(0, nvertex)),
                           theta = c(theta, object$theta), x = c(x, object$x),
                           y = c(y, object$y))
        temp <- temp[order(-temp$theta), ]
        out <- vector("list", nslice)
        for (i in 1:nslice) {
            rows <- which(temp$indx == i):which(temp$indx ==
                                                    (i + 1))
            out[[i]] <- list(x = c(0, temp$x[rows]), y = c(0,
                                                           temp$y[rows]) + 0.5)
    if (ncol(affected) == 1) {
        polylist <- list(square = list(list(x = c(-1, -1, 1,
                                                  1)/2, y = c(0, 1, 1, 0))), circle = list(list(x = 0.5 *
                                                                                                    cos(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 50)), y = 0.5 * sin(seq(0,
                                                                                                                                                        2 * pi, length = 50)) + 0.5)), diamond = list(list(x = c(0,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -0.5, 0, 0.5), y = c(0, 0.5, 1, 0.5))), triangle = list(list(x = c(0,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -0.56, 0.56), y = c(0, 1, 1))))
    else {
        nc <- ncol(affected)
        square <- polyfun(nc, list(x = c(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                   y = c(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5), theta = -c(3, 5, 7,
                                                                           9) * pi/4))
        circle <- circfun(nc)
        diamond <- polyfun(nc, list(x = c(0, -0.5, 0, 0.5), y = c(-0.5,
                                                                  0, 0.5, 0), theta = -(1:4) * pi/2))
        triangle <- polyfun(nc, list(x = c(-0.56, 0, 0.56), y = c(-0.5,
                                                                  0.5, -0.5), theta = c(-2, -4, -6) * pi/3))
        polylist <- list(square = square, circle = circle, diamond = diamond,
                         triangle = triangle)
    drawbox <- function(x, y, sex, affected, status, col, polylist,
                        density, angle, boxw, boxh) {
        for (i in 1:length(affected)) {
            if (affected[i] == 0) {
                polygon(x + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$x * boxw,
                        y + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$y * boxh, col = NA,
                        border = col)
            if (affected[i] == 1) {
                polygon(x + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$x * boxw,
                        y + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$y * boxh, col = col,
                        border = col, density = density[i], angle = angle[i])
            if (affected[i] == -1) {
                polygon(x + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$x * boxw,
                        y + (polylist[[sex]])[[i]]$y * boxh, col = NA,
                        border = col)
                midx <- x + mean(range(polylist[[sex]][[i]]$x *
                midy <- y + mean(range(polylist[[sex]][[i]]$y *
                points(midx, midy, pch = "?", cex = min(1, cex *
        if (status == 1)
            segments(x - 0.6 * boxw, y + 1.1 * boxh, x + 0.6 *
                         boxw, y - 0.1 * boxh, )
    sex <- as.numeric(x$sex)


    for (i in 1:maxlev) {
        for (j in 1:plist$n[i]) {
            k <- plist$nid[i, j]
            drawbox(plist$pos[i, j], i, sex[k], affected[k, ],
                    status[k], col[k], polylist, density, angle,
                    boxw, boxh)
            if(printids) text(plist$pos[i, j], i + boxh + labh * 0.7, id[k],
                 cex = cex*0.8, adj = c(0.5, 1), ...)

            text(plist$pos[i, j], i + boxh + 3.5* labh * 0.7, extratext[k],
                 cex = cex, adj = c(0.5, 1), ...)

            posx[k] = plist$pos[i, j]
            posy[k] = i + boxh + 3.5* labh * 0.7



    maxcol <- ncol(plist$nid)
    for (i in 1:maxlev) {
        tempy <- i + boxh/2
        if (any(plist$spouse[i, ] > 0)) {
            temp <- (1:maxcol)[plist$spouse[i, ] > 0]
            segments(plist$pos[i, temp] + boxw/2, rep(tempy,
                                                      length(temp)), plist$pos[i, temp + 1] - boxw/2,
                     rep(tempy, length(temp)))
            temp <- (1:maxcol)[plist$spouse[i, ] == 2]
            if (length(temp)) {
                tempy <- tempy + boxh/10
                segments(plist$pos[i, temp] + boxw/2, rep(tempy,
                                                          length(temp)), plist$pos[i, temp + 1] - boxw/2,
                         rep(tempy, length(temp)))
    for (i in 2:maxlev) {
        zed <- unique(plist$fam[i, ])
        zed <- zed[zed > 0]
        for (fam in zed) {
            xx <- plist$pos[i - 1, fam + 0:1]
            parentx <- mean(xx)
            who <- (plist$fam[i, ] == fam)
            if (is.null(plist$twins))
                target <- plist$pos[i, who]
            else {
       <- (c(0, plist$twins[i, who])[1:sum(who)])
                temp <- cumsum( == 0)
                tcount <- table(temp)
                target <- rep(tapply(plist$pos[i, who], temp,
                                     mean), tcount)
            yy <- rep(i, sum(who))
            segments(plist$pos[i, who], yy, target, yy - legh)
            if (any(plist$twins[i, who] == 1)) {
                who2 <- which(plist$twins[i, who] == 1)
                temp1 <- (plist$pos[i, who][who2] + target[who2])/2
                temp2 <- (plist$pos[i, who][who2 + 1] + target[who2])/2
                yy <- rep(i, length(who2)) - legh/2
                segments(temp1, yy, temp2, yy)
            if (any(plist$twins[i, who] == 3)) {
                who2 <- which(plist$twins[i, who] == 3)
                temp1 <- (plist$pos[i, who][who2] + target[who2])/2
                temp2 <- (plist$pos[i, who][who2 + 1] + target[who2])/2
                yy <- rep(i, length(who2)) - legh/2
                text((temp1 + temp2)/2, yy, "?")
            segments(min(target), i - legh, max(target), i -
            if (diff(range(target)) < 2 * pconnect)
                x1 <- mean(range(target))
            else x1 <- pmax(min(target) + pconnect, pmin(max(target) -
                                                             pconnect, parentx))
            y1 <- i - legh
            if (branch == 0)
                segments(x1, y1, parentx, (i - 1) + boxh/2)
            else {
                y2 <- (i - 1) + boxh/2
                x2 <- parentx
                ydelta <- ((y2 - y1) * branch)/2
                segments(c(x1, x1, x2), c(y1, y1 + ydelta, y2 -
                                              ydelta), c(x1, x2, x2), c(y1 + ydelta, y2 -
                                                                            ydelta, y2))
    arcconnect <- function(x, y) {
        xx <- seq(x[1], x[2], length = 15)
        yy <- seq(y[1], y[2], length = 15) + (seq(-7, 7))^2/98 -
        lines(xx, yy, lty = 2)
    uid <- unique(plist$nid)
    for (id in uid[uid > 0]) {
        indx <- which(plist$nid == id)
        if (length(indx) > 1) {
            tx <- plist$pos[indx]
            ty <- ((row(plist$pos))[indx])[order(tx)]
            tx <- sort(tx)
            for (j in 1:(length(indx) - 1)) arcconnect(tx[j +
                                                              0:1], ty[j + 0:1])
    ckall <- x$id[$id, x$id[plist$nid]))]
    if (length(ckall > 0))
        cat("Did not plot the following people:", ckall, "\n")
    if (!keep.par)
    tmp <- match(1:length(x$id), plist$nid)
    invisible(list(plist = plist, x = plist$pos[tmp], y = row(plist$pos)[tmp],
                   boxw = boxw, boxh = boxh, call = Call))

plot.pedigree2(p,extratext = rep(1,20))
adimitromanolakis/sim1000G documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 3:44 a.m.