
Defines functions plot_mCombat_effect OLD_createHeatmap OLD_plotSilhouetteWidths OLD_plotClusterMDSSadanandam OLD_plotClusterMDSSchlicker plotSubtypesCMS.SSP plotSubtypesCMS.RF plotSadanandamSubtypeCentroids CMScolors

Documented in CMScolors plot_mCombat_effect plotSadanandamSubtypeCentroids plotSubtypesCMS.RF plotSubtypesCMS.SSP

#' Hard-code the CMS subtype colors, so that they can be reused easily.
#' @param NULL - no parameters
#' @return - vector of 4 colors, shades of orange, blue, red and green
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print(CMScolors)

CMScolors = function(){

  colors = c('orange3','blue2','lightcoral','lightgreen')
  names(colors) = c('CMS1', 'CMS2', 'CMS3', 'CMS4')



#' Plotting the scores from the signature table (CRCassigner-786) as a heatmap
#' Reference: Sadanandam et al (2013). A colorectal cancer classification system that associates
#'      cellular phenotype and responses to therapy. Nature Medicine, 19(5), 619–25. doi:10.1038/nm.3175
#' @param no inputs needed
#' @seealso \code{\link{loadSadanandamSignature}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotSadanandamSubtypeCentroids()

plotSadanandamSubtypeCentroids = function(){


  palette = colorRampPalette(c('blue','orange'))(n=1000)
  heatmap.2(as.matrix(sadanandam_786_genes), dendrogram = c('none'), scale=c('row'),
            col = palette, cexRow = 0.1, las=1, cexCol = 1, trace='none',
            main = 'Sadanandam et al 786 genes:\n rows are scaled')

#' Visualization of the results of subtypeCMS.RF().
#'    Creates barplot of posterior probabilities per sample.
#'    Also plots a heatmap of the expression of the random forest genes, using all samples.
#'    (This part has to be re-implemented. Pending on the multiFactorHeatmap rewrite.)
#' @param res - the result of subtypeCMS.RF()
#' @return barplot of the posterior probabilities for all samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat = get_TCGA_synapse()
#' res = subtypeCMS.RF(mat)
#' plotSubtypesCMS.RF(res)

plotSubtypesCMS.RF = function(res, orderBy = c('CMS4', 'CMS1', 'CMS2', 'CMS3'), names = NULL){

  # extract the posterior probabilities and transpose
  temp = t( res[, grepl('posteriorProb', colnames(res))] )

  # sort barplot by CMS4-high prob on one end, and CMS2-3-high probability on the other end
  if (!is.null(orderBy)){
    temp = temp[, order(temp[paste0('RF.',orderBy[1],'.posteriorProb'),], temp[paste0('RF.',orderBy[2],'.posteriorProb'),], temp[paste0('RF.',orderBy[3],'.posteriorProb'),]) ]

  colors = CMScolors()

  if (is.null(names)){ names = rownames(res) }

  par(mar = c(6,2,2,0))
  barplot(temp, col = colors, names.arg = names,
          legend.text = names(colors), args.legend = list(x=8, y=1),
          space = 0, las = 2, cex.names = 0.5, border = NA)

  #CMSgenes = loadCMSgenes(geneSymbol = geneSymbol)

  # assign genes loosely to a subtype using the importance scores
  #geneanno=data.frame(CMS1 = CMSgenes[, 'CMS1'] > 0.01,
  #                    CMS2 = CMSgenes[, 'CMS2'] > 0.01,
  #                    CMS3 = CMSgenes[, 'CMS3'] > 0.01,
  #                    CMS4 = CMSgenes[, 'CMS4'] > 0.01, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  #plotGenes = rownames(CMSgenes)

  #plotGenes = intersect(plotGenes, rownames(matO))
  #matO = matO[plotGenes,]
  #geneanno = geneanno[plotGenes,]

  #multiFactorHeatmap(matO-apply(matO,1,mean), data.frame(nearestSubtype = res$nearestCMS), geneanno=geneanno)

#' Visualization of the results of subtypeCMS.SSP().
#'    Creates barplot of assigned predicted and nearest subtypes.
#'    Also plots a heatmap of the computed correlations to all subtype centroids.
#' @param res - the result of subtypeCMS.SSP()
#' @return two plots, a barplot and a correlations heatmap
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat = get_TCGA_synapse()
#' res = subtypeCMS.SSP(mat)
#' plotSubtypesCMS.SSP(res)

plotSubtypesCMS.SSP = function(res){
  predicted = res$SSP.predictedCMS
  predicted[is.na(predicted)] = 'unknown'
  nearest = res$SSP.nearestCMS

  barplot(cbind( table(predicted), c(table(nearest),0) ), col = c(CMScolors(), 'gray'),
          legend.text = c('CMS1','CMS2','CMS3','CMS4','unclassified'), border=NA,
          args.legend = list(x=0.8,y=500, col = c(CMScolors(), 'gray'), bty='n'),
          xlim = c(0,1), width = 0.2, names = c('predicted\n subtype', 'nearest\n subtype'),
          main = paste0('CMS classifier - SSP, ',length(predicted), ' samples'))

  gplots::heatmap.2(as.matrix(res[,grepl('cor', colnames(res))]), dendrogram = c('row'),
            cexRow = 0.001, las=1, cexCol = 0.6, trace='none',
            main = 'Clustering of correlations\n to centroids per sample')

#' Plot two mds components for results summarized in a clustering object.
#' Uses the iNMF type results and cmdscale, as well as "type" annotation; and the Schlicker signature.
#' @param exprs - expression matrix
#' @param resInmf - a clustering object, the output of iNMF()
#' @param types - indicating different sample types (factor of level 2)
#' @param method - can be 'cmdscale', 'princomp', 'isoMDS', or 'tsne'; default is 'cmdscale'
#' @param plotName, if the plot is being saved; default is NULL
#' @param title - character string for the title of the plot, if any; default is ''
#' @export

OLD_plotClusterMDSSchlicker = function(exprs, resInmf, types, method = 'cmdscale', plotName = NULL, title = ''){

    if (grepl('cmdscale',method)){
      k = cmdscale(1-cor(exprs),k=2)
    } else if (grepl('princomp',method)){
      k = princomp(1-cor(exprs), scores=T, scale=c('none'))
      k = k$loadings[,1:2]
    } else if (grepl('isoMDS',method)){
      k = isoMDS(1-cor(exprs), y = cmdscale(1-cor(exprs), 2), k = 2, maxit = 50, trace = TRUE)
      k = k$points
    } else if (grepl('tsne',method)){
      d = 1-cor(exprs)   # 1-correlation distance
      k = tsne(d, k=2, perplexity=50, max_iter = 2000)

    rownames(k) = colnames(exprs)

    levels = levels(as.factor(types))

    if (!is.null(plotName)){ png(plotName, res=200, width=2000, height=2000) }
    plot(k[,1],k[,2], col='black', pch=19, cex=0.2, main = title)

    points(k[resInmf$step2.c2$clustering$'2.2',1],k[resInmf$step2.c2$clustering$'2.2',2], col='blue', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[resInmf$step2.c2$clustering$'2.1',1],k[resInmf$step2.c2$clustering$'2.1',2], col='skyblue', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.2',1],k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.2',2], col='darkred', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.1',1],k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.1',2], col='pink', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.3',1],k[resInmf$step2.c1$clustering$'1.3',2], col='orange', cex=0.5, pch=19)

    #for (i in 1:length(levels)){
    for (i in 1:2){
      points(k[types==levels[i],1],k[types==levels[i],2], col='black', pch=20+i, cex=1.1)

    legend('bottomleft',c('2.2','2.1','1.2','1.1','1.3'), col = c('blue','skyblue','darkred','pink','orange'), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1), bty = 'n' )

    if (!is.null(plotName)){ dev.off() }


#' Plot two mds components for results summarized in a clustering object.
#' Uses the Sadanandam type results and cmdscale, as well as "type" annotation; and the Sadanandam signature.
#' @param exprs - expression matrix
#' @param resInmf - a clustering object, the output of iNMF()
#' @param types - indicating different sample types (factor of level 2)
#' @param method - can be 'cmdscale', 'princomp', 'isoMDS', or 'tsne'; default is 'cmdscale'
#' @param plotName, if the plot is being saved; default is NULL
#' @param title - character string for the title of the plot, if any; default is ''
#' @export

OLD_plotClusterMDSSadanandam = function(exprs, clust, types, method = 'cmdscale', plotName = NULL, title = ''){

    if (grepl('cmdscale',method)){
      k = cmdscale(1-cor(exprs),k=2)
    } else if (grepl('princomp',method)){
      k = princomp(1-cor(exprs), scores=T, scale=c('none'))
      k = k$loadings[,1:2]
    } else if (grepl('isoMDS',method)){
      k = isoMDS(1-cor(exprs), y = cmdscale(1-cor(exprs), 2), k = 2, maxit = 50, trace = TRUE)
      k = k$points
    } else if (grepl('tsne',method)){
      d = 1-cor(exprs)   # 1-correlation distance
      k = tsne(d, k=2, perplexity=50, max_iter = 2000)

    rownames(k) = colnames(exprs)

    levels = levels(as.factor(types))

    if (!is.null(plotName)){ png(plotName, res=200, width=2000, height=2000) }
    plot(k[,1],k[,2], col='black', pch=19, cex=0.2, main = title)

    points(k[clust$clustering$Enterocyte,1],k[clust$clustering$Enterocyte,2], col='blue', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[clust$clustering$TA,1],k[clust$clustering$TA,2], col='skyblue', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[clust$clustering$Goblet.like,1],k[clust$clustering$Goblet.like,2], col='darkred', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[clust$clustering$Stem.like,1],k[clust$clustering$Stem.like,2], col='pink', cex=0.5, pch=19)
    points(k[clust$clustering$Inflammatory,1],k[clust$clustering$Inflammatory,2], col='orange', cex=0.5, pch=19)

    for (i in 1:2){
      points(k[types==levels[i],1],k[types==levels[i],2], col='black', pch=20+i, cex=1.1)

    legend('topright',c('Enterocyte','TA','Goblet.like','Stem.like','Inflammatory'), col = c('blue','skyblue','darkred','pink','orange'), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1), bty='n')
    if (!is.null(plotName)){ dev.off() }


#' Plot silhouette widths.
#' @param sw, silhouette width object
#' @export

OLD_plotSilhouetteWidths = function(sw){

  clusters = sort(unique(sw[,'cluster']))
  numClusters = length(clusters)
  absoluteMax = max(as.numeric(sw[,'sil_width']))   # maximum silhouette width
  par(mfrow = c(1,numClusters))

  for (c in 1:numClusters){
    swc = sw[sw[,'cluster']==clusters[c],]
    if (length(dim(swc))==0){   # only one member in this cluster

      label = names(sw[,'cluster'])[sw[,'cluster']==clusters[c]]
      value = as.numeric( sw[sw[,'cluster']==clusters[c],'sil_width'] )
      barplot(value, width = 1, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0,absoluteMax+0.01*value), main = clusters[c])
      axis(side=1,at=c(0.5),labels = c(label), cex.lab = 0.8)
      axis(side=2, at=c(0,value), las=1)


    swc = swc[order(swc[,'sil_width'],decreasing=T),]

    labels = names(swc[,'sil_width'])

    topSilW = max(as.numeric(swc[,'sil_width']))
    barplot(as.numeric(swc[,'sil_width']), width = 0.8, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0,absoluteMax+0.01*topSilW), main = clusters[c])
    ticksWhere = c(0, topSilW/2, topSilW)
    ticksWhere = round(ticksWhere, digits = 3)
    axis(side=1,at=1:length(labels)-0.5,labels = labels, cex.lab = 0.05, las = 2)
    axis(side=2, at = ticksWhere, las = 1)


#' Create subtypes heatmap.
#' Adapted from Andreas's createHeatmap() function. Need to add examples and explain inputs. Uses the function aheatmap() from the NMF package.
#' @param exprs - expression matrix (genes by samples)
#' @param clustering - list of sample clusters
#' @param signatures - list of genes per subtype
#' @param types - factor for samples types, for example c('organoids', 'TCGA-RNAseq'), used as column annotation in aheatmap()
#' @param anno_colors - used for annotation colors in aheatmap(), default is NULL
#' @param filename - to be used within aheatmap(), default is NA
#' @param cellwidth/cellheight - inputs for aheatmap(), to control the size of cells plotted
#' @seealso \code{\link[NMF]{aheatmap}}
#' @export

OLD_createHeatmap = function(exprs, clustering, signatures, types = NULL, anno_colors = NULL, filename = NA, cellwidth = 1, cellheight = 1) {

  clustering = clustering[order(names(clustering))]
  signatures = signatures[order(names(signatures))]

  require(gplots) || stop("I need package \"gplots\" for doing this.")
  require(NMF) || stop("I need package \"NMF\" for doing this.")

  bounds = quantile(exprs[unlist(signatures), unlist(clustering)], probs=c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE)

  subtypes = c()

  for (i in 1:length(clustering)) {
    subtypes = c(subtypes, rep(names(clustering)[i], times=length(clustering[[i]])) )

  features = c()
  geneSig = c()
  for (i in 1:length(signatures)) {
      geneSig = c(geneSig, rep(names(signatures)[i], times=length(signatures[[i]] ) ) )
      features = c(features, signatures[[i]])

  #heatmap.2(exprs[features, samples],
  #          trace="none",
  #          scale=c("none"),
  #          col=colorpanel(49, low="blue", high="yellow"),
  #          breaks=seq(bounds[1], bounds[2], length.out=50),
  #          ColSideColors=csd,
  #          RowSideColors=rsd,
  #          Colv=NA,
  #          Rowv=NA,
  #          dendrogram="none")

  # calculate a reordering, by clustering each subtype separately
  ordering = c()
  for (i in 1:length(clustering)){

      clusterName = names(clustering)[i]
      sig = signatures[[clusterName]]
      score = c()
      for (sample in clustering[[i]]){
          score = append(score, mean(exprs[sig,sample]))

      names(score) = clustering[[i]]
      ordering = append(ordering, names(sort(score)))

      #if (length(clustering[[i]])==0){ next }
      #if (length(clustering[[i]])==1) { ordering = append(ordering, clustering[[i]]); next }
      ## if euclidean
      ##dmat = dist(t(exprs[features, clustering[[i]]]), method = 'euclidean')
      ##d = hclust(dmat, method = 'complete')
      #d = hclust(as.dist(1-cor(exprs[features, clustering[[i]]] ) ), method = 'complete')
      #ordering = append(ordering, d$labels[d$order])
  datatypes = c()
  for (sample in ordering){
      datatypes = append(datatypes, types[ colnames(exprs)==sample ] )

  aheatmap(exprs[features, ordering, drop=FALSE],
           color = colorpanel(49, low="blue", high="yellow"),
           breaks=seq(bounds[1], bounds[2], length.out=50),
           labRow = NULL,
           labCol = NULL,
           cexRow = 0,
           cexCol = 0,
           annCol = cbind(datatypes, subtypes),
           annRow = cbind(NULL,geneSig),
           #width = 5,
           #height = 4,
           cellwidth = cellwidth,
           cellheight = cellheight,  # used these to send figure to Marc van de Wetering
           fontsize = 15,
           filename = NA

#' Visualize the effect that M-combat has on normalization.
#' Uses the input and results of the combatToRef()
#' @param myDataset - the original dataset to be normalized
#' @param refDataset - the reference dataset
#' @param normDataset - the normalized version of the original dataset
#' @return plots - what kind of plots?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print('Examples not written yet')

plot_mCombat_effect = function(myDataset, refDataset, normDataset){

  before = cmdscale(as.dist(1-cor(cbind(myDataset,refDataset), method = 'spearman')))
  after = cmdscale(as.dist(1-cor(normDataset, method = 'spearman')))
  plot(before[,1], before[,2], pch=10, cex = 0.2,
       col = c(rep('blue',ncol(myDataset)), rep('orange',ncol(refDataset))),
       main = 'before normalization', xlab = 'before, pc 1', ylab = 'before, pc2')
  plot(after[,1], after[,2], pch=10, cex = 0.2, col = c(rep('blue',ncol(myDataset)), rep('orange',ncol(refDataset))),
       main = 'after normalization', xlab = 'after, pc 1', ylab = 'after, pc2')

  # top varying genes before and after
  sd = apply(cbind(myDataset, refDataset), 1, sd)
  sd = sort(sd, decreasing = TRUE)
  bindData = t( cbind(myDataset, refDataset) )
  bindData = cbind(bindData,
                   c(rep('myDataset', ncol(myDataset)), rep('refDataset',ncol(refDataset))))
  colnames(bindData)[ncol(bindData)] = 'batch'
  colnames(bindData)[colnames(bindData) == names(sd)[1]] = 'topGene'
  colnames(bindData)[colnames(bindData) == names(sd)[2]] = 'secondGene'
  bindData = as.matrix(bindData)

  bindNormData = t(normDataset)
  bindNormData = cbind(bindNormData,
                   c(rep('myDataset', ncol(myDataset)), rep('refDataset',ncol(refDataset))))
  colnames(bindNormData)[ncol(bindNormData)] = 'batch'
  colnames(bindNormData)[colnames(bindNormData) == names(sd)[1]] = 'topGene'
  colnames(bindNormData)[colnames(bindNormData) == names(sd)[2]] = 'secondGene'
  bindNormData = as.matrix(bindNormData)

  beeswarm::beeswarm( as.double(as.character(topGene)) ~ batch, data = bindData,
                      main = paste0(names(sd)[1],': before normalization'),
                      pch=19, cex = 0.5, ylab = 'expression')
  beeswarm::beeswarm( as.double(as.character(topGene)) ~ batch, data = bindNormData,
                      main = paste0(names(sd)[1],': after normalization'),
                      pch=19, cex = 0.5, ylab = 'expression')

  beeswarm::beeswarm( as.double(as.character(secondGene)) ~ batch, data = bindData,
                      main = paste0(names(sd)[2],': before normalization'),
                      pch=19, cex = 0.5, ylab = 'expression')
  beeswarm::beeswarm( as.double(as.character(secondGene)) ~ batch, data = bindNormData,
                      main = paste0(names(sd)[2],': after normalization'),
                      pch=19, cex = 0.5, ylab = 'expression')

  # clean up
  rm(before, after, sd, bindData, bindNormData)  # clean up

aeolianine/CRCsubtyping documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 12:16 p.m.