
Defines functions .runWarpLDA_perTopic runWarpLDAModels .predictive.distribution predictiveDistribution logLikelihoodByIter selectModel .addModels .lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic runCGSModels

Documented in logLikelihoodByIter predictiveDistribution runCGSModels runWarpLDAModels selectModel

#' Run Latent Dirichlet Allocation with a Collapsed Gibbs Sampler in a cisTopic object
#' Run Latent Dirichlet Allocation with a Collapsed Gibbs Sampler in a given cisTopic object.
#' @param object Initialized cisTopic object.
#' @param topic Integer or vector of integers indicating the number of topics in the model/s (by default it is a vector with 2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 topics). We recommend to try several values
#' if possible, and select the best model based on the highest likelihood.
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use. By default it is 1, but if several models with distinct number of topics are being tested; it is
#' recommended to increase it to the number of models tested (or capacity of the machine). Parellelization is done with snow.
#' @param seed Seed for the assignment initialization for making results reproducible.
#' @param iterations Number of iterations over the data set. By default, 500 iterations are taken. However, we advise to use logLikelihoodByIter to check whether the
#' log likelihood of the model is stabilized with this parameters.
#' @param burnin Number of iterations to discard from the assingment counting. By default, 250 iterations are discarded. This number has to be
#' lower than the number of iterations.
#' @param alpha Scalar value indicating the (symmetric) Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions. By default, it is set to 50.
#' @param alphaByTopic Logical indicating whether the scalar given in alpha has to be divided by the number of topics. By default, it is set to true.
#' @param beta Scalar value indicating the (symmetric) Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic multinomilas. By default, it is set to 0.1.
#' @param returnType Defines what has to be returned to the cisTopic object: either 'allModels' or 'selectedModel'. 'allModels' will return
#' a list with all the fitted models (as lists) to object@@models, while 'selectedModel' will return the model with the best log likelihood to
#' object@@selected.model, and a dataframe with the log likelihood of the other models to object@@log.lik. By default, this function will return all models for allowing posterior selection; however, note that if the number
#' of models and the size of the data is considerably big, returning all models may be memory expensive.
#' @param addModels Whether models should be added if there is a pre-existing list of models or should be overwritten by new models. If TRUE, parameters are setted to match the existing models.
#' @param tmp Folder to save intermediate models.
#' @param ... See \code{lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler} from the package lda.
#' @return Returns a cisTopic object with the models stored in object@@models.
#' If specified, only the best model based on log likelihood is returned in object@@selected.model, and the rest of log likelihood values are stored in object@@log.lik.
#' @details The selected parameters are adapted from Griffiths & Steyvers (2004).
#' @importFrom lda lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler
#' @import parallel
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bamfiles <- c('example_1.bam', 'example_2.bam', 'example_3.bam')
#' regions <- 'example.bed'
#' cisTopicObject <- createcisTopicObjectfromBAM(bamfiles, regions)
#' cisTopicObject <- runCGSModels(cisTopicObject)

runCGSModels <- function(
  topic=c(2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
  iterations = 500,
  burnin = 250,
  alpha = 50,
  alphaByTopic = TRUE,
  addModels = TRUE,
) {
  if (burnin >= iterations){
    stop('The number of iterations must be higher than the burnin!')
  # Check
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runWarpModels']])){
    print('WarpLDA models will be removed from the current object.')
    object@calc.params[['runWarpModels']] <- NULL
    object@models <- list()
    object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runCGSModels"))[-1]], list(...))
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runModels']])){
    if (!addModels){
      object@calc.params[['runModels']] <- NULL
      object@models <- list()
      object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runCGSModels"))[-1]], list(...))
    else {
      seed <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$seed
      iterations <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$iterations
      burnin <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$burnin
      alpha <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$alpha
      alphaByTopic <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$alphaByTopic
      beta <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$beta
      object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]
      object@calc.params[['runModels']] <- NULL
      cat(paste('In order to compare these models with previous models, these parameters will take the values from the previous run: \n seed:', seed, '\n iterations:', iterations, '\n burnin:', burnin, '\n alpha:', alpha, '\n alphaByTopic:', alphaByTopic, '\n beta:', beta))
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']])){
    if (!addModels){
      object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- NULL
      object@models <- list()
      object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runCGSModels"))[-1]], list(...))
    else {
      seed <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$seed
      iterations <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$iterations
      burnin <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$burnin
      alpha <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$alpha
      alphaByTopic <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$alphaByTopic
      beta <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$beta
      cat(paste('In order to compare these models with previous models, these parameters will take the values from the previous run: \n seed:', seed, '\n iterations:', iterations, '\n burnin:', burnin, '\n alpha:', alpha, '\n alphaByTopic:', alphaByTopic, '\n beta:', beta))
    object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runCGSModels"))[-1]], list(...))
  # Take binary count matrix
  object.binary.count.matrix <- object@binary.count.matrix
  cellnames <- colnames(object.binary.count.matrix)
  regionnames <- rownames(object.binary.count.matrix)
  # Prepare data
  print('Formatting data...')
  cellList <- split(as.integer(object.binary.count.matrix@i), rep(seq_along(object.binary.count.matrix@p+1), times=diff(c(object.binary.count.matrix@p+1, length(object.binary.count.matrix@i) + 1))))
  cellList <- lapply(cellList, function(x) {x <- rbind(x, rep(as.integer(1), length(x)))}) 
  names(cellList) <- cellnames
  cellList <- lapply(cellList, function(x) {colnames(x) <- regionnames[x[1,]+1];x})
  regionList <- regionnames
  if (length(topic) > 1){
    if (length(topic) < nCores){
      print(paste('The number of cores (', nCores, ') is higher than the number of models (', length(topic),').', sep=''))
    if (nCores > 1){
      # Run models with SNOW
      print('Exporting data...')
      cl <- makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
      clusterEvalQ(cl, library(lda))
      clusterExport(cl, c("cellList", "regionList", "topic", "iterations", "burnin", "alpha", "beta", "tmp", ".lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic"), envir=environment())
      opts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
      clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)
      if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
        print('Running models...')
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t) .lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, t, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha/t, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin, tmp=tmp, ...)[-1] , .parallel = TRUE, .paropts = list(.options.snow=opts), .inform=FALSE))
        print('Running models...')
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t) .lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, t, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin, tmp=tmp, ...)[-1] , .parallel = TRUE, .paropts = list(.options.snow=opts), .inform=FALSE))
      if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
        print('Running models...')
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t) .lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, t, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha/t, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin, tmp=tmp, ...)[-1], .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))
        print('Running models...')
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t) .lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, t, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin,tmp=tmp, ...)[-1], .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))

    if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
      print('Running models...')
      models <- llply(.lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, topic, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha/topic, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin, tmp=tmp, ...)[-1], .progress = progress_text(char = "."))
      print('Running models...')
      models <- llply(.lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic(cellList, topic, regionList, num.iterations=iterations, alpha=alpha, eta=beta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin, tmp=tmp, ...)[-1], .progress = progress_text(char = "."))
  if (!is.null(object@models)){
    if(length(topic) == 1){
      models <- .addModels(c(object@models, list(models))) 
    } else {
      models <- .addModels(c(object@models, models))
  } else {
    names(models) <- laply(1:length(models), function(x) sapply(models[x], function(y) nrow(y$topic_sums)))
    object@models <- models
  if(returnType=='selectedModel') {
    object@models <- models
    object <- selectModel(object, keepModels=FALSE)

.lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler_perTopic <- function(cellList, topic, regionList, num.iterations, alpha, eta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin, tmp,...){
  model <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(cellList, topic, regionList, num.iterations=num.iterations, alpha=alpha, eta=eta, compute.log.likelihood = TRUE, burnin=burnin,...)
    saveRDS(model, file=paste0(tmp, topic, '_topic.Rds'))

# Helper function

.addModels <- function(
  names(modelList) <- laply(1:length(modelList), function(x) sapply(modelList[x], function(y) nrow(y$topic_sums)))
  modelList <- modelList[as.character(sort(as.numeric(names(modelList))))]
  modelList <- modelList[unique(names(modelList))]

#' Model selection based on log likelihood
#' Plots log likelihood of the different models and selects the best one based on the maximum likelihood (or specified by the user).
#' @param object Initialized cisTopic object or list of LDA models.
#' @param select Number of topics of the selected model. If NULL, the model with the best log likelihood is picked.
#' @param type Method for automatic selection of the best number of topics. By default, we use 'derivative' which calculates
#' the second derivative in each point and takes the maximum (recommended with runWarpLDAModels, where curves are
#' less noisy). Alternatively, if set to 'maximum', the model with the maximum log-likelihood is selected (recommended
#' with runCGSModels). For WarpLDA models, the minimum perplexity can be also used to select the best model.
#' @param keepBinaryMatrix Whether to keep the binary accessibility matrix within the cisTopic object.
#' @param keepModels Whether to keep all the models within the cisTopic object.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Returns a cisTopic object (when the input is a cisTopic object) with the selected model stored in object@@selected.model, and the log likelihoods of the models in object@@log.lik.
#' The unnormalized (when using runCGSModels) or normalized (when using runWarpLDAModels) cell assignments throughtout the sampling 
#' iterations are stored in \code{cisTopicObject@@selected.model$document_expects}; while the corresponding 
#' unnormalized region assignments are stored in \code{cisTopicObject@@selected.model$topics}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bamfiles <- c('example_1.bam', 'example_2.bam', 'example_3.bam')
#' regions <- 'example.bed'
#' cisTopicObject <- CreatecisTopicObjectfromBAM(bamfiles, regions)
#' cisTopicObject <- runCGSModels(cisTopicObject)
#' cisTopicObject <- selectModel(cisTopicObject)

selectModel <- function(
  # Checking input
  if (as.vector(class(object)) == 'cisTopic'){
    models <- object@models
    if (length(models) < 1){
      stop('Please, run runCGSModels() or runWarpLDAModels() first.')
  else if (is.list(object)){
    models <- object
    stop('Incorrect input. Is it a cisTopic object or a list of models?')
  if (length(models) < 2 && type=='derivative'){
    stop('You need at least 3 models to use the derivative method.')
  if (is.null(object@calc.params[['runWarpModels']]) && type=='derivative'){
    print('Are these CGS models? Please, use type="maximum"')

  # Make data frame
  # LL
  loglikelihood <- sapply(seq_along(models), FUN=function(i) models[[i]]$log.likelihood[2,ncol(models[[i]]$log.likelihood)])
  # Topics
  topics <-  sapply(seq_along(models), FUN=function(i) nrow(models[[i]]$topics))
  object.log.lik <- data.frame(topics=topics, LL=loglikelihood)
  object.log.lik <- object.log.lik[order(object.log.lik$topics),]
  ll <- object.log.lik$LL
  # 2nd derivative
  if (length(models) > 2){
    object.log.lik$first_derivative <- c(-Inf, (diff(ll) / diff(topics)))
    object.log.lik$second_derivative <- c(-Inf, -Inf, diff(object.log.lik$first_derivative)[-1]/diff(topics[-1]))
    # Perplexity
    if (!is.null(models[[1]]$perplexity)){
      object.log.lik$perplexity <- sapply(seq_along(models), FUN=function(i) models[[i]]$perplexity)
    } else {
        stop('The perplexity option is only available for WarpLDA models.')
  # LL
  par(bty = 'n')
  plot(object.log.lik$topics, object.log.lik$LL, xlab="Number of topics", ylab="log P(D|M,T)", type='o', pch=16, col='black', main='Model selection')

  if (is.null(select)){
    if (type=='maximum'){
      points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], max(object.log.lik$LL), pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
      title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], 'topics'))
      selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))]]
    } else if (type == 'derivative' && length(models) > 2){
      points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], object.log.lik$LL[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
      title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], 'topics'))
      selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))]]
    } else if (type == 'perplexity' & !is.null(models[[1]]$perplexity)) {
      points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], object.log.lik$LL[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
      title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], 'topics'))
      selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))]]
    points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], object.log.lik$LL[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
    title(sub=paste("Selected model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], 'topics'))
    selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)]]
  if (length(models) > 2){
    # 2nd derivative
    plot(object.log.lik$topics[-c(1, 2)], object.log.lik$second_derivative[-c(1, 2)], xlab="Number of topics", ylab="Second derivative on the log-likelihood curve", type='o',  pch=16, col='black', main='Model selection')
    if (is.null(select)){
      if (type=='maximum'){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], object.log.lik$second_derivative[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], 'topics'))
      } else if (type == 'derivative'){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], max(object.log.lik$second_derivative), pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], 'topics'))
      } else if (type == 'perplexity' & !is.null(models[[1]]$perplexity)){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], object.log.lik$second_derivative[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], 'topics'))
      points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], object.log.lik$second_derivative[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
      title(sub=paste("Selected model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], 'topics'))
      selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)]]
  # Perplexity
  if (!is.null(models[[1]]$perplexity)){
    plot(object.log.lik$topics, object.log.lik$perplexity, xlab="Number of topics", ylab="Perplexity", type='o', pch=16, col='black', main='Model selection')
    if (is.null(select)){
      if (type=='maximum'){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], object.log.lik$perplexity[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$LL == max(object.log.lik$LL))], 'topics'))
      } else if (type == 'derivative' && length(models)  > 2){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], object.log.lik$perplexity[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$second_derivative == max(object.log.lik$second_derivative))], 'topics'))
      } else if (type == 'perplexity'){
        points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], min(object.log.lik$perplexity), pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
        title(sub=paste("Best model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))], 'topics'))
        selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$perplexity == min(object.log.lik$perplexity))]]
      points(object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], object.log.lik$perplexity[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], pch=4, col='red', lwd = 7)
      title(sub=paste("Selected model:", object.log.lik$topics[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)], 'topics'))
      selected.model <- models[[which(object.log.lik$topics == select)]]

  if (as.vector(class(object)) == 'cisTopic'){
    object@log.lik <- object.log.lik
    object@selected.model <- selected.model
    if (keepBinaryMatrix != TRUE){
      object@binary.count.matrix <- NULL
    if (keepModels != TRUE){
      object@models <- list()
  else if (is.list(object)){

#' Plots log likelihood in the models per iteration.
#' Plots the log likelihood of the different models through iterations. Log likelihood after burnin should be stable, otherwise more iterations
#' may be required (together with an increase in the burnin).
#' @param object Initialized cisTopic object, after running runCGSModels.
#' @param select Plot log-likelihood per iteration for selected topics (as a vector with the number of topics per model).
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Plots the log likelihood of the models thorugh the different iterations after burnin.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bamfiles <- c('example_1.bam', 'example_2.bam', 'example_3.bam')
#' regions <- 'example.bed'
#' cisTopicObject <- CreatecisTopicObjectfromBAM(bamfiles, regions)
#' cisTopicObject <- runCGSModels(cisTopicObject)
#' cisTopicObject <- logLikelihoodByIter(cisTopicObject)

logLikelihoodByIter <- function(
  models <- object@models
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']])){
    burnin <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']][['burnin']]
    iterations <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']][['iterations']]
  } else if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runModels']])) {
    burnin <- object@calc.params[['runModels']][['burnin']]
    iterations <- object@calc.params[['runModels']][['iterations']]
  } else if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']])){
    stop('This function cannot be applied on WarpLDA models.')
  } else{
    stop('Please, run runCGSModels() first.')

  loglikelihood_iterations <- sapply(seq_along(models), FUN=function(i) models[[i]]$log.likelihood[2,])
  topics <-  sapply(seq_along(models), FUN=function(i) nrow(models[[i]]$topics))
  colnames(loglikelihood_iterations) <- paste(topics, 'topics')
  if (!is.null(select)){
    loglikelihood_iterations <- loglikelihood_iterations[,paste0(select, ' topics')]

  col <- .distinctColorPalette(ncol(loglikelihood_iterations))
  par(bty = 'n')
  matplot(1:iterations,loglikelihood_iterations,  type = 'l', lty=1, lwd=4, col = col, xlab="Iteration number", ylab="log P(D|M,T)", main='Likelihood stabilization')
  abline(v = burnin, lty=2, col='grey')
  legend("bottomright", legend = colnames(loglikelihood_iterations), fill=col)

#' Probability of each region in each cell in the data set.
#' Calculates the probability of each region in each cell.
#' @param object Initialized cisTopic object.
#' @param big.matrix If having big data, we recommend to use the bigmemory package for the calculations.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Returns a matrix where the rows are the regions, the columns the cells, and the values are the probabilities of seeing a
#' region in a matrix.
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bamfiles <- c('example_1.bam', 'example_2.bam', 'example_3.bam')
#' regions <- 'example.bed'
#' cisTopicObject <- createcisTopicObjectfromBAM(bamfiles, regions)
#' cisTopicObject <- runModels(cisTopicObject)
#' cisTopicObject <- selectModel(cisTopicObject)
#' cisTopicObject <- predictiveDistribution(cisTopicObject)

predictiveDistribution <- function(
  if (length(object@selected.model) < 1){
    stop('Please, run selectModel() first.')
  document_expects <- object@selected.model$document_expects
  topics <- object@selected.model$topics
  if ('runModels' %in% names(object@calc.params)) {
    alpha <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$alpha/length(object@selected.model$topic_sums)
    beta <- object@calc.params[['runModels']]$beta
    pred.matrix <- as.matrix(.predictive.distribution(document_expects, topics, alpha, beta, big.matrix, 'CGS'))
  } else if ('runCGSModels' %in% names(object@calc.params)) {
    alpha <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$alpha/length(object@selected.model$topic_sums)
    beta <- object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']]$beta
    pred.matrix <- as.matrix(.predictive.distribution(document_expects, topics, alpha, beta, big.matrix, 'CGS'))
  } else {
    alpha <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$alpha/length(object@selected.model$topic_sums)
    beta <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$beta
    pred.matrix <- as.matrix(.predictive.distribution(document_expects, topics, alpha, beta, big.matrix, 'WarpLDA'))

# Helper function
.predictive.distribution <- function(
  if (big.matrix){
    if(! "bigmemory" %in% installed.packages()){
      stop('Please, install bigmemory: \n install.packages("bigmemory")')
    } else {
    smoothed.topics <- as.big.matrix(t((topics + beta)/Matrix::rowSums(topics + beta)))
    if (estim.method == 'CGS') {
      props_mat <- as.big.matrix(apply(document_expects, 2, function(x) {(x + alpha)/sum(x + alpha)}))
    } else {
      props_mat <- as.big.matrix(document_expects)
  } else {
    smoothed.topics <- t((topics + beta)/Matrix::rowSums(topics + beta))
    if (estim.method == 'CGS') {
      props_mat <- apply(document_expects, 2, function(x) {(x + alpha)/sum(x + alpha)})
    } else {
      props_mat <- document_expects
  mat <- smoothed.topics %*% props_mat 

#' Run Latent Dirichlet Allocation with WarpLDA in a cisTopic object
#' Run Latent Dirichlet Allocation in a given cisTopic object.
#' @param object Initialized cisTopic object.
#' @param topic Integer or vector of integers indicating the number of topics in the model/s (by default it is a vector with 2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 topics). We recommend to try several values
#' if possible, and select the best model based on the highest likelihood.
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use. By default it is 1, but if several models with distinct number of topics are being tested; it is
#' recommended to increase it to the number of models tested (or capacity of the machine). Parellelization is done with snow.
#' @param seed Seed for the assignment initialization for making results reproducible.
#' @param iterations Number of iterations over the data set. By default, 500 iterations are taken. However, we advise to use logLikelihoodByIter to check whether the
#' log likelihood of the model is stabilized with this parameters.
#' @param alpha Scalar value indicating the (symmetric) Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions. By default, it is set to 50.
#' @param alphaByTopic Logical indicating whether the scalar given in alpha has to be divided by the number of topics. By default, it is set to true.
#' @param beta Scalar value indicating the (symmetric) Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic multinomilas. By default, it is set to 0.1.
#' @param returnType Defines what has to be returned to the cisTopic object: either 'allModels' or 'selectedModel'. 'allModels' will return
#' a list with all the fitted models (as lists) to object@@models, while 'selectedModel' will return the model with the best log likelihood to
#' object@@selected.model, and a dataframe with the log likelihood of the other models to object@@log.lik. By default, this function will return all models for allowing posterior selection; however, note that if the number
#' of models and the size of the data is considerably big, returning all models may be memory expensive.
#' @param addModels Whether models should be added if there is a pre-existing list of models or should be overwritten by new models. If TRUE, parameters are setted to match the existing models.
#' @param tmp Folder to save intermediate models.
#' @param ... See \code{LDA} from the package text2vec.
#' @return Returns a cisTopic object with the models stored in object@@models.
#' If specified, only the best model based on log likelihood is returned in object@@selected.model, and the rest of log likelihood values are stored in object@@log.lik.
#' @details The selected parameters are adapted from Griffiths & Steyvers (2004).
#' @import text2vec
#' @import parallel
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bamfiles <- c('example_1.bam', 'example_2.bam', 'example_3.bam')
#' regions <- 'example.bed'
#' cisTopicObject <- createcisTopicObjectfromBAM(bamfiles, regions)
#' cisTopicObject <- runModels(cisTopicObject)

runWarpLDAModels <- function(
  topic=c(2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
  iterations = 500,
  alpha = 50,
  # Check
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runModels']])){
    print('Collapsed Gibbs Sampling models will be removed from the current object.')
    object@calc.params[['runModels']] <- NULL
    object@models <- list()
    object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runWarpLDAModels"))[-1]], list(...))
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']])){
    print('Collapsed Gibbs Sampling models will be removed from the current object.')
    object@calc.params[['runCGSModels']] <- NULL
    object@models <- list()
    object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runWarpLDAModels"))[-1]], list(...))
  if (!is.null(object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']])){
    if (!addModels){
      print('WarpLDA models will be removed from the current object.')
      object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']] <- NULL
      object@models <- list()
      object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runWarpLDAModels"))[-1]], list(...))
    else {
      seed <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$seed
      iterations <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$iterations
      burnin <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$burnin
      alpha <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$alpha
      alphaByTopic <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$alphaByTopic
      beta <- object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']]$beta
      cat(paste('In order to compare these models with previous models, these parameters will take the values from the previous run: \n seed:', seed, '\n iterations:', iterations, '\n burnin:', burnin, '\n alpha:', alpha, '\n alphaByTopic:', alphaByTopic, '\n beta:', beta))
    object@calc.params[['runWarpLDAModels']] <- c(as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)[names(formals("runWarpLDAModels"))[-1]], list(...))
  # Initialize
  input <- Matrix::t(object@binary.count.matrix)
  if (length(topic) > 1){
    if (length(topic) < nCores){
      print(paste('The number of cores (', nCores, ') is higher than the number of models (', length(topic),').', sep=''))
    if (nCores > 1){
      # Parallelize
      print('Exporting data...')
      cl <- makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
      clusterEvalQ(cl, library(text2vec))
      clusterExport(cl, c("input", ".runWarpLDA_perTopic", "tmp", "topic", "iterations", "alpha", "beta"), envir=environment())
      opts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
      clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)
      # Initialize
      print('Run models...')
      if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t)  .runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=t, doc_topic_prior=alpha/t, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .parallel = TRUE, .paropts = list(.options.snow=opts), .inform=FALSE))
      else {
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t)  .runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=t, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .parallel = TRUE, .paropts = list(.options.snow=opts), .inform=FALSE))

    else {
      if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t)  .runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=t, doc_topic_prior=alpha/t, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))
      else {
        models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.data=topic, .fun=function(t)  .runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=t, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))
  else {
    if (alphaByTopic==TRUE){
      models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=topic, doc_topic_prior=alpha/topic, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))
    else {
      models <- suppressWarnings(llply(.runWarpLDA_perTopic(input, n_topics=topic, doc_topic_prior=alpha, topic_word_prior = beta, n_iter=iterations, tmp=tmp,...), .progress = progress_text(char = ".")))
    models <- list(models)
  if (length(topic) > 1){
    names(models) <- laply(1:length(models), function(x) sapply(models[x], function(y) nrow(y$topic_sums)))
  } else {
    names(models) <- topic
  if (!is.null(object@models)){
    models <- .addModels(c(object@models, models))
    object@models <- models
  if(returnType=='selectedModel') {
    object@models <- models
    object <- selectModel(object, keepModels=FALSE)


.runWarpLDA_perTopic <- function(input, n_topics, doc_topic_prior, topic_word_prior, n_iter, convergence_tol = 0.0001, n_check_convergence = 25, progressbar = FALSE, normalize='none', tmp=tmp){
  lda_model <- LDA$new(n_topics = n_topics, doc_topic_prior = doc_topic_prior, topic_word_prior = topic_word_prior)
  doc_topic_distr <- lda_model$fit_transform(x = input, 
                                             n_iter = n_iter,
                                             convergence_tol = convergence_tol, 
                                             n_check_convergence = n_check_convergence,
                                             progressbar = progressbar, normalize=normalize)
  model <- list()
  model$topics <- lda_model$components
  model$topic_sums <- as.matrix(rowSums(lda_model$components))
  model$document_sums <- t(doc_topic_distr)
  model$document_expects <- t(doc_topic_distr)
  model$log.likelihoods <- t(attributes(doc_topic_distr)$likelihood)
  model$perplexity <- perplexity(input, lda_model$topic_word_distribution, doc_topic_distr)
    saveRDS(model, file=paste0(tmp, n_topics, '_topic.Rds'))
aertslab/cisTopic documentation built on April 6, 2024, 9:31 p.m.