#' Effect size combination meta analysis.
#' Performs effect-size meta-analyses across all studies and seperately for
#' each tissue source.
#' Builds on \code{\link[GeneMeta]{zScores}} function from GeneMeta by allowing for genes
#' that were not measured in all studies. This implementation also uses moderated unbiased
#' effect sizes calculated by \code{\link[metaMA]{effectsize}} from metaMA and determines
#' false discovery rates using \code{\link[fdrtool]{fdrtool}}.
#' @param diff_exprs Previous result of \code{\link{diff_expr}}, which can
#' be reloaded using \code{\link{load_diff}}.
#' @param cutoff Minimum fraction of contrasts that must have measured each gene.
#' Between 0 and 1.
#' @param by_source Should seperate meta-analyses be performed for each tissue
#' source added with \code{\link{add_sources}}?
#' @return A list of named lists, one for each tissue source. Each list contains
#' two named data.frames. The first, \code{filt}, has all the columns below for genes
#' present in cutoff or more fraction of contrasts. The second, \code{raw}, has only
#' \code{dprime} and \code{vardprime} columns, but for all genes (NAs for genes
#' not measured by a given contrast).
#' \item{dprime}{Unbiased effect sizes (one column per contrast).}
#' \item{vardprime}{Variances of unbiased effect sizes (one column per contrast).}
#' \item{mu}{Overall mean effect sizes.}
#' \item{var}{Variances of overall mean effect sizes.}
#' \item{z}{Overall z score = \code{mu / sqrt(var)}.}
#' \item{fdr}{False discovery rates calculated from column \code{z} using fdrtool.}
#' \item{pval}{p-values calculated from column \code{z} using fdrtool.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lydata)
#' # location of data
#' data_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "lydata")
#' # gather GSE names
#' gse_names <- c("GSE9601", "GSE15069", "GSE50841", "GSE34817", "GSE29689")
#' # load previous analysis
#' anals <- load_diff(gse_names, data_dir)
#' # add tissue sources to perform seperate meta-analyses for each source (optional)
#' # anals <- add_sources(anals, data_dir)
#' # perform meta-analysis
#' es <- es_meta(anals, by_source = TRUE)
es_meta <- function(diff_exprs, cutoff = 0.3, by_source = FALSE) {
# used for analysis per diff_exprs
es_meta_src <- function(diff_exprs, cutoff) {
# get dp and vardp
diff_exprs <- patch_diff_exprs(diff_exprs)
es <- get_es(diff_exprs, cutoff)
# if just one contrast, use its values
if (ncol(es$filt) == 2) {
es$filt$mu <- es$filt[[1]]
es$filt$var <- es$filt[[2]]
es$filt$fdr <- diff_exprs[[1]]$top_tables[[1]]$adj.P.Val
# only proceed with genes present in 2+ studies
df <- es$filt
row_nas <- rowSums(is.na(df))
can_ma <- row_nas < ncol(df) / 2
df <- df[can_ma, ]
# can't have negative variances
# TODO: investigate how these arise
var_cols <- seq(2, ncol(df), 2)
neg_var <- apply(df[, var_cols], 1, function(row) any(row < 0, na.rm = TRUE))
df <- df[!neg_var, ]
dp <- df[, seq(1, ncol(df), 2)]
var <- df[, seq(2, ncol(df), 2)]
# get Cochran Q statistic
Q <- f.Q(dp, var)
# get tau (between study variance)
tau <- tau2.DL(Q,
num.studies = apply(var, 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x))),
my.weights = 1 / var)
# add tau to vardp then calculate mean effect sizes and variance
var <- var + tau
df$mu <- mu.tau2(dp, var)
df$var <- var.tau2(var)
# get z-score and fdr
df$z <- df$mu/sqrt(df$var)
fdr <- fdrtool::fdrtool(df$z, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
df$pval <- fdr$pval
df$fdr <- fdr$qval
es$filt <- df[order(df$fdr), ]
if (by_source) {
# check for sources
null_sources <- sapply(diff_exprs, function(anal) is.null(anal$sources))
if (any(null_sources)) {
message("Sources missing from diff_exprs (to add, use add_sources).\nContinuing with by_source = FALSE.")
es <- list(all = es_meta_src(diff_exprs, cutoff))
} else {
anals_src <- list(all = diff_exprs)
anals_src <- c(anals_src, setup_src(diff_exprs, "top_tables"))
es <- lapply(anals_src, es_meta_src, cutoff)
} else {
es <- list(all = es_meta_src(diff_exprs, cutoff))
# provides backwards compatibility for older versions of diff_exprs
# such as found in package lydata
patch_diff_exprs <- function(diff_exprs) {
for (i in seq_along(diff_exprs)) {
diff_expr <- diff_exprs[[i]]
gse_name <- names(diff_exprs)[i]
tts <- diff_expr$top_tables
for (j in seq_along(tts)) {
tt <- tts[[j]]
if (all(c("dprime", "vardprime") %in% colnames(tt))) next()
gse_con <- names(tts)[j]
con <- gsub(paste0('^', gse_name, '_'), '', gse_con)
groups <- strsplit(con, '-', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
tts[[gse_con]] <- add_es(tt, diff_expr$ebayes_sv, groups = groups)
diff_exprs[[gse_name]]$top_tables <- tts
# used by es_meta and path_meta to group top/padog tables by source
setup_src <- function(anals, ttype = c("top_tables", "padog_tables")) {
anals_srcs <- list()
# contrast sources
con_src <- unlist(sapply(unname(anals), `[[`, 'sources'))
# get added pairs
added_prs <- lapply(anals, function(anal) anal$pair)
added_prs <- unique(unlist(added_prs, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE))
# get non-pair sources
is_prs <- con_src %in% unlist(added_prs)
added_src <- sapply(unique(con_src[!is_prs]), list, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# get anals by source
for (src in c(added_prs, added_src)) {
src_name <- paste(src, collapse = ', ')
anals_srcs[[src_name]] <- lapply(anals, function(anal) {
is_src <- con_src[names(anal[[ttype]])] %in% src
if (any(is_src)) {
anal[[ttype]] <- anal[[ttype]][is_src]
else NULL
# remove NULL entries
anals_srcs <- lapply(anals_srcs, function(anals_src) anals_src[!sapply(anals_src, is.null)])
# Get dprimes and vardprimes values for each contrast.
# @inheritParams es_meta
# @return data.frame with dprime and vardprime values.
get_es <- function(diff_exprs, cutoff = 0.3) {
# get top tables
es <- lapply(diff_exprs, function(study) study$top_tables)
nm <- unlist(lapply(es, names))
nm <- paste(c('dprime', 'vardprime'), rep(nm, each=2), sep='.')
es <- unlist(es, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
# get desired top table columns
es <- lapply(es, function(top) {
top$SYMBOL <- row.names(top)
top[, c("SYMBOL", "dprime", "vardprime")]
# merge dataframes
es <- merge_dataframes(es)
names(es) <- nm
# only keep genes where more than cutoff fraction of studies have data
filt <- apply(es, 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x))) >= (ncol(es) * cutoff)
return(list(filt = es[filt, ], raw = es))
# Merge a list of data.frames.
# @param ls List of data.frames.
# @param key Column to merge data.frames on.
# @return A merged data.frame with \code{key} set to row names.
merge_dataframes <- function(ls, keys = "SYMBOL") {
# ensure non 'by' names are not duplicated
ls = Map(function(x, i)
stats::setNames(x, ifelse(names(x) %in% keys,
sprintf('%s.%d', names(x), i))),
ls, seq_along(ls))
# merge list
res <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = keys, all = TRUE), ls)
# format result
row.names(res) <- res[, keys[1]]
res[, keys[1]] <- NULL
# Modifed f.Q from GeneMeta (allows NAs)
# Compute Cochran's Q statistic. Allows genes that were not measured in all
# studies.
# @param dadj Dataframe of unbiased effect sizes (dprimes) for each contrast.
# @param varadj Dataframe of variances for unbiased effect sizes (vardprimes)
# for each contrast.
# @return A vector of length equal to the number of rows of dadj with the Q
# statistics.
f.Q <- function (dadj, varadj) {
w <- 1/varadj
tmp1 <- w * dadj
mu <- rowSums(tmp1, na.rm = TRUE)/rowSums(w, na.rm = TRUE)
Q <- rowSums(w * (dadj - mu)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
# Modifed tau2.DL from GeneMeta (allows NAs)
# tau2.DL is an estimation of tau in a random effects model (REM) using
# Cochran's Q statistic. Allows genes that were not measured in all studies.
# @param Q A vector of Cochran's Q statistics.
# @param num.studies A vector specifying the number of experiments in which each
# gene was measured.
# @param my.weights A matrix with one column for each experiment containing the
# variances of the effects that should be combined.
# @return A vector of tau values.
tau2.DL <- function (Q, num.studies, my.weights) {
tmp1 <- rowSums(my.weights, na.rm = TRUE)
tmp2 <- rowSums(my.weights^2, na.rm = TRUE)
value <- cbind((Q - (num.studies - 1))/(tmp1 - (tmp2/tmp1)), 0)
apply(value, 1, max)
# Modifed mu.tau2 from GeneMeta (allows NAs)
# Estimate overall mean effect sizes. Allows genes that were not measured in all
# studies.
# @param my.d A matrix, with one column for each experiment, containing the
# effects that should be combined.
# @param my.vars.new A matrix, with one column for each experiment, containing
# the variances of the effects that should be combined.
# @return A vector with the estimates of the overall mean effect sizes.
mu.tau2 <- function (my.d, my.vars.new) {
w <- 1/my.vars.new
tmp1 <- w * my.d
mu <- rowSums(tmp1, na.rm = TRUE)/rowSums(w, na.rm = TRUE)
# Modifed var.tau2 from GeneMeta (allows NAs)
# Estimate variances of overall mean effect sizes. Allows genes that were not
# measured in all studies.
# @inheritParams mu.tau2
# @return
var.tau2 <- function (my.vars.new) {
w <- 1/my.vars.new
my.var <- 1/rowSums(w, na.rm = TRUE)
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