
Defines functions focus_f4stats focus_f3stats focus_Dstats filter_Dstats get_Dstats read_Dstats read_f4stats read_f3stats .flip.node .get.dist.to.nmig .get.f .set.mig.coords .layout.treemix .set.x.coord .set.x.coords .set.y.coord .set.y.coords theme_treemix plot_treemix .prep.layout read_treemix

Documented in plot_treemix .prep.layout read_treemix theme_treemix

## treemix.R

#' Read TreeMix output files
#' @param stem filename stem (\code{-o} from command-line) for TreeMix output
#' @return a list with components including \code{m} (number of migration edges), \code{llik} (log-likelihood)
#'   and \code{tree} (population tree as \code{ape::phylo} object)
#' @export
read_treemix <- function(stem, ...) {
	ff <- sapply(c("cov.gz","modelcov.gz","treeout.gz","vertices.gz","edges.gz","llik"), function(f) paste0(stem, ".", f))
	if (!all(sapply(ff, file.exists))) {
		stop(paste0("Can't find all outputs from TreeMix run with prefix '",stem,"'"))
	cov <- as.matrix( read.table(gzfile(ff[1]), as.is = TRUE, head = TRUE, quote = "", comment.char = "") )
	mod <- as.matrix( read.table(gzfile(ff[2]), as.is = TRUE, head = TRUE, quote = "", comment.char = "") )
	resid <- mod - cov
	i <- upper.tri(resid, diag = FALSE)
	sse <- sum( (resid[i] - mean(resid[i]))^2 )
	ssm <- sum( (mod[i] - mean(mod[i]))^2 )
	r2 <- 1 - sse/ssm
	llik.raw <- readLines(ff[6], n = 2)[2]
	llik.matched <- stringr::str_match(llik.raw, "with (.+) migration events: (.+)\\s+")
	llik <- as.double(llik.matched[,3])
	m <- as.integer(llik.matched[,2])
	d <- paste0(stem, ".vertices.gz")
	e <- paste0(stem, ".edges.gz")
	d <- read.table(gzfile(d), as.is = TRUE, comment.char = "", quote = "")
	e <- read.table(gzfile(e), as.is  = TRUE, comment.char = "", quote = "")
	e[,3] <- e[,3]*e[,4]
	#e[,3] <- e[,3]*e[,4]
	tree <- ape::read.tree(text = readLines(gzfile(ff[3]), n = 1))
	return( list(cov = cov, cov.est = mod, resid = resid,
				 sse = sse, ssm = ssm, r2 = r2, llik = llik, m = m,
				 tree = tree, vertices = d, edges = e) )

#' draw the characteristic TreeMix tree with migration edges
.prep.layout <- function(obj, o = NA, flip = vector(), ...) {
	d <- obj$vertices
	e <- obj$edges
	for(i in seq_along(flip)) {
		d <- .flip.node(d, flip[i])
	d$x <- "NA"
	d$y <- "NA"
	d$ymin <- "NA"
	d$ymax <- "NA"
	d$x <- as.numeric(d$x)
	d$y <- as.numeric(d$y)
	d$ymin <- as.numeric(d$ymin)
	d$ymax <- as.numeric(d$ymax)
	d <- .set.y.coords(d)
	d <- .set.x.coords(d, e)
	d <- .set.mig.coords(d, e)
	stuff <- .layout.treemix(d, e, o = o)
	return(list(layout = stuff, vertices = d, edges = e))

#' Plot population tree
#' @param obj pieces of a TreeMix run from \code{read_treemix()}
#' @param plot.nodes show dots for internal and leaf nodes of population tree
#' @param plot.migration show migration edges as curved arrows
#' @param branch.colour colour to use when drawing edges of population tree
#' @param branch.width weight of drift edges of population tree
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot, with dataframes fo tips and edges of tree returned as attributes \code{attr(,"tips")}
#'     and \code{attr(,"edges")} respectively
#' @export
plot_treemix <- function(obj, plot.nodes = TRUE, plot.migration = TRUE, branch.colour = "grey", branch.width = 0.5, label = TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(obj[["layout"]]))
		obj <- .prep.layout(obj)
	stuff <- obj$layout
	d <- obj$vertices
	e <- obj$edges
	tdepth <- max(stuff$tips$x, na.rm = TRUE)
	d$xo <- d$x + 0.01*tdepth
	stuff$tips$xo <- stuff$tips$x + 0.01*tdepth
	#xlim <- c(0, max(stuff$tips$xo, na.rm = TRUE)*1+expand)
	p <- ggplot2::ggplot(stuff$tips) +
		ggplot2::geom_segment(data = subset(stuff$edges, type == "NOT_MIG"),
							  ggplot2::aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, xend = to.x, yend = to.y),
					 colour = branch.colour,
					 size = branch.width) +
		ggplot2::scale_x_continuous() +
		ggplot2::xlab("\ndrift parameter")
	if (plot.migration && nrow(subset(stuff$edges, type == "MIG"))) {
		p <- p + ggplot2::geom_curve(data = subset(stuff$edges, type == "MIG"),
									 ggplot2::aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, xend = to.x, yend = to.y, colour = weight),
									 curvature = 0.25,
									 arrow = grid::arrow(length = grid::unit(6, "points"), type = "closed"),
									 alpha = 0.5) +
			ggplot2::geom_point(data = subset(stuff$edges, type == "MIG"),
								ggplot2::aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, colour = weight)) +
			ggplot2::scale_colour_gradient2("migration weight", high = "red", mid = "yellow")
	if (label)
		p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = xo, y = y, label = pop), hjust = 0)
	if (plot.nodes)
		p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = d, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y))
	attr(p, "tips") <- tibble::as_tibble(stuff$tips)
	attr(p, "edges") <- tibble::as_tibble(stuff$edges)

#' Plotting theme for TreeMix population trees
#' @export
theme_treemix <- function(...) {
	ggplot2::theme_bw(...) + 
		ggplot2::theme(axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
					   axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
					   axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
					   axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
					   axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(),
					   panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
					   panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank()

## modified from TreeMix source

.set.y.coords <- function(d) {
	i <- which(d[,3]=="ROOT")
	y <- d[i,8]/ (d[i,8]+d[i,10])
	d[i,]$y <- 1-y
	d[i,]$ymin <- 0
	d[i,]$ymax <- 1
	c1 <- d[i,7]
	c2 <- d[i,9]
	ni <- which(d[,1]==c1)
	ny <- d[ni,8]/ (d[ni,8]+d[ni,10])
	d[ni,]$ymin <- 1-y
	d[ni,]$ymax <- 1
	d[ni,]$y <- 1- ny*(y)
	ni <- which(d[,1]==c2)
	ny <- d[ni,8]/ (d[ni,8]+d[ni,10])
	d[ni,]$ymin <- 0
	d[ni,]$ymax <- 1-y
	d[ni,]$y <- (1-y)-ny*(1-y)
	for (j in 1:nrow(d)){
		d <- .set.y.coord(d, j)

.set.y.coord <- function(d, i) {
	index <- d[i,1]
	parent <- d[i,6]
	if (!is.na(d[i,]$y)){
	tmp <- d[d[,1] == parent,]
	if ( is.na(tmp[1,]$y)){
		d <- .set.y.coord(d, which(d[,1]==parent))
		tmp <- d[d[,1]== parent,]
	py <- tmp[1,]$y
	pymin <- tmp[1,]$ymin
	pymax <- tmp[1,]$ymax
	f <- d[i,8]/( d[i,8]+d[i,10])
	#print (paste(i, index, py, pymin, pymax, f))
	if (tmp[1,7] == index){
		d[i,]$ymin <- py
		d[i,]$ymax <- pymax
		d[i,]$y <- pymax-f*(pymax-py)
		if (d[i,5]== "TIP"){
			d[i,]$y <- (py+pymax)/2
		d[i,]$ymin <- pymin
		d[i,]$ymax <- py
		d[i,]$y <- py-f*(py-pymin)
		if (d[i,5]== "TIP"){
			d[i,]$y <- (pymin+py)/2

.set.x.coords <- function(d, e) {
	i <- which(d[,3]=="ROOT")
	index <- d[i,1]
	d[i,]$x <- 0
	c1 <- d[i,7]
	c2 <- d[i,9]
	ni <- which(d[,1]==c1)
	tmpx <-  e[e[,1]==index & e[,2] == c1,3]
	if (length(tmpx) == 0){
		tmp <- e[e[,1] == index,]
		tmpc1 <- tmp[1,2]
		if ( d[d[,1]==tmpc1,4] != "MIG"){
			tmpc1 <- tmp[2,2]
		tmpx <- .get.dist.to.nmig(d, e, index, tmpc1)
	if(tmpx < 0){
		tmpx <- 0
	d[ni,]$x <- tmpx
	ni <- which(d[,1]==c2)
	tmpx <-  e[e[,1]==index & e[,2] == c2,3]
	if (length(tmpx) == 0){
		tmp <- e[e[,1] == index,]
		tmpc2 <- tmp[2,2]
		if ( d[d[,1]==tmpc2,4] != "MIG"){
			tmpc2 <- tmp[1,2]
		tmpx = .get.dist.to.nmig(d, e, index, tmpc2)
	if(tmpx < 0){
		tmpx <- 0
	d[ni,]$x <- tmpx
	for (j in 1:nrow(d)){
		d <- .set.x.coord(d, e, j)


.set.x.coord <- function(d, e, i) {
	index <- d[i,1]
	parent <- d[i,6]
	if (!is.na(d[i,]$x)){
	tmp <- d[d[,1] == parent,]
	if ( is.na(tmp[1,]$x)){
		d <- .set.x.coord(d, e, which(d[,1]==parent))
		tmp <- d[d[,1]== parent,]
	#print (paste(parent, index))
	tmpx <- e[e[,1]==parent & e[,2] == index,3]
	if (length(tmpx) == 0){
		tmp2 <- e[e[,1] == parent,]
		tmpc2 <- tmp2[2,2]
		if ( d[d[,1]==tmpc2,4] != "MIG"){
			tmpc2 <- tmp2[1,2]
		tmpx <- .get.dist.to.nmig(d, e, parent, tmpc2)
	if(tmpx < 0){
		tmpx <- 0
	d[i,]$x <- tmp[1,]$x+ tmpx

.layout.treemix <- function(d, e, o = NA, ...) {
	## containers for return values
	ne <- nrow(e)
	from.x <- numeric(ne)
	from.y <- numeric(ne)
	to.x <- numeric(ne)
	to.y <- numeric(ne)
	etype <- character(ne)
	weight <- numeric(ne)
	## loop over edges
	for(i in 1:nrow(e)) {
		v1 <- d[d[,1] == e[i,1],]
		v2 <- d[d[,1] == e[i,2],]
		from.x[i] <- v1[1,]$x
		from.y[i] <- v1[1,]$y
		to.x[i] <- v2[1,]$x
		to.y[i] <- v2[1,]$y
		etype[i] <- e[i,5]
		weight[i] <- e[i,4]
	edges <- data.frame(from.x = from.x, from.y = from.y, to.x = to.x, to.y = to.y,
						type = factor(etype), weight = weight)
	tmp <- d[d[,5] == "TIP",]
	tips <- with(tmp, data.frame(x = x, y = y, pop = V2))
	return( list(edges = edges, tips = tips) )

.set.mig.coords = function(d, e) {
	for (j in 1:nrow(d)){
		if (d[j,4] == "MIG"){
			p <- d[d[,1] == d[j,6],]
			c <- d[d[,1] == d[j,7],]
			tmpe <- e[e[,1] == d[j,1],]
			y1 <- p[1,]$y
			y2 <- c[1,]$y
			x1 <- p[1,]$x
			x2 <- c[1,]$x
			mf <- tmpe[1,6]	
			if (is.nan(mf)){
				mf <- 0
			#d[j,]$y = (y1+y2)* mf
			#d[j,]$x = (x1+x2) *mf
			d[j,]$y <- y1+(y2-y1)* mf
			#print(paste(mf, x1, x2))
			d[j,]$x <- x1+(x2-x1) *mf

.get.f = function(stem){
	d <- paste(stem, ".cov.gz", sep = "")
	d2 <- paste(stem, ".modelcov.gz", sep = "")
	d <- read.table(gzfile(d), as.is = T, comment.char = "", quote = "")
	d2 <- read.table(gzfile(d2), as.is = T, comment.char = "", quote = "")
	d <- d[order(names(d)), order(names(d))]
	d2 <- d2[order(names(d2)), order(names(d2))]
	tmpcf <- vector()
	tmpmcf <- vector()
	for (j in 1:nrow(d)){
		for (k in (j+1):nrow(d)){
			tmpcf <- append(tmpcf, d[j,k])
			tmpmcf <- append(tmpmcf, d[j,k] - d2[j,k])
	tmpv <- var(tmpmcf)/var(tmpcf)

.get.dist.to.nmig <- function(d, e, n1, n2) {
	toreturn <- e[e[,1] == n1 & e[,2] == n2,3]
	while ( d[d[,1] == n2,4] == "MIG"){
		tmp <- e[e[,1] == n2 & e[,5] == "NOT_MIG",]
		toreturn <- toreturn+tmp[1,3]
		n2 <- tmp[1,2]

.flip.node = function(d, n){
	i <- which(d[,1] == n)
	t1 <- d[i,7]
	t2 <- d[i,8]
	d[i,7] <- d[i,9]
	d[i,8] <- d[i,10]
	d[i,9] <- t1
	d[i,10] <- t2

#' @export
read_f3stats <- function(ff, ...) {
	df <- readr::read_delim(ff, delim = " ", col_names = c("trio","fstat","se","zscore"))
	pieces <- stringr::str_match(df$trio, "(.+)\\;(.+)\\,(.+)")
	df$O <- pieces[,2]
	df$A <- pieces[,3]
	df$B <- pieces[,4]

#' @export
read_f4stats <- function(ff, ...) {
	df <- readr::read_delim(ff, delim = " ", col_names = c("quartet","fstat","se","zscore"))
	pieces <- stringr::str_match(df$quartet, "(.+)\\,(.+)\\;(.+)\\,(.+)")
	df$A <- pieces[,2]
	df$B <- pieces[,3]
	df$C <- pieces[,4]
	df$D <- pieces[,5]

#' @export
read_Dstats <- function(ff, outgroup = "outgroup", ...) {
	df <- readr::read_tsv(ff, ...)
	df <- df[ ,1:9 ]
	colnames(df) <- c("W","X","Y","nABBA","nBABA","D","Dest","se","Z.value")
	df$Z <- outgroup
	df <- df[ ,c("W","X","Y","Z","nABBA","nBABA","D","Dest","se","Z.value") ]
	df$W <- gsub("\\.bam$", "", df$W)
	df$X <- gsub("\\.bam$", "", df$X)
	df$Y <- gsub("\\.bam$", "", df$Y)
	df$Z <- gsub("\\.bam$", "", df$Z)

#' @export
get_Dstats <- function(df, ...) {
	rez <- df[ ,c("A","B","C","D","fstat","zscore") ]
	colnames(rez) <- c("W","X","Y","Z","D","Z.value")

#' @export
filter_Dstats <- function(df, taxa, ...) {
	keep <- df$W %in% taxa
	keep <- keep & df$X %in% taxa
	keep <- keep & df$Y %in% taxa
	keep <- keep & df$Z %in% taxa
	return( df[ !is.na(keep) & keep, ] )

#' @export
focus_Dstats <- function(df, pop, outgroup, ...) {
	df <- subset(df, Z == outgroup & (W == pop[1] | X == pop[1]))
	swaps <- df$X == pop[1]
	tmp <- df$W
	df$W[swaps] <- df$X[swaps]
	df$X[swaps] <- tmp[swaps]
	df$D[swaps] <- -1*df$D[swaps]
	df$Dest[swaps] <- -1*df$Dest[swaps]

#' @export
focus_f3stats <- function(df, pop, outgroup, ...) {
	df <- subset(df, O == outgroup & (A == pop[1] | B == pop[1]))
	swaps <- df$B == pop[1]
	tmp <- df$A
	df$A[swaps] <- df$B[swaps]
	df$B[swaps] <- tmp[swaps]

#' @export
focus_f4stats <- function(df, pop, ...) {
	df <- subset(df, A %in% pop & B %in% pop & C %in% pop & D %in% pop)
andrewparkermorgan/popcorn documentation built on July 8, 2023, 12:42 p.m.