## Data conversion functions in R
## LGPL-3.0 License, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
## Copyright (c) 2015, Anton Antonov
## All rights reserved.
## Start date: April 2014
## This file has R functions that help the ingesting of data in R.
## Some of the functions address problematic reading of TSV / CSV files.
## Some are for field paritioning.
## Some are for conversion to sparse matrices.
## This file is included in ERTMon-R R directory in order to simplify ERTMon-R's package
## installation and function dependencies load.
## The most recent version of this file can be found in:
## https://github.com/antononcube/MathematicaForPrediction/blob/master/R/DataConversionFunctions.R
## It might be better this file functions to be in a separated package,
## but the trade-off is not clear.
# Load libraries
#' Split column of tags.
#' @description Partition combined columns
#' @param dataColumn data vector
#' @param numberOfSplits number of strings into which is field is split
#' @param emptyStringReplacement with what value empty strings are replaced
#' @export
SplitColumnOfTags <- function( dataColumn, numberOfSplits, sep = ",", emptyStringReplacement = "null" ) {
spCol <- str_split_fixed( dataColumn, sep, numberOfSplits )
spCol[ spCol == "" ] <- emptyStringReplacement
#spCol[ spCol == "null"] <- NA
##spCol <- apply( spCol, c(1,2), str_trim)
spCol <- apply( spCol, c(2), str_trim)
#' Tag baskets matrix into item tag matrix
#' @description Tag table (an R-matrix) into binary incidence sparse matrix
#' @param itemTagMat item-tag table
#' @export
TagBasketsMatrixIntoItemTagMatrix <- function( itemTagMat ) {
# Convert to long form
itRows <- reshape2::melt( itemTagMat, id.vars = colnames(itemTagMat)[[1]] )
itRows$value[ itRows$value == "" ] <- "null"
# Convert long form to sparse martix
SMRCreateItemTagMatrix( itRows, "Var1", "Var2" )
#' File columns ingestion.
#' @description Given a file name reads the data into column data frame
#' @param fname filename assumed with suffix "TSV"
#' @param sep separator
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of
#' the variables as its first line
#' @export
FileColumnsIngest <- function( fname, sep="\t", expectedColumns=3, header=TRUE, apply.iconv = TRUE ) {
con <- file(fname, "rb")
if ( apply.iconv ) {
rawContent <- iconv( readLines(con) )
} else {
rawContent <- readLines(con)
close(con) # close the connection to the file, to keep things tidy
# for each line in rawContent
# count the number of delims and compare that number to expectedColumns
indexToOffenders <-
purrr::map_int(rawContent, function(x) {
length(gregexpr(sep, x)[[1]]) != (expectedColumns-1)
# triplets <- read.csv2(rawContent[-indxToOffenders], header=TRUE, sep=cdelim)
if ( sum(indexToOffenders) > 0 ) {
rawContent <- rawContent[-indexToOffenders]
triplets <-
purrr::map_dfr( rawContent, function(x) {
if ( is.null(x) ) {
} else {
res <- strsplit(x, sep )
if ( is.null(res) || length(res) == 0 ) { NULL } else { res[[1]] }
} )
if ( header ) {
names(triplets) <- triplets[1,]
triplets <- triplets[-1,]
#' File triplets ingestion.
#' @description Given a file name reads the data into three-column data frame, removes rows with NA and "null"
#' @param fname file name
#' @param sep separator
#' @export
FileTripletsIngest <- function( fname, sep="\t" ) {
lines <- FileColumnsIngest(fname, sep, 3)
lines[,3] <- as.numeric( lines[,3] )
lines[,2] <- as.character( lines[,2] )
lines[,1] <- as.character( lines[,1] )
lines[ is.na( lines[,3]), 3] <- 0
lines <- lines[ nchar( lines[,2] ) > 0, ]
lines <- lines[ nchar( lines[,1] ) > 0, ]
lines <- lines[ complete.cases(lines), ]
#' File triplets.
#' @description Turns the triplet records of a file into a sparse matrix
#' @param fname file name
#' @param sep field separator
#' @param propertiesToStrings should all properties be turned into strings
#' @export
FileTriplets <- function( fname, sep="\t", propertiesToStrings=TRUE ) {
df <- FileTripletsIngest( fname, sep )
TripletsToSparseArray( df )
#' Combine two triplets files.
#' @description Combining the triplets of two files into a sparse matrix
#' @param fname1 name of the first file
#' @param fname2 name of the second file
#' @param sep field separator
#' @param propertiesToStrings should the properties be converted into stings
#' @export
TwoFilesTriplets <- function( fname1, fname2, sep="\t", propertiesToStrings=TRUE ) {
df1 <- FileTripletsIngest( fname1, sep )
df2 <- FileTripletsIngest( fname2, sep )
TripletsToSparseArray( rbind(df1, df2) )
#' Make a sparse array/matrix from triplets.
#' @description Turns a data frame of three columns (triplets) into a sparse matrix
#' @param triplets a data frame with three columns
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
TripletsToSparseMatrix <- function( triplets ) {
itemIDs <- unique( triplets[,1] )
propertyIDs <- unique( triplets[,2] )
itemIDToIndex <- 1:length(itemIDs)
names(itemIDToIndex) <- itemIDs
propertyIDToIndex <- 1:length(propertyIDs)
names(propertyIDToIndex) <- propertyIDs
smat <- sparseMatrix( i=itemIDToIndex[ triplets[,1] ],
j=propertyIDToIndex[ triplets[,2] ],
dims=c( length(itemIDs), length(propertyIDs) ) )
rownames(smat) <- itemIDs
colnames(smat) <- propertyIDs
# I don't think we need the rules arrays. We can always re-create them if needed.
#list( Matrix=smat, ItemIDToIndex=itemIDToIndex, PropertyIDToIndex=propertyIDToIndex )
#' Convert sparse matrix into triplets
#' @description Converts a sparse matrix into a data frame triplets.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @return A data frame of triplets.
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
SparseMatrixToTriplets <- function( smat ) {
triplets <- summary(smat)
if( !is.null(rownames(smat)) ) {
triplets$i <- rownames(smat)[ triplets$i ]
if( !is.null(colnames(smat)) ) {
triplets$j <- colnames(smat)[ triplets$j ]
as.data.frame(triplets, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' Impose row ID's to a sparse matrix.
#' @description Makes sure that the rows of a matrix are in 1-to-1 correspondence to an array of row ID's
#' @param rowIDs A character vector of row ID's.
#' @param smat A matrix with named rows.
#' @return A sparse matrix.
#' @export
ImposeRowIDs <- function( rowIDs, smat ) {
missingRows <- setdiff( rowIDs, rownames(smat) )
nMissingRows <- length( missingRows )
if ( nMissingRows > 0 ) {
# Rows are missing in the matrix
complMat <- sparseMatrix(i=c(1), j=c(1), x=c(0), dims = c( nMissingRows, ncol(smat) ) )
rownames(complMat) <- missingRows
colnames(complMat) <- colnames(smat)
smat <- rbind( smat, complMat )
# At this point each element of rowIDs should have a corresponding row in the matrix
#' Impose column ID's to a sparse matrix.
#' @description Makes sure that the rows of a matrix are in 1-to-1 correspondence to an array of row ID's
#' @param colIDs A character vector of column ID's.
#' @param smat A matrix with named columns.
#' @return A sparse matrix.
#' @export
ImposeColumnIDs <- function( colIDs, smat ) {
t( ImposeRowIDs( colIDs, t(smat)) )
#' Sparse matrix row maximums.
#' @description Find the row maximums in a sparse matrix.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @details The argument \code{smat} is expected to be of type "dgCMatrix".
#' This condition should hold \code{mean( names( RowMaxes(smat) ) == rownames(smat) ) == 1}.
#' @return A numeric vector with named elements
#' @export
RowMaxes <- function( smat ) {
rowMaxes <- setNames( ERTMon::SparseMatrixToTriplets( smat ), c("RowID", "ColID", "Value") )
rowMaxes <- rowMaxes %>% dplyr::group_by( RowID ) %>% dplyr::summarise( Max = max(Value), .groups = "drop" )
rowMaxes <- setNames( rowMaxes %>% dplyr::pull( Max ), rowMaxes %>% dplyr::pull( RowID ) )
rowMaxes <- rowMaxes[rownames(smat) ]
#' Sparse matrix column maximums.
#' @description Find the column maximums in a sparse matrix.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @details The argument \code{smat} is expected to be of type "dgCMatrix".
#' @export
ColMaxes <- function( smat ) {
#' Piecewise function constructor.
#' @description Make piecewise function for a list of values.
#' The names of the values are used as function's result.
#' If the names are NULL they are automatically assigned to be ordinals starting from 1.
#' Similar behavior is provided by the base function \code{findInterval}.
#' @param points A list of named values; if the values are not named automatic naming is used.
#' @param tags The values to be returned for the ranges defined by points.
#' @details \code{length(points) == length(tags) - 1}
MakePiecewiseFunction <- function( points, tags=NULL ) {
if ( length(points) == 0 || is.null(points) ) {
warning("NULL or an empty list is given as an argument.", call.=TRUE )
return( NULL )
if ( !is.numeric(points) ) {
warning("The first argument, points, is expected to be a numeric list.", call. =TRUE )
return( NULL )
if ( !is.null(tags) && !is.numeric(tags) ) {
warning("The second argument, tags, is expected to be NULL or a numeric list.", call.=TRUE )
return( NULL )
points <- sort(points)
if ( is.null( tags ) ) {
tags <- 0:length(points)
funcStr <- paste( "function(x){ ( x <=" , points[1], " ) *", tags[1] )
for( i in 1:(length(points)-1) ) {
funcStr <- paste( funcStr, "+ (", points[i], "< x & x <=", points[i+1], ")*", tags[i+1] )
funcStr <- paste( funcStr, "+ (", points[length(points)], " < x )*", tags[length(points)+1], "}" )
eval( parse( text=funcStr ) )
#' Multi-value column ingestion.
#' @param itemRows a data frame of flat content data
#' @param tagTypeColName column name of the relationship to be ingested in \code{itemRows}
#' @param itemIDName
#' @param nTagsPerField number of tags per field of the column \code{colName} in\code{itemRows}
#' @export
IngestMultiValuedDataColumn <- function( itemRows, tagTypeColName, itemIDColName = "ID", nTagsPerField = 12, split = "," ) {
spdf <- str_split_fixed( itemRows[, tagTypeColName], pattern = split, n=nTagsPerField )
spdf <- as.data.frame( spdf, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
for( i in 1:ncol(spdf) ) {
spdf[[i]] <- gsub( pattern = "^\\W", replacement = "", spdf[[i]] )
names( spdf ) <- paste( "tag", 1:nTagsPerField, sep="_" )
tags.itemRows <- cbind( "id"=itemRows[[itemIDColName]], spdf )
tags.itemRows$'tag_1'[ tags.itemRows$'tag_1' == "N/A" ] <- NA
tags.itemRows <- tags.itemRows[ !is.na( tags.itemRows$'tag_1' ), ]
## In order to fit the sparse matrix creation
tags <- unique( do.call(c, spdf) )
tags <- data.frame( 'id'=1:length(tags), 'name'=tags[order(tags)] )
tagToIDRules <- tags$id; names(tagToIDRules) <- tags$name
for( i in 2:ncol(tags.itemRows) ) {
tags.itemRows[[i]] <- tagToIDRules[ tags.itemRows[[i]] ]
names(tags.itemRows) <- c( "id", paste( "tag_id", 1:nTagsPerField, sep="_" ) )
# result
list( tags = tags, tags.items = tags.itemRows )
## For backward compatibility
IngestMovieDataColumn <- IngestMultiValuedDataColumn
#' Convert multi-column data frame into a sparse matrix.
#' @param Multi-column data frame id-tag relationship
#' @param idColName the column name of the item ID
#' @param tagTypeColNames names of the tag type column names
#' @details This does not work if the \code{tagTypeColNames} have dash in them.
#' I assume because of the string-to-formula conversion in \code{SMRCreateItemTagMatrix}.
#' Obviously, the dependence of the \code{SMRCreateItemTagMatrix} can be removed.
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
ConvertMultiColumnDataFrameToSparseMatrix <- function( multiColDF, itemColName, tagTypeColNames ) {
emptyColumns <- purrr::map_lgl( tagTypeColNames, function(tt) mean( is.na( multiColDF[,tt] ) ) == 1 )
if ( sum( !emptyColumns ) < 1 ) {
stop( "All tag columns are empty.", call. = TRUE )
tagTypeColNames <- tagTypeColNames[ !emptyColumns ]
## Find all the sub-matrices with for the tag types
gmats <-
purrr::map( tagTypeColNames, function( tt ) {
SMRCreateItemTagMatrix( dataRows = multiColDF, itemColumnName = itemColName, tagType = tt )
} )
## Find all tags
allTags <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( gmats, colnames ) ) )
allIDs <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( gmats, rownames ) ) )
## Impose the tags to all tags matrices
gmats <- purrr::map( gmats, function(m) { ImposeRowIDs( allIDs, ImposeColumnIDs( allTags, m ) ) })
## Sum the tag matrices into one matrix
gmat <- gmats[[1]]
for( i in 2:length(gmats) ) { gmat <- gmat + gmats[[i]] }
#' Make a matrix by column partitioning.
#' @description Make categorical representation of the numerical values of a column in a data frame and
#' produce a matrix with the derived categorical tags as columns and values of a specified data column as rows.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param colNameForRows a column name in data for the rows of the result matrix
#' @param colNameForColumns a column name in data for the columns of the result matrix
#' @param breaks the points over which the breaking of \code{data[colNameForColumns]} is done
#' @param leftOverlap vector of weights for the neighboring columns to left
#' @param rightOverlap vector of weights for the neighboring columns to right
#' @param colnamesPrefix prefix for the columns names
#' @export
MakeMatrixByColumnPartition <- function( data, colNameForRows, colNameForColumns, breaks = 10, leftOverlap = NULL, rightOverlap = NULL, colnamesPrefix = "" ) {
if( is.numeric( breaks ) && length( breaks ) == 1 ) {
d0 <- min(data[[colNameForColumns]]); d1 <- max(data[[colNameForColumns]])
breaks <- seq( d0, d1, (d1-d0)/(breaks-1) )
smat <- data[ , c(colNameForRows, colNameForColumns) ]
qF <- MakePiecewiseFunction( breaks )
smat <- cbind( smat, parts = purrr:map_dbl( smat[[colNameForColumns]], qF ) )
smat <- xtabs( as.formula( paste( "~", colNameForRows, "+ parts") ), smat, sparse = TRUE )
colnames(smat) <- paste( colnamesPrefix, colnames(smat), sep="" )
if ( !is.null( leftOverlap ) && !is.null( rightOverlap ) ) {
genMat <- smat
if ( !is.null( leftOverlap ) ) {
addMat <- smat
zeroCol <- sparseMatrix( i = c(1), j = c(1), x = 0, dims = c( nrow(smat), 1 ) )
for( w in rev(leftOverlap) ) {
addMat <- addMat[,2:ncol(addMat)]
addMat <- cBind( addMat, zeroCol )
smat <- smat + w * addMat
if ( !is.null( rightOverlap ) ) {
if ( is.null( leftOverlap ) ) { addMat <- smat } else { addMat <- genMat }
zeroCol <- sparseMatrix( i = c(1), j = c(1), x = 0, dims = c( nrow(smat), 1 ) )
for( w in rightOverlap ) {
addMat <- addMat[,1:(ncol(addMat)-1)]
addMat <- cBind( zeroCol, addMat )
smat <- smat + w * addMat
#' Convert to incidence matrix by column values.
#' @description Replaces each a column of a integer matrix with number of columns corresponding to the integer values.
#' The matrix \code{[[2,3],[1,2]]} is converted to \code{[[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1],[0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0]]} .
#' @param mat an integer matrix to be converted to column value incidence matrix.
#' @param rowNames boolean to assign or not the result matrix row names to be the argument matrix row names
#' @param colNames boolean to assign or not the result matrix column names derived from the argument matrix column names
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
ToColumnValueIncidenceMatrix <- function( mat, rowNames = TRUE, colNames = TRUE ) {
tmat <- as( mat, "dgCMatrix")
df <- summary(tmat)
df <- data.frame(df)
# minInt <- min(mat,na.rm = T); maxInt <- max(mat,na.rm = T)
minInt <- min(tmat@x); maxInt <- max(tmat@x)
#step <- maxInt - minInt + 1 ## this isincorrect df$j computed as df$j <- ( df$j - 1 ) * step + df$x
step <- maxInt + 1
if( min(df$x) < 0 ) {
warning( "The non-zero values of the matrix are expected to be non-negative integers.", call. = TRUE)
df$j <- ( df$j - 1 ) * step + df$x + 1
## In other words we are doing this:
## triplets <- ddply( .data = df, .variables = .(i,j),
## .fun = function(row) { c(row[[1]], (row[[2]]-1)*step + row[[3]] + 1, 1) })
## Convinient way to check the implmentation:
## resMat <- sparseMatrix( i = df$i, j = df$j, x = df$x, dims = c( nrow(mat), ncol(mat)*step ) )
resMat <- sparseMatrix( i = df$i, j = df$j, x = rep(1,length(df$x)), dims = c( nrow(mat), ncol(mat)*step ) )
if ( rowNames ) { rownames(resMat) <- rownames(mat) }
if ( colNames ) {
colnames(resMat) <- as.character(unlist(Map( function(x) { paste(x, 0:maxInt, sep = ".") }, colnames(mat))))
## Add date tags
#' Adding date derived tags.
#' @description Aggregate values for given column names.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param dateColumnName a date column over which the aggregation is done
#' @export
AddDateTags <- function( data, dateColumnName ) {
dateCol <- enquo(dateColumnName)
qRes <-
data %>%
dplyr::mutate( DayBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "days" ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( MonthBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "months" ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( YearBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "years" ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( Month = months( !!dateCol ), Weekday = weekdays( !!dateCol ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( Weekday = factor( Weekday, levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ) ) ) %>%
dplyr::mutate( Month = factor( Month, levels = c( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ) ) )
## Summary parititiong
#' Summary by columns partitioning.
#' @description Print the summary of data frame in a series of specified number of columns.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param numberOfColumns number of columns for the partitioning
#' @export
SummaryPartitioned <- function( data, numberOfColumns = 3, ...) {
k <- 1
while( k <= ncol(data)) {
if( k > 1 ) { cat("\n") }
k1 <- min( ncol(data), k + numberOfColumns-1 )
print( summary( data[, k:k1, drop=F ], ... ) )
k <- k + numberOfColumns
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