
Defines functions SummaryPartitioned AddDateTags ToColumnValueIncidenceMatrix MakeMatrixByColumnPartition ConvertMultiColumnDataFrameToSparseMatrix IngestMultiValuedDataColumn MakePiecewiseFunction ColMaxes RowMaxes ImposeColumnIDs ImposeRowIDs SparseMatrixToTriplets TripletsToSparseMatrix TwoFilesTriplets FileTriplets FileTripletsIngest FileColumnsIngest TagBasketsMatrixIntoItemTagMatrix SplitColumnOfTags

Documented in AddDateTags ColMaxes ConvertMultiColumnDataFrameToSparseMatrix FileColumnsIngest FileTriplets FileTripletsIngest ImposeColumnIDs ImposeRowIDs IngestMultiValuedDataColumn MakeMatrixByColumnPartition MakePiecewiseFunction RowMaxes SparseMatrixToTriplets SplitColumnOfTags SummaryPartitioned TagBasketsMatrixIntoItemTagMatrix ToColumnValueIncidenceMatrix TripletsToSparseMatrix TwoFilesTriplets

## Data conversion functions in R
## LGPL-3.0 License, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
## Copyright (c) 2015, Anton Antonov
## All rights reserved.
## Start date: April 2014
## This file has R functions that help the ingesting of data in R.
## Some of the functions address problematic reading of TSV / CSV files.
## Some are for field paritioning.
## Some are for conversion to sparse matrices.
## This file is included in ERTMon-R R directory in order to simplify ERTMon-R's package 
## installation and function dependencies load.
## The most recent version of this file can be found in:
##     https://github.com/antononcube/MathematicaForPrediction/blob/master/R/DataConversionFunctions.R
## It might be better this file functions to be in a separated package, 
## but the trade-off is not clear.

# Load libraries

#' Split column of tags.
#' @description Partition combined columns
#' @param dataColumn data vector
#' @param numberOfSplits number of strings into which is field is split
#' @param emptyStringReplacement with what value empty strings are replaced
#' @export
SplitColumnOfTags <- function( dataColumn, numberOfSplits, sep = ",", emptyStringReplacement = "null"  ) {
  spCol <- str_split_fixed( dataColumn, sep, numberOfSplits )
  spCol[ spCol == "" ] <- emptyStringReplacement
  #spCol[ spCol == "null"] <- NA
  ##spCol <- apply( spCol, c(1,2), str_trim)
  spCol <- apply( spCol, c(2), str_trim)

#' Tag baskets matrix into item tag matrix
#' @description Tag table (an R-matrix) into binary incidence sparse matrix
#' @param itemTagMat item-tag table
#' @export
TagBasketsMatrixIntoItemTagMatrix <- function( itemTagMat ) {
  # Convert to long form
  itRows <- reshape2::melt( itemTagMat, id.vars = colnames(itemTagMat)[[1]] )
  itRows$value[ itRows$value == "" ] <- "null"
  # Convert long form to sparse martix
  SMRCreateItemTagMatrix( itRows, "Var1", "Var2" )

#' File columns ingestion.
#' @description Given a file name reads the data into column data frame
#' @param fname filename assumed with suffix "TSV"
#' @param sep separator
#' @param header a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of 
#' the variables as its first line
#' @export
FileColumnsIngest <- function( fname, sep="\t", expectedColumns=3, header=TRUE, apply.iconv = TRUE ) {
  con <- file(fname, "rb")
  if ( apply.iconv ) {
    rawContent <- iconv( readLines(con) )
  } else {
    rawContent <- readLines(con)
  close(con)  # close the connection to the file, to keep things tidy

  # for each line in rawContent
  # count the number of delims and compare that number to expectedColumns
  indexToOffenders <-
    purrr::map_int(rawContent, function(x) {
      length(gregexpr(sep, x)[[1]]) != (expectedColumns-1)

  # triplets <- read.csv2(rawContent[-indxToOffenders], header=TRUE, sep=cdelim)
  if ( sum(indexToOffenders) > 0 ) {
    rawContent <- rawContent[-indexToOffenders]

  triplets <-
    purrr::map_dfr( rawContent, function(x) {
      if ( is.null(x) ) {
      } else {
        res <- strsplit(x, sep )
        if ( is.null(res) || length(res) == 0 ) { NULL } else { res[[1]] }
    } )

  if ( header ) {
    names(triplets) <- triplets[1,]
    triplets <- triplets[-1,]

#' File triplets ingestion.
#' @description Given a file name reads the data into three-column data frame, removes rows with NA and "null"
#' @param fname file name
#' @param sep separator
#' @export
FileTripletsIngest <- function( fname, sep="\t" ) {
  lines <- FileColumnsIngest(fname, sep, 3)
  lines[,3] <- as.numeric( lines[,3] )
  lines[,2] <- as.character( lines[,2] )
  lines[,1] <- as.character( lines[,1] )
  lines[ is.na( lines[,3]), 3] <- 0
  lines <- lines[ nchar( lines[,2] ) > 0,  ]
  lines <- lines[ nchar( lines[,1] ) > 0,  ]
  lines <- lines[ complete.cases(lines), ]

#' File triplets.
#' @description Turns the triplet records of a file into a sparse matrix
#' @param fname file name
#' @param sep field separator
#' @param propertiesToStrings should all properties be turned into strings
#' @export
FileTriplets <-  function( fname, sep="\t", propertiesToStrings=TRUE ) {
  df <- FileTripletsIngest( fname, sep )
  TripletsToSparseArray( df )

#' Combine two triplets files.
#' @description Combining the triplets of two files into a sparse matrix
#' @param fname1 name of the first file
#' @param fname2 name of the second file
#' @param sep field separator
#' @param propertiesToStrings should the properties be converted into stings
#' @export
TwoFilesTriplets <- function( fname1, fname2, sep="\t", propertiesToStrings=TRUE ) {
  df1 <- FileTripletsIngest( fname1, sep )
  df2 <- FileTripletsIngest( fname2, sep )
  TripletsToSparseArray( rbind(df1, df2) )

#' Make a sparse array/matrix from triplets.
#' @description Turns a data frame of three columns (triplets) into a sparse matrix
#' @param triplets a data frame with three columns
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
TripletsToSparseMatrix <-  function( triplets ) {
  itemIDs <- unique( triplets[,1] )
  propertyIDs <- unique( triplets[,2] )
  itemIDToIndex <- 1:length(itemIDs)
  names(itemIDToIndex) <- itemIDs
  propertyIDToIndex <- 1:length(propertyIDs)
  names(propertyIDToIndex) <- propertyIDs
  smat <- sparseMatrix( i=itemIDToIndex[ triplets[,1] ],
                        j=propertyIDToIndex[ triplets[,2] ],
                        dims=c( length(itemIDs), length(propertyIDs) )  )
  rownames(smat) <- itemIDs
  colnames(smat) <- propertyIDs

  # I don't think we need the rules arrays. We can always re-create them if needed.
  #list( Matrix=smat, ItemIDToIndex=itemIDToIndex, PropertyIDToIndex=propertyIDToIndex )

#' Convert sparse matrix into triplets
#' @description Converts a sparse matrix into a data frame triplets.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @return A data frame of triplets.
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
SparseMatrixToTriplets <- function( smat ) {
  triplets <- summary(smat)
  if( !is.null(rownames(smat)) ) {
    triplets$i <- rownames(smat)[ triplets$i ]
  if( !is.null(colnames(smat)) ) {
    triplets$j <- colnames(smat)[ triplets$j ]
  as.data.frame(triplets, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' Impose row ID's to a sparse matrix.
#' @description Makes sure that the rows of a matrix are in 1-to-1 correspondence to an array of row ID's
#' @param rowIDs A character vector of row ID's.
#' @param smat A matrix with named rows.
#' @return A sparse matrix.
#' @export
ImposeRowIDs <- function( rowIDs, smat ) {

  missingRows <- setdiff( rowIDs, rownames(smat) )
  nMissingRows <- length( missingRows )

  if ( nMissingRows > 0 ) {
    # Rows are missing in the matrix
    complMat <- sparseMatrix(i=c(1), j=c(1), x=c(0), dims = c( nMissingRows, ncol(smat) ) )

    rownames(complMat) <- missingRows
    colnames(complMat) <- colnames(smat)

    smat <- rbind( smat, complMat )
  # At this point each element of rowIDs should have a corresponding row in the matrix

#' Impose column ID's to a sparse matrix.
#' @description Makes sure that the rows of a matrix are in 1-to-1 correspondence to an array of row ID's
#' @param colIDs A character vector of column ID's.
#' @param smat A matrix with named columns.
#' @return A sparse matrix.
#' @export
ImposeColumnIDs <- function( colIDs, smat ) {

  t( ImposeRowIDs( colIDs, t(smat)) )

#' Sparse matrix row maximums.
#' @description Find the row maximums in a sparse matrix.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @details The argument \code{smat} is expected to be of type "dgCMatrix".
#' This condition should hold \code{mean( names( RowMaxes(smat) ) == rownames(smat) ) == 1}.
#' @return A numeric vector with named elements
#' @export
RowMaxes <- function( smat ) {
  rowMaxes <- setNames( ERTMon::SparseMatrixToTriplets( smat ), c("RowID", "ColID", "Value") )
  rowMaxes <- rowMaxes %>% dplyr::group_by( RowID ) %>% dplyr::summarise( Max = max(Value), .groups = "drop" ) 
  rowMaxes <- setNames( rowMaxes %>% dplyr::pull( Max ), rowMaxes %>% dplyr::pull( RowID ) ) 
  rowMaxes <- rowMaxes[rownames(smat) ]

#' Sparse matrix column maximums.
#' @description Find the column maximums in a sparse matrix.
#' @param smat A sparse matrix.
#' @details The argument \code{smat} is expected to be of type "dgCMatrix".
#' @export
ColMaxes <- function( smat ) {

#' Piecewise function constructor.
#' @description Make piecewise function for a list of values.
#' The names of the values are used as function's result.
#' If the names are NULL they are automatically assigned to be ordinals starting from 1.
#' Similar behavior is provided by the base function \code{findInterval}.
#' @param points A list of named values; if the values are not named automatic naming is used.
#' @param tags The values to be returned for the ranges defined by points.
#' @details \code{length(points) == length(tags) - 1}
MakePiecewiseFunction <- function( points, tags=NULL ) {
  if ( length(points) == 0 || is.null(points) ) {
    warning("NULL or an empty list is given as an argument.", call.=TRUE )
    return( NULL )
  if ( !is.numeric(points) ) {
    warning("The first argument, points, is expected to be a numeric list.", call. =TRUE )
    return( NULL )
  if ( !is.null(tags) && !is.numeric(tags) ) {
    warning("The second argument, tags, is expected to be NULL or a numeric list.", call.=TRUE )
    return( NULL )

  points <- sort(points)

  if ( is.null( tags ) ) {
    tags <- 0:length(points)

  funcStr <- paste( "function(x){ ( x <=" , points[1], " ) *", tags[1] )

  for( i in 1:(length(points)-1) ) {
    funcStr <- paste( funcStr, "+  (", points[i], "< x & x <=", points[i+1], ")*", tags[i+1] )

  funcStr <- paste( funcStr, "+ (", points[length(points)], " < x )*", tags[length(points)+1], "}" )

  eval( parse( text=funcStr ) )

#' Multi-value column ingestion.
#' @param itemRows a data frame of flat content data
#' @param tagTypeColName column name of the relationship to be ingested in \code{itemRows}
#' @param itemIDName 
#' @param nTagsPerField number of tags per field of the column \code{colName} in\code{itemRows}
#' @export
IngestMultiValuedDataColumn <- function( itemRows, tagTypeColName, itemIDColName = "ID", nTagsPerField = 12, split = "," ) {

  spdf <- str_split_fixed( itemRows[, tagTypeColName], pattern = split, n=nTagsPerField )
  spdf <- as.data.frame( spdf, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
  for( i in 1:ncol(spdf) ) {
    spdf[[i]] <- gsub( pattern = "^\\W", replacement = "", spdf[[i]] )
  names( spdf ) <- paste( "tag", 1:nTagsPerField, sep="_" )

  tags.itemRows <- cbind( "id"=itemRows[[itemIDColName]], spdf )

  tags.itemRows$'tag_1'[ tags.itemRows$'tag_1' == "N/A" ] <- NA
  tags.itemRows <- tags.itemRows[ !is.na( tags.itemRows$'tag_1' ), ]

  ## In order to fit the sparse matrix creation
  tags <- unique( do.call(c, spdf) )
  tags <- data.frame( 'id'=1:length(tags), 'name'=tags[order(tags)] )
  tagToIDRules <- tags$id; names(tagToIDRules) <- tags$name
  for( i in 2:ncol(tags.itemRows) ) {
    tags.itemRows[[i]] <- tagToIDRules[ tags.itemRows[[i]] ]
  names(tags.itemRows) <- c( "id", paste( "tag_id", 1:nTagsPerField, sep="_" ) )

  # result
  list( tags = tags, tags.items = tags.itemRows )

## For backward compatibility
IngestMovieDataColumn <- IngestMultiValuedDataColumn

#' Convert multi-column data frame into a sparse matrix.
#' @param Multi-column data frame id-tag relationship
#' @param idColName the column name of the item ID
#' @param tagTypeColNames names of the tag type column names 
#' @details This does not work if the  \code{tagTypeColNames} have dash in them.
#' I assume because of the string-to-formula conversion in  \code{SMRCreateItemTagMatrix}.
#' Obviously, the dependence of the  \code{SMRCreateItemTagMatrix} can be removed.
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
ConvertMultiColumnDataFrameToSparseMatrix <- function( multiColDF, itemColName, tagTypeColNames ) {

  emptyColumns <- purrr::map_lgl( tagTypeColNames, function(tt) mean( is.na( multiColDF[,tt] ) ) == 1 )

  if ( sum( !emptyColumns ) < 1 ) {
    stop( "All tag columns are empty.", call. = TRUE )
  tagTypeColNames <- tagTypeColNames[ !emptyColumns ]

  ## Find all the sub-matrices with for the tag types
  gmats <- 
    purrr::map( tagTypeColNames, function( tt ) {
      SMRCreateItemTagMatrix( dataRows = multiColDF, itemColumnName = itemColName, tagType = tt )
    } )

  ## Find all tags
  allTags <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( gmats, colnames ) ) )
  allIDs <- unique( unlist( purrr::map( gmats, rownames ) ) )

  ## Impose the tags to all tags matrices
  gmats <- purrr::map( gmats, function(m) { ImposeRowIDs( allIDs, ImposeColumnIDs( allTags, m ) ) })

  ## Sum the tag matrices into one matrix
  gmat <- gmats[[1]]
  for( i in 2:length(gmats) ) { gmat <- gmat + gmats[[i]] }


#' Make a matrix by column partitioning.
#' @description Make categorical representation of the numerical values of a column in a data frame and 
#' produce a matrix with the derived categorical tags as columns and values of a specified data column as rows. 
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param colNameForRows a column name in data for the rows of the result matrix
#' @param colNameForColumns a column name in data for the columns of the result matrix
#' @param breaks the points over which the breaking of \code{data[colNameForColumns]} is done
#' @param leftOverlap vector of weights for the neighboring columns to left
#' @param rightOverlap vector of weights for the neighboring columns to right
#' @param colnamesPrefix prefix for the columns names
#' @export
MakeMatrixByColumnPartition <- function( data, colNameForRows, colNameForColumns, breaks = 10, leftOverlap = NULL, rightOverlap = NULL, colnamesPrefix = "" ) {

  if( is.numeric( breaks ) && length( breaks ) == 1 ) {
    d0 <- min(data[[colNameForColumns]]); d1 <- max(data[[colNameForColumns]])
    breaks <- seq( d0, d1, (d1-d0)/(breaks-1) )

  smat <- data[ , c(colNameForRows, colNameForColumns) ]
  qF <- MakePiecewiseFunction( breaks )
  smat <- cbind( smat, parts = purrr:map_dbl( smat[[colNameForColumns]], qF ) )
  smat <- xtabs( as.formula( paste( "~", colNameForRows, "+ parts") ), smat, sparse = TRUE )
  colnames(smat) <- paste( colnamesPrefix, colnames(smat), sep="" )

  if ( !is.null( leftOverlap ) && !is.null( rightOverlap ) ) {
    genMat <- smat

  if ( !is.null( leftOverlap ) ) {

    addMat <- smat
    zeroCol <- sparseMatrix(  i = c(1), j = c(1), x = 0, dims = c( nrow(smat), 1 ) )

    for( w in rev(leftOverlap) ) {
      addMat <- addMat[,2:ncol(addMat)]
      addMat <- cBind( addMat, zeroCol )
      smat <- smat + w * addMat

  if ( !is.null( rightOverlap ) ) {

    if ( is.null( leftOverlap ) ) { addMat <- smat } else { addMat <- genMat }

    zeroCol <- sparseMatrix(  i = c(1), j = c(1), x = 0, dims = c( nrow(smat), 1 ) )

    for( w in rightOverlap ) {
      addMat <- addMat[,1:(ncol(addMat)-1)]
      addMat <- cBind( zeroCol, addMat )
      smat <- smat + w * addMat


#' Convert to incidence matrix by column values.
#' @description Replaces each a column of a integer matrix with number of columns corresponding to the integer values.
#' The matrix \code{[[2,3],[1,2]]} is converted to \code{[[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1],[0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0]]} .
#' @param mat an integer matrix to be converted to column value incidence matrix.
#' @param rowNames boolean to assign or not the result matrix row names to be the argument matrix row names
#' @param colNames boolean to assign or not the result matrix column names derived from the argument matrix column names
#' @family Sparse matrix transformation functions
#' @export
ToColumnValueIncidenceMatrix <- function( mat, rowNames = TRUE, colNames = TRUE ) {

   tmat <- as( mat, "dgCMatrix")
   df <- summary(tmat)
   df <- data.frame(df)
   # minInt <- min(mat,na.rm = T); maxInt <- max(mat,na.rm = T)
   minInt <- min(tmat@x); maxInt <- max(tmat@x)
   #step <- maxInt - minInt + 1 ## this isincorrect df$j computed as  df$j <- ( df$j - 1 ) * step + df$x
   step <- maxInt + 1

   if( min(df$x) < 0 ) {
      warning( "The non-zero values of the matrix are expected to be non-negative integers.", call. = TRUE)

   df$j <- ( df$j - 1 ) * step + df$x + 1
   ## In other words we are doing this:
   ## triplets <- ddply( .data = df, .variables = .(i,j),
   ##                   .fun = function(row) { c(row[[1]], (row[[2]]-1)*step + row[[3]] + 1, 1) })

   ## Convinient way to check the implmentation:
   ## resMat <- sparseMatrix( i = df$i, j = df$j, x = df$x, dims = c( nrow(mat), ncol(mat)*step ) )
   resMat <- sparseMatrix( i = df$i, j = df$j, x = rep(1,length(df$x)), dims = c( nrow(mat), ncol(mat)*step ) )
   if ( rowNames ) { rownames(resMat) <- rownames(mat) }

   if ( colNames ) { 
     colnames(resMat) <- as.character(unlist(Map( function(x) { paste(x, 0:maxInt, sep = ".") }, colnames(mat))))

## Add date tags

#' Adding date derived tags.
#' @description Aggregate values for given column names.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param dateColumnName a date column over which the aggregation is done
#' @export
AddDateTags <- function( data, dateColumnName ) {

  dateCol <- enquo(dateColumnName)

  qRes <-
  data %>%
    dplyr::mutate( DayBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "days" ) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( MonthBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "months" ) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( YearBoundary = ceiling_date( !!dateCol, "years" ) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( Month = months( !!dateCol ), Weekday = weekdays( !!dateCol ) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( Weekday = factor( Weekday, levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ) ) ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( Month = factor( Month, levels = c( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" )  ) )


## Summary parititiong

#' Summary by columns partitioning.
#' @description Print the summary of data frame in a series of specified number of columns.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param numberOfColumns number of columns for the partitioning
#' @export
SummaryPartitioned <- function( data, numberOfColumns = 3, ...) {

  k <- 1

  while( k <= ncol(data)) {
    if( k > 1 ) { cat("\n") }
    k1 <- min( ncol(data), k + numberOfColumns-1 )
    print( summary( data[, k:k1, drop=F ], ... ) )
    k <- k + numberOfColumns
antononcube/ERTMon-R documentation built on Oct. 14, 2021, 2:27 p.m.