# A local (for now) utility function
.extract <- function(m, tags, simplify_names=TRUE){
xs <- rmonad::get_value(m, tag=tags)
for(tag in tags){
names(xs) <- sub(pattern=tag, replacement="", names(xs))
names(xs) <- sub(pattern="//", replacement="/", names(xs))
names(xs) <- sub(pattern="^/", replacement="", names(xs))
# extract a tag from a list of things
.select_tag <- function(xs, pattern){
xs <- xs[grepl(pattern=pattern, x=names(xs), perl=TRUE)]
names(xs) <- sub(pattern=pattern, replacement="", x=names(xs))
# Create a table from a named list of named vectors
# @param xs named list of named vectors
# @param fill ANY - value to replace missing cells with
# @param sort logical - sort the columns
# @param remove_empty should columns filled with only this value be removed?
.rbindlist <- function(xs, fill=0, sort=TRUE, remove_empty=FALSE){
chars <- lapply(xs, names) %>% unlist %>% unique
chars <- sort(chars)
tbl <- do.call(rbind, lapply(xs, function(x) x[match(chars, names(x))]))
colnames(tbl) <- chars
tbl[is.na(tbl)] <- fill
tbl <- tbl[, apply(tbl, 2, function(x) !all(x == fill))]
# Calculate GC content from a named vector of counts
.get_gc <- function(x){
(x['G'] + x['C']) / (x['G'] + x['C'] + x['A'] + x['T'])
# Summarize a list numeric vectors
make_numeric_summary_table <- function(nd){
min = sapply(nd, function(x) x@min)
, q25 = sapply(nd, function(x) x@q25)
, median = sapply(nd, function(x) x@median)
, q75 = sapply(nd, function(x) x@q75)
, max = sapply(nd, function(x) x@max)
, mean = sapply(nd, function(x) x@mean)
, sd = sapply(nd, function(x) x@sd)
, n = sapply(nd, function(x) x@n)
# Given a data.frame with species as rownames: 1) create a new 'species'
# column, 2) remove the rownames, 3) sort by the vector 'levels' (this will
# normally be the phylogenetic order).
rownames_as_species <- function(x, levels=unique(rownames(x))){
x$species <- rownames(x) %>% factor(levels=levels)
rownames(x) <- NULL
dplyr::arrange(x, species) %>%
{ .[c(ncol(.), 1:(ncol(.)-1))] } # put species first
#' Transpose the species data summaries
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
get_summaries <- function(m){
aa = .extract(m, "summary_aa"),
genome = .extract(m, "summary_genome"),
gff = .extract(m, "summary_gff"),
nstring = .extract(m, "summary_nstring"),
orffaa = .extract(m, "summary_orffaa"),
orfgff = .extract(m, "summary_orfgff"),
phase = .extract(m, "summary_phase"),
transfna = .extract(m, "summary_transfna"),
transorfaa = .extract(m, "summary_transorfaa"),
transorfgff = .extract(m, "summary_transorfgff")
#' Get a table listing the scaffold count for each species
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
number_of_scaffolds <- function(m){
.extract(m, "summary_genome") %>% lapply(function(s) nrow(s@table)) %>%
{data.frame(nscaffold = unlist(.))}
#' Get a table listing the first protein residue counts for each species
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
initial_protein_residue_counts <- function(m){
.extract(m, "summary_aa") %>%
lapply(function(s) s@initial_residue) %>%
lapply(function(x) {names(x)[which(names(x) == '*')] <- "STOP"; x}) %>%
#' Get a table listing the last protein residue proportions for each species
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
final_protein_residue_counts <- function(m){
.extract(m, "summary_aa") %>%
lapply(function(s) s@final_residue) %>%
lapply(function(x) {names(x)[which(names(x) == '*')] <- "STOP"; x}) %>%
#' Count the internal stop codons in each species protein models
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
protein_has_internal_stop <- function(m){
.extract(m, "summary_aa") %>%
lapply(function(s) s@has_internal_stop) %>%
#' Summarize the genomic composition of each species
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
genomic_composition <- function(m){
.extract(m, "summary_genome") %>%
lapply(function(s) s@comp %>% colSums) %>%
.rbindlist(sort=FALSE, remove_empty=TRUE)
#' Get the phylogenetic order of species (mostly useful for plotting)
#' @param con Config object
#' @export
get_species_phylogenetic_order <- function(con){
#' Tabulate states for each genome
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @param species_order all species in tree order
#' @export
make_genome_table <- function(m, species_order){
nscaf <- number_of_scaffolds(m)
initialRes <- initial_protein_residue_counts(m)
finalRes <- final_protein_residue_counts(m)
hasStop <- protein_has_internal_stop(m)
genComp <- as.data.frame(genomic_composition(m))
genComp$GC <- (genComp$G + genComp$C) / (genComp$G + genComp$C + genComp$A + genComp$T)
species <- factor(species_order, levels=species_order)
scafs <- as.matrix(nscaf)[species_order, ]
bases <- sapply(.extract(m, "summary_genome"), function(x) x@table$length %>% sum)
prots <- sapply(.extract(m, "summary_aa"), function(x) sum(x@initial_residue))
GC <- as.matrix(genComp)[species_order, 'GC']
oddstart <- apply(initialRes, 1, function(x) { sum(x) - x['M'] })
oddstop <- apply(finalRes, 1, function(x) { sum(x) - x['STOP'] })
p_N <- as.matrix(genComp)[, "N"]
n_stop <- hasStop %>% unlist
species = species
, scafs = scafs[species_order]
, bases = bases[species_order]
, prots = prots[species_order]
, GC = GC[species_order]
, oddstart = oddstart[species_order]
, oddstop = oddstop[species_order]
, p_N = p_N[species_order]
, n_stop = n_stop[species_order]
) %>% dplyr::arrange(species)
#' Tabulate states for each genome
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @export
make_synmap_table <- function(m){
.extract(m, 'synmap_summary') %>%
lapply(function(x) {
w <- x@width
values <- c(w@min, w@q25, w@median, w@q75, w@max, w@mean, w@sd, w@n)
names(values) <- c("min", "q25", "median", "q75", "max", "mean", "sd", "N")
}) %>%
#' Tabulate states for each genome
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @param genes character list of genes to subset the table by
#' @param group string - either "query" or "control"
#' @export
make_synder_table <- function(m, genes=NULL){
.extract(m, 'synder_out') %>%
# target and query are actually the same, so no need to do both
.select_tag("^query/") %>%
x <- x[S4Vectors::mcols(x)$attr %in% genes]
CNEr::second(x) %>%
GenomicRanges::width() %>%
}) %>%
#' Get tables of number of search intervals
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @export
get_synder_nsi <- function(m){
xs <- .extract(m, 'synder_out') %>%
# target and query are actually the same, so no need to do both
tabs <- lapply(xs, function(x){
S4Vectors::mcols(x)$attr %>% as.factor %>% table %>%
seqid = names(.),
count = as.integer(.)
tabs <- lapply(names(tabs), function(n){
d <- tabs[[n]]
names(d)[2] <- n
.merge <- function(x, y){
merge(x, y, by='seqid', all=TRUE)
tab <- Reduce(f=.merge, x=tabs[-1], init=tabs[[1]])
tab[is.na(tab)] <- 0
#' Get summary table of synder search intervals per gene counts
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @export
get_synder_count_table <- function(m, genes=NULL){
x <- get_synder_nsi(m)
if(! is.null(genes)){
x <- x[x$seqid %in% genes, ]
x[-1] %>%
lapply(summarize_numeric) %>%
#' Tabulate the query to target relationships
#' This function takes the final Rmonad object returned from a successful fagin
#' run and tabulates the binary features, secondary classes, and primary
#' classes for each focal gene against each target species.
#' @param m Rmonad object storing the results of a successful run
#' @return data.frame results
#' @export
make_query_target_table <- function(m){
apply_names <- function(x, f){
xnames <- names(x)
x <- lapply(names(x), function(name) f(x[[name]], name))
names(x) <- xnames
# Gather binary features
feats <- rmonad::get_value(m, tag='feature_table/query')
names(feats) <- sub("feature_table/query/", "", names(feats))
feats <- apply_names(feats, function(d, n) {d$target_species <- n; d})
feats_table <- do.call(rbind, feats)
rownames(feats_table) <- NULL
# Gather class (e.g. UNO), primary, and secondary labels
seclabels <- rmonad::get_value(m, tag="query_labels")[[1]]
seclabels <- apply_names(seclabels$labels, function(d, n) {d$target_species <- n; d})
sec_table <- do.call(rbind, seclabels)
rownames(sec_table) <- NULL
# Merge it
big_table <- merge(feats_table, sec_table, by=c("seqid", "target_species"))
# Add final class
classStr <- rmonad::get_value(m, tag='query_origins')[[1]]$classStr
big_table$class <- classStr[big_table$seqid]
# Check it
stopifnot(nrow(big_table) == nrow(feats_table))
#' Summarize the synder flags for each species
#' @param m Romand object
#' @param group string - either "query" or "control"
#' @export
make_synder_flag_table <- function(m, group="query"){
.extract(m, 'summary_synder_flags') %>%
.select_tag(paste0("^", group)) %>%
dplyr::select(d, -attr) %>% colSums
}) %>%
label_desc <- data.frame(
desc = c(
"AA match to known protein" , #O1
"AA match to genic ORF" , #O2
"AA match to inter-genic ORF" , #O3
"maps off the scaffold" , #U1
"possible indel" , #U2
"possible N-string" , #U3
"syntenically scrambled" , #U5
"seriously unknown" , #U6
"skipped for technical reasons" , #U7
"DNA match to CDS" , #N1
"DNA match to exon" , #N2
"DNA match to gene" , #N3
"DNA match to inter-genic region" #N4
secondary = c(
"O1" ,
"O2" ,
"O3" ,
"U1" ,
"U2" ,
"U3" ,
"U5" ,
"U6" ,
"U7" ,
"N1" ,
"N2" ,
"N3" ,
#' Make a table of the secondary labels for each query gene
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @export
make_secondary_genewise_table <- function(m){
labels <- .extract(m, "query_labels")[[1]]$labels
species_order <- names(labels)
function(x) {
dplyr::select(labels[[x]], seqid, secondary) %>%
{ names(.)[2] <- x; . }
) %>% Reduce(f=merge) %>% { .[, c('seqid', species_order[-1])] }
#' Summarize secondary labels as a table
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @param species_order all target species in tree order
#' @param strata A table with the phylostrata of each query gene
#' @export
make_secondary_labels_table <- function(m, strata=NULL, species_order){
parse_labels <- function(labels){
labels %>%
function(x) {
dplyr::group_by(x[-1], primary, secondary, group) %>% dplyr::count()
) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id='species') %>%
.$species <- factor(.$species, levels=species_order)
. <- merge(., label_desc)
.$desc <- paste(.$secondary, .$desc, sep=': ')
qlabels <- .extract(m, "query_labels")[[1]]$labels
qtab <- if(is.null(strata)){
parse_labels(lapply(qlabels, function(x) {x$group = "query"; x}))
} else {
, function(x) {
x <- merge(strata, x)
x$group = ifelse(x$ps == max(x$ps), "orphan", "lineage-specific")
ctab <- parse_labels(lapply(
.extract(m, "control_labels")[[1]]$labels
, function(x) {x$group = "control"; x}
rbind(qtab, ctab)
#' Plot the secondary labels
#' @param m Rmonad
#' @param species_order all target species in tree order
#' @param strata A table with the phylostrata of each query gene
#' @param fill character - either 'secondary' or not
#' @export
plot_secondary_labels <- function(m, species_order, strata, fill='secondary'){
dat <- make_secondary_labels_table(m, species_order=species_order, strata=strata)
if(fill == 'secondary'){
ggplot2::ggplot(dat) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(x=species, y=n, fill=desc), position="dodge", stat="identity") +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired") +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=325, hjust=0, vjust=1)) +
x="Target species",
y="# of focal genes"
) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(group ~ .)
} else {
ggplot2::ggplot(dat) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette="Paired") +
ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(x=desc, y=n, fill=species), position="dodge", stat="identity")+
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=325, hjust=0, vjust=1)) +
fill="Target species",
y="# of focal genes"
) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(group ~ ., scales="free")
#' Make a table of the origin summaries for each gene
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @export
make_origin_table <- function(m){
query <- get_value(m, tag='query_origins')[[1]]$classSum
cntrl <- get_value(m, tag='control_origins')[[1]]$classSum
tbl <- merge(query, cntrl, by='group', all=TRUE)
tbl[is.na(tbl)] <- 0
names(tbl) <- c('group', 'query', 'control')
#' Organize output data into a small archive
#' Running \code{run_fagin} will produce a large archive with cached data and
#' many intermediate files. This function digests that archive into a clean,
#' succinct, well-organized folder.
#' @param con Config object
#' @return filename of the output archive
make_result_archive <- function(con){
stop("This function is a stub")
#' Create an excel spreadsheet of fagin results
#' Contains all the tabular data created by the \code{make_result_archive} function.
#' @param con Config object
make_excel_spreadsheet <- function(m, filename="fagin-result.xlsx"){
# TODO: if I can save the image as an EMF, it can be edited in Excel (at
# least on windows), but currently there seems to be a bug in XLConnect (or
# some dependency) that prevents this. See
# https://github.com/miraisolutions/xlconnect issue #22
ss <- get_summaries(m)
species_order <- get_species_phylogenetic_order(con)
wb <- XLConnect::loadWorkbook(filename, create=TRUE)
gentab <- make_genome_table(ss, species_order)
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Genome Summaries")
XLConnect::writeWorksheet(wb, data=gentab, sheet="Genome Summaries")
maptab <- make_synmap_table(con)
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Synmap Summaries")
XLConnect::writeWorksheet(wb, data=maptab, sheet="Synmap Summaries")
syntab <- make_synder_table(con)
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Synder Summaries")
XLConnect::writeWorksheet(wb, data=syntab, sheet="Synder Summaries")
key <- label_desc[, c(2,1)]
names(key) <- c("label", "description")
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Key")
XLConnect::writeWorksheet(wb, data=key, sheet="Key")
labtab <- make_secondary_table(con, species_order)
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Labels")
XLConnect::writeWorksheet(wb, data=labtab, sheet="Labels")
dir <- dirname(filename)
dir.create(file.path(dir, 'figures'), recursive=TRUE)
fig1_path <- file.path(dir, 'figures', 'fig1.png')
fig2_path <- file.path(dir, 'figures', 'fig2.png')
plot_secondary_labels(con, species_order)
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Fig1")
name = 'Fig1',
formula = paste('Fig1', XLConnect::idx2cref(c(1, 1)), sep="!")
filename = fig1_path,
name = 'Fig1',
originalSize = TRUE
plot_secondary_labels(con, species_order, fill='species')
XLConnect::createSheet(wb, "Fig2")
name = 'Fig2',
formula = paste('Fig2', XLConnect::idx2cref(c(1, 1)), sep="!")
filename = fig2_path,
name = 'Fig2',
originalSize = TRUE
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