Man pages for arendsee/phylostratr
Analyze phylostratigraphic data

add_organelle_proteinsAdd organelle ID lists for each proteome
add_proteome_statsAdd proteome stats for each proteome
add_taxaAdd an id to a representative list
arabidopsisArabidopsis thaliana vignette data
arabidopsis_strataAn Arabidopsis thaliana based Strata object
atreeA simple, bifurcating tree for use in util examples
childrenGet the immediate children of a node
classify_by_adjusted_pvalueInfer homology inference based on an adjusted p-value...
classify_by_evalueInfer homology inference based on a hard e-value threshold
classify_by_pvalueInfer homology inference based on a hard p-value threshold
clean_phyidConvert node/tip name to id, check size
constrictFind the focal sequences that are not represented in the...
CountMatrixInitialize a CountMatrix object
data_tree_to_result_treeConvert sequence tree to result tree
descendent_nodesGet all nodes (leafs and ancestors) descending from, and...
descendentsGet all leafs descending from a set of ids
diverse_subtreeGet a diverse subset of species from tree
edgelist_to_phyloMake a phylo object from an edgelist
extract_uniprot_id_from_fastaParse a UniProt ID from a FASTA file
find_revenantsFind genes that with matches that skip strata
get_besthitGet the "besthit" table for a given species
get_max_hitGet the maximum hit
get_mrca_namesGet an ordered factor mapping MRCA taxon IDs (as vector...
get_phylostrata_mapGet a phylostrata map from a Strata object
get_rootGet the root of a tree
has_headerEnsure the first line of a file has contains all of the...
homolog_tree_to_phylostrataConvert a homolog tree to a phylostrata table
is_rootVectorized tree root finder
is_valid_strataAssert a Strata object is valid, die on failure
leafsGet leaf indices
lineageFind the ancestors of a node
lineages_to_phyloMake a tree from the union of lineages
lineage_to_ancestor_treeMake a tree of ancestors from a lineage
load_hittableLoad a table of scored matches
make_blast_databaseBuild a blast database for one species
make_diamond_databaseBuild a diamond database for one species author urmi
make_jump_matrixGet comparisons of inferences across scoring systems
make_matrix_from_two_strataMake a count matrix from two strata
make_significance_matricesGet comparisons of inferences across scoring systems
make_tree_relative_toOrganize the tips with the focal_id on tip
map_idsMap indices from a to b based off tip labels
map_node_labelMap nodes names from a to b
merge_besthitsBuild a single data.frame with an MRCA column from stratified...
merge_phyloMerge fully named subtrees according to a reference tree
ncbi_ancestorsGet the lineage of a given species
ncbi_auntsGet all ancestral sisters of a taxon
ncbi_cousinsGet the species level cousins of a taxid
ncbi_treeBuild a phylogenetic tree from a list of NCBI taxon IDs
nleafsGet the number of leafs
nodesGet node indices
normalize_matrix_by_colNormalize a matrix such that columns sum to 1
normalize_matrix_by_rowNormalize a matrix such that rows sum to 1
organelle_tableBuild a table of organelle count statistics
parentVectorized node parent getter
partial_id_to_nameConvert vector of mixed IDs and names to a vector of names
phylostratrphylostratr: Phylostratigraphy execution and analysis
plot.CountMatrixPlot a CountMatrix object
plot_heatmapsPlots for the hit distribution of all genes
plot_phyloheatmapBuild a phylostratigraphic heatmap
plot_proteome_lengthsPlot the ordered lengths of all proteins in all proteomes
plot_proteome_statsPlot summary statistics for all proteomes
plot.StrataPlot a Strata object
print.StrataStrata print generic function
proteome_report_tableGenerate a summary table of proteome stats
proteome_stats_tableBuild a table of proteome statistics
pruneRemove the specified indices, and their descendents, from the...
prune_phylostrataGiven a strata table, remove given strata
query_sparqlExecute a SPARQL query
read_blastRead a blast result of the form expected by phylostratr
rename_speciesRename a species in a Strata object
replace_branchReplace a branch on a Strata
result_tree_to_homolog_treeConvert tree of p-values to a homolog tree
result_tree_to_pvalue_treeConvert tree of raw results to a p-value tree
run_blastpBLAST query protein FASTA file against a subject species
run_diamond_blastpBLAST query protein FASTA file against a subject species...
run_hmmscanFind domains in a protein file
saccharomycesA custom Strata object for the Saccharomyces genus
set_node_namesIf nodes are not named, give them default names
sistersGet the sisters of a node
sister_treesGet list of sister trees for a given node
sort_strataSort strata relative to focal species
species_to_species_treeGet a species tree tracing back to origin for the focal...
species_tree_to_data_treeAcquire the protein sequence of each species
standardize_strataStandardize two or more phylostrata tables
StrataInitialize a Strata object
strata_applyApply f to each outgroup branch ascending node id
strata_besthitsLoad each blast result and filter out the best hit against...
strata_blastBlast strata
strata_convertConvert strata data, tip, and node names to and from NCBI...
strata_diamondauthor urmi Blast strata using diamond blastp
strata_from_blast_dirBuild a Strata object from a directory of BLAST results
strata_from_taxidsMake a Strata object from a list of taxon ids
strata_mapApply f to each outgroup branch ascending node id, returning...
strata_uniprot_pfam_mapRetrieve uniprot to pfam maps for all taxa
stratifyGet the phylostratum of each query gene
subset_fastaSelect ids from a FASTA file, creating a new file
subtreeSelect a subset of nodes from a tree
t.CountMatrixTranspose a CountMatrix
thin_fastaSelect n entries from a FASTA file, creating a new file
tree2edgelistConvert a tree to an edge list
tree_namesGet the names of all leafs and nodes in a tree
tree_sizeGet the number of species and ancestors in the tree
uniprot_add_idmapExtract an ID map from uniprot fasta files
uniprot_downstream_idsGet the uniprot ids downstream of a node
uniprot_fill_strataDownload sequence data for each species in a UniProt-based...
uniprot_map2pfamMap UniProt IDs for an organism to PFAM IDs
uniprot_organelle_idsGet the uniprot ids for organelle proteins of a given taxid
uniprot_retrieve_proteomeRetrieve UniProt proteome
uniprot_retrieve_proteome_tableRetrieve UniProt proteome table
uniprot_sample_prokaryotesRandomly sample prokaryotic representatives
uniprot_strataGiven a focal taxid, build a UniProt-based Strata object
uniprot_weight_by_refMake reference-species preferring weight vector for...
use_recommended_prokaryotesUse the prokaryotic species that I use
arendsee/phylostratr documentation built on Dec. 31, 2022, 10:22 a.m.