#' @useDynLib smmtools
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
## use package-local variables
## Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12598242/global-variables-in-packages-in-r/12605694
smmenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
x = "genomeInfo",
value = data.frame(
genome = c("hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10"),
BSGenome = c(
blasklist = c(
TxDb = c(
OrgDb = c(
ArchRgeneAnnotation = c(
ArchRgenomeAnnotation = c(
row.names = c("hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10")
envir = smmenv
#' Install genome/TxDb/OrgDb
#' Install the genome from BiocManager if the corresponding BSgenome does not exists.
#' Ref: ArchR addArchRGenome
#' @param genome str
#' @param dbnm str
#' @return name str
#' @export
installGenomeRelatedDatabase <- function(genome, dbnm) {
lowergenome <- tolower(genome)
lowerdbnm <- tolower(dbnm)
if(!(lowergenome %in% smmenv$genomeInfo$genome)){
stop(paste0(genome, " not in ", paste0(smmenv$genomeInfo$genome, collapse = ",")))
if(!(lowerdbnm %in% colnames(smmenv$genoemInfo))) {
stop(paste0(lowerdbnm, " not in ", paste0(colnames(smmenv$genoemInfo), collapse = ",")))
fulldb <- smmenv$genomeInfo[lowergenoem, lowerdbnm]
if(!requireNamespace(fulldb, quitely = TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install(fulldb, update = FALSE)
#' get black list
#' Return GRanges. Empty GRanges will be return if no name matches the genome or network issusue.
#' Ref: ArchR .getBlacklist
#' @param genome str
#' @return GRanges
#' @export
getBlacklist <- function(genome) {
lowergenome <- tolower(genome)
if (lowergenome %in% smmenv$genomeInfo$genome) {
bl <- tryCatch({
blacklist <- rtracklayer::import.bed(smmenv$genomeInfo[lowergenome, "blacklist"])
}, error = function(x) {
message("Find the blacklist, but failed at download. Return Empty GRanges.")
message(paste0(genome, " not in ", paste0(smmenv$genomeInfo$genome, collapse = ",")))
#' filter ChrGR
#' Ref: ArchR filterChrGR
#' @param gr GRanges
#' @param remove charactervector extra seqlevels to be removed
#' @param underscore bool remove seqlevels containing an underscore
#' @param standard bool keep all the standard genomes
#' @return gr GRanges
#' @export
filterChrGR <- function(gr = NULL, remove = NULL, understcore = TRUE){
if(is.null(gr)) {
gr <- GenomeInfoDb::keepStandardChromosomes(gr, pruning.mode = "coarse")
chrNames <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gr)
chrRemove <- c()
#first we remove all chr with an underscore
chrRemove <- c(chrRemove, which(grepl("_", chrNames)))
#next we remove all chr specified in remove
chrRemove <- c(chrRemove, which(chrNames %in% remove))
if(length(chrRemove) > 0){
chrKeep <- chrNames[-chrRemove]
chrKeep <- chrNames
#this function restores seqlevels
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(gr, pruning.mode="coarse") <- chrKeep
#' get TSS from TxDb
#' Ref: ArchR createGeneAnnotation
#' @param TxDb TxDbobjet
#' @return TSS GenomicRanges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene)
#' TxDb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
#' TSS <- getTSSFromTxDb(TxDb)
getTSSFromTxDb <- function(TxDb) {
return(BiocGenerics::unique(IRanges::resize(x = GenomicFeatures::transcripts(TxDb), width = 1, fix = "start")))
#' get gene or genome Annotation from ArchR data.
#' Ref: ArchR getArchRGenome
#' @param tag string, gene or genome
#' @param genome string genomenm
#' @return annotation SimpleGenomicRangesList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getAnnotFromArchRData(tag = "gene", genome = "mm10")
getAnnotFromArchRData <- function(tag, genome) {
lowertag <- tolower(tag)
if (!(lowertag %in% c("gene", "genome"))) {
stop(paste0(lowertag, " not in ", paste0(c("gene", "genome"), collapse = ",")))
lowergenome <- tolower(genome)
if(!(lowergenome %in% smmenv$genomeInfo$genome)){
stop(paste0(genome, " not in ", paste0(smmenv$genomeInfo$genome, collapse = ",")))
ArchRtag <- "ArchRgeneAnnotation"
if(tag == "genome") {
ArchRtag <- "ArchRgenomeAnnotation"
AnnoName <- smmenv$genomeInfo[genome, ArchRtag]
eval(parse(text = paste0("data(", AnnoName, ', package = "smmtools")')))
return(eval(parse(text = gsub("ArchR", "", AnnoName))))
#' subset GeneAnnotation by GenomeAnnotation
#' Ref: ArchR .validGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno
#' @param geneAnnotation SimpleGenomicRangesList for genes
#' @param genomeAnnotation SimpleGenomicRangesList for genomic
#' @return geneAnnotation SimpleGenomicRangesList limited by genomicAnnotation
#' @export
subsetGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno <- function(geneAnnotation, genomeAnnotation) {
genomeChrs <- unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(genomeAnnotation$chromSize))
geneChrs <- unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(geneAnnotation$genes))
if(!all(geneChrs %in% genomeChrs)) {
geneNotIn <- geneChrs[!(geneChrs %in% genomeChrs)]
message("Found Gene Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing: ", paste0(geneNotIn, collapse = ","))
geneAnnotation$genes <- subsetSeqnamesGR(gr = geneAnnotation$genes, names = genomeChrs)
exonChrs <- unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(geneAnnotation$genes))
if(!all(exonChrs %in% genomeChrs)) {
exonNotIn <- exonChrs[!(exonChrs %in% genomeChrs)]
message("Found Exon Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing: ", paste0(exonNotIn, collapse = ","))
geneAnnotation$exons <- subsetSeqnamesGR(gr = geneAnnotation$exons, names = genomeChrs)
TSSChrs <- unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(geneAnnotation$genes))
if(!all(TSSChrs %in% genomeChrs)) {
TSSNotIn <- TSSChrs[!(TSSChrs %in% genomeChrs)]
message("Found TSS Seqnames not in GenomeAnnotation chromSizes, Removing: ", paste0(TSSNotIn, collapse = ","))
geneAnnotation$TSS <- subsetSeqnamesGR(gr = geneAnnotation$TSS, names = genomeChrs)
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