#' Read fragment information
#' Ref: ArchR .tabixTotmp
#' @param tabixFile string fragment file name, only tab/tab.gz file (.tabix should be in the same folder)
#' @param tileChromSizes GenomeRanges, tiled ChromSizes
#' @param sampleName string the sample corresponding to the fragment file
#' @param barcodes vector of string, optional, barcodes we want
#' @param outH5File string, filename of the output h5file
#' @param nChunk integer partition each chrom into nChunk pieces
#' @return outputH5File string name of the output file
#' @export
tabixToH5SingleThread <- function(tabixFile, tileChromSizes, outH5File,
sampleName = NULL, barcodes = NULL) {
tstart <- Sys.time()
message(paste("Tabix to h5 with single thread starts at", tstart), "...")
o <- rhdf5::h5closeAll()
if(file.exists(outH5File)) {
o <- rhdf5::h5createFile(file = outH5File)
o <- rhdf5::h5createGroup(file = outH5File, group = "Fragments")
o <- rhdf5::h5createGroup(file = outH5File, group = "Metadata")
for (x in seq_along(tileChromSizes)) {
if (x %% 5 == 0) {
message(paste("Reading", sampleName, "TableFile", round(100 * x / length(tileChromSizes), 1), "Percent."))
tileChromStringVector <- Rsamtools::scanTabix(file = tabixFile, param = tileChromSizes[x])[[1]]
tmp <- utils::read.table(textConnection(tileChromStringVector))
dt <- data.table::data.table(start = as.integer(tmp$V2 + 1), end = tmp$V3, barcode = tmp$V4)
# Care for Break Points from ArchR
dt <- dt[dt$start >= S4Vectors::start(tileChromSizes[x]), ]
if (!is.null(barcodes)) {
dt <- dt[dt$barcode %in% barcodes, ]
## message(paste0(
## sampleName, " Fragment-Chunk-(", x, " of ", length(tileChromSizes), ")-",
## nrow(dt)
## ))
## message(paste0(
## sampleName, " Barcodes-Chunk-(", x, " of ", length(tileChromSizes), ")-",
## unique(dt$barcode)
## ))
# Order by barcodes
chrRegion <- S4Vectors::mcols(tileChromSizes)$chunkName[x]
data.table::setkey(dt, barcode)
dt <- dt[order(dt$barcode), ]
barcodeRle <- S4Vectors::Rle(paste0(dt$barcode))
fragmentRanges <- paste0("Fragments/", chrRegion, "/Ranges")
barcodeLength <- paste0("Fragments/", chrRegion, "/BarcodeLength")
barcodeValue <- paste0("Fragments/", chrRegion, "/BarcodeValue")
o <- rhdf5::h5createGroup(file = outH5File, group = paste0("Fragments/", chrRegion))
o <- suppressAll(expr = rhdf5::h5createDataset(
file = outH5File, dataset = fragmentRanges,
storage.mode = "integer", dims = c(nrow(dt), 2),
level = 0
o <- suppressAll(expr = rhdf5::h5createDataset(
file = outH5File, dataset = barcodeLength,
storage.mode = "integer", dims = c(length(barcodeRle@lengths), 1), level = 0
o <- suppressAll(expr = rhdf5::h5createDataset(
file = outH5File,
dataset = barcodeValue,
storage.mode = "character",
dims = c(length(barcodeRle@lengths), 1), level = 0,
size = max(nchar(barcodeRle@values)) + 1
o <- rhdf5::h5write(obj = cbind(dt$start, dt$end-dt$start +1), file = outH5File, name = fragmentRanges)
o <- rhdf5::h5write(obj = barcodeRle@lengths, file = outH5File, name = barcodeLength)
o <- rhdf5::h5write(obj = barcodeRle@values, file = outH5File, name = barcodeValue)
estart <- Sys.time()
message(paste("Tabix to h5 with single thread ends at", estart))
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