
Defines functions makepos addlapn roundspec array.to.frame checksz syn.smooth addXfac get.names decimalplaces resample is.passive syn.ipf syn.catall syn.collinear syn.constant syn.satcat syn.nested syn.bag syn.ranger syn.rf syn.survctree syn.ctree syn.cart syn.passive syn.sample syn.polr syn.polyreg syn.logreg augment.syn syn.pmm .pmm.match syn.normrank syn.cubertnorm syn.sqrtnorm syn.lognorm syn.norm .norm.draw.syn .norm.fix.syn

Documented in syn.bag syn.cart syn.catall syn.ctree syn.cubertnorm syn.ipf syn.lognorm syn.logreg syn.nested syn.norm syn.normrank syn.passive syn.pmm syn.polr syn.polyreg syn.ranger syn.rf syn.sample syn.satcat syn.smooth syn.sqrtnorm syn.survctree

# Functions for synthesising data, some of which are adapted
# from mice package by S. van Buuren and K. Groothuis-Oudshoorn,
# TNO Quality of Life


.norm.fix.syn <- function(y, x, ridge = 0.00001, ...)
# Calculates regression coefficients + error estimate

  xtx <- t(x) %*% x
  pen <- ridge * diag(xtx)
  if (length(pen)==1) pen <- matrix(pen)
  v           <- solve(xtx + diag(pen))
  coef        <- t(y %*% x %*% v)
  residuals   <- y - x %*% coef
  sigma       <- sqrt((sum(residuals^2))/(length(y)-ncol(x)-1))
  parm        <- list(coef, sigma)
  names(parm) <- c("beta","sigma")


.norm.draw.syn <- function(y, x, ridge = 0.00001, ...)
# Draws values of beta and sigma for Bayesian linear regression synthesis 
# of y given x according to Rubin p.167

  xtx <- t(x) %*% x
  pen <- ridge * diag(xtx)
  if (length(pen)==1) pen <- matrix(pen)
  v           <- solve(xtx + diag(pen))
  coef        <- t(y %*% x %*% v)
  residuals   <- y - x %*% coef
  sigma.star  <- sqrt(sum((residuals)^2)/rchisq(1, length(y) - ncol(x)))
  beta.star   <- coef + (t(chol((v + t(v))/2)) %*% rnorm(ncol(x))) * sigma.star
  parm        <- list(coef, beta.star, sigma.star)      
  names(parm) <- c("coef","beta","sigma")      


syn.norm <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, ...)
  x   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp  <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
  if (proper == FALSE){
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(y, x, ...)
  res <- xp %*% parm$beta + rnorm(nrow(xp)) * parm$sigma
  res <- round(res, max(sapply(y, decimalplaces)))
  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


syn.lognorm <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, ...) 
  addbit <- FALSE
  if (any(y < 0)) stop("Log transformation not appropriate for negative values.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(y == 0)) {y <- y + .5*min(y[y != 0]); y <- log(y); addbit <- TRUE}  ##  warning about this and above should be in check model
  else y <- log(y)
  x   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp  <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
  if (proper == FALSE) {
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(y, x, ...)
  res <- xp %*% parm$beta + rnorm(nrow(xp)) * parm$sigma
  if (addbit) {res <- res - .5 * min(y[y != 0]); res[res <= 0] <- 0}
  res <- exp(res)
  res <- round(res, max(sapply(y, decimalplaces)))
  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


syn.sqrtnorm <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, ...) 
  addbit <- FALSE
  if (any(y < 0)) stop("Square root transformation not appropriate for negative values.\n", call. = FALSE)   ##  needs check in checkmodel
  else y <- sqrt(y)
  x   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp  <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
  if (proper == FALSE) {
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(y, x, ...)
  res <- xp %*% parm$beta + rnorm(nrow(xp)) * parm$sigma
  res <- res^2
  res <- round(res, max(sapply(y, decimalplaces)))
  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


syn.cubertnorm <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, ...) 
  addbit <- FALSE
  y <- sign(y)*abs(y)^(1/3)
  x   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp  <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
  if (proper == FALSE) {
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(y, x, ...)
  res <- xp %*% parm$beta + rnorm(nrow(xp)) * parm$sigma
  res <- res^3
  res <- round(res, max(sapply(y, decimalplaces)))

  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


syn.normrank <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, ...)
  # Regression synthesis of y given x, with a fixed regression
  # line, and with random draws of the residuals around the line.
  # Adapted from norm by carrying out regression on Z scores from ranks
  # predicting new Z scores and then transforming back
  # similar to method by ? and ?
  # First get approx rank position of vector in one of another length
  # so that result returned has correct length for xp
  # matters for sub-samples and missing data

  z  <- qnorm(rank(y)/(length(y) + 1))
  x  <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))

  if (proper == FALSE) {
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(z, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(z, x, ...)
  pred <- (xp %*% parm$beta + rnorm(nrow(xp)) * parm$sigma)
  res  <- round(pnorm(pred)*(length(y) + 1))
  res[res < 1] <- 1
  res[res > length(y)] <- length(y)
  res  <- sort(y)[res]

  if (smoothing != "") {
    res <- syn.smooth(res, y, smoothing = smoothing)

  # if (smoothing == "") res  <- sort(y)[res]
  # if (smoothing == "density") {
  #   ydsamp <- y
  #   ys     <- 1:length(y)
  #   maxfreq <- which.max(table(y))
  #   maxcat  <- as.numeric(names(table(y))[maxfreq])
  #   if (table(y)[maxfreq]/sum(table(y)) > .7) ys <- which(y != maxcat)
  #   if (10 * table(y)[length(table(y)) - 1] < 
  #     tail(table(y), n = 1) - table(y)[length(table(y)) - 1]) {
  #     ys <- ys[-which(y == max(y))]  
  #     maxy <- max(y)
  #   }   
  #   densbw <- density(y[ys], width = "SJ")$bw
  #   ydsamp[ys] <- rnorm(length(ydsamp[ys]), 
  #     mean = sample(ydsamp[ys], length(ydsamp[ys]), replace = TRUE), sd = densbw)
  #   if (!exists("maxy")) maxy <- max(y) + densbw
  #   ydsamp[ys] <- pmax(pmin(ydsamp[ys],maxy),min(y))
  #   res <- sort(ydsamp)[res]
  # }

  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


.pmm.match <- function(z, yhat = yhat, y = y, donors = 3, ...)
# Auxilary function for syn.pmm.
# z    = target predicted value (scalar)
# yhat = array of fitted values, to be matched against z
# y    = array of donor data values

# Finds the three cases for which abs(yhat-z) is minimal,
# and makes a random draw from these.

  d <- abs(yhat - z)
  m <- sample(y[rank(d, ties.method = "random") <= donors], 1)


syn.pmm <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, ...)
# Synthesis of y by predictive mean matching
# Warning: can be slow for large data sets 
# for which syn.normrank may be a better choice
  x       <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
  xp      <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
  if (proper == FALSE) {
    parm <- .norm.fix.syn(y, x, ...)
  } else {
    parm <- .norm.draw.syn(y, x, ...)
  yhatobs <- x  %*% parm$coef
  yhatmis <- xp %*% parm$beta
  res <- apply(as.array(yhatmis), 1, .pmm.match, yhat = yhatobs, y = y, ...)
  if (smoothing != "") {
    res <- syn.smooth(res, y, smoothing = smoothing)
  return(list(res = res, fit = parm))


augment.syn <- function(y, x, ...)
  # define augmented data for stabilizing logreg and polyreg
  # by the ad hoc procedure of White, Daniel & Royston, CSDA, 2010
  # This function will prevent augmented data beyond the min and
  # the max of the data
  # Input:
  # x: numeric data.frame (n rows)
  # y: factor or numeric vector (length n)
  # Output:
  # return a list with elements y, x, and w with length n+2*(ncol(x))*length(levels(y))
  x    <- as.data.frame(x)
  icod <- sort(unique(unclass(y)))
  ki   <- length(icod)
  # if (ki>maxcat) stop(paste("Maximum number of categories (",maxcat,") exceeded", sep=""))
  p    <- ncol(x)

  # skip augmentation if there are no predictors
  if (p == 0) return(list(y = y, x = x, w = rep(1, length(y))))
  # skip augmentation if there is only 1 missing value  
  if (length(y) == 1) return(list(y = y, x = x, w = rep(1, length(y))))
  # calculate values to augment
  mean <- apply(x,2,mean)
  sd   <- sqrt(apply(x,2,var))
  minx <- apply(x,2,min)
  maxx <- apply(x,2,max)
  nr   <- 2 * p * ki
  a    <- matrix(mean, nrow = nr, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
  b    <- matrix(rep(c(rep(c(0.5, -0.5), ki), rep(0,nr)), length = nr*p), 
                 nrow = nr, ncol = p, byrow = FALSE)
  c    <- matrix(sd, nrow = nr, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
  d    <- a + b * c
  d    <- pmax(matrix(minx, nrow = nr, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE), d)
  d    <- pmin(matrix(maxx, nrow = nr, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE), d)
  e    <- rep(rep(icod, each = 2), p)
  dimnames(d) <- list(paste("AUG", 1:nrow(d), sep = ""), dimnames(x)[[2]])
  xa   <- rbind.data.frame(x, d)
  # beware, concatenation of factors
  # this change needed to avoid reordering of factors                           
  # if (is.factor(y)) ya <- as.factor(levels(y)[c(y,e)]) else ya  <- c(y, e)
  if (is.factor(y)) ya <- addNA(factor(levels(y)[c(y, e)], 
    levels = levels(y)), ifany = TRUE) else ya <- c(y, e)   
  wa <- c(rep(1, length(y)),rep((p + 1)/nr, nr))

  return(list(y = ya, x = xa, w = wa))

syn.logreg <- function(y, x, xp, denom = NULL, denomp = NULL, 
                       proper = FALSE, ...)            
  # Synthesis for binary or binomial response variables by
  # logistic regression model. See Rubin (1987, p. 169-170) for
  # a description of the method.
  # The method consists of the following steps:
  # 1. Fit a logit, and find (bhat, V(bhat))
  # 2. Draw BETA from N(bhat, V(bhat))
  # 3. Compute predicted scores for m.d., i.e. logit-1(X BETA)
  # 4. Compare the score to a random (0,1) deviate, and synthesise.

  xmeans <- lapply(x, mean)                      ## x matrix centred
  x  <- mapply(function(x, y) x - y, x, xmeans)
  xp <- mapply(function(x, y) x - y, xp, xmeans) ## also xp to match
  if (is.null(denom)) {
    aug <- augment.syn(y, x, ...)
    # when no missing data must set xf to augmented version
    xf   <- aug$x
    y    <- aug$y
    w    <- aug$w
    xf   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xf))
    xp   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
    expr <- expression(glm.fit(xf, y, family = binomial(link = logit), weights = w))
    fit  <- suppressWarnings(eval(expr))
    fit.sum <- summary.glm(fit)
    beta <- coef(fit)
    if (proper == TRUE) {
      rv   <- t(chol(fit.sum$cov.unscaled))
      beta <- beta + rv %*% rnorm(ncol(rv))  
    p   <- 1/(1 + exp(-(xp %*% beta)))  
    vec <- (runif(nrow(p)) <= p)
    if (!is.logical(y)) vec <- as.numeric(vec)          
    if (is.factor(y)) vec <- factor(vec,c(0,1), labels = levels(y))
  } else {
    aug <- augment.syn(y, x, ...)
    # when no missing data must set xf to augmented version
    xf   <- aug$x
    y    <- aug$y
    w    <- aug$w
    xf   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xf))
    xp   <- cbind(1, as.matrix(xp))
    den  <- w
    denind <- which(den == 1)
    den[denind] <- denom
    yy   <- y/den        #denom give then average response
    yy[den < 1]   <- mean(yy[denind]) 
    expr <- expression(glm.fit(xf, yy, family = binomial(link = logit), weights = den))
    fit  <- suppressWarnings(eval(expr))
    fit.sum <- summary.glm(fit)
    beta <- coef(fit.sum)[, 1]
    if (proper == TRUE) {
      rv   <- t(chol(fit.sum$cov.unscaled))
      beta <- beta + rv %*% rnorm(ncol(rv))  
    p <- 1/(1 + exp(-(xp %*% beta)))  
    vec <- rbinom(nrow(p),denomp, p) 
  return(list(res = vec, fit = fit.sum))

syn.polyreg <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, maxit = 1000, 
                        trace = FALSE, MaxNWts = 10000, ...)
# synthesis for categorical response variables by the Bayesian
# polytomous regression model. See J.P.L. Brand (1999), Chapter 4,
# Appendix B.
# The method consists of the following steps:
# 1. Fit categorical response as a multinomial model
# 2. Compute predicted categories
# 3. Add appropriate noise to predictions.
# This algorithm uses the function multinom from the libraries nnet and MASS
# (Venables and Ripley).

  x   <- as.matrix(x)
  xp  <- as.matrix(xp)
  if (proper == TRUE) { # bootstrap to make proper
    s   <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    x   <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]
    y   <- y[s]  
    y   <- factor(y)
  aug <- augment.syn(y, x, ...)
  # yf and xf needed for augmented data to save x as non augmented  not now needed can tidy
  xf  <- aug$x
  yf  <- aug$y
  w   <- aug$w
  ### rescaling numeric to [0,1]
  toscale <- sapply(xf, function(z) (is.numeric(z) & (any(z < 0) | any(z > 1))))
  rsc <- sapply(xf[, toscale, drop = FALSE], range)
  xf_sc <- xf
  for (i in names(toscale[toscale == TRUE])) xf_sc[, i] <- (xf_sc[, i] - rsc[1,i])/(rsc[2,i] - rsc[1,i])
  for (i in names(toscale[toscale == TRUE])) xp[, i] <- (xp[, i] - rsc[1,i])/(rsc[2,i] - rsc[1,i])
  xfy <- cbind.data.frame(yf, xf_sc)  
  fit <- multinom(formula(xfy), data = xfy, weights = w,
    maxit = maxit, trace = trace, MaxNWts = MaxNWts, ...)
  if (fit$convergence == 1) cat("\nReached max number of iterations for a multinomial model\nsuggest rerunning with polyreg.maxit increased (default 1000)\n")             
  post <- predict(fit, xp, type = "probs") 
  if (length(y) == 1) post <- matrix(post, nrow = 1, ncol = length(post)) 
  if (!is.factor(y)) y <- as.factor(y)
  nc <- length(levels(yf))                    
  un <- rep(runif(nrow(xp)), each = nc)
  if (is.vector(post)) post <- matrix(c(1 - post, post), ncol = 2)
  draws <- un > apply(post, 1, cumsum)
  idx   <- 1 + apply(draws, 2, sum)
  res <- levels(yf)[idx]
  if (length(table(res)) == 1) {
    cat("\nWarning the polyreg fit produces only one category for the variable being synthesised." )
    cat("\nThis may indicate that the function multinom used in polyreg failed to iterate, possibly")
    cat("\nbecause the variable is sparse. Check results for this variable carefully.")
  fitted <- summary(fit)
  return(list(res = res, fit = fitted)) 


syn.polr <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, maxit = 1000,
                     trace = FALSE, MaxNWts = 10000, ...)
  x   <- as.matrix(x)
  xp  <- as.matrix(xp)
  if (proper == TRUE) {  # bootstrap to make proper
    s   <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    x   <- x[s,]
    y   <- y[s]
    y   <- factor(y)
  aug <- augment.syn(y, x, ...)
  # yf, wf and xf needed for augmented data to save x as non augmented  GR
  xf  <- aug$x
  yf  <- aug$y
  wf  <- aug$w
  #xy  <- cbind.data.frame(y = y,  x = xp)
  xfy <- cbind.data.frame(yf, xf)

  ## polr may fail on sparse data. We revert to multinom in such cases. 
  fit <- try(suppressWarnings(polr(formula(xfy), data = xfy, Hess = TRUE, weights = wf, ...)), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
    fit <- multinom(formula(xfy), data = xfy, weights = wf,
                    maxit = maxit, trace = trace, Hess = TRUE, MaxNWts = MaxNWts, ...)
    cat("\tMethod changed to multinomial")
    if (fit$convergence == 1) cat("\nReached max number of iterations for a multinomial model\nRerun with polyreg.maxit increased (default 100)\n")
  post  <- predict(fit, xp, type = "probs")

  if (length(y) == 1) post <- matrix(post, nrow = 1, ncol = length(post))
  y     <- as.factor(y)
  nc    <- length(levels(yf))                       
  un    <- rep(runif(nrow(xp)), each = nc)
  if (is.vector(post)) post <- matrix(c(1 - post, post), ncol = 2)
  draws <- un > apply(post, 1, cumsum)
  idx   <- 1 + apply(draws, 2, sum)
# this slightly clumsy code needed to ensure y retains its labels and levels
#  y[1:length(y)]<-(levels(y)[idx])
  res <- levels(yf)[idx]
  fitted <- summary(fit)
  return(list(res = res, fit = fitted)) 


syn.sample <- function(y, xp, smoothing = "", cont.na = NA, proper = FALSE, ...) 
  # Generates random sample from the observed y's
  # with bootstrap if proper == TRUE
  if (proper == TRUE) y <- sample(y, replace = TRUE)
  yp <- sample(y, size = xp, replace = TRUE)
  if (smoothing != "") yp[!(yp %in% cont.na)] <- 
    syn.smooth(yp[!(yp %in% cont.na)], y[!(y %in% cont.na)], 
               smoothing = smoothing)
  return(list(res = yp, fit = "sample"))

syn.passive <- function(data, func)
  # Special elementary synthesis method for transformed data.
  # SuppressWarnings to avoid message 'NAs by coercion for NAtemp  
  res <- suppressWarnings(model.frame(as.formula(func), data, 
                                      na.action = na.pass))	

  return(list(res = res, fit = "passive"))


syn.cart <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, 
                     minbucket = 5, cp = 1e-08, ...)
  ylogical <- is.logical(y)
  if (proper == TRUE) {
    s <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    x <- x[s,,drop = FALSE]
    y <- y[s]
  #for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
  #  if(is.factor(x[,j])) { 
  #    attributes(x[,j])$contrasts <- NULL
  #    attributes(xp[,j])$contrasts <- NULL
  #  }
  minbucket <- max(1, minbucket)  # safety
  if (!is.factor(y) & !is.logical(y)) {
    fit <- rpart(y ~ ., data = as.data.frame(cbind(y, x)), method = "anova",
                 minbucket = minbucket, cp = cp, ...)
    # get leaf number for observed data
    leafnr  <- floor(as.numeric(row.names(fit$frame[fit$where,])))
    # replace yval with leaf number in order to predict later node number 
    # rather than yval (mean y for observations classified to a leaf) 
    fit$frame$yval <- as.numeric(row.names(fit$frame))
    # predict leaf number
    nodes       <- predict(object = fit, newdata = xp)
    # BN:16/06/20
    # node numbering: node * 2 + 0:1    
    notleaf <- setdiff(nodes, leafnr)
    # if (length(notleaf) > 0) {
    #   for (i in notleaf){
    #     nodes[which(nodes == i)] <- 2 * i + sample(0:1, 1)
    #   }
    # }
    if (length(notleaf) > 0) {
      for (i in notleaf){
        j <- i
        while(!(j %in% leafnr)){
          j <- 2 * j + sample(0:1, 1)
        nodes[which(nodes == i)] <- j
    uniquenodes <- unique(nodes)
    new  <- vector("numeric",nrow(xp))
    for (j in uniquenodes) {
      donors <- y[leafnr == j] # values of y in a leaf
      new[nodes == j] <- resample(donors, size = sum(nodes == j), 
                                  replace = TRUE)
    if (smoothing != "") new <- syn.smooth(new, y, smoothing = smoothing)
    #donor <- lapply(nodes, function(s) y[leafnr == s])
    #new   <- sapply(1:length(donor),function(s) resample(donor[[s]], 1))
  } else {
    y     <- factor(y)
    fit   <- rpart(y ~ ., data = as.data.frame(cbind(y, x)), method = "class",
                   minbucket = minbucket, cp = cp, ...)
    nodes <- predict(object = fit, newdata = xp)
    new   <- apply(nodes, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(s) resample(colnames(nodes), 
                                                        size = 1, prob = s))
    if (ylogical) {
      new   <- as.logical(new)
    } else {
      new   <- factor(new, levels = levels(y)) 
  return(list(res = new, fit = fit))


syn.ctree <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, minbucket = 5, 
                      mincriterion = 0.9, ...)
  if (proper == TRUE) {
    s <- sample(length(y), replace = truehist())
    y <- y[s]
    x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]
  for (i in which(sapply(x, class) != sapply(xp,class))) xp[,i] <-
      eval(parse(text = paste0("as.", class(x[,i]), "(xp[,i])", sep = "")))

  # Fit a tree
#  datact     <- partykit::ctree(y ~ ., data = as.data.frame(cbind(y, x)), 
#                  control = partykit::ctree_control(minbucket = minbucket, 
#                                                    mincriterion = mincriterion, ...))
  datact <- ctree(y ~ ., data = as.data.frame(cbind(y,x)), 
    controls = ctree_control(minbucket = minbucket, 
                             mincriterion = mincriterion, ...))
# fit.nodes  <- predict(datact, type = "node")
  fit.nodes  <- where(datact)
  nodes      <- unique(fit.nodes)
  no.nodes   <- length(nodes)
# pred.nodes <- predict(datact, type = "node", newdata = xp)
  pred.nodes <- where(datact, newdata = xp)
  # Get row numbers for predicted by sampling with replacement from existing data
  rowno      <- 1:length(y)
  newrowno   <- vector("integer", nrow(xp))
  for (i in nodes) {
    newrowno[pred.nodes == i] <- sample(rowno[fit.nodes == i],
                                        length(newrowno[pred.nodes == i]),
                                        replace = TRUE)
  new <- y[newrowno]
  if (!is.factor(y) & smoothing != "") new <- 
    syn.smooth(new, y, smoothing = smoothing )
  return(list(res = new, fit = datact))


syn.survctree <- function(y, yevent, x, xp, proper = FALSE, minbucket = 5, ...)
# time, event - data column numbers
  if (proper == TRUE) {
    s <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    y <- y[s]
    x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]                        
    yevent <- yevent[s]

  for (i in which(sapply(x, class) != sapply(xp,class))) xp[,i] <-
      eval(parse(text = paste0("as.", class(x[,i]), "(xp[,i])", sep = "")))

  if (is.factor(yevent)) {
    yevent0 <- as.numeric(yevent) - 1
  } else {
    yevent0 <- yevent 

  # Fit a tree  
  datact     <- ctree(Surv(y, yevent0) ~ ., 
                      data = as.data.frame(cbind(y, yevent0, x)),
                      controls = ctree_control(minbucket = minbucket, ...))
# fit.nodes  <- predict(datact, type = "node")
  fit.nodes  <- where(datact)
  nodes      <- unique(fit.nodes)
  no.nodes   <- length(nodes)
# pred.nodes <- predict(datact, type = "node", newdata = xp)
  pred.nodes <- where(datact, newdata = xp)
  # Get row numbers for predicted by sampling
  # with replacement from existing data
  rowno      <- 1:length(y)
  newrowno   <- rep(0,nrow(xp))
  for (i in nodes) {
    newrowno[pred.nodes == i] <- sample(rowno[fit.nodes == i],
    length(newrowno[pred.nodes == i]), replace = TRUE)
  #Predicte node & sample time+event
  faketime  <- y[newrowno]
  fakeevent <- yevent[newrowno]

  return(list(syn.time = faketime, syn.event = fakeevent, fit = datact))

# bagging when mtry = ncol(x) - using all predictors
syn.rf <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, ntree = 10, ...) 

  #nodesize <- max(1, nodesize)  # safety
  #if (proper == TRUE) {
  #  s <- sample(length(y), replace = T); y <- y[s]
  #  x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]

  for (i in which(sapply(x,class) != sapply(xp, class))) xp[,i] <-
    do.call(paste0("as.", class(x[,i])[1]), unname(xp[, i]))

  if (is.factor(y)) {
    obslevels <- levels(y)
    y <- droplevels(y)

  # fit a random forest
  # regression (mtry = p/3), classification (mtry = sqrt(p))
  rf.fit <- randomForest(y ~ ., data = cbind.data.frame(y,x), ntree = ntree, ...)
  nodessyn <- attr(predict(rf.fit, newdata = xp, nodes = T), "nodes")
  nodesobs <- attr(predict(rf.fit, newdata = x, nodes = T), "nodes")

  ndonors <- vector("list", nrow(xp))
  n0      <- vector("list", ntree)
  for (j in 1:nrow(xp)) {
    for (i in 1:ntree) {
      n0[[i]] <- y[nodesobs[,i] == nodessyn[j,i]]
    empty <- sapply(n0, length)
    ndonors[[j]] <- unlist(n0[empty != 0])
  yhat <- sapply(ndonors, sample, size = 1)          
  if (is.factor(y)) yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = obslevels) 
  if (!is.factor(y) & smoothing != "") yhat <- 
    syn.smooth(yhat, y, smoothing = smoothing)
  return(list(res = yhat, fit = rf.fit)) 

# bagging when mtry = ncol(x) - using all predictors
# contributed by Caspar J. van Lissa

syn.ranger <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, ...) 
  dots <- list(...)
  dots[c("formula", "data")] <- NULL
  if("min.node.size" %in% names(dots)){
    dots[["min.node.size"]] <- max(1, dots[["min.node.size"]])  # safety
  if (proper == TRUE) {
    s <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    y <- y[s]
    x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]
  for (i in which(sapply(x,class) != sapply(xp, class))) xp[,i] <-
    do.call(paste0("as.", class(x[,i])[1]), unname(xp[, i]))
  if (is.factor(y)) {
    obslevels <- levels(y)
    y <- droplevels(y)
  # fit a random forest
  Args     <- c(list(formula = y ~ ., data = cbind.data.frame(y,x)), dots)
  rf.fit   <- do.call(ranger, Args)
  nodessyn <- predict(rf.fit, data = xp, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
  nodesobs <- predict(rf.fit, data = x, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions
  ntree    <- rf.fit$num.trees
  ndonors  <- vector("list", nrow(xp))
  n0       <- vector("list", ntree)
  for (j in 1:nrow(xp)) {
    for (i in 1:ntree) {
      n0[[i]] <- y[nodesobs[,i] == nodessyn[j,i]]
    empty <- sapply(n0, length)
    ndonors[[j]] <- unlist(n0[empty != 0])
  yhat <- sapply(ndonors, sample, size = 1)          
  if (is.factor(y)) yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = obslevels) 
  if (!is.factor(y) & smoothing != "") yhat <- 
    syn.smooth(yhat, y, smoothing = "smoothing")
  return(list(res = yhat, fit = rf.fit))

# bagging when mtry = ncol(x) - using all predictors
syn.bag <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", proper = FALSE, ntree = 10, ...) 
  #nodesize <- max(1, nodesize)  # safety
  #if (proper == TRUE) {
  #  s <- sample(length(y), replace = T); y <- y[s]
  #  x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]

  for (i in which(sapply(x,class) != sapply(xp, class))) xp[,i] <-
    do.call(paste0("as.", class(x[,i])[1]), unname(xp[, i]))
  if (is.factor(y)) {
    obslevels <- levels(y)
    y <- droplevels(y)

  # fit a random forest
  # regression (mtry = p/3), classification (mtry = sqrt(p))
  rf.fit <- randomForest(y ~ ., data = cbind.data.frame(y,x), 
                         ntree = ntree, mtry = ncol(x), ...)
  nodessyn <- attr(predict(rf.fit, newdata = xp, nodes = T), "nodes")
  nodesobs <- attr(predict(rf.fit, newdata = x, nodes = T), "nodes")

  ndonors <- vector("list", nrow(xp))
  n0      <- vector("list", ntree)
  for (j in 1:nrow(xp)) {
    for (i in 1:ntree) {
      n0[[i]] <- y[nodesobs[,i] == nodessyn[j,i]]
    empty <- sapply(n0, length)
    ndonors[[j]] <- unlist(n0[empty != 0])
  yhat <- sapply(ndonors, sample, size = 1)
  if (is.factor(y)) yhat <- factor(yhat, levels = obslevels) 
  if (!is.factor(y) & smoothing != "") yhat <- 
    syn.smooth(yhat,y, smoothing = smoothing)
  return(list(res = yhat, fit = rf.fit))

# function for allocating to subcategories (random sampling within groups)

syn.nested <- function(y, x, xp, smoothing = "", cont.na = NA, ...)
  xr   <- x[,1]
  xpr  <- xp[,1]
  uxpr <- sort(unique(xpr))
  index  <- 1:length(y)
  indexp <- rep(0, nrow(xp))
  for (i in uxpr) {
    indexp[xpr == i] <- sample(index[xr == i], sum(xpr == i), TRUE)
  yp <- y[indexp]
  if (smoothing != "") yp[!(yp %in% cont.na)] <-
    syn.smooth(yp[!(yp %in% cont.na)], y[!(y %in% cont.na)], 
               smoothing = smoothing)
  return(list(res = yp, fit = "nested"))


syn.satcat <- function(y, x, xp, proper = FALSE, ...)
  # Fits a saturated model to combinations of variables.
  # Method fails if the predictor variables generate
  # a combination of variables not found in the original data.
  if (proper == TRUE) {
    s <- sample(length(y), replace = TRUE)
    y <- y[s]
    x <- x[s, , drop = FALSE]

  xr  <- apply(x, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "-"))
  syn.categories <- apply(xp, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "-"))

  if (!all(names(table(syn.categories)) %in% names(table(xr)))) {
    print(table(syn.categories)[!names(table(syn.categories)) %in% names(table(xr))])
    stop('The combined groups above for "satcat" have no records in original data.\n
         Consider using grouped synthesis with "syn.catall" to overcome this', call. = FALSE)

  uxpr <- sort(unique(syn.categories))

  index  <- 1:length(y)
  indexp <- rep(0, nrow(xp))
  for (i in uxpr) {
    indexp[syn.categories == i] <- sample(index[xr == i], sum(syn.categories == i), TRUE)
  yp <- y[indexp]
  fit <- table(xr)
  return(list(res = yp, fit = fit))


syn.constant <- function(y, xp, ...) 
  yp <- y
  length(yp) <- xp
  if (xp > length(y)) {
    yp[(length(y) + 1):xp] <- names(which.max(table(y, exclude = NULL)))  # in case y is 'almost' constant 
    if (is.numeric(y)) yp <- as.numeric(yp)
    else if (is.logical(y)) yp <- as.logical(yp)
  return(list(res = yp, fit = "constant"))


syn.collinear <- function(y, x, xp, ...)
  x <- x[,1]                               #!BN to check
  xp <- xp[,1]                             #!BN to check
  indexp  <- match(xp, x)
  yp <- y[indexp]
  return(list(res = yp, fit = "collinear"))


syn.catall <- function(x, k, proper = FALSE, priorn = 1, structzero = NULL, 
                       maxtable = 1e8, epsilon = 0, rand = TRUE, ...)
 # Fits a saturated model to combinations of variables
 # xp just holds number of synthetic records required

   levs <- sapply(x, function(x) {length(levels(x)) + any(is.na(x))})  # all NAtemp here already
 table.size <- prod(levs)   # exp(sum(log(levs)))
 if (table.size > maxtable) stop("Table has more than ", maxtable/1e6,
   " million cells (", round(table.size/1e6, 2),
   " millions),\nwhich may lead to memory problems.\nYou can rerun syn() with catall.maxtable increased (default: ", maxtable/1e6,
   " millions).\nAlternatively use a smaller group of variables for catall.", 
   sep = "", call. = FALSE)

 N <- dim(x)[1]
 if (proper == TRUE) x <- x[sample(1:N, replace = TRUE), ]
 tab <- table(x)
 n <- length(tab) 
 addon <- priorn/n
 # Set structural zero cells to zeros 
 if (!is.null(structzero)) {
   sz <- checksz(structzero, x) ## checks and converts var names to numbers
   if (sum(tab[sz]) > 0) cat("
WARNING: Total of ", sum(tab[sz])," counts of original data in structural zero cells.
************************************************************************\n", sep = "")
 # Add extra to prior
 tab <- (tab + addon)
 if (!is.null(structzero)) tab[sz] <- 0
 dt  <- dim(tab)
 dn  <- dimnames(tab)
  if (epsilon > 0) {
    if (rand == TRUE) {
      if (!is.null(structzero)) tab[!sz] <- addlapn(tab[!sz], epsilon) 
      else tab <- addlapn(tab, epsilon) 
      fit <- tab
      tab <- tab/sum(tab)   # get it as proportions
      tab <- rmultinom(1, k, tab)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(structzero)) tab[!sz] <- addlapn(tab[!sz], epsilon) 
      else tab <- addlapn(tab, epsilon ) #GR2022
      fit <- tab
      tab <- roundspec(tab*k/sum(tab))
 } else {
    if (rand == TRUE) {
      fit <- tab
      tab <- tab/sum(tab)   # get it as proportions
      tab <- rmultinom(1, k, tab)
    else stop("If you set rand = FALSE when epsilon = 0 synthpop will return the data unchanged", call. = FALSE) 
 tab <- array(tab, dt)
 dimnames(tab) <- dn
 res <- array.to.frame(tab)
 for (i in 1:dim(res)[2]) res[, i] <- addNA(res[, i], ifany = TRUE)
 res <- res[sample(1:nrow(res)), ]
 return(list(res = res, fit = fit))

syn.ipf <- function(x, k, proper = FALSE, priorn = 1, structzero = NULL, 
                    gmargins = "twoway", othmargins = NULL, tol = 1e-3, max.its = 5000,
                    maxtable = 1e8, print.its = FALSE, epsilon= 0, rand = TRUE,...)
 # Fits log-linear model to combinations of variables
 # k just holds number of synthetic records required

 levs <- sapply(x, function(x) {length(levels(x)) + any(is.na(x))}) # all NAtemp here already
 table.size <- prod(levs)   # exp(sum(log(levs))) 
 if (table.size > maxtable) stop("Table has more than ", maxtable/1e6,
   " million cells (", round(table.size/1e6, 2),
   " millions),\nwhich may lead to memory problems.\nYou can rerun syn() with ipf.maxtable increased (default: ", maxtable/1e6,
   " millions).\nAlternatively use a smaller group of variables for ipf.", 
   sep = "", call. = FALSE)

 N  <- dim(x)[1]
 nv <- dim(x)[2] # number of variables
 if (proper == TRUE) x <- x[sample(1:N, replace = TRUE),]
 tab <- table(x, useNA = "ifany")
 n <- length(tab)
 # Add extra to prior
 addon <- priorn/n
 # Set structural zero cells to zeros 
 if (!is.null(structzero)) {
   sz <- checksz(structzero, x) # checks and converts var names to numbers
   if (sum(tab[sz]) > 0) cat("
WARNING: Total of ", sum(tab[sz])," counts of original data in structural zero cells.
************************************************************************\n", sep = "")
 if (!is.null(gmargins)) {
   if (gmargins == "twoway") {
     n_margins  <- nv*(nv - 1)/2
     mx_margins <- combn(1:nv, 2)
     margins <- split(mx_margins, col(mx_margins))
   } else if (gmargins == "oneway") {
     margins <- as.list(1:nv)
   } else stop("Only 'oneway' or 'twoway' are implemented for gmargins.\n", 
               call. = FALSE)
   if (!is.null(othmargins)) for (i in 1:length(othmargins)) {
     margins[[length(margins) + 1]] <- othmargins[[i]]
 } else {
   if (!is.null(othmargins)) margins <- othmargins
   else stop("Need to specify some margins.\n", call. = FALSE)
 umar <- unique(unlist(margins))
 missed <- (1:nv)[!(1:nv %in% umar)]
 if (length(missed) > 0) cat("\n
SEVERE WARNING: Margins ", missed, " not fitted.
This means they will be fitted as having
the same proportion in each level.
**************************************************\n", sep = "")
 if (epsilon > 0) {eps <- epsilon / length(margins)
   cat("Overall epsilon for DP is ",epsilon," divided equally between ", 
       length(margins)," margins to give ", eps, " each,\n")

# Get data for margins
 margins.data <- vector("list", length(margins))
 for (i in 1:length(margins)) {
   margins.data[[i]] <- table(x[, margins[[i]]], useNA = "ifany")
    margins.data[[i]] <- margins.data[[i]] + priorn/length(margins.data[[i]])
    if (epsilon > 0) {
      margins.data[[i]] <- addlapn(margins.data[[i]], eps)
 start <- array(1, dim(tab))
 results.1 <- suppressWarnings(Ipfp(start, margins, margins.data, 
                iter = max.its, print = print.its, tol = tol, ...))  # note larger than default to speed things up needs checking
 if (results.1$conv == TRUE) cat("\n['ipf' converged in ", 
   length(results.1$evol.stp.crit), " iterations]\n", sep = "")
 else cat("\n['ipf' failed to converge in ", length(results.1$evol.stp.crit),
   " iterations]\n\nYou can try to change parameters of Ipfp() function,\ne.g. syn(..., ipf.iter = 2000).", sep = "")
 exp1 <- array(N * results.1$p.hat , dim(tab))
 if (!is.null(structzero)) exp1[sz] <- 0
 exp1 <- exp1 / sum(exp1)   # get it as proportions
 if (epsilon == 0 & rand == FALSE) cat("WARNING: No DP noise or random noise added,\nData returned will be close to NULL expectation for model defined by margins.\n")
 if (rand == TRUE)  z    <- rmultinom(1, k, exp1)
 else z <- roundspec(exp1*k/sum(exp1))
 res  <- array(z, dim(exp1))
 dimnames(res) <- dimnames(tab)
 res  <- array.to.frame(res)
 for (i in 1:dim(res)[2]) res[,i] <- addNA(res[,i], ifany = TRUE)
 res <- res[sample(1:nrow(res)),]
 fit <- list(margins = margins, margins.data = margins.data)
 return(list(res = res, fit = fit))

# O T H E R   A U X I L I A R Y   F U N C T I O N S  

is.passive <- function(string) return("~" == substring(string,1,1))

# used in syn.cart() and syn.cartbboot() instead of sample() 
# for safety reasons, i.e. to avoid sampling from 1:x when length(x)==1
resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]

# counts number of decimal places - used for rounding smoothed values
# approximate in some cases (as.character -> 15 significant digits; 
# scientific notation)
decimalplaces <- function(x) 
  x <- x - floor(x) # -> more digit numbers 
  if (!is.na(x) & (x %% 1) != 0 & (round(x, 15) %% 1 != 0)) {
    nchar(strsplit(sub("0+$", "", as.character(x)), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
  } else {

get.names <- function(formula, names)
  res <- match(all.vars(formula)[-1], names)

# function to add factors
addXfac <- function(x,...)
  df  <- cbind.data.frame(x,...)
  if (any(sapply(df,is.factor) + sapply(df,is.numeric) != 1)) 
    stop("All arguments must be factors or numeric", call. = FALSE)
  fn  <- function(f){
    if (is.factor(f)) f <- as.numeric(levels(f))[f]
    else f <- f
  df  <- as.data.frame(sapply(df, fn))
  add <- factor(rowSums(df))


syn.smooth <- function(ysyn, yobs = NULL, smoothing = "spline", window = 5, ...)
  if (!(smoothing %in% c("", "spline", "density", "rmean"))) 
    cat('Smoothing must be one of "spline", "density" or "rmean". No smoothing done.\n')
  if (any(is.na(ysyn))) stop("ysyn cannot contain missing values", call. = FALSE)
  else if (smoothing == "density") {
    ys <- 1:length(ysyn)
    # exclude from smoothing if freq for a single value higher than 70% 
    maxfreq <- which.max(table(ysyn))
    maxcat  <- as.numeric(names(table(ysyn))[maxfreq])
    if (table(ysyn)[maxfreq]/sum(table(ysyn)) > .7) ys <- which(ysyn != maxcat)
    # exclude from smoothing if data are top-coded - approximate check
    if (10 * table(ysyn)[length(table(ysyn)) - 1] <
        tail(table(ysyn), n = 1) - table(ysyn)[length(table(ysyn)) - 1]) {
          ys   <- ys[-which(ysyn == max(yobs))]
          maxy <- max(yobs)
    densbw  <- density(ysyn[ys], width = "SJ")$bw
    ysyn[ys] <- rnorm(n = length(ysyn[ys]), mean = ysyn[ys], sd = densbw)
    if (!exists("maxy")) maxy <- max(yobs) + densbw
    ysyn[ys] <- pmax(pmin(ysyn[ys], maxy), min(yobs))
    ysyn[ys] <- round(ysyn[ys], max(sapply(yobs, decimalplaces))) 
  else if (smoothing == "rmean") {
    ord <- order(ysyn)
    ysyn <- runningmean(1:length(ysyn), ysyn[ord], window = window)
    ysyn[ord] <- round(ysyn, max(sapply(yobs, decimalplaces))) 
  else if (smoothing == "spline") {
    ord <- order(ysyn)
    ysyn <- smooth.spline(sort(ysyn), all.knots = FALSE)$y
    ysyn[ord] <- round(ysyn, max(sapply(yobs, decimalplaces))) 


checksz <- function(sz, x) 
  if (!is.list(sz)) stop("structzero needs to be a list.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.character(names(sz)) || !all(grepl("_", names(sz)))) stop("\nstructzero list elements must be named using variable names\nseperated by an underscore, e.g. sex_edu", call. = FALSE)
  list_sub_names <- names(do.call("c", sz))
  allvars <- unique(sub(".*\\.", "", list_sub_names))  
  if (!all(allvars %in% names(x))) stop("\nStructural zero variables must match names of variables in the data.", call. = FALSE)

  dd  <- as.data.frame(table(x, useNA = "ifany"))
  res <- rep(FALSE, nrow(dd))
  for (i in 1:length(sz)) {
    tempz <- rep(TRUE, nrow(dd))
    if (names(sz)[i] != paste0(names(sz[[i]]), collapse = "_")) stop("\nNames of structzero list elements must correspond to names of their sublists.", call. = FALSE)
    vars  <- names(sz[[i]])    
    vars  <- match(vars, names(x))
    nvars <- length(vars)
    if (!(is.list(sz[[i]]) & length(sz[[i]]) == nvars)) stop("Each element of structzero list must be a list of length\nequal to the number of variables used to define structural zeros.\n", call. = FALSE)
    for (j in 1:nvars) {
      if (!is.numeric(sz[[i]][[j]])) {
        if (!all(sz[[i]][[j]] %in% levels(x[,vars[j]]))) 
          stop("Structural zeros (element ", i, ", variable ", j, 
               "): level(s) of variable not in data.\n", call. = FALSE)
        sz[[i]][[j]] <- match(sz[[i]][[j]], levels(x[, vars[j]]))
      if (!all(sz[[i]][[j]] %in% 1:nlevels(x[,vars[j]]))) 
        stop("Structural zeros (element ", i, ", variable ", j, 
             "): numeric level(s) of variable not in data.\n", sep = "", 
             call. = FALSE)
      tempz <- tempz & (as.numeric(dd[, vars[j]]) %in% sz[[i]][[j]])
    res[tempz] <- TRUE


array.to.frame <- function(x)
  df1 <- as.data.frame.table(x)
  # df1 <- df1[df1$Freq != 0,]
  res <- df1[rep(1:nrow(df1), df1$Freq), -ncol(df1)]
  dimnames(res)[[1]] <- 1:sum(x)


roundspec <- function(tab) {  ## special rounding to preserve total
  if (abs(round(sum(tab)) - sum(tab)) > 1e-6) 
    stop("This function assumes sum of tab is a whole number\n", .call= FALSE)
  diff <- round(sum(tab) - sum(round(tab)))
  if (diff == 0 & all(tab >= 0)) { 
    result <- round(tab)
  } else if (any(round(tab) <= 0)){
    if (diff < 0 ) {
      inds <- (1:length(tab))[round(tab) >0]
      vals <- tab[round(tab) > 0]
      ordinds <- inds[order(vals)]
      newtab <- round(tab)
      newtab[ordinds[1:(-diff)]]<- newtab[ordinds[1:(-diff)]]  - 1
    } else {
      inds <- (1:length(tab))
      newtab <- round(tab)
      newtab[1:(diff)]<- newtab[1:(diff)] + 1
    result <- newtab
  } else {
    if (abs(diff) > length(tab)) cat("Unexpected problem with rounding.\n
Please report to maintainer of synthpop with example\n
including this output\n", tab, "\n")
    result <- round(tab)
    inds <- (1:length(result))[order(result)][1:abs(diff)]
    if (diff >0 ) result[inds] <- result[inds] + 1
    if (diff <0 ) result[inds] <- result[inds] - 1


addlapn <- function(x, eps){
  # add Laplace noise with re-scaling to a total or sample size
  if (eps <= 0) stop("eps must be > 0\n")
  res <- x + rlaplace(length(x), 0, 1/eps)
  res <- makepos(res, sum(x))


makepos <- function(lap, tot) {  ## makes positive summing to total
  olap <- order(-lap)
  lapo <- lap[olap]
  lap[olap[cumsum(abs(lapo)) >= tot]] <- 0
bnowok/synthpop documentation built on Sept. 1, 2022, 2:41 p.m.