
Defines functions assemble_region_table is_string_or_missing combine_bigmaps reconstruct_region reconstruct output_spec str_modify extract_region.list extract_region.character do_extract_region extract_region get_id.ShortRead get_id write_region.QualityScaledXStringSet write_region.XStringSet write_region.ShortRead write_region detect_format is_gzname cluster_consensus.XStringSet cluster_consensus.character cluster_consensus has_alphabet summarize_sread.list summarize_sread.ShortReadQ summarize_sread add_derep_names.list add_derep_names.derep add_derep_names seqhash.XStringSet seqhash.character seqhash dadamap.list dadamap.derep dadamap combine_derep flog_toc .onLoad

Documented in add_derep_names add_derep_names.derep add_derep_names.list cluster_consensus cluster_consensus.character cluster_consensus.XStringSet combine_bigmaps combine_derep dadamap dadamap.list extract_region extract_region.character extract_region.list has_alphabet reconstruct seqhash seqhash.character seqhash.XStringSet summarize_sread

#' @import utils
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.namespace flog.trace flog.debug flog.info
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace str_c
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { #nolint

# Combine futile.logger and tictoc by putting the output of toc in a log message
flog_toc <- function(
    level = c("INFO", "TRACE", "DEBUG", "WARN", "ERROR",
              "FATAL", "CARP"),
    func.toc = tictoc::toc.outmsg, #nolint
) {
    level <- match.arg(level)
    ffunc <-
               TRACE = futile.logger::flog.trace,
               DEBUG = futile.logger::flog.debug,
               INFO = futile.logger::flog.info,
               WARN = futile.logger::flog.warn,
               ERROR = futile.logger::flog.error,
               FATAL = futile.logger::flog.fatal,
               CARP = futile.logger::flog.carp
    toc <- tictoc::toc(quiet = TRUE)
    ffunc(func.toc(toc$tic, toc$toc, toc$msg), ...)

#' Combine DADA2 \code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} objects into master map
#' @param dereps a (possibly named) \code{list} of
#'     (\code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} objects), or a
#'     \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with a column "derep" containing such a
#'     list.
#' @param .data a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with the same number of rows as
#'     the length of \code{dereps}.
#' @param ... additional columns to add to the output.
#' @details To be useful for further analysis, each sequence should be uniquely
#'     identified.  This can be done in several ways:
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{\code{dereps} is a named \code{list} with unique names;}
#'         \item{\code{dereps} is a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with columns
#'             (other than "derep") which uniquely identify the rows;}
#'         \item{\code{.data} is provided and its rows are unique; or}
#'         \item{\code{...} is provided and its combinations are unique.}}
#' @return \code{list} with two members: \describe{
#'     \item{\code{$map} (\code{\link[tibble]{tibble}})}{with columns:
#'         "\code{file}" (\code{character}), "\code{idx}" (\code{integer}), and
#'         "\code{map}" (\code{integer}), giving the mapping from the
#'         "\code{idx}"th sequence in "\code{file}" to a sequence in
#'         "\code{fasta}"}
#'     \item{\code{$fasta} (
#'         \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{DNAStringSet-class}})}{all
#'         unique sequences; the name of each sequence is an \code{integer}
#'         which matches a value in \code{map$newmap}}
#'     }
#' @export
combine_derep <- function(dereps, .data = NULL, ...) {

    # handle different input types to get a tibble with the derep objects in one
    # column
    if (is.data.frame(dereps)) {
        if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
            dereps <- dplyr::bind_cols(
                tibble(.placeholder = seq_along(nrow(dereps)),
            dereps <- dplyr::select(dereps, -".placeholder")
    } else {
        n <- names(dereps)
        dereps <- tibble(..., derep = dereps)
        if (!hasName(dereps, "name") && !is.null(n)) dereps$name <- n

    if (!missing(.data)) {
        dereps <- dplyr::bind_cols(.data, dereps)

    # Check that our derep objects are uniquely identified
    gps <- setdiff(names(dereps), "derep")
    assert_that(dplyr::n_distinct(dereps[gps]) == nrow(dereps))

    # get all the old mappings
    # preserve the sequence names as "seq_id" if they are present
    oldmap <- dereps
    oldmap[["oldmap"]] <- lapply(oldmap[["derep"]], `[[`, "map")
    nestedcols <- "oldmap"
    if (all(vapply(oldmap[["derep"]], assertthat::has_name, TRUE, "names"))) {
        oldmap[["seq_id"]] <- lapply(oldmap[["derep"]], `[[`, "names")
        nestedcols <- c(nestedcols, "seq_id")
    oldmap <- dplyr::select(oldmap, -"derep") %>%
        tidyr::unnest(cols = nestedcols) %>%
        dplyr::group_by_at(gps) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(idx = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%

    # get the old unique sequences
    olduniques <- dereps %>%
                         ~purrr::map(., .f = ~tibble(seq = names(.$uniques),
                                                     n = .$uniques))) %>%
        tidyr::unnest(cols = "derep")

    # combine duplicate sequences among all files.
    newuniques <- olduniques %>%
        dplyr::group_by(seq) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(n)) %>%
        dplyr::transmute(seq = seq,
                         newmap = seq_along(.data$seq))

    # create a mapping from the unique sequences list in each file
    # to the master unique sequence list
    newderep <- olduniques %>% {
            dplyr::select(., dplyr::one_of(gps), seq) %>%
                dplyr::group_by_at(gps) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(oldmap = seq_along(seq)) %>%
            by = "seq")

    out <- list()
    # map from the individual sequences in each file to the master unique
    # sequence list
    out$map <- dplyr::left_join(oldmap,
                                dplyr::select(newderep, dplyr::one_of(gps),
                                              "oldmap", "newmap"),
                                by = c(gps, "oldmap")) %>%
        dplyr::select(-oldmap, map = "newmap")
    #unique sequence list
    out$fasta <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(
        x = purrr::set_names(newuniques$seq, newuniques$newmap)
    class(out) <- c("multiderep", class(out))

#' Produce a map between denoised sequences and their original identifiers.
#' @param derep a \code{\link[dada2]{derep-class}} object or list of such
#'     objects
#' @param dada (\link[dada2]{dada-class} object or list of such objects) the
#'     results of a call to \code{\link[dada2]{dada}} on \code{"derep"}
#' @param seq_id (\code{character} or list of \code{character}) unique sequence
#'     identifiers for the sequences in \code{"derep"}.  These can
#'     alternatively be provided using argument \code{"filename"} or
#'     calling \code{\link{add_derep_names}} on \code{"derep"}.
#' @param filename (\code{character} of same length as \code{"derep"}) fasta/q
#'     file that is the source for \code{"derep"}, used for setting
#'     unique sequence IDs.  If \code{"derep"} is a named \code{list}, then
#'     the default is to assume that these filenames are the names of the
#'     source files (as returned by \code{\link[dada2]{derepFastq}} when
#'     multiple files are given). To avoid this behavior, pass an explicit
#'     \code{NULL}.
#' @param ... additional columns to add to the output.  Names included in the
#'     output by default should be avoided.
#' @details Columns \code{$derep_seq} and \code{$dada_seq} contain one sequence
#'     per read as plain character strings. Keeping a separate, dereplicated
#'     list of sequences and storing references to them may seem like it would
#'     be more memory efficient, but it is not necessary to do this explicitly,
#'     because this is what R already does with \code{character} vectors; only
#'     one copy of each unique string is actually kept in memory, and everything
#'     else is pointers.
#' @return a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with columns:
#'     \describe{
#'         \item{\code{$name} (\code{character})}{names from \code{derep}, if it
#'             is a named list of \code{\link[=add_derep_names]{named_derep}}
#'             objects. Otherwise absent unless provided in \code{...}.}
#'         \item{\code{...} (\code{character})}{any additional arguments, passed
#'             on to \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}}
#'         \item{\code{$seq_id} (\code{character})}{the sequence identifiers
#'             from the original fasta/q file.}
#'         \item{\code{$derep_idx} (\code{integer})}{the index of each sequence
#'             in \code{derep$uniques}.}
#'         \item{\code{$derep_seq} (\code{character})}{the sequences.}
#'         \item{\code{$dada_seq} (\code{character})}{the denoised sequences.}
#'     }
#' @export

dadamap <- function(derep, dada, filename = NULL, seq_id = NULL, ...) {

#' @export
dadamap.derep <- function(derep, dada, filename = NULL, seq_id = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(seq_id)) {
        if (is.null(filename)) {
            if (hasName(derep, "names")) {
                seq_id <- derep$names
            } else if (hasName(derep, "seq_id")) {
                seq_id <- derep$seq_id
            } else {
                stop(paste("sequence names for derep object must be given",
                           "using arguments 'seq_id', 'file', or by calling",
                           "'add_derep_names()' on the derep object."))
        } else {
            seq_id <- names(
                    Biostrings::readBStringSet(filename, format = "fasta"),
                    error = function(e) {
                        Biostrings::readBStringSet(filename, format = "fastq")

    m <- tibble(
        seq_id = seq_id,
        derep_idx = derep$map,
        derep_seq = names(derep$uniques)[.data$derep_idx],

    m <- dplyr::left_join(
            dada_idx = dada$map,
            derep_idx = seq_along(.data$dada_idx),
            dada_seq = dada$sequence[.data$dada_idx]
        by = "derep_idx"
    class(m) <- c("dadamap", class(m))

#' @rdname dadamap
#' @param dir (\code{character string}) A directory to look for files in.
#' @export
dadamap.list <- function(derep, dada, filename = names(derep), seq_id = NULL,
                         dir = NULL,
                         ...) {
    assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(length(derep), length(dada)))
        purrr::map_lgl(derep, is.null) == purrr::map_lgl(dada, is.null)
    for (i in seq_along(derep)) {
        assert_that(methods::is(derep[[i]], "derep") || is.null(derep[[i]]))
        assert_that(methods::is(dada[[i]], "dada") || is.null(dada[[i]]))

    args <- list(..., derep = derep, dada = dada)
    if (!is.null(names(derep))) {
        args[["name"]] <- names(derep)
        args <- args[tidyselect::vars_select(names(args), "name",
    if (!is.null(filename)) {
            assertthat::are_equal(length(filename), length(derep))
        if (!is.null(dir)) {
            filename <- file.path(dir, filename)
        args[["filename"]] <- filename
    if (!is.null(seq_id)) {
            assertthat::are_equal(length(filename), length(derep)),
            all(purrr::map_lgl(seq_id, is.character))
        args[["seq_id"]] <- seq_id
    args <- do.call(tibble::tibble, args) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!purrr::map_lgl(derep, is.null))

    out <- purrr::pmap_dfr(args, dadamap.derep)
    class(out) <- c("dadamap", class(out))

#' Individually hash biological sequences
#' @param seq (\code{character} or \code{\link[Biostrings]{XStringSet-class}})
#'     the sequences to hash.
#' @param algo (\code{character}) a hash algorithm supported by
#'     \code{\link[digest]{digest}}. default: "xxhash32"
#' @param len (\code{integer}) number of characters to keep from each hash
#'     string. \code{NA} (the default) to keep all characters.
#' @param preserve_na (\code{logical}) If \code{TRUE}, \code{NA} values in
#'     \code{seq} are preserved as \code{NA} in the output.  If
#'     \code{FALSE}, then \code{NA} is passed to
#'     \code{\link[digest]{digest}}, which results in a valid hash.
#' @return a \code{character} vector of the same length as \code{seq},
#'     with the hashed sequences.
#' @export
seqhash <- function(seq, algo = "xxhash32", len = NA, preserve_na = TRUE) {

#' @rdname seqhash
#' @export
seqhash.character <- function(
    algo = "xxhash32",
    len = NA,
    preserve_na = TRUE
) {
    h <- vapply(seq, digest::digest, "", algo = algo)
    if (preserve_na) h[is.na(seq)] <- NA_character_
    if (is.na(len)) {
    } else {
        substring(h, 1, len)

#' @rdname seqhash
#' @export
seqhash.XStringSet <- function(
    algo = "xxhash32",
    len = NA,
    preserve_na = TRUE
) {
    seqhash.character(as.character(seq), algo = algo, len = len, preserve_na)

#' Add sequence names to a derep object
#' @param derep (object of class \code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} or a
#'     \code{list} of  such objects) object(s) to add names to.
#' @param ... passed to methods
#' @return (object of class \code{derep}, or a list of such objects) a
#'     shallow copy of \code{derep}, with an additional member
#'     "\code{$names}", giving the identifiers for the sequences from the
#'     original fasta/q file.
#' @export
add_derep_names <- function(derep, ...) UseMethod("add_derep_names")

#' @rdname add_derep_names
#' @param filename (\code{character}) name of fasta/q file that the
#'     \code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} object was derived from.
#' @export
add_derep_names.derep <- function(derep, filename, ...) {
    fqs <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer(filename, n = 1e4)
    seqids <- character(0)
    while (length(fq <- ShortRead::yield(fqs, qualityType = "FastqQuality"))) {
        seqids <- c(seqids, as.character(fq@id))
    derep[["names"]] <- seqids

#' @rdname add_derep_names
#' @param filenames (\code{character}) name(s) of file(s) that a \code{list} of
#'     \code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} was derived from.
#' @export
add_derep_names.list <- function(derep, filenames = names(derep), ...) {
    if (!all(inherits(derep, "derep") |
             vapply(derep, is.na, TRUE))) {
        stop("length of filenames and derep do not match")
    assert_that(assertthat::are_equal(length(derep), length(names)))
    derep2 <- mapply(add_derep_names.derep, derep, filenames)
    names(derep2) <- filenames

#' Summarize one or more reads as a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}.
#' @param sread (\code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}} object or
#'     list of such objects) as produced by
#'     \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}.
#' @param max_ee (\code{numeric}) filter out reads with expected error greater
#'     than \code{max_ee}.  Default: Inf (no filtering)
#' @param ... (any vector) additional columns to add to the output
#'     \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}.  These should have length 1 or, if
#'     \code{sread} is a named list of
#'     \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}}, the length of
#'     \code{sread}.  Recycling behavior is as in
#'     \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}. Avoid the name "\code{name}" if
#'     \code{sread} is a named \code{list}
#' @return a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with columns: \describe{
#'         \item{\code{$seq_id} (\code{character})}{sequence IDs, typically from
#'             the input fastq}
#'         \item{\code{$seq} (\code{character})}{the actual sequence reads}
#'         \item{\code{$name} (\code{character})}{the name of the source
#'             \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}}, if
#'             \code{sread} was a list. Otherwise absent.}
#'         \item{\code{...}}{any other arguments passed to summarize_sread.}}
#'     If the input was empty, not a valid
#'     \code{\link[ShortRead:ShortReadQ-class]{ShortReadQ}}, or no sequences
#'     passed filtering, a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with zero rows is
#'     returned.
#' @export
summarize_sread <- function(sread, ..., max_ee) UseMethod("summarize_sread")

#' @export
summarize_sread.ShortReadQ <- function(sread, ..., max_ee = Inf) {
    if (!methods::is(sread, "ShortReadQ")) {
                seq_id = character(),
                seq = character()

    out <- tibble(
        seq_id = as.character(sread@id),
        seq = as.character(sread@sread),
    ee <- rowSums(10 ^ (-1 * (methods::as(sread@quality, "matrix") / 10)),
                  na.rm = TRUE)
    out <- out[ee <= max_ee, , drop = FALSE]

#' @export
summarize_sread.list <- function(sread, ..., max_ee = Inf) {
    out <- tibble(
        .seqs = lapply(sread, summarize_sread.ShortReadQ, max_ee = max_ee),
    if (!is.null(names(sread)) && !hasName(out, "name")) {
        out$name <- names(sread)
    tidyr::unnest(out, ".seqs")

#' Test if all characters in a character vector are members of an alphabet.
#' @param seq (\code{character}) character string(s) to test
#' @param alphabet (\code{character} with all elements of width 1)
#' @return TRUE if all characters in \code{seq} are also in \code{alphabet}
#' @details This function internally uses regular expressions, so
#'     \code{alphabet} should not begin with "^" or contain "\\".  "-",
#'     which commonly represents a gap, is handled correctly.
#' @export
has_alphabet <- function(seq, alphabet) {
    regex <- paste0("^[", paste0(alphabet, collapse = ""), "]+$")
    # make sure '-' is not interpreted as defining a character range
    regex <- sub(x = regex, pattern = "-", replacement = "\\\\-")
    return(all(grepl(pattern = regex, x = seq, perl = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE))

#' Calculate consensus of a cluster of sequences.
#' This algorithm assumes that the sequences "should be" identical except for
#' amplification and sequencing errors.  Its main purpose is to calculate a
#' consensus sequence for an amplicon that is too long to use in DADA2 directly,
#' but which has been clustered based on sequence variant identity in one
#' subregion.
#' @param seq (\code{character} vector or
#'     \code{\link[Biostrings]{XStringSet-class}})
#'     The sequences to calculate a consensus for.
#' @param nread (\code{integer} vector) For the purposes of calculating the
#'     consensus, consider each read to occur \code{nread} times.  Supplying
#'     unique values for \code{seq} along with the corresponding \code{nread}
#'     is much faster than supplying duplicate reads to
#'     \code{cluster_consensus}.
#' @param names (\code{character}) If \code{seq} is a \code{character} vector,
#'     names for the sequences.
#' @param ncpus (\code{integer}) Number of CPUs to use.
#' @param simplify (\code{logical}) If \code{TRUE}, return an object of the same
#'     type as \code{seq} containing a single sequence representing the
#'     consensus. If \code{FALSE}, an object of the same type as \code{seq}
#'     representing the consensus sequence for reads which were included in
#'     the consensus, or \code{NA_character_} for reads which were initially
#'     \code{NA} or which were removed from the consensus alignment as
#'     outliers.  For the \code{\link[Biostrings]{XStringSet-class}} method,
#'     which does not allow \code{NA} entries, these elements are missing from
#'     the set (this can be deduced by the names).
#' @param ... passed to methods
#' @details The sequences are first aligned using
#' \code{\link[DECIPHER]{AlignSeqs}}. Sequences which are "outliers" in the
#' alignment are then removed by
#' \code{\link[odseq]{odseq}}. If the input sequences were clustered based on
#' DADA2 sequence variants of a variable region, and the sequences were
#' appropriately quality filtered prior to running \code{\link[dada2]{dada}},
#' then outliers should mostly be chimeras.
#' After outlier removal, sites with greater than 50\% gaps are removed, and
#' the most frequent letter (ignoring gaps) is chosen at all other sites. If no
#' letter has greater than 50\% representation at a position, then an IUPAC
#' ambiguous base representing at least 50\% of the reads at that position is
#' chosen for nucleotide sequences, or \code{"X"} for amino acids.
#' @return an \code{\link[Biostrings]{XStringSet-class}} representing the
#' consensus sequence.
#' @export

cluster_consensus <- function(seq, nread = 1, ..., ncpus = 1, simplify = TRUE) {
#' @param dna2rna (logical) whether to convert \code{seq} from DNA to RNA, and
#'     use (calculated) RNA secondary structure in alignments.
#' @rdname cluster_consensus
#' @export
cluster_consensus.character <-
    function(seq, nread = 1, names = base::names(seq), dna2rna = TRUE, ...,
             ncpus = 1, simplify = TRUE) {
        seq <- rlang::set_names(seq, names)
        xss <- seq[!is.na(seq)]
        nread <- nread[!is.na(seq)]
        if (has_alphabet(xss, Biostrings::DNA_ALPHABET)) {
            xss <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(xss)
            if (dna2rna) {
                xss <- Biostrings::RNAStringSet(xss)
        } else if (has_alphabet(xss, Biostrings::RNA_ALPHABET)) {
            xss <- Biostrings::RNAStringSet(xss)
        result <-
                nread = nread,
                ncpus = ncpus,
                simplify = simplify
        if (simplify) {
            if (length(result) == 1) return(as.character(result))
        seq[] <- NA_character_
        seq[names(result)] <- as.character(result)

#' @rdname cluster_consensus
#' @export
cluster_consensus.XStringSet <-
    function(seq, nread = 1, ..., ncpus = 1, simplify = TRUE) {
        if (length(nread) == 1) nread <- rlang::rep_along(seq, nread)
        assertthat::assert_that(length(nread) == length(seq))

        # a single sequence is its own consensus
        if (length(seq) == 1) return(seq)

        # it's not possible to make a consensus from 2 sequences that disagree
        if (sum(nread) < 3) return(seq[FALSE])
        # if a single sequence represents a majority of reads,
        # then it is the consensus
        if (max(nread) > sum(nread)/2) return(seq[which.max(nread)])

        if (methods::is(seq, "RNAStringSet")) {
            mult_align_class <- Biostrings::RNAMultipleAlignment
            seqset_class <- "RNAStringSet"
        } else if (methods::is(seq, "DNAStringSet")) {
            mult_align_class <- Biostrings::DNAMultipleAlignment
            seqset_class <- "DNAStringSet"
        } else if (methods::is(seq, "AAStringSet")) {
            mult_align_class <- Biostrings::AAMultipleAlignment
            seqset_class <- "AAStringSet"
        } else {
            stop("Unknown sequence class")

        flog.info("Calculating consensus of %d sequences (%d unique)...",

        aln <- DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(seq, processors = ncpus, verbose = FALSE)

        flog.debug("Removing outliers...")
        outliers <- odseq(mult_align_class(aln), weights = nread)
        flog.trace("Removed %d/%d sequences as outliers.",
                   sum(outliers), length(outliers))
        aln <- aln[!outliers]
        nread <- nread[!outliers]

        flog.trace("Masking gaps...")
        aln2 <- rep(aln, nread)
        aln2 <- aln2 %>%
            mult_align_class() %>%
            Biostrings::maskGaps(min.fraction = 0.5, min.block.width = 1) %>%

        flog.trace("Calculating consensus...")
        on.exit(flog_toc("TRACE"), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
        result <- DECIPHER::ConsensusSequence(
            threshold = 0.5,
            ambiguity = TRUE,
            ignoreNonBases = TRUE,
            includeTerminalGaps = FALSE
        if (simplify) return(result)

        result <- rep(result, length(aln))
        names(result) <- names(aln)

is_gzname <- function(name) endsWith(name, ".gz")

detect_format <- function(name, format) {
    if (is.null(name)) return(NULL)
    if (!is.null(format)) {
            format %in% c("fasta", "fastq")
    nogz <- gsub("\\.gz$", "", name)
    format <- if (endsWith(nogz, ".fasta")) {
    } else if (endsWith(nogz, ".fastq")) {
    } else {
            "Unable to determine intended format of '%s'",

write_region <- function(
    seq, outfile = NULL, append = FALSE, format = NULL, compress = NULL) {

write_region.ShortRead <- function(
    seq, outfile = NULL, append = FALSE, format = NULL, compress = NULL) {
    if (is.null(outfile)) return()
    format <- detect_format(outfile, format)
    if (is.null(compress)) compress <- is_gzname(outfile)
    mode <- if (isTRUE(append)) "a" else "w"
    if (format == "fastq") {
            seq, outfile, mode = mode, compress = compress
    } else {
            seq, outfile, mode = mode, compress = compress

write_region.XStringSet <- function(
    seq, outfile = NULL, append = FALSE, format = NULL, compress = NULL) {
    if (is.null(outfile)) return()
    format <- detect_format(outfile, format)
    if (is.null(compress)) compress <- is_gzname(outfile)
            seq, outfile, append = append, compress = compress, format = format

write_region.QualityScaledXStringSet <- function(
    seq, outfile = NULL, append = FALSE, format = NULL, compress = NULL) {
    if (is.null(outfile)) return()
    format <- detect_format(outfile, format)
    if (format == "fastq") {
        if (is.null(compress)) compress <- is_gzname(outfile)
            seq, outfile, append = append, compress = compress
    } else NextMethod()

get_id <- function(x) UseMethod("get_id")
get_id.ShortRead <- function(x) as.character(ShortRead::id(x))
get_id.default <- names

#' Extract regions from a set of sequences (maybe with qualities)
#' @param seq (\code{character} scalar (a file name), an object belonging to
#'     several classes representing nucleotide sequences, a \code{character}
#'     vector of nucleotide sequences, or a \code{list} of any of these) the
#'     sequences to extract regions from. To extract from several files, use
#'     a \code{list} of single filenames, instead of a vector of filenames.
#' @param positions (\code{data.frame}) as returned by \code{\link[rITSx]{itsx}}
#'     with \code{positions = TRUE} and \code{read_function} set; should have
#'     columns \code{$seq_id} with sequence IDs (matching those in \code{seq}),
#'     \code{$region} giving the name of each region, and \code{$start} and
#'     \code{$end} giving the start and stop location, if found, of each
#'     region.
#' @param region (\code{character}) The region to extract. Should match a value
#'     given in \code{positions$region}.
#' @param region2 (\code{character}) If different from \code{region}, then the
#'     entire segment beginning at the start of \code{region} and ending at
#'     the end of \code{region2} will be extracted.  For instance, to extract
#'     the entire ITS region, use \code{region = 'ITS1', region2 = 'ITS2'}.
#' @param outfile (\code{character}) If given, the output will be written to the
#'     filename given in fasta or fastq format.  The format is determined by
#'     \code{seq}, not by the extension of \code{outfile}.
#' @param append (\code{logical} scalar) if \code{TRUE}, then data is appended
#'     to \code{outfile}; if \code{FALSE}, existing data in \code{outfile} is
#'     overwritten.
#' @param format (\code{character}) File format to write (if \code{outfile} is
#'     given). Default is to guess based on ".fasta[.gz]" or ".fastq[.gz]"
#'     extension.
#' @param compress (\code{logical} scalar or NULL) Whether to gz-compress
#'     \code{outfile}. Default is to detect based on presence of ".gz"
#'     extension.
#' @param ... Passed to methods.
#' @return (\code{object} of the same class as \code{seq}, or if \code{seq}
#'     is a filename, \code{\link[Biostrings]{XStringSet-class}} or
#'     \code{\link[Biostrings]{QualityScaledXStringSet-class}} depending on the
#'     format of the file) The requested region from each of the input
#'     sequences where it was found.
#' @export
extract_region <- function(seq, positions, region, region2 = region,
                           outfile = NULL, append = FALSE, format,
                           compress = NULL,

do_extract_region <- function(seq, positions, region, region2 = region,
                              outfile = NULL, append = FALSE,
                              format = NULL, compress = NULL, ...) {

        assertthat::has_name(positions, "seq_id"),
        assertthat::has_name(positions, "region"),
        assertthat::has_name(positions, "start"),
        assertthat::has_name(positions, "end"),

    if (!is.null(outfile)) {
        #create the output directory if needed
        dir.create(dirname(outfile), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

        # make sure the file exists even if we don't have anything to write.
        if (file.exists(outfile) && !isTRUE(append)) file.remove(outfile)
        if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
            write_region(seq[FALSE], outfile, append = FALSE, format, compress)

    # if the region is "full", then we don't need to cut anything.
    if (region %in% c("full", "long", "short")) {
        write_region(seq, outfile, append, format, compress)

    p <- positions %>%
            key = "border", value = "loc",
            "start", "end") %>%
            (.data$border == "start" & .data$region == !!region) |
                (.data$border == "end" & .data$region == region2)
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(-"region") %>%
        tidyr::spread(key = "border", value = "loc") %>%
            .data$start > 0,
            .data$end > 0,
            # end <= readr::parse_number(length),
            .data$end > .data$start

    idx <- tibble(
        seq_id = get_id(seq),
        idx = seq_along(.data$seq_id)
    ) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(p, "seq_id"), ., by = "seq_id") %>%

    if (nrow(p)) {
        out <- IRanges::narrow(seq[idx], start = p$start, end = p$end)
        write_region(out, outfile, append = TRUE, format, compress)
    } else {
        out <- seq[FALSE]

#' @param qualityType (\code{character} scalar) fastq file quality encoding; see
#'     \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}.
#' @rdname extract_region
#' @export
extract_region.character <- function(seq, positions, region, region2 = region,
                                     outfile = NULL,
                                     append = FALSE,
                                     format = NULL,
                                     compress = NULL,
                                     qualityType = "FastqQuality", #nolint
                                     ...) {
                is.null(format) || format %in% c("fasta", "fastq"))

    if (length(seq) == 1 && file.exists(seq)) {
        seq <- tryCatch(
            Biostrings::readBStringSet(seq, format = "fasta"),
            error = function(e) {
                    ShortRead::readFastq(seq, qualityType = "FastqQuality"),

        do_extract_region(seq = seq,
                          positions = positions,
                          region = region,
                          region2 = region2,
                          outfile = outfile,
                          append = append,
                          format = format,
                          compress = compress,
    } else {
        seq <- Biostrings::BStringSet(seq)
        out <- do_extract_region(seq, positions, region, region2, outfile,
                              qualityType, append, format, compress, ...)

#' @rdname extract_region
#' @export
extract_region.XStringSet <- do_extract_region

#' @rdname extract_region
#' @export
extract_region.ShortRead <- do_extract_region

#' @rdname extract_region
#' @export
extract_region.list <- function(seq, positions, region, region2 = region,
                                outfile = NULL, ...) {

    assert_that(length(positions) == length(seq))
    if (!is.null(outfile) && !append) unlink(outfile)
        .x = seq,
        .y = positions,
        .f = extract_region,
        region = region,
        region2 = region2,
        outfile = outfile,
        append = TRUE,

str_modify <- function(x, regex = NULL, replace = NULL, ...) {
    if (!is.null(regex) && !is.na(regex)) {
        if (is.null(replace) || is.na(replace)) {
            str_extract(x, regex, ...)
        } else {
            str_replace(x, regex, replace, ...)
    } else {

output_spec <- function(output, order) {
    if (is.character(output)) {
        output <- magrittr::set_names(list(order), output)
    } else {
        all(purrr::map_lgl(output, is.character)),
        all(purrr::map_lgl(output, ~all(. %in% order)))

#' Reconstruct a longer region out of ASVs or consensus sequence of individual
#' domains.
#' The sequences from each denoised sub-region/domain are concatenated to create
#' a denoised sequence
#' for the long region.  Additionally, de-novo bimera detection is performed
#' using \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovo}} or
#' \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}} on
#' sets of three consecutive sub-regions/domains; in the intended application,
#' these sets will be variable--conserved--variable.
#' When not all sub-regions/domains for a given read have been successfully
#' denoised with DADA, then the missing regions are constructed using
#' \code{\link{cluster_consensus}}.
#' @param seqtabs (\code{list} of \code{data.frame}) with columns
#'     \code{read_column}, \code{asv_column}, and optionally
#'     \code{sample_column}. Any additional columns are ignored.
#'     \code{read_column} should give a unique ID for each sequencing read, and
#'     \code{asv_column} should give the denoised sequence for the read.
#' @param regions  (\code{character} vector with the same length as
#'     \code{seqtabs}) The names of the regions/domains represented by each of
#'     the tables in \code{seqtabs}.  If not supplied, then \code{seqtabs}
#'     should be named by the regions.
#' @param regions_regex (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL})
#'     A \link[stringi:stringi-search-regex]{regular expression}. If
#'     \code{regions_regex} is given but \code{regions_replace} is not, then
#'     only the part of the entries in \code{regions} matching the regex are
#'     used to define samples (using \code{\link[stringr]{str_extract}}).  If
#'     \code{regions_replace} is also used, then the regex is instead replaced
#'     by \code{regions_replace} (using \code{\link[stringr]{str_replace}}).
#'     \code{NA_character} is treated the same way as \code{NULL}.
#' @param regions_replace (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL})
#'     Replacement string for \code{regions_regex}.
#'     \code{NA_character} is treated the same way as \code{NULL}.
#' @param output (\code{character} scalar or named list of \code{character}
#'     vectors) If a \code{character} scalar, then the name to be used for the
#'     (single) output region.  In this case the region will be the
#'     concatenation of all the regions in \code{order}.  Alternatively, a list
#'     where the names are the names of the output regions, and the values are
#'     \code{character} vectors giving the regions which should be concatenated
#'     for each output region.
#' @param use_output (one of \code{"first"}, \code{"second"}, or \code{"no"}) If
#'     one of the regions given by \code{output} is also present in
#'     \code{seqtabs}, then the \code{seqtabs} version is used preferentially
#'     \code{use_output == "first"}, as a backup value when one of the
#'     subregions/domains is missing if \code{use_output == "second"}, or not
#'     at all if \code{use_output == "no"}.
#' @param order (\code{character} vector) The order in which the
#'     sub-regions/domains should be concatenated to produce the output(s).
#' @param read_column (\code{character} scalar) Column name from the
#'     \code{seqtabs} which uniquely identifies each read (but different
#'     regions extracted from the same read should have the same ID.)
#' @param asv_column (\code{character} scalar) Column name from the
#'     \code{seqtabs} which gives the denoised sequences.
#' @param rawtabs (\code{list} of \code{data.frame}) Data sources of the same
#'     format as \code{seqtabs}, with columns \code{read_column} and
#'     \code{raw_column}.  These should be of the same number as
#'     \code{seqtabs}, and correspond to the sub-regions/domains specified in
#'     \code{regions}.  The default is to look for \code{raw_column} in
#'     \code{seqtabs}.
#' @param raw_column (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL})
#'     Column name from the \code{seqtabs} which gives the raw sequences.  If
#'     \code{NULL} or \code{NA_character_}, then consensus sequences will not
#'     be used as a  backup when no denoised sequence is present.
#' @param raw_regions  (\code{character} vector with the same length as
#'     \code{rawtabs}) The names of the regions/domains represented by each
#'     of the tables in \code{rawtabs}.  These will be processed using
#'     \code{regions_regex} and \code{regions_replace}, if given.
#' @param sample_column (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL}) An optional
#'     column name from the \code{seqtabs} which identifies which sample each
#'     sequence is from.  If given, this is used (after possible modification
#'     by \code{sample_regex} and \code{sample_replace}) to identify
#'     different samples for \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}}.
#'     \code{NA_character} is treated the same way as \code{NULL}.
#' @param sample_regex (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL}) A
#'     \link[stringi:stringi-search-regex]{regular expression}. If
#'     \code{sample_regex} is given but \code{sample_replace} is not, then
#'     only the part of the entries in \code{sample_column} matching the
#'     regex are used to define samples (using
#'     \code{\link[stringr]{str_extract}}).  If \code{sample_replace} is also
#'     used, then the regex is instead replaced by \code{sample_replace}
#'     (using \code{\link[stringr]{str_replace}}). \code{NA_character} is
#'     treated the same way as \code{NULL}.
#' @param sample_replace (\code{character} scalar, or \code{NULL})
#'     Replacement string for \code{sample_regex}. \code{NA_character} is
#'     treated the same way as \code{NULL}.
#' @param chimera_offset (\code{integer}) By default, bimeras are checked for
#'     sub-region/domains 1, 2, 3; 3, 4, 5; 5, 6, 7; etc. This is appropriate
#'     if the domains alternate variable, conserved, variable, etc.  If a
#'     more conserved domain is first, use \code{chimera_offset = 1}.
#' @param allow_map (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE} and if \code{asvs}
#'     contains non-missing values, attempt to map each raw read without a
#'     corresponding ASV to the nearest ASV.
#' @param allow_consensus (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE} and if
#'     \code{allow_map} is \code{FALSE} or there are no non-missing values in
#'     \code{asvs}, then attempt to make a consensus of all raw reads.
#' @param allow_raw (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE}, then after mapping
#'     and/or consensus building, remaining raw reads are taken as they are.
#'     If \code{FALSE}, the corresponding results will be \code{NA}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovo}}
#'     or \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}}.
#' @return a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with column "\code{seq_id}" and
#'     \code{sample_column} (if given), as well as one column for each value
#'     of \code{regions} and \code{output}, representing the
#'     sub-regions/domains and the concatenated full region.
#' @export
reconstruct <- function(
    regions = names(seqtabs),
    regions_regex = NULL,
    regions_replace = NULL,
    output = "concat",
    use_output = c("first", "second", "no"),
    order = regions,
    read_column = "seq_id",
    asv_column = "dada_seq",
    rawtabs = seqtabs,
    raw_column = NULL,
    raw_regions = names(rawtabs),
    sample_column = NULL,
    sample_regex = NULL,
    sample_replace = NULL,
    chimera_offset = 0,
    allow_map = TRUE,
    allow_consensus = TRUE,
    allow_raw = FALSE,
) {

    use_output <- match.arg(use_output)

    if (is.null(raw_column) || is.na(raw_column)) raw_column <- NULL

    regions <- str_modify(regions, regions_regex, regions_replace)

    assert_that(all(order %in% regions))

    output <- output_spec(output, order)

    region_table <- assemble_region_table(
        seqtabs = seqtabs,
        regions = regions,
        output = output,
        order = order,
        read_column = read_column,
        seq_column = asv_column,
        sample_column = sample_column,
        sample_regex = sample_regex,
        sample_replace = sample_replace

    chims <- find_all_region_chimeras(
        region_table = region_table,
        order = order,
        sample_column = sample_column,
        read_column = read_column,
        chimera_offset = chimera_offset)

    if (!is.null(raw_column)) {
        raw_regions <- str_modify(regions, regions_regex, regions_replace)
        raw_table <- assemble_region_table(
            seqtabs = rawtabs,
            regions = raw_regions,
            output = output,
            order = order,
            read_column = read_column,
            seq_column = raw_column,
            sample_column = sample_column,
            sample_regex = sample_regex,
            sample_replace = sample_replace
        raw_table <- dplyr::semi_join(raw_table, region_table, by = read_column)

        region_table <- consensus_missing_regions(
            region_table = region_table,
            raw_table = raw_table,
            order = order,
            read_column = read_column,
            allow_map = allow_map,
            allow_consensus = allow_consensus,
            allow_raw = allow_raw,

    for (o in names(output)) {
        this_chims <- purrr::map_lgl(chims$chimset, ~all(. %in% output[[o]]))
        this_chims <- chims$chims[this_chims]
        this_chims <- unlist(this_chims)
        this_chims <- unique(this_chims)
        this_chims <- which(region_table[[read_column]] %in% this_chims)
        region_table <- reconstruct_region(
            region_table = region_table,
            output = o,
            use_output = use_output,
            order = output[[o]],
            chims = this_chims


reconstruct_region <- function(region_table, output, order, use_output,
                               chims = integer(0)) {
    if (output %in% names(region_table) && use_output != "no") {
        region_table[["_concat_"]] <-
                region_table[, order]
        if (use_output == "first") {
            region_table[[output]] <-
        } else {
            region_table[[output]] <-
        region_table[["_concat_"]] <- NULL
    } else {
        region_table[[output]] <-
                region_table[, order]
    region_table[[output]][chims] <- NA_character_

#' Combine raw and denoised reads from multiple regions of the same sequences.
#' @param dadamap (\code{\link{dadamap}} object)
#' @param rawdata (\code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}) as returned by
#'     \code{\link{summarize_sread}}
#' @details Both of the inputs should be annotated with identifying columns to
#' uniquely identify the source \code{\link[dada2:derep-class]{derep}} objects;
#' this should happen automatically if \code{\link[dada2]{derepFastq}} and
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}} are called on a list of filenames (there
#' will be a column "name" in the outputs of \code{\link{dadamap}} and
#' \code{\link{summarize_sread}}).
#' @return a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} giving the sequences for each region
#'     for each read (uniquely identified by all other columns)
#' @export
combine_bigmaps <- function(dadamap, rawdata) {
    joincols <- intersect(colnames(dadamap), colnames(rawdata))
    dplyr::full_join(dadamap, rawdata, by = joincols) %>%
        dplyr::group_by("seq_id") %>%
        dplyr::filter(any(!is.na(.data$dada_idx))) %>%
            seq = dplyr::coalesce(.data$dada_seq, .data$derep_seq, .data$seq)
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(-"derep_seq", -"derep_idx", -"dada_seq", -"dada_idx")

is_string_or_missing <- function(x) {
    is.null(x) || is.na(x) || assertthat::is.string(x)

assemble_region_table <- function(
    regions = names(seqtabs),
    output = "concat",
    order = regions,
    read_column = "seq_id",
    seq_column = "dada_seq",
    sample_column = NULL,
    sample_regex = NULL,
    sample_replace = NULL
) {
    output <- output_spec(output, order)

    if (!is.null(sample_column) && is.na(sample_column)) sample_column <- NULL

    seqtabs <- purrr::map2(
        function(st, reg) magrittr::set_names(
            st[, c(sample_column, read_column, seq_column)],
            c(sample_column, read_column, reg)))
    seqtabs <- purrr::map(
        unique(regions) %>% magrittr::set_names(., .),
        function(r) {
            dplyr::bind_rows(seqtabs[regions == r])

    if (!is.null(sample_column)) {
        seqtabs <- purrr::map(

    all_regions <- c(order, setdiff(intersect(regions, names(output)), order))
    out <- purrr::reduce(
        by = c(sample_column, read_column)
    # for (o in names(output)) {
    #     if (o %in% regions) {
    #         out <- dplyr::full_join(
    #             out,
    #             seqtabs[[o]],
    #             by = c(sample_column, read_column)
    #         )
    #     }
    # }

#' Find chimeras in adjacent variable-conserved-variable domain triplets
#' @param region_table (\code{data.frame} containing all the regions in
#'     \code{order})
#' @param order (\code{character} with the regions to check)
#' @param sample_column (\code{character} scalar) extra column in region_table
#'     which identifies different samples; if present, use
#'     \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}} instead of
#'     \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovo}}.
#' @param read_column (\code{character} scalar) column in region_table
#'     which identifies different reads.
#' @param chimera_offset (\code{integer} scalar) use \code{1} if the first
#'     region is conserved.
#' @param ... passed to \code{find_region_chimeras}.
#' @return a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with columns:
#'     \describe{
#'         \item{chimset}{(\code{list} of \code{character}) the set of regions
#'             (usually 3) which were checked in each row.}
#'         \item{chims}{\code{list} of \code{character}) the sequence IDs of
#'             the reads which were identified as chimeric for each set of
#'             regions}}
find_all_region_chimeras <- function(
    sample_column = NULL,
    read_column = "read_id",
    chimera_offset = 0,
) {
    result <- tibble(
        first = seq(1 + 0, max(1, length(order) - 2), 2),
        last = pmin(length(order), .data$first + 2),
        chimset = purrr::map2(.data$first, .data$last, ~order[.x:.y]),
        chims = purrr::map(
            region_table = region_table,
            sample_column = sample_column,
            read_column = read_column,
    dplyr::select(result, "chimset", "chims")

#' Check for bimeras in a subset of regions
#' @param region_table (\code{data.frame} containing all the regions in
#'     \code{chimset})
#' @param chimset (\code{character} vector, usually of length 3) regions to
#'     concatenate and then check for bimeras.
#' @param sample_column (\code{character} scalar) extra column in region_table
#'     which identifies different samples; if present, use
#'     \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}} instead of
#'     \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovo}}.
#' @param read_column (\code{character} scalar) column in region_table
#'     which identifies different reads.
#' @param ... passed on to \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovoTable}} or
#'     \code{\link[dada2]{isBimeraDenovo}}.
#' @return an \code{character} vector giving the read IDs of
#'     \code{region_table} which were detected as bimeras.
find_region_chimeras <- function(region_table, chimset, sample_column,
                                 read_column, ...) {
    seqs <- do.call(str_c, region_table[, chimset])
    chimset_name <- paste(chimset, collapse = "--")
    flog.trace("Searching for bimeras in regions %s.", chimset_name)
    tictoc::tic(paste(chimset_name), "bimeras")
    chims <-
        if (!is.null(sample_column)) {
            tibble(sample = region_table[[sample_column]], seq = seqs) %>%
                dplyr::filter(!is.na(seq)) %>%
                dplyr::group_by(sample, seq) %>%
                dplyr::summarize(nread = dplyr::n()) %>%
                dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                tidyr::spread(seq, "nread", fill = 0L) %>%
                tibble::column_to_rownames("sample") %>%
                as.matrix() %>%
        } else {
            table(seqs) %>%
                tibble(abundance = ., sequence = names(.)) %>%
                as.data.frame() %>%
    flog.debug("Found %d/%d bimeric ASVs (%d/%d reads) in regions %s.",
               sum(chims), length(chims),
               sum(seqs %in% names(chims)[chims], na.rm = TRUE),
    region_table[[read_column]][seqs %in% names(chims)[chims]]

block_consensus <- function(.x, .y, reg, reg2, reg2_raw, read_column, ...) {
    if (length(.y[[reg]]) == 0 || is.na(.y[[reg]])) return(.x)
    .x[[reg2]] <- map_or_consensus(
        asvs = .x[[reg2]],
        raw = .x[[reg2_raw]],
        names = .x[[read_column]],

consensus_missing_regions <- function(
    maxdist = 10,
    read_column = "seq_id",
) {
    # all combinations of ASV sequences
    combos <- dplyr::group_by_at(region_table, order) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(nreads = dplyr::n()) %>%

    # how many variants do we have for each region?
    # sort decreasing, because we want to start with the most variable region
    region_counts <- vapply(
        function(x) dplyr::n_distinct(combos[[x]], na.rm = TRUE),
    ) %>%
        sort(decreasing = TRUE)

    out_table <- dplyr::left_join(region_table, raw_table, by = read_column,
                                  suffix = c("", "_raw"))

    for (reg in names(region_counts)) {
        flog.info("Starting to process %s clusters.", reg)
        tictoc::tic(paste(reg, "clusters"))
        out_table <- dplyr::group_by_at(out_table, reg)
        regstats <- dplyr::summarise_at(
            setdiff(order, reg),
                n_na = ~sum(is.na(.)),
                all_na = ~all(is.na(.)),
                n = length
        for (reg2 in setdiff(order, reg)) {
            all_na <- paste0(reg2, "_all_na")
            n_na <- paste0(reg2, "_n_na")
                "Interpolating %s values for %s ASVs.", reg2, reg)
            tictoc::tic(paste0(reg, " clusters (", reg2, ")"))

                "%d missing %s reads found in %d %s clusters with %s ASVs",
                sum(regstats[[n_na]][!regstats[[all_na]] &
                    !regstats[[all_na]] &
                        regstats[[n_na]] > 0 &
                "%d missing %s reads found in %d %s clusters with no %s ASVs.",
                sum(regstats[[n_na]][regstats[[all_na]] & !is.na(regstats[[reg]])]),
                sum(regstats[[all_na]] & !is.na(regstats[[reg]])),
            reg2_raw <- paste0(reg2, "_raw")
            out_table <- dplyr::group_map(
                .tbl = out_table,
                .f = block_consensus,
                reg = reg,
                reg2 = reg2,
                reg2_raw = reg2_raw,
                read_column = read_column,
                keep = TRUE
            ) %>%
                dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
            regstats <- dplyr::summarise_at(
                setdiff(order, reg),
                    n_na = ~sum(is.na(.)),
                    all_na = ~all(is.na(.)),
                    n = length
                "%d missing %s reads remain in %d %s clusters with %s ASVs",
                sum(regstats[[n_na]][!regstats[[all_na]] &
                    !regstats[[all_na]] &
                        regstats[[n_na]] > 0 &
                "%d missing %s reads remain in %d %s clusters with no %s ASVs.",
                sum(regstats[[n_na]][regstats[[all_na]] & !is.na(regstats[[reg]])]),
                sum(regstats[[all_na]] & !is.na(regstats[[reg]])),
    dplyr::select_at(out_table, names(region_table))

#' Replace unmapped raw reads with the nearest ASV
#' @param asvs (\code{character} vector) ASV sequences mapped to a set of reads.
#'     Should be \code{\link{NA_character_}} for reads which did not map to an
#'     ASV.
#' @param raw (\code{character} vector) Raw read sequences for the same set of
#'     reads as \code{asvs}.  May be \code{\link{NA_character_}}
#' @param maxdist (\code{numeric} scalar) Maximum Levenshtein distance between
#'     a raw read and an ASV for the read to be mapped to the ASV.
#' @return a \code{character} vector the same length as \code{asvs}, which has
#'     the closest ASV for each read.
#' @details The value for element \code{i} of the result is determined as
#'    follows:
#'    \enumerate{
#'        \item{\code{asvs[i]} is non-\code{NA}: the value from \code{asvs} is
#'            used.}
#'        \item{\code{asvs[i]} and \code{raw[i]} are both \code{NA}:
#'            \code{\link{NA_character_}}}
#'        \item{\code{asvs[i]} is \code{NA}, \code{raw[i]} is non-\code{NA}:
#'            \enumerate{
#'                \item{\code{raw[i]} is less than \code{maxdist} in edit
#'                    distance from at least one of the non-\code{NA} sequences
#'                    in \code{asvs}: the value from \code{asvs} which has the
#'                    smallest edit distance from \code{raw[i]} is used.}
#'                \item{\code{raw[i]} is not less than \code{maxdist} in edit
#'                    distance from at least one of the non-\code{NA} sequences
#'                    in \code{asvs}: \code{NA_character_}}}}}
#' @export
map_to_best_asv <- function(asvs, raw, maxdist = 10) {
        length(asvs) == length(raw),
        maxdist >= 0
    if (!anyNA(asvs)) return(asvs)

    unique_asvs <- purrr::discard(unique(asvs), is.na)
    required_raw <- raw[is.na(asvs)]
    unique_raw <- purrr::discard(unique(required_raw), is.na)
    if (length(unique_raw) == 0) return(asvs)

        paste("Calculating distance matrix between %d raw sequences",
              "and %d ASVs."),
    tictoc::tic("Distance matrix")
    d <- adist(unique_raw, unique_asvs)
    replace_table <- tibble(
        raw = unique_raw,
        match = unique_asvs[apply(d, MARGIN = 1, which.min)],
        dist = apply(d, MARGIN = 1, min)
    replace_table <- dplyr::filter(
        .data$dist <= maxdist
    out <- dplyr::left_join(tibble(raw = raw), replace_table, by = "raw")
    dplyr::coalesce(asvs, out$match)

#' Assign consensus sequences to unmapped reads
#' This function is intended to be run on reads from a single sub-region/domain,
#' which have been clustered using a linked sub-region/domain; for instance,
#' ITS1 reads clustered based on identity/similarity of the linked ITS2 reads.
#' If some of the target reads have been mapped to ASVs, then
#' \code{map_or_consensus} attempts to map additional raw reads to the same
#' ASVs using a (potentially) more relaxed criteria than
#' \code{\link[dada2]{dada}}. This is implemented in
#' \code{\link{map_to_best_asv}}.
#' If, on the other hand, none of the input sequences have been assigned to an
#' ASV, then the entire group is taken to represent one cluster, and a consensus
#' sequence for the cluster is determined using \code{\link{cluster_consensus}}.
#' This process will remove outliers (generally chimeric in origin) and assign
#' \code{NA_character_} to the associated reads, as well as any reads which are
#' already \code{NA} due to quality filtering, failed region extraction, etc.
#' @param asvs (\code{character} vector) ASV sequences mapped to a set of reads.
#'     Should be \code{\link{NA_character_}} for reads which did not map to an
#'     ASV.
#' @param raw (\code{character} vector) Raw read sequences for the same set of
#'     reads as \code{asvs}.  May be \code{\link{NA_character_}}
#' @param maxdist (\code{numeric} scalar) Maximum Levenshtein distance between
#'     a raw read and an ASV for the read to be mapped to the ASV.
#' @param allow_map (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE} and if \code{asvs}
#'     contains non-missing values, attempt to map each raw read without a
#'     corresponding ASV to the nearest ASV.
#' @param allow_consensus (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE} and if
#'     \code{allow_map} is \code{FALSE} or there are no non-missing values in
#'     \code{asvs}, then attempt to make a consensus of all raw reads.
#' @param allow_raw (\code{logical} scalar) If \code{TRUE}, then after mapping
#'     and/or consensus building, remaining raw reads are taken as they are. If
#'     \code{FALSE}, the corresponding results will be \code{NA}.
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{cluster_consensus.character}}
#' @return a \code{character} vector the same length as \code{asvs}, which has
#'     the closest ASV for each read if any ASVs are non-missing, or the cluster
#'     consensus values for raw reads which were non-missing and not outliers.
#' @export
map_or_consensus <- function(asvs, raw, maxdist = 10, allow_map = TRUE,
                             allow_consensus = TRUE, allow_raw = FALSE, ...) {
        length(asvs) == length(raw),
        maxdist >= 0,

    result <- asvs
    if (!all(is.na(asvs)) && allow_map) {
        result <- map_to_best_asv(asvs, raw, maxdist)
    } else if (allow_consensus) {
        result <- cluster_consensus(raw, simplify = FALSE, ...)

    if (allow_raw) {
        result <- dplyr::coalesce(result, raw)

gather_regions <- function(pos) {
        cols = c(tidyselect::ends_with("_start"), tidyselect::ends_with("_end")),
        names_to = c("region", ".value"),
        names_pattern = "(.+)_(start|end)"

spread_regions <- function(pos) {
        names_from = "region",
        values_from = c("start", "end")
    ) %>%
            stringr::str_replace(names(.), "(end|start)_(.+)", "\\2_\\1")
brendanf/tzara documentation built on March 11, 2021, 5:40 a.m.