
make.models.slow <- function(snps,n.use,groups=NULL) {
  if(is.null(groups) || n.use==1) { # simple
    combs <- combn(length(snps),n.use)
    models <- matrix(0,ncol(combs),length(snps))
    colnames(models) <- snps
    ind <- cbind(as.vector(col(combs)),as.vector(combs))
    models[ind] <- 1
  } else {
    n.groups <- sapply(groups,length)
    if(length(snps) != sum(n.groups) || !all(snps %in% unlist(groups)))
      stop("all snps should be in a single group")
    models.list <- lapply(n.groups, function(n) {
    null.list <- lapply(n.groups, function(n) {
    ## pick n.use from models.list, and remainder from null.list, combine
    combs <- combn(length(n.groups),n.use)
    models <- vector("list",ncol(combs))
    for(j in 1:ncol(combs)) {
      models[[j]] <- outer.models(models.list[[combs[1,j]]], models.list[[combs[2,j]]])
      if(nrow(combs)>2) {
        for(i in 3:nrow(combs))
          models[[j]] <- outer.models(models[[j]], models.list[[ combs[i,j] ]])
      models[[j]] <- cbind(models[[j]], matrix(0,nrow(models[[j]]), sum(n.groups[ -combs[,j] ])))
      colnames(models[[j]]) <- c(unlist(groups[ combs[,j] ]), unlist(groups[ -combs[,j] ]))
      models[[j]] <- models[[j]][,snps]
    models <- do.call("rbind",models)

outer.models <- function(x,y=NULL) {
    x <- list(x,y)

  snps <- unlist(lapply(x, colnames))
  nr <- lapply(x,nrow)
  if(any(nr==0)) # deal with null models

  ind <- expand.grid(lapply(nr, function(n) if(n>0) { 1:n } else { 0 }))
  nc <- sapply(x,ncol)
  beg <- c(1,cumsum(nc)[-length(nc)]+1)
  end <- cumsum(nc)
  if(all(sapply(x,"class")=="matrix")) {
    mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(ind),ncol=sum(nc))
  } else {
    mat <- Matrix(0,nrow=nrow(ind),ncol=sum(nc),sparse=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:length(ind))
    if(nrow(x[[i]])) # deal with null models
      mat[, beg[[i]]:end[[i]] ] <- x[[i]][ ind[[i]], ]
##  return(Matrix(mat,sparse=TRUE))

  colnames(mat) <- snps
##  system.time( do.call("cBind",mapply(function(mat,i) { mat[i,,drop=FALSE] }, x, as.list(ind), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)))
##' Internal function, null model matrix
##' Either snps or nsnps need to be supplied, not both.  
##' @title null.model
##' @param snps character vector of snp names
##' @param nsnps number of SNPs, defaults to length(snps)
##' @return Matrix, nrow=0, ncol=length(snps), colnames=snps
##' @author Chris Wallace
null.model <- function(snps=NULL,nsnps=length(snps)) {
  M <- Matrix(0,0,nsnps)
    colnames(M) <- snps
##' Internal function, return a model matrix for choosing n.use snps out of snps
##' @title make.models.single
##' @param snps character vector of snp names
##' @param n.use integer: number of snps to use in each model
##' @param quiet if TRUE, suppress progress messages
##' @return Matrix, with nrow=number of models, ncol=number of SNPs,
##' entries of 1/0 indicate whether SNP is in/excluded from model
##' @author Chris Wallace
make.models.single <- function(snps,n.use,quiet=FALSE) {
  if(n.use > length(snps))

  combs <- combn(length(snps),n.use)
    cat("groups not needed, creating a model matrix of",ncol(combs),"x",length(snps),".\n")
  models <- Matrix(0,ncol(combs),length(snps),sparse=TRUE)
  colnames(models) <- snps
  ind <- cbind(as.vector(col(combs)),as.vector(combs))
  models[ind] <- 1
##' Internal function, return a model matrix for choosing n.use snps out of snps
##' @title make.models.multi
##' @param snps character vector of snp names
##' @param n.use integer: number of snps to use in each model
##' @param groups list of character vectors, each vector indicating a
##' group of SNPs from which a maximum of one may be selected
##' @param quiet if TRUE, suppress progress messages
##' @return  Matrix, with nrow=number of models, ncol=number of SNPs,
##' entries of 1/0 indicate whether SNP is in/excluded from model
##' @author Chris Wallace
make.models.multi <- function(snps,n.use,groups,quiet=FALSE) {
  if(length(groups) < n.use)
  n.groups <- sapply(groups,length)
  combs <- combn(length(n.groups),n.use)
  models.list <- lapply(n.groups, function(n) {
  models <- vector("list",ncol(combs))
  for(j in 1:ncol(combs)) {
    ##        cat(".")
    models[[j]] <- outer.models(models.list[ combs[,j] ])
    models[[j]] <- cbind(models[[j]],
                         matrix(0,nrow(models[[j]]), sum(n.groups[ -combs[,j] ])))
    colnames(models[[j]]) <- c(unlist(groups[ combs[,j] ]), unlist(groups[ -combs[,j] ]))
    models[[j]] <- models[[j]][,snps]
  nr <- sapply(models,nrow)
  models.final <- Matrix(0,sum(nr),ncol(models[[1]]))
  colnames(models.final) <- snps
  end <- cumsum(nr)
  beg <- c(1,end[-length(end)]+1)
  for(j in 1:length(models)) {
    models.final[beg[[j]]:end[[j]],] <- models[[j]]
  ##      models <- do.call("rBind",models)

model.empty <- function(snps) {

make.models <- function(snps,n.use,groups=list(),quiet=FALSE) {
  if(!length(groups) || n.use==1) # simple
  n.groups <- sapply(groups,length)
  if(length(snps) != sum(n.groups) || !all(snps %in% unlist(groups)))
    stop("all snps should be in a single group")
  if(all(n.groups==1)) ## all singletons, ignore grouping
  if(all(n.groups>1)) ## all multi, generate models using at most one SNP from each group
  ## mixed single and multi
  ## deal with single snp groups first - these are easy
  which.single <- which(n.groups==1)
    cat("mixture of",length(groups)-length(which.single),"groups and",length(which.single),"singles.\n")
    cat("singles first...\n")
  single.list <- c(list(model.empty(unlist(groups[which.single]))),
                   lapply(as.list(1:n.use), function(i) {
                     make.models(unlist(groups[which.single]), n.use=i,quiet=TRUE) }))
  ## now each of these needs to outer.models with all n:0 possibilities from remainder
    cat("multis next...\n")
  multi.list <- c(lapply(as.list(n.use:1), function(i) {
    make.models(unlist(groups[-which.single]), n.use=i, groups=groups[-which.single], quiet=TRUE)
  models.list <- mapply(outer.models, single.list, multi.list) ## mcmapply
    cat("finally rBind\n")
  models <- do.call("rBind",models.list)
  colnames(models) <- c(unlist(groups[which.single]),unlist(groups[-which.single]))
  models <- models[,snps]

##' Compare potential parent and child models according to BF
##' Returns models whose children SHOULD NOT be visited
##' @title mcomp
##' @param parents snpBMA object
##' @param children snpBMA object
##' @param ... arguments passed to mcomp.detail()
##' @return a Matrix containing all child models for which twologBF (parent/child) > 2*log(rel.prior)
##' @author Chris Wallace
models.diff <- function(parents, children, ...) {
  ## for each child model, identify its parents
  ## models to drop should be defined as the set with any 2*logbf(parent/child) > 2*log(rel.prior) + 2*lbf
  return(mcomp.detail(m.parent=parents@models, m.child=children@models,
                      bf.parent=parents@bf, bf.child=children@bf,
                      ntarget=parents@nsnps, what="drop", ...))

##' Compare potential parent and child models according to BF
##' Returns models whose children SHOULD be visited
##' @title mcomp
##' @param parents snpBMA object
##' @param children snpBMA object
##' @param ... arguments passed to mcomp.detail()
##' @return a snpBMA object with a subset of models in the input
##' \code{children} object, all child models for which twologBF
##' (parent/child) > 2*log(pp.fold)
##' @author Chris Wallace
models.prune <- function(parents, children, ...) {
  ## for each child model, identify its parents
  ## models to drop should be defined as the set with any 2*logbf(parent/child) > 2*log(rel.prior) + 2*lbf
  ## par.strat <- is("snpBMAstrat",parents)
  ## child.strat <- is("snpBMAstrat",child)
  ## if(par.strat != child.strat)
  ##   stop("parents and children must be of same class")
  ## if(par.strat) {
  ##   L <- vector("list",length(par.strat))
  ##   names(L) <- names(par.strat)
  ##   for(i in 1:length(L)) {
  ##     L[[i]]

  ## to do this with stratified, need first to add a function to expand by tags
  ## then the parent and child models should be the same across strata
  ## do comparison within strata and sum
  ## reduce models
  ## then reduce models within each strata according to strata specific tags
  newmodels <- mcomp.detail(m.parent=parents@models, m.child=children@models,
                            bf.parent=parents@bf, bf.child=children@bf,
                            ntarget=parents@nsnps, n.child=children@nsnps, what="keep", ...)
  return(children[ newmodels, ])
##' mcomp.detail, internal function
##' The prior odds are used, together with Bayes Factors, to determine posterior odds on which basis a subset of child models are returned
##' @title mcomp.detail
##' @param m.parent parent model matrix
##' @param m.child child model matrix
##' @param bf.parent BF matrix for parent models
##' @param bf.child BF matrix for child models
##' @param ntarget number of SNPs in parent models
##' @param n.child number of SNPs in child models
##' @param prior.parents prior for parent models
##' @param prior.children prior for child models, 
##' @param what "drop" or "keep"
##' @param pp.fold the minimum posterior odds for a child model to be returned
##' @param quiet default FALSE, if TRUE, supress progress messages.
##' @return object of class dropModels defining models to drop (if
##' what=="drop"), or an index vector of which rows of supplied
##' m.child should be kept or kept (if what=="keep")
##' @author Chris Wallace
mcomp.detail <- function(m.parent, m.child, bf.parent, bf.child, ntarget,
                         n.child, prior.parents, prior.children, what, pp.fold=10, quiet=FALSE) {
  ## for each child model, identify its parents
  ## models to drop should be defined as the set with any 2*logbf(parent/child) > 2*log(rel.prior) + 2*lbf

  cols.use <- intersect(colnames(m.parent),colnames(m.child))
  relate <- m.parent[,cols.use,drop=FALSE] %*% Matrix::t(m.child[,cols.use,drop=FALSE])
##  print(relate[1:10,1:10])
  index <- Matrix::which(relate==ntarget, arr.ind=TRUE)
  bf.parent <- bf.parent[ index[,1], 2 ]
  bf.child <- bf.child[ index[,2], 2 ]
  relate2 <- Matrix(0,nrow(relate),ncol(relate),sparse=TRUE)
  relate2[index] <- bf.parent + 2*log(prior.parents) - bf.child - 2*log(prior.children) - 2*log(pp.fold)
  ## rel.prior is prior P(M|child)/P(M|parent)
  cmp2 <- relate2 != 0
  cmp1 <- relate2 > 0
  ##child.all <- apply(cmp1 | !cmp2, 2, all)
  child.any <- apply(cmp1 & cmp2, 2, any)
        "models with pp(parent) >", pp.fold,"* pp(child)\n")

  if(what=="keep") { ## return an index of models to keep
  models.keep <- new("Models",models=m.child[!child.any,,drop=FALSE], nsnps=n.child)  
  if(what=="drop") { ## return a matrix of models to drop
    models.drop <- m.child[child.any,,drop=FALSE ]
    snps.drop <- apply(models.keep==0,2,all)
    return( new("dropModels", models=models.drop, snps=colnames(m.child)[snps.drop] ) )

mdrop <- function(models, drop, quiet=FALSE) {
  if(!quiet) {
    cat("Dropping models:\n")
  rows.use <- rep(TRUE,nrow(models))
  cols.use <- Matrix::colSums(drop) > 0
  ## n <- unique(Matrix::rowSums(drop))
  n <- Matrix::rowSums(drop)
  ## index <- split(1:length(n),n)
  ## if(length(n)!=1)
  ##   stop("drop must be a model matrix with a fixed number of included snps (columns==1) per model (row).")
  drop <- drop[,cols.use]
  models.check <- models[,colnames(drop)]
  result <- drop %*% Matrix::t(models.check)
  ## system.time(to.drop <- lapply(index, function(i) {
  ##   Matrix::colSums(result[i,,drop=FALSE] == unique(n[i])) > 0
  ## }))
  to.drop <- colSums(result==n) > 0
    cat(sum(to.drop),"identified (",sum(to.drop)/length(to.drop),").\n")
  models <- models[!to.drop,,drop=FALSE]

##' Collapse a model matrix by SNP groups
##' Internal function
##' @title models.group.collapse
##' @param models model matrix
##' @param groups list, each element of which is a character vector listing SNPs in that group
##' @return A dgCMatrix, with ncol==length(groups), and entry 1 if a SNP from that group is in the model.  Returns the input matrix in the case groups has zero length.
##' @author Chris Wallace
models.group.collapse <- function(models, groups) {
  newmodels <-  Matrix(0, nrow(models), length(groups),
  for(i in 1:length(groups)) {
    if(length(groups[[i]])>1) {
      newmodels[,i] <- apply(models[, groups[[i]] ], 1, max)
    } else {
      newmodels[,i] <- models[, groups[[i]] ]

models.add.excluded <- function(models, snps.exclude) {
         Matrix(0, nrow(models), length(snps.exclude),
snp.sort.models <- function(models, snps) {
  if(identical(snps, colnames(models)))

mexpand <- function(bma, groups) {
  models <- bma@models
  bf <- bma@bf  
  if(!all(names(groups) %in% colnames(models)))
    stop("All group index SNPs need to be in existing models\n")
  newmodels <- newbf <- NULL
  twoormore <- which(sapply(groups,length)>1)
  for(igroup in twoormore) {
    j <- which(colnames(models) %in% groups[[igroup]])
      stop("2 or more members of a snp group already modelled:\n",
           paste(groups[igroup],collapse=" "))
    if(!length(j))                      # nothing to expand
    i <- which(models[,j]==1)
    if(!length(i)) # nothing to expand
    newsnps <- setdiff(groups[[igroup]], colnames(models)[j])
    if(!length(newsnps)) # nothing to expand

    mexp <- function(m) {
      cbind2(m, Matrix(0,nrow(m),length(newsnps),dimnames=list(NULL,newsnps)))

    ## expand existing models with empty entries for new snps
##     mkeep <- models[-i,,drop=FALSE]
##     msub <- mexp(msub)
##     mkeep <- mexp(mkeep)
##     models <- Matrix(0,nrow(models),ncol(msub),dimnames=list(NULL,c(colnames(models),newsnps)))
##     models[i,,drop=FALSE] <- msub
##     models[-i,,drop=FALSE] <- mkeep
    ## add new models
    msub0 <- models[i,,drop=FALSE]
    msub0[,j] <- 0    
    mnew <- make.models.single(newsnps, n.use=1, quiet=TRUE)
    msub2 <- outer.models(msub0, mnew)
    ind <- expand.grid(lapply(list(length(i),nrow(mnew)),
                              function(n) if(n>0) { 1:n } else { 0 }))[,1]
    bfnew <- bf[ i[ind], , drop=FALSE]
    if(is.null(newmodels)) {
      newmodels <- msub2
      newbf <- bfnew
    } else {
      newmodels <- rbind2(mexp(newmodels),msub2)
      newbf <- rbind(newbf,bfnew)
    models <- mexp(models)

mgrow <- function(bma, tags=NULL, quiet=FALSE) {

  models <- bma@models
  if(!is.null(tags)) {
    models <- models[,unique(tags), drop=FALSE]
    nm <- rowSums(models)
    models <- models[ nm==bma@nsnps, , drop=FALSE]
  groups <- bma@groups
  snps <- colnames(models)
  snps.use <- snps[colSums(models)>0]
  snps.exclude <- setdiff(snps, snps.use)
  groups.use <- lapply(groups, setdiff, snps.exclude)
  models.new <- make.models(snps.use, n.use=1, groups=groups.use, quiet=TRUE)
  r.new <- nrow(models.new)
  r.parent <- nrow(models)
  rmodels.parent <- models[rep(1:r.parent, each=r.new),snps.use]
  rmodels.new <- models.new[rep(1:r.new, times=r.parent),snps.use]
  m <- rmodels.parent + rmodels.new

  ## ## prune1: SNPs should only be counted once
  ## system.time({rows.drop <- rowSums(m==2)>0
  ##              if(any(rows.drop))
  ##                m2 <- m[ !rows.drop, ]
  ##              mstring <- apply(m2,1,paste,collapse="")
  ##              m2 <- m2[ !duplicated(mstring), ]  
  ##  })

##  system.time({
  ## prune1: SNPs should only be counted once
  nzero <- summary(m)
  x2 <- which(nzero[,"x"]==2)
  if(length(x2)) {
      i.drop <- nzero[ x2, "i"]
      nzero <- nzero[ !(nzero[,"i"] %in% i.drop), ]

  ## prune 2: multiple paths to each model, keep unique
  rows.split <- split( nzero[,"j"], nzero[,"i"] )

  ## prune 3: require all parent models to be included
  patterns <- unlist(lapply(rows.split,paste,collapse=":"))
  tt <- table(patterns)
  rows.keep <- which(!duplicated(rows.split) & patterns %in% names(tt)[tt==(bma@nsnps+1)])
  m2 <- m[ as.numeric(names(rows.split)[rows.keep]), ]
  ## prune 4: max rs per group==1
  if(length(groups.use)) {
    rows.keep <- rep(TRUE,nrow(m2))
    for(g in groups.use) { ## UNTESTED!
      if(length(g)>1) {
        mg <- m2[,g]
        rs <- rowSums(mg)
        rows.keep <- rows.keep & rs <= 1
    m2 <- m2[ rows.keep, ]

    m2 <- models.add.excluded(m2, snps.exclude)

  return(snp.sort.models(m2, snps))


max.models.single <- function(n, n.use) {

max.models.multi <- function(groups, n.use) {

  if(length(groups) < n.use)

  n.groups <- sapply(groups,length)
  combs <- combn(length(n.groups),n.use)
  n.models <- matrix( n.groups[ combs ], nrow=n.use )
  sum(apply( n.models, 2, prod ))
##' Total possible models that may be formed of n.use out of snps SNPs
##' This is a choose(snps, n.use) in the simple case, but
##' subject to the groups list.Total possible models 
##' @title max.models
##' @param snps Character vector of snp names covering all snps in the region.  Needed if you want to supply \code{groups}
##' @param n.use Number of SNPs in model
##' @param n.snps Number of SNPs in region, length(snps).  Either \code{snps} or \code{n.snps} must be specified.
##' @param groups optional list of character vectors, each giving groups of SNPs in LD, so that only one of any group is included in a model
##' @return The number of possible models
##' @export 
##' @author Chris Wallace
max.models <- function(snps=character(0), n.use, n.snps=length(snps), groups=list()) {

    stop("must supply n.snps (>0) or snps")

  nogroups <- setdiff(unique(snps), unlist(groups))
    groups <- c(groups, as.list(nogroups))
  n.groups <- sapply(groups, length)
  if(all(n.groups==1)) ## all singletons, ignore grouping
  if(all(n.groups>1)) ## all multi, generate models using at most one SNP from each group
    return(max.models.multi(groups, n.use))

  ## mixed single and multi
  ## deal with single snp groups first - these are easy
  which.single <- which(n.groups==1)
  single.list <- sapply(0:n.use, function(i) max.models.single(length(which.single), i) )
  multi.list <- sapply(n.use:0, function(i) max.models.multi(groups[-which.single], i))  
  models.list <- single.list * multi.list


## + should add colnames, rownames etc
chr1swallace/snpBMA documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:19 p.m.