traceplot <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("traceplot") <- function (object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"),
...) {
parm <- match.arg(parm)
if (parm == "all") {
nams_parms <- c("betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas", "tau_bs_gammas",
"gammas", "alphas")
nams_mcmc <- names(object$mcmc)
ind <- unlist(sapply(paste0("^", nams_parms), grep, nams_mcmc))
nams_mcmc <- nams_mcmc[ind]
for (i in seq_along(nams_mcmc)) {
parms_i <- nams_mcmc[[i]]
x <- object$mcmc[[parms_i]]
if (!is.null(x)) coda::traceplot(x, ...)
} else {
parm <- grep(paste0("^", parm), names(object$mcmc))
if (length(parm) > 1) {
for (l in parm) coda::traceplot(object$mcmc[[l]], ...)
} else {
coda::traceplot(object$mcmc[[parm]], ...)
gelman_diag <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("gelman_diag") <- function (object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"),
...) {
parm <- match.arg(parm)
if (parm == "all") {
nams_parms <- c("betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas", "tau_bs_gammas",
"gammas", "alphas")
nams_mcmc <- names(object$mcmc)
ind <- unlist(sapply(paste0("^", nams_parms), grep, nams_mcmc), use.names= FALSE)
nams_mcmc <- nams_mcmc[ind]
out <- vector("list", length(nams_mcmc))
names(out) <- nams_mcmc
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
parms_i <- nams_mcmc[[i]]
x <- object$mcmc[[parms_i]]
if (!is.null(x)) out[[i]] <- coda::gelman.diag(x, ...)
out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
} else {
parm <- grep(paste0("^", parm), names(object$mcmc))
if (length(parm) > 1) {
out <- lapply(parm, function (l)
coda::gelman.diag(object$mcmc[[l]], ...))
names(out) <- object$model_info$var_names$respVars_form
} else {
coda::gelman.diag(object$mcmc[[parm]], ...)
densplot <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("densplot") <- function (object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"),
...) {
parm <- match.arg(parm)
if (parm == "all") {
nams_parms <- c("betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas", "tau_bs_gammas",
"gammas", "alphas")
nams_mcmc <- names(object$mcmc)
ind <- unlist(sapply(paste0("^", nams_parms), grep, nams_mcmc))
nams_mcmc <- nams_mcmc[ind]
for (i in seq_along(nams_mcmc)) {
parms_i <- nams_mcmc[[i]]
x <- object$mcmc[[parms_i]]
if (!is.null(x)) coda::densplot(x, ...)
} else {
parm <- grep(paste0("^", parm), names(object$mcmc))
if (length(parm) > 1) {
for (l in parm) coda::densplot(object$mcmc[[l]], ...)
} else {
coda::densplot(object$mcmc[[parm]], ...)
cumuplot <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("cumuplot") <- function (object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"), ...) {
parm <- match.arg(parm)
if (parm == "all") {
nams_parms <- c("betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas", "tau_bs_gammas",
"gammas", "alphas")
nams_mcmc <- names(object$mcmc)
ind <- unlist(sapply(paste0("^", nams_parms), grep, nams_mcmc))
nams_mcmc <- nams_mcmc[ind]
for (i in seq_along(nams_mcmc)) {
parms_i <- nams_mcmc[[i]]
x <- object$mcmc[[parms_i]]
if (!is.null(x)) coda::cumuplot(x, ...)
} else {
parm <- grep(paste0("^", parm), names(object$mcmc))
if (length(parm) > 1) {
for (l in parm) coda::cumuplot(object$mcmc[[l]], ...)
} else {
coda::cumuplot(object$mcmc[[parm]], ...)
} <- function (object, ...) {
families <- object$model_info$families
n_outcomes <- length(families)
respVars <- object$model_info$var_names$respVars_form
N <- sapply(object$model_data$X, nrow)
descrpt <- data.frame(` ` = N, row.names = respVars, check.rows = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
nams_D <- unlist(lapply(object$model_data$Z, colnames))
D <- lowertri2mat(object$statistics$Mean$D, nams_D)
out <- list(n = object$model_data$n, descrpt = descrpt, D = D,
families = families, respVars = respVars,
events = object$model_data$delta,
control = object$control, time = object$running_time,
call = object$call, recurrent = object$model_info$recurrent,
any_terminal = length(object$model_data$which_term_h) > 0)
tab_f <- function(name) {
out <- data.frame(Mean = object$statistics$Mean[[name]],
StDev = object$statistics$SD[[name]],
`2.5%` = object$statistics$CI_low[[name]],
`97.5%` = object$statistics$CI_upp[[name]],
P = object$statistics$P[[name]],
row.names = names(object$statistics$P[[name]]),
check.names = FALSE)
Rhat <- object$statistics$Rhat[[name]][, 1L]
if (!is.null(Rhat))
out$Rhat <- Rhat
fam_names <- sapply(families, "[[", "family")
has_sigma_fam <- c("gaussian", "Student-t", "beta", "Gamma",
"negative binomial", "beta binomial", "censored normal")
has_sigmas <- object$model_data$has_sigmas
has_sigmas[has_sigmas > 0] <- which(has_sigmas > 0)
tab_sigmas <- tab_f("sigmas")
for (i in seq_len(n_outcomes)) {
nam_outcome <- paste0("Outcome", i)
out[[nam_outcome]] <- tab_f(paste0("betas", i))
if (fam_names[i] %in% has_sigma_fam) {
k <- nrow(out[[nam_outcome]])
out[[nam_outcome]] <-
tab_sigmas[paste0("sigmas_", has_sigmas[i]), ])
row.names(out[[nam_outcome]])[k + 1] <- "sigma"
if(out$recurrent & out$any_terminal) {
out$Survival <-, list(tab_f("gammas"), tab_f("alphas"),
} else {
out$Survival <-, list(tab_f("gammas"), tab_f("alphas")))
out$sigmaF <- tab_f("sigmaF")[c(1, 3, 4)]
out$fit_stats <- object$fit_stats
class(out) <- ""
} <- function (x, digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 4), ...) {
cat("\nCall:\n", printCall(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Data Descriptives:")
cat("\nNumber of Groups: ", x$n, "\t\tNumber of events: ",
sum(x$event == 1), " (", round(100 * mean(x$event == 1), 1),
"%)", sep = "")
cat("\nNumber of Observations:")
obs <- x$descrpt
for (i in 1:nrow(obs)) {
cat("\n ", row.names(obs)[i], ": ", obs[[1]][i],
sep = "")
if (!is.null(x$fit_stats$conditional$DIC)) {
model.sum <-
data.frame(DIC = c(x$fit_stats$marginal$DIC, x$fit_stats$conditional$DIC),
WAIC = c(x$fit_stats$marginal$WAIC, x$fit_stats$conditional$WAIC),
LPML = c(x$fit_stats$marginal$LPML, x$fit_stats$conditional$LPML),
row.names = c("marginal", "conditional"))
cat("\nRandom-effects covariance matrix:\n")
D <- x$D
ncz <- nrow(D)
sds <- sqrt(diag(D))
if (ncz > 1) {
corrs <- cov2cor(D)
corrs[upper.tri(corrs, TRUE)] <- 0
mat <- round(cbind(sds, corrs[, -ncz]), digits)
mat <- rbind(mat)
mat <- apply(mat, 2L, sprintf, fmt = "%.4f")
mat[mat == mat[1, 2]] <- ""
mat[1, -1] <- sprintf("%06s", abbreviate(colnames(D)[-ncz], 6))
colnames(mat) <- rep("", ncol(mat))
mat <- rbind(c("StdDev", " Corr", if (ncz > 2) rep(" ", ncz - 2) else NULL),
rownames(mat) <- c("", abbreviate(c(dimnames(D)[[1]]), 6))
} else {
mat <- cbind(StdDev = sprintf(sds, fmt = "%.4f"))
rownames(mat) <- rownames(D)
print(noquote(mat), digits = digits)
if(x$recurrent) {
cat("\nFrailty standard deviation:\n")
print(round(x[["sigmaF"]], digits))
cat("\nSurvival Outcome:\n")
print(round(x[["Survival"]], digits))
n_outcomes <- length(x$families)
for (i in seq_len(n_outcomes)) {
cat("\nLongitudinal Outcome: ", x$respVars[i],
" (family = ", x$families[[i]][["family"]],
", link = ", x$families[[i]][["link"]],
")", "\n", sep = "")
xx <- round(x[[paste0("Outcome", i)]], digits)
rnams <- row.names(xx)
if (any(offend <- nchar(rnams) > 20))
row.names(xx)[offend] <- abbreviate(rnams[offend])
cat("\nMCMC summary:\n")
tt <- x$time[3L] / 60
cat("chains:", x$control$n_chains,
"\niterations per chain:", x$control$n_iter,
"\nburn-in per chain:", x$control$n_burnin,
"\nthinning:", x$control$n_thin,
"\ntime:", if (tt < 1) {round(tt * 60)} else if (tt > 60)
{round(tt/60, 1)} else {round(tt, 1)},
if (tt < 1) {"sec"} else if (tt > 60) {"hours"} else {"min"})
} <- function (x, digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 4), ...) {
xx <- summary(x)
cat("\nCall:\n", printCall(xx$call), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\nRandom-effects covariance matrix:\n")
D <- xx$D
ncz <- nrow(D)
sds <- sqrt(diag(D))
if (ncz > 1) {
corrs <- cov2cor(D)
corrs[upper.tri(corrs, TRUE)] <- 0
mat <- round(cbind(sds, corrs[, -ncz]), digits)
mat <- rbind(mat)
mat <- apply(mat, 2L, sprintf, fmt = "%.4f")
mat[mat == mat[1, 2]] <- ""
mat[1, -1] <- sprintf("%06s", abbreviate(colnames(D)[-ncz], 6))
colnames(mat) <- rep("", ncol(mat))
mat <- rbind(c("StdDev", " Corr", if (ncz > 2) rep(" ", ncz - 2) else NULL),
rownames(mat) <- c("", abbreviate(c(dimnames(D)[[1]]), 6))
} else {
mat <- cbind(StdDev = sprintf(sds, fmt = "%.4f"))
rownames(mat) <- rownames(D)
print(noquote(mat), digits = digits)
if(xx$recurrent) {
cat("\nFrailty standard deviation:\n")
print(round(xx[["sigmaF"]], digits))
cat("\nSurvival Outcome:\n")
print(round(xx[["Survival"]], digits))
n_outcomes <- length(xx$families)
for (i in seq_len(n_outcomes)) {
cat("\nLongitudinal Outcome: ", xx$respVars[i],
" (family = ", xx$families[[i]][["family"]],
", link = ", xx$families[[i]][["link"]],
")", "\n", sep = "")
yy <- round(xx[[paste0("Outcome", i)]], digits)
rnams <- row.names(yy)
if (any(offend <- nchar(rnams) > 20))
row.names(yy)[offend] <- abbreviate(rnams[offend])
} <- function (object, ...) {
gammas <- object$statistics$Mean[["gammas"]]
if (is.null(gammas)) object$statistics$Mean[["alphas"]] else
list("gammas" = gammas,
"association" = object$statistics$Mean[["alphas"]])
} <- function(object, outcome = Inf, ...) {
if (!is.numeric(outcome) || outcome < 0) {
stop("'outcome' should be a positive integer.")
outcome <- round(outcome)
if (outcome > length(object$model_data$y)) {
Means <- object$statistics$Mean
ind_betas <- grep("betas", names(Means), fixed = TRUE)
Means <- Means[ind_betas]
names(Means) <- object$model_info$var_names$respVars_form
} else {
object$statistics$Mean[[paste0("betas", outcome)]]
} <- function(object, outcome = Inf, post_vars = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.numeric(outcome) || outcome < 0) {
stop("'outcome' should be a positive integer.")
outcome <- round(outcome)
if (outcome > length(object$model_data$y)) {
out <- object$statistics$Mean$b
if (post_vars)
attr(out, "post_vars") <- object$statistics$post_vars
} else {
ind <- object$model_data$ind_RE[[outcome]]
out <- object$statistics$Mean$b[, ind, drop = FALSE]
if (post_vars)
attr(out, "post_vars") <-
object$statistics$post_vars[ind, ind, , drop = FALSE]
} <- function (x, process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type = c("fixed", "random"), ...) {
process <- match.arg(process)
type <- match.arg(type)
combo <- paste(process, type, sep = "_")
"longitudinal_fixed" = x$model_info$terms$terms_FE,
"longitudinal_random" = x$model_info$terms$terms_RE,
"event_fixed" = , "event_random" = x$model_info$terms$terms_Surv)
} <- function (formula, process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type = c("fixed", "random"), ...) {
process <- match.arg(process)
type <- match.arg(type)
combo <- paste(process, type, sep = "_")
"longitudinal_fixed" = formula$model_info$frames$mf_FE,
"longitudinal_random" = formula$model_info$frames$mf_RE,
"event_fixed" = , "event_random" = formula$model_info$frames$mf_Surv)
} <- function (object, ...) {
tr <- terms(object)
mf <- model.frame(object)
if ( {
model.matrix(tr, mf)
} else {
mapply(model.matrix.default, object = tr, data = mf, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
} <- function (object, ...) {
ggtraceplot <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("ggtraceplot") <- function(object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"),
size = 1, alpha = 0.8,
theme = c('standard', 'catalog', 'metro',
'pastel', 'beach', 'moonlight', 'goo',
'sunset', 'custom'), grid = FALSE,
gridrows = 3, gridcols = 1, custom_theme = NULL,
...) {
chain <- iteration <- NULL
parm <- match.arg(parm)
coltheme <- match.arg(theme)
ggdata <- ggprepare(object, parm)
n_parms <- length(unique(ggdata$parm))
n_chains <- object$control$n_chains
if(!is.null(custom_theme)) {
if (length(custom_theme) != n_chains)
stop('User specified custom color themes should be a named character vector with one color specified for each chain')
coltheme <- 'custom'
ggcolthemes[[coltheme]] <- custom_theme
if (grid) {
gplots <- list(NULL)
for (i in seq_len(n_parms)) {
if (n_chains == 3 | !is.null(custom_theme)) {
gplots[[i]] <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_line(aes(x = iteration, y = value, color = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Traceplot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
} else {
gplots[[i]] <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_line(aes(x = iteration, y = value, color = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Traceplot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
marrangeGrob(grobs = gplots, nrow = gridrows, ncol = gridcols)
} else {
for (i in seq_len(n_parms)) {
if (n_chains == 3 | !is.null(custom_theme)) {
g <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_line(aes(x = iteration, y = value, color = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Traceplot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
} else {
g <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_line(aes(x = iteration, y = value, color = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Traceplot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
ggdensityplot <- function (object, ...) UseMethod("ggdensityplot") <- function(object,
parm = c("all", "betas", "sigmas", "D", "bs_gammas",
"tau_bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas"),
size = 1, alpha = 0.6,
theme = c('standard', 'catalog', 'metro',
'pastel', 'beach', 'moonlight', 'goo',
'sunset', 'custom'), grid = FALSE,
gridrows = 3, gridcols = 1, custom_theme = NULL,
...) {
chain <- NULL
parm <- match.arg(parm)
coltheme <- match.arg(theme)
ggdata <- ggprepare(object, parm)
n_parms <- length(unique(ggdata$parm))
n_chains <- object$control$n_chains
if(!is.null(custom_theme)) {
if (length(custom_theme) != n_chains)
stop('User specified custom color themes should be a named character vector with one color specified for each chain')
coltheme <- 'custom'
ggcolthemes[[coltheme]] <- custom_theme
if (grid) {
gplots <- list(NULL)
for (i in seq_len(n_parms)) {
if (n_chains == 3 | !is.null(custom_theme)) {
gplots[[i]] <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_density(aes(x = value, color = chain, fill = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Density plot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
scale_fill_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
} else {
gplots[[i]] <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_density(aes(x = value, color = chain, fill = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Density plot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
marrangeGrob(grobs = gplots, nrow = gridrows, ncol = gridcols)
} else {
for (i in seq_len(n_parms)) {
if (n_chains == 3 | !is.null(custom_theme)) {
g <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_density(aes(x = value, color = chain, fill = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Density plot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
scale_color_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
scale_fill_manual(values = ggcolthemes[[coltheme]]) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
} else {
g <- ggplot(ggdata[ggdata$parm %in% unique(ggdata$parm)[i], ]) +
geom_density(aes(x = value, color = chain, fill = chain),
size = size, alpha = alpha) +
ggtitle(paste('Density plot of ', unique(ggdata$parm)[i])) +
theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5)) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))
} <- function (object, newdata, level = 0.95, ...) {
termsX <- object$model_info$terms$terms_FE_noResp
xlevels <- mapply2(.getXlevels, termsX, object$model_info$frames$mf_FE)
mfX <- mapply2(model.frame.default, formula = termsX, xlev = xlevels,
MoreArgs = list(data = newdata))
X <- mapply2(model.matrix.default, object = termsX, data = mfX)
ind_betas <- grep("^betas", names(object$mcmc))
betas <- object$mcmc[ind_betas]
betas <- lapply(betas, function (b)"rbind", b))
Xbetas <- mapply2(tcrossprod, X, betas)
pred <- lapply(Xbetas, rowMeans)
names(pred) <- paste0("pred", seq_along(pred))
Qs <- lapply(Xbetas, rowQuantiles,
probs = c((1 - level) / 2, (1 + level) / 2))
for (i in seq_along(Qs)) {
colnames(Qs[[i]]) <- paste0(c("low", "upp"), i)
cbind(newdata,"cbind", pred),"cbind", Qs))
compare_jm <- function (..., type = c("marginal", "conditional"),
order = c("WAIC", "DIC", "LPML", "none")) {
model_names <- sapply(substitute(list(...)), deparse)[-1L]
models <- list(...)
if (!all(sapply(models, inherits, "jm"))) {
stop("compare_jm() works with jm objects.")
if (length(models) == 1L) {
stop("compare_jm() is supposed to compare two or more joint models.")
#respVars <- lapply(models, function (m) m$model_info$var_names$respVars)
#check_names <- sapply(respVars[-1],
# function (nams, nams_1) all(nams %in% nams_1),
# nams_1 = respVars[[1]])
#if (!all(check_names)) {
# stop("it seems that some joint have different longitudinal outcomes.")
type <- match.arg(type)
order <- match.arg(order)
extract_criteria <- function (m, type) {
if (type == "marginal") {
data.frame(DIC = m$fit_stats$marginal$DIC,
WAIC = m$fit_stats$marginal$WAIC,
LPML = m$fit_stats$marginal$LPML, check.names = FALSE)
} else {
data.frame(DIC = m$fit_stats$conditional$DIC,
WAIC = m$fit_stats$conditional$WAIC,
LPML = m$fit_stats$conditional$LPML, check.names = FALSE)
out <-"rbind", lapply(models, extract_criteria, type = type))
out$model <- model_names
out <- out[c("model", "DIC", "WAIC", "LPML")]
names(out) <- c(" ", "DIC", "WAIC", "LPML")
if (order != "none") {
out <- if (order == "LPML") out[order(out[[order]], decreasing = TRUE), ]
else out[order(out[[order]]), ]
out <- list(table = out, type = type)
class(out) <- "compare_jm"
print.compare_jm <- function (x, ...) {
cat("\n")$table, row.names = FALSE)
cat("\nThe criteria are calculated based on the", x$type, "log-likelihood.")
crisk_setup <- function (data, statusVar, censLevel, nameStrata = "strata",
nameStatus = "status2") {
n <- nrow(data)
status <- data[[statusVar]]
unqLevs <- unique(status)
unqLevs <- unqLevs[unqLevs != censLevel]
ncr <- length(unqLevs)
dataOut <- data[rep(seq_len(n), each = ncr), , drop = FALSE]
dataOut[[nameStrata]] <- rep(unqLevs, n)
dataOut[[nameStatus]] <- as.numeric(dataOut[[statusVar]] ==
dataOut[[nameStrata]] <- factor(dataOut[[nameStrata]])
} <- function (object, newdata = NULL, newdata2 = NULL, times = NULL,
process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type_pred = c("response", "link"),
type = c("subject_specific", "mean_subject"),
control = NULL, ...) {
process <- match.arg(process)
type_pred <- match.arg(type_pred)
type <- match.arg(type)
con <- list(all_times = FALSE, times_per_id = FALSE, level = 0.95,
return_newdata = FALSE, use_Y = TRUE, return_mcmc = FALSE,
n_samples = 200L, n_mcmc = 55L, parallel = "snow",
cores = NULL, seed = 123L)
control <- c(control, list(...))
namC <- names(con)
con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% namC]) > 0) {
warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
id_var <- object$model_info$var_names$idVar
time_var <- object$model_info$var_names$time_var
Time_var <- object$model_info$var_names$Time_var
event_var <- object$model_info$var_names$event_var
type_censoring <- object$model_info$type_censoring
respVars <- unlist(object$model_info$var_names$respVars)
check_varNames <- function (object, newdata, id_var,
process = c("Event", "Longitudinal")) {
process <- match.arg(process)
name_data <- deparse(substitute(newdata))
if (process == "Event") {
vars_S <- c(all.vars(object$model_info$terms$terms_Surv), id_var)
missing_vars <- vars_S[!vars_S %in% names(newdata)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame '", name_data, "' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "),
". \nThe '", paste(Time_var, collapse = ", "),
"' variable(s) should denote the last time the subjects",
" were event-free, and\nthe '", event_var,
"' variable should be set to 0.\n")
} else {
termsL <- object$model_info$terms$terms_FE
vars_L <- c(unlist(lapply(termsL, all.vars), use.names = FALSE), id_var)
missing_vars <- vars_L[!vars_L %in% names(newdata)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame '", name_data, "' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "),
"\nFor the 'newdata2' or 'newdata2$newdataL', you will also ",
"need to provide the longitudinal\noutcome variables by ",
"setting them to a random value (these values are not used in ",
"the computations).\n")
if (object$model_info$CR_MS && {
stop("for competing risks and multi-state models, argument 'newdata' ",
"must be a list of two data.frames, one for the longitudinal ",
"outcomes and one for the event process, the latter under the ",
"correct format.\n")
if (! {
if (!is.list(newdata) || length(newdata) != 2 ||
!all(names(newdata) %in% c("newdataL", "newdataE"))) {
stop("'newdata' must be a list with two data.frame elements ",
"named 'newdataL' and 'newdataE'.\n")
check_varNames(object, newdata$newdataE, id_var, "E")
check_varNames(object, newdata$newdataL, id_var, "L")
unq_ids_L <- newdata$newdataL[[id_var]]
unq_ids_E <- newdata$newdataE[[id_var]]
if (!all(unq_ids_L %in% unq_ids_E) || !all(unq_ids_E %in% unq_ids_L)) {
stop("the subject id's in the datasets 'newdata$newdataL' and ",
"'newdata$newdataE' do not match.\n")
if ( {
check_varNames(object, newdata, id_var, "E")
check_varNames(object, newdata, id_var, "L")
if (!is.null(newdata2) && ! {
if (!is.list(newdata2) || length(newdata2) != 2 ||
!all(names(newdata2) %in% c("newdataL", "newdataE"))) {
stop("'newdata2' must be a list with two data.frame elements ",
"named 'newdataL' and 'newdataE'.\n")
check_varNames(object, newdata2$newdataE, id_var, "E")
check_varNames(object, newdata2$newdataL, id_var, "L")
unq_ids_L <- newdata2$newdataL[[id_var]]
unq_ids_E <- newdata2$newdataE[[id_var]]
if (!all(unq_ids_L %in% unq_ids_E) || !all(unq_ids_E %in% unq_ids_L)) {
stop("the subject id's in the datasets 'newdata2$newdataL' and ",
"'newdata2$newdataE' do not match.\n")
if (!is.null(newdata2) && {
check_varNames(object, newdata2, id_var, "E")
check_varNames(object, newdata2, id_var, "L")
if (is.null(con$cores)) {
n <- if (! length(unique(newdata$newdataL[[id_var]]))
else length(unique(newdata[[id_var]]))
con$cores <- if (n > 20) 4L else 1L
components_newdata <-
get_components_newdata(object, newdata, con$n_samples,
con$n_mcmc, con$parallel, con$cores, con$seed,
if (process == "longitudinal") {
predict_Long(object, components_newdata, newdata, newdata2, times,
con$all_times, con$times_per_id, type, type_pred, con$level,
con$return_newdata, con$return_mcmc)
} else {
predict_Event(object, components_newdata, newdata, newdata2, times,
con$times_per_id, con$level, con$return_newdata,
plot.predict_jm <- function (x, x2 = NULL, subject = 1, outcomes = 1,
fun_long = NULL, fun_event = NULL,
CI_long = TRUE, CI_event = TRUE,
xlab = "Follow-up Time", ylab_long = NULL,
ylab_event = "Cumulative Risk", main = "",
lwd_long = 2, lwd_event = 2, ylim_event = c(0, 1),
ylim_long_outcome_range = TRUE,
col_line_long = "#0000FF",
col_line_event = c("#FF0000", "#03BF3D", "#8000FF"),
pch_points = 16, col_points = "blue", cex_points = 1,
fill_CI_long = "#0000FF4D",
fill_CI_event = c("#FF00004D", "#03BF3D4D", "#8000FF4D"),
cex_xlab = 1, cex_ylab_long = 1, cex_ylab_event = 1,
cex_main = 1, cex_axis = 1, col_axis = "black",
pos_ylab_long = c(0.1, 2, 0.08), bg = "white",
...) {
process_x <- attr(x, "process")
pred_Long <- if (process_x == "longitudinal") x
pred_Event <- if (process_x == "event") x
if (!is.null(x2)) {
process_x2 <- attr(x2, "process")
if (process_x2 == "longitudinal" && is.null(pred_Long)) pred_Long <- x2
if (process_x2 == "event" && is.null(pred_Event)) pred_Event <- x2
id_var <- attr(x, "id_var")
time_var <- attr(x, "time_var")
Time_var <- attr(x, "Time_var")
resp_vars <- attr(x, "resp_vars")
ranges <- attr(x, "ranges")
last_times <- attr(x, "last_times")
y <- attr(x, "y")
times_y <- attr(x, "times_y")
id <- attr(x, "id")
if (!is.null(pred_Long)) {
test1 <-
test2 <- is.list(pred_Long) && length(pred_Long) == 2L &&[[1]])
if (!test1 && !test2) {
stop("you must use, return_newdata = TRUE)")
if (test2) {
pred_Long <- rbind(pred_Long[[1L]], pred_Long[[2L]])
if (!is.null(pred_Event) && ! {
stop("you must use, return_newdata = TRUE)")
unq_id <- if (!is.null(pred_Long)) unique(pred_Long[[id_var]])
if (!is.null(pred_Event)) unq_id <- unique(c(pred_Event[[id_var]], unq_id))
if (length(subject) > 1L) {
stop("'subject' must be of length 1.")
if (!subject %in% unq_id && subject > length(unq_id)) {
stop("not valid input for 'subject'.")
subj <- if (subject %in% unq_id) subject else unq_id[subject]
subj_ind <- match(subj, unq_id)
if (!is.null(pred_Long)) {
pred_Long <- pred_Long[pred_Long[[id_var]] == subj, ]
if (!is.null(pred_Event)) {
pred_Long <- pred_Long[pred_Long[[time_var]] <= last_times[subj_ind], ]
if (!nrow(pred_Long)) {
stop("no available measurements before the last time.")
pos_outcomes <- grep("pred_", names(pred_Long), fixed = TRUE)
n_outcomes <- length(outcomes)
if (n_outcomes > length(pos_outcomes)) {
stop("the length of 'outcomes' is greater than the number of ",
"outcomes in the dataset.")
if (any(outcomes > length(pos_outcomes))) {
stop("not valid entries in 'outcome'.")
if (!is.null(pred_Event) && n_outcomes > 3) {
warning("when 'pred_Event' is not null max three outcomes are allowed in the plot.")
n_outcomes <- 3
outcomes <- rep_len(outcomes, length.out = 3L)
if (is.null(fun_long)) {
fun_long <- rep(list(function (x) x), n_outcomes)
} else {
if (is.function(fun_long)) fun_long <- rep(list(fun_long), n_outcomes)
if (is.list(fun_long) && (length(fun_long) != n_outcomes ||
!all(sapply(fun_long, is.function)))) {
stop("'fun_long' needs to be a function or a list of functions.")
col_line_long <- rep(col_line_long, length.out = n_outcomes)
pch_points <- rep(pch_points, length.out = n_outcomes)
col_points <- rep(col_points, length.out = n_outcomes)
cex_points <- rep(cex_points, length.out = n_outcomes)
fill_CI_long <- rep(fill_CI_long, length.out = n_outcomes)
if (!is.null(pred_Event)) {
pred_Event <- pred_Event[pred_Event[[id_var]] == subj, ]
if (is.null(fun_event) || !is.function(fun_event)) {
fun_event <- function (x) x
if (is.null(ylab_long)) {
ylab_long <- resp_vars
xlim <- NULL
if (!is.null(pred_Long)) xlim <- range(xlim, pred_Long[[time_var]])
if (!is.null(pred_Event)) xlim <- range(xlim, pred_Event[[Time_var]])
plot_long_i <- function (outcome, add_xlab = FALSE, box = TRUE,
cex_axis = cex_axis) {
ind <- pos_outcomes[outcome]
outcome_i <- match(outcome, outcomes)
f <- fun_long[[outcome_i]]
preds <- f(pred_Long[[ind]])
low <- f(pred_Long[[ind + 1]])
upp <- f(pred_Long[[ind + 2]])
times <- pred_Long[[time_var]]
na_preds <-
preds <- preds[!na_preds]
low <- low[!na_preds]
upp <- upp[!na_preds]
times <- times[!na_preds]
ry <- range(preds, low, upp, na.rm = TRUE)
ry <- range(ry[1L] * 0.8, ry[2L] * 1.2) # <---
rx <- range(times, na.rm = TRUE)
y_lim <- if (ylim_long_outcome_range) {
range(f(ranges[[outcome]]), ry, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
plot(rx, ry, type = "n", xaxt = "n", bty = if (box) "o" else "n",
xlab = if (add_xlab) xlab else "", xlim = xlim, col.axis = col_axis,
ylim = y_lim, ylab = ylab_long[outcome],
cex.lab = cex_ylab_long, cex.axis = cex_axis, col.lab = col_axis,
col.axis = col_axis)
if (!add_xlab) {
axis(1, c(-5, last_times[subj_ind]), labels = c("", ""), tcl = 0,
cex.axis = cex_axis, col = col_axis, col.axis = col_axis,
col.ticks = col_axis)
if (CI_long) {
polygon(c(times, rev(times)), c(low, rev(upp)), border = NA,
col = fill_CI_long[outcome_i])
y_i <- f(c(y[[outcome]]))
times_y_i <- times_y[[outcome]]
id_i <- id[[outcome]]
points(times_y_i[id_i == subj_ind], y_i[id_i == subj_ind],
pch = pch_points[outcome_i], cex = cex_points[outcome_i],
col = col_points[outcome_i])
lines(times, preds, lwd = lwd_long, col = col_line_long[outcome_i])
abline(v = last_times[subj_ind] + 0.01, lty = 3, col = col_axis)
plot_event <- function (box = FALSE, axis_side = 4, cex_axis = cex_axis) {
ind <- grep("pred_", names(pred_Event), fixed = TRUE)
preds <- fun_event(pred_Event[[ind]])
low <- fun_event(pred_Event[[ind + 1]])
upp <- fun_event(pred_Event[[ind + 2]])
strata <- pred_Event[["_strata"]]
if (is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(1, length(preds))
unq_strata <- sort(unique(strata))
col_line_event <- rep(col_line_event, length.out = length(unq_strata))
fill_CI_event <- rep(fill_CI_event, length.out = length(unq_strata))
times <- pred_Event[[Time_var]]
ry <- sort(fun_event(c(0, 1)))
rx <- range(times, na.rm = TRUE)
plot(rx, ry, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = xlim,
axes = FALSE, col.axis = col_axis, col.lab = col_axis,
ylim = ylim_event)
if (box) box(col = col_axis)
axis(axis_side, cex.axis = cex_axis, col = col_axis,
col.ticks = col_axis, col.axis = col_axis)
for (i in seq_along(unq_strata)) {
ind_str <- strata == unq_strata[i]
if (CI_event) {
polygon(c(times[ind_str], rev(times[ind_str])),
c(low[ind_str], rev(upp[ind_str])), border = NA,
col = fill_CI_event[i])
lines(times[ind_str], preds[ind_str], lwd = lwd_event,
col = col_line_event[i])
if (is.null(pred_Event)) {
for (i in seq_along(outcomes)) {
plot_long_i(outcomes[i], TRUE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
title(main = main, cex = cex_main)
axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis, col = col_axis,
col.ticks = col_axis, col.axis = col_axis)
if (is.null(pred_Long)) {
plot_event(box = TRUE, 2, cex_axis = cex_axis)
title(xlab = xlab, cex = cex_xlab)
title(ylab = ylab_event, cex = cex_ylab_event)
title(main = main, cex = cex_main)
abline(v = last_times[subj_ind] + 0.01, lty = 3)
axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis, col = col_axis, col.ticks = col_axis,
col.axis = col_axis)
if (!is.null(pred_Long) && !is.null(pred_Event)) {
if (n_outcomes == 1) {
# n_outcomes == 1
op <- par(mar = c(4,4,3,4), mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.3, bg = bg)
plot_long_i(outcomes[1L], cex_axis = cex_axis)
axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis, col.ticks = col_axis, col = col_axis,
col.axis = col_axis)
title(xlab = xlab, cex = cex_xlab, col = col_axis)
par(new = TRUE)
plot_event(cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_event, 4, 1.5, cex = cex_ylab_event, col = col_axis)
mtext(main, 3, 1.5, cex = cex_main, col = col_axis)
} else if (n_outcomes == 2) {
# n_outcomes == 2
op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), oma = c(4,4,3,4), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.3, bg = bg)
pp <- par("usr")[3] + pos_ylab_long * diff(par("usr")[3:4])
plot_long_i(outcomes[1L], box = FALSE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_long[outcomes[1L]], 2, 1.5, at = pp[1],
cex = cex_ylab_long * 0.66, col = col_axis)
plot_long_i(outcomes[2L], box = FALSE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_long[outcomes[2L]], 2, 1.5, at = pp[2],
cex = cex_ylab_long * 0.66, col = col_axis)
axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis, col.ticks = col_axis, col = col_axis,
col.axis = col_axis)
mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 1.5, outer = TRUE,
cex = cex_xlab, col = col_axis)
op <- par(new = TRUE, oma = c(4,4,3,4), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.3, cex = 0.9)
plot_event(box = TRUE, cex_axis = 0.66 * cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_event, 4, 1.5, cex = cex_ylab_event, col = col_axis)
mtext(main, 3, 1.5, cex = cex_main, col = col_axis)
} else {
# n_outcomes == 3
op <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1), oma = c(4,4,3,4), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.3, bg = bg)
pp <- par("usr")[3] + pos_ylab_long * diff(par("usr")[3:4])
plot_long_i(outcomes[1L], box = FALSE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_long[outcomes[1L]], 2, 1.5, at = pp[1],
cex = cex_ylab_long * 0.66, col = col_axis)
plot_long_i(outcomes[2L], box = FALSE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_long[outcomes[2L]], 2, 1.5, at = pp[2],
cex = cex_ylab_long * 0.66, col = col_axis)
plot_long_i(outcomes[3L], box = FALSE, cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_long[outcomes[3L]], 2, 1.5, at = pp[3],
cex = cex_ylab_long * 0.66, col = col_axis)
axis(1, cex.axis = cex_axis, col = col_axis, col.ticks = col_axis,
col.axis = col_axis)
mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 1.5, outer = TRUE, cex = cex_xlab,
col = col_axis)
box("inner", col = col_axis)
op <- par(new = TRUE, oma = 0.6525 * c(4,4,3,4), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tcl = -0.3, cex = 0.66)
plot_event(cex_axis = cex_axis)
mtext(ylab_event, 4, 1.5, cex = cex_ylab_event, col = col_axis)
mtext(main, 3, 1.5, cex = cex_main, col = col_axis)
rc_setup <- function(rc_data, trm_data,
idVar = "id", statusVar = "status",
startVar = "start", stopVar = "stop",
nameStrata = "strata", nameStatus = "status") {
# warnings
rc_bol <- c(idVar, statusVar, startVar, stopVar) %in% names(rc_data)
if(any(!rc_bol)) {
stop(paste0("\nThe variable '", c(idVar, statusVar, startVar, stopVar)[!rc_bol],
"' is not present in 'rc_data' dataset."))
trm_bol <- c(idVar, statusVar, stopVar) %in% names(trm_data)
if(any(!trm_bol)) {
stop(paste0("\nThe variable '", c(idVar, statusVar, stopVar)[!trm_bol],
"' is not present in 'trm_data' dataset."))
if(!setequal(rc_data[[idVar]], trm_data[[idVar]])) {
stop("The groups/subjects in both datasets do not seem to match.")
if(any(rc_data[[startVar]] > rc_data[[stopVar]])) {
stop(paste0("'", stopVar, "' cannot be smaller than '", startVar," in the recurring event data.'"))
rc_data <- rc_data[order(rc_data[[idVar]], rc_data[[startVar]]), ]
trm_data <- trm_data[order(trm_data[[idVar]]), ]
if(any(rc_data[[stopVar]] > trm_data[[stopVar]][rc_data[[idVar]]])) {
stop(paste0("'", stopVar, "' in the recurring event data cannot be larger than '", stopVar," in the terminal event data.'"))
# create new dataset
## CR dataset
n <- nrow(trm_data)
unqLevs <- unique(trm_data[[statusVar]])
unqLevs <- unqLevs[unqLevs != trm_censLevel]
status <- trm_data[[statusVar]] != trm_censLevel
dataOut1 <- trm_data[rep(seq_len(n), each = length(unqLevs)), , drop = FALSE]
dataOut1[[nameStrata]] <- rep(unqLevs, times = n)
dataOut1[[nameStatus]] <- as.numeric(dataOut1[[statusVar]] == dataOut1[[nameStrata]])
dataOut1[[startVar]] <- 0
dataOut1[[nameStrata]] <- paste0("T", dataOut1[[nameStrata]])
## Rec dataset
dataOut2 <- rc_data
dataOut2[[nameStrata]] <- "R"
dataOut2[[nameStatus]] <- dataOut2[[statusVar]]
## combine the 2 datasets
dataOut <- rbind(dataOut1, dataOut2)
dataOut[[nameStrata]] <- as.factor(dataOut[[nameStrata]]) # automatically assigns "R" as reference level based on the alphabetical order of the levels
dataOut <- dataOut[order(dataOut[[idVar]], dataOut[[nameStrata]], dataOut[[startVar]]), ]
rownames(dataOut) <- seq_len(nrow(dataOut))
predict.jmList <- function (object, weights, newdata = NULL, newdata2 = NULL,
times = NULL, process = c("longitudinal", "event"),
type_pred = c("response", "link"),
type = c("subject_specific", "mean_subject"),
control = NULL, ...) {
process <- match.arg(process)
type_pred <- match.arg(type_pred)
type <- match.arg(type)
con <- list(all_times = FALSE, times_per_id = FALSE, level = 0.95,
return_newdata = FALSE, use_Y = TRUE, return_mcmc = FALSE,
n_samples = 200L, n_mcmc = 55L, parallel = "snow",
cores = parallelly::availableCores(omit = 1L), seed = 123L)
control <- c(control, list(...))
namC <- names(con)
con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% namC]) > 0) {
warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
obj <- object[[1L]]
id_var <- obj$model_info$var_names$idVar
time_var <- obj$model_info$var_names$time_var
Time_var <- obj$model_info$var_names$Time_var
event_var <- obj$model_info$var_names$event_var
type_censoring <- obj$model_info$type_censoring
respVars <- unlist(obj$model_info$var_names$respVars)
if (obj$model_info$CR_MS && {
stop("for competing risks and multi-state models, argument 'newdata' ",
"must be a list of two data.frames, one for the longitudinal ",
"outcomes and one for the event process, the latter under the ",
"correct format.\n")
if (! {
if (!is.list(newdata) || length(newdata) != 2 ||
!all(names(newdata) %in% c("newdataL", "newdataE"))) {
stop("'newdata' must be a list with two data.frame elements ",
"named 'newdataL' and 'newdataE'.\n")
for (i in seq_along(respVars)) {
v <- respVars[i]
if (is.null(newdata$newdataE[[v]])) {
newdata$newdataE[[v]] <- rep(0.1, nrow(newdata$newdataE))
termsL <- obj$model_info$terms$terms_FE_noResp
all_vars <- unlist(lapply(termsL, all.vars), use.names = FALSE)
all_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% time_var]
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata$newdataE)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata$newdataE' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata$newdataL)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata$newdataL' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
if ( {
if (is.null(newdata[[event_var]])) newdata[[event_var]] <- 0
if (length(Time_var) > 1L) {
if (is.null(newdata[[Time_var[1L]]])) {
newdata[[Time_var[1L]]] <- 0
if (is.null(newdata[[Time_var[2L]]])) {
last_time <- function (x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 1e-06
f <- factor(newdata[[id_var]], unique(newdata[[id_var]]))
newdata[[Time_var[2L]]] <- ave(newdata[[time_var]], f,
FUN = last_time)
} else {
if (is.null(newdata[[Time_var]])) {
last_time <- function (x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 1e-06
f <- factor(newdata[[id_var]], unique(newdata[[id_var]]))
newdata[[Time_var]] <- ave(newdata[[time_var]], f, FUN = last_time)
termsL <- obj$model_info$terms$terms_FE_noResp
all_vars <- unlist(lapply(termsL, all.vars), use.names = FALSE)
all_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% time_var]
all_vars <- c(all_vars, all.vars(obj$model_info$terms$terms_Surv_noResp))
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
if (!is.null(newdata2) && ! {
if (!is.list(newdata2) || length(newdata2) != 2 ||
!all(names(newdata2) %in% c("newdataL", "newdataE"))) {
stop("'newdata2' must be a list with two data.frame elements ",
"named 'newdataL' and 'newdataE'.\n")
for (i in seq_along(respVars)) {
v <- respVars[i]
if (is.null(newdata2$newdataE[[v]])) {
newdata2$newdataE[[v]] <- rep(0.1, nrow(newdata2$newdataE))
termsL <- obj$model_info$terms$terms_FE_noResp
all_vars <- unlist(lapply(termsL, all.vars), use.names = FALSE)
all_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% time_var]
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata2$newdataE)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata2$newdataE' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata2$newdataL)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata2$newdataL' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
if (!is.null(newdata2) && {
if (is.null(newdata2[[event_var]])) newdata2[[event_var]] <- 0
if (length(Time_var) > 1L) {
if (is.null(newdata2[[Time_var[1L]]])) {
newdata2[[Time_var[1L]]] <- 0
if (is.null(newdata2[[Time_var[2L]]])) {
last_time <- function (x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 1e-06
f <- factor(newdata2[[id_var]], unique(newdata2[[id_var]]))
newdata2[[Time_var[2L]]] <- ave(newdata2[[time_var]], f,
FUN = last_time)
} else {
if (is.null(newdata2[[Time_var]])) {
last_time <- function (x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 1e-06
f <- factor(newdata2[[id_var]], unique(newdata2[[id_var]]))
newdata2[[Time_var]] <- ave(newdata2[[time_var]], f, FUN = last_time)
termsL <- obj$model_info$terms$terms_FE_noResp
all_vars <- unlist(lapply(termsL, all.vars), use.names = FALSE)
all_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% time_var]
all_vars <- c(all_vars, all.vars(obj$model_info$terms$terms_Surv_noResp))
missing_vars <- all_vars[!all_vars %in% names(newdata2)]
if (length(missing_vars)) {
stop("the data.frame 'newdata2' should contain the ",
"variable(s): ", paste(missing_vars, collapse = ", "), ".\n")
cores <- min(con$cores, length(object))
if (cores > 1L) {
have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
if (con$parallel == "multicore") {
have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
} else if (con$parallel == "snow") {
have_snow <- TRUE
if (!have_mc && !have_snow) cores <- 1L
if (cores > 1L) {
if (have_mc) {
preds <-
parallel::mclapply(object, predict, newdata = newdata,
newdata2 = newdata2, times = times,
all_times = con$all_times,
times_per_id = con$times_per_id,
process = process, type_pred = type_pred,
type = type, level = con$level,
n_samples = con$n_samples,
n_mcmc = con$n_mcmc,
return_newdata = con$return_newdata,
return_mcmc = TRUE, mc.cores = cores)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", cores))
invisible(parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library("JMbayes2")))
preds <-
parallel::parLapply(cl, object, predict, newdata = newdata,
newdata2 = newdata2, times = times,
all_times = con$all_times,
times_per_id = con$times_per_id,
process = process, type_pred = type_pred,
type = con$type, level = con$level,
n_samples = con$n_samples,
n_mcmc = con$n_mcmc,
return_newdata = con$return_newdata,
return_mcmc = TRUE)
} else {
preds <-
lapply(object, predict, newdata = newdata,
newdata2 = newdata2, times = times,
all_times = con$all_times, times_per_id = con$times_per_id,
process = process, type_pred = type_pred,
type = type, level = con$level, n_samples = con$n_samples,
n_mcmc = con$n_mcmc, return_newdata = con$return_newdata,
return_mcmc = TRUE)
extract_mcmc <- function (x) {
if ( attr(x, "mcmc") else x[["mcmc"]]
MCMC <- lapply(preds, extract_mcmc)
alp <- 1 - con$level
if (is.list(MCMC[[1L]])) {
n_outcomes <- length(MCMC[[1L]])
pred_ <- qs <- vector("list", n_outcomes)
for (j in seq_len(n_outcomes)) {
weighted_MCMC <- Reduce("+", mapply2("*", MCMC[[j]], weights))
pred_[[j]] <- rowMeans(weighted_MCMC)
qs[[j]] <- matrixStats::rowQuantiles(weighted_MCMC,
probs = c(alp/2, 1 - alp/2))
names(pred_) <- names(qs) <- names(MCMC[[1L]])
low <- lapply(qs, function (x) x[, 1L])
upp <- lapply(qs, function (x) x[, 2L])
} else {
weighted_MCMC <- Reduce("+", mapply2("*", MCMC, weights))
pred_ <- rowMeans(weighted_MCMC)
qs <- matrixStats::rowQuantiles(weighted_MCMC,
probs = c(alp/2, 1 - alp/2))
out <- preds[[1]]
if (process == "event") {
if (! {
out$pred <- pred_
out$low <- qs[, 1L]
out$upp <- qs[, 2L]
} else {
out$pred_CIF <- pred_
out$low_CIF <- qs[, 1L]
out$upp_CIF <- qs[, 2L]
} else {
if (! {
out$preds <- pred_
out$low <- low
out$upp <- upp
} else {
ind <- grep("pred_", names(out), fixed = TRUE)
out[ind] <- pred_
ind <- grep("low_", names(out), fixed = TRUE)
out[ind] <- low
ind <- grep("upp_", names(out), fixed = TRUE)
out[ind] <- upp
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