Man pages for drmjc/microarrays
A collection of microarray and genomic helper code.

agilent.miRNA.cbindcbind Agilent miRNA datasets Combine 2 Agilent miRNA objects...
agilent.miRNA.filter.GX10Filter Agilent miRNA data Keep only the miRNA's that start...
agilent.miRNA.normalise.GX10Normalise Agilent miRNA data Normalise an Agilent miRNA data...
agilent.miRNA.preprocessPreprocess Agilent miRNA data. From a table of imported...
agilent.miRNA.preprocess.GX10Preprocess Agilent miRNA data Preprocess raw Agilent data,...
agilent.miRNA.threshold.GX10Threshold Agilent miRNA data Threshold raw Agilent miRNA data... to a Data Frame
average.replicates-methodsAverage replicate columns
barplot_lmFitMultipanel barplot of results from an lmFit
blatGeneAffy probe sequences to BLAT input a toptable which contains probe ID's in the ID column,...
catplot.RankProdCAT plot comparing N RankProd analyses.
collapse.topTableTake a topTable with one row per probeset, and collapse it to...
controlDataSetter-methodsreplace the controlData slot in a LumiBatch object
convert.partek2topTableConvert Partek to topTable Convert a toptable made by...
DEgenes.topTableGet the DE genes from a topTable. Get the lists of DE genes...
dotplot-methodsdotplots on ExpressionSet objects
export.DEgenes.topTableExport the DE genes from a topTable. Get the DE genes passing...
export.gsea.rnk.RankProdTake the results from a RankProd analysis, and produce a rnk...
export.topTableExport a topTable, or a list of top tables to an excel file....
hist_pvals_pi0histrogram of p-values
import.agilentImport an Agilent result file
import.agilent.column2tableExtract a column from Agilent files. Take a vector of...
import.Agilent.GeneView.ExperimentImport a collection of GeneView files
import.Agilent.GeneView.FileImport Agilent GeneView files
import.illumina.bgxImport an Illumina microarray manifest file.
is.topTable.listIs the argument a single topTable, or a list of topTables
logFC2signedFCConvert logFC (FoldChange) to signed FC When logFC<0,...
lowessMAadd a lowess curve to a plot created by plotMA
LumiBatch2gctconvert a LumiBatch to a GCT object
LumiBatch2GEOarchiveConvert a LumiBatch into a GEOarchive formatted file from Agilent filenames From a vector...
merge_topTableFunction to merge N topTable's together, retaining a...
mget2enhanced mget
mget.chainLookup keys in a chain of 2 environment or AnnDbBimap objects
mget.multimget with multiple search keys
microarrays-packagemjc's microarrays package
normalizeQuantiles.listFunction to qnorm a list of matrices It joins the list...
plot_arrayWeightsPlot array weights
plot_cor_topTableCompare two topTables via correlation of the t-stats
plot_dabg_vs_rmaDensity plot of DABG vs expression levels Plot the RMA...
plot_genespringGX_linesPerform a GeneSpring GX 7.3.1 line plot
plot_lumi_QC_allPerform all of the QC plots that are mentioned in the lumi...
plotMA.allMake N MAplots, writing out files into a directory.
plot_venn2D_topTableVenn Diagram from 2 topTable objects Plot a Venn Diagram of...
plot_venn3D_topTableVenn Diagram from 3 topTable objects Plot a Venn Diagram of...
RankProd.signed.scoreFrom the results of a RankProd analysis, create a signed...
round.topTableRound the numeric columns in a topTable Take a top table, and...
sampleNamesSetter-methodsset sampleNames in LumiBatch objects
sort-methodssort ExpressionSet and LumiBatch objects
subset.eSetsubset an eSet object
subset-LumiBatch-methodssubset a LumiBatch object
subset.MArrayLMSubset an MArrayLM object.
summarise.dabgSumarise an Affymetrix DABG file The Detected Above...
summarise.topTableSummarise a topTable object
summarise.topTable.listSummarise a list of topTables.
summarise.topTable.updownSummarise a toptable into the up/down regulated genes
topTable.allRun topTable on all contrasts from a linear model fit...
topTable.fixFC'fix' the logFC column for biologists (sorry!)
topTable.SEAdd a moderated SE column to a topTable object. a toptable (Fstat or t-stat) and make a label for each...
transform_Agilent_logLog transform and offset of Agilent data.
volcanoplot_topTableA topTable volcano plot. Volcano plot of a toptable - similar...
volcanoplot_topTable_PandQA wrapper function to plot 2 volcano plots side by side, for...
drmjc/microarrays documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:26 p.m.