genesbyrnaseqpfexpressionfoldchange: Find <i>P. falciparum</i> genes that are differentially...

Description Arguments Value


Find <i>P. falciparum</i> genes that are differentially expressed between field parasites from pregnant women and those from children. <br><br>NSR-seq was used to analyze the transcriptome of an unsynchronized in vitro culture of human malaria parasite P. falciparum reference strain 3D7, and two pools of field isolates from malaria-infected pregnant women and children adapted to short-term in vitro culture and matched by the percentage of rings, thophozoites and schizonts. <br><br>A gene signature of Plasmodium falciparum parasites infecting children identified by NSR-seq transcriptional profiling. Marissa Vignali, Christopher D. Armour , Jingyang Chen, Robert Morrison, John C. Castle, Matthew C. Biery, Heather Bouzek, Wonjong Moon, Tomas Babak, Michal Fried, Christopher K. Raymond and Patrick E. Duffy. Submitted



the reference sample


the comparison sample


Enter a non-negative number. NOTE: Fold change is reported in the summary as positive numbers for up-regulated genes and negative numbers for down-regulated genes


For ConditionA vs. ConditionB, select up-regulated for genes where ConditionA > ConditionB and select down-regulated for genes where ConditionB > ConditionA.


Enter a number for the minimum percentile value of the reference if down-regulated or the comparator if up-regulated the selected samples must meet in order to be included in the fold change calculation.


Single valued attributes of the feature. Provide one or more values. Use comma as a delimter.


Multi-valued attributes of the feature. Provide one or more values. Use comma as a delimter.


a logical value or a function that controls how the result of the method is returned. If this is a function, the character string or raw vector is passed to this function and it converts it appropriately. If this is a logical value and TRUE, then we attempt to convert the result based on its Content-Type returned by the Web server. If this is FALSE, the value from the Web server is returned as is.


the URL for the Web request. This defaults to the correct value, but can be specified by the caller if the method is available at a different URL, e.g. locally or in a mirror server.


a logical value controlling whether to use the JSON or the XML version of the method


text/xml text/plain

duncantl/REuPathDB documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:28 p.m.