
Defines functions get_gene_info read_gmt_robust find_contrast_samples find_overlap find_overlap_gmt

Documented in find_contrast_samples find_overlap find_overlap_gmt get_gene_info read_gmt_robust

#' fct_analysis_random.R Miscellaneous data analysis functions here,
#'  we find a place for them later
#' @section fct_analysis_random.R functions:
#' \code{gene_group_heatmap} heatmap with color bar define gene groups
#' \code{find_overlap_gmt} Given a gene set,
#' finds significant overlaps with a gene set database.
#' @name fct_analysis_random.R

### work in process (Needs to be tested)
#' Calculate overlap for species with GMT file
#' For a species not in the iDEP database, calculate the overlap
#'  for pathway analysis.
#' @param query Vector of genes to calculate the overlap on
#' @param gene_set Gene sets from the custom GMT file to use in
#'  the overlap
#' @param min_fdr Significant p-value to determine significantly
#'  expressed genes
#' @param min_size Minimum size for a pathway gene set
#' @param max_size Maximum size for a pathway gene set.
#' @return A dataframe
#' @export
find_overlap_gmt <- function(query,
                             min_fdr = .2,
                             min_size = 2,
                             max_size = 10000,
                             use_filtered_background ,
                             processed_data) {
  total_elements <- 20000 # why 3000?
  min_overlap <- 1 # nolint
  max_terms <- 10
  no_sig <- as.data.frame("No significant enrichment found!")
  query <- clean_gene_set(gene_set = query) # convert to upper case, unique()
  query_length <- length(query)

  if (query_length <= 2 || length(gene_set) < 1) {

  # gene sets smaller than 1 are ignored
  gene_set <- gene_set[which(sapply(X = gene_set, FUN = length) > min_size)]
  # gene sets that are too big are ignored
  gene_set <- gene_set[which(sapply(X = gene_set, FUN = length) < max_size)]
  # calculate total number of unique genes in the union of all gene_sets
  total_unique_genes <- length(unique(unlist(gene_set)))
  if(total_unique_genes > 5000) {
    total_elements <- total_unique_genes

  # calculate overlap
  length_fun <- function(x, query) {
    length(intersect(query, x))
  result <- unlist(lapply(X = gene_set, FUN = length_fun, query = query))
  result <- cbind(unlist(lapply(X = gene_set, FUN = length)), result)
  result <- as.data.frame(result) # n, overlap

  # Background genes -----------
  if (!is.null(use_filtered_background)) {
    if (
      use_filtered_background &&
        length(row.names(processed_data)) > min_genes_background &&
        length(row.names(processed_data)) < max_genes_background + 1
    ) {

      query_bg <- row.names(processed_data)
      #total genes
      total_elements <- length(query_bg)
      # num. of genes in background in each of the gene sets
      result[, 1] <- unlist(lapply(X = gene_set, FUN = length_fun, query = query_bg))

  # add intersection genes
  genes_fun <- function(x, query) {
    paste(intersect(query, x), collapse = ", ")
  # list of genes in the intersection
  result$gene_sets <- unlist(lapply(X = gene_set, FUN = genes_fun, query = query))
  # fold enrichment
  result$fold <- result[, 2] / query_length / (result[, 1] / total_elements)

  result <- result[which(result[, 2] > min_overlap), , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(result) == 0) {
  xx <- result[, 2]
  nn <- total_elements - query_length
  kk <- result[, 1]
  pval_enrich <- phyper(xx - 1, query_length, nn, kk, lower.tail = FALSE)
  fdr <- p.adjust(pval_enrich, method = "fdr", n = length(gene_set))
  result <- as.data.frame(cbind(fdr, result))
  result$pathway <- rownames(result)
  result$memo <- "" # place holder just

  colnames(result) <- c(
    "fdr", "n", "overlap", "gene_sets", "fold", "description", "memo"
  result <- result[, 
    c("fdr", "overlap", "n", "fold", "description", "memo", "gene_sets")

  result <- result[which(result$fdr < min_fdr), , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(result) == 0 || min(fdr) > min_fdr) {
  result <- result[order(result$fdr), ]
  if (nrow(result) > max_terms) {
    result <- result[1:max_terms, ]

#' Find overlap for pathway analysis
#' Use the pathway table element from the list returned from from the
#' \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}to calculate adjusted p-values. Adjusted
#' p-values determine the enriched pathways from the selected query.
#' @param pathway_table Data frame of results from
#'  \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}. If this data frame is NULL or 0 rows
#'  there this function will return no significant enrichment.
#' @param query_set Vector of IDs that the enrichment
#'   analysis should be performed on. This list is also returned from
#'   \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}.
#' @param total_genes Length of the query set subtracted from
#'   the total number of genes in the database. Could change
#'   within the function if the background set changes to the
#'   filtered genes.This number is also return from
#'   \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}.
#' @param processed_data Matrix of gene data that has been through
#'   \code{\link{pre_process}()}
#' @param gene_info The gene info from the converted IDs from
#'   \code{\link{gene_info}()}
#' @param go String designating the section of the database to query for pathway
#'   analysis. See \code{\link{gmt_category}()} for choices.
#' @param idep_data List of data returned from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @param use_filtered_background TRUE/FALSE to indicate the use of the genes
#'   that passed the pre_process filter as the background
#' @param select_org String designating which organism is being analyzed.
#' @param reduced TRUE/FALSE to indicate if function should remove gene sets
#'   that are redundant from the final result
#' @param max_terms Integer indicating how many pathways to return. Must be a
#'   number between 1 and 100. The default is 15.
#' @param sort_by_fold TRUE/FALSE indicating if the returned table should be
#'  sorted by LFC.
#' @export
#' @return A data frame. If there is significant enrichment, the data frame
#'   that is returned has a pathway for each row with the
#'   total genes in the database mapping to it as well as the
#'   number of genes in the query that map to it. It also
#'   contains a column for the p-value and a list of the
#'   specific IDs included in the pathway from the query.
#' @family pathway functions
find_overlap <- function(pathway_table,
                         reduced = FALSE,
                         max_terms = 15,
                         sort_by_fold = "FALSE") {
  max_pval_filter <- 0.3
  max_genes_background <- 30000
  min_genes_background <- 1000
  #  max_terms <- 15
  min_fdr <- .1
  min_overlap <- 2
  min_word_overlap <- 0.5 # % of overlapping words for reduandant pathway
  if (reduced) {
    reduced <- .9
  error_msg <- data.frame("Enrichment" = "No significant enrichment found!")

  if (select_org == "NEW" && is.null(pathway_table)) {
    return(data.frame("Enrichment" = "No GMT file provided!"))
  } else if (select_org == "NEW") {
    pathway_table <- find_overlap_gmt(
      query = query_set,
      gene_set = pathway_table,
      min_fdr = min_fdr,
      min_size = 2,
      max_size = 10000,
      use_filtered_background = use_filtered_background,
      min_genes_background = min_genes_background,
      max_genes_background = max_genes_background,
      idep_data = idep_data,
      processed_data = processed_data
  } else {

    # pathway_table <- pathway_table[pathway_table$overlap > 1, ]

    if (dim(pathway_table)[1] == 0 || is.null(pathway_table)) {

    # only keep pathways that are overrepresented
    #  pathway_table <- pathway_table[which(
    #    pathway_table$overlap / length(query_set) /
    #    (as.numeric(pathway_table$n) / total_genes) > 1
    #  ), ]

    pathway_table$pval <- stats::phyper(
      pathway_table$overlap - 1,
      total_genes - length(query_set),
      lower.tail = FALSE

    pathway_table$fold <- pathway_table$overlap / length(query_set) / (
      as.numeric(pathway_table$n) / total_genes

    # remove some with p > 0.3
    # pathway_table <- subset(pathway_table, pathway_table$pval < max_pval_filter)

    # Background genes -----------
    if (!is.null(use_filtered_background)) {
      if (
        use_filtered_background &&
          length(row.names(processed_data)) > min_genes_background &&
          length(row.names(processed_data)) < max_genes_background + 1
      ) {
        pathway_table_bg <- background_pathway_sets(
          processed_data = processed_data,
          gene_info = gene_info,
          sub_query = query_set,
          go = go,
          pathway_table = pathway_table,
          idep_data = idep_data,
          select_org = select_org

        # note that both the query size and the background size
        # uses effective size: # of genes with at least one pathway in pathwayDB
        pathway_table$pval <- phyper(
          pathway_table_bg$overlap - 1,
          pathway_table_bg$total_genes_bg[1] - length(query_set),
          lower.tail = FALSE
        pathway_table$fold <- (pathway_table$overlap / length(query_set)) / (
          as.numeric(pathway_table_bg$overlap_bg) / pathway_table_bg$total_genes_bg[1]

    pathway_table$fdr <- stats::p.adjust(pathway_table$pval, method = "fdr")


  if (min(pathway_table$fdr) > min_fdr) {
    pathway_table <- error_msg
  } else {
    pathway_table <- pathway_table[which(pathway_table$fdr < min_fdr), ]

    pathway_table <- subset(
      select = c(

    if (sort_by_fold) {
      pathway_table <- pathway_table[order(
        decreasing = TRUE
      ), ]
      # if sorting by fold enriched, require at least 5 genes overlap.
      pathway_table <- pathway_table[pathway_table$overlap >= min_overlap, ]
    } else {
      pathway_table <- pathway_table[order(pathway_table$fdr), ]

    if (!is.numeric(max_terms)) {
      max_terms <- 15
    if (max_terms > 100) {
      max_terms <- 100
    if (max_terms < 1) {
      max_terms <- 1
    if (dim(pathway_table)[1] > max_terms) {
      pathway_table <- pathway_table[1:max_terms, ]

    pathway_table$n <- as.numeric(pathway_table$n)
    pathway_table$fdr <- formatC(pathway_table$fdr, format = "e", digits = 2)
    colnames(pathway_table) <- c(
      "FDR", "nGenes", "Pathway size", "Fold enriched",
      "Pathway", "URL", "Genes"

    # Remove redudant gene sets; only do it when there are more than 5.
    # Error when there is only 1 or 2.
    if (reduced != FALSE && dim(pathway_table)[1] > 5) {
      n <- nrow(pathway_table)
      flag1 <- rep(TRUE, n)

      # note that it has to be two space characters for splitting
      gene_lists <- pathway_table$Genes

      # pathway name
      pathways <- lapply(
        function(y) unlist(strsplit(as.character(y), " |  |   "))
      for (i in 2:n) {
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
          if (flag1[j]) { # skip if this one is already removed
            ratio1 <- length(intersect(gene_lists[[i]], gene_lists[[j]])) /
              length(union(gene_lists[[i]], gene_lists[[j]]))

            # if sufficient genes overlap
            if (ratio1 > reduced) {
              # are pathway names similar
              ratio2 <- length(intersect(pathways[[i]], pathways[[j]])) /
                length(union(pathways[[i]], pathways[[j]]))
              # if 50% of the words in the pathway name shared
              if (ratio2 > min_word_overlap) {
                flag1[i] <- FALSE
      pathway_table <- pathway_table[which(flag1), ]


#' Determine samples in selected contrast
#' Find the samples that are in the group of the selected
#' contrast. Can be used to subset the data to only include
#' the samples that correspond to the chosen comparison.
#' @param select_contrast String designating the comparison from DEG analysis to
#'  filter for the significant genes. See the 'comparison' element from the list
#'  returned from \code{\link{limma_value}()} for options.
#' @param all_sample_names List of the column names of the processed gene data
#' @param sample_info Matrix of experiment design information for grouping
#'  samples
#' @param select_factors_model List designating the selected factors for the
#'  model expression. Example, c("P53", "Treatment"). See
#'  \code{\link{list_factors_ui}()} for specific options.
#' @param select_model_comprions String designating selected comparisons to
#'  analyze in the DEG analysis
#' @param reference_levels Vector of reference levels to use for the
#'  selected factors. Should be in the form of "p53: NULL vs. WT". See
#'  \code{\link{list_model_comparisons_ui}()} for specific options.
#' @param counts_deg_method Integer indicating method of DEG analysis being
#'   performed. This should be one of 1 for limma-trend, 2 for limma-voom, and
#'   3 for DESeq2.
#' @param data_file_format Integer indicating the data format. This should be
#'   one of 1 for read counts data, 2 for normalized expression, or 3 for
#'   fold changes and adjusted P-values
#' @export
#' @return A numeric vector that can be used to index the processed
#'  data and subset to only include the columns from the selected
#'  contrast.
find_contrast_samples <- function(select_contrast,
                                  sample_info = NULL,
                                  select_factors_model = NULL,
                                  select_model_comprions = NULL,
                                  reference_levels = NULL,
                                  counts_deg_method = NULL,
                                  data_file_format = NULL) {
  iz <- match(detect_groups(all_sample_names), unlist(strsplit(select_contrast, "-")))
  iz <- which(!is.na(iz))

  # Has design file, but didn't select factors
  if (!is.null(sample_info) && is.null(select_factors_model) &
    length(select_model_comprions) == 0) {
    find_samples <- function(factor_level,
                             sample_info) {
      # Given a factor level such as "wt", return a vector indicating the samples
      # with TRUE FALSE
      #  p53_mock_1  p53_mock_2  p53_mock_3  p53_mock_4 ... p53_IR_4 null_mock_1 null_mock_2
      #  TRUE        TRUE        TRUE        TRUE       ... TRUE     FALSE       FALSE
      tem <- apply(sample_info, 2, function(y) y == factorLevel)
      colSums(tem) > 0
      tem <- tem[, colSums(tem) > 0]

    sample_1 <- gsub("-.*", "", select_contrast)
    level_1 <- gsub("_.*", "", sample_1)
    level_2 <- gsub(".*_", "", sample_1)
    iz <- which(find_samples(level_1, sample_info) & find_samples(level_2, sample_info))

    sample_2 <- gsub(".*-", "", select_contrast)
    level_1 <- gsub("_.*", "", sample_2)
    level_2 <- gsub(".*_", "", sample_2)
    iz <- c(iz, which(find_samples(level_1, sample_info) & find_samples(level_2, sample_info)))

  # Has design file and chose factors
  if (!is.null(sample_info) & !is.null(select_factors_model) &
    length(select_model_comprions) > 0) {
    # Strings like: "groups: mutant vs. control"
    comparisons <- gsub(".*: ", "", select_model_comprions)
    comparisons <- gsub(" vs\\. ", "-", comparisons)
    # Corresponding factors
    factors_vector <- gsub(":.*", "", select_model_comprions)

    # If read counts data and DESeq2
    if (data_file_format == 1 & counts_deg_method == 3) {
      # Could be "wt-mu" or "wt-mu_for_conditionB"
      contrast <- gsub("_for_.*", "", select_contrast)
      # Selected contrast lookes like: "mutant-control"
      ik <- match(contrast, comparisons)

      other_factor_level <- gsub(".*_for_", "", select_contrast)
      # Find the corresponding factor for the other factor
      other_factor <- " "
      if (nchar(other_factor_level) > 0) {
        for (each_factor in colnames(sample_info)) {
          if (other_factor_level %in% sample_info[, each_factor]) {
            other_factor <- each_factor

      if (is.na(ik)) {
        iz <- 1:(length(all_sample_names))
        # Interaction term, use all samples
      } else {
        # Corresponding factors
        selected_factor <- factors_vector[ik]

        iz <- which(sample_info[, selected_factor] %in% unlist(strsplit(contrast, "-")))

        # Filter by other factors: reference level
        # c("genotype:wt", "treatment:control")
        if (!is.null(reference_levels)) {
          for (refs in reference_levels) {
            if (!is.null(refs) & gsub(":.*", "", refs) != selected_factor) {
              current_factor <- gsub(":.*", "", refs)
              # If not reference level
              if (nchar(other_factor_level) > 0 & current_factor == other_factor) {
                iz <- intersect(iz, which(sample_info[, current_factor] == other_factor_level))
              } else {
                iz <- intersect(iz, which(sample_info[, current_factor] == gsub(".*:", "", refs)))
        iz <- iz[which(!is.na(iz))]
        # Switching from limma to DESeq2 causes problem, as reference level is not defined.
      # Not DESeq2
    } else {
      # Given level find corresponding sample ids
      find_ids_from_level <- function(a_level,
                                      sample_info) {
        # Find factor
        current_factor <- ""
        for (each_factor in colnames(sample_info)) {
          if (a_level %in% sample_info[, each_factor]) {
            current_factor <- each_factor

        if (nchar(current_factor) > 0) {
          return(which(sample_info[, current_factor] %in% a_level))
        } else {

      if (!grepl(".*_.*-.*_.*", select_contrast)) {
        iz <- c()
      # Double split!
      levels_4 <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(select_contrast, "-")), "_"))
      if (length(levels_4) != 4) {
        iz <- c()
      } else {
        # First sample
        iz <- intersect(
          find_ids_from_level(levels_4[1], sample_info),
          find_ids_from_level(levels_4[2], sample_info)
        # 2nd sample
        iz <- c(
            find_ids_from_level(levels_4[3], sample_info),
            find_ids_from_level(levels_4[4], sample_info)

  if (grepl("I:", select_contrast)) {
    # If it is factor design use all samples
    iz <- 1:length(all_sample_names)
  if (is.na(iz)[1] | length(iz) <= 1) {
    iz <- 1:length(all_sample_names)


#' Read gene sets GMT file
#' This functions cleans and converts file information to upper case
#' @param in_file String designating file path for GMT file
#' @return GMT file information
#' @export
read_gmt_robust <- function(in_file) {
  # Read in the first file
  x <- scan(in_file, what = "", sep = "\n")
  # GMT files saved by Excel has a lot of empty cells "\t\t\t\t" "\t." means one
  # or more tab
  # Remove white space
  x <- gsub(" ", "", x)
  # Convert to upper case
  x <- toupper(x)

  #----Process the first file
  # Separate elements by one or more whitespace
  y <- strsplit(x, "\t")
  # Extract the first vector element and set it as the list element name
  names(y) <- sapply(y, "[[", 1)
  # Remove the first vector element from each list element
  y <- lapply(y, "[", -c(1, 2))
  # Remove duplicated elements
  for (i in 1:length(y)) {
    y[[i]] <- clean_gene_set(y[[i]])
  # Check the distribution of the size of gene lists sapply(y, length) hold a
  # vector of sizes
  if (max(sapply(y, length)) < 5) {
    cat("Warning! Gene sets have very small number of genes!\n Please double check format.")
  # Gene sets smaller than 1 is ignored!!!
  y <- y[which(sapply(y, length) > 1)]


#' Retrieve detailed gene information
#' @param converted List of converted gene information  from
#'   \code{\link{convert_id}()}
#' @param select_org String designating the organism being analyzed.
#' @param gene_info_files List of gene files from the 'gene_info_files' element
#'   of the result list from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}.
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
get_gene_info <- function(converted,
                          gene_info_files) {
  if (is.null(converted)) {
    return(as.data.frame("ID not recognized!"))
  query_set <- converted$ids
  if (length(query_set) == 0) {
    return(as.data.frame("ID not recognized!"))
  ix <- grep(converted$species[1, 1], gene_info_files)
  if (length(ix) == 0) {
    return(as.data.frame("No matching gene info file found"))
  } else {
    # If selected species is not the default "bestMatch", use that species directly
    if (select_org != "BestMatch") {
      ix <- grep(find_species_by_id(select_org)[1, 1], gene_info_files)
    if (length(ix) == 1) {
      x <- read.csv(as.character(gene_info_files[ix]))
      x[, 1] <- toupper(x[, 1])
      # If symbol is missing use Ensembl IDs
      x$symbol[is.na(x$symbol)] <- x[, 1]
      # If duplicated symbol, paste Ensembl id to the end
      n_occur <- data.frame(table(x$symbol))
      # Rows with duplicated symbols
      ix_duplicated <- which(n_occur$Freq > 1)
      x$symbol[ix_duplicated] <- paste(x$symbol[ix_duplicated], x[ix_duplicated, 1])
    } else {
      # Read in the chosen file
      return(as.data.frame("Multiple geneInfo file found!"))
    Set <- match(x$ensembl_gene_id, query_set)
    Set[which(is.na(Set))] <- "Genome"
    Set[which(Set != "Genome")] <- "List"

    return(cbind(x, Set))
espors/idepGolem documentation built on June 24, 2024, 4:49 p.m.