
Defines functions plot.MatrixEQTL .qqme .histme Matrix_eQTL_engine2 .SNP_process_split_for_ANOVA .SetNanRowMean .pv.nz .my.pmax .my.pmin summary.SlicedData .seq

Documented in summary.SlicedData

# Copied and modified from Matrix eQTL by Andrey A. Shabalin
# http://www.bios.unc.edu/research/genomic_software/Matrix_eQTL/
# http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html


modelLINEAR = 117348L;
modelANOVA  = 47074L;
modelLINEAR_CROSS = 1113461L;

.seq = function(a,b){if(a<=b){a:b}else{integer(0)}};

# @exportClass SlicedData
# @exportMethod [[ [[<- colnames colnames<- dim length ncol NCOL nrow NROW rownames rownames<- as.matrix rowMeans rowSums colMeans colSums

#' @importFrom methods setRefClass
SlicedData <- setRefClass( "SlicedData",
                           fields = list(
                               dataEnv = "environment",
                               nSlices1 = "numeric",
                               rowNameSlices = "list",
                               columnNames = "character",
                               fileDelimiter = "character",
                               fileSkipColumns = "numeric",
                               fileSkipRows = "numeric",
                               fileSliceSize = "numeric",
                               fileOmitCharacters = "character"
                           methods = list(
                               initialize = function( mat = NULL ) {
                                   dataEnv <<- new.env(hash = TRUE, size = 29L);
                                   nSlices1 <<- 0L;
                                   if(!is.null(mat)) {
                                   fileSliceSize <<- 1000;
                                   fileDelimiter <<- "\t";
                                   fileSkipColumns <<- 1L;
                                   fileSkipRows <<- 1L;
                                   fileOmitCharacters <<- "NA"
                               CreateFromMatrix = function( mat ) {
                                   stopifnot( class(mat) == "matrix" );
                                   setSliceRaw( 1L ,mat );
                                   rns = rownames( mat, do.NULL = FALSE);
                                   #if( is.null(rns) ) {
                                   #	rns = paste( "Row_",(1:nrow(mat)), sep="" );
                                   rowNameSlices <<- list(rns);
                                   cns = colnames( mat, do.NULL = FALSE );
                                   #if( is.null(cns) ){
                                   #	cns = paste( "Col_",(1:ncol(mat)), sep="" );
                                   columnNames <<- cns;
                               getSlice = function(sl) {
                                   value = get(paste(sl), dataEnv);
                                   if( is.raw(value) ) {
                                       storage.mode(value) = "double";
                                       value[value == 255] = NA;
                                   return( value  )
                               getSliceRaw = function(sl) {
                                   return( get(paste(sl), dataEnv) )
                               setSliceRaw = function(sl, value) {
                                   assign( paste(sl), value, dataEnv )
                                   if( nSlices1 < sl ) {
                                       nSlices1 <<- sl;
                               setSlice = function(sl, value) {
                                   if( length(value) > 0 ) {
                                       if( all(as.integer(value) == value, na.rm = TRUE) ) {
                                           if( (min(value, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0 ) &&
                                               (max(value, na.rm = TRUE) < 255) )
                                               nv = value;
                                               suppressWarnings({storage.mode(nv) = "raw"});
                                               nv[ is.na(value)] = as.raw(255);
                                               value = nv;
                                           } else {
                                               storage.mode(value) = "integer";
                                   setSliceRaw(sl, value);
                               nSlices = function() {
                                   return( nSlices1 );
                               LoadFile = function(filename, skipRows = NULL, skipColumns = NULL, sliceSize = NULL, omitCharacters = NULL, delimiter = NULL, rowNamesColumn = 1) {
                                   if( !is.null(skipRows) ) {
                                       fileSkipRows <<- skipRows;
                                   if( !is.null(skipColumns) ) {
                                       fileSkipColumns <<- skipColumns;
                                   if( !is.null(omitCharacters) ) {
                                       fileOmitCharacters <<- omitCharacters;
                                   if( !is.null(sliceSize) ) {
                                       fileSliceSize <<- sliceSize;
                                   if( !is.null(delimiter) ) {
                                       fileDelimiter <<- delimiter;
                                   stopifnot( (fileSkipColumns == 0) || (rowNamesColumn <= fileSkipColumns) )
                                   stopifnot( (fileSkipColumns == 0) || (rowNamesColumn >= 1) )

                                   fid = file(description = filename, open = "rt", blocking = FALSE, raw = FALSE)
                                   # clean object if file is open
                                   lines = readLines(con = fid, n = max(fileSkipRows,1L), ok = TRUE, warn = TRUE)
                                   line1 = tail(lines,1);
                                   splt = strsplit(line1, split = fileDelimiter, fixed = TRUE);
                                   if( fileSkipRows > 0L ) {
                                       columnNames <<- splt[[1]]; # [ -(1:fileSkipColumns) ];
                                   } else {
                                       seek(fid, 0)

                                   rm( lines, line1, splt );

                                   rowNameSlices <<- vector("list", 15);

                                   curSliceId = 0L;
                                       # preallocate names and data
                                       if(length(rowNameSlices) < curSliceId) {
                                           rowNameSlices[[2L*curSliceId]] <<- NULL;
                                       curSliceId = curSliceId + 1L;

                                       # read sliceSize rows
                                       rowtag = vector("character",fileSliceSize);
                                       rowvals = vector("list",fileSliceSize);
                                       for(i in 1:fileSliceSize) {
                                           temp = "";
                                           if( fileSkipColumns > 0L ) {
                                               temp = scan(file = fid, what = character(), n = fileSkipColumns, quiet = TRUE,sep = fileDelimiter);
                                           rowtag[i] = temp[rowNamesColumn];#paste(temp,collapse=" ");
                                           rowvals[[i]] = scan(file = fid, what = double(), nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE, sep = fileDelimiter, na.strings = fileOmitCharacters);
                                           if( length(rowvals[[i]]) == 0L ) {
                                               if(i==1L) {
                                                   rowtag = matrix(0, 0, 0);
                                                   rowvals = character(0);
                                               } else 	{
                                                   rowtag  = rowtag[  1:(i-1) ];
                                                   rowvals = rowvals[ 1:(i-1) ];
                                       if( length(rowtag) == 0L ) {
                                           curSliceId = curSliceId - 1L;
                                       rowNameSlices[[curSliceId]] <<- rowtag;
                                       data = c(rowvals, recursive = TRUE);
                                       dim(data) = c(length(rowvals[[1]]), length(rowvals));
                                       data = t(data);
                                       setSlice(curSliceId, data);
                                       if( length(rowtag) < fileSliceSize ) {
                                       numtxt = formatC(curSliceId*fileSliceSize, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0)
                                       #cat( "Rows read: ", numtxt, "\n");
                                   if( fileSkipRows == 0 ) {
                                       columnNames <<- paste("Col_", (1:nCols()), sep="");
                                   } else {
                                       columnNames <<- tail(columnNames, ncol(getSliceRaw(1)));
                                   if( fileSkipColumns == 0 ) {
                                       cnt = 0L;
                                       for( sl in 1:nSlices() ) {
                                           nr = length(getSliceRaw(sl));
                                           rowNameSlices[[sl]] <<- paste("Row_",cnt + (1:nr),sep="");
                                           cnt = cnt + nr;
                                   rowNameSlices <<- rowNameSlices[1:curSliceId];
                                   #cat("Rows read: ", nRows(), " done.\n");
                               SaveFile = function(filename) {
                                   if( nSlices() == 0 ) {
                                       cat("No data to save");
                                   fid = file(filename,"wt");
                                   for( sl in 1:nSlices() ) {
                                       z = getSlice(sl);
                                       rownames(z) = rowNameSlices[[sl]];
                                       colnames(z) = columnNames;
                                       write.table(z, file = fid, sep = "\t",
                                                   col.names = (if(sl == 1){NA}else{FALSE}));
                               nRows = function() {
                                   s = 0L;
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices())) {
                                       s = s + nrow(getSliceRaw(sl));
                                   return( s )
                               nCols = function() {
                                   if( nSlices() == 0L ) {
                                   } else {
                                       return( ncol(getSliceRaw(1L)) )
                               Clear = function() {
                                   for( sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       rm(list = paste(sl), envir = dataEnv)
                                   nSlices1 <<- 0L;
                                   rowNameSlices <<- list();
                                   columnNames <<- character();
                               IsCombined = function() {
                                   return( nSlices() <= 1L );
                               GetAllRowNames = function() {
                                   return( c(rowNameSlices, recursive=TRUE) );
                               GetNRowsInSlice = function(sl) {
                                   return( length( rowNameSlices[[sl]] ) );
                               SetNanRowMean = function() {
                                   if( (nCols() == 0L) ) {
                                   for( sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       slice = getSlice(sl);
                                       if( any(is.na(slice)) ) {
                                           rowmean = rowMeans(slice, na.rm = TRUE);
                                           rowmean[is.na(rowmean)] = 0L;
                                           for( j in which(!complete.cases(slice)) ) {
                                               where1 = is.na(slice[j, ]);
                                               slice[j, where1] = rowmean[j];
                                           setSlice(sl, slice);
                               RowStandardizeCentered = function() {
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       slice = getSlice(sl);
                                       div = sqrt( rowSums(slice^2) );
                                       div[ div == 0 ] = 1;
                                       setSlice(sl, slice/div);
                               CombineInOneSlice = function() {
                                   if( nSlices() <= 1L ) {
                                   nc = nCols();
                                   nr = nRows();
                                   datatypes = c("raw","integer","double");
                                   datafuns = c(as.raw, as.integer, as.double);
                                   datatype = character(nSlices());
                                   for(sl in 1:nSlices()) {
                                       datatype[sl] = typeof(getSliceRaw(sl));
                                   mch = max(match(datatype,datatypes,nomatch = length(datatypes)));
                                   datafun = datafuns[[mch]];
                                   newData = matrix(datafun(0), nrow = nr, ncol = nc);
                                   offset = 0;
                                   for(sl in 1:nSlices()) {
                                       if(mch==1) {
                                           slice = getSliceRaw(sl);
                                       } else {
                                           slice = getSlice(sl);
                                       newData[ offset + (1:nrow(slice)),] = datafun(slice);
                                       setSlice(sl, numeric());
                                       offset = offset + nrow(slice);

                                   nSlices1 <<- 1L;
                                   setSliceRaw(1L, newData);

                                   newrowNameSlices = GetAllRowNames();
                                   rowNameSlices <<- list(newrowNameSlices)
                               ResliceCombined = function(sliceSize = -1) {
                                   if( sliceSize > 0L ) {
                                       fileSliceSize <<- sliceSize;
                                   if( fileSliceSize <= 0 ) {
                                       fileSliceSize <<- 1000;
                                   if( IsCombined() ) {
                                       nRows1 = nRows();
                                       if(nRows1 == 0L) {
                                       newNSlices = floor( (nRows1 + fileSliceSize - 1)/fileSliceSize );
                                       oldData = getSliceRaw(1L);
                                       #oldNames = rowNameSlices[[1]];
                                       newNameslices = vector("list",newNSlices)
                                       for( sl in 1:newNSlices ) {
                                           range = (1+(sl-1)*fileSliceSize) : (min(nRows1,sl*fileSliceSize));
                                           newpart = oldData[range, ,drop = FALSE];
                                           if( is.raw(oldData) ) {
                                               setSliceRaw( sl, newpart);
                                           } else {
                                               setSlice( sl, newpart);
                                           newNameslices[[sl]] = rowNameSlices[[1]][range];
                                       rowNameSlices <<- newNameslices ;
                                   } else {
                                       stop("Reslice of a sliced matrix is not supported yet. Use CombineInOneSlice first.");
                               Clone = function() {
                                   clone = SlicedData$new();
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                   clone$rowNameSlices = rowNameSlices;
                                   clone$columnNames = columnNames;
                                   clone$fileDelimiter = fileDelimiter;
                                   clone$fileSkipColumns = fileSkipColumns;
                                   clone$fileSkipRows = fileSkipRows;
                                   clone$fileSliceSize = fileSliceSize;
                                   clone$fileOmitCharacters = fileOmitCharacters;
                                   return( clone );
                               RowMatrixMultiply = function(multiplier) {
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       setSlice(sl, getSlice(sl) %*% multiplier);
                               ColumnSubsample = function(subset) {
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       setSliceRaw(sl, getSliceRaw(sl)[ ,subset, drop = FALSE]);
                                   columnNames <<- columnNames[subset];
                               RowReorderSimple = function(ordr) {
                                   # had to use an inefficient and dirty method
                                   # due to horrible memory management in R
                                   if( (typeof(ordr) == "logical") && all(ordr) ) {
                                   if( (length(ordr) == nRows()) && all(ordr == (1:length(ordr))) ) {
                                   setSliceRaw( 1L, getSliceRaw(1L)[ordr, ] );
                                   rowNameSlices[[1]] <<- rowNameSlices[[1]][ordr];
                               RowReorder = function(ordr) {
                                   # transform logical into indices
                                   if( typeof(ordr) == "logical" ) {
                                       if( length(ordr) == nRows() ) {
                                           ordr = which(ordr);
                                       } else {
                                           stop("Parameter \"ordr\" has wrong length")
                                   ## first, check that anything has to be done at all
                                   if( (length(ordr) == nRows()) && all(ordr == (1:length(ordr))) ) {
                                   ## check bounds
                                   #if( (min(ordr) < 1) || (max(ordr) > nRows()) ) {
                                   #	stop("Parameter \"ordr\" is out of bounds");
                                   ## slice the data into individual rows
                                   all_rows = vector("list", nSlices())
                                   for( i in 1:nSlices() ) {
                                       slice = getSliceRaw(i)
                                       all_rows[[i]] = split(slice, 1:nrow(slice))
                                   all_rows = unlist(all_rows, recursive=FALSE, use.names = FALSE);
                                   ## Reorder the rows
                                   all_rows = all_rows[ordr];
                                   ## get row names
                                   all_names = GetAllRowNames();
                                   ## erase the set
                                   rowNameSlices <<- list();
                                   ## sort names
                                   all_names = all_names[ordr];
                                   ## Make slices back
                                   nrows = length(all_rows);
                                   nSlices1 <<- as.integer((nrows+fileSliceSize-1)/fileSliceSize);
                                   ##cat(nrows, " ", nSlices1);
                                   rowNameSlices1 = vector("list", nSlices1);
                                   for( i in 1:nSlices1 ) {
                                       fr = 1 + fileSliceSize*(i-1);
                                       to = min( fileSliceSize*i, nrows);

                                       subset = all_rows[fr:to];
                                       types = unlist(lapply(subset,typeof));
                                       israw = (types == "raw")
                                       if(!all(israw == israw[1])) {
                                           # some raw and some are not
                                           subset = lapply(subset, function(x){if(is.raw(x)){x=as.integer(x);x[x==255] = NA;return(x)}else{return(x)}});
                                       subset = unlist(subset);
                                       dim(subset) = c( length(all_rows[[fr]]) , to - fr + 1)
                                       #subset = matrix(subset, ncol = (to-fr+1));
                                       if(is.raw(subset)) {
                                           setSliceRaw(i, t(subset));
                                       } else {
                                           setSlice(i, t(subset));
                                       rowNameSlices1[[i]] = all_names[fr:to];
                                       all_rows[fr:to] = 0;
                                       all_names[fr:to] = 0;
                                   rowNameSlices <<- rowNameSlices1;
                               RowRemoveZeroEps = function(){
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       slice = getSlice(sl);
                                       amean = rowMeans(abs(slice));
                                       remove = (amean < .Machine$double.eps*nCols());
                                       if(any(remove)) {
                                           rowNameSlices[[sl]] <<- rowNameSlices[[sl]][!remove];
                                           setSlice(sl, slice[!remove, , drop = FALSE]);
                               FindRow = function(rowname) {
                                   for(sl in .seq(1,nSlices()) ) {
                                       mch = match(rowname,rowNameSlices[[sl]], nomatch = 0);
                                       if( mch > 0 )
                                           row = getSlice(sl)[mch[1], , drop=FALSE];
                                           rownames(row) = rowname;
                                           colnames(row) = columnNames;
                                           return( list(slice = sl, item = mch, row = row) );
                                   return( NULL );
                               show = function() {
                                   #cat("SlicedData object. For more information type: ?SlicedData\n");
                                   #cat("Number of columns:", nCols(), "\n");
                                   #cat("Number of rows:", nRows(), "\n");
                                   #cat("Data is stored in", nSlices(), "slices\n");
                                   if(nCols()>0) {
                                       z = getSlice(1L);
                                       if(nrow(z)>0) {
                                           z = z[1:min(nrow(z),10L), 1:min(ncol(z),10L), drop = FALSE];
                                           rownames(z) = rowNameSlices[[1]][1:nrow(z)];
                                           colnames(z) = columnNames[1:ncol(z)];
                                           #cat("Top left corner of the first slice (up to 10x10):\n");

setMethod("nrow", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$nRows() );
setMethod("NROW", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$nRows() );
setMethod("ncol", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$nCols() );
setMethod("NCOL", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$nCols() );
setMethod("dim", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( c(x$nRows(),x$nCols()) );
setMethod("colnames", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$columnNames );
setMethod("rownames", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$GetAllRowNames() );
setMethod("[[", "SlicedData",	function(x,i) {
    return( x$getSlice(i) );
setMethod("length", "SlicedData",	function(x) {
    return( x$nSlices() );
setMethod("[[<-", "SlicedData",	function(x,i,value) {
    x$setSlice(i, value);
summary.SlicedData = function(object, ...) {
    z = c(nCols = object$nCols(), nRows = object$nRows(), nSlices = object$nSlices());

##### setGeneric("summary") #####
#setMethod("summary", "SlicedData",	function(object, ...) {
#		z = c(nCols = object$nCols(), nRows = object$nRows(), nSlices = object$nSlices());
#		return(z);
#	})
#setGeneric("show", standardGeneric("show"))
# setMethod("show", "SlicedData",	function(object) {
# 		cat("SlicedData object. For more information type: ?SlicedData\n");
# 		cat("Number of columns:", object$nCols(), "\n");
# 		cat("Number of rows:", object$nRows(), "\n");
# 		cat("Data is stored in", object$nSlices(), "slices\n");
# 		if(object$nSlices()>0) {
# 			z = object$getSlice(1);
# 			if(nrow(z)>0) {
# 				z = z[1:min(nrow(z),10), 1:min(ncol(z),10), drop = FALSE];
# 				rownames(z) = object$rowNameSlices[[1]][1:nrow(z)];
# 				colnames(z) = object$columnNames[1:ncol(z)];
# 				cat("Top left corner of the first slice (up to 10x10):\n");
# 				show(z)
# 			}
# 		}
# 	})

setMethod("as.matrix", "SlicedData", function(x) {
    if(x$nSlices() == 0) {
        return( matrix(0,0,0) );
    if(x$nSlices() > 1) {
        copy = x$Clone();
    } else {
        copy = x;
    mat = copy$getSlice(1L);
    rownames(mat) = rownames(copy);
    colnames(mat) = colnames(copy);
    return( mat );
setMethod("colnames<-", "SlicedData", function(x,value) {
    stopifnot( class(value) == "character" );
    stopifnot( length(value) == x$nCols() );
    x$columnNames = value;
setMethod("rownames<-", "SlicedData", function(x,value) {
    stopifnot( class(value) == "character" );
    stopifnot( length(value) == x$nRows() );
    start = 1;
    newNameSlices = vector("list", x$nSlices());
    for( i in .seq(1,x$nSlices()) ) {
        nr = nrow(x$getSliceRaw(i));
        newNameSlices[[i]] = value[ start:(start+nr-1) ];
        start = start + nr;
    x$rowNameSlices = newNameSlices;
setMethod("rowSums", "SlicedData", function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(x$nSlices() == 0) {
        return( numeric() );
    stopifnot( dims == 1 );
    thesum = vector("list", x$nSlices());
    for( i in 1:x$nSlices() ) {
        thesum[[i]] = rowSums(x$getSlice(i), na.rm)
    return(unlist(thesum, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE));
setMethod("rowMeans", "SlicedData", function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(x$nSlices() == 0) {
        return( numeric() );
    stopifnot( dims == 1 );
    thesum = vector("list", x$nSlices());
    for( i in 1:x$nSlices() ) {
        thesum[[i]] = rowMeans(x$getSlice(i), na.rm)
    return(unlist(thesum, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE));
setMethod("colSums", "SlicedData", function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(x$nCols() == 0) {
        return( numeric() );
    stopifnot( dims == 1 );
    thesum = 0;
    for( i in .seq(1,x$nSlices()) ) {
        thesum = thesum + colSums(x$getSlice(i), na.rm)
setMethod("colMeans", "SlicedData", function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L) {
    if(x$nCols() == 0) {
        return( numeric() );
    stopifnot( dims == 1 );
    thesum = 0;
    thecounts = x$nRows();
    for( i in .seq(1,x$nSlices()) ) {
        slice = x$getSlice(i);
        thesum = thesum + colSums(slice, na.rm)
        if( na.rm ) {
            thecounts = thecounts - colSums(is.na(slice))

.listBuilder <- setRefClass(".listBuilder",
                            fields = list(
                                dataEnv = "environment",
                                n = "integer"
                            methods = list(
                                initialize = function() {
                                    dataEnv <<- new.env(hash = TRUE);
                                    n <<- 0L;
                                    # 			cumlength <<- 0;
                                add = function(x) {
                                    if(length(x) > 0) {
                                        n <<- n + 1L;
                                        # 				cumlength <<- cumlength + length(x);
                                        assign(paste(n), x, dataEnv );
                                set = function(i,x) {
                                    i = as.integer(i);
                                    if(length(x) > 0) {
                                            n <<- i;
                                        assign(paste(i), x, dataEnv );
                                get = function(i) {
                                list = function() {
                                    if(n==0)	return(list());
                                    result = vector("list",n);
                                    for( i in 1:n) {
                                        result[[i]] = .self$get(i);
                                unlist = function() {
                                    return(base::unlist(.self$list(), recursive=FALSE, use.names = FALSE));
                                show = function() {
                                    #cat(".listBuilder object.\nIternal object in MatrixEQTL package.\n");
                                    #cat("Number of elements:", .self$n, "\n");

.histogrammer <- setRefClass(".histogrammer",
                             fields = list(
                                 pvbins1 = "numeric",
                                 statbins1 = "numeric",
                                 hist.count = "numeric"
                             methods = list(
                                 initialize = function (pvbins, statbins) {
                                     if(length(pvbins)) {
                                         ord = order(statbins);
                                         pvbins1 <<- pvbins[ord];
                                         statbins1 <<- statbins[ord];
                                         statbins1[length(statbins1)] <<- .Machine$double.xmax;
                                         hist.count <<- double(length(pvbins)-1);
                                 update = function(stats.for.hist) {
                                     h = hist(stats.for.hist, breaks = statbins1, include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, plot = FALSE)$counts;
                                     hist.count <<- hist.count + h;
                                 getResults = function() {
                                     if(!is.unsorted(pvbins1)) {
                                         return(list(hist.bins =     pvbins1 , hist.counts =     hist.count ));
                                     } else {
                                         return(list(hist.bins = rev(pvbins1), hist.counts = rev(hist.count)));

.minpvalue <- setRefClass(".minpvalue",
                          fields = list(
                              sdata = ".listBuilder",
                              gdata = ".listBuilder"
                          methods = list(
                              initialize = function(snps, gene) {
                                  sdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                  for( ss in 1:snps$nSlices() ) {
                                      sdata$set( ss, double(snps$GetNRowsInSlice(ss)));
                                  gdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                  for( gg in 1:gene$nSlices() ) {
                                      gdata$set( gg, double(gene$GetNRowsInSlice(gg)));
                              update = function(ss, gg, astat) {
                                  gmax = gdata$get(gg)
                                  z1 = max.col(astat,ties.method="first");
                                  z11 = astat[1:nrow(astat) + nrow(astat) * (z1 - 1)];
                                  gmax = pmax(gmax, z11);
                                  gdata$set(gg, gmax);

                                  smax = sdata$get(ss)
                                  z22 = apply(astat,2,max);
                                  smax = pmax(smax, z22);
                                  sdata$set(ss, smax);
                              updatecis = function(ss, gg, select.cis, astat) {
                                      byrows = aggregate(x=astat, by=list(row=select.cis[,1]), FUN=max);
                                      bycols = aggregate(x=astat, by=list(col=select.cis[,2]), FUN=max);

                                      gmax = gdata$get(gg);
                                      gmax[byrows$row] = pmax(gmax[byrows$row], byrows$x)
                                      gdata$set(gg, gmax);

                                      smax = sdata$get(ss)
                                      smax[bycols$col] = pmax(smax[bycols$col], bycols$x)
                                      sdata$set(ss, smax);
                              getResults = function(snps, gene, pvfun) {
                                  min.pv.snps = pvfun(sdata$unlist());
                                  names(min.pv.snps) = rownames(snps);
                                  min.pv.gene = pvfun(gdata$unlist());
                                  names(min.pv.gene) = rownames(gene);
                                  return(list(min.pv.snps = min.pv.snps, min.pv.gene = min.pv.gene));

.OutputSaver_FRD <- setRefClass(".OutputSaver_FRD",
                                fields = list(
                                    sdata = ".listBuilder",
                                    gdata = ".listBuilder",
                                    cdata = ".listBuilder",
                                    bdata = ".listBuilder",
                                    fid = "list",
                                    testfun1 = "list",
                                    pvfun1 = "list"
                                methods = list(
                                    initialize = function () {
                                        sdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                        gdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                        cdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                        bdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                        fid <<- list(0);
                                        testfun1 <<- list(0);
                                        pvfun1 <<- list(0);
                                    start = function(filename, statistic_name, unused1, unused2, testfun, pvfun) {
                                        testfun1 <<- list(testfun);
                                        pvfun1 <<- list(pvfun);
                                        if(length(filename) > 0) {
                                            if(class(filename) == "character") {
                                                fid <<- list(file(description = filename, open = "wt", blocking = FALSE, raw = FALSE), TRUE);
                                            } else {
                                                fid <<- list(filename, FALSE)
                                            writeLines( paste("SNP\tgene\t",statistic_name,"\tp-value\tFDR", sep = ""), fid[[1]]);
                                        } else {
                                            fid <<- list();
                                    update = function(spos, gpos, sta, beta = NULL) {
                                        if(length(sta)>0) {
                                            cdata$add(sta );
                                            if(!is.null(beta ))
                                                bdata$add(beta );
                                    getResults = function( gene, snps, FDR_total_count) {
                                        pvalues = NULL;
                                        if(cdata$n > 0) {
                                            tests = testfun1[[1]](cdata$unlist());
                                            cdata <<- .listBuilder$new();

                                            pvalues = pvfun1[[1]](tests);
                                            ord = order(pvalues);

                                            tests = tests[ord];
                                            pvalues = pvalues[ord];

                                            FDR = pvalues * FDR_total_count / (1:length(pvalues));
                                            FDR[length(FDR)] = min(FDR[length(FDR)], 1);
                                            FDR = rev(cummin(rev(FDR)));

                                            snps_names  = rownames(snps)[sdata$unlist()[ord]];
                                            sdata <<- .listBuilder$new();
                                            gene_names  = rownames(gene)[gdata$unlist()[ord]];
                                            gdata <<- .listBuilder$new();

                                            beta = NULL;
                                            if(bdata$n > 0)
                                                beta = bdata$unlist()[ord];

                                            if(length(fid)>0)	{
                                                step = 1000; ########### 100000
                                                for( part in 1:ceiling(length(FDR)/step) ) {
                                                    fr = (part-1)*step + 1;
                                                    to = min(part*step, length(FDR));
                                                    dump = data.frame(snps_names[fr:to],
                                                                      if(is.null(beta)) tests[fr:to] else list(beta[fr:to],tests[fr:to]),
                                                                      row.names = NULL,
                                                                      check.rows = FALSE,
                                                                      check.names = FALSE,
                                                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
                                                    write.table(dump, file = fid[[1]], quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE);
                                        } else {
                                            cat("No significant associations were found.\n", file = if(length(fid)>0){fid[[1]]}else{""});
                                        if(length(fid)>0)	{
                                            if(fid[[2]]) {
                                            fid <<- list();

                                        if(!is.null(pvalues)) {
                                            eqtls = list( snps = snps_names,
                                                          gene = gene_names,
                                                          statistic = tests,
                                                          pvalue = pvalues,
                                                          FDR = FDR);
                                                eqtls$beta = beta;
                                        } else {
                                            eqtls = list( snps = character(),
                                                          gene = character(),
                                                          beta = numeric(),
                                                          statistic = numeric(),
                                                          pvalue = numeric(),
                                                          FDR = numeric());
                                        return(list(eqtls = data.frame(eqtls)));

.OutputSaver_direct <- setRefClass(".OutputSaver_direct",
                                   fields = list(
                                       gene_names = "character",
                                       snps_names = "character",
                                       fid = "list",
                                       testfun1 = "list",
                                       pvfun1 = "list"
                                   methods = list(
                                       initialize = function() {
                                           gene_names <<- character(0);
                                           snps_names <<- character(0);
                                           fid <<- list(0);
                                           testfun1 <<- list(0);
                                           pvfun1 <<- list(0);
                                       start = function(filename, statistic_name, snps, gene, testfun, pvfun) {
                                           # I hope the program stops if it fails to open the file
                                           if(class(filename) == "character") {
                                               fid <<- list(file(description = filename, open = "wt", blocking = FALSE, raw = FALSE), TRUE);
                                           } else {
                                               fid <<- list(filename, FALSE)
                                           writeLines(paste("SNP\tgene\t", statistic_name, "\tp-value", sep = ""), fid[[1]]);
                                           gene_names <<- rownames(gene);
                                           snps_names <<- rownames(snps);
                                           testfun1 <<- list(testfun);
                                           pvfun1 <<- list(pvfun);
                                       update = function(spos, gpos, sta, beta = NULL) {
                                           if( length(sta) == 0 )
                                           sta = testfun1[[1]](sta);
                                           lst = list(snps = snps_names[spos], gene = gene_names[gpos], beta = beta, statistic = sta, pvalue = pvfun1[[1]](sta));
                                           lst$beta = lst$beta;

                                           dump2 = data.frame(lst, row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
                                           write.table(dump2, file = fid[[1]], quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE);
                                       getResults = function(...) {
                                           if(length(fid)>0)	{
                                               if(fid[[2]]) {
                                               fid <<- list();
                                           gene_names <<- character(0);
                                           snps_names <<- character(0);

.my.pmin = function(x, val) {
    # minimum "pmin" function that can handle empty array
    if(length(x) == 0) {
    } else {

.my.pmax = function(x, val) {
    # minimum "pmin" function that can handle empty array
    if(length(x) == 0) {
    } else {

.pv.nz = function(x){return( .my.pmax(x,.Machine$double.xmin) )}

.SetNanRowMean = function(x) {
    if( any(is.na(x)) ) {
        rowmean = rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE);
        rowmean[ is.na(rowmean) ] = 0;
        for( j in which(!complete.cases(x)) ) {
            where1 = is.na( x[j, ] );
            x[j,where1] = rowmean[j];

.SNP_process_split_for_ANOVA = function(x,n.groups) {
    # split into 2 dummy variables (or more)

    # 	# Get the number of ANOVA groups
    # 	n.groups = options("MatrixEQTL.ANOVA.categories")[[1]];
    # 	if( is.null(n.groups))
    # 		n.groups = 3;

    # Unique values in x (make sure it has length of n.groups);
    uniq = unique(as.vector(x));
    uniq = uniq[!is.na(uniq)];
    if( length(uniq) > n.groups ) {
        stop("More than declared number of genotype categories is detected by ANOVA");
    } else if ( length(uniq) < n.groups ) {
        uniq = c(uniq, rep(min(uniq)-1, n.groups-length(uniq)));

    # Table of frequencies for each variable (row)
    freq = matrix(0, nrow(x), n.groups);
    for(i in 1:n.groups) {
        freq[ ,i] = rowSums(x==uniq[i], na.rm = TRUE);
    # remove NA-s from x for convenience
    x[is.na(x)] = min(uniq)-2;

    # Output list of matrices
    rez = vector("list",n.groups-1);

    # Skip the most frequent value
    md = apply(freq, 1, which.max); # most frequent value for each variable
    freq[ cbind(1:nrow(x),md) ] = -1;

    # The rest form dumm
    for(j in 1:(n.groups-1)){
        md = apply(freq, 1, which.max);
        freq[ cbind(1:nrow(x),md) ] = -1;
        rez[[j]] = (x == uniq[md]);
    return( rez );

Matrix_eQTL_engine2 = function(
    cvrt = SlicedData$new(),
    output_file_name = "",
    pvOutputThreshold = 1e-5,
    useModel = modelLINEAR,
    errorCovariance = numeric(),
    verbose = TRUE,
    output_file_name.cis = "",
    pvOutputThreshold.cis = 0,
    snpspos = NULL,
    genepos = NULL,
    cisDist = 1e6,
    pvalue.hist = FALSE,
    min.pv.by.genesnp = FALSE,
    noFDRsaveMemory = FALSE,
    addInfo = "") {
    ################################# Basic variable checks #################################
        # status("Performing basic checks of the input variables");
        stopifnot( "SlicedData" %in% class(gene) );
        stopifnot( any(c("SlicedData","SlicedData.fmt") %in% class(snps)) );
        stopifnot( "SlicedData" %in% class(cvrt) );

        # Check dimensions
        if( min(snps$nRows(),snps$nCols()) == 0 )
            stop("Empty genotype dataset");
        if( min(gene$nRows(),gene$nCols()) == 0 )
            stop("Empty expression dataset");
        if( snps$nCols() != gene$nCols() )
            stop("Different number of samples in the genotype and gene expression files");
        if( cvrt$nRows()>0 ) {
            if( snps$nCols() != cvrt$nCols() )
                stop("Wrong number of samples in the matrix of covariates");

        stopifnot( class(pvOutputThreshold) == "numeric" );
        stopifnot( length(pvOutputThreshold) == 1 );
        stopifnot( pvOutputThreshold >= 0 );
        stopifnot( pvOutputThreshold <= 1 );

        stopifnot(  class(noFDRsaveMemory) == "logical" );
        stopifnot( length(noFDRsaveMemory) == 1 );

        if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 ) {
            stopifnot( !((length(output_file_name) == 0) && noFDRsaveMemory) )
            stopifnot( length(output_file_name) <= 1 );
            if( length(output_file_name) == 1 ) {
                stopifnot( class(output_file_name) %in% c("character","connection") );

        stopifnot( class(pvOutputThreshold.cis) == "numeric" );
        stopifnot( length(pvOutputThreshold.cis) == 1 );
        stopifnot( pvOutputThreshold.cis >= 0 );
        stopifnot( pvOutputThreshold.cis <= 1 );
        stopifnot( !((pvOutputThreshold > 0) & (pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) & (pvOutputThreshold > pvOutputThreshold.cis)) );
        stopifnot( (pvOutputThreshold > 0) | (pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) );

        stopifnot( class(useModel) == class(modelLINEAR) );
        stopifnot( length(useModel) == 1 );
        stopifnot( useModel %in% c(modelLINEAR, modelANOVA, modelLINEAR_CROSS) );
        if( useModel %in%  c(modelLINEAR, modelLINEAR_CROSS) ) {
            if( snps$nCols() <= cvrt$nRows() + 1 + 1) {
                stop("The number of covariates exceeds the number of samples.\nLinear regression can not be fit.")
        if( useModel == modelLINEAR_CROSS ) {
            if( cvrt$nRows() == 0 ) {
                stop( "Model \"modelLINEAR_CROSS\" requires at least one covariate" );
        if( useModel == modelANOVA ) {
            n.anova.groups = getOption("MatrixEQTL.ANOVA.categories", 3);
            stopifnot( n.anova.groups == floor(n.anova.groups) );
            stopifnot( n.anova.groups >= 3 );
            # 			stopifnot( n.anova.groups < snps$nCols() - cvrt$nRows() - 2 );
            if( snps$nCols() <= cvrt$nRows() + n.anova.groups) {
                stop("The number of covariates exceeds the number of samples.\nLinear regression (ANOVA) can not be fit.")

        stopifnot(  class(verbose) == "logical" );
        stopifnot( length(verbose) == 1 );

        stopifnot(  class(min.pv.by.genesnp) == "logical" );
        stopifnot( length(min.pv.by.genesnp) == 1 );

        if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
            stopifnot( !((length(output_file_name.cis) == 0) && noFDRsaveMemory) )
            stopifnot( length(output_file_name.cis) <= 1 );
            if( length(output_file_name.cis) == 1 ) {
                stopifnot( class(output_file_name.cis) %in% c("character","connection") );

            # 			stopifnot( class(output_file_name.cis) == "character" );
            # 			stopifnot( length(output_file_name.cis) == 1 );
            stopifnot( class(snpspos) == "data.frame" );
            stopifnot( ncol(snpspos) == 3 );
            stopifnot( nrow(snpspos) > 0 );
            stopifnot( class(snpspos[1,3]) %in% c("integer", "numeric") )
            stopifnot( !any(is.na(snpspos[,3])) )
            stopifnot( class(genepos) == "data.frame" );
            stopifnot( ncol(genepos) == 4 );
            stopifnot( nrow(genepos) > 0 );
            stopifnot( class(genepos[1,3]) %in% c("integer", "numeric") )
            stopifnot( class(genepos[1,4]) %in% c("integer", "numeric") )
            stopifnot( !any(is.na(genepos[,3])) )
            stopifnot( !any(is.na(genepos[,4])) )
            stopifnot( nzchar(output_file_name.cis) )

        if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 ) {
            stopifnot( nzchar(output_file_name) )

        stopifnot( class(errorCovariance) %in% c("numeric", "matrix") );
        errorCovariance = as.matrix(errorCovariance);
        if(length(errorCovariance)>0) {
            if( nrow(errorCovariance) != ncol(errorCovariance) ) {
                stop("The covariance matrix is not square");
            if( nrow(errorCovariance) != snps$nCols() ) {
                stop("The covariance matrix size does not match the number of samples");
            if( !all(errorCovariance == t(errorCovariance)) ) {
                stop("The covariance matrix is not symmetric");
    ################################# Initial setup #########################################
        gene.std = .listBuilder$new();
        snps.std = .listBuilder$new();

        dont.clone.gene = getOption("MatrixEQTL.dont.preserve.gene.object", FALSE)
            dont.clone.gene = FALSE;

        if( !dont.clone.gene )
            gene = gene$Clone();
        # snps = snps$Clone(); # snps is read only
        cvrt = cvrt$Clone();

        params = list(
            output_file_name = output_file_name,
            pvOutputThreshold = pvOutputThreshold,
            useModel = useModel,
            errorCovariance = errorCovariance ,
            verbose = verbose,
            output_file_name.cis = output_file_name.cis,
            pvOutputThreshold.cis = pvOutputThreshold.cis,
            cisDist = cisDist ,
            pvalue.hist = pvalue.hist,
            min.pv.by.genesnp = min.pv.by.genesnp);

        if( verbose ) {
            lastTime = 0;
            status <- function(text) {
                # gc();
                newTime = proc.time()[3];
                if(lastTime != 0) {
                    cat("Task finished in ", newTime-lastTime, " seconds\n");
                lastTime <- newTime;
                unused = flush.console();
        } else {
            status = function(text){}
        start.time = proc.time()[3];
    ################################# Error covariance matrix processing ####################
        if( length(errorCovariance) > 0 ) {
            status("Processing the error covariance matrix");
            eig = eigen(errorCovariance, symmetric = TRUE)
            d = eig$values;
            v = eig$vectors;
            #  errorCovariance == v %*% diag(d) %*% t(v)
            #  errorCovariance^0.5 == v*sqrt(d)*v" (no single quotes anymore)
            #  errorCovariance^(-0.5) == v*diag(1./sqrt(diag(d)))*v"
            if( any(d<=0) ) {
                stop("The covariance matrix is not positive definite");
            correctionMatrix = v %*% diag(1./sqrt(d)) %*% t(v);
            rm( eig, v, d, errorCovariance )
        } else {
            rm( errorCovariance );
            correctionMatrix = numeric();
    ################################# Matching gene and SNPs locations ######################
    if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
        status("Matching data files and location files")

        # names in the input data
        gene_names = rownames(gene);
        snps_names = rownames(snps);

        # gene range, set: left<right
        if(any(genepos[,3] > genepos[,4])) {
            temp3 = genepos[,3];
            temp4 = genepos[,4];
            genepos[,3] = pmin(temp3,temp4);
            genepos[,4] = pmax(temp3,temp4);
            rm(temp3, temp4);

        # match with the location data
        genematch = match( gene_names, genepos[ ,1],  nomatch = 0L);
        usedgene = matrix(FALSE, nrow(genepos), 1); # genes in "genepos" that are matching  "gene_names"
        usedgene[ genematch ] = TRUE;
        if( !any(genematch) ) {
            stop("Gene names do not match those in the gene location file.");
        cat( sum(genematch>0), "of", length(gene_names), " genes matched\n");

        snpsmatch = match( snps_names, snpspos[ ,1],  nomatch = 0L);
        usedsnps = matrix(FALSE, nrow(snpspos),1);
        usedsnps[ snpsmatch ] = TRUE;
        if( !any(snpsmatch) ) {
            stop("SNP names do not match those in the SNP location file.");
        cat( sum(snpsmatch>0), "of", length(snps_names), " SNPs matched\n");

        # list used chr names
        chrNames = unique(c( as.character(unique(snpspos[usedsnps,2])),
                             as.character(unique(genepos[usedgene,2])) ))
        chrNames = chrNames[ sort.list( suppressWarnings(as.integer(chrNames)),
                                        method = "radix", na.last = TRUE ) ];
        # match chr names
        genechr = match(genepos[,2],chrNames);
        snpschr = match(snpspos[,2],chrNames);

        # max length of a chromosome
        chrMax = max( snpspos[usedsnps, 3], genepos[usedgene, 4], na.rm = TRUE) + cisDist;

        # Single number location for all rows in "genepos" and "snpspos"
        genepos2 = as.matrix(genepos[ ,3:4, drop = FALSE] + (genechr-1)*chrMax);
        snpspos2 = as.matrix(snpspos[ ,3  , drop = FALSE] + (snpschr-1)*chrMax);

        # the final location arrays;
        snps_pos = matrix(0,length(snps_names),1);
        snps_pos[snpsmatch>0, ] = snpspos2[snpsmatch, , drop = FALSE];
        snps_pos[rowSums(is.na(snps_pos))>0, ] = 0;
        snps_pos[snps_pos==0] = (length(chrNames)+1) * (chrMax+cisDist);
        rm(snps_names, snpsmatch, usedsnps, snpschr, snpspos2)

        gene_pos = matrix(0,length(gene_names),2);
        gene_pos[genematch>0, ] = genepos2[genematch, , drop = FALSE];
        gene_pos[rowSums(is.na(gene_pos))>0, ] = 0;
        gene_pos[gene_pos==0] = (length(chrNames)+2) * (chrMax+cisDist);
        rm(gene_names, genematch, usedgene, genechr, genepos2)
        rm(chrNames, chrMax);

        if( is.unsorted(snps_pos) ) {
            status("Reordering SNPs\n");
            ordr = sort.list(snps_pos);
            snps_pos = snps_pos[ordr, , drop = FALSE];
        if( is.unsorted(rowSums(gene_pos)) ) {
            status("Reordering genes\n");
            ordr = sort.list(rowSums(gene_pos));
            gene_pos = gene_pos[ordr, , drop = FALSE];

        # Slice it back.
        geneloc = vector("list", gene$nSlices())
        gene_offset = 0;
        for(gc in 1:gene$nSlices()) {
            nr = gene$GetNRowsInSlice(gc);
            geneloc[[gc]] = gene_pos[gene_offset + (1:nr), , drop = FALSE];
            gene_offset = gene_offset + nr;
        rm(gc, gene_offset, gene_pos);

        snpsloc = vector("list", snps$nSlices())
        snps_offset = 0;
        for(sc in 1:snps$nSlices()) {
            nr = snps$GetNRowsInSlice(sc);
            snpsloc[[sc]] = snps_pos[snps_offset + (1:nr), , drop = FALSE];
            snps_offset = snps_offset + nr;
        rm(nr, sc, snps_offset, snps_pos);
    ################################# Covariates processing #################################
        status("Processing covariates");
        if( useModel == modelLINEAR_CROSS ) {
            last.covariate = as.vector(tail( cvrt$getSlice(cvrt$nSlices()), n = 1));
        if( cvrt$nRows()>0 ) {
            cvrt = rbind(matrix(1,1,snps$nCols()),cvrt$getSlice(1));
        } else {
            cvrt = matrix(1,1,snps$nCols());
        # Correct for the error covariance structure
        if( length(correctionMatrix)>0 ) {
            cvrt = cvrt %*% correctionMatrix;
        # Orthonormalize covariates
        # status("Orthonormalizing covariates");
        q = qr(t(cvrt));
        if( min(abs(diag(qr.R(q)))) < .Machine$double.eps * snps$nCols() ) {
            stop("Colinear or zero covariates detected");
        cvrt = t( qr.Q(q) );
        rm( q );
    ################################# Gene expression processing ############################
        status("Processing gene expression data (imputation, residualization, etc.)");
        # Impute gene expression
        # Correct for the error covariance structure
        if( length(correctionMatrix)>0 ) {
        # Orthogonolize expression w.r.t. covariates
        # status("Orthogonolizing expression w.r.t. covariates");
        gene_offsets = double(gene$nSlices()+1);
        for( sl in 1:gene$nSlices() ) {
            slice = gene$getSlice(sl);
            gene_offsets[sl+1] = gene_offsets[sl] + nrow(slice);
            rowsq1 = rowSums(slice^2);
            slice = slice - tcrossprod(slice,cvrt) %*% cvrt;
            rowsq2 = rowSums(slice^2);
            # kill rows colinear with the covariates
            delete.rows = (rowsq2 <= rowsq1 * .Machine$double.eps );
            slice[delete.rows,] = 0;
            rowsq2[delete.rows] = 1;
            div = sqrt(rowsq2); #sqrt( rowSums(slice^2) );
            # 			div[ div == 0 ] = 1;
            gene.std$set(sl, div);
            gene$setSlice(sl, slice / div);
        rm(rowsq1, rowsq2, delete.rows, div);
        rm( sl, slice );
    ################################# snps_process, testfun, pvfun, threshfun, afun  ########
        # snps_process - preprocess SNPs slice
        # afun --- abs for signed stats, identity for non-negative
        # threshfun --- internal stat threshold for given p-value
        # testfun --- t or F statistic from the internal one
        # pvfun --- p-value from the t or F statistic

        nSamples = snps$nCols();
        nGenes = gene$nRows();
        nSnps  = snps$nRows();
        nCov = nrow(cvrt);
        # nVarTested = length(snps_list); # set in case(useModel)
        # dfNull = nSamples - nCov;
        # d.f. of the full model
        betafun = NULL;

        if( useModel == modelLINEAR ) {
            snps_process = function(x) {
                return( list(.SetNanRowMean(x)) );
            nVarTested = 1;
            dfFull = nSamples - nCov - nVarTested;
            statistic.fun = function(mat_list) {
                return( mat_list[[1]] );
            afun = function(x) {return(abs(x))};
            threshfun = function(pv) {
                thr = qt(pv/2, dfFull, lower.tail = FALSE);
                thr = thr^2;
                thr = sqrt(  thr / (dfFull + thr) );
                thr[pv >= 1] = 0;
                thr[pv <= 0] = 1;
                return( thr );
            testfun = function(x) { return( x * sqrt( dfFull / (1 - .my.pmin(x^2,1))));	}
            pvfun = function(x) { return( .pv.nz(pt(-abs(x),dfFull)*2)); }
            thresh.cis = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold.cis);
            thresh = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold);
            betafun = function(stat, ss, gg, select) {
                return(stat * gene.std$get(gg)[select[,1]] / snps.std$get(ss)[select[,2]]);
        } else
            if( useModel == modelANOVA ) {
                snps_process = function(x).SNP_process_split_for_ANOVA(x,n.anova.groups);
                nVarTested = n.anova.groups - 1;
                dfFull = nSamples - nCov - nVarTested;
                # 			statistic.fun = function(mat_list) {
                # 				return( mat_list[[1]]^2 + mat_list[[2]]^2 );
                # 			}
                statistic.fun = function(mat_list) {
                    x = mat_list[[1]]^2;
                    for( j in 2:length(mat_list) )
                        x = x + mat_list[[j]]^2;
                    return( x );
                afun = identity;
                threshfun = function(pv) {
                    thr = qf(pv, nVarTested, dfFull, lower.tail = FALSE);
                    thr = thr / (dfFull/nVarTested + thr);
                    thr[pv >= 1] = 0;
                    thr[pv <= 0] = 1;
                    return( thr );
                testfun = function(x) { return( x / (1 - .my.pmin(x,1)) * (dfFull/nVarTested) ); }
                pvfun = function(x) { return( .pv.nz(pf(x, nVarTested, dfFull, lower.tail = FALSE)) ); }
                thresh.cis = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold.cis);
                thresh = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold);
            } else
                if( useModel == modelLINEAR_CROSS ) {
                    last.covariate = as.vector( last.covariate );
                    snps_process = .SNP_process_split_for_LINEAR_CROSS = function(x) {
                        out = vector("list", 2);
                        out[[1]] = .SetNanRowMean(x);
                        out[[2]] = t( t(out[[1]]) * last.covariate );
                        return( out );
                    nVarTested = 1;
                    dfFull = nSamples - nCov - nVarTested - 1;
                    statistic.fun = function(mat_list) {
                        return( mat_list[[2]] / sqrt(1 - mat_list[[1]]^2) );
                    afun = function(x) {return(abs(x))};
                    threshfun = function(pv) {
                        thr = qt(pv/2, dfFull, lower.tail = FALSE);
                        thr = thr^2;
                        thr = sqrt(  thr / (dfFull + thr) );
                        thr[pv >= 1] = 0;
                        thr[pv <= 0] = 1;
                        return( thr );
                    testfun = function(x) { return( x * sqrt( dfFull / (1 - .my.pmin(x^2,1))));	}
                    pvfun = function(x) { return( .pv.nz(pt(-abs(x),dfFull)*2 )); }
                    thresh.cis = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold.cis);
                    thresh = threshfun(pvOutputThreshold);
                    betafun = function(stat, ss, gg, select) {
                        return(stat * gene.std$get(gg)[select[,1]] / snps.std$get(ss)[select[,2]]);
        params$dfFull = dfFull;
    ################################# Saver class(es) creation ##############################
        status("Creating output file(s)");
        if(noFDRsaveMemory) {
            if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 ) {
                saver.tra = .OutputSaver_direct$new();
            if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
                saver.cis = .OutputSaver_direct$new();
        } else {
            if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 ) {
                saver.tra = .OutputSaver_FRD$new();
            if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
                saver.cis = .OutputSaver_FRD$new();
        if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 )
            if( pvOutputThreshold * gene$nRows() * snps$nRows() > 1000000 )
                    cat("Warning: pvOutputThreshold may be too large.\nExpected number of findings > ",
                        pvOutputThreshold * gene$nRows() * snps$nRows(),"\n");
        if( (useModel == modelLINEAR) || (useModel == modelLINEAR_CROSS) ) {
            statistic_name = "t-stat";
        } else if( useModel == modelANOVA ) {
            statistic_name = "F-test";
            statistic_name = paste("beta\t",statistic_name, sep="");
        if( pvOutputThreshold > 0 )
            saver.tra$start(output_file_name,     statistic_name, snps, gene, testfun, pvfun);
        if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 )
            saver.cis$start(output_file_name.cis, statistic_name, snps, gene, testfun, pvfun);
        rm( statistic_name );
    ################################# Some useful functions #################################
        orthonormalize.snps = function(cursnps, ss) {
            for(p in 1:length(cursnps)) {
                if(length(correctionMatrix)>0) {
                    cursnps[[p]] = cursnps[[p]] %*% correctionMatrix;
                rowsq1 = rowSums(cursnps[[p]]^2);
                cursnps[[p]] = cursnps[[p]] - tcrossprod(cursnps[[p]],cvrt) %*% cvrt;
                for(w in .seq(1L,p-1L))
                    cursnps[[p]] = cursnps[[p]] - rowSums(cursnps[[p]]*cursnps[[w]]) * cursnps[[w]];
                rowsq2 = rowSums(cursnps[[p]]^2);
                delete.rows = (rowsq2 <= rowsq1 * .Machine$double.eps );
                cursnps[[p]][delete.rows,] = 0;
                div = sqrt( rowsq2 );
                div[ delete.rows ] = 1;
                # 				show(c(rowsq2,rowsq1, div));
                cursnps[[p]] = cursnps[[p]]/div;
            snps.std$set(ss, div);
        # 		if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
        # 			is.cis.pair = function(gg,ss) {
        # 				return(!( ( snpsloc[[ss]][1, 1] - tail( geneloc[[gg]][ , 2], n = 1L) > cisDist) |
        # 					    ( geneloc[[gg]][1, 1] - tail( snpsloc[[ss]]      , n = 1L) > cisDist) ) );
        # 			}
        # 		}
        if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0 ) {
            # 			sn.l = sapply(snpsloc, function(x)x[1] );
            # 			sn.r = sapply(snpsloc, function(x)tail(x,1) );
            # 			ge.l = sapply(geneloc, function(x)x[1,1] );
            # 			ge.r = sapply(geneloc, function(x)x[nrow(x) , 2] );
            sn.l = sapply(snpsloc, "[", 1 );
            sn.r = sapply(snpsloc, tail, 1 );
            ge.l = sapply(geneloc, "[", 1, 1 );
            ge.r = sapply( lapply(geneloc, tail.matrix, 1 ), "[", 2);
            gg.1 = findInterval( sn.l , ge.r + cisDist +1) + 1;
            # 			cat(gg.1,"\n")
            gg.2 = findInterval( sn.r , ge.l - cisDist );
            # 			cat(gg.2,"\n")
            rm(sn.l, sn.r, ge.l, ge.r);

    ################################# Prepare counters and histogram bins ###################
        pvbins = NULL; # bin edges for p-values
        statbins = 0;  # bin edges for the test statistic (|t| or F)
        do.hist = FALSE;
        if( length(pvalue.hist) == 1 ) {
            if(pvalue.hist == "qqplot") {
                pvbins = c(0, 10^rev(seq(0, log10(.Machine$double.xmin)-1, -0.05)));
            } else
                if( is.numeric(pvalue.hist) ) {
                    pvbins = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = pvalue.hist+1);
                } else
                    if( pvalue.hist == TRUE ) {
                        pvbins = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 100+1);
        } else
            if( is.numeric(pvalue.hist) && (length(pvalue.hist) > 1) ) {
                pvbins = pvalue.hist;
        if( is.null(pvbins) && (pvalue.hist != FALSE) ) {
            stop("Wrong value of pvalue.hist. Must be FALSE, TRUE, \"qqplot\", or numerical");
        do.hist = !is.null(pvbins);
        if( do.hist ) {
            pvbins = sort(pvbins);
            statbins = threshfun(pvbins);
            if( pvOutputThreshold > 0) {
                hist.all = .histogrammer$new(pvbins, statbins);
            if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                hist.cis = .histogrammer$new(pvbins, statbins);
        rm( pvbins, statbins);
        if(min.pv.by.genesnp) {
            if( pvOutputThreshold > 0) {
                minpv.tra = .minpvalue$new(snps,gene);
            if( pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                minpv.cis = .minpvalue$new(snps,gene);
    ################################# Main loop #############################################
        beta = NULL;
        n.tests.all = 0;
        n.tests.cis = 0;
        n.eqtls.tra = 0;
        n.eqtls.cis = 0;

        status("Performing eQTL analysis");
        # ss = 1; gg = 1;
        # ss = snps$nSlices(); gg = gene$nSlices();

        snps_offset = 0;
        for(ss in 1:snps$nSlices()) {
            # 		for(ss in 1:min(2,snps$nSlices())) { #for debug
            cursnps = NULL;
            nrcs = snps$GetNRowsInSlice(ss);

            # loop only through the useful stuff
            for(gg in if(pvOutputThreshold>0){1:gene$nSlices()}else{.seq(gg.1[ss],gg.2[ss])} ) {
                gene_offset = gene_offsets[gg];
                curgene = gene$getSlice(gg);
                nrcg = nrow(curgene);
                if(nrcg == 0) next;

                rp = "";

                statistic = NULL;
                select.cis.raw = NULL;
                ## do cis analysis
                # 				if( (pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) && ( is.cis.pair(gg, ss) ) ) {
                if( (pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) && (gg >= gg.1[ss]) && (gg <= gg.2[ss]) ) {

                    if( is.null( statistic ) ) {
                        if( is.null( cursnps ) ) {
                            cursnps = orthonormalize.snps( snps_process( snps$getSlice(ss) ), ss );
                        mat = vector("list", length(cursnps));
                        for(d in 1:length(cursnps)) {
                            mat[[d]] = tcrossprod(curgene, cursnps[[d]]);
                        statistic = statistic.fun( mat );
                        astatistic = afun(statistic);
                        # 						rm(mat);

                    # 					sn.l = findInterval(geneloc[[gg]][ ,1] - cisDist-1  +1   , snpsloc[[ss]]);
                    # 					sn.r = findInterval(geneloc[[gg]][ ,2] + cisDist    -1   , snpsloc[[ss]]);
                    sn.l = findInterval(geneloc[[gg]][ ,1] - cisDist-1, snpsloc[[ss]]);
                    sn.r = findInterval(geneloc[[gg]][ ,2] + cisDist, snpsloc[[ss]]);
                    xx = unlist(lapply(which(sn.r>sn.l),FUN=function(x){(sn.l[x]:(sn.r[x]-1))*nrow(statistic)+x}))
                    select.cis.raw = xx[ astatistic[xx] >= thresh.cis ];
                    select.cis = arrayInd(select.cis.raw, dim(statistic))

                    n.tests.cis = n.tests.cis + length(xx);
                    n.eqtls.cis = n.eqtls.cis + length(select.cis.raw);

                    if( do.hist )

                    if( min.pv.by.genesnp ) {
                        # 					minpv.cis$updatecis(ss, gg, arrayInd(xx, dim(statistic)), astatistic[xx])
                        temp = double(length(astatistic));
                        dim(temp) = dim(astatistic);
                        temp[xx] = astatistic[xx];
                        minpv.cis$update(ss, gg, temp);

                        beta = betafun(mat[[length(mat)]][select.cis.raw], ss, gg, select.cis);

                    saver.cis$update( snps_offset + select.cis[ , 2],
                                      gene_offset + select.cis[ , 1],

                    # 				statistic.select.cis  = statistic[ select.cis ];
                    # 				test = testfun( statistic.select.cis );
                    # 				pv = pvfun(test);
                    # 				Saver.cis$WriteBlock( cbind(snps_offset + select.cis[ , 2], gene_offset + select.cis[ , 1], test, pv) );
                    # 				counter.cis$Update(gg, ss, select.cis, pv, n.tests = length(xx), if(do.hist) afun(statistic[xx]) )
                    rp = paste(rp, ", ", formatC(n.eqtls.cis, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0), " cis-eQTLs", sep = "");
                ## do trans/all analysis
                if(pvOutputThreshold>0) {
                    if( is.null( statistic ) ) {
                        if( is.null( cursnps ) ) {
                            cursnps = orthonormalize.snps( snps_process( snps$getSlice(ss) ), ss );
                        mat = vector("list", length(cursnps));
                        for(d in 1:length(cursnps)) {
                            mat[[d]] = tcrossprod(curgene, cursnps[[d]]);
                        statistic = statistic.fun( mat );
                        astatistic = afun(statistic);
                        # 						rm(mat);

                    if( do.hist )

                        astatistic[xx] = -1;
                    # 					select.tra.raw = select.tra.raw[!(select.tra.raw %in% select.cis.raw)];

                    select.tra.raw = which( astatistic >= thresh);
                    select.tra = arrayInd(select.tra.raw, dim(statistic))

                    n.eqtls.tra = n.eqtls.tra + length(select.tra.raw);
                    n.tests.all = n.tests.all + length(statistic);

                        beta = betafun(mat[[length(mat)]][select.tra.raw], ss, gg, select.tra);

                    saver.tra$update( snps_offset + select.tra[ , 2],
                                      gene_offset + select.tra[ , 1],

                    if( min.pv.by.genesnp )
                        minpv.tra$update(ss, gg, astatistic)

                    # 				statistic.select.tra = statistic[ select.tra ];
                    # 				test = testfun( statistic.select.tra );
                    # 				pv = pvfun( test );
                    # 				Saver$WriteBlock( cbind( snps_offset + select.tra[ , 2], gene_offset + select.tra[ , 1], test, pv) );
                    # 				counter$Update(gg, ss, select.tra, pv, n.tests = nrcs*nrcg, if(do.hist) afun(statistic) )
                    rp = paste(rp, ", ", formatC(n.eqtls.tra, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0), " ", addInfo, sep = "")

                #gene_offset = gene_offset + nrcg;
                if( !is.null(statistic) ) {
                    per = 100*(gg/gene$nSlices() + ss-1) / snps$nSlices();
                    cat( formatC(floor(per*100)/100, format = "f", width = 5, digits = 2), "% done" , rp, "\n", sep = "");
            } # gg in 1:gene$nSlices()
            snps_offset = snps_offset + nrcs;
        } # ss in 1:snps$nSlices()
    ################################# Results collection ####################################
        rez = list(time.in.sec = proc.time()[3] - start.time);
        rez$param = params;

        if(pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
            rez.cis = list(ntests = n.tests.cis, neqtls = n.eqtls.cis);
            rez.cis = c(rez.cis, saver.cis$getResults( gene, snps, n.tests.cis) );
                rez.cis = c(rez.cis, hist.cis$getResults() );
                rez.cis = c(rez.cis, minpv.cis$getResults(snps, gene, pvfun = function(x){pvfun(testfun(x))}) );

        if(pvOutputThreshold>0) {
            rez.all = list(ntests = n.tests.all, neqtls = n.eqtls.tra + n.eqtls.cis);
            if(pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                rez.tra = list(ntests = n.tests.all - n.tests.cis, neqtls = n.eqtls.tra);
                rez.tra = c(rez.tra, saver.tra$getResults( gene, snps, n.tests.all - n.tests.cis) );
            } else {
                rez.all = c(rez.all, saver.tra$getResults( gene, snps, n.tests.all              ) );
            if(do.hist) {
                rez.all = c(rez.all, hist.all$getResults() );
                if(pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                    rez.tra$hist.bins = rez.all$hist.bins;
                    rez.tra$hist.counts = rez.all$hist.counts - rez.cis$hist.counts;
            if(min.pv.by.genesnp) {
                if(pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                    rez.tra = c(rez.tra, minpv.tra$getResults(snps, gene, pvfun = function(x){pvfun(testfun(x))}) );
                } else {
                    rez.all = c(rez.all, minpv.tra$getResults(snps, gene, pvfun = function(x){pvfun(testfun(x))}) );

            rez$all = rez.all;
            rez$trans = rez.tra;
            rez$cis = rez.cis;

        class(rez) = c(class(rez),"MatrixEQTL");
    # 	cat("s std ",snps.std$get(1),"\n");
    # 	cat("g std ",gene.std$get(1),"\n");
    ################################# Results collection ####################################

.histme = function(m, name1, name2, ...) {
    cnts = m$hist.counts;
    bins = m$hist.bins;
    ntst = m$ntests;
    centers = 0.5 * (bins[-1L] + bins[-length(bins)]);
    density = 0.5 / (bins[-1L] - centers) * cnts / ntst;
    ntext = paste("Histogram for ", name1, formatC(ntst, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0), name2, " p-values ",sep="");
    r = structure(list(breaks = bins, counts = cnts, density = density,
                       mids = centers, equidist = FALSE), class = "histogram");
    plot(r, main = ntext, ylab = "Density", xlab = "P-values", ...)
    abline( h = 1, col = "blue");

.qqme = function(m, lcol, cex, pch, ...) {
    cnts = m$hist.counts;
    bins = m$hist.bins;
    ntst = m$ntests;

    cusu = cumsum(cnts) / ntst;
    ypos = bins[-1][is.finite(cusu)];
    xpos = cusu[is.finite(cusu)];
    lines(-log10(xpos), -log10(ypos), col = lcol, ...);
    # 	lines(xpos, ypos, col = lcol, ...);
    ypvs = -log10(m$eqtls$pvalue);
    xpvs = -log10(1:length(ypvs) / ntst);
    if(length(ypvs) > 1000) {
        # need to filter a bit, make the plotting faster
        levels = as.integer( xpvs/xpvs[1] * 1e3);
        keep = c(TRUE, diff(levels)!=0);
        levels = as.integer( ypvs/ypvs[1] * 1e3);
        keep = keep | c(TRUE, diff(levels)!=0);
        ypvs = ypvs[keep];
        xpvs = xpvs[keep];
    points(xpvs, ypvs, col = lcol, pch = pch, cex = cex, ...);

plot.MatrixEQTL = function(x, cex = 0.5, pch = 19, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL, ...) {
    # 	cat(class(main),'\n')
    if( x$param$pvalue.hist == FALSE ) {
        warning("Cannot plot p-value distribution: the information was not recorded.\nUse pvalue.hist!=FALSE.");
    if( x$param$pvalue.hist == "qqplot" ) {
        xmin = 1/max(x$cis$ntests, x$all$ntests);
        ymax = NULL;
        if(!is.null(ylim)) {
            ymax = ylim[2];
        } else {
            ymax = -log10(min(
                x$cis$eqtls$pvalue[1],   x$cis$hist.bins[  c(FALSE,x$cis$hist.counts>0)][1],
                x$all$eqtls$pvalue[1],   x$all$hist.bins[  c(FALSE,x$all$hist.counts>0)][1],
                x$trans$eqtls$pvalue[1], x$trans$hist.bins[c(FALSE,x$trans$hist.counts>0)][1],
                na.rm = TRUE))+0.1;
        if(ymax == 0) {
            ymax = -log10(.Machine$double.xmin)
            ylim = c(0,ymax);

            xlim =  c(0, -log10(xmin/1.5));

        plot(numeric(),numeric(), xlab = "-Log10(p-value), theoretical",
             ylab = "-Log10(p-value), observed",
             xlim = c(0, -log10(xmin/1.5)),
             ylim = ylim,
             xaxs="i", yaxs="i", ...);
        lines(c(0,1e3), c(0,1e3), col = "gray");
        if((x$param$pvOutputThreshold > 0) && (x$param$pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0)) {
            .qqme( x$cis, "red", cex, pch, ...);
            .qqme( x$trans, "blue", cex, pch, ...);
            if(is.null(main)) {
                main = paste("QQ-plot for",
                             formatC(x$cis$ntests, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0),
                             "local and",
                             formatC(x$trans$ntests, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0),
                             "distant p-values");
            lset = c(1,2,4);
        } else
            if(x$param$pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                .qqme(x$cis, "red", cex, pch, ...);
                if(is.null(main)) {
                    main = paste("QQ-plot for",
                                 formatC(x$cis$ntests, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0),
                                 "local p-values");
                lset = c(1,4);
            } else {
                .qqme(x$all, "blue", cex, pch, ...);
                if(is.null(main)) {
                    main = paste("QQ-plot for all",
                                 formatC(x$all$ntests, big.mark=",", format = "f", digits = 0),
                lset = c(3,4);

               c("Local p-values","Distant p-values","All p-values","diagonal")[lset],
               col =      c("red","blue","blue","gray")[lset],
               text.col = c("red","blue","blue","gray")[lset],
               pch = 20, lwd = 1, pt.cex = c(1,1,1,0)[lset])
    } else {
        if((x$param$pvOutputThreshold > 0) && (x$param$pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0)) {
            .histme(x$cis, "", " local", ...);
            tran = list(hist.counts = x$all$hist.counts - x$cis$hist.counts,
                        hist.bins = x$all$hist.bins,
                        ntests =  x$all$ntests - x$cis$ntests);
            .histme(x$trans,""," distant", ...);
        } else
            if(x$param$pvOutputThreshold.cis > 0) {
                .histme(x$cis, "", " local", ...);
            } else {
                .histme(x$all, "all ", ""  , ...);
fastGEM/GEM documentation built on Aug. 5, 2021, 7:33 p.m.