
Defines functions iinla tidy_states tidy_state latent_names bru_line_search line_search_opt_target_exact line_search_opt_target scale_state nonlin_predictor lin_predictor bru_summarise montecarlo.posterior generate.bru predict.bru expand_to_dataframe lgcp bru_like_expr bru_like_control_family.bru_like_list bru_like_control_family.bru_like bru_like_control_family bru_like_inla_family.bru_like_list bru_like_inla_family.bru_like bru_like_inla_family print.bru_like_list print.bru_like print.summary_bru_like_list print.summary_bru_like summary.bru_like_list summary.bru_like `[.bru_like_list` c.bru_like_list c.bru_like like_list.bru_like like_list.list like_list like extended_bind_rows complete_coordnames eval_in_data_context parse_inclusion bru_rerun bru print.bru_used summary.bru_used format.bru_used bru_used.bru_used bru_used.bru_like bru_used.list bru_used.bru bru_used.formula bru_used.expression bru_used.character bru_used_vars.formula bru_used_vars.expression bru_used_vars.character bru_used_vars replace_dollar bru_used.default bru_used bru_used_update.bru_used bru_used_update.bru_like bru_used_update.bru_like_list bru_used_update bru_used_upgrade bru_timings.bru bru_timings print.bru_info print.summary_bru_info summary.bru_info bru_info.bru bru_info.character bru_info bru_info_upgrade bru_check_object_bru generate

Documented in bru bru_info bru_info.bru bru_info.character bru_like_control_family bru_like_control_family.bru_like bru_like_control_family.bru_like_list bru_like_inla_family bru_like_inla_family.bru_like bru_like_inla_family.bru_like_list bru_rerun bru_summarise bru_timings bru_timings.bru bru_used bru_used.bru bru_used.bru_like bru_used.bru_used bru_used.character bru_used.default bru_used.expression bru_used.formula bru_used.list bru_used_update bru_used_update.bru_like bru_used_update.bru_like_list bru_used_update.bru_used bru_used_vars bru_used_vars.character bru_used_vars.expression bru_used_vars.formula c.bru_like c.bru_like_list eval_in_data_context format.bru_used generate generate.bru iinla lgcp like like_list like_list.bru_like like_list.list parse_inclusion predict.bru print.bru_info print.bru_like print.bru_like_list print.bru_used print.summary_bru_info print.summary_bru_like print.summary_bru_like_list summary.bru_info summary.bru_like summary.bru_like_list summary.bru_used

#' Generate samples from fitted bru models
#' @description
#' Generic function for sampling for fitted models. The function invokes
#' particular methods which depend on the class of the first argument.
#' @name generate
#' @export
#' @family sample generators
#' @param object a fitted model.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the samples produced.
#' @return The form of the value returned by `generate()` depends on the data
#' class and prediction formula. Normally, a data.frame is returned, or a list
#' of data.frames (if the prediction formula generates a list)
#' @example inst/examples/generate.bru.R

generate <- function(object, ...) {

bru_check_object_bru <- function(object,
                                 new_version = getNamespaceVersion("inlabru")) {
  if (is.null(object[["bru_info"]])) {
    if (is.null(object[["sppa"]])) {
        "bru object contains neither current `bru_info` or old ",
        "`sppa` information"
    object[["bru_info"]] <- object[["sppa"]]
    object[["sppa"]] <- NULL
    old <- TRUE
  } else {
    old <- FALSE
  object <-
      old = old,
      new_version = new_version

bru_info_upgrade <- function(object,
                             old = FALSE,
                             new_version = getNamespaceVersion("inlabru")) {
  object_full <- object
  object <- object[["bru_info"]]
  if (!is.list(object)) {
      "bru_info part of the object can't be converted to `bru_info`; ",
      "not a list"
  if (!inherits(object, "bru_info")) {
    old <- TRUE
    class(object) <- "bru_info"
    object_full[["bru_info"]] <- object
  if (is.null(object[["inlabru_version"]])) {
    object[["inlabru_version"]] <- "0.0.0"
    old <- TRUE
    object_full[["bru_info"]] <- object
  old_ver <- object[["inlabru_version"]]
  if (old || (utils::compareVersion(new_version, old_ver) > 0)) {
      "Old bru_info object version ",
      " detected. Attempting upgrade to version ",

    message("Detected bru_info version ", old_ver)
    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Ensure INLA_version stored
      if (is.null(object[["INLA_version"]])) {
        object[["INLA_version"]] <- "0.0.0"
      # Check for component$mapper as a bru_mapper_multi
      for (k in seq_along(object[["model"]][["effects"]])) {
        cmp <- object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]]
        cmp[["mapper"]] <-
            main = cmp$main$mapper,
            group = cmp$group$mapper,
            replicate = cmp$replicate$mapper
        object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]] <- cmp
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""
    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Check that likelihoods store 'weights'
      for (k in seq_along(object[["lhoods"]])) {
        lhood <- object[["lhoods"]][[k]]
        if (is.null(lhood[["weights"]])) {
          lhood[["weights"]] <- 1
          object[["lhoods"]][[k]] <- lhood
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Make sure component$mapper is a bru_mapper_scale
      for (k in seq_along(object[["model"]][["effects"]])) {
        cmp <- object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]]
        # Convert offset mappers to const mappers
        if (inherits(cmp$main$mapper, "bru_mapper_offset")) {
          cmp$main$mapper <- bru_mapper_const()
        cmp[["mapper"]] <-
              mapper = bru_mapper_multi(list(
                main = cmp$main$mapper,
                group = cmp$group$mapper,
                replicate = cmp$replicate$mapper
              scale = bru_mapper_scale()
        object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]] <- cmp
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Make sure component$mapper is a bru_mapper_pipe
      for (k in seq_along(object[["model"]][["effects"]])) {
        cmp <- object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]]
        cmp[["mapper"]] <-
              mapper = bru_mapper_multi(list(
                main = cmp$main$mapper,
                group = cmp$group$mapper,
                replicate = cmp$replicate$mapper
              scale = bru_mapper_scale()
        object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]] <- cmp
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Make sure component$group/replicate$input isn't NULL
      for (k in seq_along(object[["model"]][["effects"]])) {
        cmp <- object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]]
        if (identical(deparse(cmp[["group"]][["input"]][["input"]]), "NULL")) {
          cmp[["group"]][["input"]][["input"]] <- expression(1L)
        if (identical(
        )) {
          cmp[["replicate"]][["input"]][["input"]] <- expression(1L)
        object[["model"]][["effects"]][[k]] <- cmp
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Convert old style include_component/allow_latent to intermediate
      # include_component/include_latent format

      # Update include/exclude information to limit it to existing components
      for (k in seq_along(object[["lhoods"]])) {
        if (isTRUE(object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["allow_latent"]])) {
          # Force inclusion of all components
          object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]] <- NULL
        } else {
          if (is.null(object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]])) {
            object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]] <- character(0)
      object[["lhoods"]] <-
          labels = names(object[["model"]][["effects"]])
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Convert old style include_component/allow_latent to new
      # bru_used format

      # Update include/exclude information to limit it to existing components
      for (k in seq_along(object[["lhoods"]])) {
        if (is.null(object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["used_components"]])) {
          if (isTRUE(object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["allow_latent"]])) {
            # Force inclusion of all components
            object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]] <- NULL
          } else {
            if (is.null(object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]])) {
              object[["lhoods"]][[k]][["include_latent"]] <- character(0)
      object[["lhoods"]] <-
          labels = names(object[["model"]][["effects"]])
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Make sure 'used' components format is properly stored

      object[["lhoods"]] <-
          labels = names(object[["model"]][["effects"]])
      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Update timings info to difftime format

          "From, elapsed time is in Elapsed, Time is CPU time.",
          "\n  Copying old elapsed time to both Elapsed and Time, ",
          "setting System to zero;",
          "  Do not over-interpret."
        immediate. = TRUE
      conversion <- as.difftime(
        units = "secs"
      object_full[["bru_timings"]][["Time"]] <- conversion
      object_full[["bru_timings"]][["System"]] <-
        as.difftime(rep(0.0, length(conversion)), units = "secs")
      object_full[["bru_timings"]][["Elapsed"]] <- conversion

      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    if (utils::compareVersion("", old_ver) > 0) {
      message("Upgrading bru_info to")
      # Update log format to new format

      object_full[["bru_iinla"]][["log"]] <-
          bookmarks = object_full[["bru_iinla"]][["log"]][["bookmarks"]]

      object[["inlabru_version"]] <- ""

    object[["inlabru_version"]] <- new_version
    message(paste0("Upgraded bru_info to ", new_version))

    object_full[["bru_info"]] <- object

#' Methods for bru_info objects
#' The `bru_info` class is used to store metadata about `bru` models.
#' @export
#' @rdname bru_info
bru_info <- function(...) {

#' @export
#' @param method character; The type of estimation method used
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to be stored in the `bru_info` object. For
#' `summary` and `print` methods, arguments passed on to submethods.
#' @param inlabru_version character; inlabru package version. Default: NULL, for
#' automatically detecting the version
#' @param INLA_version character; INLA package version. Default: NULL, for
#' automatically detecting the version
#' @describeIn bru_info Create a `bru_info` object
bru_info.character <- function(method,
                               inlabru_version = NULL,
                               INLA_version = NULL) {
  if (is.null(inlabru_version)) {
    inlabru_version <-
        expr = {
        error = function(e) {
  if (is.null(INLA_version)) {
    INLA_version <-
        expr = {
        error = function(e) {
  object <- structure(
      method = method,
      inlabru_version = inlabru_version,
      INLA_version = INLA_version
    class = "bru_info"

#' @export
#' @describeIn bru_info Extract the `bru_info` object from an estimated [bru()]
#'   result object. The default print method show information about model
#'   components and observation models.
bru_info.bru <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- bru_check_object_bru(object)

#' @export
#' @method summary bru_info
#' @param object Object to operate on
#' @param verbose logical; If `TRUE`, include more details of the
#' component definitions. If `FALSE`, only show basic component
#' definition information. Default: `TRUE`
#' @param \dots Arguments passed on to other `summary` methods
#' @rdname bru_info
summary.bru_info <- function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
      inlabru_version = object[["inlabru_version"]],
      INLA_version = object[["INLA_version"]],
      components = summary(object[["model"]], verbose = verbose, ...),
      lhoods = summary(object[["lhoods"]], verbose = verbose, ...)
    class = "summary_bru_info"

#' @export
#' @param x An  object to be printed
#' @rdname bru_info
print.summary_bru_info <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste0("inlabru version: ", x$inlabru_version, "\n"))
  cat(paste0("INLA version: ", x$INLA_version, "\n"))

#' @export
#' @rdname bru_info
print.bru_info <- function(x, ...) {

#' @title Extract timing information from fitted [bru] object
#' @description
#' Extracts a data.frame or tibble with information about the `Time` (CPU),
#' `System`, and `Elapsed` time for each step of a `bru()` run.
#' @param object A fitted `bru` object
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
bru_timings <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname bru_timings
bru_timings.bru <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- bru_check_object_bru(object)

# Used for upgrading from versions <= to >=
bru_used_upgrade <- function(lhoods, labels) {
  for (k in seq_along(lhoods)) {
    if (is.null(lhoods[[k]][["used"]]) &&
      is.null(lhoods[[k]][["used_components"]])) {
      used <- bru_used(
        effect = lhoods[[k]][["include_components"]],
        latent = lhoods[[k]][["include_latent"]],
        effect_exclude = lhoods[[k]][["exclude_components"]],

      lhoods[[k]][["include_components"]] <- NULL
      lhoods[[k]][["exclude_components"]] <- NULL
      lhoods[[k]][["include_latent"]] <- NULL
    } else if (!is.null(lhoods[[k]][["used_components"]])) {
      used <- bru_used(
        effect = lhoods[[k]][["effect"]],
        latent = lhoods[[k]][["latent"]]
      lhoods[[k]][["used_components"]] <- NULL
    } else {
      used <- bru_used(lhoods[[k]])

    used <- bru_used_update(used, labels = labels)
    lhoods[[k]][["used"]] <- used

#' Update used_component information objects
#' Merge available component labels information with used components
#' information.
#' @param x Object to be updated
#' @param labels character vector of component labels
#' @param ... Unused
#' @returns An updated version of `x`
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family bru_used
bru_used_update <- function(x, labels, ...) {

#' @rdname bru_used_update
#' @export
bru_used_update.bru_like_list <- function(x, labels, ...) {
  for (k in seq_along(x)) {
    x[[k]] <- bru_used_update(x[[k]], labels = labels, ...)

#' @rdname bru_used_update
#' @export
bru_used_update.bru_like <- function(x, labels, ...) {
  x[["used"]] <-
    bru_used_update(bru_used(x), labels = labels, ...)

#' @rdname bru_used_update
#' @export
bru_used_update.bru_used <- function(x, labels, ...) {
  used <- x
  used$effect <-
      include = used[["effect"]],
      exclude = used[["effect_exclude"]]
  used[["effect_exclude"]] <- NULL
  used$latent <-
      include = used[["latent"]],
      exclude = NULL

#' List components used in a model
#' Create or extract information about which components are used by a model, or
#' its individual observation models. If a non-NULL `labels` argument is
#' supplied, also calls [bru_used_update()] on the `bru_used` objects.
#' @param x An object that contains information about used components
#' @param effect character; components used as effects. When `NULL`, auto-detect
#' components to include or include all components.
#' @param effect_exclude character; components to specifically exclude from
#' effect evaluation. When `NULL`, do not specifically exclude any components.
#' @param latent character; components used as `_latent` or `_eval()`. When
#' `NULL`, auto-detect components.
#' @param labels character; component labels passed on to
#' [bru_used_update()]

#' @param join Whether to join list output into a single object; Default
#' may depend on the input object class
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to the other methods
#' @returns A `bru_used` object (a list with elements `effect`
#' and `latent`), or a list of such objects
#' (for methods with `join = FALSE`)
#' @examples
#' (used <- bru_used(~.))
#' bru_used(used, labels = c("a", "c"))
#' (used <- bru_used(~ a + b + c_latent + d_latent))
#' bru_used(used, labels = c("a", "c"))
#' (used <- bru_used(expression(a + b + c_latent + d_latent)))
#' bru_used(used, labels = c("a", "c"))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family bru_used
bru_used <- function(x = NULL, ...) {
  # Need to specify the dispatch object explicitly to handle the NULL case:
  UseMethod("bru_used", x)

#' @describeIn bru_used Create a `bru_used` object.
#' @export
bru_used.default <- function(x = NULL, ...,
                             effect = NULL,
                             effect_exclude = NULL,
                             latent = NULL,
                             labels = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(x)) {
      "bru_used input class not supported: ",
      "'", paste0(class(x), collapse = "', '"), "'"

  used <- structure(
      effect = effect,
      latent = latent
    class = "bru_used"
  used[["effect_exclude"]] <- effect_exclude

  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    used <- bru_used_update(used, labels = labels)


# Function from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63580260/
#   is-there-a-way-to-stop-all-vars-returning-names-from-the-right-hand-side-of
# corrected to handle multiple $ correctly
replace_dollar <- function(expr) {
  if (!is.language(expr) || length(expr) == 1L) {
  if (expr[[1]] == quote(`$`)) {
    expr[[1]] <- quote(`[[`)
    expr[[3]] <- as.character(expr[[3]])
    expr[[2]] <- replace_dollar(expr[[2]])
    expr[[3]] <- replace_dollar(expr[[3]])
  } else {
    for (i in seq_along(expr)[-1]) {
      if (!is.null(expr[[i]])) {
        expr[[i]] <- replace_dollar(expr[[i]])

#' @title Extract basic variable names from expression
#' @description
#' Extracts the variable names from an R expression by pre- and post-processing
#' around [all.vars()].
#' First replaces `$` with `[[` indexing, so that internal column/variable names
#' are ignored, then calls `all.vars()`.
#' @param x A `formula`, `expression`, or `character`
#' @param functions logical; if TRUE, include function names
#' @returns If successful, a character vector, otherwise `NULL`
#' @examples
#' bru_used_vars(~.)
#' bru_used_vars(~ a + b + c_latent + d_eval())
#' bru_used_vars(expression(a + b + c_latent + d_eval()))
#' bru_used_vars(~., functions = TRUE)
#' bru_used_vars(~ a + b + c_latent + d_eval(), functions = TRUE)
#' bru_used_vars(expression(a + b + c_latent + d_eval()), functions = TRUE)
#' bru_used_vars(a ~ b)
#' bru_used_vars(expression(a ~ b))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family bru_used
bru_used_vars <- function(x, functions = FALSE) {

#' @rdname bru_used_vars
#' @export
bru_used_vars.character <- function(x, functions = FALSE) {
  ex <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n")
  ex <- str2lang(ex)
  ex <- replace_dollar(ex)
  vars <- all.vars(ex, functions = functions, unique = TRUE)
  if (identical(vars, ".") || identical(vars, character(0))) {
    vars <- NULL

#' @rdname bru_used_vars
#' @export
bru_used_vars.expression <- function(x, functions = FALSE) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  ex <- deparse1(x, collapse = "\n")
  bru_used_vars(ex, functions = functions)

#' @describeIn bru_used_vars Only the right-hand side is used.
#' @export
bru_used_vars.formula <- function(x, functions = FALSE) {
  form <- x[[length(x)]]
  ex <- deparse1(form, collapse = "\n")
  bru_used_vars(ex, functions = functions)

#' @describeIn bru_used Create a `bru_used` object from a `character`
#' representation of an expression.
#' @export
bru_used.character <- function(x, ...,
                               effect = NULL,
                               effect_exclude = NULL,
                               latent = NULL,
                               labels = NULL) {
  form <- x
  if (is.null(effect)) {
    effect <- bru_used_vars(form, functions = FALSE)
    effect <- effect[
      !grepl("^.*_latent$", effect) &
        !grepl("^.*_eval$", effect)
  if (is.null(latent)) {
    latent <- bru_used_vars(form, functions = TRUE)

    include_latent <- latent[grepl("^.*_latent$", latent)]
    include_latent <- gsub("_latent$", "", include_latent)
    include_eval <- latent[grepl("^.*_eval$", latent)]
    include_eval <- gsub("_eval$", "", include_eval)
    latent <- union(include_latent, include_eval)
    if (length(latent) == 0) {
      include_latent <- character(0)

    x = NULL,
    effect = effect,
    effect_exclude = effect_exclude,
    latent = latent,
    labels = labels

#' @describeIn bru_used Create a `bru_used` object from an expression object.
#' @export
bru_used.expression <- function(x, ...,
                                effect = NULL,
                                effect_exclude = NULL,
                                latent = NULL,
                                labels = NULL) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL
  y <- deparse1(x, collapse = "\n")
    x = y,
    effect = effect,
    effect_exclude = effect_exclude,
    latent = latent,
    labels = labels

#' @describeIn bru_used Create a `bru_used` object from a formula (only the
#' right-hand side is used).
#' @export
bru_used.formula <- function(x, ...,
                             effect = NULL,
                             effect_exclude = NULL,
                             latent = NULL,
                             labels = NULL) {
  form <- x[[length(x)]]
  ex <- deparse1(form, collapse = "\n")
    x = ex,
    effect = effect,
    effect_exclude = effect_exclude,
    latent = latent,
    labels = labels

#' @rdname bru_used
#' @export
bru_used.bru <- function(x, ..., join = TRUE) {
  bru_used(x[["bru_info"]][["lhoods"]], ..., join = join)

#' @rdname bru_used
#' @export
bru_used.list <- function(x, ..., join = TRUE) {
  used <- lapply(x, function(y) bru_used(y, ...))
  if (join) {
    effect_exclude <- unique(unlist(lapply(used, function(y) {
    if (length(effect_exclude) > 0) {
        "Cannot join 'bru_used' objects with non-null ",
        "'effect_exclude' information."
    used <-
        effect = unique(unlist(lapply(used, function(y) y[["effect"]]))),
        latent = unique(unlist(lapply(used, function(y) y[["latent"]])))

#' @rdname bru_used
#' @export
bru_used.bru_like <- function(x, ...) {
  bru_used(x[["used"]], ...)

#' @describeIn bru_used Convenience method that takes
#' an existing `bru_used` object and calls [bru_used_update()]
#' if `labels` is non-NULL.
#' @export
bru_used.bru_used <- function(x, labels = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    x <- bru_used_update(x, labels = labels)

#' @describeIn bru_used Text formatting method for `bru_used` objects.
#' @export
format.bru_used <- function(x, ...) {
  s <- paste0("effects[", paste0(x$effect, collapse = ", "), "]")
  s <- paste0(s, ", latent[", paste0(x$latent, collapse = ", "), "]")
  if (!is.null(x$effect_exclude)) {
    s <- paste0(s, ", exclude[", paste0(x$effect_exclude, collapse = ", "), "]")

#' @describeIn bru_used Summary method for `bru_used` objects.
#' @export
#' @method summary bru_used
summary.bru_used <- function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn bru_used Print method for `bru_used` objects.
#' @export
print.bru_used <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Used ", format(x), "\n", sep = "")

#' @title Convenient model fitting using (iterated) INLA
#' @description This method is a wrapper for `INLA::inla` and provides
#'   multiple enhancements.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item
#'       Easy usage of spatial covariates and automatic construction of inla
#'       projection matrices for (spatial) SPDE models. This feature is
#'       accessible via the `components` parameter. Practical examples on how to
#'       use spatial data by means of the components parameter can also be found
#'       by looking at the [lgcp] function's documentation.
#'     \item
#'       Constructing multiple likelihoods is straight forward. See [like] for
#'       more information on how to provide additional likelihoods to `bru`
#'       using the `...` parameter list.
#'     \item
#'       Support for non-linear predictors. See example below.
#'     \item
#'       Log Gaussian Cox process (LGCP) inference is
#'       available by using the `cp` family or (even easier) by using the
#'       [lgcp] function.
#'   }
#' @export
#' @author Fabian E. Bachl \email{bachlfab@@gmail.com}
#' @param components A `formula`-like specification of latent components.
#'   Also used to define a default linear additive predictor.  See
#'   [component()] for details.
#' @param ... Likelihoods, each constructed by a calling [like()], or named
#'   parameters that can be passed to a single [like()] call. Note that
#'   all the arguments will be evaluated before calling [like()] in order
#'   to detect if they are `like` objects. This means that
#'   special arguments that need to be evaluated in the context of
#'   `response_data` or `data` (such as `Ntrials`) may will only work that
#'   way in direct calls to [like()].
#' @param .envir Environment for component evaluation (for when a non-formula
#' specification is used)
#' @param options A [bru_options] options object or a list of options passed
#' on to [bru_options()]
#' @return bru returns an object of class "bru". A `bru` object inherits
#'   from `INLA::inla` (see the inla documentation for its properties) and
#'   adds additional information stored in the `bru_info` field.
#' @example inst/examples/bru.R

bru <- function(components = ~ Intercept(1),
                options = list(),
                .envir = parent.frame()) {
  stopifnot(bru_safe_inla(multicore = TRUE))

  timing_convert <- function(x) {
    if (!is.na(x[4])) {
      x[1] <- x[1] + x[4]
    if (!is.na(x[5])) {
      x[2] <- x[2] + x[5]

  timing_start <- timing_convert(proc.time())

  # Update default options
  options <- bru_call_options(options)

  lhoods <- list(...)
  dot_is_lhood <- vapply(
    function(lh) inherits(lh, "bru_like"),
  dot_is_lhood_list <- vapply(
    function(lh) inherits(lh, "bru_like_list"),
  if (any(dot_is_lhood | dot_is_lhood_list)) {
    if (!all(dot_is_lhood | dot_is_lhood_list)) {
        "Cannot mix like() parameters with 'bru_like' ",
        "and `bru_like_list` objects.",
        "\n  Check if the argument(s) ",
        paste0("'", names(lhoods)[!(dot_is_lhood | dot_is_lhood_list)], "'",
          collapse = ", "
        " were meant to be given to a call to 'like()',\n  or in the ",
        "'options' list argument instead."
  } else {
    if (is.null(lhoods[["formula"]])) {
      lhoods[["formula"]] <- . ~ .
    if (inherits(components, "formula")) {
      lhoods[["formula"]] <- auto_response(
    lhoods <- list(do.call(
          options = options,
          .envir = .envir
    dot_is_lhood <- TRUE
    dot_is_lhood_list <- FALSE
  lhoods <- do.call(c, lhoods[dot_is_lhood | dot_is_lhood_list])

  if (length(lhoods) == 0) {
    stop("No response likelihood models provided.")

  # Turn input into a list of components (from existing list, or a special
  # formula)
  components <- component_list(components, .envir = .envir)

  # Update include/exclude information to limit it to existing components
  lhoods <- bru_used_update(lhoods, labels = names(components))

  # Turn model components into internal bru model
  bru.model <- bru_model(components, lhoods)

  # Set max iterations to 1 if all likelihood formulae are linear
  if (all(vapply(lhoods, function(lh) lh$linear, TRUE))) {
    options$bru_max_iter <- 1

  info <- bru_info(
    method = "bru",
    model = bru.model,
    lhoods = lhoods,
    options = options

  timing_setup <- timing_convert(proc.time())

  # Run iterated INLA
  if (options$bru_run) {
    result <- iinla(
      model = info[["model"]],
      lhoods = info[["lhoods"]],
      options = info[["options"]]
  } else {
    result <- list()

  timing_end <- timing_convert(proc.time())
  result$bru_timings <-
        Task = c("Preprocess"),
        Iteration = 0L,
        Time = as.difftime(c(timing_setup[1] - timing_start[1]),
          units = "secs"
        System = as.difftime(c(timing_setup[2] - timing_start[2]),
          units = "secs"
        Elapsed = as.difftime(c(timing_setup[3] - timing_start[3]),
          units = "secs"

  # Add bru information to the result
  result$bru_info <- info
  class(result) <- c("bru", class(result))

#' @describeIn bru
#' Continue the optimisation from a previously computed estimate. The estimation
#' `options` list can be given new values to override the original settings.
#' @param result A previous estimation object of class `bru`
#' @export
bru_rerun <- function(result, options = list()) {
  result <- bru_check_object_bru(result)

  info <- result[["bru_info"]]
  info[["options"]] <- bru_call_options(

  original_timings <- result[["bru_timings"]]

  result <- iinla(
    model = info[["model"]],
    lhoods = info[["lhoods"]],
    initial = result,
    options = info[["options"]]

  new_timings <- result[["bru_iinla"]][["timings"]]$Iteration >
  result$bru_timings <-
      result[["bru_iinla"]][["timings"]][new_timings, , drop = FALSE]

  # Add bru information to the result
  result$bru_info <- info
  class(result) <- c("bru", class(result))

#' Parse inclusion of component labels in a predictor expression
#' @param thenames Set of labels to restrict
#' @param include Character vector of component labels that are needed by the
#'   predictor expression; Default: NULL (include all components that are not
#'   explicitly excluded)
#' @param exclude Character vector of component labels that are not used by the
#'   predictor expression. The exclusion list is applied to the list
#'   as determined by the `include` parameter; Default: NULL (do not remove
#'   any components from the inclusion list)
#' @keywords internal
parse_inclusion <- function(thenames, include = NULL, exclude = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(include)) {
    intersect(thenames, setdiff(include, exclude))
  } else {
    setdiff(thenames, exclude)

#' Evaluate expressions in the data context
#' @param input An expression to be evaluated
#' @param data Likelihood-specific data, as a `data.frame` or
#' `SpatialPoints[DataFrame]`
#'   object.
#' @param response_data Likelihood-specific data for models that need different
#'  size/format for inputs and response variables, as a `data.frame` or
#' `SpatialPoints[DataFrame]`
#'   object.
#' @param default Value used if the expression is evaluated as NULL. Default
#' @param .envir The evaluation environment
#' @return The result of expression evaluation
#' @keywords internal

eval_in_data_context <- function(input,
                                 data = NULL,
                                 response_data = NULL,
                                 default = NULL,
                                 .envir = parent.frame()) {
  response_data_orig <- response_data
  if (!is.null(response_data)) {
    if (is.list(response_data) && !is.data.frame(response_data)) {
    } else {
      response_data <- as.data.frame(response_data)
  if (!is.null(response_data)) {
    enclos_envir <- new.env(parent = .envir)
    assign(".data.", response_data_orig, envir = enclos_envir)
    result <- try(
      eval(input, envir = response_data, enclos = enclos_envir),
      silent = TRUE
  if (is.null(response_data) || inherits(result, "try-error")) {
    data_orig <- data
    if (!is.null(data)) {
      if (is.list(data) && !is.data.frame(data)) {
      } else {
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
    enclos_envir <- new.env(parent = .envir)
    assign(".data.", data_orig, envir = enclos_envir)
    result <- try(
      eval(input, envir = data, enclos = enclos_envir),
      silent = TRUE
  if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
      "Input '",
      "' could not be evaluated."
  if (is.null(result)) {
    result <- default


complete_coordnames <- function(data_coordnames, ips_coordnames) {
  new_coordnames <- character(
  from_data <- which(!(data_coordnames %in% ""))
  new_coordnames[from_data] <- data_coordnames[from_data]
  from_ips <- setdiff(
    which(!(ips_coordnames %in% "")),
  new_coordnames[from_ips] <- ips_coordnames[from_ips]

  dummies <- seq_len(length(new_coordnames))
  dummies <- setdiff(dummies, c(from_data, from_ips))

  new_coordnames[dummies] <-

    data = new_coordnames[seq_along(data_coordnames)],
    ips = new_coordnames[seq_along(ips_coordnames)]

# Extend bind_rows to handle XY/XYZ mismatches in one or more sfc columns
extended_bind_rows <- function(...) {
  dt <- list(...)
  names_ <- lapply(dt, names)
  is_sfc_ <- lapply(
    function(data) {
        function(x) {
          inherits(x, "sfc")
  sfc_names_ <- unique(unlist(names_)[unlist(is_sfc_)])

  for (nm in sfc_names_) {
    # Which data objects have this column?
    sf_data_idx_ <-
      which(vapply(dt, function(data) !is.null(data[[nm]]), TRUE))

    # Unify CRS
    the_crs <- fm_crs(dt[[sf_data_idx_[1]]][[nm]])
    for (i in sf_data_idx_) {
      dt_crs <- fm_crs(dt[[i]][[nm]])
      if (!fm_crs_is_identical(dt_crs, the_crs)) {
        dt[[i]][[nm]] <- fm_transform(dt[[i]][[nm]], crs = the_crs)

    ncol_ <- vapply(
      function(i) {
    if (length(unique(ncol_)) > 0) {
      # Some dimension mismatch
      ncol_max <- max(ncol_)
      for (ii in which(ncol_ < ncol_max)) {
        i <- sf_data_idx_[ii]
        # Extend columns
        if (nrow(dt[[i]]) > 0) {
          dt[[i]][[nm]] <-
                matrix(0.0, nrow(dt[[i]]), ncol_max - ncol_[[i]])
              coords = seq_len(ncol_max),
              crs = fm_crs(dt[[i]][[nm]])
        } else {
          dt[[i]][[nm]] <-
                matrix(0.0, 0L, ncol_max)
              coords = seq_len(ncol_max),
              crs = fm_crs(dt[[i]][[nm]])
  result <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, dt)
  if (length(sfc_names_) > 0) {
    result <- sf::st_as_sf(result)


#' Observation model construction for usage with [bru()]
#' @rdname bru_like
#' @export
#' @author Fabian E. Bachl \email{bachlfab@@gmail.com}
#' @author Finn Lindgren \email{finn.lindgren@@gmail.com}
#' @param formula a `formula` where the right hand side is a general R
#'   expression defines the predictor used in the model.
#' @param family A string identifying a valid `INLA::inla` likelihood family.
#' The default is
#'   `gaussian` with identity link. In addition to the likelihoods provided
#'   by inla (see `names(INLA::inla.models()$likelihood)`)
#'   inlabru supports fitting latent Gaussian Cox
#'   processes via `family = "cp"`.
#'   As an alternative to [bru()], the [lgcp()] function provides
#'   a convenient interface to fitting Cox processes.
#' @param data Likelihood-specific data, as a `data.frame` or
#' `SpatialPoints[DataFrame]`
#'   object.
#' @param response_data Likelihood-specific data for models that need different
#'   size/format for inputs and response variables, as a `data.frame` or
#'   `SpatialPoints[DataFrame]` object.
#' @param mesh Deprecated.
#' @param E Exposure parameter for family = 'poisson' passed on to `INLA::inla`.
#'   Special case if family is 'cp': rescale all integration weights by a scalar
#'   E. For sampler specific reweighting/effort, use a `weight` column in the
#'   `samplers` object, see [fmesher::fm_int()]. Default taken from `options$E`,
#'   normally `1`.
#' @param Ntrials A vector containing the number of trials for the 'binomial'
#'   likelihood. Default taken from `options$Ntrials`, normally `1`.
#' @param weights Fixed (optional) weights parameters of the likelihood, so the
#'   log-likelihood`[i]` is changed into `weights[i] * log_likelihood[i]`.
#'   Default value is `1`. WARNING: The normalizing constant for the likelihood
#'   is NOT recomputed, so ALL marginals (and the marginal likelihood) must be
#'   interpreted with great care.
#' @param scale Fixed (optional) scale parameters of the precision for several
#'   models, such as Gaussian and student-t response models.
#' @param domain,samplers,ips Arguments used for `family="cp"`.
#' \describe{
#' \item{`domain`}{Named list of domain definitions.}
#' \item{`samplers`}{Integration subdomain for 'cp' family.}
#' \item{`ips`}{Integration points for 'cp' family. Defaults
#'   to `fmesher::fm_int(domain, samplers)`. If explicitly given,
#'   overrides `domain` and `samplers`.}
#' }
#' @param include,exclude,include_latent Arguments controlling what components
#'   and effects are available for use in the predictor expression.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`include`}{
#'   Character vector of component labels that are used as effects
#'   by the predictor expression; If `NULL` (default), the [bru_used()]
#'   method is used to extract the variable names from the formula.
#'   }
#'   \item{`exclude`}{
#'   Character vector of component labels to be excluded from the effect list
#'   determined by the `include` argument. Default is `NULL`; do not remove
#'   any components from the inclusion list.
#'   }
#'   \item{`include_latent`}{Character vector.
#'   Specifies which latent state variables are directly available to the
#'   predictor expression, with a `_latent` suffix. This also makes evaluator
#'   functions with suffix `_eval` available, taking parameters `main`, `group`,
#'   and `replicate`, taking values for where to evaluate the component effect
#'   that are different than those defined in the component definition itself
#'   (see [component_eval()]). If `NULL`, the [bru_used()] method auto-detects
#'   use of `_latent` and `_eval` in the predictor expression.
#'   }
#' }
#' @param used Wither `NULL` (default) or a [bru_used()] object, that overrides
#' the `include`, `exclude`, `include_latent` arguments.
#' When `used` is `NULL` (default), the information about what effects and
#' latent vectors are made available to the predictor evaluation is defined by
#' ```{r, eval=FALSE}
#' used <- bru_used(
#'   formula,
#'   effect = include,
#'   effect_exclude = exclude,
#'   latent = include_latent
#' )
#' ```
#' @param allow_latent `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` logical, deprecated.
#'   Use `include_latent` instead.
#' @param allow_combine logical; If `TRUE`, the predictor expression may involve
#'   several rows of the input data to influence the same row. Default `FALSE`,
#'   but forced to `TRUE` if `response_data` is non-`NULL`, `data` is a `list`,
#'   or the likelihood construction requires it.
#' @param control.family A optional `list` of `INLA::control.family` options
#' @param options A [bru_options] options object or a list of options passed
#' on to [bru_options()]
#' @param .envir The evaluation environment to use for special arguments (`E`,
#'   `Ntrials`, `weights`, and `scale`) if not found in `response_data` or
#'   `data`. Defaults to the calling environment.
#' @return A likelihood configuration which can be used to parameterise [bru()].
#' @example inst/examples/like.R

like <- function(formula = . ~ ., family = "gaussian", data = NULL,
                 response_data = NULL, # agg
                 mesh = deprecated(),
                 E = NULL,
                 Ntrials = NULL,
                 weights = NULL,
                 scale = NULL,
                 domain = NULL,
                 samplers = NULL,
                 ips = NULL,
                 include = NULL,
                 exclude = NULL,
                 include_latent = NULL,
                 used = NULL,
                 allow_latent = deprecated(),
                 allow_combine = NULL,
                 control.family = NULL,
                 options = list(),
                 .envir = parent.frame()) {
  options <- bru_call_options(options)

  # Some defaults
  inla.family <- family

  formula_char <- as.character(formula)

  # Does the likelihood formula imply a linear predictor?
  linear <- formula_char[length(formula_char)] == "."

  # If not linear, set predictor expression according to the formula's RHS
  if (!linear) {
    expr <- parse(text = formula_char[length(formula_char)])
  } else {
    expr <- NULL

  # Set the response name
  if (length(formula_char) < 3) {
    stop("Missing response variable names")
  response_expr <- parse(text = formula_char[2])
  response <- tryCatch(
    expr = eval_in_data_context(
      data = data,
      response_data = response_data,
      default = NULL,
      .envir = .envir
    error = function(e) {

  # Catch and handle special cases:
  if ((family == "cp") && (is.null(response) || !inherits(response, "list"))) {
    domain_names <- trimws(strsplit(formula_char[2], split = "\\+")[[1]])
    if (!is.null(domain_names)) {
      # "a + b" conversion to list(a = a, b = b)
      domain_expr <- paste0(
            domain_names, function(x) {
              if (identical(x, "coordinates")) {
                paste0(x, " = sp::", x, "(.data.)")
              } else {
                paste0(x, " = ", x)
          collapse = ", "
      response_expr <- parse(text = domain_expr)
    response <- tryCatch(
      expr = eval_in_data_context(
        data = data,
        response_data = response_data,
        default = NULL,
        .envir = .envir
      error = function(e) {

  if (is.null(response)) {
    stop("Response variable missing or could not be evaluated")

  E <- eval_in_data_context(
    data = data,
    response_data = response_data,
    default = options[["E"]],
    .envir = .envir
  Ntrials <- eval_in_data_context(
    data = data,
    response_data = response_data,
    default = options[["Ntrials"]],
    .envir = .envir
  weights <- eval_in_data_context(
    data = data,
    response_data = response_data,
    default = 1,
    .envir = .envir
  scale <- eval_in_data_context(
    data = data,
    response_data = response_data,
    default = 1,
    .envir = .envir

  # More on special bru likelihoods
  if (family == "cp") {
    if (is.null(response)) {
        "You called like() with family='cp' but the evaluated ",
        "response information is NULL"

    if (is.null(ips)) {
      if (is.null(domain)) {
          "The family='cp' model requires a 'domain' specification compatible ",
          "with 'fmesher::fm_int()'"
      if (!setequal(names(response), names(domain))) {
          "Mismatch between names of observed dimensions and the given ",
          "domain names:\n",
          "    names(response) = (",
          paste0(names(response), collapse = ", "),
          "    names(domain)   = (",
          paste0(names(domain), collapse = ", "),
      ips <- fm_int(
        domain = domain,
        samplers = samplers,
        int.args = options[["bru_int_args"]]
      if ((inherits(samplers, "Spatial") ||
        inherits(data, "Spatial") ||
        inherits(response[["coordinates"]], "Spatial")) &&
        inherits(ips, "sf")) {
        ips <- sf::as_Spatial(ips)

    if (length(E) > 1) {
        "Exposure/effort parameter E should be a scalar for likelihood 'cp'."

    # TODO!!! ####
    ips_is_Spatial <- inherits(ips, "Spatial")
    if (ips_is_Spatial) {
      bru_safe_sp(force = TRUE)
      ips_coordnames <- sp::coordnames(ips)
      ips_crs <- fm_CRS(ips)
      # For backwards compatibility:
      data_crs <- fm_CRS(data)

      if ("coordinates" %in% names(response)) {
        data_coordnames <- colnames(response$coordinates)
        new_coordnames <- complete_coordnames(data_coordnames, ips_coordnames)
        colnames(response$coordinates) <- new_coordnames$data
        sp::coordnames(ips) <- new_coordnames$ips
      } else {
        if (inherits(response, c("sf", "sfc")) ||
          (is.list(response) &&
              function(x) inherits(x, c("sf", "sfc")), TRUE
            )))) {
          ips <- sf::st_as_sf(ips)
          ips_is_Spatial <- FALSE
    # TODO: check that the crs info is the same

    # For non-Spatial models:
    # Use the response data list as the actual data object, since that's now the
    # canonical place where the point information is given.  This also allows
    # response_data to be used when constructing the response list. This makes
    # it a strict requirement that the predictor can be evaluated as a pure
    # function of the domain data.  When implementing sf support, might be able
    # to give explicit access to spatial coordinates, but otherwise the user can
    # extract it from the geometry with st_coordinates(geometry)[,1] or similar.
    # For Spatial models, keep the old behaviour for backwards compatibility for
    # now, but can likely realign that in the future after more testing.
    # Save general response data to add to response (precomputed covariates etc)
    if (!is.null(response_data)) {
      data_ <- response_data
    } else {
      data_ <- data
    if (inherits(data_, "Spatial")) {
      data_ <- as.data.frame(data_)
    if (ips_is_Spatial) {
      if ("coordinates" %in% names(response)) {
        idx <- names(response) %in% "coordinates"
        data <- as.data.frame(response$coordinates)
        if (any(!idx)) {
          data <- cbind(data, as.data.frame(response[!idx]))
      } else {
        data <- as.data.frame(response)
      response_data <- NULL
      N_data <- NROW(data)
    } else {
      data <- as.data.frame(response)
      if (("geometry" %in% names(data)) &&
        inherits(data$geometry, "sfc")) {
        sf::st_geometry(data) <- "geometry"
      response_data <- NULL
      N_data <- NROW(data)

    # Add back additional data
    additional_data_names <- setdiff(names(data_), names(data))
    if ((length(additional_data_names) > 0) &&
      (NROW(data_) == N_data)) {
      data <- cbind(data, tibble::as_tibble(data_)[additional_data_names])

    if (ips_is_Spatial) {
      ips <- as.data.frame(ips)
    } else {
      if ("geometry" %in% names(ips)) {
        sf::st_geometry(ips) <- "geometry"

    if (identical(options[["bru_compress_cp"]], TRUE)) {
      allow_combine <- TRUE
      response_data <- data.frame(
        BRU_E = c(
          E * ips[["weight"]]
        BRU_response_cp = c(
          rep(0, NROW(ips))
      if (!linear) {
        expr_text <- formula_char[length(formula_char)]
        expr_text <- paste0(
          "{BRU_eta <- ", expr_text, "\n",
          " c(mean(BRU_eta[BRU_aggregate]), BRU_eta[!BRU_aggregate])}"
      } else {
        expr_text <- paste0(
          "{BRU_eta <- BRU_EXPRESSION\n",
          " c(mean(BRU_eta[BRU_aggregate]), BRU_eta[!BRU_aggregate])}"
      expr <- parse(text = expr_text)

      data <- extended_bind_rows(
        dplyr::bind_cols(data, BRU_aggregate = TRUE),
        dplyr::bind_cols(ips, BRU_aggregate = FALSE)
    } else {
      response_data <- data.frame(
        BRU_E = c(
          rep(0, N_data),
          E * ips[["weight"]]
        BRU_response_cp = c(
          rep(1, N_data),
          rep(0, NROW(ips))
      data <- extended_bind_rows(data, ips)
    if (ips_is_Spatial) {
      non_coordnames <- setdiff(names(data), data_coordnames)
      data <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
        coords = as.matrix(data[data_coordnames]),
        data = data[non_coordnames],
        proj4string = fm_CRS(data_crs),
        match.ID = FALSE

    response <- "BRU_response_cp"
    inla.family <- "poisson"
    E <- response_data[["BRU_E"]]

    allow_combine <- TRUE
  } else {
    allow_combine <-
      if (!is.null(response_data) ||
        (is.list(data) && !is.data.frame(data))) {
      } else if (is.null(allow_combine)) {
      } else {

    # Need to make a list instead of data.frame, to allow inla.mdata responses
    response_data <- list(
      BRU_response = response,
      BRU_E = E,
      BRU_Ntrials = Ntrials,
      BRU_scale = scale
    response <- "BRU_response"

  if (is.null(used)) {
    used <- bru_used(
      effect = include,
      effect_exclude = exclude,
      latent = include_latent
  if (lifecycle::is_present(allow_latent)) {
      "like(allow_latent = 'is deprecated')",
      details = paste0(
        "The default `like(..., include_latent = NULL)` auto-detects use of ",
        "`_latent` and `_eval`."
    if (allow_latent && is.null(include_latent)) {
      # Set to NULL so that later bru_used_update adds all components.
      used[["latent"]] <- NULL

  # The likelihood object that will be returned

  lh <- structure(
      family = family,
      formula = formula,
      response_data = response_data, # agg
      data = data,
      E = E,
      Ntrials = Ntrials,
      weights = weights,
      scale = scale,
      samplers = samplers,
      linear = linear,
      expr = expr,
      response = response,
      inla.family = inla.family,
      domain = domain,
      used = used,
      allow_combine = allow_combine,
      control.family = control.family
    class = "bru_like"

  # Return likelihood

# Placeholder for future modularised version of like()
## @describeIn bru_like
## Alias for `like()`, with `obs` standing for "observation model"
## @export
# bru_obs <- like

#' @describeIn bru_like
#' Combine `bru_like` likelihoods into a `bru_like_list` object
#' @param \dots For `like_list.bru_like`, one or more `bru_like` objects
#' @export
like_list <- function(...) {

#' @describeIn bru_like
#' Combine a list of `bru_like` likelihoods
#' into a `bru_like_list` object
#' @param object A list of `bru_like` objects
#' @param envir An optional environment for the new `bru_like_list` object
#' @export
like_list.list <- function(object, envir = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(envir)) {
    envir <- environment(object)
  if (any(vapply(object, function(x) !inherits(x, "bru_like"), TRUE))) {
    if (any(vapply(object, function(x) inherits(x, "bru_like_list"), TRUE))) {
        "All list elements must be of class 'bru_like'.\n",
        "To combine with 'bru_like_list' objects, use c(...)."
    stop("All list elements must be of class 'bru_like'.")

  class(object) <- c("bru_like_list", "list")
  environment(object) <- envir

#' @describeIn bru_like
#' Combine several `bru_like` likelihoods
#' into a `bru_like_list` object
#' @export
like_list.bru_like <- function(..., envir = NULL) {
  do.call(c, list(..., envir = envir))

#' @describeIn bru_like
#' Combine several `bru_like` likelihoods and/or `bru_like_list`
#' objects into a `bru_like_list` object
#' @export
c.bru_like <- function(..., envir = NULL) {
  lst <- lapply(list(...), function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "bru_like")) {
    } else if (inherits(x, "bru_like_list")) {
    } else {
      stop("Can only combine 'bru_like' and 'bru_like_list' objects.")
  lst <- do.call(c, lst)
  like_list(lst, envir = envir)

#' @describeIn bru_like
#' Combine several `bru_like` likelihoods and/or `bru_like_list`
#' objects into a `bru_like_list` object
#' @export
c.bru_like_list <- function(..., envir = NULL) {
  if (!all(vapply(
    function(xx) is.null(xx) || inherits(xx, "bru_like_list"),
  ))) {
    lst <- lapply(list(...), function(x) {
      if (inherits(x, "bru_like")) {
          class = "bru_like_list"
      } else if (inherits(x, "bru_like_list")) {
      } else {
        stop("Can only combine 'bru_like' and 'bru_like_list' objects.")
    return(do.call("c", lst))
  object <- NextMethod()
  like_list(object, envir = envir)

#' @export
#' @param x `bru_like_list` object from which to extract element(s)
#' @param i indices specifying elements to extract
#' @rdname bru_like
#' @seealso [summary.bru_like()]
`[.bru_like_list` <- function(x, i) {
  env <- environment(x)
  object <- NextMethod()
  class(object) <- c("bru_like_list", "list")
  environment(object) <- env

#' Summary and print methods for observation models
#' @rdname bru_like_print
#' @seealso [like()]
#' @param object Object to operate on
#' @param verbose logical; If `TRUE`, include more details of the
#' component definitions. If `FALSE`, only show basic component
#' definition information. Default: `TRUE`
#' @param \dots Arguments passed on to other `summary` methods
#' @param x Object to be printed
#' @method summary bru_like
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- like(y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = rnorm(10)))
#' summary(obs)
#' print(obs)
summary.bru_like <- function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
      family = object[["family"]],
      data_class = class(object[["data"]]),
      response_class = class(object[["response_data"]][[object[["response"]]]]),
      predictor = deparse(object[["formula"]]),
      used = object[["used"]]
    class = "summary_bru_like"

#' @rdname bru_like_print
#' @method summary bru_like_list
#' @export
summary.bru_like_list <- function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
      function(x) {
        summary(x, verbose = verbose, ...)
    class = "summary_bru_like_list"

#' @rdname bru_like_print
#' @export
print.summary_bru_like <- function(x, ...) {
  lh <- x
      "  Family: '%s'\n",
      "    Data class: %s\n",
      "    Response class: %s\n",
      "    Predictor: %s\n",
      "    Used components: %s\n"
    paste0("'", lh$data_class, "'", collapse = ", "),
    paste0("'", lh$response_class, "'", collapse = ", "),
    if (length(lh$predictor) > 1) {
        "\n        ",
          collapse = "\n        "
    } else {

#' @rdname bru_like_print
#' @export
print.summary_bru_like_list <- function(x, ...) {
  for (lh in x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_print
print.bru_like <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_print
print.bru_like_list <- function(x, ...) {

#' Utility functions for bru likelihood objects
#' @param x Object of `bru_like` or `bru_like_list` type
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns * `bru_like_inla_family()` returns a string or vector of strings
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
#' @seealso [summary.bru_like()]
bru_like_inla_family <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
bru_like_inla_family.bru_like <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
bru_like_inla_family.bru_like_list <- function(x, ...) {
  vapply(x, bru_like_inla_family, "")

#' @param control.family list of INLA `control.family` options to override
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns * `bru_like_control_family()` returns a list with
#'   `INLA::control.family` options, or a list of such lists, with one element
#'   per observation model
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
bru_like_control_family <- function(x, control.family = NULL, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
bru_like_control_family.bru_like <- function(x, control.family = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(control.family)) {
  } else if (is.null(x[["control.family"]])) {
  } else {
#' @export
#' @rdname bru_like_methods
bru_like_control_family.bru_like_list <- function(x,
                                                  control.family = NULL,
                                                  ...) {
  # Extract the control.family information for each likelihood
  if (!is.null(control.family)) {
    if (length(control.family) != length(x)) {
        "control.family supplied as option, but format doesn't match ",
        "the number of likelihoods"
    like_has_cf <- vapply(
      function(k) !is.null(x[[k]][["control.family"]]),
    if (any(like_has_cf)) {
        "Global control.family option overrides settings in likelihood(s) ",
        paste0(which(like_has_cf), collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    control.family <- lapply(x, bru_like_control_family)

bru_like_expr <- function(lhood, components) {
  if (is.null(lhood[["expr"]])) {
    expr_text <- "BRU_EXPRESSION"
  } else {
    expr_text <- as.character(lhood[["expr"]])
  if (grepl(
    pattern = "BRU_EXPRESSION",
    x = expr_text
  )) {
    included <- bru_used(lhood)[["effect"]]
    expr_text <-
        pattern = "BRU_EXPRESSION",
        replacement = paste0(included, collapse = " + "),
        x = expr_text
  parse(text = expr_text)

#' @title Log Gaussian Cox process (LGCP) inference using INLA
#' @description
#' This function performs inference on a LGCP observed via points residing
#' possibly multiple dimensions. These dimensions are defined via the left hand
#' side of the formula provided via the model parameter. The left hand side
#' determines the intensity function that is assumed to drive the LGCP. This may
#' include effects that lead to a thinning (filtering) of the point process. By
#' default, the log intensity is assumed to be a linear combination of the
#' effects defined by the formula's RHS.
#' More sophisticated models, e.g.
#' non-linear thinning, can be achieved by using the predictor argument. The
#' latter requires multiple runs of INLA for improving the required
#' approximation of the predictor. In many applications the LGCP is only
#' observed through subsets of the dimensions the process is living in. For
#' example, spatial point realizations may only be known in sub-areas of the
#' modelled space. These observed subsets of the LGCP domain are called samplers
#' and can be provided via the respective parameter. If samplers is NULL it is
#' assumed that all of the LGCP's dimensions have been observed completely.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams like
#' @inheritParams bru
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to [like()]. In particular, optional
#'   `E`, a single numeric used rescale all integration weights by a fixed
#'   factor.
#' @return An [bru()] object
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (bru_safe_inla() &&
#'   require(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE) &&
#'   require(fmesher, quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # Load the Gorilla data
#'   data <- gorillas_sf
#'   # Plot the Gorilla nests, the mesh and the survey boundary
#'   ggplot() +
#'     geom_fm(data = data$mesh) +
#'     gg(data$boundary, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
#'     gg(data$nests, col = "red", alpha = 0.2)
#'   # Define SPDE prior
#'   matern <- INLA::inla.spde2.pcmatern(
#'     data$mesh,
#'     prior.sigma = c(0.1, 0.01),
#'     prior.range = c(0.1, 0.01)
#'   )
#'   # Define domain of the LGCP as well as the model components (spatial SPDE
#'   # effect and Intercept)
#'   cmp <- geometry ~ field(geometry, model = matern) + Intercept(1)
#'   # Fit the model (with int.strategy="eb" to make the example take less time)
#'   fit <- lgcp(cmp, data$nests,
#'     samplers = data$boundary,
#'     domain = list(geometry = data$mesh),
#'     options = list(control.inla = list(int.strategy = "eb"))
#'   )
#'   # Predict the spatial intensity surface
#'   lambda <- predict(
#'     fit,
#'     fm_pixels(data$mesh, mask = data$boundary),
#'     ~ exp(field + Intercept)
#'   )
#'   # Plot the intensity
#'   ggplot() +
#'     gg(lambda, geom = "tile") +
#'     geom_fm(data = data$mesh, alpha = 0, linewidth = 0.05) +
#'     gg(data$nests, col = "red", alpha = 0.2)
#' }
#' }
lgcp <- function(components,
                 domain = NULL,
                 samplers = NULL,
                 ips = NULL,
                 formula = . ~ .,
                 options = list(),
                 .envir = parent.frame()) {
  # If formula response missing, copy from components (for formula input)
  if (inherits(components, "formula")) {
    response <- extract_response(components)
    formula <- auto_response(formula, response)
  lik <- like(
    family = "cp",
    formula = formula, data = data,
    domain = domain, samplers = samplers, ips = ips,
    options = options,
    .envir = .envir
  bru(components, lik, options = options, .envir = .envir)

expand_to_dataframe <- function(x, data = NULL) {
  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = NROW(x), ncol = 0))
  only_x <- setdiff(names(x), names(data))
  if (length(only_x) < length(names(x))) {
    x <- x[!(names(x) %in% names(data))]
  if (inherits(x, "Spatial")) {
    bru_safe_sp(force = TRUE)
    if (inherits(x, "SpatialPixels") &&
      !inherits(x, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")) {
      result <- sp::SpatialPixelsDataFrame(x, data = data)
    } else if (inherits(x, "SpatialGrid") &&
      !inherits(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame")) {
      result <- sp::SpatialGridDataFrame(x, data = data)
    } else if (inherits(x, "SpatialLines") &&
      !inherits(x, "SpatialLinesDataFrame")) {
      result <- sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(x, data = data)
    } else if (inherits(x, "SpatialPolygons") &&
      !inherits(x, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
      result <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(x, data = data)
    } else if (inherits(x, "SpatialPoints") &&
      !inherits(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")) {
      # Other classes inherit from SpatialPoints, so need to be handled first
      result <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(x, data = data)
    } else {
      result <- sp::cbind.Spatial(x, data)
  } else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    result <- cbind(x, data)
  } else {
    result <- c(x, as.list(data))

#' Prediction from fitted bru model
#' Takes a fitted `bru` object produced by the function [bru()] and produces
#' predictions given a new set of values for the model covariates or the
#' original values used for the model fit. The predictions can be based on any
#' R expression that is valid given these values/covariates and the joint
#' posterior of the estimated random effects.
#' Mean value predictions are accompanied by the standard errors, upper and
#' lower 2.5% quantiles, the
#' median, variance, coefficient of variation as well as the variance and
#' minimum and maximum sample
#' value drawn in course of estimating the statistics.
#' Internally, this method calls [generate.bru()] in order to draw samples from
#' the model.
#' @export
#' @param object An object obtained by calling [bru()] or [lgcp()].
#' @param newdata A `data.frame` or `SpatialPointsDataFrame` of covariates
#'   needed for the prediction.
#' @param formula A formula where the right hand side defines an R expression
#' to evaluate for each generated sample. If `NULL`, the latent and
#' hyperparameter states are returned as named list elements.
#' See Details for more information.
#' @param n.samples Integer setting the number of samples to draw in order to
#' calculate the posterior statistics. The default is rather low but provides
#' a quick approximate result.
#' @param seed Random number generator seed passed on to `inla.posterior.sample`
#' @param probs A numeric vector of probabilities with values in `[0, 1]`,
#'   passed to `stats::quantile`
#' @param num.threads Specification of desired number of threads for parallel
#' computations. Default NULL, leaves it up to INLA.
#' When seed != 0, overridden to "1:1"
#' @param include Character vector of component labels that are needed by the
#'   predictor expression; Default: the result of `[all.vars()]` on the
#'   predictor expression, unless the expression is not ".", in which case
#'   `include=NULL`, to include all components that are not
#'   explicitly excluded. The [bru_used()] methods are used
#'   to extract the variable names, followed by removal of non-component names
#'   when the components are available.
#' @param exclude Character vector of component labels that are not used by the
#'   predictor expression. The exclusion list is applied to the list
#'   as determined by the `include` parameter; Default: NULL (do not remove
#'   any components from the inclusion list)
#' @param used Either `NULL` or a [bru_used()] object, overriding `include` and
#'   `exclude`. Default `NULL`
#' @param drop logical; If `keep=FALSE`, `newdata` is a `Spatial*DataFrame`, and
#'   the prediciton summary has the same number of rows as `newdata`, then the
#'   output is a `Spatial*DataFrame` object. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed on to `inla.posterior.sample()`
#' @param data `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use `newdata` instead.
#' @details
#' In addition to the component names (that give the effect of each component
#' evaluated for the input data), the suffix `_latent` variable name can be used
#' to directly access the latent state for a component, and the suffix function
#' `_eval` can be used to evaluate a component at other input values than the
#' expressions defined in the component definition itself, e.g.
#' `field_eval(cbind(x, y))` for a component that was defined with
#' `field(coordinates, ...)` (see also [component_eval()]).
#' For "iid" models with `mapper = bru_mapper_index(n)`, `rnorm()` is used to
#' generate new realisations for indices greater than `n`.
#' @return a `data.frame`, `sf`, or `Spatial*` object with predicted mean values
#'   and other summary statistics attached. Non-S4 object outputs have the class
#'   "bru_prediction" added at the front of the class list.
#' @example inst/examples/predict.bru.R

predict.bru <- function(object,
                        newdata = NULL,
                        formula = NULL,
                        n.samples = 100,
                        seed = 0L,
                        probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
                        num.threads = NULL,
                        include = NULL,
                        exclude = NULL,
                        used = NULL,
                        drop = FALSE,
                        data = deprecated()) {
  object <- bru_check_object_bru(object)
  if (lifecycle::is_present(data)) {
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        details =
          "`data` provided but not `newdata`. Setting `newdata <- data`."
      newdata <- data
    } else {
        details = "Both `newdata` and `data` provided. `data` will be ignored."
    data <- NULL

  # Convert data into list, data.frame or a Spatial object if not provided as
  # such
  if (is.character(newdata)) {
    newdata <- as.list(setNames(newdata, newdata))
  } else if (inherits(newdata, c("fm_mesh_2d", "inla.mesh"))) {
      "predict(newdata = 'should not be an fm_mesh_2d/inla.mesh object')",
      details = paste0(
        "Use 'newdata = fm_vertices(mesh, format = ...)' ",
        "instead of 'newdata = mesh'"
  } else if (inherits(newdata, "formula")) {
      "Formula supplied as data to predict.bru(). ",
      "Please check your argument order/names."

  vals <- generate(
    newdata = newdata,
    formula = formula,
    n.samples = n.samples,
    seed = seed,
    num.threads = num.threads,
    include = include,
    exclude = exclude,
    used = used,

  # Summarise

  newdata <- expand_to_dataframe(newdata)
  if (is.data.frame(vals[[1]])) {
    vals.names <- names(vals[[1]])
    covar <- intersect(vals.names, names(newdata))
    estim <- setdiff(vals.names, covar)
    smy <- list()

    for (nm in estim) {
      smy[[nm]] <-
            function(v) v[[nm]]
          x = vals[[1]][, covar, drop = FALSE],
          probs = probs
    is.annot <- vapply(names(smy), function(v) all(smy[[v]]$sd == 0), TRUE)
    annot <- do.call(cbind, lapply(smy[is.annot], function(v) v[, 1]))
    smy <- smy[!is.annot]
    if (!is.null(annot)) {
      smy <- lapply(smy, function(v) cbind(data.frame(annot), v))

    if (!drop) {
      smy <- lapply(
        function(tmp) {
          if (NROW(newdata) == NROW(tmp)) {
            expand_to_dataframe(newdata, tmp)
          } else {

    if (length(smy) == 1) smy <- smy[[1]]
  } else if (is.list(vals[[1]])) {
    vals.names <- names(vals[[1]])
    if (any(vals.names == "")) {
      warning("Some generated list elements are unnamed")
    smy <- list()
    for (nm in vals.names) {
      tmp <-
          data = lapply(
            function(v) v[[nm]]
          probs = probs
      if (!drop &&
        (NROW(newdata) == NROW(tmp))) {
        smy[[nm]] <- expand_to_dataframe(newdata, tmp)
      } else {
        smy[[nm]] <- tmp
  } else {
    tmp <- bru_summarise(data = vals, probs = probs)
    if (!drop &&
      (NROW(newdata) == NROW(tmp))) {
      smy <- expand_to_dataframe(newdata, tmp)
    } else {
      smy <- tmp

  if (!isS4(smy)) {
    class(smy) <- c("bru_prediction", class(smy))

#' Sampling based on bru posteriors
#' @description
#' Takes a fitted `bru` object produced by the function [bru()] and produces
#' samples given a new set of values for the model covariates or the original
#' values used for the model fit. The samples can be based on any R expression
#' that is valid given these values/covariates and the joint
#' posterior of the estimated random effects.
#' @export
#' @family sample generators
#' @param object A `bru` object obtained by calling [bru()].
#' @param newdata A data.frame or SpatialPointsDataFrame of covariates needed
#'   for sampling.
#' @param formula A formula where the right hand side defines an R expression
#' to evaluate for each generated sample. If `NULL`, the latent and
#' hyperparameter states are returned as named list elements.
#' See Details for more information.
#' @param n.samples Integer setting the number of samples to draw in order to
#' calculate the posterior statistics.
#' The default, 100, is rather low but provides a quick approximate result.
#' @param seed Random number generator seed passed on to
#'   `INLA::inla.posterior.sample`
#' @param num.threads Specification of desired number of threads for parallel
#' computations. Default NULL, leaves it up to INLA.
#' When seed != 0, overridden to "1:1"
#' @param include Character vector of component labels that are needed by the
#'   predictor expression; Default: NULL (include all components that are not
#'   explicitly excluded) if `newdata` is provided, otherwise `character(0)`.
#' @param exclude Character vector of component labels that are not used by the
#'   predictor expression. The exclusion list is applied to the list
#'   as determined by the `include` parameter; Default: NULL (do not remove
#'   any components from the inclusion list)
#' @param used Either `NULL` or a [bru_used()] object, overriding `include` and
#'   `exclude`.
#' @param ... additional, unused arguments.
#' @param data Deprecated. Use `newdata` instead.
#' sampling.
#' @details
#' In addition to the component names (that give the effect of each component
#' evaluated for the input data), the suffix `_latent` variable name can be used
#' to directly access the latent state for a component, and the suffix function
#' `_eval` can be used to evaluate a component at other input values than the
#' expressions defined in the component definition itself, e.g.
#' `field_eval(cbind(x, y))` for a component that was defined with
#' `field(coordinates, ...)` (see also [component_eval()]).
#' For "iid" models with `mapper = bru_mapper_index(n)`, `rnorm()` is used to
#' generate new realisations for indices greater than `n`.
#' @return List of generated samples
#' @seealso [predict.bru]
#' @rdname generate

generate.bru <- function(object,
                         newdata = NULL,
                         formula = NULL,
                         n.samples = 100,
                         seed = 0L,
                         num.threads = NULL,
                         include = NULL,
                         exclude = NULL,
                         used = NULL,
                         data = deprecated()) {
  object <- bru_check_object_bru(object)
  if (lifecycle::is_present(data)) {
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        details =
          "Both `data` provided but not `newdata`. Setting `newdata <- data`."
      newdata <- data
    } else {
        details = "Both `newdata` and `data` provided. `data` will be ignored."
    data <- NULL

  # Convert data into list, data.frame or a Spatial object if not provided as
  # such
  if (is.character(newdata)) {
    newdata <- as.list(setNames(newdata, newdata))
  } else if (inherits(newdata, c("fm_mesh_2d", "inla.mesh"))) {
      "predict(newdata = 'should not be an fm_mesh_2d/inla.mesh object')",
      details = paste0(
        "Use 'newdata = fm_vertices(mesh, format = ...)' ",
        "instead of 'newdata = mesh'"
  } else if (inherits(newdata, "formula")) {
      "Formula supplied as data to generate.bru(). ",
      "Please check your argument order/names."

  state <- evaluate_state(
    result = object,
    property = "sample",
    n = n.samples,
    seed = seed,
    num.threads = num.threads,
  if (is.null(formula)) {
  } else {
    # TODO: clarify the output format, and use the format parameter

    if (is.null(used)) {
      if (is.null(include)) {
        include <- bru_used_vars(formula)
      used <-
          effect = if (is.null(newdata) &&
            is.null(include)) {
          } else {
          effect_exclude = exclude,
          latent = NULL,
          labels = names(object$bru_info$model$effects)

    vals <- evaluate_model(
      model = object$bru_info$model,
      state = state,
      data = newdata,
      predictor = formula,
      used = used

# Monte Carlo method for estimating posterior
# @export
# @param dfun A function returning a density for given x
# @param sfun A function providing samples from a posterior
# @param x Inital domain on which to perform the estimation. This will be
# adjusted as more samples are generated.
# @param samples An initial set of samples. Not required but will be used to
# estimate the inital domain \code{x} if \code{x} is \code{NULL}
# @param mcerr Monte Carlo error at which to stop the chain
# @param n Inital number of samples. This will be doubled for each iteration.
# @param discrete Set this to \code{TRUE} if the density is only defined for
#   integer \code{x}
# @param verbose Be verbose?

montecarlo.posterior <- function(dfun, sfun, x = NULL, samples = NULL,
                                 mcerr = 0.01, n = 100, discrete = FALSE,
                                 verbose = FALSE) {
  xmaker <- function(hpd) {
    mid <- (hpd[2] + hpd[1]) / 2
    rg <- (hpd[2] - hpd[1]) / 2
    seq(mid - 1.2 * rg, mid + 1.2 * rg, length.out = 256)
  xmaker2 <- function(hpd) {
    seq(hpd[1], hpd[2], length.out = 256)

  initial.xmaker <- function(smp) {
    mid <- median(smp)
    rg <- (quantile(smp, 0.975) - quantile(smp, 0.25)) / 2
    seq(mid - 3 * rg, mid + 3 * rg, length.out = 256)

  # Inital samples
  if (is.null(samples)) {
    samples <- sfun(n)

  # Inital HPD
  if (is.null(x)) {
    x <- initial.xmaker(as.vector(unlist(samples)))

  # Round x if needed
  if (discrete) x <- unique(round(x))

  # First density estimate
  lest <- dfun(x, samples)

  converged <- FALSE
  while (!converged) {
    # Compute last HPD interval
    xnew <- xmaker2(INLA::inla.hpdmarginal(0.999, list(x = x, y = lest)))

    # Map last estimate to the HPD interval
    if (discrete) xnew <- unique(round(xnew))
    lest <- INLA::inla.dmarginal(xnew, list(x = x, y = lest))
    x <- xnew

    # Sample new density
    n <- 2 * n
    samples <- sfun(n)
    est <- dfun(x, samples)

    # Compute Monte Carlo error
    # err = sd(est/sum(est)-lest/sum(lest))
    err <- max(((est - lest) / max(lest))^2)

    # Plot new density estimate versus old one (debugging)
    if (verbose) {
        " ",
        ", err = ",
        ", n = ",
      # plot(x, lest, type = "l") ; lines(x, est, type = "l", col = "red")

    # Convergence?
    if (err < mcerr) {
      converged <- TRUE
    } else {
      lest <- (est + lest) / 2

  marg <- list(x = x, y = est, samples = samples, mcerr = err)

  # Append some important statistics
  marg$quantiles <- INLA::inla.qmarginal(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), marg)
  marg$mean <- INLA::inla.emarginal(identity, marg)
  marg$sd <- sqrt(INLA::inla.emarginal(function(x) x^2, marg) - marg$mean^2)
  marg$cv <- marg$sd / marg$mean
  marg$mce <- err


#' Summarise and annotate data
#' @export
#' @param data A list of samples, each either numeric or a `data.frame`
#' @param probs A numeric vector of probabilities with values in `[0, 1]`,
#'   passed to `stats::quantile`
#' @param x A `data.frame` of data columns that should be added to the summary
#'   data frame
#' @param cbind.only If TRUE, only `cbind` the samples and return a matrix where
#'   each column is a sample
#' @param max_moment integer, at least 2. Determines the largest moment
#'   order information to include in the output. If `max_moment > 2`,
#'   includes "skew" (skewness, `E[(x-m)^3/s^3]`), and
#'   if `max_moment > 3`, includes
#'   "ekurtosis" (excess kurtosis, `E[(x-m)^4/s^4] - 3`). Default 2.
#'   Note that the Monte Carlo variability of the `ekurtois` estimate may be
#'   large.
#' @return A `data.frame` or `Spatial[Points/Pixels]DataFrame` with summary
#'   statistics, "mean", "sd", `paste0("q", probs)`, "mean.mc_std_err",
#'   "sd.mc_std_err"
#' @examples
#' bru_summarise(matrix(rexp(10000), 10, 1000), max_moment = 4, probs = NULL)
#' @keywords internal
bru_summarise <- function(data, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
                          x = NULL, cbind.only = FALSE,
                          max_moment = 2) {
  if (is.list(data)) {
    data <- do.call(cbind, data)
  N <- NCOL(data)
  if (cbind.only) {
    smy <- data.frame(data)
    colnames(smy) <- paste0("sample.", seq_len(N))
  } else {
    if (length(probs) == 0) {
      smy <- data.frame(
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
      qs_names <- NULL
    } else if (length(probs) == 1) {
      smy <- data.frame(
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
          MARGIN = 1, quantile, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE,
          names = FALSE
      qs_names <- paste0("q", probs)
    } else {
      smy <- data.frame(
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
        apply(data, MARGIN = 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
          MARGIN = 1, quantile, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE,
          names = FALSE
      qs_names <- paste0("q", probs)
    colnames(smy) <- c("mean", "sd", qs_names)
    # For backwards compatibility, add a median column:
    if (any(qs_names == "q0.5")) {
      smy[["median"]] <- smy[["q0.5"]]

    # Get 3rd and 4rt central moments
    # Use 1/N normalisation of the sample sd
    skew <- apply(((data - smy$mean) / smy$sd)^3 * (N / (N - 1))^3,
      MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE
    if (max_moment >= 3) {
      smy[["skew"]] <- skew
    # eK + 3 >= skew^2 + 1
    # eK >= skew^2 - 2
    # Use 1/N normalisation of the sample sd
    ekurtosis <- pmax(
      skew^2 - 2,
      apply(((data - smy$mean) / smy$sd)^4 * (N / (N - 1))^4 - 3,
        MARGIN = 1,
        na.rm = TRUE
    if (max_moment >= 4) {
      smy[["ekurtosis"]] <- ekurtosis

    # Add Monte Carlo standard errors
    # Var(s) \approx (eK + 2) \sigma^2 / (4 n):
    # +2 replaced by 3-(n-3)/(n-1) = 2n/(n-1), from Rao 1973, p438
    smy[["sd.mc_std_err"]] <-
      sqrt(pmax(0, ekurtosis + 2 * N / (N - 1))) *
        smy[["sd"]] / sqrt(4 * N)
    # Include sd MC error in estimate of mean MC error:
    smy[["mean.mc_std_err"]] <- (
      smy[["sd"]] +
        smy[["sd.mc_std_err"]] * 2
    ) / sqrt(N)
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    smy <- expand_to_dataframe(x, smy)

lin_predictor <- function(lin, state) {
      function(x) {
        as.vector(ibm_eval(x, state = state))
nonlin_predictor <- function(param, state) {
      function(lh_idx) {
            model = param[["model"]],
            data = param[["lhoods"]][[lh_idx]][["data"]],
            input = param[["input"]][[lh_idx]],
            state = list(state),
            comp_simple = param[["comp_simple"]][[lh_idx]],
            predictor = bru_like_expr(
            format = "matrix"
scale_state <- function(state0, state1, scaling_factor) {
  new_state <- lapply(
    function(idx) {
      state0[[idx]] + (state1[[idx]] - state0[[idx]]) * scaling_factor
  names(new_state) <- names(state0)

line_search_opt_target <- function(x, param) {
  (x - 1)^2 * param[1] + 2 * (x - 1) * x^2 * param[2] + x^4 * param[3]

line_search_opt_target_exact <- function(x, param, nonlin_param) {
  state <- scale_state(param$state0, param$state1, x)
  nonlin <- nonlin_predictor(
    param = nonlin_param,
    state = state
  sum((nonlin - param$lin)^2 * param$weights)

# @param model PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @param lhoods PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @param state0 PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @param state PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @param weights PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @param options PARAM_DESCRIPTION
# @details DETAILS
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# if (interactive()) {
#  }
# }
# @export
# @rdname bru_line_search

bru_line_search <- function(model,
                            weights = 1,
                            options) {
  # Metrics ----
  pred_scalprod <- function(delta1, delta2) {
    if (any(!is.finite(delta1)) || any(!is.finite(delta2))) {
    } else {
      sum(delta1 * delta2 * weights)
  pred_norm2 <- function(delta) {
    pred_scalprod(delta, delta)
  pred_norm <- function(delta) {
    pred_scalprod(delta, delta)^0.5

  # Is line search enabled? ----
  if (length(options$bru_method$search) == 0) {
        active = FALSE,
        step_scaling = 1,
        state = state

  # Initialise ----
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    warning("NULL weights detected for line search. Using weights = 1 instead.",
      immediate. = TRUE
    weights <- 1

  fact <- options$bru_method$factor

  nonlin_param <- list(
    model = model,
    lhoods = lhoods,
    input = input,
    comp_simple = comp_simple

  state1 <- state
  lin_pred0 <- lin_predictor(lin, state0)
  lin_pred1 <- lin_predictor(lin, state1)
  nonlin_pred <- nonlin_predictor(
    param = nonlin_param,
    state = state1

  if (length(lin_pred1) != length(nonlin_pred)) {
        "Please notify the inlabru package developer:",
        "\nThe line search linear and nonlinear predictors have ",
        "different lengths.",
        "\nThis should not happen!"
      immediate. = TRUE

  step_scaling <- 1

  if (isTRUE(options[["bru_debug"]])) {
    df_debug <- data.frame(
      idx = seq_along(lin_pred0),
      lin0 = lin_pred0,
      lin1 = lin_pred1,
      nonlin1 = nonlin_pred,
      weights = weights

  norm01 <- pred_norm(lin_pred1 - lin_pred0)
  norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)

  do_finite <-
    any(c("all", "finite") %in% options$bru_method$search)
  do_contract <-
    any(c("all", "contract") %in% options$bru_method$search)
  do_expand <-
    any(c("all", "expand") %in% options$bru_method$search)
  do_optimise <-
    any(c("all", "optimise") %in% options$bru_method$search)
  maximum_step <- options$bru_method$max_step

  finite_active <- 0
  contract_active <- 0
  expand_active <- 0

  # Contraction methods ----
  if (do_finite || do_contract) {
    nonfin <- any(!is.finite(nonlin_pred))
    norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
    norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)

    while ((do_finite && nonfin) ||
      (do_contract && ((norm0 > norm01 * fact) || (norm1 > norm01 * fact)))) {
      if (do_finite && nonfin) {
        finite_active <- finite_active - 1
      } else {
        contract_active <- contract_active - 1
      step_scaling <- step_scaling / fact
      state <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling)
      nonlin_pred <- nonlin_predictor(
        param = nonlin_param,
        state = state
      nonfin <- any(!is.finite(nonlin_pred))
      norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
      norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)

          "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
          signif(100 * step_scaling, 4),
          "%, Contract",
          " (",
          "norm0 = ", signif(norm0, 4),
          ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1, 4),
          ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

      if (step_scaling < 2^-10) {

  # Expansion method ----
  if (do_expand &&
    finite_active == 0 &&
    contract_active == 0) {
    overstep <- FALSE
    norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
    norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)
    while (!overstep && (norm0 < norm01)) {
      expand_active <- expand_active + 1
      step_scaling <- step_scaling * fact
      state <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling)

      nonlin_pred <- nonlin_predictor(
        param = nonlin_param,
        state = state
      norm1_prev <- norm1
      norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
      norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)
      overstep <-
        (norm1 > norm1_prev) || !is.finite(norm1)

          "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
          signif(100 * step_scaling, 3),
          "%, Expand",
          " (",
          "norm0 = ", signif(norm0, 4),
          ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1, 4),
          ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

      if (step_scaling > 2^10) {
    # Overstep ----
    if (((step_scaling > 1) && overstep) || !is.finite(norm1)) {
      expand_active <- expand_active - 1
      step_scaling <- step_scaling / fact
      state <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling)
      nonlin_pred <- nonlin_predictor(
        param = nonlin_param,
        state = state
      norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
      norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)

          "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
          signif(100 * step_scaling, 3),
          "%, Overstep",
          " (",
          "norm0 = ", signif(norm0, 4),
          ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1, 4),
          ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

  # Optimisation method ----
  if (do_optimise) {
    lin_pred <- lin_predictor(lin, state)
    delta_lin <- (lin_pred1 - lin_pred0)
    delta_nonlin <- (nonlin_pred - lin_pred) / step_scaling^2
    alpha <-
        step_scaling * c(1 / fact^2, fact),
        param = c(
          pred_scalprod(delta_lin, delta_nonlin),
    step_scaling_opt_approx <- alpha$minimum

    state_opt <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling_opt_approx)
    nonlin_pred_opt <- nonlin_predictor(
      param = nonlin_param,
      state = state_opt
    norm0_opt <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred_opt - lin_pred0)
    norm1_opt <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred_opt - lin_pred1)

        "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
        signif(100 * step_scaling_opt_approx, 4),
        "%, Approx Optimisation",
        " (",
        "norm0 = ", signif(norm0_opt, 4),
        ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1_opt, 4),
        ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
      verbose = options$bru_verbose,
      verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
      verbosity = 3

    if (norm1_opt > norm01) {
          "iinla: norm1_opt > |delta|: ",
          signif(norm1_opt, 4),
          " > ",
          signif(norm01, 4)
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

    if ((norm1_opt > norm01) ||
      identical(options$bru_method$line_opt_method, "full")) {
      alpha <-
          step_scaling * c(0, fact),
          param = list(
            lin = lin_pred1,
            state0 = state0,
            state1 = state1,
            weights = weights
          nonlin_param = nonlin_param

      step_scaling_opt <- alpha$minimum
      state_opt <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling_opt)
      nonlin_pred_opt <- nonlin_predictor(
        param = nonlin_param,
        state = state_opt
      norm0_opt <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred_opt - lin_pred0)
      norm1_opt <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred_opt - lin_pred1)

          "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
          signif(100 * step_scaling_opt, 4),
          "%, Optimisation",
          " (",
          "norm0 = ", signif(norm0_opt, 4),
          ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1_opt, 4),
          ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

      if (norm1_opt > norm01) {
            "iinla: norm1_opt > |delta|: ",
            signif(norm1_opt, 4),
            " > ",
            signif(norm01, 4)
          verbose = options$bru_verbose,
          verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
          verbosity = 3
    } else {
      step_scaling_opt <- step_scaling_opt_approx

    if (norm1_opt < norm1) {
      step_scaling <- step_scaling_opt
      state <- state_opt
      nonlin_pred <- nonlin_pred_opt
      norm0 <- norm0_opt
      norm1 <- norm1_opt
    } else {
        paste0("iinla: Optimisation did not improve on previous solution."),
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 3

      "iinla: |lin1-lin0| = ",
      signif(pred_norm(lin_pred1 - lin_pred0), 4),
      "\n       <eta-lin1,delta>/|delta| = ",
      signif(pred_scalprod(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1, lin_pred1 - lin_pred0) /
        pred_norm(lin_pred1 - lin_pred0), 4),
      "\n       |eta-lin0 - delta <delta,eta-lin0>/<delta,delta>| = ",
      signif(pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0 - (lin_pred1 - lin_pred0) *
        pred_scalprod(lin_pred1 - lin_pred0, nonlin_pred - lin_pred0) /
        pred_norm2(lin_pred1 - lin_pred0)), 4)
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 4

  # Prevent long steps ----
  if (step_scaling > maximum_step) {
    step_scaling <- maximum_step
    state <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling)
    nonlin_pred <- nonlin_predictor(
      param = nonlin_param,
      state = state
    norm0 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0)
    norm1 <- pred_norm(nonlin_pred - lin_pred1)

        "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
        signif(100 * step_scaling, 3),
        "%, Maximum step length",
        " (",
        "norm0 = ", signif(norm0, 4),
        ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1, 4),
        ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
      verbose = options$bru_verbose,
      verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
      verbosity = 3

  active <-
    (finite_active + contract_active + expand_active != 0) ||
      (abs(step_scaling - 1) > 0.001)

  if (active && (options$bru_verbose <= 2)) {
        "iinla: Step rescaling: ",
        signif(100 * step_scaling, 3),
        " (",
        "norm0 = ", signif(norm0, 4),
        ", norm1 = ", signif(norm1, 4),
        ", norm01 = ", signif(norm01, 4),
      verbose = options$bru_verbose,
      verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
      verbosity = 2

  if (isTRUE(options[["bru_debug"]])) {
    df_debug$nonlinopt <- nonlin_pred

    pl1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_debug) +
        (.data$lin0 - .data$lin1),
        col = "start"
      )) +
        (.data$lin1 - .data$lin1),
        col = "inla"
      )) +
        (.data$nonlin1 - .data$lin1),
        col = "full"
      )) +
        (.data$nonlinopt - .data$lin1),
        col = "opt"
      )) +
      ggplot2::geom_abline(slope = 0, intercept = 0) +
        breaks = c("start", "inla", "full", "opt")
      ) +
      ggplot2::ylab("eta - lin1")
    pl2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_debug) +
        (.data$lin0 - .data$lin1) * .data$weights^0.5,
        col = "start"
      )) +
        (.data$lin1 - .data$lin1) * .data$weights^0.5,
        col = "inla"
      )) +
        (.data$nonlin1 - .data$lin1) * .data$weights^0.5,
        col = "full"
      )) +
        (.data$nonlinopt - .data$lin1) * .data$weights^0.5,
        col = "opt"
      )) +
      ggplot2::geom_abline(slope = 0, intercept = 0) +
        breaks = c("start", "inla", "full", "opt")
      ) +
      ggplot2::ylab("(eta - lin1) * sqrt(w)")
    pl3 <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_debug) +
                                       col = "start")) +
                                       col = "inla")) +
                                       col = "full")) +
                                       col = "opt")) +
          ymin = .data$lin1 - 2 * .data$weights^-0.5,
          ymax = .data$lin1 + 2 * .data$weights^-0.5
        alpha = 0.1
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_abline(slope = 0, intercept = 0) +
        breaks = c("start", "inla", "full", "opt")
      ) +
    pl4 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(
      idx = seq_along(unlist(state0)),
      state0 = unlist(state0),
      state1 = unlist(state1)[names(unlist(state0))],
      state = unlist(state)[names(unlist(state0))]
    )) +
        ggplot2::aes(.data$idx, .data$state0, col = "start")
      ) +
        ggplot2::aes(.data$idx, .data$state1, col = "inla")
      ) +
        ggplot2::aes(.data$idx, .data$state1, col = "full")
      ) +
        ggplot2::aes(.data$idx, .data$state, col = "opt")
      ) +
        breaks = c("start", "inla", "full", "opt")
      ) +
    pl1234 <-
      ((pl1 | pl2) / (pl3 | pl4)) +
        patchwork::plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "right")

    # Compute deviations in the delta = lin1-lin0 direction and the orthogonal
    # direction
    # delta = lin1-lin0
    delta <- lin_pred1 - lin_pred0
    delta_norm <- norm01

    # <eta-lin0, delta>/|delta|
    along_opt <- pred_scalprod(nonlin_pred - lin_pred0, delta) / delta_norm
    # |eta-lin0 - delta <delta,eta-lin0>/<delta,delta>|
    ortho_opt <- pred_norm(
      nonlin_pred - lin_pred0 - delta * along_opt / delta_norm

    step_scaling_range <- seq(0, step_scaling * fact, length.out = 20)
    along <- ortho <- distance <- numeric(length(step_scaling_range))
    for (iii in seq_along(step_scaling_range)) {
      step_scaling_ <- step_scaling_range[iii]
      state_ <- scale_state(state0, state1, step_scaling_)
      nonlin_pred_ <- nonlin_predictor(
        param = nonlin_param,
        state = state_
      # <eta-lin0, delta>/|delta|
      along[iii] <- pred_scalprod(nonlin_pred_ - lin_pred0, delta) / delta_norm
      # |eta-lin0 - delta <delta,eta-lin0>/<delta,delta>|
      ortho[iii] <- pred_norm(
        nonlin_pred_ - lin_pred0 - delta * along[iii] / delta_norm
      distance[iii] <-
          param = list(
            lin = lin_pred1,
            state0 = state0,
            state1 = state1,
            weights = weights
          nonlin_param = nonlin_param

    pl0 <-
        data =
            along = along,
            ortho = ortho,
            distance = distance^0.5,
            what = "eta"
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(.data$along, .data$ortho, col = .data$what)
      ) +
      ggplot2::geom_path() +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(size = .data$distance)) +
        data = data.frame(
          along = c(0, along_opt, delta_norm),
          ortho = c(0, ortho_opt, 0),
          what = c("eta0", "eta_opt", "eta1")


    active = active,
    step_scaling = step_scaling,
    state = state

latent_names <- function(state) {
  nm <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (length(state[[x]]) == 1) {
      } else {
        paste0(x, ".", seq_len(length(state[[x]])))
  names(nm) <- names(state)
tidy_state <- function(state, value_name = "value") {
  df <- data.frame(
    effect = rep(names(state), lengths(state)),
    index = unlist(lapply(lengths(state), function(x) seq_len(x))),
    THEVALUE = unlist(state)
  nm <- names(df)
  nm[nm == "THEVALUE"] <- value_name
  names(df) <- nm
  rownames(df) <- NULL
tidy_states <- function(states, value_name = "value", id_name = "iteration") {
  df <- lapply(states, function(x) tidy_state(x, value_name = value_name))
  id <- rep(seq_len(length(states)), each = nrow(df[[1]]))
  df <- do.call(rbind, df)
  df[[id_name]] <- id

#' Iterated INLA
#' This is an internal wrapper for iterated runs of `INLA::inla`.
#' For nonlinear models, a linearisation is done with
#' `bru_compute_linearisation`, with a line search method between each
#' iteration. The `INLA::inla.stack` information is setup by [bru_make_stack()].
#' @export
#' @param model A [bru_model] object
#' @param lhoods A list of likelihood objects from [like()]
#' @param initial A previous `bru` result or a list of named latent variable
#' initial states (missing elements are set to zero), to be used as starting
#' point, or `NULL`. If non-null, overrides `options$bru_initial`
#' @param options A `bru_options` object.
#' @return An `iinla` object that inherits from `INLA::inla`, with an
#' added field `bru_iinla` with elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{log}{The diagnostic log messages produced by the run}
#' \item{states}{The list of linearisation points, one for each inla run}
#' \item{inla_stack}{The `inla.stack` object from the final inla run}
#' \item{track}{A list of convergence tracking vectors}
#' }
#' If an inla run is aborted by an error, the returned object also contains
#' an element `error` with the error object.
#' @keywords internal

iinla <- function(model, lhoods, initial = NULL, options) {
  add_timing <- function(timings, task, iteration = NA_integer_) {
    AbsTime <- proc.time()
    if (!is.na(AbsTime[4])) {
      AbsTime[1] <- AbsTime[1] + AbsTime[4]
    if (!is.na(AbsTime[5])) {
      AbsTime[2] <- AbsTime[2] + AbsTime[2]
        Task = task,
        Iteration = iteration,
        Time = AbsTime[1],
        System = AbsTime[2],
        Elapsed = AbsTime[3]
  timings <- add_timing(NULL, "Start")

  inla.options <- bru_options_inla(options)

  original_timings <- NULL
  original_log <- character(0) # Updated further below
  # Local utility method for collecting information object:
  collect_misc_info <- function(...) {
    if (is.null(original_track)) {
      track_df <- list()
      for (label in names(states[[1]])) {
        if (length(states[[1]][[label]]) > 0) {
          track_df[[label]] <-
              effect = label,
              index = seq_along(states[[1]][[label]]),
              iteration = 0,
              mode = NA_real_,
              sd = NA_real_,
              new_linearisation = states[[1]][[label]]
      original_track <- do.call(rbind, track_df)

    track_names <- if (length(track) > 0) {
    } else {

      log = c(original_log, bru_log()["iinla"]),
      states = states,
      inla_stack = stk,
      track = if (is.null(original_track) ||
        setequal(names(original_track), track_names)) {
        do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, c(list(original_track), track))
      } else {
        track <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, track)
        original_names <- names(original_track)
        new_names <- names(track)
        for (nn in setdiff(new_names, original_names)) {
          original_track[[nn]] <- NA
        for (nn in setdiff(original_names, new_names)) {
          track[[nn]] <- NA
        dplyr::bind_rows(original_track, track)
      timings = {
        iteration_offset <- if (is.null(original_timings)) {
        } else {
          max(c(0, original_timings$Iteration), na.rm = TRUE)
            Task = timings$Task[-1],
            Iteration = timings$Iteration[-1] + iteration_offset,
            Time = as.difftime(diff(timings$Time), units = "secs"),
            System = as.difftime(diff(timings$System), units = "secs"),
            Elapsed = as.difftime(diff(timings$Elapsed), units = "secs")

  if (!is.null(inla.options[["offset"]])) {
      "An offset option was specified which may interfere with the ",
      "inlabru model construction.\n",
      "Please use an explicit offset component instead; ",
      "e.g. ~ myoffset(value, model = 'offset')"

  # Initialise required local options
  inla.options <- modifyList(
      control.mode = list(),
      control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE)

  # Extract the family of each likelihood
  family <- bru_like_inla_family(lhoods)

  # Extract the control.family information for each likelihood
  inla.options[["control.family"]] <-
    bru_like_control_family(lhoods, inla.options[["control.family"]])

  initial <-
    if (is.null(initial)) {
    } else {
  result <- NULL
  if (is.null(initial) || inherits(initial, "bru")) {
    if (!is.null(initial[["bru_iinla"]][["states"]])) {
      states <- initial[["bru_iinla"]][["states"]]
      # The last linearisation point will be used again:
      states <- c(states, states[length(states)])
    } else {
      # Set old result
      states <- evaluate_state(model,
        lhoods = lhoods,
        result = initial,
        property = "joint_mode"
    if (inherits(initial, "bru")) {
      result <- initial
  } else if (is.list(initial)) {
    state <- initial[intersect(names(model[["effects"]]), names(initial))]
    for (lab in names(model[["effects"]])) {
      if (is.null(state[[lab]])) {
        state[[lab]] <- rep(0, ibm_n(model[["effects"]][[lab]][["mapper"]]))
      } else if (length(state[[lab]]) == 1) {
        state[[lab]] <-
    states <- list(state)
    result <- NULL
  } else {
    stop("Unknown previous result information class")
  old.result <- result

  # Preserve old log output
  original_log <- bru_log(
    if (is.null(old.result)) {
    } else {

  # Track variables
  track <- list()
  if (is.null(old.result[["bru_iinla"]][["track"]])) {
    original_track <- NULL
    track_size <- 0
  } else {
    original_track <- old.result[["bru_iinla"]][["track"]]
    track_size <- max(original_track[["iteration"]])

  # Preserve old timings
  if (!is.null(old.result[["bru_iinla"]][["timings"]])) {
    original_timings <- old.result[["bru_iinla"]][["timings"]]

    "iinla: Evaluate component inputs",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3
  inputs <- evaluate_inputs(model, lhoods = lhoods, inla_f = TRUE)
    "iinla: Evaluate component linearisations",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3
  comp_lin <- evaluate_comp_lin(model,
    input = inputs,
    state = states[[length(states)]],
    inla_f = TRUE
    "iinla: Evaluate component simplifications",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3
  comp_simple <- evaluate_comp_simple(model,
    input = inputs,
    inla_f = TRUE
    "iinla: Evaluate predictor linearisation",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3
  lin <- bru_compute_linearisation(
    lhoods = lhoods,
    input = inputs,
    state = states[[length(states)]],
    comp_simple = comp_simple

  do_line_search <- (length(options[["bru_method"]][["search"]]) > 0)
  if (do_line_search) {
    # Always compute linearisation (above)

    "iinla: Construct inla stack",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3
  # Initial stack
  idx <- evaluate_index(model, lhoods)
  stk <- bru_make_stack(lhoods, lin, idx)

  if (utils::packageVersion("INLA") <= "24.06.02") {
    stk.data <- INLA::inla.stack.data(stk)
  } else {
    stk.data <- INLA::inla.stack.data(stk, .response.name = "BRU.response")
  inla.options$control.predictor$A <- INLA::inla.stack.A(stk)
    "iinla: Model initialisation completed",
    verbose = options$bru_verbose,
    verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
    verbosity = 3

  k <- 1
  interrupt <- FALSE
  line_search <- list(
    active = FALSE,
    step_scaling = 1,
    state = states[[length(states)]]

  if ((!is.null(result) && !is.null(result$mode))) {
    previous_x <- result$mode$x
  } else {
    # TODO: construct from the initial linearisation state instead
    previous_x <- 0

  track_df <- NULL
  do_final_integration <- (options$bru_max_iter == 1)
  do_final_theta_no_restart <- FALSE
  while (!interrupt) {
    if ((k >= options$bru_max_iter) && !do_final_integration) {
      do_final_integration <- TRUE
        "iinla: Maximum iterations reached, running final INLA integration.",
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store

    # When running multiple times propagate theta
    if ((k > 1) || (!is.null(result) && !is.null(result$mode))) {
      inla.options[["control.mode"]]$restart <- TRUE
      inla.options[["control.mode"]]$theta <- result$mode$theta
      inla.options[["control.mode"]]$x <- (
        previous_x +
          (result$mode$x - previous_x) * line_search[["step_scaling"]]
      result_indexing <- inla_result_latent_idx(result)
      # Reset the predictor values, to avoid spurious iteration effects.
      inla.options[["control.mode"]]$x[result_indexing$APredictor] <- 0
      inla.options[["control.mode"]]$x[result_indexing$Predictor] <- 0

      inla.options[["control.inla"]]$use.directions <-

      # Further settings, from inla.rerun
      inla.options[["control.inla"]]$optimise.strategy <- "plain"

      inla.options[["control.inla"]]$step.factor <- 1
      inla.options[["control.inla"]]$tolerance.step <- 1e-10

      if (identical(
      )) {
        inla.options$control.inla$stencil <- 9

      h.def <- INLA::inla.set.control.inla.default()$h
      if (identical(
        result$.args$control.inla[["h"]], h.def
      )) {
        inla.options$control.inla$h <-
          0.2 * result$.args$control.inla[["h"]]
      } else {
        inla.options$control.inla$h <-
          max(0.1 * h.def, 0.75 * result$.args$control.inla[["h"]])

      tol.def <- INLA::inla.set.control.inla.default()$tolerance
      if (identical(result$.args$control.inla[["tolerance"]], tol.def)) {
        inla.options$control.inla$tolerance <-
          result$.args$control.inla[["tolerance"]] * 0.01
      } else {
        inla.options$control.inla$tolerance <-
          max(tol.def^2, result$.args$control.inla[["tolerance"]] * 0.1)
    if ((!is.null(result) && !is.null(result$mode))) {
      previous_x <- result$mode$x

      paste0("iinla: Iteration ", k, " [max:", options$bru_max_iter, "]"),
      verbose = options$bru_verbose,
      verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store

    # Return previous result if inla crashes, e.g. when connection to server is
    # lost
    old.result <- result
    result <- NULL

    inla.formula <- update.formula(model$formula, BRU.response ~ .)
    inla.data <-
        do.call(c, c(
            function(xx) as.list(xx$env_extra)
          use.names = FALSE
    #        list.data(model$formula))

    inla.options.merged <-
          formula = inla.formula,
          data = inla.data,
          family = family,
          E = stk.data[["BRU.E"]],
          Ntrials = stk.data[["BRU.Ntrials"]],
          weights = stk.data[["BRU.weights"]],
          scale = stk.data[["BRU.scale"]],
          offset = stk.data[["BRU.offset"]],
          control.predictor = list(link = stk.data[["BRU.link"]])
    if (do_final_integration) {
      if (do_final_theta_no_restart) {
        # Compute the minimal amount required
        inla.options.merged <-
              control.mode = list(restart = FALSE)
    } else {
      # Compute the minimal amount required
      # Note: configs = TRUE only because latent indexing into mode$x is
      #   defined in configs$contents
      inla.options.merged <-
            control.inla = list(
              control.vb = list(enable = FALSE),
              strategy = "gaussian",
              int.strategy = "eb"
            control.compute = list(
              config = TRUE,
              dic = FALSE,
              waic = FALSE
            # Required for line search weights:
            control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE)

    timings <- add_timing(timings, "Preprocess", k)

    result <- fm_try_callstack(
        envir = environment(model$effects)

    timings <- add_timing(timings, "Run inla()", k)

    if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
        paste0("iinla: Problem in inla: ", result),
        verbose = FALSE,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store
        paste0("iinla: Problem in inla: ", result),
        immediate. = TRUE
          "iinla: Giving up and returning last successfully obtained result ",
          "for diagnostic purposes."
        verbose = TRUE,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store
      if (is.null(old.result)) {
        old.result <- list()
      if (!inherits(old.result, "iinla")) {
        class(old.result) <- c("iinla", class(old.result))

      old.result[["bru_iinla"]] <- collect_misc_info()
      old.result$error <- result

    # Extract values tracked for estimating convergence
    # Note: The number of fixed effects may be zero, and strong
    # non-linearities that don't necessarily affect the fixed
    # effects may appear in the random effects, so we need to
    # track all of them.
    result_mode <- evaluate_state(
      property = "joint_mode"
    result_sd <- evaluate_state(
      property = "sd",
      internal_hyperpar = TRUE
    track_df <- list()
    for (label in names(result_mode)) {
      track_df[[label]] <-
          effect = label,
          index = seq_along(result_mode[[label]]),
          iteration = track_size + k,
          mode = result_mode[[label]],
          sd = result_sd[[label]]
    # label <- "bru_offset"
    # track_df[[label]] <-
    #   data.frame(
    #     effect = label,
    #     index = seq_along(stk.data[["BRU.offset"]]),
    #     iteration = track_size + k,
    #     mode = stk.data[["BRU.offset"]],
    #     sd = NA
    #   )
    label <- "log.posterior.mode"
    track_df[[label]] <-
        effect = label,
        index = 1,
        iteration = track_size + k,
        mode = result[["misc"]][["configs"]][["max.log.posterior"]],
        sd = Inf
    track[[k]] <- do.call(rbind, track_df)

    # Only update the linearisation state after the non-final "eb" iterations:
    if (!do_final_integration) {
      # Update stack given current result
      state0 <- states[[length(states)]]
      state <- evaluate_state(model,
        result = result,
        property = "joint_mode"
      if ((options$bru_max_iter > 1)) {
        if (do_line_search) {
          line_weights <-
              result = result,
              property = "predictor_sd",
              internal_hyperpar = FALSE
          line_search <- bru_line_search(
            model = model,
            lhoods = lhoods,
            lin = lin,
            state0 = state0,
            state = state,
            input = inputs,
            comp_lin = comp_lin,
            comp_simple = comp_simple,
            weights = line_weights,
            options = options
          state <- line_search[["state"]]
          timings <- add_timing(timings, "Line search", k)

          "iinla: Evaluate component linearisations",
          verbose = options$bru_verbose,
          verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
          verbosity = 3
        comp_lin <- evaluate_comp_lin(model,
          input = inputs,
          state = state,
          inla_f = TRUE
          "iinla: Evaluate predictor linearisation",
          verbose = options$bru_verbose,
          verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
          verbosity = 3
        lin <- bru_compute_linearisation(
          lhoods = lhoods,
          input = inputs,
          state = state,
          comp_simple = comp_simple

        stk <- bru_make_stack(lhoods, lin, idx)

        if (utils::packageVersion("INLA") <= "24.06.02") {
          stk.data <- INLA::inla.stack.data(stk)
        } else {
          stk.data <- INLA::inla.stack.data(stk,
                                            .response.name = "BRU.response")
        inla.options$control.predictor$A <- INLA::inla.stack.A(stk)
      # Store the state
      states <- c(states, list(state))

    # Stopping criteria
    if (do_final_integration || (k >= options$bru_max_iter)) {
      interrupt <- TRUE
    } else if (!interrupt && (k > 1)) {
      max.dev <- options$bru_method$rel_tol
      dev <- abs(track[[k - 1]]$mode - track[[k]]$mode) / track[[k]]$sd
      ## do.call(c, lapply(by(do.call(rbind, track),
      ##   as.factor(do.call(rbind, track)$effect),
      ##   identity),
      ##   function(X) { abs(X$mean[k-1] - X$mean[k])/X$sd[k] }))
          "iinla: Max deviation from previous: ",
          signif(100 * max(dev), 3),
          "% of SD, and line search is ",
          if (line_search[["active"]]) "active" else "inactive",
          "\n       [stop if: <", 100 * max.dev, "% and line search inactive]"
        verbose = options$bru_verbose,
        verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store,
        verbosity = 1
      do_final_integration <- all(dev < max.dev) && (!line_search[["active"]])
      if (do_final_integration) {
        do_final_theta_no_restart <- TRUE
          "iinla: Convergence criterion met.",
          "\n       Running final INLA integration step with known theta mode.",
          verbose = options$bru_verbose,
          verbose_store = options$bru_verbose_store
    track[[k]][["new_linearisation"]] <- NA_real_
    for (label in names(states[[1]])) {
      track[[k]][["new_linearisation"]][track[[k]][["effect"]] == label] <-

    k <- k + 1

  result[["bru_iinla"]] <- collect_misc_info()
  class(result) <- c("iinla", class(result))

auto_intercept <- function(components) {
  if (!inherits(components, "formula")) {
    if (inherits(components, "component_list")) {
    stop("components must be a formula to auto-add an intercept component")
  env <- environment(components)

  tm <- terms(components)
  # Check for -1/+0 and +/- Intercept/NULL
  # Required modification:
  # IVar ITerm AutoI Update
  #  T    T     1     -1
  #  T    T     0     -1
  #  T    F     1     -IVar-1
  #  T    F     0     -IVar-1
  #  F    T     1     Impossible
  #  F    T     0     Impossible
  #  F    F     1     +Intercept-1
  #  F    F     0     -1

  # Convert list(var1,var2) call to vector of variable names.
  # ([-1] removes "list"!)
  var_names <- as.character(attr(tm, "variables"))[-1]
  # Locate Intercept, if present
  inter_var <- grep("^Intercept[\\($]*", var_names)
  inter_term <- grep("^Intercept[\\($]*", attr(tm, "term.labels"))
  if (length(inter_var) > 0) {
    if (length(inter_term) > 0) {
      components <- update.formula(components, . ~ . + 1)
    } else {
      components <- update.formula(
          ". ~ . - ",
          " -1"
  } else if (attr(tm, "intercept")) {
    components <- update.formula(components, . ~ . + Intercept(1) + 1)
  } else {
    components <- update.formula(components, . ~ . + 1)
  environment(components) <- env

# If missing RHS, set to the sum of the component names
auto_additive_formula <- function(formula, components) {
  if (as.character(formula)[length(as.character(formula))] != ".") {
  stopifnot(inherits(components, "component_list"))

  env <- environment(formula)
  formula <- update.formula(
      ". ~ ",
      paste0(names(component), collapse = " + ")
  environment(formula) <- env

# Extract the LHS of a formula, as response ~ .
extract_response <- function(formula) {
  stopifnot(inherits(formula, "formula"))
  if (length(as.character(formula)) == 3) {
    as.formula(paste0(as.character(formula)[2], " ~ ."))
  } else {
    . ~ .
# If response missing, add one
auto_response <- function(formula, response) {
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
  if ((length(as.character(formula)) == 3) &&
    (as.character(formula)[2] != ".")) {
    # Already has response; do nothing
  env <- environment(formula)
  if (as.character(formula)[length(as.character(formula))] == ".") {
    # No formula RHS
    formula <- response
  } else {
    formula <- update.formula(formula, response)
  environment(formula) <- env

# Returns a formula's environment as a list. Removes all variable that are of
# type inla, function or formula. Also removes all variables that are not
# variables of the formula.
list.data <- function(formula) {
  # Formula environment as list
  elist <- as.list(environment(formula))

  # Remove previous inla results. For some reason these slow down the next INLA
  # call.
  elist <- elist[unlist(lapply(elist, function(x) !inherits(x, "inla")))]

  # Remove functions. This can cause problems as well.
  # elist <- elist[unlist(lapply(elist, function(x) !is.function(x)))]

  # Remove formulae. This can cause problems as well.
  # elist <- elist[unlist(lapply(elist, function(x) !inherits(x, "formula")))]

  # The formula expression is too general for this to be reliable:
  # Keep only purse formula variables
  # elist <- elist[names(elist) %in% all.vars(formula)]


#' Summary for an inlabru fit
#' Takes a fitted `bru` object produced by [bru()] or [lgcp()] and creates
#' various summaries from it.
#' @export
#' @method summary bru
#' @param object An object obtained from a [bru()] or [lgcp()] call
#' @param verbose logical; If `TRUE`, include more details of the
#' component definitions. If `FALSE`, only show basic component
#' definition information. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param \dots arguments passed on to component summary functions, see
#' [summary.component()].
#' @example inst/examples/bru.R

summary.bru <- function(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  object <- bru_check_object_bru(object)

  result <- list(
    bru_info = summary(object[["bru_info"]], verbose = verbose, ...)

  if (inherits(object, "inla")) {
    result$inla <- NextMethod("summary", object)
    result[["inla"]][["call"]] <- NULL

  class(result) <- "summary_bru"

#' @export
#' @param x An object to be printed
#' @rdname summary.bru

print.summary_bru <- function(x, ...) {
  print(x$bru_info, ...)
  print(x$inla, ...)

#' @export
#' @param x A `bru` object to be printed
#' @describeIn bru Print a summary of a `bru` object.

print.bru <- function(x, ...) {
  print(summary(x, ...), ...)
fbachl/inlabru documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 10:14 p.m.