
Defines functions featureCounts getMultiTxGene import addGeneTx c_granges clusterByGroup abs.max list_rbind inferredFeature fa.plot

Documented in abs.max addGeneTx c_granges clusterByGroup fa.plot featureCounts getMultiTxGene import inferredFeature list_rbind

## what: various helper functions 
## who: fan chen (fan.chen@wisc.edu) 
## when: 08/12/2018 
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


#' @importFrom stats setNames aggregate binomial dist hclust na.omit
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pnorm quantile weighted.mean
#' @importFrom methods is as new selectMethod slot
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% 
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select filter summarise summarize arrange n 
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup left_join bind_rows 
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider pivot_longer
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes vars facet_wrap facet_grid
#' @importFrom ggplot2 stat_function stat_summary
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point geom_boxplot geom_raster geom_vline geom_hline 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual scale_color_distiller 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_manual scale_fill_distiller 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_discrete scale_y_discrete  
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous  
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labs guides element_blank theme theme_bw unit
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame mcols mcols<- metadata metadata<- rbind cbind
#' @importFrom S4Vectors List elementNROWS head
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Hits queryHits from to
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam multicoreWorkers bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges DataFrameList FactorList
#' @import doRNG
#' @import scales
#' @import DEXSeq
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import SummarizedExperiment

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ global variable ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## SURF pre-defined 
surf.events <- c("SE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS", "AFE", "A5U", "IAP", "TAP")
surf.colors <- c('#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00',
surf.features <- c("up3", "up2", "up1", "bd1", "bd2", "dn1", "dn2", "dn3")
greek.features <- c(bquote(alpha), bquote(beta), bquote(gamma), bquote(delta), 
                    bquote(epsilon), bquote(zeta), bquote(eta), bquote(theta))
globalVariables(c("g", "label", "pl", "plas", "segment"))

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ class ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' DrSeq class
#' `drseqResults` is a  stand-alone object of DrSeq (the analysis module 1 of 
#'     SURF) results.  
  contains = "DataFrame",
  representation = representation( 
    modelFrameBM = "DataFrameList", 
    dispersionFunction = "List"

  "drseqResults", function(object) {
    stopifnot(all(names(object@modelFrameBM) == 

#' FASeq class
#' `faseqResults` is a stand-alone object of FASeq (the analysis module 2 of 
#'     SURF) results.  
  Class = "faseqResults",
  contains = "DataFrame"

setValidity("faseqResults", function(object) {
  stopifnot("size" %in% colnames(object))
  stopifnot("min.size" %in% names(metadata(object)))
  stopifnot("trim" %in% names(metadata(object)))
  stopifnot(all(object$size >= metadata(object)$min.size))
  stopifnot(metadata(object)$trim < 0.5)

#' DASeq class
#' `daseqResults` is a stand-alone object of DASeq (the discovery module of 
#'     SURF) results.  
  contains = "DataFrame",
  representation = representation(
    AUC = "SummarizedExperiment"

setValidity("daseqResults", function(object) {
  # stopifnot(!!nrow(object@rankings))
  stopifnot("condition" %in% names(colData(object@AUC)))
  stopifnot(all(rownames(object) == rownames(object@AUC)))

#' SURF class
#' The `surf` class is an all-in-one analytic object used in SURF framework. 
#' A `surf` object contains results of DrSeq (analysis module 1), FASeq 
#' (analysis module 2), and DASeq (discovery module 1). In addition, it also 
#' contain gene (isoform) parts list, parsing from genome annotation. The gene 
#' parts list is essential for ATR event construction. If the any analysis 
#' module or discovery module is performed, the sample metadata will also be 
#' recorded. Each of the components mentioned above can be accessed through a 
#' function listed below.
#' @return a `surf` object.
#' @seealso [genePartsList], [drseqResults], [faseqResults], [daseqResults], 
#'     [sampleData].
#' @references Chen, F., & Keles, S. (2020). SURF: integrative analysis of a 
#'     compendium of RNA-seq and CLIP-seq datasets highlights complex governing 
#'     of alternative transcriptional regulation by RNA-binding proteins. 
#'     *Genome Biology*, 21(1), 1-23.
  contains = "DataFrame",
  representation = representation(
    genePartsList = "DataFrame",
    drseqData = "DEXSeqDataSet", 
    drseqResults = "drseqResults", 
    faseqData = "RangedSummarizedExperiment", 
    faseqResults = "faseqResults", 
    daseqResults = "daseqResults",
    sampleData = "DataFrameList"

setValidity("surf", function(object) {
  ## main columns and @genePartsList
  stopifnot(all(object$event_name %in% surf.events))
  stopifnot(all(object$gene_id %in% object@genePartsList$gene_id)) 
  stopifnot(all(object$transcript_id %in% 
  ## @sampleData colnames
  for (nm in lapply(object@sampleData, colnames)) {
    stopifnot(all(c("sample", "condition") %in% nm))
  ## RNA-seq @sampleData rownames
  # stopifnot(rownames(object@sampleData$"RNA-seq") == 
  #             colnames(object@drseqData))
  ## CLIP-seq @sampleData rownames
  # stopifnot(rownames(object@sampleData$"CLIP-seq") == 
  #             colnames(object@faseqData))

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ accessor ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

## ------ _ genePartsList ------
#' FASeq results
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [faseq] or [faseqFit] or [faseqInfer].
#' @return a `DataFrame` object.
  name = "genePartsList",
  def = function(object)

#' @rdname surf-class
#' @exportMethod genePartsList
  "genePartsList", "surf",
  function(object) {

## ------ _ **seqResults ------

#' DrSeq Results
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [drseq] or [drseqFit] or [drseqFilter].
#' @return a `drseqResults` object.
  name = "drseqResults",
  def = function(object)

#' @rdname surf-class
#' @exportMethod drseqResults
  "drseqResults", "surf",
  function(object) {
    object@drseqResults[object$event_id, ]

#' FASeq Results
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [faseq] or [faseqFit] or [faseqInfer].
#' @return a `faseqResults` object
  name = "faseqResults",
  def = function(object)

#' @rdname surf-class
#' @exportMethod faseqResults
  "faseqResults", "surf",
  function(object) {

#' DASeq Results
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @return a `daseqResults` object.
  name = "daseqResults",
  def = function(object)

#' @rdname surf-class
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @exportMethod daseqResults
  "daseqResults", "surf",
  function(object) {

## ------ _ sampleData ------
#' Sample Data 
#' @name sampleData
#' @param object any object that contains a `sampleData` slot.
#' @param ... various parameters.
#' @return `DataFrame` or `DataFrameList` (if `length(type)>1`).
#' @export sampleData 
  name = "sampleData",
  def = function(object, ...)

#' @rdname sampleData
#' @exportMethod sampleData
  "sampleData", "SummarizedExperiment",
  function(object) {

#' @rdname sampleData
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @exportMethod sampleData
  "sampleData", "daseqResults",
  function(object) {

#' @rdname sampleData
#' @param type `character`, any subset of "RNA-seq", "CLIP-seq", and "External".
#' @exportMethod sampleData
  "sampleData", "surf", 
  function(object, type = NULL) {
    notfound <- setdiff(type, names(object@sampleData))
    if (length(notfound)) {
      stop("Sample data of ", 
           paste(notfound, collapse = ", "), 
           " not found.")
    if (is.null(type)) type = names(object@sampleData)
    if (length(type) > 1) {
    } else if (length(type) == 1) {

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ methods ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

## ------ _ subsetByOverlaps ------
  signature(x = "surf",
            ranges = "GenomicRanges"),
           maxgap = 0L,
           minoverlap = 1L,
           type = c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
           ignore.strand = FALSE) {
    genomicData <- x$genomicData
    overlaps <- findOverlaps(
      query = genomicData,
      subject = ranges,
      maxgap = maxgap,
      minoverlap = minoverlap,
      type = type,
      ignore.strand = ignore.strand

## ------ _ findOverlaps ------
  signature(query = "surf", 
            subject = "GenomicRanges"),
           maxgap = 0L,
           minoverlap = 1L,
           type = c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"),
           ignore.strand = FALSE){
    genomicData <- query$genomicData
    overlaps <- findOverlaps(
      query = genomicData,
      subject = subject,
      maxgap = maxgap,
      minoverlap = minoverlap,
      type = type,
      ignore.strand = ignore.strand

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ methods (drseq) ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

## ------ _ plotDispFunc ------
#' Plot Dispersion Functions
#' Plot the fitted mean-dispersion functions of DrSeq models. 
#' DrSeq fits up to eight mean-dispersion functions; each corresponds to one ATR 
#' event type. This allows DrSeq to better account for the nuance in the 
#' over-dispersion presented by different ATR event types. For more details, 
#' please refer to SURF paper.
#' @param object a `drseqResults` object.
#' @param ... various parameters. 
#' @return a `ggplot` object.
#' @details By SURF default, ATR type are colored with the `Paired` palette.
  name = "plotDispFunc",
  def = function(object, ...)

#' @rdname plotDispFunc
#' @param x.limits `numeric(2)`, limits for x-axis.
#' @exportMethod plotDispFunc
  function(object, x.limits = c(1e-1, 1e4)) {
    colrs = setNames(surf.colors, surf.events) ## surf colors
    func <- object@dispersionFunction
    g <- ggplot(data.frame(x = 0), aes(x = .data$x))
    for (event in names(func)) {
      g <- g +
        stat_function(fun = func[[event]], color = colrs[event])
    g <- g +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = x.limits, trans = "log10") +
      scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10") +
      scale_color_manual(values = colrs) +
      labs(x = "normalized mean", y = "estimated dispersion",
           color = 'event') +

#' @rdname plotDispFunc
#' @exportMethod plotDispFunc
setMethod("plotDispFunc", "surf",
          function(object,...) {

## ------ _ Volcano plot ------
#' Volcano plot
#' Create a volcano plot for the DrSeq results, stratified by alternative 
#' transcriptional regulation (ATR) event types. A volcano plot is a scatter 
#' plot of tested units, where log2 fold change is in x-axis, and 
#' -log10(p.value) is in y-axis.
#' @param object a `drseqResults` object.
#' @return a `ggplot` object.
#' @details By default, ATR type are colored with the `Paired` palette.
  name = "volcano.plot",
  def = function(object, ...)

#' @rdname volcano.plot
#' @param lfc.cutoff `numeric(2)`, the range of log2 fold change that is 
#'   consider NOT significant.
#' @param fdr.cutoff `numeric(1)`, significance level of adjusted p-value.
#' @param x.limits `numeric(2)`, range of log2 fold change. 
#'   Any values beyond this range will be projected onto the boundary.
#' @param y.limits `numeric(2)`, range of -log10(p.value). 
#'   Any values beyond this range will be projected onto the boundary.
#' @param remove.portion.grey `numeric`, between 0 and 1, the portion of 
#'   non-significant points to be randomly remove. 
#'   This is only for speeding up plotting.
#' @param remove.portion.color `numeric`, between 0 and 1, the portion of 
#'   significant points to be randomly remove. 
#'   This is only for speeding up plotting.
#' @param colrs a `character` vector, named by ATR event types, whose values
#'   are the corresponding color codes.
#' @exportMethod volcano.plot
           lfc.cutoff = c(-1, 1), 
           fdr.cutoff = 0.01, 
           x.limits = c(-15, 15), 
           y.limits = c(0, 50), 
           remove.portion.grey = 0,
           remove.portion.color = 0,
           colrs = setNames(surf.colors, surf.events)) {
    stopifnot(length(lfc.cutoff) == 2 && lfc.cutoff[1] <= lfc.cutoff[2])
    stopifnot(fdr.cutoff > 0 && fdr.cutoff < 1)
    stopifnot(length(x.limits) == 2 && x.limits[1] <= x.limits[2])
    stopifnot(length(y.limits) == 2 && y.limits[1] <= y.limits[2])
    fdr.cutoff = -log10(fdr.cutoff)
    dat <- data.frame(x = object$logFoldChange, 
                      y = -log10(object$padj), 
                      group = object$event_name) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$x), !is.na(.data$y)) %>%
      mutate(x = pmax(.data$x, x.limits[1]),
             x = pmin(.data$x, x.limits[2]),
             y = pmin(.data$y, y.limits[2]),
             color = ifelse(.data$x > lfc.cutoff[1] & 
                              .data$x < lfc.cutoff[2] | 
                              .data$y < fdr.cutoff, 
                            "No Sig.", as.character(.data$group)), 
             color = factor(.data$color, c(surf.events, "No Sig.")),
             size = ifelse(.data$color == "No Sig.", 1, 2))
    ## remove some "No Sig." to reduce plot size
    if (remove.portion.grey < 1 && remove.portion.grey > 0) {
      index <- which(dat$color == "No Sig.")
      remove.index = sample(index, round(length(index) * remove.portion.grey))
      dat <- dat[-remove.index,]
    if (remove.portion.color < 1 && remove.portion.color > 0) {
      index <- which(dat$color != "No Sig.")
      remove.index = sample(index, round(length(index) * remove.portion.color))
      dat <- dat[-remove.index,]
    g <- ggplot(dat, aes(.data$x, .data$y, color = .data$color, 
                         size = .data$size)) + 
      geom_vline(xintercept = c(lfc.cutoff[1], lfc.cutoff[2]), 
                 color = "grey40", linetype = 2, alpha = .9) + 
      geom_hline(yintercept = fdr.cutoff, color = "grey40", 
                 linetype = 2, alpha = .9) +
      geom_point(alpha = .7) +
      scale_color_manual(values = c(colrs, "No Sig." = "grey60")) + 
      scale_size(range = c(.1, .7)) + 
      labs(x = "log"[2]~"(fold change), knock-down vs. wild-type", 
           y = "-log"[10]~"(adjusted p value)") +
      guides(size = "none") + 
      scale_x_continuous(limits = x.limits) + 
      scale_y_continuous(limits = y.limits) + 
      facet_wrap(vars(.data$group), nrow = 2) +

#' @rdname volcano.plot
#' @param ... various parameters. 
#' @exportMethod volcano.plot
setMethod("volcano.plot", "surf",
          function(object, ...) {

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ methods (faseq) ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' Functional association plot
#' This function provides a ggplot implementation for functional association 
#' (FA) plot.
#' @param object a `surf` object from [faseq] or [faseqFit] or [faseqInfer].
#' @param plot.event `character` vector, event type wanted. 
#'   In particular, "all" means all event types.
#' @param trim `numeric`, trimming quantile. 
#'   The head and tail `trim/2` portion of the signal will be trimmed/ignored.
#' @param fdr.cutoff `numeric`, threshold for adjusted p-value in functional 
#'   association test.
#' @return a `ggplot` object.
#' @export
fa.plot <- function(object, 
                    plot.event = "all", 
                    trim = metadata(object)$trim,
                    fdr.cutoff = 0.05){
  stopifnot(is(object, "surf"))
  if (any(plot.event == "all")) plot.event = levels(object$event_name)
  levels <- outer(surf.events, surf.features, paste) %>% t() %>% as.vector()
  ## box plot: feature signals
  trainData <- object[object$included, ]
  groupSize <- table(trainData$event_name, trainData$group) %>% 
    apply(1, paste, collapse = ", ")
  trainData <- trainData[trainData$event_name %in% plot.event,]
  featureSignal <- trainData$featureSignal
  dat1 = data.frame(
    event = rep(trainData$event_name, elementNROWS(featureSignal)),
    feature = unlist(lapply(featureSignal, names), use.names = FALSE),
    group = rep(trainData$group, elementNROWS(featureSignal)),
    signal = unlist(featureSignal, use.names = FALSE)) %>% 
    group_by(.data$event, .data$feature) %>%
    mutate(lower = quantile(.data$signal, trim * 2), 
           upper = quantile(.data$signal, 1 - trim * 2),
           x = factor(.data$feature, surf.features)) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(.data$signal > .data$lower, .data$signal < .data$upper) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate(strip = paste0(.data$event, " (", groupSize[.data$event], ")") %>% 
             factor(paste0(names(groupSize), " (", groupSize, ")")))
  g1 <- ggplot(dat1, aes(.data$x, .data$signal, fill = .data$group)) +
    geom_boxplot(color = "grey30", alpha = .9, 
                 outlier.shape = ".", outlier.color = "grey80") + 
    labs(y = "feature signal") + 
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("increase" = "#4d9221", 
                                 "no change" = "grey50",
                                 "decrease" = "#c51b7d")) + 
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = surf.features, labels = greek.features) +
    facet_grid(cols = vars(.data$strip), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), 
          axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
  ## dot-line plot: adjusted p-values
    dat2 <- dat1 %>% 
      group_by(.data$event, .data$feature) %>% 
      summarise(n = n()) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
                by = c("event", "feature")) %>% 
        event = factor(.data$event, surf.events),
        logp = - log10(.data$padj), 
        x = factor(.data$feature, surf.features), 
        functional = ifelse(is.na(.data$logp), "not tested", 
                            as.character(.data$functional)) %>%
          factor(c("exclusion", "inclusion", "not tested")), 
        logp = ifelse(is.na(.data$logp), 0, .data$logp)
  g2 <- ggplot(dat2, aes(.data$x, .data$logp, color = .data$functional)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(fdr.cutoff), color = "grey40", 
               alpha = .9, linetype = 2, show.legend = TRUE) + 
    geom_point(alpha = .9) +
    stat_summary(aes(group = .data$functional), alpha = .8, 
                 fun = sum, geom = "line") +
    labs(x = "location feature", y = "-log"[10]~"(adjusted p value)", 
         color = "association") +
    scale_color_manual(values = c(exclusion = "#4d9221", 
                                  inclusion = "#c51b7d", 
                                  "not tested" = "grey40")) + 
    scale_x_discrete(breaks = surf.features, labels = greek.features) +
    facet_grid(cols = vars(.data$event), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(strip.background = element_blank(), 
          strip.text = element_blank())
  g <- ggpubr::ggarrange(g1, g2, ncol = 1, align = "v")
  # ggsave("fa.plot.pdf", g, width = 8, height = 5)

# setMethod("fa.plot", signature(object = "surf"), fa.plot)

#' Extract SURF-inferred location features
#' @param object a `surf` object from [faseq] or [faseqInfer].
#' @return a `GRanges` object of all SURF-inferred location features.
#' @export
inferredFeature = function(object) {
  stopifnot(is(object, "surf"))
  ## check
  stopifnot(all(c("feature", "inferredFeature") %in% colnames(object)))
  feature <- c_granges(object$feature, sep = "-")
  n_feature <- elementNROWS(object$feature)
  feature$event_id <- rep(object$event_id, n_feature)
  feature$event_name <- rep(object$event_name, n_feature)
  feature$gene_id <- rep(object$gene_id, n_feature)
  feature$transcript_id <- rep(object$transcript_id, n_feature)
  feature$feature_name <- factor(
    names(unlist(object$feature, use.names = FALSE)), surf.features)
  feature$functional <- unlist(object$inferredFeature, use.names = FALSE)
  feature <- feature[feature$functional != "none"]

# setMethod("inferredFeature", signature(object = "surf"), inferredFeature)

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ methods (daseq) ------
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ _ getAUC ------
#' Get AUC
#' Get AUC measure for each target set (row) in every sample (column).
#' @param object a `SummarizedExperiment`, or `surf`, or `daseqResults` object.
#' @return a `matrix` of AUC, whose rows correspond to target sets and columns 
#'     correspond to samples.
  name = "getAUC",
  def = function(object)

#' @rdname getAUC
#' @exportMethod getAUC
  "getAUC", "SummarizedExperiment",
  function(object) {
    if("AUC" %in% assayNames(object)) {
      stop("Cannot find the 'AUC' assay")

#' @rdname getAUC
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @exportMethod getAUC
  "getAUC", "daseqResults",
  function(object) {

#' @rdname getAUC
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @exportMethod getAUC
  "getAUC", "surf",
  function(object) {

## ------ _ heatmapAUC ------
#' Heatmap of AUC score
#' This function produces the heatmap of AUC scores.
#' @param object for `surf` object, it should be output from [daseq].
#' @param ... various parameters. 
#' @return a `ggplot` object.
  name = "heatmapAUC",
  def = function(object, ...)

#' @description Row blocking is allowed by providing the `group` parameter.
#' @rdname heatmapAUC
#' @param group an optional `factor` vector, group of rows.
#' @exportMethod heatmapAUC
  "heatmapAUC", "SummarizedExperiment",
  function(object, group = NULL) {
    mat <- getAUC(object)
    sampleData <- sampleData(object)
    ## check group input
    if (is.null(group)) {
      group = rep("set", nrow(object))
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(group) != nrow(object)) 
    names(group) <- rownames(mat)
    ## cluster rows and columns
    set_cluster = clusterByGroup(mat, group)
    sample_cluster <- clusterByGroup(
      t(mat), sampleData[colnames(mat), "condition"])
    dat <- aggregateAUCbyCondition(object)
    dat$group = group[dat$set]
    dat$condition <- sampleData$condition[dat$sample]
    g <- ggplot(dat, aes(.data$sample, .data$set, fill = .data$AUC)) +
      geom_raster() + 
      scale_x_discrete(breaks = sample_cluster) +
      scale_y_discrete(breaks = set_cluster) +
      scale_fill_distiller(palette = "GnBu", direction = 1) + 
      facet_grid(rows = vars(.data$group), cols = vars(.data$condition), 
                 scales = "free", space = "free") + 
      labs(x = "Sample", y = "Set", fill = "AUC") +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(panel.spacing = unit(.2, "lines"), 
            panel.border = element_blank(), 
            panel.grid = element_blank(), 
            axis.text = element_blank(), 
            axis.line = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks = element_blank())

#' @rdname heatmapAUC
#' @param object a `surf` object output by [daseq].
#' @exportMethod heatmapAUC
  "heatmapAUC", "daseqResults",
  function(object, group = NULL) {
    heatmapAUC(object@targetAUC, group = group)

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ------ general helper ------ 
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' Bind list by row into data.frame
#' Bind by row a `list` of `data.frame` with the same `ncol` into `data.frame`. 
#' In particular, if the input is a list of vector-like objects 
#' (e.g. numeric, atomic, double, etc), each unit of list will be coerced into 
#' row vector. In addition, the function allows to save list names if needed.
#' @param x `list`, all elements are vectors of the same length or array of the 
#'     same column size
#' @param save.names `logical` or `character`, if not `FALSE`, save list names 
#'     into an new column
#' @return a `data.frame`.
list_rbind = function(x, save.names = FALSE) {
  x = as.list(x)
  x = x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
  if (!length(x)) return(data.frame())
  if (!is.null(dim(x[[1]]))) 
    x = lapply(x, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res = suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(x)) 
  # if (is.null(dim(x[[1]])) || length(dim(x[[1]])) == 1) {
  #   res = t(res)
  #   colnames(res) = names(x[[1]])
  #   res = as.data.frame(res)
  #   ## rownames are automatically inherited
  # } 
  if (save.names != FALSE) {
    if (is.null(names(x))) 
      stop("The input list is unnamed. Either set save.names to FALSE or set names for x.")
    list.names <- rep(names(x), vapply(x, nrow, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))) 
    res = cbind(list.names, res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(res)[1] <- ifelse(save.names == TRUE, "list.names", save.names) 

#' L-infinity norm
#' @return maximum in absolute value
#' @param x a `numeric` vector.
#' @param ... other parameters for [which.max].
abs.max = function(x, ...) {
  x[which.max(x = abs(x), ...)]

#' Hierarchical clustering of rows by groups
#' @param x `matrix`.
#' @param group group label of rows, disregard names, will be coerce to `factor`.
#' @return `character` vector of length `nrow(x)`, row names. 
#' If `x` doesn't have `row.names`, this function names it sequentially (from 1).
clusterByGroup = function(x, group) {
  ## check
  if (nrow(x) < 2 || is.null(dim(x))) {
    warning('x is empty or has just one row.')
  if (any(is.na(x))) {
    warning('Replace NA\'s with 0\'s.')
    x[is.na(x)] = 0 
  if (nrow(x) != length(group)) 
    stop("Uncomfortable dimensions.")
  group = as.factor(group)
  if (is.null(rownames(x))) 
    rownames(x) <- seq_len(nrow(x))
  res = c()
  for (gp in levels(group)) {
    x1 = x[group == gp, ]
    hc = hclust(dist(x1))
    res = append(res, hc$labels[hc$order])

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## ---- genomic processor ----
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#' Concatenate a list of GRanges
#' @param grl a `list` of `GRanges`.
#' @param use.names `logical`, whether (`TRUE`) to inherit list names.
#' @param sep `character`, separator between list names and GRanges names.
#' @param save.names `logical` or `character`, if not `FALSE`, save list names 
#'     as an attribute (i.e., `mcols()`).
#' @return a `GRanges` object
c_granges <- function(grl, 
                      use.names = TRUE, 
                      sep = ".", 
                      save.names = FALSE) {
  grl <- as(grl, "CompressedGRangesList")
  gr <- unlist(grl, use.names = FALSE)
  list.names <- rep(names(grl), elementNROWS(grl)) 
  if (use.names) {
    names(gr) <- paste(list.names, names(gr), sep = sep) 
  if (save.names != FALSE) {
    attr.names <- ifelse(save.names == TRUE, 
    mcols(gr)[[attr.names]] <- list.names

#' Add identifiers of genes and transcripts
#' Fill up missing "gene" and "transcript" in genome annotation
#' If the genome annotation lacks "gene" and "transcript" entries, add to it.
#' @param anno a `GRanges` object of genome annotation, from [import].
#' @return a `GRanges` object with added `gene_id` and `transcript_id` columns.
addGeneTx <- function(anno) {
  l <- levels(anno$type)
  if (! "transcript" %in% l) {
    tx = range(GRangesList(split(anno, anno$transcript_id)))
    tx = unlist(tx)
    tx$type = "transcript" 
    tx$transcript_id = names(tx)
    tx$gene_id <- vapply(split(anno$gene_id, anno$transcript_id), 
                         head, n = 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    tx <- unname(tx)
    anno = c(tx,anno)
  if (! "gene" %in% l) {
    gene = range(GRangesList(split(anno, anno$gene_id)))
    gene = unlist(gene)
    gene$type = "gene" 
    gene$gene_id = names(gene) 
    gene <- unname(gene)
    anno = c(gene, anno)

#' Import annotation files
#' This is a wrapper of [rtracklayer::import] with specialty in genome 
#' annotation. Specifically, it checks whether "gene" or "transcript" exist in 
#' the annotation and fill them in if possible.
#' @param ... whatever input to [rtracklayer::import].
#' @return a `GRanges` object.
import <- function(...) {
  anno <- rtracklayer::import(...) 
  ## check annotation attributes 
  if (is.null(anno$type)) 
    stop("Cannot find 'type' attribute in annotation.")
  if (!("exon" %in% anno$type)) 
    stop("Genome annotation does not contain any row of type 'exon'.")
  if (!all(c("gene", "transcript") %in% anno$type)) 
    anno = addGeneTx(anno)

#' Find genes that contain multiple transcripts
#' @param anno `data.frame` or `GRanges`, annotation.
#' @param min `integer`, minimum number of transcripts.
#' @param max `integer`, maximum number of transcripts.
#' @return a `character` vector of gene_id's
getMultiTxGene = function(anno, min = 2, max = Inf) {
  anno_tx = anno[anno$type == 'transcript']
  cnt_tx = table(anno_tx$gene_id)
  names(cnt_tx)[cnt_tx >= min & cnt_tx <= max]

#' Customized `featureCounts`
#' This is a wrapper of [Rsubread::featureCounts] allowing verbose suppression.
#' This redirects the output to `/dev/null`, so it assumes a UNIX-like
#' system.
#' @param verbose `logical`, whether to print out the progress information.
#' @param ... parameters for `featureCounts`.
#' @return See [Rsubread::featureCounts] documentation.
featureCounts <- function(..., verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {
  } else {
    withr::with_output_sink("/dev/null", Rsubread::featureCounts(...))

# ## ------ depreciated ------ 
# #' Import transcriptome quantification results
# #' 
# #' Customized `tximport` function from `DESeq2` and `RSEM` transcriptome quantification results.
# #' @inheritParams tximport::tximport
# #' @param files `character`, files to transcriptome quantification results.
# #' @return a `list` of length four, named as `abundance`, `counts`, `length`, 
# #'   and `countsFromAbundance`.
# tximport2 = function (files,
#                       type = c("none", "kallisto", "salmon", "sailfish", "rsem"),
#                       txIn = TRUE, txOut = FALSE,
#                       countsFromAbundance = c("no", "scaledTPM", "lengthScaledTPM"),
#                       tx2gene = NULL, reader = read.delim,
#                       geneIdCol, txIdCol, abundanceCol, countsCol, lengthCol, importer,
#                       collatedFiles, ignoreTxVersion = FALSE,
#                       quiet = FALSE)
# {
#   type <- match.arg(type, c("none", "kallisto", "salmon", "sailfish",
#                             "rsem"))
#   countsFromAbundance <- match.arg(
#     countsFromAbundance, c("no", "scaledTPM", "lengthScaledTPM"))
#   stopifnot(all(file.exists(files)))
#   if (!txIn & txOut)
#     stop("txOut only an option when transcript-level data is read in (txIn=TRUE)")
#   if (type == "kallisto") {
#     geneIdCol = "gene_id"
#     txIdCol <- "target_id"
#     abundanceCol <- "tpm"
#     countsCol <- "est_counts"
#     lengthCol <- "eff_length"
#     importer <- reader
#   }
#   if (type %in% c("salmon", "sailfish")) {
#     geneIdCol = "gene_id"
#     txIdCol <- "Name"
#     abundanceCol <- "TPM"
#     countsCol <- "NumReads"
#     lengthCol <- "EffectiveLength"
#     importer <- function(x) reader(x, comment = "#")
#   }
#   # if (type == "rsem") {
#   #   txIn <- FALSE
#   #   geneIdCol <- "gene_id"
#   #   abundanceCol <- "FPKM"
#   #   countsCol <- "expected_count"
#   #   lengthCol <- "effective_length"
#   #   importer <- reader
#   # }
#   if (type == "rsem") {
#     # txIn <- FALSE
#     geneIdCol <- "gene_id"
#     txIdCol <- "transcript_id"
#     abundanceCol <- "TPM"
#     countsCol <- "expected_count"
#     lengthCol <- "effective_length"
#     percentCol <- "IsoPct"
#     importer <- reader
#   }
#   if (type == "cufflinks") {
#     stop("reading from collated files not yet implemented")
#   }
#   if (txIn) {
#     if (!quiet) message("reading in files")
#     for (i in seq_along(files)) {
#       if (!quiet) message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
#       raw <- as.data.frame(importer(files[i]))
#       if ((i == 1) & (type %in% c("salmon", "sailfish")) &
#           !("EffectiveLength" %in% names(raw))) {
#         lengthCol <- "Length"
#         importer <- function(x) {
#           tmp <- reader(x, comment = "#", header = FALSE)
#           names(tmp) <- c("Name", "Length", "TPM", "NumReads")
#           tmp
#         }
#         raw <- try(as.data.frame(importer(files[i])), silent = TRUE)
#         if (inherits(raw, "try-error")) {
#           importer <- function(x) {
#             reader(x, comment = "#",
#                    col_names = c("Name", "Length", "TPM", "NumReads"))
#           }
#           raw <- try(as.data.frame(importer(files[i])))
#           if (inherits(raw, "try-error"))
#             stop("tried but couldn't use reader() without error\n",
#                  "user will need to define the importer() as well")
#         }
#       }
#       if (is.null(tx2gene) & !txOut) {
#         if (!geneIdCol %in% names(raw)) {
#           if (!quiet) message()
#           stop("\n\n  tximport failed at summarizing to the gene-level.\n",
#                "Please see 'Solutions' in the Details section of the man page:",
#                "?tximport\n\n")
#         }
#         stopifnot(all(c(lengthCol, abundanceCol) %in%
#                         names(raw)))
#         if (i == 1) {
#           geneId <- raw[[geneIdCol]]
#         }
#         else {
#           stopifnot(all(geneId == raw[[geneIdCol]]))
#         }
#       }
#       else {
#         stopifnot(all(c(lengthCol, abundanceCol) %in%
#                         names(raw)))
#         if (i == 1) {
#           txId <- raw[[txIdCol]]
#         }
#         else {
#           stopifnot(all(txId == raw[[txIdCol]]))
#         }
#       }
#       if (i == 1) {
#         mat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(raw), ncol = length(files))
#         rownames(mat) <- raw[[txIdCol]]
#         colnames(mat) <- names(files)
#         abundanceMatTx <- mat
#         countsMatTx <- mat
#         lengthMatTx <- mat
#         percentMatTx <- mat
#       }
#       abundanceMatTx[, i] <- raw[[abundanceCol]]
#       countsMatTx[, i] <- raw[[countsCol]]
#       lengthMatTx[, i] <- raw[[lengthCol]]
#       percentMatTx[, i] <- raw[[percentCol]]
#     }
#     if (!quiet) message("")
#     txi <- list(abundance = abundanceMatTx, counts = countsMatTx,
#                 length = lengthMatTx, percent = percentMatTx,
#                 countsFromAbundance = "no")
#     if (txOut) {
#       return(txi)
#     }
#     txi[["countsFromAbundance"]] <- NULL
#     txiGene <- summarizeToGene(txi, tx2gene, ignoreTxVersion,
#                                countsFromAbundance)
#     return(txiGene)
#   }
#   else {
#     if (!quiet) message("reading in files")
#     for (i in seq_along(files)) {
#       if (!quiet) message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
#       raw <- as.data.frame(importer(files[i]))
#       stopifnot(all(c(geneIdCol, abundanceCol, lengthCol) %in%
#                       names(raw)))
#       if (i == 1) {
#         mat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(raw), ncol = length(files))
#         rownames(mat) <- raw[[geneIdCol]]
#         colnames(mat) <- names(files)
#         abundanceMat <- mat
#         countsMat <- mat
#         lengthMat <- mat
#       }
#       abundanceMat[, i] <- raw[[abundanceCol]]
#       countsMat[, i] <- raw[[countsCol]]
#       lengthMat[, i] <- raw[[lengthCol]]
#     }
#   }
#   if (!quiet) message("")
#   return(list(abundance = abundanceMat, counts = countsMat,
#               length = lengthMat, countsFromAbundance = "no"))
# }
# ## FUN: transform idr result (overlapped peaks) table into GRanges 
# ## INPUT: idr w/ the following columns:
# # [1] "chr1"       "start1"     "stop1"      "sig.value1" "chr2"      
# # [6] "start2"     "stop2"      "sig.value2" "idr.local"  "IDR"
# ## OUTPUT: GRanges object, w/ following mcols()
# ##   idr.local - local idr score
# ##   IDR - global idr score, the smaller the more reproducible
# ## DEPEND: GenomicRanges
# idr2GRanges = function(idr) {
#   ## Check idr 
#   start = apply(cbind(idr$start1, idr$start2), 1, max)
#   stop = apply(cbind(idr$stop1, idr$stop2), 1, min)
#   wrong = (idr$chr1 != idr$chr2) | 
#     (idr$start1 > idr$stop1) | (idr$start2 > idr$stop2) | 
#     (stop - start > 1e+3) | (stop - start < 0)
#   if (sum(wrong) > 0)
#     warning(paste("There are", sum(wrong), "incorrect overlapping peaks being discarded"))
#   idr = idr[!wrong,] 
#   start <- start[!wrong] 
#   stop <- stop[!wrong] 
#   GRanges(idr$chr1, IRanges(start, stop), 
#           idr.local = idr$idr.local, IDR = idr$IDR) 
# }
# ## FUN: add strand info idr (overlapped) peaks, using original peak files
# ## INPUT: 
# ##   peak - idr peaks
# ##   filename - original peak files
# ## OUTPUT: 
# ##   character, of same length as peak, "+", "-", "*" (if ambiguous)
# extCols_nPk <- c(singnalValue = "numeric",
#                  pValue = "numeric",
#                  qValue = "numeric",
#                  peak = "integer")
# getStrand = function(peak, filename_bed) {
#   peak_raw <- GRanges()
#   for (fn in filename_bed) 
#     peak_raw = c(peak_raw,
#                  import(fn, format = "BED", 
#                         extraCols = extCols_nPk))
#   nIdr_plus = countOverlaps(peak, peak_raw[strand(peak_raw) == '+'])
#   nIdr_minus = countOverlaps(peak, peak_raw[strand(peak_raw) == '-'])
#   ifelse(nIdr_plus > nIdr_minus, '+', 
#          ifelse(nIdr_plus < nIdr_minus, '-', '*'))
# }
# ## huber's location estimation
# huber = function(y, ...) {
#   MASS::huber(y = y, ...)['mu']
# }
# ## brute-force choose, this is just a wraper of combn() function in utils 
# bruteCombn = function(set, ...) {
#   if (length(set) == 1) 
#     return(list(set))
#   return(combn(x = set, ...))
# }

## FUN: get raw read count matrix from a list of BAM files
##    peaks - standard GRanges object 
##    bamfiles - the full paths to the list of BAM files
##    colname - the colnames of output objects
##    n.cores - no. of cores 
##    is.PE - is paired end data or not
## OUTPUT: list()
##    $countMat - n x p count matrix. n <- length(peaks), p <- length(bamfiles)
##    $fragment_counts - a list of length equal to no. of bamfiles
##    $designInfo - the sequencing depth (no. of paired reads if is.PE = TRUE) for each BAM file
##    $peaks - the same as input
##    chromVAR, GenomicAlignments
# getCountMatrix <- function(peaks, bamfiles, 
#                            colname = seq_along(bamfiles), 
#                            n.cores = 1, is.PE = TRUE){
#   if(length(bamfiles) != length(colname)){
#     stop("BAM File list must have the same length as column names list!")
#   }
#   fragment_counts <-
#     mclapply(
#       as.list(bamfiles),
#       getCounts,
#       peaks,
#       paired = is.PE,
#       by_rg = FALSE,
#       format = "bam",
#       mc.cores = n.cores,
#       mc.preschedule = TRUE
#     )
#   countMat <- matrix(NA, length(peaks), length(bamfiles))
#   colnames(countMat) <- colname
#   seqDepth <- NULL
#   for(k in seq_along(bamfiles)){
#     countMat[, k] <- counts(fragment_counts[[k]])[,1]
#     seqDepth[k] <- fragment_counts[[k]]@colData[1,1]
#   }
#   designInfo <- data.frame(exps = colname, depth = seqDepth)
#   res <- list(countMat = countMat, 
#               fragment_counts = fragment_counts, 
#               designInfo = designInfo,
#               peaks = peaks)
#   return(res)
# }

# #' Get URL's for UCSC Genome Browser
# #' @param gr a `GRanges` object
# #' @return a vector of URL's
# getURL = function(gr, hub = NULL) {
#   if (is.null(hub) || !length(hub)) {
#     hub = "http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?hubUrl=ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/pub/users/kelesgroup/fchen/hub.txt"
#   } else {
#     hub = paste0("http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTracks?hubUrl=ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu/pub/users/kelesgroup/fchen/",hub,".txt")
#   }
#   if (!is.null(gr$feature)) {
#     gr = unlist(range(gr$feature))
#   }
#   paste0(hub, "&position=", seqnames(gr), ':', start(gr), '-', end(gr))
# }
fchen365/surf documentation built on June 18, 2021, 12:02 p.m.