
Defines functions parse_rates_exact

Documented in parse_rates_exact

#' Instatiate the C++ rate functions for a stochastic epidemic model and return
#' a vector of function pointers.
#' @param rates list of rate functions
#' @param compile_rates if TRUE, code will be generated and compiled. If a
#'   character string for the name of a file that does not yet exist, code will
#'   be generated but not compiled. If the name of a file that exists in the
#'   current working directory, the code in the file will be compiled.
#' @param messages logical; print a message that the rates are being compiled
#' @return Two vector of strings that serve as function pointers.
#' @export
parse_rates_exact <- function(rates, compile_rates, messages = TRUE) {

        LUMPED_XPtr = NULL
        UNLUMPED_XPtr = NULL
        if(is.logical(compile_rates) && compile_rates) {
                generate_code <- TRUE
                compile_code  <- TRUE
                load_file     <- FALSE
        } else {
                if(compile_rates %in% list.files()) {
                        generate_code <- FALSE
                        compile_code  <- TRUE
                        load_file     <- TRUE
                } else {
                        generate_code <- TRUE
                        compile_code  <- FALSE
                        load_file     <- FALSE

        if(generate_code) {
                if(messages) {
                      exp_warning <- FALSE
                      for(r in seq_along(rates)) {
                            exp_warning <- exp_warning || grepl("\\^", rates[[r]]$lumped)
                            if(exp_warning) warning("If there is an exponentiated term in a rate, check that the base and exponent are both enclosed in parentheses, e.g., (base)^(exponent). Ignore this warning if rates are correctly specified.")
                            if(exp_warning) break

                # ensure powers are converted
                for(r in seq_along(rates)) {
                    if(!is.null(rates[[r]]$unlumped)) {
                      rates[[r]]$unlumped <- 
                        paste0(deparse(sub_powers(parse(text = rates[[r]]$unlumped))[[1]]), collapse = "")
                      rates[[r]]$unlumped <- gsub(" ", "", rates[[r]]$unlumped)
                    if(!is.null(rates[[r]]$lumped)) {
                      rates[[r]]$lumped <- 
                        paste0(deparse(sub_powers(parse(text = rates[[r]]$lumped))[[1]]), collapse = "")
                      rates[[r]]$lumped <- gsub(" ", "", rates[[r]]$lumped)

                arg_strings <- "Rcpp::NumericVector& rates, const Rcpp::LogicalVector& inds, const arma::rowvec& state, const Rcpp::NumericVector& parameters, const Rcpp::NumericVector& constants, const arma::rowvec& tcovar"

                fcns_lumped <- vector("list", length = length(rates))
                fcns_unlumped <- vector("list", length = length(rates))

                for(i in seq_along(rates)) {
                        if(!is.null(rates[[i]]$lumped)) fcns_lumped[[i]] <- paste(paste0("if(inds[",i-1,"]) rates[",i-1,"] = ", rates[[i]]$lumped,";"), sep = "\n ")
                        if(!is.null(rates[[i]]$unlumped)) fcns_unlumped[[i]] <- paste(paste0("if(inds[",i-1,"]) rates[",i-1,"] = ", rates[[i]]$unlumped,";"), sep = "\n ")

                # generate lumped code
                fcns_lumped <- paste(unlist(fcns_lumped), collapse = "\n")
                code_lumped <- paste("// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]",
                                     "#include <RcppArmadillo.h>",
                                     "using namespace arma;",
                                     "using namespace Rcpp;",
                                     paste0("void RATES_LUMPED(",arg_strings,") {"),
                                     paste0("typedef void(*ratefcn_ptr)(", arg_strings,");"),
                                     "// [[Rcpp::export]]",
                                     "Rcpp::XPtr<ratefcn_ptr> LUMPED_XPtr() {",
                                     "return(Rcpp::XPtr<ratefcn_ptr>(new ratefcn_ptr(&RATES_LUMPED)));",
                                     "}", sep = "\n")
                exact_code <- code_lumped
                # generate unlumped code
                unlumped_inds <- sapply(rates, function(x) !is.null(x$unlumped))
                if(sum(unlumped_inds) == length(rates)) {
                      fcns_unlumped <- paste(unlist(fcns_unlumped), collapse = "\n")
                      code_unlumped <- paste("// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]",
                                             "#include <RcppArmadillo.h>",
                                             "using namespace arma;",
                                             "using namespace Rcpp;",
                                             paste0("void RATES_UNLUMPED(",arg_strings,") {"),
                                             paste0("typedef void(*ratefcn_ptr)(", arg_strings,");"),
                                             "// [[Rcpp::export]]",
                                             "Rcpp::XPtr<ratefcn_ptr> UNLUMPED_XPtr() {",
                                             "return(Rcpp::XPtr<ratefcn_ptr>(new ratefcn_ptr(&RATES_UNLUMPED)));",
                                             "}", sep = "\n")
                      exact_code <- paste(exact_code, code_unlumped, sep = "\n\n")
                if(is.character(compile_rates)) {
                      filename <- ifelse(substr(compile_rates, nchar(compile_rates)-3, nchar(compile_rates)) != ".txt",
                                         paste0(compile_rates,".txt"), compile_rates)
                      cat(exact_code, file = filename)
        if(load_file) {
              exact_code <- readChar(compile_rates, nchars = 1e6)
        if(compile_code) {
              if(messages) {
                    print("Compiling rate functions.")
              Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = exact_code,
                              verbose = FALSE,
                              rebuild = TRUE,
                              cleanupCacheDir = TRUE)
              rate_pointers <- c(lumped_ptr = LUMPED_XPtr())
              if(sum(unlumped_inds) == length(rates)) rate_pointers <- c(rate_pointers, unlumped_ptr = UNLUMPED_XPtr())
              return(list(pointers = rate_pointers, code = exact_code))
fintzij/stemr documentation built on March 25, 2022, 12:25 p.m.