#' Two-way ANOVA
#' Performs two-way ANOVA. Creates a file with results: 
#' either \code{"anova_within_sbj.csv"} or \code{"anova_between_sbj.csv"}
#' depending on \code{type} argument.
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list).
#' @param thresh Threshold of significance.
#' @param p.cor Method of p-value correction, one of \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} methods
#' @param type Type of comparison. If \code{"b"} - between subjects; if \code{"w"} - within subjects
#' @return Native \code{analSet} with one added \code{$aov2} element consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item\code{$type} - value of \code{type} argument 
#' \item\code{$sig.nm} - name of file with the resulting ANOVA table
#' \item\code{$thresh} - value of \code{thresh} argument
#' \item\code{$multi.c} - value of \code{p.cor} argument
#' \item\code{$sig.mat} - data frame of significant features
#' \item\code{$vennC} - Venn counts 
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotANOVA2}} for plotting functions\cr
#' \code{\link{ANOVA.Anal}} for one-way analytical function
#' @export

# p.value corrrection - bonferroni, holm, fdr,
# type b for between subjects, w for within

ANOVA2.Anal<-function(dataSet, analSet, thresh=0.05, p.cor="fdr", type="b"){
	match.arg(type, c("b", "w"))

# perform within-subjects anova
aov.within <- function(x, time.fac) {
   # note: the error model time is the only within-subjects factor
   # the treatment is a subject level observation, each subject
   # only have one level of it
   unlist(summary(aov(x ~ (dataSet$facA*dataSet$facB) + Error(dataSet$sbj/time.fac))), use.names=F)[c(9,23,24)];

# perform between-subjects anova
aov.between <- function(x) {
   # note: the error model time is the only within-subjects factor
   # the treatment is a subject level observation, each subject
   # only have one level of it
   unlist(summary(aov(x ~ dataSet$facA*dataSet$facB)), use.names=F)[c(17,18,19)];
        # first create the subjects that being measured under different time
        # points (under same phenotype/ exp. condition). The design must be balanced

        # first check if balanced
        res <- table (dataSet$facA, dataSet$facB);
        res.mean <- apply(res, 2, mean);
        all.res <- res/res.mean;
        #if(sum(all.res != 1) > 0){
        #    msg <- "Experiment design is not balanced!";
        #    AddErrMsg(msg);
        #    print(msg);
        #    return(0);

        time.fac <- dataSet$time.fac;
        exp.fac <- dataSet$exp.fac;

        sbj <- vector(mode="character", length=nrow(dataSet$norm));
        k = 1;
        len = 0;
        for(lv1 in levels(exp.fac)){
            # same subjects must in the same exp. condition
            inx1 <- exp.fac == lv1;
            for (lv2 in levels(time.fac)){
                inx2 <- time.fac == lv2;
                len <- sum(inx1 & inx2);

                # same subjects must not in the same time points
                # so in a balanced design and ordered by the time points
                # all samples in each time points will sweep all subjects (one go)
                sbj[inx1 & inx2] <- paste("S", k:(k+len-1), sep="");
            k = k + len;

        dataSet$sbj <- as.factor(sbj);
        aov.mat <- t(apply(as.matrix(dataSet$norm), 2, aov.within, time.fac));
        fileName <- "anova_within_sbj.csv";
        aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(dataSet$norm), 2, aov.between));
        fileName <- "anova_between_sbj.csv";

    if(p.cor != "none"){
        aov.mat <- cbind (p.adjust(aov.mat[,1], p.cor),
                          p.adjust(aov.mat[,2], p.cor),
                          p.adjust(aov.mat[,3], p.cor));

    sig.facA <-(aov.mat[,1] <= thresh);
    sig.facB <-(aov.mat[,2] <= thresh);
    sig.intr <-(aov.mat[,3] <= thresh);

    all.match <- cbind(sig.facA, sig.facB, sig.intr);
    colnames(all.match) <- colnames(aov.mat) <- c(dataSet$facA.lbl, dataSet$facB.lbl, "Interaction");

    vennC <- getVennCounts(all.match);
    inx.imp <- sig.facA | sig.facB | sig.intr;
    aov.mat <- aov.mat[inx.imp, ,drop=F];

    # default sort first by main effect: treatment, then by ...
    ord.inx <- order(aov.mat[,1], aov.mat[,2], aov.mat[,3], decreasing = FALSE);

    aov.mat <- signif(aov.mat[ord.inx,,drop=F], 5);


    aov2<-list (
          type = type,
          sig.nm = fileName,
          thresh = thresh,
          multi.c = p.cor,
          sig.mat = aov.mat,
          vennC = vennC

    analSet$aov2 <- aov2;

#' Plot two-way ANOVA results
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list). 
#' @param imgName Image file name prefix.
#' @param format Image format, one of: "png", "tiff", "pdf", "ps", "svg"
#' @param dpi Image resolution.
#' @param width Image width.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ANOVA2.Anal}} for analytical function
#' @export
# plot ven diagram for ANOVA results
PlotANOVA2<-function(dataSet, analSet, imgName="aov2_", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
	if (is.null(analSet$aov2)) stop("Please, conduct ANOVA2.Anal first.")
	imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
        w <- 7;
    }else if(width == 0){
        w <- 7;
        w <- width;
    h <- w;

    title <- ifelse(analSet$aov2$type == "b", "Two-way ANOVA (between subjects)", "Two-way ANOVA (within subject)");
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    plotVennDiagram(analSet$aov2$vennC, circle.col=c("red", "blue", "green"), mar=c(0,0,2,0));
    mtext(title, NORTH<-3, line=0.25, cex=1.5);

GetAov2SigFileName <-function(analSet){




GetSigTable.Aov2<-function(dataSet, analSet){
    GetSigTable(dataSet, analSet$aov2$sig.mat,
                "Significant features identified by two-way ANOVA");
flajole/MApckg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m.