
Defines functions remove_na_cols read_snps_from_vcf parse_snp_marker_ids make_snp_marker_ids make_geno_matrix isFALSE isBOOL is_whole_number is_valid_id is_single_string is_single_probability is_single_positive_whole_number is_single_nonnegative_whole_number is_single_nonnegative_number is_single_char infer_map_precision get_run_index_list get_lod_col_indices.summary.scanoneperm get_lod_col_indices.scanoneperm get_lod_col_indices.scanone get_lod_col_indices get_lod_col_index get_indices get_col_indices

Documented in get_col_indices get_indices get_lod_col_index get_lod_col_indices get_lod_col_indices.scanone get_lod_col_indices.scanoneperm get_lod_col_indices.summary.scanoneperm get_run_index_list infer_map_precision isBOOL isFALSE is_single_char is_single_nonnegative_number is_single_nonnegative_whole_number is_single_positive_whole_number is_single_probability is_single_string is_valid_id is_whole_number make_geno_matrix make_snp_marker_ids parse_snp_marker_ids read_snps_from_vcf remove_na_cols

# Start of internal.R

# get_col_indices
#' Get column indices of object.
#' @param x An object with columns.
#' @param requested A character vector of column names, a logical vector of
#' length equal to the number of object columns, or a numeric vector of column
#' indices of the input object. If this is specified, only the requested column
#' indices are returned; otherwise, this function returns all column indices.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{requested}, if specified, must
#' be in the same order as the corresponding columns of the input object.
#' @return Integer vector of column indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname get_col_indices
get_col_indices <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {

    num.cols <- ncol(x)

    if ( ! is_single_nonnegative_whole_number(num.cols) ) {
        stop("cannot get column indices - object does not have columns")

    available <- if ( num.cols > 0 ) { 1:num.cols } else { integer() }
    names(available) <- colnames(x)

    resolved <- get_indices(available, requested=requested, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])


# get_indices
#' Get indices of object elements.
#' Get the indices of \code{x}, as constrained by the \code{requested} parameter. If using this
#' function without \code{requested} constraints, consider using the faster primitive R function
#' \code{seq_along} instead.
#' @param x An object with elements that are accessible by an index.
#' @param requested A character vector of names, a logical vector of the same length as \code{x}, or
#' a numeric vector containing indices of \code{x}. If this parameter is not specified, all indices
#' are returned.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{requested}, if specified, must request indices that
#' are unique and in the same order as the corresponding elements of \code{x}.
#' @return Integer vector containing indices of \code{x}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname get_indices
get_indices <- function(x, requested=NULL, strict=FALSE) {

    stopifnot( isTRUE(strict) || identical(FALSE, strict) )

    object.length <- length(x)

    if ( ! is_single_nonnegative_whole_number(object.length) ) {
        stop("cannot get object indices - object does not have length")

    indices <- seq_along(x)

    if ( ! is.null(requested) ) {

        if ( is.numeric(requested) ) {

            nonintegers <- requested[ ! is_whole_number(requested) ]
            if ( length(nonintegers) > 0L ) {
                stop("requested indices are not integers - '", toString(nonintegers), "'")

            exrange <- requested[ ! requested %in% indices ]
            if ( length(exrange) > 0L ) {
                stop("requested indices out of range - '", toString(exrange), "'")

            indices <- indices[requested]

        } else if ( is.logical(requested) ) {

            if ( length(requested) != object.length ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by logical vector - length mismatch")

            indices <- unname(which(requested))

        } else if ( is.character(requested) ) {

            object.names <- names(x)

            if ( anyNA(requested) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - requested names are incomplete")

            if ( is.null(object.names) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - no object names found")

            if ( anyDuplicated(object.names) ) {
                stop("cannot resolve indices by name - duplicate object names found")

            unfound <- requested[ ! requested %in% object.names ]
            if ( length(unfound) > 0L ) {
                stop("requested names not found - '", toString(unfound), "'")

            indices <- match(requested, object.names)

        } else {
            stop("requested indices must be specified by index, logical mask, or name")

        if (strict) { # NB: also ensures no duplicates
            if ( is.unsorted(indices, strictly=TRUE) ) {
                stop("requested indices not specified in strictly increasing order")


# get_lod_col_index
#' Get LOD column index.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{scanone}, \code{scanoneperm}, or \code{summary.scanoneperm} object.
#' @param lodcolumn This parameter indicates for which LOD column an index should be returned. This
#' must be either a LOD column name or an index \emph{with respect to the set of LOD columns}. If no
#' LOD column is specified and one such column is found, the index of that column is returned by
#' default; otherwise a LOD column must be specified.
#' @return LOD column index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname get_lod_col_index
get_lod_col_index <- function(x, lodcolumn=NULL) {

    lodcol.indices <- get_lod_col_indices(x, lodcolumns=lodcolumn)

    if ( length(lodcol.indices) > 1L ) {
        stop("object has multiple LOD columns - please choose one")
    } else if ( length(lodcol.indices) == 0L ) {
        stop("no LOD column found")


# get_lod_col_indices
#' Get LOD column indices.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{scanone}, \code{scanoneperm}, or \code{summary.scanoneperm} object.
#' @param lodcolumns This parameter indicates for which LOD columns indices should be returned. The
#' specified LOD columns must be a character vector of LOD column names, a logical vector with
#' length equal to the number of LOD columns, or a numeric vector of indices \emph{with respect
#' to the set of LOD columns}. If no LOD columns are specified, all LOD column indices are returned.
#' @param strict Option indicating that \code{lodcolumns}, if specified, must request LOD column
#' indices that are unique and in the same order as the LOD columns of \code{x}.
#' @return Vector of LOD column indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname get_lod_col_indices
get_lod_col_indices <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    UseMethod('get_lod_col_indices', x)

# get_lod_col_indices.scanone
#' @method get_lod_col_indices scanone
#' @rdname get_lod_col_indices
get_lod_col_indices.scanone <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( identical(colnames(x)[1:2], c('chr', 'pos')) )
    available <- seq_len(ncol(x))[-(1:2)]
    names(available) <- colnames(x)[available]
    resolved <- get_indices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# get_lod_col_indices.scanoneperm
#' @method get_lod_col_indices scanoneperm
#' @rdname get_lod_col_indices
get_lod_col_indices.scanoneperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( ncol(x) >= 1L )
    available <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- get_indices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# get_lod_col_indices.summary.scanoneperm
#' @export
#' @method get_lod_col_indices summary.scanoneperm
#' @rdname get_lod_col_indices
get_lod_col_indices.summary.scanoneperm <- function(x, lodcolumns=NULL, strict=FALSE) {
    stopifnot( ncol(x) >= 1L )
    available <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    names(available) <- colnames(x)
    resolved <- get_indices(available, requested=lodcolumns, strict=strict)
    indices <- unname(available[resolved])

# get_run_index_list
#' Get index list of successive runs in a vector.
#' @param x A vector.
#' @return List of integer vectors, each containing indices for a run of repeated values in
#' \code{x}. Each list element takes its name from the corresponding repeated value. Returns
#' an empty list if \code{x} is of length zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname get_run_index_list
get_run_index_list <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {

    stopifnot( is.vector(x) )
    stopifnot( isTRUE(na.rm) || identical(FALSE, na.rm) )

    if ( length(x) > 0L ) {

        # Get run-length encoding of vector.
        runs <- rle(x)

        # Set run names from RLE values.
        run.names <- runs$values

        # Get number of runs in RLE.
        num.runs <- unique(lengths(runs))

        # Get last index of each run.
        J <- cumsum(runs$lengths)

        # Get first index of each run.
        if ( num.runs > 1L ) {
            I <- c(1L, sapply(J[1:(length(J)-1)], function(j) j + 1))
        } else {
            I <- 1L

        # Remove NA values, if specified.
        if (na.rm) {
            mask <- ! is.na(runs$values)
            run.names <- run.names[mask]
            I <- I[mask]
            J <- J[mask]

        # Set index list from run index ranges.
        index.list <- mapply(function(i, j) i:j, I, J, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

        # Set names of index list from run values.
        names(index.list) <- run.names

    } else {

        index.list <- list()


# infer_map_precision
#' Infer precision of map positions.
#' @param x An \pkg{R/qtl} \code{scanone} or \code{map} object.
#' @param tol Tolerance for map position equality.
#' @return Inferred precision of map in \code{x}. Map precision is taken from the map step size, if
#' the majority of the map steps in \code{x} are the same. Otherwise, map precision is set from the
#' smallest distance between any two adjacent loci.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname infer_map_precision
infer_map_precision <- function(x, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {

    stopifnot( any( c('map', 'scanone') %in% class(x) ) )
    stopifnot( is_single_nonnegative_number(tol) )

    if ( 'scanone' %in% class(x) ) {
        map.steps <- unlist(lapply(unique(x$chr), function(map.seq)
                            diff(x[x$chr == map.seq, 'pos'])))
    } else {  # 'map' %in% class(x)
        map.steps <- unlist(unname(lapply(x, function(map.pos) diff(as.numeric(map.pos)))))

    # Get frequency table of map steps.
    step.freqs <- table(map.steps)

    # Get numeric step sizes.
    step.sizes <- as.numeric(names(step.freqs))

    # Get differences between step sizes.
    step.diffs <- diff(step.sizes)

    # Group step-size values that are very similar.
    size.groups <- vector('list')
    i <- 1L
    while ( i <= length(step.freqs) ) {

        j <- i

        while ( j < length(step.freqs) && step.diffs[j] < tol ) {
            j <- j + 1L

        size.groups <- append(size.groups, list(i:j))

        i <- j + 1L

    # Merge similar step values.
    merged.freqs <- integer(length=length(size.groups))
    for ( i in seq_along(size.groups) ) {
        g <- unlist(size.groups[i])
        merged.freqs[i] <- sum(step.freqs[g])
        names(merged.freqs)[i] <- names(sort(step.freqs[g], decreasing=TRUE))[1L]

    # Sort steps by decreasing frequency.
    sorted.freqs <- sort(merged.freqs, decreasing=TRUE)

    # If the most frequent step is more frequent than all others combined, set as map precision..
    if ( length(sorted.freqs) == 1L || (length(sorted.freqs) > 1L &&
         sorted.freqs[1L] >= sum(sorted.freqs[2:length(sorted.freqs)])) ) {
        map.precision <- as.numeric(names(sorted.freqs)[1L])
    # ..otherwise set smallest step as map precision.
    } else {
        map.precision <- min(map.steps, na.rm=TRUE)


# is_single_char
#' Test for a single character.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a single character; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_char
is_single_char <- function(x) {
    return( is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && ! is.na(x) && nchar(x) == 1L )

# is_single_nonnegative_number
#' Test for a single non-negative number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a single non-negative number; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_nonnegative_number
is_single_nonnegative_number <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && is.finite(n) && n >= 0.0 )

# is_single_nonnegative_whole_number
#' Test for a single non-negative whole number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a single non-negative whole number; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_nonnegative_whole_number
is_single_nonnegative_whole_number <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && is.finite(n) && n >= 0.0 &&
            abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# is_single_positive_whole_number
#' Test for a single positive whole number.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the object is a single positive whole number;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_positive_whole_number
is_single_positive_whole_number <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( length(n) == 1 && is.numeric(n) && is.finite(n) &&
                n > tol && abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# is_single_probability
#' Test for a single valid probability.
#' @param n Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a single valid probability; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_probability
is_single_probability <- function(n) {
    return( is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && is.finite(n) && n >= 0.0 && n <= 1.0 )

# is_single_string
#' Test for a single character string.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a single string; \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_single_string
is_single_string <- function(x) {
    return( is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && ! is.na(x) )

# is_valid_id
#' Test identifier validity.
#' An identifier is considered valid if it is a string
#' containing at least one non-whitespace character.
#' @param x Test vector.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements are valid identifiers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_valid_id
is_valid_id <- function(x) {
    return( is.character(x) & nzchar(gsub('[[:space:]]', '', x)) )

# is_whole_number
#' Test for whole numbers.
#' @param n Test vector.
#' @param tol Numeric tolerance.
#' @return Logical vector indicating which elements of \code{n} are whole numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname is_whole_number
is_whole_number <- function(n, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    return( is.numeric(n) & is.finite(n) & abs(n - round(n)) < abs(tol) )

# isBOOL
#' Test for a single logical value.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a single logical value;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isBOOL
isBOOL <- function(x) {
    return( isTRUE(x) | isFALSE(x) )

#' Test for a single \code{FALSE} value.
#' @param x Test object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if object is a single \code{FALSE} value;
#' \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isFALSE
isFALSE <- function(x) {
    return( identical(FALSE, x) )

# make_geno_matrix
#' Make genotype matrix from sample and founder genotype data.
#' Given input genotype data for cross samples and their founder strains, this
#' function assigns a genotype symbol to each locus according to the inferred
#' combination of founder alleles.
#' @param x Raw sample genotype \code{matrix}.
#' @param y Raw founder genotype \code{matrix}.
#' @param alleles Mapping of founder IDs to founder allele symbols.
#' @return A founder genotype matrix, with genotypes encoded as integers and
#' their corresponding genotype symbols in the attribute \code{'genotypes'}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname make_geno_matrix
make_geno_matrix <- function(x, y, alleles=NULL) {

    founder.allele.charset <- c(LETTERS, letters)

    x.samples <- rownames(x)
    x.snps <- colnames(x)

    y.samples <- rownames(y)
    y.snps <- colnames(y)

    # Check upper limit of founder sample count.
    # NB: absolute upper limit is length of founder.allele.charset
    if ( length(y.samples) != 2 ) {
        stop("unsupported number of founders - '", length(y.samples), "'")

    if ( ! is.null(alleles) ) {

        stopifnot( is_mapping(alleles) )

        founder.samples <- mapping_keys(alleles)  # NB: ensures unique sample IDs
        founder.symbols <- as.character( mapping_values(alleles) )

        unknown <- founder.samples[ ! founder.samples %in% y.samples ]
        if ( length(unknown) > 0 ) {
            stop("allele symbols specified for unknown founder samples - '",
                 toString(unknown), "'")

        unfound <- y.samples[ ! y.samples %in% founder.samples ]
        if ( length(unfound) > 0 ) {
            stop("allele symbols not specified for founder samples - '",
                 toString(unfound), "'")

        dup.alleles <- founder.symbols[ duplicated(founder.symbols) ]
        if ( length(dup.alleles) > 0 ) {
            stop("duplicate founder alleles - '", toString(dup.alleles), "'")

        err.alleles <- founder.symbols[ ! founder.symbols %in% founder.allele.charset ]
        if ( length(err.alleles) > 0 ) {
            stop("invalid founder alleles - '", toString(err.alleles), "'")

        names(founder.symbols) <- founder.samples
        allele.symbols <- sort( founder.symbols )

    } else {

        allele.symbols <- founder.allele.charset[ seq_along(y.samples) ]
        names(allele.symbols) <- y.samples

    # Keep only loci common to samples and founders.
    common.snps <- intersect(x.snps, y.snps)
    x <- x[, common.snps, drop=FALSE]
    y <- y[, common.snps, drop=FALSE]

    # Init genotype matrix.
    geno.mat <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x),

    for ( j in get_col_indices(geno.mat) ) {

        # Get sample symbols and genotypes for this
        # locus, skip if effectively monomorphic.
        x.symbols <- x[, j]
        uniq.x.symbols <- unique(x.symbols)
        uniq.x.geno <- uniq.x.symbols[ ! is.na(uniq.x.symbols) ]
        if ( length(uniq.x.geno) < 2 ) {

        # Get founder genotypes for this locus,
        # skip if any are missing.
        y.genotypes <- y[, j]
        if ( anyNA(y.genotypes) ) {

        # Get founder alleles, skip if monomorphic or heterozygous.
        y.alleles <- lapply(y.genotypes, function(gt)
            unique(strsplit(gt, '')[[1]]))
        if ( anyDuplicated(y.alleles) || any( lengths(y.alleles) > 1 ) ) {
        y.alleles <- unlist(y.alleles)

        # Assign locus genotypes from matching founder.
        x.calls <- lapply(x.symbols, function(gt) {
            x.alleles <- strsplit(gt, '')[[1]]
            x.indices <- match(x.alleles, y.alleles)
            if ( anyNA(x.indices) ) {
                x.genotype <- NA_character_
            } else {
                x.fdr.names <- names(y.alleles)[x.indices]
                # Sort genotype alleles, since 'BA'
                # is considered equivalent to 'AB'.
                x.fdr.geno <- sort(allele.symbols[x.fdr.names])
                x.genotype <- paste0(x.fdr.geno, collapse='')

        # Skip if monomorphic after matching to founder alleles.
        uniq.x.calls <- unique(x.calls[ ! is.na(x.calls) ])
        if ( length(uniq.x.calls) < 2 ) {

        geno.mat[, j] <- unlist(x.calls)

    # Remove null loci.
    geno.mat <- remove_na_cols(geno.mat)

    if ( ncol(geno.mat) == 0 ) {
        stop("cannot make genotype matrix - no suitable loci found")


# make_snp_marker_ids
#' Make SNP marker IDs for loci.
#' @description This function creates SNP marker
#' IDs from locus \code{data.frame} \code{'loc'}.
#' @param loc Locus \code{data.frame}, with columns \code{'chr'} and
#' \code{'pos'}, specifying physical map positions in base-pair units.
#' @param max.seqlength Maximum expected sequence length. This determines
#' the width to which SNP positions are zero-padded. By default, this is
#' the maximum position in the input \code{data.frame}.
#' @return Character vector of SNP marker IDs.
#' @author Thomas A. Walsh
#' @author Yue Hu
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname make_snp_marker_ids
make_snp_marker_ids <- function(loc, max.seqlength=NULL) {

    stopifnot( is.data.frame(loc) )
    stopifnot( nrow(loc) > 0 )

    loc.pos <- loc$pos

    max.pos <- max(loc.pos, na.rm=TRUE)
    stopifnot( is_single_positive_whole_number(max.pos) )
    max.pos.width <- floor(log10(max.pos)) + 1

    pad.width <- NULL
    if ( ! is.null(max.seqlength) ) {
        stopifnot( is_single_positive_whole_number(max.seqlength) )
        if ( max.pos <= max.seqlength ) {
            pad.width <- floor(log10(max.seqlength)) + 1
        } else {
            warning("input position (", format(max.pos, scientific=FALSE), "",
                    ") exceeds specified maximum sequence length (",
                    format(max.seqlength, scientific=FALSE), "), padding to ",
                    max.pos.width, " digits")

    if ( is.null(pad.width) ) {
        pad.width <- max.pos.width

    pad.fmt.str <- paste0('%0', pad.width, 'd')
    loc.pos <- sprintf(pad.fmt.str, loc.pos)

    return( paste0(loc$chr, ':', loc.pos) )

# parse_snp_marker_ids
#' Parse SNP marker IDs.
#' This function parses an input vector of SNP marker IDs, and returns a \code{data.frame} with
#' the locus in each row derived from the corresponding marker ID in the input vector. An error
#' is raised if any of the input values cannot be parsed as a SNP marker ID.
#' @param ids Vector of SNP marker IDs.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with loci
#' corresponding to the SNP marker IDs.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_snp_marker_ids
parse_snp_marker_ids <- function(ids) {

    snp_marker_id_patt = '^([^:]+):([[:digit:]]+)$'
    m <- regexec(snp_marker_id_patt, ids)
    regmatch.list <- regmatches(ids, m)

    valid.snp.marker.ids <- lengths(regmatch.list) > 0
    stopifnot( all(valid.snp.marker.ids) )

    snp.seqs <- sapply(regmatch.list, getElement, 2)
    snp.pos <- sapply(regmatch.list, function(x) as.numeric(x[3]))

    return( data.frame(chr=snp.seqs, pos=snp.pos, row.names=ids, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) )

# read_snps_from_vcf
#' Read SNP genotypes from VCF files.
#' This function reads SNP genotype data from one or more VCF files, and returns
#' these as a \code{matrix} of SNP genotypes - effectively variant base calls.
#' @param infiles Input VCF file paths.
#' @param samples Optional vector of samples for which SNP genotypes should be obtained.
#' If not specified, genotypes are returned for all available samples.
#' @param max.seqlength Optional parameter to indicate the maximum reference sequence length, which
#' is used to determine the zero-padded width of genomic positions in SNP marker IDs. Without this
#' information, SNP marker IDs may be formatted inconsistently in different datasets.
#' @param require.all Remove variants that are not completely genotyped
#' with respect to the given samples.
#' @param require.any Remove variants that do not have at least one genotype
#' call among the given samples.
#' @param require.polymorphic Remove variants that do not have at least two
#' different genotype calls among the given samples.
#' @return A \code{matrix} object containing SNP genotype data.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname read_snps_from_vcf
read_snps_from_vcf <- function(infiles, samples=NULL, max.seqlength=NULL,
                               require.all=FALSE, require.any=FALSE,
                               require.polymorphic=FALSE) {

    stopifnot( length(infiles) > 0 )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(require.all) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(require.any) )
    stopifnot( isBOOL(require.polymorphic) )

    # Get samples in each input VCF file.
    sample.list <- lapply(infiles, read_samples_from_vcf)

    # If samples specified, filter sample list, keep only those specified.
    if ( ! is.null(samples) ) {

        stopifnot( is.character(samples) )
        stopifnot( length(samples) > 0 )

        for ( i in seq_along(infiles) ) {
            sample.list[[i]] <- sample.list[[i]][ sample.list[[i]] %in% samples ]

        unfound <- samples[ ! samples %in% unlist(sample.list) ]
        if ( length(unfound) > 0 ) {
            stop("samples not found - '", toString(unfound), "'")

    samples <- unlist(sample.list)

    if ( length(samples) == 0 ) {
        stop("no samples found")

    dup.samples <- samples[ duplicated(samples) ]
    if ( length(dup.samples) > 0 ) {
        stop("duplicate samples - '", toString(dup.samples), "'")

    invalid.ids <- samples[ ! is_valid_id(samples) ]
    if ( length(invalid.ids) > 0 ) {
        stop("invalid sample IDs - '", toString(invalid.ids), "'")

    # Keep only files relevant for the given samples.
    relevant <- lengths(sample.list) > 0
    sample.list <- sample.list[relevant]
    infiles <- infiles[relevant]

    # Init list of SNP data.
    snps <- vector('list', length(infiles))

    # Init list for mapping genotype strings to allele indices.
    geno.memo <- list()

    # Read SNP genotypes from each input VCF file.
    for ( i in seq_along(infiles) ) {

        file.samples <- sample.list[[i]]
        infile <- infiles[[i]]

        # Set VCF parameters.
        param <- VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(fixed=c('ALT', 'QUAL'),
                                                 geno='GT', samples=file.samples)

        # Read VCF.
        vcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(infile, param=param)
        stopifnot( length(vcf) > 0 )

        # Get variant data from VCF.
        var.seqs <- as.character( GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(vcf) ) # reference sequence
        var.pos <- BiocGenerics::start( IRanges::ranges(vcf) )  # position
        var.ref <- as.character( VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf) )  # reference allele
        var.alt <- lapply( IRanges::CharacterList(              # alternative alleles
            VariantAnnotation::alt(vcf) ), as.character)
        var.geno <- VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)                # genotype info
        geno.mat <- t( var.geno$GT )                            # genotype calls

        # Set indices of SNP variants.
        snp.indices <- which( var.ref %in% Biostrings::DNA_BASES &
                              sapply(var.alt, function(x) all(x %in% Biostrings::DNA_BASES)) )
        num.snps <- length(snp.indices)
        stopifnot( num.snps > 0 )

        # Filter genotype data to retain only SNP variants.
        geno.mat <- geno.mat[, snp.indices, drop=FALSE]

        # Combine REF and ALT alleles for each SNP.
        var.alleles <- lapply(snp.indices, function(j)
            c(var.ref[j], var.alt[[j]]))

        # Create dataframe with variant locus info.
        snp.loc <- data.frame(chr=var.seqs[snp.indices],

        # If maximum reference sequence length not
        # specified, try to get that info from VCF.
        if ( is.null(max.seqlength) ) {
            seqinfo <- VariantAnnotation::seqinfo(vcf)
            obs.seqnames <- unique(var.seqs)
            known.seqnames <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(seqinfo)
            unknown.seqnames <- setdiff(obs.seqnames, known.seqnames)
            if ( ! anyNA(obs.seqnames) && length(unknown.seqnames) == 0 ) {
                known.seqlengths <- stats::setNames(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(seqinfo),
                obs.seqlengths <- known.seqlengths[obs.seqnames]
                max.obs.seqlength <- max(obs.seqlengths, na.rm=TRUE)
                if ( is_single_positive_whole_number(max.obs.seqlength) ) {
                    max.seqlength <- max.obs.seqlength
        if ( is.null(max.seqlength) ) {
            warning("maximum reference sequence length is unknown - ",
                    "marker IDs may be inconsistent between datasets")

        # Get marker IDs for SNPs in this file.
        file.snps <- make_snp_marker_ids(snp.loc, max.seqlength=max.seqlength)

        # Check for multiple variants coinciding at same locus.
        # TODO: handle coinciding variants
        if ( anyDuplicated(file.snps) ) {
            stop("coinciding variants in file - '", infile, "'")

        colnames(geno.mat) <- file.snps

        # Resolve raw genotypes for each variant as concatenated base calls.
        for ( j in 1:num.snps ) {

            # Get vector of alleles for this variant record.
            rec.alleles <- var.alleles[[j]]

            # Get genotype strings for each sample in this variant record.
            geno.data <- unname( geno.mat[, j] )

            # Resolve previously unseen genotype strings
            # to their corresponding allele indices.
            for ( unique.call in unique(geno.data) ) {
                if ( ! unique.call %in% names(geno.memo) ) {
                    # Convert allele indices from 0-offset strings to
                    # 1-offset integers, VCF missing '.' to NA value.
                    indicesC <- unlist( strsplit(unique.call, '[/|]') )
                    indices0 <- suppressWarnings( as.integer(indicesC) )
                    indices1 <- indices0 + 1
                    geno.memo[[unique.call]] <- indices1

            # Resolve genotype calls for this variant record.
            geno.calls <- lapply(geno.data, function(geno.str) {
                alel.idxs <- geno.memo[[geno.str]]
                alel.calls <- rec.alleles[alel.idxs]
                if ( anyNA(alel.calls) ) {
                    geno.call <- NA_character_
                } else {
                    geno.call <- paste0(alel.calls, collapse='')

            geno.mat[, j] <- unlist(geno.calls)

        # Set file variant data, sorting columns
        # to facilitate subsequent merging.
        snps[[i]] <- geno.mat[, order(colnames(geno.mat)), drop=FALSE]

    # If multiple relevant files, combine SNP genotypes,
    # taking the union of all variants in input files..
    if ( length(infiles) > 1 ) {

        # Prep combined variant data.
        combined.samples <- sort( unique( unlist( lapply(snps, rownames) ) ) )
        combined.snps <- sort( unique( unlist( lapply(snps, colnames) ) ) )
        combined.names <- list(combined.samples, combined.snps)

        # Set combined variant data from each input file.
        # NB: we previously checked for duplicate samples and coinciding
        # variants, so we can assume that there will be no conflicts.
        result <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=length(combined.samples),
                         ncol=length(combined.snps), dimnames=combined.names)
        for ( i in seq_along(snps) ) {
            dest.idxs <- match(colnames(snps[[i]]), colnames(result))
            for ( sample.id in rownames(snps[[i]]) ) {
                result[sample.id, dest.idxs] <- snps[[i]][sample.id, ]

    } else { # ..otherwise take single set of SNP genotypes.

        result <- snps[[1]]

    # Get combined number of SNP variants.
    num.snps <- ncol(result)
    stopifnot( num.snps > 0 )

    # If filters specified, filter SNP variants.
    if ( require.all || require.any || require.polymorphic ) {

        mask <- rep(TRUE, num.snps)

        if (require.all) { # Remove incomplete variants.
            mask <- mask & sapply(1:num.snps, function(i)
                ! anyNA(result[, i])

        if (require.any) { # Remove variants without genotypes.
            mask <- mask & sapply(1:num.snps, function(i)
                ! all( is.na(result[, i]) )

        if (require.polymorphic) { # Remove monomorphic variants.
            mask <- mask & sapply(1:num.snps, function(i) {
                geno.data <- result[, i]
                g.symbols <- unique(geno.data)
                genotypes <- g.symbols[ ! is.na(g.symbols) ]
                return( length(genotypes) > 1 )

        # Apply filter mask.
        result <- result[, mask, drop=FALSE]


# remove_na_cols
#' Remove columns containing only \code{NA} values.
#' @param x A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @return Input object without those columns that contain only \code{NA} values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname remove_na_cols
remove_na_cols <- function(x) {
    stopifnot( is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x) )
    stopifnot( nrow(x) > 0 )
    mask <- ! apply( x, 2, function(column) all( is.na(as.vector(column)) ) )
    x <- x[, mask, drop=FALSE]

# End of internal.R
gact/utl documentation built on June 1, 2021, 4:24 p.m.