
Defines functions `plot_smooth.soap_film` `plot_smooth.sos` `plot_univariate_sz_smooth` `plot_multivariate_sz_smooth` `plot_smooth.sz_factor_smooth` `plot_smooth.factor_smooth` `plot_smooth.random_effect` `plot_smooth.isotropic_smooth` `plot_smooth.quadvariate_smooth` `plot_smooth.trivariate_smooth` `plot_smooth.bivariate_smooth` `plot_smooth.mgcv_smooth` `plot_smooth` `draw_smooth_estimates` `draw.smooth_estimates` `eval_smooth.tensor.smooth` `eval_smooth.t2.smooth` `eval_smooth.mrf.smooth` `eval_smooth.random.effect` `eval_smooth.sz.interaction` `eval_smooth.fs.interaction` `process_user_data_for_eval` `eval_smooth.scam_smooth` `eval_smooth.soap.film` `eval_smooth.mgcv.smooth` `eval_smooth` `spline_values_scam` `smooth_values.univariate_scam_smooth` `smooth_values` `spline_values2` `spline_values` `check_all_vars` `check_user_data` `smooth_estimates.list` `smooth_estimates.scam` `smooth_estimates.gamm` `smooth_estimates.gam` `smooth_estimates`

#' Evaluate smooths at covariate values
#' Evaluate a smooth at a grid of evenly spaced value over the range of the
#' covariate associated with the smooth. Alternatively, a set of points at which
#' the smooth should be evaluated can be supplied. `smooth_estimates()` is a new
#' implementation of `evaluate_smooth()`, and replaces that function, which has
#' been removed from the package.
#' @param object an object of class `"gam"` or `"gamm"`.
#' @param select character; select which smooth's posterior to draw from.
#'   The default (`NULL`) means the posteriors of all smooths in `model`
#'   wil be sampled from. If supplied, a character vector of requested terms.
#' @param smooth `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use `select` instead.
#' @param n numeric; the number of points over the range of the covariate at
#'   which to evaluate the smooth.
#' @param n_3d,n_4d numeric; the number of points over the range of last
#'   covariate in a 3D or 4D smooth. The default is `NULL` which achieves the
#'   standard behaviour of using `n` points over the range of all covariate,
#'   resulting in `n^d` evaluation points, where `d` is the dimension of the
#'   smooth. For `d > 2` this can result in very many evaluation points and slow
#'   performance. For smooths of `d > 4`, the value of `n_4d` will be used for
#'   all dimensions `> 4`, unless this is `NULL`, in which case the default
#'   behaviour (using `n` for all dimensions) will be observed.
#' @param data a data frame of covariate values at which to evaluate the
#'   smooth.
#' @param unconditional logical; should confidence intervals include the
#'   uncertainty due to smoothness selection? If `TRUE`, the corrected Bayesian
#'   covariance matrix will be used.
#' @param overall_uncertainty logical; should the uncertainty in the model
#'  constant term be included in the standard error of the evaluate values of
#'  the smooth?
#' @param dist numeric; if greater than 0, this is used to determine when
#'   a location is too far from data to be plotted when plotting 2-D smooths.
#'   The data are scaled into the unit square before deciding what to exclude,
#'   and `dist` is a distance within the unit square. See
#'   [mgcv::exclude.too.far()] for further details.
#' @param unnest logical; unnest the smooth objects?
#' @param partial_match logical; in the case of character `select`, should
#'   `select` match partially against `smooths`? If `partial_match = TRUE`,
#'   `select` must only be a single string, a character vector of length 1.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return A data frame (tibble), which is of class `"smooth_estimates"`.
#' @export
#' @rdname smooth_estimates
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(cli.unicode = FALSE, pillar.sigfig = 6)
#' }
#' dat <- data_sim("eg1", n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2, seed = 2)
#' m1 <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = dat, method = "REML")
#' ## evaluate all smooths
#' smooth_estimates(m1)
#' ## or selected smooths
#' smooth_estimates(m1, select = c("s(x0)", "s(x1)"))
#' \dontshow{
#' options(op)
#' }
`smooth_estimates` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname smooth_estimates
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows all_of
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom rlang expr_label
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
`smooth_estimates.gam` <- function(object,
    select = NULL,
    smooth = deprecated(),
    n = 100,
    n_3d = 16,
    n_4d = 4,
    data = NULL,
    unconditional = FALSE,
    overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
    dist = NULL,
    unnest = TRUE,
    partial_match = FALSE,
    ...) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(smooth)) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_warn("", "smooth_estimates(smooth)",
    select <- smooth
  model_name <- expr_label(substitute(object))
  ## if particular smooths selected
  S <- smooths(object) # vector of smooth labels - "s(x)"

  # select smooths
  select <-
      smooths = S, select = select,
      partial_match = partial_match,
      model_name = model_name
  smooth_ids <- which(select)

  ## extract the mgcv.smooth objects
  smooths <- get_smooths_by_id(object, smooth_ids)

  ## loop over the smooths and evaluate them
  sm_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(smooths))

  ## if user data supplied, check for and remove response
  if (!is.null(data)) {
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
      stop("'data', if supplied, must be a numeric vector or data frame.",
        call. = FALSE
    check_all_vars(object, data = data, smooths = smooths)
    data <- delete_response(object, data = data)

  # # fix up the n, n_3d, n_4d. If `n_3d` is `NULL` set `n_3d <- n`
  # if (is.null(n_3d)) {
  #     n_3d <- n
  # }
  # # likewise fix up n_4d; set it to `n` if `n_4d` is NULL
  # if (is.null(n_4d)) {
  #     n_4d <- n
  # }

  for (i in seq_along(sm_list)) {
    sm_list[[i]] <- eval_smooth(smooths[[i]],
      model = object,
      n = n,
      n_3d = n_3d,
      n_4d = n_4d,
      data = data,
      unconditional = unconditional,
      overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty,
      dist = dist

  # see if we have any tensor term orders to collect & apply
  tensor_term_order <- lapply(sm_list, attr, "tensor_term_order")
  ## create a single df of all the smooths
  sm_list <- bind_rows(sm_list)

  ## need to unnest the `data` column?
  if (isTRUE(unnest)) {
    sm_list <- unnest(sm_list, all_of("data"))

  # add back any special attributes
  attr(sm_list, "tensor_term_order") <- do.call("c", tensor_term_order)

  ## add a class
  class(sm_list) <- c("smooth_estimates", class(sm_list))

  ## return

#' @export
`smooth_estimates.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {
  smooth_estimates(object[["gam"]], ...)

#' @export
`smooth_estimates.scam` <- function(object, ...) {
  # scam has too many smooth types to write methods for all of them
  # this just adds on some classes that allows gratia to dispatch special
  # methods for their peculiarities
  object$smooth <- lapply(object$smooth, reclass_scam_smooth)
  # now just call the "gam" method
  smooth_estimates.gam(object, ...)

# gamm4 method
#' @export
`smooth_estimates.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is_gamm4(object)) {
    stop("'smooth_estimates()' not available for a generic list")
  smooth_estimates(object[["gam"]], ...)

#' Check user-supplied data for suitability
#' @param data a data frame of variables to be checked.
#' @param vars character; vector of terms.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom rlang := !!
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`check_user_data` <- function(data, vars) {
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    smooth_vars <- vars %in% names(data)
    if (!all(smooth_vars)) {
          paste(paste0("'", vars[!smooth_vars], "'"),
            collapse = ", "
          "not found in 'data'."
        call. = FALSE
  } else if (is.numeric(data)) { # vector; coerce to data frame
    if (length(vars) > 1L) {
      stop("'smooth' requires multiple data vectors but only 1 provided.",
        call. = FALSE
    data <- tibble(!!(vars) := data)
  } else { # object we can't handle; bail out
    stop("'data', if supplied, must be a numeric vector or a data frame.",
      call. = FALSE

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`check_all_vars` <- function(model, data, smooths = NULL) {
  ## if we don't pass something to smooths get names of all variables used in
  ## the model
  vars <- if (is.null(smooths)) {
  } else {
    ## something passed to smooths; bail if not a list or numeric id vector
    if (!(is.list(smooths) || is.numeric(smooths))) {
      stop("Do not know how to handle supplied `smooths`.\n",
        "Must be a vector of smooth indices or a list of objects ",
        "that inherit from class `mgcv.smooth`.",
        call. = FALSE
    ## if a numeric vector of smoth indices, then extract those smooths
    ## and continue
    if (is.numeric(smooths)) {
      smooths <- get_smooths_by_id(model, smooths)
    ## do all elements of smooths now inherit from mgcv_smooth?
    sms <- vapply(smooths, FUN = inherits, logical(1L), "mgcv.smooth")
    ## if they don't bail out with a helpful error
    if (!all(sms)) {
      stop("Elements ", paste(which(!sms), collapse = ", "),
        " of `smooths` do not inherit from class `mgcv.smooth`.",
        call. = FALSE
    ## if they do all inherit from the correct class, then run term_names
    ## on each element and combine - returns $term and $by from each smooth
    unlist(sapply(smooths, FUN = term_names))

  ## check that the vars we need are in data
  smooth_vars <- vars %in% names(data)
  if (!all(smooth_vars)) {
        paste(paste0("'", vars[!smooth_vars], "'"),
          collapse = ", "
        "not found in 'data'."
      call. = FALSE

  ## if we get here then everything must be OK so return the required variable
  ## names invisibly in case it is useful

#' Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values
#' @param smooth currently an object that inherits from class `mgcv.smooth`.
#' @param model a fitted model; currently only [mgcv::gam()] and [mgcv::bam()]
#'   models are suported.
#' @param data a data frame of values to evaluate `smooth` at.
#' @param frequentist logical; use the frequentist covariance matrix?
#' @inheritParams eval_smooth
#' @importFrom tibble tibble add_column
#' @importFrom rlang := !!
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest
#' @importFrom mgcv PredictMat inSide
#' @export
`spline_values` <- function(
    smooth, data, model, unconditional,
    overall_uncertainty = TRUE, frequentist = FALSE) {
  X <- PredictMat(smooth, data) # prediction matrix
  start <- smooth[["first.para"]]
  end <- smooth[["last.para"]]
  para.seq <- start:end
  coefs <- coef(model)[para.seq]

  fit <- drop(X %*% coefs)

  label <- smooth_label(smooth)

  ## want full vcov for component-wise CI
  V <- get_vcov(model, unconditional = unconditional)

  ## variables for component-wise CIs for smooths
  column_means <- model[["cmX"]]
  lcms <- length(column_means)
  nc <- ncol(V)
  meanL1 <- smooth[["meanL1"]]
  eta_idx <- lss_eta_index(model)

  if (isTRUE(overall_uncertainty) && attr(smooth, "nCons") > 0L) {
    if (lcms < nc) {
      column_means <- c(column_means, rep(0, nc - lcms))
    Xcm <- matrix(column_means, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(meanL1)) {
      Xcm <- Xcm / meanL1
    Xcm[, para.seq] <- X
    # only apply the uncertainty from linear predictors of which this smooth
    # is a part of
    idx <- vapply(eta_idx, function(i, beta) any(beta %in% i),
      FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), beta = para.seq
    idx <- unlist(eta_idx[idx])
    rs <- rowSums((Xcm[, idx, drop = FALSE] %*%
      V[idx, idx, drop = FALSE]) * Xcm[, idx, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    rs <- rowSums((X %*% V[para.seq, para.seq, drop = FALSE]) * X)

  ## standard error of the estimate
  se.fit <- sqrt(pmax(0, rs))

  ## identify which vars are needed for this smooth...
  keep_vars <- terms_in_smooth(smooth)
  ## ... then keep only those vars
  data <- select(data, all_of(keep_vars))

  ## Return object
  tbl <- tibble(.smooth = rep(label, nrow(X)), .estimate = fit, .se = se.fit)
  ## bind on the data
  tbl <- bind_cols(tbl, data)
  ## nest all columns with varying data
  tbl <- nest(tbl, data = all_of(c(".estimate", ".se", names(data))))


#' Evaluate a spline at provided covariate values
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' The function `spline_values2()` has been renamed to `spline_values()` as of
#' version 0.9.0. This was allowed following the removal of `evaluate_smooth()`,
#' which was the only function using `spline_values()`. So `spline_values2()`
#' has been renamed to `spline_values()`.
#' @param smooth currently an object that inherits from class `mgcv.smooth`.
#' @param model a fitted model; currently only [mgcv::gam()] and [mgcv::bam()]
#'   models are suported.
#' @param data an optional data frame of values to evaluate `smooth` at.
#' @param frequentist logical; use the frequentist covariance matrix?
#' @inheritParams eval_smooth
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`spline_values2` <- function(
    smooth, data, model, unconditional,
    overall_uncertainty = TRUE, frequentist = FALSE) {
    smooth = smooth, data = data, model = model,
    unconditional = unconditional, frequentist = frequentist

`smooth_values` <- function(smooth, ...) {

#' @export
`smooth_values.univariate_scam_smooth` <- function(
    smooth, data, model, V,
    ...) {
  # get values of smooth
  X <- PredictMat(smooth, data) # prediction matrix
  off <- attr(X, "offset") # offset, if any
  if (is.null(off)) {
    off <- 0
  para_seq <- smooth_coef_indices(smooth) # start:end
  coefs <- coef(model, parametrized = FALSE)[para_seq]

  # scam smooths work quite differently to mgcv smooths as X can contain
  # constant terms, need exponentiating etc
  which_exp <- which_exp_scam_coefs(model)[para_seq] # which betas need exp
  idx <- seq_along(coefs)[which_exp]
  # which exp function are we using?
  exp_fn <- exp_fun(model)
  # exponentiate any coefs that need it
  coefs[idx] <- exp_fn(coefs[idx])
  # coefs need reprarameterizing in some smooth type or padding with a 0
  stats <- scam_beta_se(smooth,
    beta = coefs, X = X, ndata = nrow(data),
    V = V
  coefs <- stats$betas
  se_fit <- stats$se
  fit <- drop(X %*% coefs) + off
  list(fit = fit, se = se_fit)

`spline_values_scam` <- function(
    smooth, data, model,
    overall_uncertainty = TRUE, frequentist = FALSE) {
  # reclass the smooth to add classes needed for gratia's S3 methods to work
  smooth <- reclass_scam_smooth(smooth)

  ## want full vcov for component-wise CI
  V <- vcov(model, freq = frequentist, parametrized = TRUE)

  # get values of smooth & std errs, modified as needed for scam smooths
  sv <- smooth_values(smooth = smooth, data = data, model = model, V = V)

  fit <- sv$fit # fitted value at data
  se_fit <- sv$se # sqrt(pmax(0, sv$se)) # std err of fitted value

  label <- smooth_label(smooth)

  ## identify which vars are needed for this smooth...
  keep_vars <- terms_in_smooth(smooth)
  ## ... then keep only those vars
  data <- select(data, all_of(keep_vars))

  ## Return object
  tbl <- tibble(
    .smooth = rep(label, nrow(data)), .estimate = fit,
    .se = se_fit
  ## bind on the data
  tbl <- bind_cols(tbl, data)
  ## nest all columns with varying data
  tbl <- nest(tbl, data = all_of(c(".estimate", ".se", names(data))))


#' S3 methods to evaluate individual smooths
#' @param smooth currently an object that inherits from class `mgcv.smooth`.
#' @param model a fitted model; currently only [mgcv::gam()] and [mgcv::bam()]
#'   models are suported.
#' @param data an optional data frame of values to evaluate `smooth` at.
#' @param ... arguments assed to other methods
#' @inheritParams smooth_estimates
#' @export
`eval_smooth` <- function(smooth, ...) {

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @export
`eval_smooth.mgcv.smooth` <- function(smooth, model,
                                      n = 100,
                                      n_3d = NULL,
                                      n_4d = NULL,
                                      data = NULL,
                                      unconditional = FALSE,
                                      overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                      dist = NULL,
                                      ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  ## deal with data if supplied
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d,
    id = which_smooth(

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  # set some values to NA if too far from the data
  if (smooth_dim(smooth) == 2L && (!is.null(dist) && dist > 0)) {
    eval_sm <- too_far_to_na(smooth,
      input = eval_sm,
      reference = model[["model"]],
      cols = c(".estimate", ".se"),
      dist = dist
  ## return

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @importFrom dplyr n mutate relocate bind_rows
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @export
`eval_smooth.soap.film` <- function(smooth,
    n = 100,
    n_3d = NULL,
    n_4d = NULL,
    data = NULL,
    unconditional = FALSE,
    overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
    #clip_soap = TRUE, # ?hmm thinking
    ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  ## deal with data if supplied
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d,
    id = which_smooth(

  # handle soap film smooths
  # can use this if Simon accepts the proposed changes tin inSide()
  is_soap_film <- inherits(smooth, "soap.film")
  if (is_soap_film) {
    bnd <- boundary(smooth) # smooth$xt$bnd
    # in_side <- inSide(bnd, x = data[[smooth$vn[[1]]]],
    #  y = data[[smooth$vn[[1]]]],
    # xname = "v", yname = "w") # needs fixed inSide
    # use in_side to filter the data before we evaluate the spline
    # any point outside the domain is NA anyway

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  ## add on the boundary info
  if (is_soap_film) {
    # how many points on each boundary?
    pts <- vapply(bnd, \(x) length(x[[1]]), integer(1))
    # capture the boundary as a tibble
    bndry <- dplyr::bind_rows(bnd) |>
      mutate(.smooth = rep(smooth_label(smooth), times = n()),
        .estimate = rep(NA_real_, times = n()),
        .se = rep(NA_real_, times = n()),
        .bndry = rep(TRUE, times = n()),
        .loop = rep(seq_along(pts), each = pts)) |>
      relocate(all_of(c(".smooth", ".estimate", ".se", ".bndry", ".loop")),
        .before = 1L)
    bndry <- add_by_var_column(bndry, by_var = by_var)
    bndry <- add_smooth_type_column(bndry, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

    eval_sm <- eval_sm |>
      unnest(cols = "data") |>
      mutate(.bndry = rep(FALSE, times = n()),
        .loop = rep(NA_integer_, times = n())) |>
      relocate(all_of(c(".bndry", ".loop")), .after = 5L) |>
      bind_rows(bndry) |>
      nest(data = !matches(c(".smooth", ".type", ".by")))

  ## return

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @export
`eval_smooth.scam_smooth` <- function(smooth, model,
                                      n = 100,
                                      n_3d = NULL,
                                      n_4d = NULL,
                                      data = NULL,
                                      unconditional = FALSE,
                                      overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                      dist = NULL,
                                      ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  ## deal with data if supplied
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d,
    id = which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values_scam(smooth,
    data = data, model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  # set some values to NA if too far from the data
  if (smooth_dim(smooth) == 2L && (!is.null(dist) && dist > 0)) {
    eval_sm <- too_far_to_na(smooth,
      input = eval_sm,
      reference = model[["model"]],
      cols = c(".estimate", ".se"),
      dist = dist
  ## return

#' Wrapper to `gratia::smooth_data()` and `gratia:::check_user_data()` for use
#' with [gratia::eval_smooth()] methods
#' @param data an optional data frame of values for the smooth
#' @param model a fitted model
#' @param n numeric; the number of new observations to generate. Passed to
#'   [gratia::smooth_data()].
#' @param n_3d numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the third
#'   dimension of a 3D smooth. Passed to [gratia::smooth_data()].
#' @param n_4d numeric; the number of new observations to generate for the
#'   fourth (or higher) dimension(s) of a *k*D smooth (*k* >= 4). Passed to
#'   [gratia::smooth_data()].
#' @param id the number ID of the smooth within `model` to process.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`process_user_data_for_eval` <- function(
    data, model, n, n_3d, n_4d, id,
    var_order = NULL) {
  if (is.null(data)) {
    data <- smooth_data(
      model = model,
      n = n,
      n_3d = n_3d,
      n_4d = n_4d,
      id = id,
      var_order = var_order
  } else {
    smooth <- get_smooths_by_id(model, id)[[1L]]
    vars <- smooth_variable(smooth)
    by_var <- by_variable(smooth)
    if (!identical(by_var, "NA")) {
      vars <- append(vars, by_var)
    ## if this is a by variable, filter the by variable for the required
    ## level now
    if (is_factor_by_smooth(smooth)) {
      data <- data %>% filter(.data[[by_var]] == by_level(smooth))

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.fs.interaction` <- function(smooth, model, n = 100, data = NULL,
                                         unconditional = FALSE,
                                         overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                         ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  # order of variables - we can specify fs smooths with the factor term
  # anywhere in the smooth definition:
  #   s(f, x1, x2, bs = "fs", xt = list(bs = "ds"))
  # and the code to evaluate fs smooths works if the terms are evaluated in
  # with the factor last. So use the reordering functionality in place for
  # >=3D tensor product smooths
  var_order <- reorder_tensor_smooth_terms(smooth)

  ## deal with data if supplied
  id <- which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = NULL, n_4d = NULL, id = id, var_order = var_order

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  ## return

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.sz.interaction` <- function(smooth, model, n = 100, data = NULL,
                                         unconditional = FALSE,
                                         overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                         ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  ## deal with data if supplied
  id <- which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = NULL, n_4d = NULL,
    id = id

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))
  ## return

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.random.effect` <- function(smooth, model, n = 100, data = NULL,
                                        unconditional = FALSE,
                                        overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                        ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  ## deal with data if supplied
  id <- which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = NULL, n_4d = NULL,
    id = id

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))
  ## return

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.mrf.smooth` <- function(smooth, model, n = 100, data = NULL,
                                     unconditional = FALSE,
                                     overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                     ...) {

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.t2.smooth` <- function(smooth, model,
                                    n = 100,
                                    n_3d = NULL,
                                    n_4d = NULL,
                                    data = NULL,
                                    unconditional = FALSE,
                                    overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                    dist = NULL,
                                    ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  # order of variables
  var_order <- reorder_tensor_smooth_terms(smooth)

  ## deal with data if supplied
  id <- which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d,
    id = id, var_order = var_order

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  # set some values to NA if too far from the data
  if (smooth_dim(smooth) == 2L && (!is.null(dist) && dist > 0)) {
    eval_sm <- too_far_to_na(smooth,
      input = eval_sm,
      reference = model[["model"]],
      cols = c(".estimate", ".se"),
      dist = dist

  tensor_term_order <- list(var_order) |>
  attr(eval_sm, "tensor_term_order") <- tensor_term_order

  ## return
  class(eval_sm) <- append(class(eval_sm), c("tensor_eval_sm", "eval_sm"),
    after = 0L

#' @rdname eval_smooth
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
`eval_smooth.tensor.smooth` <- function(smooth, model,
                                        n = 100,
                                        n_3d = NULL,
                                        n_4d = NULL,
                                        data = NULL,
                                        unconditional = FALSE,
                                        overall_uncertainty = TRUE,
                                        dist = NULL,
                                        ...) {
  by_var <- by_variable(smooth) # even if not a by as we want NA later
  if (by_var == "NA") {
    by_var <- NA_character_

  # order of variables
  var_order <- reorder_tensor_smooth_terms(smooth)

  # deal with data if supplied
  id <- which_smooth(model, smooth_label(smooth))
  data <- process_user_data_for_eval(
    data = data, model = model,
    n = n, n_3d = n_3d, n_4d = n_4d,
    id = id, var_order = var_order

  ## values of spline at data
  eval_sm <- spline_values(smooth,
    data = data,
    unconditional = unconditional,
    model = model,
    overall_uncertainty = overall_uncertainty

  ## add on info regarding by variable
  eval_sm <- add_by_var_column(eval_sm, by_var = by_var)
  ## add on spline type info
  eval_sm <- add_smooth_type_column(eval_sm, sm_type = smooth_type(smooth))

  # set some values to NA if too far from the data
  if (smooth_dim(smooth) == 2L && (!is.null(dist) && dist > 0)) {
    eval_sm <- too_far_to_na(smooth,
      input = eval_sm,
      reference = model[["model"]],
      cols = c(".estimate", ".se"),
      dist = dist

  tensor_term_order <- list(var_order) |>
  attr(eval_sm, "tensor_term_order") <- tensor_term_order

  ## return
  class(eval_sm) <- append(class(eval_sm), c("tensor_eval_sm", "eval_sm"),
    after = 0L

#' Plot the result of a call to `smooth_estimates()`
#' @param decrease_col,increase_col colour specifications to use for
#'   indicating periods of change. `col_change` is used when
#'   `change_type = "change"`, while `col_decrease` and `col_increase` are used
#'   when `change_type = "sizer"``.
#' @param change_lwd numeric; the value to set the `linewidth` to in
#'   [ggplot2::geom_line()], used to represent the periods of change.
#' @param ylim numeric; vector of y axis limits to use all *all* panels drawn.
#' @inheritParams draw.gam
#' @export
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' # example data
#' df <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 21)
#' # fit GAM
#' m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df, method = "REML")
#' # plot all of the estimated smooths
#' sm <- smooth_estimates(m)
#' draw(sm)
#' # evaluate smooth of `x2`
#' sm <- smooth_estimates(m, select = "s(x2)")
#' # plot it
#' draw(sm)
#' # customising some plot elements
#' draw(sm, ci_col = "steelblue", smooth_col = "forestgreen", ci_alpha = 0.3)
#' # Add a constant to the plotted smooth
#' draw(sm, constant = coef(m)[1])
#' # Adding change indicators to smooths based on derivatives of the smooth
#' d <- derivatives(m, n = 100) # n to match smooth_estimates()
#' smooth_estimates(m) |>
#'   add_sizer(derivatives = d, type = "sizer") |>
#'   draw()
`draw.smooth_estimates` <- function(object,
                                    constant = NULL,
                                    fun = NULL,
                                    contour = TRUE,
                                    grouped_by = FALSE,
                                    contour_col = "black",
                                    n_contour = NULL,
                                    ci_alpha = 0.2,
                                    ci_col = "black",
                                    smooth_col = "black",
                                    resid_col = "steelblue3",
                                    decrease_col = "#56B4E9",
                                    increase_col = "#E69F00",
                                    change_lwd = 1.75,
                                    partial_match = FALSE,
                                    discrete_colour = NULL,
                                    discrete_fill = NULL,
                                    continuous_colour = NULL,
                                    continuous_fill = NULL,
                                    angle = NULL,
                                    ylim = NULL,
                                    crs = NULL,
                                    default_crs = NULL,
                                    lims_method = "cross",
                                    ...) {
  # add confidence intervals if they don't already exist
  if (!all(c(".lower_ci", ".upper_ci") %in% names(object))) {
    object <- object |> add_confint()

  # grab tensor term order if present, if not present it is NULL & that's OK
  tensor_term_order <- attr(object, "tensor_term_order")

  # draw smooths
  # the factor in group_split is to reorder to way the smooths entered the
  # model
  sm_levs <- unique(object$.smooth)

  sm_l <- if (isTRUE(grouped_by)) {
    levs <- unique(str_split_fixed(object$.smooth, ":", n = 2)[, 1])
    # nest the object so we can reuse the code/ideas from draw.gam
    sm_l <- object |>
      nest(data = !all_of(c(".smooth", ".type", ".by"))) |>
          ..smooth.. = factor(.data$.smooth, levels = sm_levs),
          .term = str_split_fixed(.data$.smooth, ":", n = 2)[, 1],
          ..by.. = if_else(is.na(.data$.by), "..no_level..", .data$.by)
        ) |>
        relocate(".term", .before = 1L)
    grp_by_levs <- unique(sm_l$"..by..")
    sm_l |>
      group_split(factor(.data$.term, levels = sm_levs),
        factor(.data$"..by..", levels = grp_by_levs))
  } else {
    # the factor is to reorder to way the smooths entered the model
    group_split(object, factor(object$.smooth, levels = sm_levs))
  ## plot
  plts <- map(sm_l,
    constant = constant,
    fun = fun,
    contour = contour,
    contour_col = contour_col,
    n_contour = n_contour,
    ci_alpha = ci_alpha,
    ci_col = ci_col,
    smooth_col = smooth_col,
    increase_col = increase_col,
    decrease_col = decrease_col,
    change_lwd = change_lwd,
    partial_match = partial_match,
    discrete_colour = discrete_colour,
    discrete_fill = discrete_fill,
    continuous_colour = continuous_colour,
    continuous_fill = continuous_fill,
    angle = angle,
    ylim = ylim,
    crs = crs,
    default_crs = default_crs,
    lims_method = lims_method,
    tensor_term_order = tensor_term_order, # pass on tensor order info


#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tidyselect any_of
`draw_smooth_estimates` <- function(object,
                                    constant = NULL,
                                    fun = NULL,
                                    contour = TRUE,
                                    contour_col = "black",
                                    n_contour = NULL,
                                    ci_alpha = 0.2,
                                    ci_col = "black",
                                    smooth_col = "black",
                                    resid_col = "steelblue3",
                                    decrease_col = "#56B4E9",
                                    increase_col = "#E69F00",
                                    change_lwd = 1.75,
                                    partial_match = FALSE,
                                    discrete_colour = NULL,
                                    discrete_fill = NULL,
                                    continuous_colour = NULL,
                                    continuous_fill = NULL,
                                    angle = NULL,
                                    ylim = NULL,
                                    crs = NULL,
                                    default_crs = NULL,
                                    lims_method = "cross",
                                    tensor_term_order = NULL,
                                    ...) {
  sm_vars <- tensor_term_order[[unique(object$.smooth)]]
  if (is.null(sm_vars)) {
    sm_vars <- if (".term" %in% names(object)) {
    } else {
  sm_dim <- length(sm_vars)
  sm_type <- unique(object[[".type"]])

  # set some values to NULL in case these components don't exist
  rug_data <- NULL
  p_residuals <- NULL
  ## unnest object if it has a list column 'data'
  if ((!is.null(object[["data"]]) && is.list(object$data))) {
    obj_nms <- names(object)
    ## preserve partial residuals and rug data if present
    if ("rug_data" %in% obj_nms) {
      rug_data <- object[["rug_data"]][[1L]]
    if ("partial_residual" %in% obj_nms) {
      p_residuals <- object[["partial_residual"]][[1L]]
    ## remove partial residuals and rug data from object
    object <- select(object, !any_of(c("partial_residual", "rug_data")))
    ## finally unnest
    object <- unnest(object, cols = "data")

  if (sm_dim == 1L &&
    sm_type %in% c(
      "TPRS", "TPRS (shrink)", "CRS", "CRS (shrink)",
      "Cyclic CRS", "P spline", "B spline", "Duchon spline",
      "Mono inc P spline",
      "Mono dec P spline",
      "Convex P spline",
      "Concave P spline",
      "Mono dec conv P spline",
      "Mono dec conc P spline",
      "Mono inc conv P spline",
      "Mono inc conc P spline",
      "Mono inc 0 start P spline",
      "Mono inc 0 start P spline"
    )) {
    class(object) <- append(class(object), "mgcv_smooth", after = 0L)
  } else if (grepl("1d Tensor product", sm_type, fixed = TRUE)) {
    class(object) <- append(class(object), "mgcv_smooth", after = 0L)
  } else if (sm_type == "Random effect") {
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("random_effect", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
  } else if (sm_type == "Factor smooth") {
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("factor_smooth", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
  } else if (sm_type == "Constr. factor smooth") {
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("sz_factor_smooth", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
  } else if (sm_type == "SOS") {
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("sos", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
  } else if (sm_dim == 2L) {
    # all 2D smooths get these classes
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("bivariate_smooth", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
    # but TPRS smooths are isotropic so need special plotting
    # see issue #81. Duchon splines are a more general TPRS so
    # need to be handled the same way
    if (sm_type %in% c(
      "TPRS (2d)", "TPRS (shrink) (2d)",
      "Duchon spline (2d)"
    )) {
      class(object) <- append(class(object), "isotropic_smooth",
        after = 0
    } else if (sm_type %in% "Soap film") {
      class(object) <- append(class(object), "soap_film", after = 0
  } else if (sm_dim == 3L) {
    # all 3D smooths get these classes
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("trivariate_smooth", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
    # but TPRS smooths are isotropic so need special plotting
    # see issue #81. Duchon splines are a more general TPRS so
    # need to be handled the same way, but we don't need to handle
    # this as a special method, so add after the trivariate_smooth
    # class
    if (sm_type %in% c(
      "TPRS (3d)", "TPRS (shrink) (3d)",
      "Duchon spline (3d)"
    )) {
      class(object) <- append(class(object), "isotropic_smooth",
        after = 1L
  } else if (sm_dim == 4L) {
    # all 2D smooths get these classes
    class(object) <- append(class(object),
      c("quadvariate_smooth", "mgcv_smooth"),
      after = 0
    # but TPRS smooths are isotropic so need special plotting
    # see issue #81. Duchon splines are a more general TPRS so
    # need to be handled the same way, but we don't need to handle
    # this as a special method, so add after the trivariate_smooth
    # class
    if (sm_type %in% c(
      "TPRS (4d)", "TPRS (shrink) (4d)",
      "Duchon spline (4d)"
    )) {
      class(object) <- append(class(object), "isotropic_smooth",
        after = 1L
  } else {

    variables = sm_vars,
    rug = rug_data,
    partial_residuals = p_residuals,
    constant = constant,
    fun = fun,
    contour = contour,
    contour_col = contour_col,
    n_contour = n_contour,
    ci_alpha = ci_alpha,
    ci_col = ci_col,
    smooth_col = smooth_col,
    resid_col = resid_col,
    increase_col = increase_col,
    decrease_col = decrease_col,
    change_lwd = change_lwd,
    partial_match = partial_match,
    discrete_colour = discrete_colour,
    discrete_fill = discrete_fill,
    continuous_colour = continuous_colour,
    continuous_fill = continuous_fill,
    angle = angle,
    ylim = ylim,
    crs = crs,
    default_crs = default_crs,
    lims_method = lims_method,

`plot_smooth` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_rug geom_abline
#'   expand_limits labs geom_line geom_ribbon aes guides guide_axis
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.mgcv_smooth` <- function(object,
                                      variables = NULL,
                                      rug = NULL,
                                      ci_level = 0.95,
                                      constant = NULL,
                                      fun = NULL,
                                      ci_alpha = 0.2,
                                      ci_col = "black",
                                      smooth_col = "black",
                                      resid_col = "steelblue3",
                                      decrease_col = "#56B4E9",
                                      increase_col = "#E69F00",
                                      change_lwd = 1.75,
                                      angle = NULL,
                                      xlab = NULL,
                                      ylab = NULL,
                                      title = NULL,
                                      subtitle = NULL,
                                      caption = NULL,
                                      partial_residuals = NULL,
                                      ylim = NULL,
                                      ...) {
  # do we have a grouped factor by?
  grouped_by <- FALSE
  if (".term" %in% names(object) && !all(is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    if (is.null(variables)) {
      variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".term"]]))
    grouped_by <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (is.null(variables)) {
      variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  # If constant supplied apply it to `.estimate`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  # If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  # base plot - need as.name to handle none standard names, like log2(x)
  by_var <- unique(object$.by)
  plt <- if (grouped_by) {
    ggplot(object, aes(
      x = .data[[variables]], y = .data$.estimate,
      colour = .data[[by_var]], group = .data[[by_var]]
    )) +
      guides(x = guide_axis(angle = angle))
  } else {
    ggplot(object, aes(x = .data[[variables]], y = .data$.estimate)) +
      guides(x = guide_axis(angle = angle))

  # do we want partial residuals? Only for univariate smooths without by vars
  if (!is.null(partial_residuals)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_point(
      data = partial_residuals,
        x = .data[[variables]],
        y = .data[["partial_residual"]]
      inherit.aes = FALSE,
      colour = resid_col, alpha = 0.5

  # plot the confidence interval and smooth line
  sizer_cols <- c(".change", ".increase", ".decrease")
  do_sizer <- sizer_cols %in% names(object)
  if (grouped_by) {
    plt <- plt +
        mapping = aes(
          ymin = .data[[".lower_ci"]],
          ymax = .data[[".upper_ci"]],
          fill = .data[[by_var]]
        alpha = ci_alpha, colour = NA
      ) +
      geom_line(aes(colour = .data[[by_var]]))

    plt <- if (nlevels(object[[by_var]]) > 9) {
      plt + scale_colour_hue() +
    } else {
      plt + scale_colour_okabe_ito() +

    if (any(do_sizer)) {
      plt <- if (do_sizer[[1]]) {
        plt + geom_line(
            y = .data[[".change"]],
            colour = .data[[by_var]]
          linewidth = change_lwd,
          na.rm = TRUE
      } else {
        plt + geom_line(
            y = .data[[".increase"]],
            colour = .data[[by_var]]
          linewidth = change_lwd,
          na.rm = TRUE,
          show.legend = FALSE
        ) +
              y = .data[[".decrease"]],
              colour = .data[[by_var]]
            linewidth = change_lwd,
            na.rm = TRUE,
            show.legend = FALSE
  } else {
    plt <- plt +
        mapping = aes(
          ymin = .data[[".lower_ci"]],
          ymax = .data[[".upper_ci"]]
        alpha = ci_alpha, colour = NA, fill = ci_col
      ) +
      geom_line(colour = smooth_col)
    if (any(do_sizer)) {
      plt <- if (do_sizer[[1]]) {
        plt + geom_line(aes(y = .data[[".change"]]),
          colour = smooth_col, linewidth = change_lwd, na.rm = TRUE,
          show.legend = FALSE
      } else {
        plt + geom_line(aes(y = .data[[".increase"]]),
          colour = increase_col, linewidth = change_lwd,
          na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE
        ) +
          geom_line(aes(y = .data[[".decrease"]]),
            colour = decrease_col, linewidth = change_lwd,
            na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- "Partial effect"
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- ifelse(grouped_by, unique(object$.term),
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])
  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    if (grouped_by) {
      if (is.null(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste0("By: ", by_var)
    } else {
      # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
      by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
      by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
      spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
      title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
      if (is.null(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
          paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
        } else {
          paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt +
        data = rug,
        mapping = aes(x = .data[[variables]]),
        inherit.aes = FALSE, sides = "b", alpha = 0.5

  # fix the yaxis limits?
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    plt <- plt + expand_limits(y = ylim)


#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_raster geom_contour
#'   expand_limits labs guides guide_colourbar theme guide_axis
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.bivariate_smooth` <- function(object,
                                           variables = NULL,
                                           rug = NULL,
                                           show = c("estimate", "se"),
                                           contour = TRUE,
                                           contour_col = "black",
                                           n_contour = NULL,
                                           constant = NULL,
                                           fun = NULL,
                                           xlab = NULL,
                                           ylab = NULL,
                                           title = NULL,
                                           subtitle = NULL,
                                           caption = NULL,
                                           ylim = NULL,
                                           continuous_fill = NULL,
                                           angle = NULL,
                                           ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  if (is.null(continuous_fill)) {
    continuous_fill <- scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", type = "div")

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `.estimate`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  show <- match.arg(show)
  if (isTRUE(identical(show, "estimate"))) {
    guide_title <- "Partial\neffect"
    plot_var <- ".estimate"
    guide_limits <- if (is.null(ylim)) {
      c(-1, 1) * max(abs(object[[plot_var]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {
    guide_title <- "Std. err."
    plot_var <- ".se"
    guide_limits <- range(object[[".se"]])

  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[variables[1]]],
    y = .data[[variables[2]]]
  )) +
    geom_raster(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[plot_var]]))

  if (isTRUE(contour)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_contour(
      mapping = aes(z = .data[[plot_var]]),
      colour = contour_col,
      bins = n_contour,
      na.rm = TRUE

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[1L]
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- variables[2L]
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## Set the palette
  plt <- plt + continuous_fill

  ## Set the limits for the fill
  plt <- plt + expand_limits(fill = guide_limits)

  ## add guide
  plt <- plt +
      fill = guide_colourbar(
        title = guide_title,
        direction = "vertical",
        barheight = grid::unit(0.25, "npc")
      x = guide_axis(angle = angle)

  ## position legend at the
  plt <- plt + theme(legend.position = "right")

  ## add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt +
        data = rug,
        mapping = aes(
          x = .data[[variables[1]]],
          y = .data[[variables[2]]]
        inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 0.1


#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_raster geom_contour aes
#'   expand_limits labs guides guide_colourbar theme facet_wrap
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.trivariate_smooth` <- function(object,
                                            variables = NULL,
                                            rug = NULL,
                                            show = c("estimate", "se"),
                                            contour = TRUE,
                                            contour_col = "black",
                                            n_contour = NULL,
                                            constant = NULL,
                                            fun = NULL,
                                            xlab = NULL,
                                            ylab = NULL,
                                            title = NULL,
                                            subtitle = NULL,
                                            caption = NULL,
                                            ylim = NULL,
                                            continuous_fill = NULL,
                                            angle = NULL,
                                            ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- attr(object, "tensor_term_order")
    if (is.null(variables)) {
      variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  if (is.null(continuous_fill)) {
    continuous_fill <- scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", type = "div")

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `estimate`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  show <- match.arg(show)
  if (isTRUE(identical(show, "estimate"))) {
    guide_title <- "Partial\neffect"
    plot_var <- ".estimate"
    guide_limits <- if (is.null(ylim)) {
      c(-1, 1) * max(abs(object[[plot_var]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {
    guide_title <- "Std. err."
    plot_var <- ".se"
    guide_limits <- range(object[[".se"]])

  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[variables[1]]],
    y = .data[[variables[2]]]
  )) +
    geom_raster(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[plot_var]])) +

  if (isTRUE(contour)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_contour(
      mapping = aes(z = .data[[plot_var]]),
      colour = contour_col,
      bins = n_contour,
      na.rm = TRUE

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[1L]
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- variables[2L]
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Facets:", variables[3], "; Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## Set the palette
  plt <- plt + continuous_fill

  ## Set the limits for the fill
  plt <- plt + expand_limits(fill = guide_limits)

  ## add guide
  plt <- plt +
      fill = guide_colourbar(
        title = guide_title,
        direction = "vertical",
        barheight = grid::unit(0.25, "npc")
      x = guide_axis(angle = angle)

  ## position legend at the
  plt <- plt + theme(legend.position = "right")

  ## add rug? -- not yet. Need a better way to select smooth_data for 3 and 4D
  ## smooths. At the moment, we are taking a few values over the range of the
  ## 3 or 4 d variables (only, 1 and 2 dim still get n values). But we don't
  ## have data at those 3/4d coordinates. When we plot with a rug, we end up
  ## introducing nrow(orig_data) new values into the object that gets plotted
  ## and this messes up the facets at draw time.
  ## What we want here perhaps is to bin the data into the groups formed by
  ## the cut points of the data that we're plottign at and only modify the
  ## rug data so that we group the data by the cuts we're facetting by and
  ## modify the 3/4d variable(s) to be these unique values that we're
  ## plotting as facets.
  # if (!is.null(rug)) {
  #     plt <- plt +
  #       geom_point(data = rug,
  #                  mapping = aes(x = .data[[variables[1]]],
  #                                y = .data[[variables[2]]]),
  #                  inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 0.1)
  # }

  if (inherits(object, "isotropic_smooth")) {
    plt <- plt + coord_equal()


#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_raster geom_contour
#'   expand_limits labs guides guide_colourbar theme facet_grid
#' @importFrom dplyr vars
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.quadvariate_smooth` <- function(object,
                                             variables = NULL,
                                             rug = NULL,
                                             show = c("estimate", "se"),
                                             contour = TRUE,
                                             contour_col = "black",
                                             n_contour = NULL,
                                             constant = NULL,
                                             fun = NULL,
                                             xlab = NULL,
                                             ylab = NULL,
                                             title = NULL,
                                             subtitle = NULL,
                                             caption = NULL,
                                             ylim = NULL,
                                             continuous_fill = NULL,
                                             angle = NULL,
                                             ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  if (is.null(continuous_fill)) {
    continuous_fill <- scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", type = "div")

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `estimate`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  show <- match.arg(show)
  if (isTRUE(identical(show, "estimate"))) {
    guide_title <- "Partial\neffect"
    plot_var <- ".estimate"
    guide_limits <- if (is.null(ylim)) {
      c(-1, 1) * max(abs(object[[plot_var]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {
    guide_title <- "Std. err."
    plot_var <- ".se"
    guide_limits <- range(object[[".se"]])

  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[variables[1]]],
    y = .data[[variables[2]]]
  )) +
    geom_raster(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[plot_var]])) +
      rows = vars(.data[[variables[3]]]),
      cols = vars(.data[[variables[4]]]),
      as.table = FALSE

  if (isTRUE(contour)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_contour(
      mapping = aes(z = .data[[plot_var]]),
      colour = contour_col,
      bins = n_contour,
      na.rm = TRUE

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[1L]
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- variables[2L]
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste(
      "Facet rows:", variables[3],
      "; columns:", variables[4],
      "; Basis:", object[[".type"]]

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## Set the palette
  plt <- plt + continuous_fill

  ## Set the limits for the fill
  plt <- plt + expand_limits(fill = guide_limits)

  ## add guide
  plt <- plt +
      fill = guide_colourbar(
        title = guide_title,
        direction = "vertical",
        barheight = grid::unit(0.25, "npc")
      x = guide_axis(angle = angle)

  ## position legend at the
  plt <- plt + theme(legend.position = "right")

  ## add rug? -- not yet. Need a better way to select smooth_data for 3 and 4D
  ## smooths. At the moment, we are taking a few values over the range of the
  ## 3 or 4 d variables (only, 1 and 2 dim still get n values). But we don't
  ## have data at those 3/4d coordinates. When we plot with a rug, we end up
  ## introducing nrow(orig_data) new values into the object that gets plotted
  ## and this messes up the facets at draw time.
  ## What we want here perhaps is to bin the data into the groups formed by
  ## the cut points of the data that we're plotting at and only modify the
  ## rug data so that we group the data by the cuts we're faceting by and
  ## modify the 3/4d variable(s) to be these unique values that we're
  ## plotting as facets.
  # if (!is.null(rug)) {
  #     plt <- plt +
  #       geom_point(data = rug,
  #                  mapping = aes(x = .data[[variables[1]]],
  #                                y = .data[[variables[2]]]),
  #                  inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 0.1)
  # }

  if (inherits(object, "isotropic_smooth")) {
    plt <- plt + coord_equal()


#' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_equal
`plot_smooth.isotropic_smooth` <- function(object, ...) {
  # plot as per a bivariate smooth
  plt <- plot_smooth.bivariate_smooth(object, ...)

  # but set the x/y coordinates to have aspect ratio = 1
  plt <- plt + coord_equal(ratio = 1)

  plt # return

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_abline expand_limits
#'   labs
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.random_effect` <- function(object,
                                        variables = NULL,
                                        qq_line = TRUE,
                                        constant = NULL,
                                        fun = NULL,
                                        xlab = NULL,
                                        ylab = NULL,
                                        title = NULL,
                                        subtitle = NULL,
                                        caption = NULL,
                                        ylim = NULL,
                                        angle = NULL,
                                        ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `est`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  ## base plot with computed QQs
  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(sample = .data[[".estimate"]])) +
    geom_point(stat = "qq") +
    guides(x = guide_axis(angle = angle))

  ## add a QQ reference line
  if (isTRUE(qq_line)) {
    sampq <- quantile(object[[".estimate"]], c(0.25, 0.75))
    gaussq <- qnorm(c(0.25, 0.75))
    slope <- diff(sampq) / diff(gaussq)
    intercept <- sampq[1L] - slope * gaussq[1L]

    plt <- plt + geom_abline(slope = slope, intercept = intercept)

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- "Gaussian quantiles"
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- "Partial effects"
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- variables
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## fixing the y axis limits?
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    plt <- plt + expand_limits(y = ylim)


#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_line expand_limits theme aes
#'   labs
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.factor_smooth` <- function(object,
                                        variables = NULL,
                                        rug = NULL,
                                        constant = NULL,
                                        fun = NULL,
                                        xlab = NULL,
                                        ylab = NULL,
                                        title = NULL,
                                        subtitle = NULL,
                                        caption = NULL,
                                        ylim = NULL,
                                        discrete_colour = NULL,
                                        angle = NULL,
                                        ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  # throw a warning and return NULL if trying to plot a >=2d base smoother
  # like a 2D TPRS or Duchon spline
  if ((l <- length(variables)) > 2L) {
    # warning("Can't plot ", l - 1, "D random factor smooths. Not plotting.")
    message("Can't currently plot multivariate 'fs' smooths.")
    message("Skipping: ", unique(object[[".smooth"]]))
    return(NULL) # returns early!

  if (is.null(discrete_colour)) {
    discrete_colour <- scale_colour_discrete()

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `est`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[variables[1]]],
    y = .data[[".estimate"]],
    colour = .data[[variables[2]]]
  )) +
    geom_line() +
    discrete_colour +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    guides(x = guide_axis(angle = angle))

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (missing(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[1]
  if (missing(ylab)) {
    ylab <- "Partial effect"
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_rug(
      data = rug,
      mapping = aes(x = .data[[variables[1]]]),
      inherit.aes = FALSE,
      sides = "b", alpha = 0.5

  ## fixing the y axis limits?
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    plt <- plt + expand_limits(y = ylim)


#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_line expand_limits theme aes
#'   labs scale_fill_hue scale_colour_hue
#' @importFrom ggokabeito scale_colour_okabe_ito scale_fill_okabe_ito
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.sz_factor_smooth` <- function(object,
                                           variables = NULL,
                                           rug = NULL,
                                           constant = NULL,
                                           fun = NULL,
                                           ci_alpha = 0.2,
                                           xlab = NULL,
                                           ylab = NULL,
                                           title = NULL,
                                           subtitle = NULL,
                                           caption = NULL,
                                           ylim = NULL,
                                           discrete_colour = NULL,
                                           discrete_fill = NULL,
                                           angle = NULL,
                                           ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  fs <- vapply(object[variables], is.factor, logical(1L))
  # Are we plotting a >1D base smoother?
  plt <- if (sum(!fs) > 1L) {
      variables = variables, rug = rug,
      constant = constant, fun = fun, ci_alpha = ci_alpha,
      xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
      caption = caption, ylim = ylim, discrete_colour = discrete_colour,
      discrete_fill = discrete_fill, angle = angle,
  } else {
      variables = variables, rug = rug,
      constant = constant, fun = fun, ci_alpha = ci_alpha,
      xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
      caption = caption, ylim = ylim, discrete_colour = discrete_colour,
      discrete_fill = discrete_fill, angle = angle,

`plot_multivariate_sz_smooth` <- function(
    variables = NULL,
    rug = NULL,
    constant = NULL,
    fun = NULL,
    ci_alpha = 0.2,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    title = NULL,
    subtitle = NULL,
    caption = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    discrete_colour = NULL,
    discrete_fill = NULL,
    angle = NULL,
    ...) {
  message("Can't currently plot multivariate 'sz' smooths.")
  message("Skipping: ", unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

`plot_univariate_sz_smooth` <- function(
    variables = NULL,
    rug = NULL,
    constant = NULL,
    fun = NULL,
    ci_alpha = 0.2,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    title = NULL,
    subtitle = NULL,
    caption = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    discrete_colour = NULL,
    discrete_fill = NULL,
    angle = NULL,
    ...) {
  # variables will likely be length two, but it could be >2 if there are
  # multivariate factors **or** if the base smooth is nD isotropic smooth
  # such as a TPRS or Duchon spline
  fs <- vapply(object[variables], is.factor, logical(1L))
  if (length(variables) > 2L) {
    object <- mutate(object,
      ".sz_var" = interaction(object[variables[fs]],
        sep = ":",
        lex.order = TRUE
    fac_var <- ".sz_var"
    fac_var_lab <- paste(variables[fs], sep = ":")
    x_var <- variables[!fs]

    # need to repeat for the rug
    if (!is.null(rug)) {
      rug <- mutate(rug,
        ".sz_var" = interaction(rug[variables[fs]],
          sep = ":",
          lex.order = TRUE

    if (length(x_var) > 1L) {
      # this is a bivariate sz factor smooth, which we can't handle yet
  } else {
    # which is the factor?
    if (fs[1L]) {
      x_var <- variables[2]
      fac_var <- fac_var_lab <- variables[1]
    } else {
      x_var <- variables[1]
      fac_var <- fac_var_lab <- variables[2]

  # how many levels? can't have more than 9 for okabeito
  n_levs <- nlevels(object[[fac_var]])
  if (is.null(discrete_colour)) {
    discrete_colour <- if (n_levs > 9L) {
    } else {

  if (is.null(discrete_fill)) {
    discrete_fill <- if (n_levs > 9L) {
    } else {

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `est`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  # plot
  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[x_var]],
    y = .data[[".estimate"]],
    colour = .data[[fac_var]]
  )) +
      mapping = aes(
        ymin = .data[[".lower_ci"]],
        ymax = .data[[".upper_ci"]],
        fill = .data[[fac_var]],
        colour = NULL
      alpha = ci_alpha
    ) +
    geom_line() +
    discrete_colour +
    discrete_fill +
    guides(x = guide_axis(angle = angle))

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- x_var
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- "Partial effect"
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption, colour = fac_var_lab, fill = fac_var_lab

  ## add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_rug(
      data = rug,
      mapping = aes(
        x = .data[[x_var]],
        colour = .data[[fac_var]]
      inherit.aes = FALSE,
      sides = "b", alpha = 0.5

  ## fixing the y axis limits?
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    plt <- plt + expand_limits(y = ylim)


#' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_sf geom_tile guide_colourbar geom_contour aes
#'   expand_limits guides guide_axis geom_point theme labs
#' @importFrom grid unit
`plot_smooth.sos` <- function(object,
                              variables = NULL,
                              rug = NULL,
                              show = c("estimate", "se"),
                              contour = TRUE,
                              contour_col = "black",
                              n_contour = NULL,
                              constant = NULL,
                              fun = NULL,
                              xlab = NULL,
                              ylab = NULL,
                              title = NULL,
                              subtitle = NULL,
                              caption = NULL,
                              ylim = NULL,
                              continuous_fill = NULL,
                              crs = NULL,
                              default_crs = NULL,
                              lims_method = "cross",
                              angle = NULL,
                              ...) {
  # handle splines on the sphere
  # this needs the sf pkg for coord_sf()
  if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "\nPlotting SOS smooths uses `ggplot2::coord_sf()`.\n",
      "This requires that the {sf} package be installed.\n",
      "Run: `install.packages(\"sf\")`\n"
    stop("Package {sf} is not available.")
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  if (is.null(continuous_fill)) {
    continuous_fill <- scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", type = "div")

  # If constant supplied apply it to `est`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  # If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  show <- match.arg(show)
  if (isTRUE(identical(show, "estimate"))) {
    guide_title <- "Partial\neffect"
    plot_var <- ".estimate"
    guide_limits <- if (is.null(ylim)) {
      c(-1, 1) * max(abs(object[[plot_var]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {
    guide_title <- "Std. err."
    plot_var <- ".se"
    guide_limits <- range(object[[".se"]])

  # if crs is not specified, use orthographic, rotated to centre of data
  # longitude
  if (is.null(crs)) {
    crs <- paste0(
      "+proj=ortho +lat_0=20 +lon_0=",
  if (is.null(default_crs)) {
    default_crs <- 4326

  # base plot
  # Simon parameterises the SOS with first argument latitude and second
  #  argument longitude, so we need to reverse that here
  plt <- ggplot(object, aes(
    x = .data[[variables[2]]],
    y = .data[[variables[1]]]
  )) +
    geom_tile(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[plot_var]])) +
      crs = crs, default_crs = default_crs,
      lims_method = lims_method

  if (isTRUE(contour)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_contour(
      mapping = aes(z = .data[[plot_var]]),
      colour = contour_col,
      bins = n_contour,
      na.rm = TRUE

  # default axis labels if none supplied
  if (missing(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[2] ## yes, the smooth is s(lat, lon) !

  if (missing(ylab)) {
    ylab <- variables[1] ## yes, the smooth is s(lat, lon) !

  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])

  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class != "factor") {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))

  # add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  # Set the palette
  plt <- plt + continuous_fill

  # Set the limits for the fill
  plt <- plt + expand_limits(fill = guide_limits)

  # add guide
  plt <- plt +
      fill = guide_colourbar(
        title = guide_title, direction = "vertical",
        barheight = grid::unit(0.25, "npc")
      x = guide_axis(angle = angle)

  # position legend at the
  plt <- plt + theme(legend.position = "right")

  # add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt +
        data = rug, ## yes, the smooth is s(lat, lon) !
        mapping = aes(
          x = .data[[variables[2]]],
          y = .data[[variables[1]]]
        inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 0.1


#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_raster geom_contour
#'   expand_limits labs guides guide_colourbar theme guide_axis geom_line
#'   geom_path scale_fill_distiller
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
`plot_smooth.soap_film` <- function(object,
    variables = NULL,
    rug = NULL,
    show = c("estimate", "se"),
    contour = TRUE,
    contour_col = "black",
    n_contour = NULL,
    constant = NULL,
    fun = NULL,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    title = NULL,
    subtitle = NULL,
    caption = NULL,
    ylim = NULL,
    continuous_fill = NULL,
    angle = NULL,
    ...) {
  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- vars_from_label(unique(object[[".smooth"]]))

  if (is.null(continuous_fill)) {
    continuous_fill <- scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", type = "div")

  ## If constant supplied apply it to `.estimate`
  object <- add_constant(object, constant = constant)

  ## If fun supplied, use it to transform est and the upper and lower interval
  object <- transform_fun(object, fun = fun)

  show <- match.arg(show)
  if (isTRUE(identical(show, "estimate"))) {
    guide_title <- "Partial\neffect"
    plot_var <- ".estimate"
    guide_limits <- if (is.null(ylim)) {
      c(-1, 1) * max(abs(object[[plot_var]]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
  } else {
    guide_title <- "Std. err."
    plot_var <- ".se"
    guide_limits <- range(object[[".se"]])

  plt <- ggplot(object |> filter(!.data[[".bndry"]]), aes(
    x = .data[[variables[1]]],
    y = .data[[variables[2]]]
  )) +
    geom_raster(mapping = aes(fill = .data[[plot_var]]))

  if (isTRUE(contour)) {
    plt <- plt + geom_contour(
      mapping = aes(z = .data[[plot_var]]),
      colour = contour_col,
      bins = n_contour,
      na.rm = TRUE

  ## default axis labels if none supplied
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- variables[1L]
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- variables[2L]
  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- unique(object[[".smooth"]])
  if (is.null(caption)) {
    caption <- paste("Basis:", object[[".type"]])

  if (all(!is.na(object[[".by"]]))) {
    # is the by variable a factor or a numeric
    by_class <- data_class(object)[[object[[".by"]][[1L]]]]
    by_var <- as.character(unique(object[[".by"]]))
    spl <- strsplit(title, split = ":")
    title <- spl[[1L]][[1L]]
    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle <- if (by_class %in% c("factor", "ordered")) {
        paste0("By: ", by_var, "; ", unique(object[[by_var]]))
      } else {
        paste0("By: ", by_var) # continuous by

  ## add labelling to plot
  plt <- plt + labs(
    x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
    caption = caption

  ## Set the palette
  plt <- plt + continuous_fill

  ## Set the limits for the fill
  plt <- plt + expand_limits(fill = guide_limits)

  ## add guide
  plt <- plt +
      fill = guide_colourbar(
        title = guide_title,
        direction = "vertical",
        barheight = grid::unit(0.25, "npc")
      x = guide_axis(angle = angle)

  ## position legend at the
  plt <- plt + theme(legend.position = "right")

  ## add rug?
  if (!is.null(rug)) {
    plt <- plt +
        data = rug,
        mapping = aes(
          x = .data[[variables[1]]],
          y = .data[[variables[2]]]
        inherit.aes = FALSE, alpha = 0.1

  ## add the boundary
  plt <- plt +
    geom_path(data = object |> filter(.data[[".bndry"]]),
      mapping = aes(x = .data[[variables[1]]],
        y = .data[[variables[2]]]), linewidth = 2, colour = "black")

gavinsimpson/gratia documentation built on May 4, 2024, 8:13 a.m.