
Defines functions sim.msABC.sanger

Documented in sim.msABC.sanger

#' Simulate summary statistics using msABC
#' @param model A model object bult by the main.menu function.
#' @param use.alpha Logical.If TRUE the most recent population size change will be exponential. If FALSE sudden demographic changes. Default is FALSE.
#' @param nsim.blocks Number of blocks to simulate. The total number of simulations is: nsim.blocks x sim.block.size.
#' @param sim.block.size Simulations are performed in blocks. This argument defines the size of the block in number of simulations, i.e. how many simulations to run per block.
#                       A block of 1000 will work for most cases. Increse the total number of simulations with nsim.block argument.
#' @param path Path to write the output. By default outputs will be saved in the working directory.
#' @param output.name String. The prefix of the output names. Defalt is "model"
#' @param append.sims Logical. If TRUE simulations will be appended in the last output. Default is FALSE.
#' @param get.moments Logical. If TRUE computes the four moments (mean, variance, kurtosis, skewness) of each summary statistics across loci. If False only mean is computed. Defalt is FALSE.
#' @param msABC.call String. Path to the msABC executable. msABC binaries for Mac's and Linux are included in the package and should work in most computers.
#                   There is no need to change that unless you want to compile the program yourself and point the function to it.
#' @return Writes simulations and parameters to the path directory. msABC outputs a bunch of summary stats by defalt. They need to be selectd a posteriori.
#' @references Hudson R.R. (2002) Generating samples under a Wright-Fisher neutral model of genetic variation. Bioinformatics, 18, 337–338.
#' @references Pavlidis P., Laurent S., & Stephan W. (2010) msABC: A modification of Hudson’s ms to facilitate multi-locus ABC analysis. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10, 723–727.
#' @author Marcelo Gehara
#' @note This function does not work on Windows systems.
#' @export
sim.msABC.sanger <- function(model, use.alpha=F, nsim.blocks=5, path=getwd(), append.sims=F, block.size=1000,
                    msABC.call = get.msABC(), output.name="model", ncores=1) {

  # set working directory
  locfile <- PipeMaster:::get.locfile(model)
    com <- PipeMaster:::msABC.commander(model,use.alpha=use.alpha,arg=1)
    write.table(locfile,paste(".",1,"locfile.txt",sep=""),row.names = F,col.names = T,quote = F,sep=" ")
    x <- strsplit(system2(msABC.call, args=com[[1]], stdout = T,stderr=T,wait=T),"\t")
    #TD_denom <- paste(nam[grep("pi",nam)],nam[grep("_w",nam)],sep="_")
    #cols <- grep("fwh",nam)
    #cols <- grep("thomson",nam)
    #cols <- c(cols, grep("ZnS",nam))
    #cols <- c(cols,grep("_FayWuH",nam))
    #if(length(cols)!=0) nam <- nam[-cols]
    #nam <- c(nam, TD_denom)
    nam <- c(com[[2]][1,], model$loci[,1], nam)
    write.table(t(nam),file=paste("SIMS_",output.name,".txt",sep=""),quote=F,row.names = F,col.names = F, append=F,sep="\t")

  dput(model, ".model")
  dput(list(msABC.call, block.size, use.alpha), ".objects")
  file.copy(paste(system.file(package="PipeMaster"),"/run.msABC.R", sep=""), paste(path,"/.msABC.R", sep=""), overwrite = T, copy.mode=T)
  Sys.chmod(paths = paste(path,"/.msABC.R", sep=""), mode = "777", use_umask = T)

  for(k in 1:nsim.blocks){

  start.time <- Sys.time()

  for(j in 1:ncores){
    system(paste("Rscript .msABC.R",j), wait = F)

  while(sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(l, "")))) < ncores){
    l <- readLines(".log")


  simulations <- NULL
  cat("Reading simulations from worker nodes", sep="\n")
  for(h in 1:ncores){
    res <- read.table(file = paste(".",h,"_stats",sep=""), sep="\t")
    simulations <- rbind(simulations, res)

  cat("Writing simulations to file", sep="\n")
  write.table(simulations, file = paste("SIMS_",output.name,".txt",sep=""), quote=F, row.names = F, col.names = F, append=T, sep="\t")

  cat("Removing old simulations", sep="\n")
  for(t in 1:ncores){

  end.time <- Sys.time()
  total.sims <- total.sims+(block.size*ncores)
  cycle.time <- (as.numeric(end.time)-as.numeric(start.time))/60/60
  total.time <- cycle.time*nsim.blocks
  passed.time <- cycle.time*k
  remaining.time <- round(total.time-passed.time,3)
  cat(paste("PipeMaster:: ",total.sims," (~",round((block.size*ncores)/cycle.time)," sims/h) | ~",remaining.time," hours remaining",sep=""),"\n")

gehara/PipeMaster documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:11 a.m.