Man pages for gerbeldo/tidycell
CellID Data Analysis Inside the Tidyverse

all.uniqueTest whether all elements in a vector are unique
annotation_magickFuncion copada para mostrar fotos basada en magick
append_huesAppend Hu moments columns to data on a cell_data object
append_hues2Add Hu moments data.frame to a cell_data object
applyFilterAdd TRUTH column to cdata
argumentsObtener argumentos para CellID
bind_filtersBind shinyCell polygon filters by variable pairs
cargar.out_allUna función para leer y combinar todos los archivos "out".
cell2Function to run CellID
cellArgs2Obtener argumentos para CellID
cellArgs2.summarycellArgs2 Summaries
cellGifcellMagick configured for prodicing a ucid's gif
cellidCorrer Cell-ID desde R usando .C()
cell.load.altCargar el output de cell-id
cell.load.boundariesLoad cellid boundary data to a dataframe
cellMagickmagickCell alias
cellSpread2D binning of data and tiling of cell pictures
cellSpreadPlotPlot for 2D binning of data and tiling of cell pictures
cellStripcellMagick configured for prodicing a ucid's strip
cellStripsWraps cellMagick to make strips, optionally cutting them.
check_tiff_maskMake plots to examine correspondence between mean mask...
check_tiff_mask2Make plots to examine correspondence between mean mask...
cluster_testCluster test
dot-format.sequenceFormat sequence of numbers
dot-mk_flag_tableMake Flag Table
dot-parse_load_varsParse Names of Variables to Load
getCellGeomGeometria para agarrar un cuadradito de una imagen con magick...
getFacetVarsUna función para procesar el facet string y que devuelva las...
getPositionsGet a list of numbers from the "position" input string
get_workflow_templateA function to donwload the latest worflow tempalte in...
helloWorldSay hi!
hexPlotDfFuncion para armar un dataframe para hacer plots tipo HEX
hover_closestFind cell closest to hover point in shiny
hues_from_tsv2Generate Hu moments from XY coordinates TSV file
hues_from_tsv_files2Generate Hu moments data frame from one or more TSV files
hues_from_xyGenerate Hu moments from XY coordinates dataframe
hues_from_xy2Generate Hu moments from XY coordinates dataframe
hu.momentsHu moments
is.cell.datais cell data
kmeans_clusteringK-means clustering
load_cell_dataLoad cellID data
magickCellFuncion copada para mostrar fotos de Cell-ID basada en magick
magickForKnitrDisplay an image in rmarkdown with knitr
magickPathsExtaer paths para cellMagick del objeto
myhexbinFunción hexbin Esencialmente hexbin() pero un poco más a mi...
numbers_to_intervalsconvert sequence of numbers to ranges
parameters.defaultDefault parameters list for Cell-ID
parameters.writeWrite parameters to a [temporary] file
pic_df_from_tiffGenerate a dataframe with boundary coordinates from mask tiff...
pipPolygon filtering function using "sp" package
plotAppFiltrar cdata usando gráficos y dibujando regiones
plotAppServerShiny app server function for shinyCell Define server logic...
plotAppUIShiny app UI object for shinyCell
plot_bound_filtersPlot bound shinyCell polygon filters by variable pairs
plot_filtersPlot shinyCell polygon filters
polyFilterApplyApply polygonal filters to cdata
polyFilterCellBuild filterDF from polygonDF and cdataDF
rcell2Yeast Cell Cytometry Suite for CellID in R.
read_coords_tsvRead TSV file with mask coords
read_tiff_masksRead cell masks from BF.out
read_tiff_tagsRead TIFF tag information.
read_tsv.con.posUna función que lea un .csv y les agregue una columna con un...
shinyAppServerShiny app server function for shinyCell Define server logic...
shinyAppUIShiny app UI object for shinyCell
shinyCellFiltrar cdata usando gráficos y dibujando regiones
smooth.spline.polywhuber's spline.poly adapted to stats::smooth.spline
spline.polySplining a polygon with 'stats::spline'
squareReturn brush vertices
square_tileArmar mosaicos cuadrados a partir de un vector de imagenes en...
tagCellFiltrar cdata usando gráficos y dibujando regiones
tagCellServerShiny app server function for tagCell Define server logic...
tagCellUiShiny app UI object for tagCell
tsv_paths_from_argsGenerate data.frame with paths to coordinate TSV files
updateListUpdate a list's value using another list, by common names.
write.delimwrite tab delimited file
gerbeldo/tidycell documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 2:35 p.m.