
Defines functions runDrugTarget_Annot_Bioassay getSymEnsUp drugTargetBioactivity cmpIdMapping transformTTD processDrugage getDrugTarget drugTargetAnnotTable drugTargetAnnot getParalogs getUniprotIDs downloadChemblDb downloadUniChem .cacheFileFromZip .downloadWithRetries .downloadFile .getCacheFile .getCache genConfig

Documented in cmpIdMapping downloadChemblDb downloadUniChem drugTargetAnnot drugTargetAnnotTable drugTargetBioactivity genConfig getDrugTarget getParalogs getSymEnsUp getUniprotIDs processDrugage runDrugTarget_Annot_Bioassay transformTTD

## Helper Functions for ChEMBL Queries ##
## Author: Thomas Girke
## Last update: 05-Apr-20

genConfig <- function(
                      chemblDbPath = "chembldb.db",
                      downloadPath = "downloads",
                      resultsPath = "results") {

    # if(!dir.exists(downloadPath))
    #    dir.create(downloadPath)
    if (!dir.exists(resultsPath)) {
        chemblDbPath = chemblDbPath, downloadPath = downloadPath,
        resultsPath = resultsPath

## UniChem ##
## UniChem CMP ID mappings from here:
##      https://www.ebi.ac.uk/unichem/ucquery/listSources
## Note: above html table gives numbering to select proper src_id for ftp
##   downloads, e.g. DrugBank is src2
##    ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/UniChem/data/wholeSourceMapping/
## Examples:

.getCache <- function() {
        cache =
            rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = "drugTargetInteractions"),
        ask = FALSE
.getCacheFile <- function(name) {
    # create_time is a column in the DF returned by bfcquery. It is resolved
    # in the context of the DF inside dplyr::arrange.
        bfcquery(.getCache(), name, field = c("rname")),
    )[1, "rpath"][[1]])

.downloadFile <- function(url, name, verbose = FALSE) {
    bfc <- .getCache()
    rid <- bfcquery(bfc, name, "rname")$rid
    if (length(rid) == 0) {
        if (verbose) {
            message("Downloading ", name)
        rid <- names(bfcadd(bfc, name, url))
    if (!isFALSE(bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rid))) {
        # bfcdownload(bfc, rid,ask=FALSE)
        .downloadWithRetries(bfc, rid, name)

    bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)

.downloadWithRetries <- function(bfc, rid, name, tries = 2) {
    tries <- as.integer(tries)
    stopifnot(length(tries) == 1L, !is.na(tries))

    while (tries > 0) {
        result <- tryCatch(bfcdownload(bfc, rid, ask = FALSE), error = identity)
        if (!inherits(result, "error")) {
        tries <- tries - 1

    if (tries == 0) {
            "'bfcdownload()' failed:",
            "\n  filename: ", name,
            "\n  error: ", conditionMessage(result)

.cacheFileFromZip <- function(zipFileUrl, name) {
    tempDir <- tempdir()
    zipFile <- file.path(tempDir, "temp.zip")

    download.file(zipFileUrl, zipFile)
    unzip(zipFile, exdir = tempDir)

    # message("zip file: ",zipFile)
    # message("name: ",name)
    # message("file to extract: ",file.path(tempDir,name))
    bfc <- .getCache()
    rid <- names(bfcadd(bfc, name, file.path(tempDir, name), action = "copy"))

    bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
downloadUniChem <- function(rerun = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    # urlBase = "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/UniChem/data/wholeSourceMapping/src_id1/"
    urlBase <- "https://drug-target-interactions-data.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/"
    if (rerun == TRUE) {
        bfc <- .getCache()
        ## ChEMBL to DrugBank mapping in src1src2.txt.gz:
            paste(urlBase, "src1src2.txt.gz", sep = ""),
        ## ChEMBL to PubChem CID mapping in src1src22.txt.gz
            paste(urlBase, "src1src22.txt.gz", sep = ""),
        ## ChEMBL to ChEBI mapping in src1src7.txt.gz
            paste(urlBase, "src1src7.txt.gz", sep = ""),
downloadChemblDb <- function(version, rerun = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    url <- paste("https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/ChEMBLdb/latest/",
        "chembl_", version, "_sqlite.tar.gz",
        sep = ""
    if (rerun == TRUE) {
        tempDir <- tempdir()
        tarFile <- file.path(tempDir, "chembl_sqlite.tar.gz")

        dbPath <- paste("chembl_", version, "/chembl_", version, "_sqlite/chembl_",
            version, ".db",
            sep = ""
        download.file(url, tarFile)
        untar(tarFile, c(dbPath), exdir = tempDir)
        sourceDbFile <- file.path(
            paste("chembl_", version, sep = ""),
            paste("chembl_", version, "_sqlite", sep = ""),
            paste("chembl_", version, ".db", sep = "")

        bfc <- .getCache()
        rid <- names(bfcadd(bfc, paste("chembl_", version, ".db", sep = ""),
            action = "copy"
        return(bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid))
        # file.copy(from=sourceDbFile, to = config$chemblDbPath)
        # file.remove(sourceDbFile)
## Usage:
# downloadUniChem(rerun=FALSE)

## Retrieve with UniProt.ws UniProt IDs using IDMs and SSNNs ##
## The following returns for a set of query IDs (here Ensembl gene or
## UniProt IDs) the corresponding UniProt IDs based on two independent
## approaches: ID mappings (IDMs) and sequence similarity nearest neighbors
## (SSNNs) using UNIREF clusters. Note: the query IDs (e.g. ENSEMBL genes) can
## only be reliably maintained in the SSNN results when 'chunksize=1' since
## batch queries for protein clusters with UnitProt.ws will often drop the query
## IDs such as ENSEMBL gene IDs. To address this, the query result contains
## an extra 'QueryID' column when 'chunksize=1', but not when it is set to a
## different value than 1.  The getParalogs function is similar but it uses
## biomaRt's paralogs instead of UNIREF clusters.

## Basic usage of UniProt.ws package
# library(UniProt.ws)
# up <- UniProt.ws(taxId=9606) # Attach organism here human
# ?UniProt.ws # Help on base class of package
# columns(up) # Lists available data
# keytypes(up) # Lists available keys
# species(up) # Returns attached species
# taxId(up) # Returns attached species id
# availableUniprotSpecies()[1:4,] # Lists available species
# availableUniprotSpecies("musculus") # Pattern matching on species
# lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId("3702") # Returns species name for species id

# Attaches mouse as species to UniProt.ws (here 'up') object
# # taxId(up) <- 10090

getUniprotIDs <- function(taxId = 9606, kt = "ENSEMBL", keys,
                          seq_cluster = "UNIREF90",
                          chunksize = 20) {
    up <- UniProt.ws(taxId) # Attach organism, here human

    ## Validity checks
    if (!kt %in% c("ENSEMBL", "UNIPROTKB")) {
        stop("Argument kt needs to be one of: 'ENSEMBL', 'UNIPROTKB'")
    if (!seq_cluster %in% c("UNIREF100", "UNIREF90", "UNIREF50")) {
            "Argument seq_cluster needs to be one of:",
            " 'UNIREF100', 'UNIREF90', 'UNIREF50'"

    ## Columns to return
    df <- data.frame(
        "ENSEMBL" = character(),
        "ID" = character(),
        "GENES" = character(),
        "UNIREF100" = character(),
        "UNIREF90" = character(),
        "UNIREF50" = character(),
        "ORGANISM" = character(),
        "PROTEIN-NAMES" = character(),
        check.names = FALSE
    columns <- colnames(df)

    ## Arrange keys in chunk list, with list components of length<='chunksize'
    keys <- unique(keys)
    keylist <- split(keys, ceiling(seq_along(keys) / chunksize))

    ## Empty list container
    listcontainer <- vector("list", length(keylist))
    names(listcontainer) <- names(keylist)
    res_list <- list(IDM = listcontainer, SSNN = listcontainer)

    ## Run queries in chunks
    for (i in seq_along(keylist)) {
        ## ID mappings (IDMs)
        res_ID <- try(UniProt.ws::select(up, keys = keylist[[i]], columns, kt),
            silent = TRUE
        if (!inherits(res_ID, "try-error")) {
            if (chunksize == 1) {
                res_ID <- data.frame(
                    QueryID = keylist[[i]][1], res_ID,
                    check.names = FALSE
                res_list[[1]][[i]] <- res_ID[, c("QueryID", columns)]
            } else {
                res_list[[1]][[i]] <- res_ID[, columns]
        } else {
            if (chunksize == 1) {
                res_list[[1]][[i]] <- data.frame(
                    QueryID = character(), df,
                    check.names = FALSE
                # Required since current iteration will not
                # enter next step (SSNN)
                res_list[[2]][[i]] <- data.frame(
                    QueryID = character(), df,
                    check.names = FALSE
            } else {
                res_list[[1]][[i]] <- df
                # Required since current iteration will not
                # enter next step (SSNN)
                res_list[[2]][[i]] <- df

        ## Sequence Similarity (SSNNs) using UNIREF*
        if (!inherits(res_ID, "try-error")) {
            unirefkeys <- as.character(stats::na.omit(unique(res_ID[, seq_cluster])))
            unirefkeylist <- split(
                ceiling(seq_along(unirefkeys) / chunksize)
            unirefcontainer <- vector("list", length(unirefkeylist))
            names(unirefcontainer) <- names(unirefkeylist)
            ## SSNN queries are run in subloop since number of uniref keys is
            # larger than in IDM query
            for (j in seq_along(unirefkeylist)) {
                tmp <- try(UniProt.ws::select(up,
                    keys = unirefkeylist[[j]],
                    columns, seq_cluster
                silent = TRUE
                if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
                    if (chunksize == 1) {
                        unirefcontainer[[j]] <- data.frame(
                            QueryID =
                            tmp[, columns],
                            check.names = FALSE
                    } else {
                        unirefcontainer[[j]] <- tmp[, columns]
                } else {
                    if (chunksize == 1) {
                        unirefcontainer <- data.frame(
                            QueryID = character(), df,
                            check.names = FALSE
                    } else {
                        unirefcontainer[[j]] <- df
            res_CL <- do.call("rbind", unirefcontainer)
            if (chunksize == 1) {
                res_list[[2]][[i]] <- res_CL[, c("QueryID", columns)]
            } else {
                res_list[[2]][[i]] <- res_CL[, columns]
        ## Status message
            "Processed", chunksize * i, "keys of total of", length(keys),
    ## Assemble and return results
    res_list[[1]] <- do.call("rbind", res_list[[1]])
    rownames(res_list[[1]]) <- NULL
    res_list[[2]] <- do.call("rbind", res_list[[2]])
    rownames(res_list[[2]]) <- NULL

## Usage:
# keys <- c("ENSG00000145700", "ENSG00000135441", "ENSG00000120071",
# "ENSG00000120088", "ENSG00000185829", "ENSG00000185829", "ENSG00000185829",
# "ENSG00000238083", "ENSG00000012061", "ENSG00000104856", "ENSG00000104936",
# "ENSG00000117877", "ENSG00000130202", "ENSG00000130202", "ENSG00000142252",
# "ENSG00000189114", "ENSG00000234906")
# res_list100 <- getUniprotIDs(taxId=9606, kt="ENSEMBL", keys=keys,
#                        seq_cluster="UNIREF100")
# sapply(res_list100, dim, simplify=FALSE)
# sapply(names(res_list100), function(x) unique(na.omit(res_list100[[x]]$ID)))
# res_list90 <- getUniprotIDs(taxId=9606, kt="ENSEMBL", keys=keys,
#                    seq_cluster="UNIREF90")
# sapply(res_list90, dim, simplify=FALSE)
# sapply(names(res_list90), function(x) unique(na.omit(res_list90[[x]]$ID)))

## Retrieve with biomaRt UniProt IDs and their Paralogs ##
## Using biomaRt, obtain for query genes the corresponding UniProt IDs as well
## as paralogs.  Query genes can be Gene Names or ENSEMBL Gene IDs from
## H sapiens. The result is similar to IDMs and SSNNs from getUniprotIDs
## function, but instead of UNIREF clusters, biomaRt's paralogs are used to
## obtain SSNNs.

getParalogs <- function(queryBy) {
    mart <- biomaRt::useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

    ## ID Matching (IDM) result table
    ## To list available uniprot annotation fields, run:
    # listAttributes(mart)[grep("uniprot", listAttributes(mart)[,"name"]),]
    IDMresult <- biomaRt::getBM(
        attributes = c(
        filters = queryBy$idType,
        values = queryBy$ids,
        mart = mart
    IDMresult <- data.frame(
        QueryID = as.character(IDMresult$ensembl_gene_id),
        ENSEMBL = as.character(IDMresult$ensembl_gene_id),
        GENES = as.character(IDMresult$uniprot_gn_symbol),
        ID_up_sp = as.character(IDMresult$uniprotswissprot),
        ID_up_sp_tr = as.character(IDMresult$uniprotsptrembl)
    ## Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21 maintain queries with not matches 
    missing <- queryBy$ids[!queryBy$ids %in% unique(as.character(IDMresult$QueryID))]
    if(length(missing)>0) {
        missDF <- data.frame(QueryID=missing, ENSEMBL=missing, GENES="", ID_up_sp="", ID_up_sp_tr="")
        IDMresult <- rbind(IDMresult, missDF)

    ## Paralog (Sequence Similarity Nearest Neighbors - SSNN) result table
    ## To list available paralog annotation fields, run:
    # listAttributes(mart)[grep("paralog", listAttributes(mart)[,"name"]),]
    result <- biomaRt::getBM(
        attributes = c(
        filters = queryBy$idType,
        values = queryBy$ids,
        mart = mart
    ## Reshape result table
    query <- result[!duplicated(result$ensembl_gene_id), ]
    query <- data.frame(
        QueryID = as.character(query$ensembl_gene_id),
        ENSEMBL = as.character(query$ensembl_gene_id),
        GENES = as.character(query$external_gene_name),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    query <- cbind(query, paralog_perc_id = 100, paralog_perc_id_r1 = 100)

    # removes rows with no paralog matches
    result <- result[nchar(result$hsapiens_paralog_ensembl_gene) > 0, ]
    paralog <- data.frame(
        QueryID = result$ensembl_gene_id,
        ENSEMBL = result$hsapiens_paralog_ensembl_gene,
        GENES = result$hsapiens_paralog_associated_gene_name,
        paralog_perc_id = result$hsapiens_paralog_perc_id,
        paralog_perc_id_r1 = result$hsapiens_paralog_perc_id_r1,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    resultDF <- rbind(query, paralog)
    resultDF <- resultDF[order(resultDF$QueryID), ]

    ## Retrieve for ENSEMBL gene IDs in results the corresponding UniProt IDs.
    ## Note, this needs to be done in separate query since attributes from
    ## multiple attribue pages are not allowed.
    uniprot <- biomaRt::getBM(
        attributes = c(
        filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
        values = resultDF$ENSEMBL,
        mart = mart

    ## For UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot IDs (curated entries)
    up_sp <- tapply(uniprot$uniprotswissprot, uniprot$ensembl_gene_id,
        function(x) unique(as.character(x)[nchar(x) > 0]),
        simplify = FALSE
    index <- vapply(up_sp, length, integer(1))
    up_sp[index == 0] <- ""
    index[index == 0] <- 1
    ## Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21 to account for missing entries index 
    missing <- unique(as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL))[!unique(as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL)) %in% names(index)]
    if(length(missing)>0) {
        index <- c(index, setNames(rep(1, length(missing)), missing))
        up_sp <- c(up_sp, setNames(rep("", length(missing)), missing))
    index <- index[as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL)]
    up_sp <- up_sp[names(index)]
    resultDF <- cbind(resultDF[rep(seq_along(resultDF$ENSEMBL), index), ],
        ID_up_sp = as.character(unlist(up_sp))

    ## UniProtKB/TrEMBL IDs (less curated entries)
    up_sp_tr <- tapply(uniprot$uniprotsptrembl, uniprot$ensembl_gene_id,
        function(x) unique(as.character(x)[nchar(x) > 0]),
        simplify = FALSE
    index <- vapply(up_sp_tr, length, integer(1))
    up_sp_tr[index == 0] <- ""
    index[index == 0] <- 1
    ## Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21 to account for missing entries index 
    missing <- unique(as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL))[!unique(as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL)) %in% names(index)]
    if(length(missing)>0) {
        index <- c(index, setNames(rep(1, length(missing)), missing))
        up_sp_tr <- c(up_sp_tr, setNames(rep("", length(missing)), missing))
    index <- index[as.character(resultDF$ENSEMBL)]
    up_sp_tr <- up_sp_tr[names(index)]
    resultDF <- cbind(resultDF[rep(seq_along(resultDF$ENSEMBL), index), ],
        ID_up_sp_tr = as.character(unlist(up_sp_tr))
    row.names(resultDF) <- NULL

    ## Assemble result list

    # This makes behavior more similar to result from getUniprotIDs
    IDMresult[IDMresult == ""] <- NA
    for (i in colnames(IDMresult)) {
        if (is.factor(IDMresult[, i])) {
            IDMresult[, i] <- as.character(IDMresult[, i])
    resultDF[resultDF == ""] <- NA
    for (i in colnames(resultDF)) {
        if (is.factor(resultDF[, i])) {
            resultDF[, i] <- as.character(resultDF[, i])
    resultList <- list(IDM = IDMresult, SSNN = resultDF)
## Usage:
# queryBy <- list(molType="gene", idType="external_gene_name",
#               ids=c("ZPBP", "MAPK1", "EGFR"))
# queryBy <- list(molType="gene", idType="ensembl_gene_id",
#               ids=c("ENSG00000042813", "ENSG00000100030", "ENSG00000146648"))
# result <- getParalogs(queryBy)
# result$IDM[1:4,]
# result$SSNN[1:4,]
# sapply(result, dim, simplify=FALSE)
# sapply(names(result), function(x) unique(na.omit(result[[x]]$ID_up_sp)))

## Function to query known drug-target annotations ##

## Function to query known drug-target annotations
drugTargetAnnot <- function(queryBy = list(molType = NULL, idType = NULL, ids = NULL),
                            cmpid_file = file.path(config$resultsPath, "cmp_ids.rds"),
                            config = genConfig()) {
    if (any(names(queryBy) != c("molType", "idType", "ids"))) {
            "All three list components in 'queryBy' (named: 'molType',",
            " 'idType' and 'ids') need to be present."
    if (any(vapply(queryBy, length, integer(1)) == 0)) {
            "All components in 'queryBy' list need to be populated with ",
            "corresponding character vectors."

    ## Load ChEMBL SQLite
    ## ChEMBL SQLite downloaded from here: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/
    ##    chembl/ChEMBLdb/latest/chembl_24_1_sqlite.tar.gz
    ## after unpacking you get chembl_xx.db
    dbpath <- config$chemblDbPath
    mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)

    ## Input file for following step was generated by cmpIdMapping()
    cmp_ids <- readRDS(cmpid_file)
    rownames(cmp_ids) <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)

    ## Query by targets
    if (queryBy$molType == "protein" & grepl("Uniprot", queryBy$idType[[1]],
        ignore.case = TRUE
    )) {
        idvec <- paste0("(\"", paste(queryBy$ids, collapse = "\", \""), "\")")

        query <- paste(
            "SELECT d.molregno,e.chembl_id, e.pref_name AS Drug_Name,
                              d.mechanism_of_action AS MOA,
                              d.action_type AS Action_Type,
                              e.first_approval AS First_Approval,
                              a.chembl_id AS ChEMBL_TID, d.tid AS TID,
                              c.accession AS UniProt_ID,
                              c.description AS Desc, c.organism AS Organism,
                              GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (f.mesh_id || ': ' ||
                                AS Mesh_Indication
                          FROM target_dictionary AS a
                          LEFT JOIN target_components AS b ON a.tid = b.tid
                          LEFT JOIN component_sequences AS c
                            ON b.component_id = c.component_id
                          LEFT JOIN drug_mechanism AS d ON a.tid = d.tid
                          LEFT JOIN molecule_dictionary AS e
                            ON d.molregno = e.molregno
                          LEFT JOIN drug_indication AS f
                            ON e.molregno = f.molregno
                          WHERE c.accession IN", idvec,
            "GROUP BY d.molregno, c.accession
                           ORDER BY c.accession, c.description"
        myquery <- dbSendQuery(mydb, query)
        activityassays <- dbFetch(myquery)

    ## Query by compounds
    if (queryBy$molType == "cmp") {
        ## ID conversions
        if (queryBy$idType == "molregno") {
            cmpvec <- queryBy$ids
        if (queryBy$idType == "chembl_id") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$chembl_id), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$chembl_id)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        if (queryBy$idType == "PubChem_ID") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        if (queryBy$idType == "DrugBank_ID") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        idvec <- paste0("(\"", paste(cmpvec, collapse = "\", \""), "\")")

        query <- paste(
            "SELECT a.molregno, a.chembl_id, a.pref_name AS Drug_Name,
                            b.mechanism_of_action AS MOA,
                            b.action_type AS Action_Type,
                            a.first_approval AS First_Approval,
                            c.chembl_id AS ChEMBL_TID, b.tid AS TID,
                            e.accession AS UniProt_ID,
                            e.description AS Desc, e.organism AS Organism,
                            GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (f.mesh_id || ': '
                                                   || f.mesh_heading))
                                AS Mesh_Indication
                      FROM molecule_dictionary AS a
                      LEFT JOIN drug_mechanism AS b ON a.molregno = b.molregno
                      LEFT JOIN target_dictionary AS c ON b.tid = c.tid
                      LEFT JOIN target_components AS d ON b.tid = d.tid
                      LEFT JOIN component_sequences AS e
                        ON d.component_id = e.component_id
                      LEFT JOIN drug_indication AS f ON a.molregno = f.molregno
                      WHERE a.molregno IN", idvec,
            "GROUP BY a.molregno, e.accession
                       ORDER BY a.molregno, a.pref_name"
        myquery <- dbSendQuery(mydb, query)
        activityassays <- dbFetch(myquery)
    resultDF <- data.frame(cmp_ids[
        -c(2, 4)
    ], activityassays[, -c(1, 2)])

    ## Remove rows with identical values in all fields
    resultDF <- resultDF[!duplicated(apply(resultDF, 1, paste, collapse = "_")), ]
    ## Add query column and sort rows in result table according to query
    index_list <- lapply(
        function(x) {
            which(toupper(resultDF[, queryBy$idType]) %in%
    names(index_list) <- queryBy$ids
    index_list[vapply(index_list, length, integer(1)) == 0] <- Inf
    index_df <- data.frame(
        ids = rep(
            vapply(index_list, length, integer(1))
        rowids = unlist(index_list)
    resultDF <- data.frame(
        QueryIDs = index_df[, 1],
        resultDF[as.numeric(index_df$rowids), ]
    rownames(resultDF) <- NULL
    resultDF <- resultDF[, colnames(resultDF)!="last_active"] # Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21 to remove undesirable column in >= ChEMBL29

## Query Known Drug-Target Annotations ##
## Function to generate drugTargetAnnot.xls table
drugTargetAnnotTable <- function(outfile, rerun = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    if (rerun == TRUE) {
        ## Load ChEMBL SQLite
        ## ChEMBL SQLite downloaded from here: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/
        ##          databases/chembl/ChEMBLdb/latest/chembl_24_1_sqlite.tar.gz
        ## after unpacking you get chembl_24.db
        chembldb <- config$chemblDbPath
        mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), chembldb)

        ## Joins for drug mech
        allmech <- dbGetQuery(mydb, "SELECT *
                                    FROM drug_mechanism,
                                    WHERE drug_mechanism.molregno =

        ## Set values in "mechanism_comment" column to NA since it contains
        ## weird characters resulting in row duplications when writing to files
        allmech[, colnames(allmech) %in% "mechanism_comment"] <-
            rep(NA, nrow(allmech))

        ## Get UniChem Info
        ## ChEMBL to DrubBank mapping in src1src2.txt.gz:

        chembl2drugbank <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src2.txt.gz")))
        chembl2drugbank_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2drugbank[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2drugbank[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        ## ChEMBL to PubChem CID mapping in src1src22.txt.gz
        chembl2pubchem <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src22.txt.gz")))
        chembl2pubchem_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2pubchem[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2pubchem[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        ## ChEMBL to ChEBI mapping in src1src7.txt.gz
        chembl2chebi <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src7.txt.gz")))
        chembl2chebi_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2chebi[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2chebi[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        allmech <- cbind(allmech,
            PubChem_ID = chembl2pubchem_vec[allmech$chembl_id],
            DrugBank_ID = chembl2drugbank_vec[allmech$chembl_id],
            ChEBI_ID = chembl2chebi_vec[allmech$chembl_id]

        ## Joins for target ids
        targetids <- dbGetQuery(mydb, "SELECT *
                                       FROM target_components,
                                       WHERE target_components.component_id =
        tid2accession <- tapply(targetids$accession, as.factor(targetids$tid),
            collapse = ", "
        tid2description <- tapply(targetids$description,
            as.factor(targetids$tid), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        tid2organism <- tapply(targetids$organism, as.factor(targetids$tid),
            collapse = ", "
        target_dict <- dbGetQuery(mydb, "SELECT * FROM target_dictionary")
        chembl_tid <- as.character(target_dict$chembl_id)
        names(chembl_tid) <- as.character(target_dict$tid)
        tidDF <- data.frame(
            row.names = names(tid2accession),
            ChEMBL_TID = chembl_tid[names(tid2accession)],
            UniProt_ID = tid2accession,
            Desc = tid2description[names(tid2accession)],
            Organism = tid2organism[names(tid2accession)]

        ## Join mesh and efo indication
        indication <- dbGetQuery(mydb, "SELECT * FROM drug_indication")
        mesh <- paste(indication$mesh_id, indication$mesh_heading, sep = ": ")
        mesh2molregno <- tapply(mesh, as.factor(indication$molregno), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        efo <- paste(indication$efo_id, indication$efo_term, sep = ": ")
        efo2molregno <- tapply(efo, as.factor(indication$molregno), paste,
            collapse = ", "

        ## Assemble everything
        allmech <- data.frame(
            row.names = seq_along(allmech[, 1]),
            tidDF[as.character(allmech$tid), ],
            MeshIndication =
            EFOIndication =
        write.table(allmech, outfile, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
## Usage:
# drugTargetAnnotTable(outfile="results/drugTargetAnnot.xls", rerun=FALSE)

## Compare with online drug-target table from ChEMBL obtained from manual
## download here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/old/drug/targets

## Query functions for drugTargetAnnot.xls
getDrugTarget <- function(dt_file = file.path(
                          queryBy = list(molType = NULL, idType = NULL, ids = NULL),
                          id_mapping = c(
                              chembl = "chembl_id", pubchem = "PubChem_ID",
                              uniprot = "UniProt_ID"
                          columns, config = genConfig()) {
    # stop("dt_file: ",dt_file)
    dt_file <- read.delim(dt_file)
    myid <- id_mapping[queryBy$idType]
    .queryFct <- function(dt_file, myid) {
        idlist <- strsplit(as.character(dt_file[, myid]), ", ")
        index_list <- lapply(
            function(x) {
                    function(y) {
                        any(tolower(idlist[[y]]) %in% tolower(x))
        names(index_list) <- queryBy$ids
        ## To include no matches in result, inject Inf in corresponding slots
        index_list[vapply(index_list, length, integer(1)) == 0] <- Inf
        index_df <- data.frame(
            ids = rep(
                vapply(index_list, length, integer(1))
            rowids = unlist(index_list)
        df <- data.frame(
            QueryIDs = index_df[, 1],
            dt_file[as.numeric(index_df$rowids), ]
    df <- .queryFct(dt_file, myid)
    dfsub <- df[, columns]
    rownames(dfsub) <- NULL
## Usage:
# id_mapping <- c(chembl="chembl_id", pubchem="PubChem_ID",
#                   uniprot="UniProt_ID", drugbank="DrugBank_ID")
# queryBy <- list(molType="cmp", idType="chembl",
#                   ids=c("CHEMBL25", "CHEMBL1742471"))
# getDrugTarget(dt_file="results/drugTargetAnnot.xls", queryBy=queryBy,
#               id_mapping, columns=c(1,5,8,16,17,39,46:52))
# queryBy <- list(molType="cmp", idType="pubchem",
#               ids=c("2244", "65869", "2244"))
# getDrugTarget(dt_file="results/drugTargetAnnot.xls", queryBy=queryBy,
#   id_mapping, columns=c(1,5,8,16,17,39,46:52))
# queryBy <- list(molType="protein", idType="uniprot",
#   ids=c("P43166", "P00915", "P43166"))
# getDrugTarget(dt_file="results/drugTargetAnnot.xls", queryBy=queryBy,
#   id_mapping, columns=c(1,5,8,16,17,39,46:52))

## DrugAge ##
## Source file of DrugAge is linked here: http://genomics.senescence.info/drugs
processDrugage <- function(drugagefile = file.path(
                           redownloaddrugage = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    if (redownloaddrugage == TRUE) {
    drugage <- read.csv(.getCacheFile("drugage.csv"))
    # drugage <- read.csv(file.path(config$downloadPath,"drugage.csv"))
    drugage <- drugage[!duplicated(drugage$compound_name), ]
    ## Get mol_dict table from chembl_db
    chembldb <- config$chemblDbPath
    mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), chembldb)
    mol_dict <- dbGetQuery(
        "SELECT pref_name,chembl_id
                             FROM molecule_dictionary"
    mol_dict_sub <- mol_dict[!is.na(mol_dict$pref_name), ] # mol_dict from below
    prefname <- as.character(mol_dict_sub$pref_name)
    chemblid <- as.character(mol_dict_sub$chembl_id)
    fact <- tapply(chemblid, factor(prefname), paste, collapse = ", ")
    ## Load ChEMBL to PubChem CID and DrugBank ID mappings
    ## (generated above with downloadUniChem Fct)
    chembl2pubchem <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src22.txt.gz")))
    chembl2pubchem_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2pubchem[, 2]),
        factor(chembl2pubchem[, 1]), paste,
        collapse = ", "
    chembl2drugbank <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src2.txt.gz")))
    chembl2drugbank_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2drugbank[, 2]),
        factor(chembl2drugbank[, 1]), paste,
        collapse = ", "
    ## Assemble results
    drugage <- cbind(drugage,
        pref_name = names(fact[toupper(drugage$compound_name)]),
        chembl_id = fact[toupper(drugage$compound_name)]
    drugage <- cbind(drugage,
        pubchem_cid = chembl2pubchem_vec[
        drugbank_id = chembl2drugbank_vec[
    write.table(drugage, drugagefile, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
## Usage:
# processDrugage(drugagefile="results/drugage_id_mapping.xls",
#   redownloaddrugage=FALSE)
## Now the missing IDs need to be added manually. A semi-manual approach
##  is to use this web service: https://cts.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/batch

## Integration with Therapeutic Target Database (TTD) ##
## ID crossmatching table
transformTTD <- function(ttdfile = file.path(config$downloadPath, "TTD_IDs.txt"),
                         redownloadTTD = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    url <- "https://db.idrblab.org/ttd/sites/default/files/ttd_database/P1-02-TTD_crossmatching.txt"
    if (redownloadTTD == TRUE) {
        .downloadFile(url, ttdfile)
    df <- read.delim(.getCacheFile(ttdfile),
        skip = 12, header = FALSE,
        col.names = c("TTD_ID", "No", "Source", "Name")
    df_sub <- df[grep("DrugName|PubChem CID", df$Source), ]
    list_sub <- split(df_sub, df_sub$TTD_ID)
    list_sub <- list_sub[lapply(list_sub, nrow) == 2]
    list_sub <- lapply(list_sub, t)
    list_sub <- lapply(list_sub, tail, 1)
    df_sub <- do.call("rbind", list_sub)
    row.names(df_sub) <- names(list_sub)
    df_sub <- data.frame(
        TTD_ID = rownames(df_sub), CMP_Name = df_sub[, 1],
        PubChem_ID = gsub("^CID ", "", as.character(df_sub[, 2]))
## Usage:
# df_sub <- transformTTD(ttdfile="downloads/TTD_IDs.txt", redownloadTTD=FALSE)
# df_sub[1:4,]

## Query Bioactivity Data ##
## Function to generate CMP ID mappings UniChem (current version very slow)
cmpIdMapping <- function(outfile = file.path(config$resultsPath, "cmp_ids.rds"),
                         rerun = TRUE, config = genConfig()) {
    if (rerun == TRUE) {
        chembldb <- config$chemblDbPath
        mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), chembldb)

        ## Drug ID mappings
        chemblid_lookup <- dbGetQuery(mydb, 'SELECT *
                                             FROM chembl_id_lookup
                                             WHERE "entity_type" = "COMPOUND"')
        colnames(chemblid_lookup)[colnames(chemblid_lookup) == "entity_id"] <-

        ## CMP ID mappings from UniChem (very slow!)
        ## ChEMBL to DrubBank mapping in src1src2.txt.gz:
        chembl2drugbank <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src2.txt.gz")))
        chembl2drugbank_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2drugbank[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2drugbank[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        ## ChEMBL to PubChem CID mapping in src1src22.txt.gz
        chembl2pubchem <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src22.txt.gz")))
        chembl2pubchem_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2pubchem[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2pubchem[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        ## ChEMBL to ChEBI mapping in src1src7.txt.gz
        chembl2chebi <- read.delim(gzfile(.getCacheFile("src1src7.txt.gz")))
        chembl2chebi_vec <- tapply(as.character(chembl2chebi[, 2]),
            factor(chembl2chebi[, 1]), paste,
            collapse = ", "
        ## Create final CMP ID mapping table (very slow!!)
        cmp_ids <- cbind(chemblid_lookup,
            PubChem_ID = chembl2pubchem_vec[
            DrugBank_ID = chembl2drugbank_vec[
        saveRDS(cmp_ids, outfile)
## Usage:
# cmpIdMapping(outfile="results/cmp_ids.rds", rerun=FALSE)
# cmp_ids <- readRDS("results/cmp_ids.rds")

## Function to query bioactivity data by target or compound ids
drugTargetBioactivity <- function(queryBy = list(
                                      molType = NULL,
                                      idType = NULL, ids = NULL
                                  cmpid_file = file.path(
                                  config = genConfig()) {
    if (any(vapply(queryBy, is.null, logical(1)))) {
            "All components in 'queryBy' list need to be populated ",
            "with corresponding character vectors."

    dbpath <- config$chemblDbPath
    mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)

    ## Input file for following step was generated by cmpIdMapping()
    cmp_ids <- readRDS(cmpid_file)
    rownames(cmp_ids) <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)

    ## Query bioactivity
    ## Query by targets
    if (queryBy$molType == "protein" & queryBy$idType == "uniprot") {
        idvec <- paste0("(\"", paste(queryBy$ids, collapse = "\", \""), "\")")

        myquery <- dbSendQuery(mydb, paste(
            "SELECT activities.molregno,
                                                   assays.chembl_id AS chembl_assay_id,
                                                   accession AS UniProt_ID,
                                  FROM activities, assays, target_components,
                                       component_sequences, molecule_dictionary
                                  ON activities.assay_id = assays.assay_id
                                    AND assays.tid = target_components.tid
                                    AND target_components.component_id =
                                    AND activities.molregno =
                                    WHERE component_sequences.accession IN",
        activityassays <- dbFetch(myquery)

    ## Query bioactivity by compounds
    if (queryBy$molType == "cmp") {
        ## ID conversions
        if (queryBy$idType == "molregno") {
            cmpvec <- queryBy$ids
        if (queryBy$idType == "chembl_id") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$chembl_id), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$chembl_id)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        if (queryBy$idType == "PubChem_ID") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        if (queryBy$idType == "DrugBank_ID") {
            cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID), ]
            cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
            names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID)
            cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
        idvec <- paste0("(\"", paste(cmpvec, collapse = "\", \""), "\")")

        myquery <- dbSendQuery(mydb, paste("SELECT activities.molregno,
                                                   assays.chembl_id AS chembl_assay_id,
                                                   accession AS UniProt_ID,
                                  FROM activities, assays, target_components,
                                       component_sequences, molecule_dictionary
                                  ON activities.assay_id = assays.assay_id
                                    AND assays.tid = target_components.tid
                                    AND target_components.component_id =
                                    AND activities.molregno =
                                    WHERE activities.molregno IN", idvec))
        activityassays <- dbFetch(myquery)
    resultDF <- data.frame(cmp_ids[
        -c(2, 4)
    ], activityassays[, -1])
    resultDF <- resultDF[, colnames(resultDF)!="last_active"] # Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21 to remove undesirable column in >= ChEMBL29
    rownames(resultDF) <- NULL

## Usage:
# chembldb <- "/bigdata/girkelab/shared/lcshared/chemoinformatics/compoundDBs/
#                 chembl_24/chembl_24_sqlite/chembl_24.db"
# queryBy <- list(molType="protein", idType="uniprot",
#           ids=c("P05979", "P35354", "P33033", "Q8VCT3", "P29475", "P51511"))
# qresult <- drugTargetBioactivity( queryBy, cmpid_file="results/cmp_ids.rds")
# qresult[1:4,]
# queryBy <- list(molType="cmp", idType="molregno",
#                  ids=c("101036", "101137", "1384464"))
# qresult <- drugTargetBioactivity( queryBy, cmpid_file="results/cmp_ids.rds")
# qresult[1:4,]
# queryBy <- list(molType="cmp", idType="DrugBank_ID",
#               ids=c("DB00945", "DB00316", "DB01050"))
# qresult <- drugTargetBioactivity(queryBy, cmpid_file="results/cmp_ids.rds")
# qresult[1:4,]
# queryBy <- list(molType="cmp", idType="PubChem_ID",
#                 ids=c("2244", "3672", "1983"))
# qresult <- drugTargetBioactivity( queryBy, cmpid_file="results/cmp_ids.rds")
# qresult[1:4,]

## Gene to Protein ID Mappings ##
## Return for gene or protein IDs a mapping table containing: ENSEMBL Gene IDs,
## Gene Names/Symbols, UniProt IDs and ENSEMBL Protein IDs. The results are
## returned in a list where the first slot contains the ID mapping table and the
## subsequent slots the corresponding named character vectors for: ens_gene_id,
## up_ens_id, and up_gene_id.  Currently, the query IDs can be Gene Names,
## Ensembl Gene IDs and UniProt IDs.
getSymEnsUp <- function(EnsDb = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86", ids, idtype) {
    require(EnsDb, character.only = TRUE)
    ## ID columns to return
    idcolumns <- c("gene_id", "gene_name", "uniprot_id", "protein_id")

    ## With gene names
    if (idtype == "GENE_NAME") {
        idDF <- ensembldb::genes(get(EnsDb),
            filter = AnnotationFilter::GeneNameFilter(ids),
            columns = idcolumns
        idDF <- idDF[!is.na(S4Vectors::values(idDF)$uniprot_id), ]
        idDF <- S4Vectors::values(idDF)
        ## With ENSEBML Gene IDs
    } else if (idtype == "ENSEMBL_GENE_ID") {
        idDF <- ensembldb::genes(get(EnsDb),
            filter = AnnotationFilter::GeneIdFilter(ids),
            columns = idcolumns
        idDF <- idDF[!is.na(S4Vectors::values(idDF)$uniprot_id), ]
        idDF <- S4Vectors::values(idDF)
        ## With UniProt IDs
    } else if (idtype == "UNIPROT_ID") {
        idDF <- ensembldb::proteins(get(EnsDb),
            filter = AnnotationFilter::UniprotFilter(ids),
            columns = idcolumns
        idDF <- idDF[!is.na(idDF$uniprot_id), ]
    } else {
        stop("Argument 'idtype' can only be assigned one of:
             'GENE_NAME', 'ENSEMBL_GENE_ID', 'UNIPROT_ID'.")
    ## Assemble ID mapping table
    idDF <- idDF[, idcolumns]
    row.names(idDF) <- NULL

    ## Assemble named char vector: ens_gene_id
    idDF <- as.data.frame(idDF)
    ens_gene_idDF <- idDF[!duplicated(idDF$gene_id), ]
    ens_gene_id <- as.character(ens_gene_idDF$gene_name)
    names(ens_gene_id) <- as.character(ens_gene_idDF$gene_id)

    ## Assemble named char vector: up_ens_id
    up_ens_idDF <- idDF[!duplicated(idDF$uniprot_id), ]
    up_ens_id <- as.character(up_ens_idDF$gene_id)
    names(up_ens_id) <- as.character(up_ens_idDF$uniprot_id)

    ## Assemble named char vector: up_gene_id
    up_gene_idDF <- idDF[!duplicated(idDF$uniprot_id), ]
    up_gene_id <- as.character(up_gene_idDF$gene_name)
    names(up_gene_id) <- as.character(up_gene_idDF$uniprot_id)

    ## Return result as list
    returnList <- list(
        idDF = idDF, ens_gene_id = ens_gene_id,
        up_ens_id = up_ens_id, up_gene_id = up_gene_id
## Usage:
# gene_name <- c("CA7", "CFTR")
# getSymEnsUp(EnsDb="EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86", ids=gene_name, idtype="GENE_NAME")
# ensembl_gene_id <- c("ENSG00000001626", "ENSG00000168748")
# getSymEnsUp(EnsDb="EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86",
#               ids=ensembl_gene_id, idtype="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID")
# uniprot_id <- c("P43166", "P13569")
# getSymEnsUp(EnsDb="EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86", ids=uniprot_id, idtype="UNIPROT_ID")

## Convenience Drug-Target Wrapper Function ##
## Meta-function to obtain both drug-target annotation and bioassay data
runDrugTarget_Annot_Bioassay <- function(res_list, up_col_id = "ID",
                                         cmpid_file = file.path(
                                         config = genConfig(), ...) {
    ## (1.1) Check input validity
    ## To be added, once class system has been introduced...
    ## (1.2) Input ID mappings, note: Ensembl query IDs with similar sequences
    ##   will often map to the same related/third Ensemble gene resulting in
    ##   paralog genes/proteins mapping to several query genes. Thus, this
    ##   one-to-many relationship needs to be resolved for both geneids and
    ##   ensids.
    id_list <- lapply(
        function(x) {
            unique(stats::na.omit(as.character(res_list[[x]][, up_col_id])))
    names(id_list) <- names(res_list)
    ensids <- tapply(res_list[[2]]$QueryID, res_list[[2]][, up_col_id],
        function(x) as.character(unique(x)),
        simplify = FALSE
    # geneids <- vapply(names(ensids), function(x) ens_gene_id[ensids[[x]]], character(1)) # Replaced by ThG on 25-Aug-21 with lapply
    geneids <- lapply(names(ensids), function(x) ens_gene_id[ensids[[x]]]) # Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21
    names(geneids) <- names(ensids) # Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21
    geneids <- vapply(names(geneids), function(x) paste(geneids[[x]], collapse = ", "), character(1)) # Added by ThG on 25-Aug-21
    geneids <- unlist(geneids[nchar(names(geneids)) > 0])

    ensids <- vapply(names(ensids), function(x) paste(ensids[[x]], collapse = ", "), character(1))
    ensids <- unlist(ensids[nchar(names(ensids)) > 0])

    ## (1.3) Obtain drug-target annotations for IDM
    idm_ids <- id_list$IDM
    if (length(idm_ids) > 0) {
        queryBy <- list(molType = "protein", idType = "UniProt_ID", ids = idm_ids)
        qresultIDM <- drugTargetAnnot(queryBy,
            cmpid_file = cmpid_file, config = config
        qresultIDM <- data.frame(
            GeneName = as.character(
            Ensembl_IDs = as.character(
    } else {
        qresultIDM <- data.frame()

    ## (1.4) Obtain drug-target annotations for SSNN excluding IDM overlaps
    ## (SSNN_noIDM)

    # UniProt IDs only in SSNN
    ssnn_ids <- id_list$SSNN[!id_list$SSNN %in% idm_ids]
    if (length(ssnn_ids) > 0) {
        queryBy <- list(molType = "protein", idType = "UniProt_ID", ids = ssnn_ids)
        qresultSSNN <- drugTargetAnnot(queryBy,
            cmpid_file = cmpid_file, config = config
        qresultSSNN <- data.frame(
            GeneName = as.character(
            Ensembl_IDs = as.character(
        ## Prepend "Query_" to indicate that returned genes IDs are often not
        ## the ones encoding SSNN UniProt IDs
        if (length(qresultSSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"]) > 0) {
            qresultSSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"] <- paste0(
                qresultSSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"]
        # Fixes Query_NA strings in NA cases
        qresultSSNN[qresultSSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"] == "Query_NA", "Ensembl_IDs"] <- NA
        if (length(qresultSSNN[, "GeneName"]) > 0) {
            qresultSSNN[, "GeneName"] <- paste0(
                qresultSSNN[, "GeneName"]
        # Fixes Query_NA strings in NA cases
        qresultSSNN[qresultSSNN[, "GeneName"] == "Query_NA", "GeneName"] <- NA
    } else {
        qresultSSNN <- data.frame()

    ## (1.5) Combine IDM and SSNN_noIDM results
    qresult <- rbind(
            ID_Mapping_Type = rep(
            ID_Mapping_Type = rep(
    qresult <- qresult[order(
        gsub("Query_", "", qresult$GeneName),
    ), ]
    colnames(qresult) <- c(
        "ID_Mapping_Type", "GeneName", "Ensembl_IDs",
        "UniProt_QueryIDs", "CHEMBL_CMP_ID", "Molregno",
        "PubChem_ID", "DrugBank_ID", "Drug_Name", "MOA",
        "Action_Type", "First_Approval", "ChEMBL_TID",
        "TID", "UniProt_ID", "Target_Desc", "Organism",
    rownames(qresult) <- NULL

    ## (2.1) Obtain bioassay data for IDM
    queryBy <- list(molType = "protein", idType = "uniprot", ids = idm_ids)
    qresultBAIDM <- drugTargetBioactivity(queryBy,
        cmpid_file = cmpid_file,
        config = config
    qresultBAIDM <- data.frame(
        GeneName = as.character(
        Ensembl_IDs = as.character(

    ## (2.2) Obtain bioassay data for SSNN excluding IDM overlaps (SSNN_noIDM)
    queryBy <- list(molType = "protein", idType = "uniprot", ids = ssnn_ids)
    qresultBASSNN <- suppressWarnings(drugTargetBioactivity(
        cmpid_file = cmpid_file, config = config
    qresultBASSNN <- data.frame(
        GeneName = geneids[
        Ensembl_IDs = ensids[
    ## Prepend "Query_" to indicate that returned genes IDs are often not the
    ## ones encoding SSNN UniProt IDs
    if (length(qresultBASSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"]) > 0) {
        qresultBASSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"] <- paste0(
            qresultBASSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"]
    # Fixes Query_NA strings in NA cases
    qresultBASSNN[qresultBASSNN[, "Ensembl_IDs"] == "Query_NA", "Ensembl_IDs"] <- NA
    if (length(qresultBASSNN[, "GeneName"]) > 0) {
        qresultBASSNN[, "GeneName"] <- paste0(
            qresultBASSNN[, "GeneName"]
    # Fixes Query_NA strings in NA cases
    qresultBASSNN[qresultBASSNN[, "GeneName"] == "Query_NA", "GeneName"] <- NA

    ## (2.3) Combine IDM and SSNN_noIDM results
    qresultBA <- rbind(
            ID_Mapping_Type = rep("IDM", nrow(qresultBAIDM)),
            ID_Mapping_Type = rep(
    qresultBA <- qresultBA[order(
        gsub("Query_", "", qresultBA$GeneName),
    ), ]
    colnames(qresultBA) <- c(
        "ID_Mapping_Type", "GeneName", "Ensembl_IDs",
        "CHEMBL_CMP_ID", "Molregno", "PubChem_ID",
        "DrugBank_ID", "Drug_Name", "Activity_ID",
        "CHEMBL_Assay_ID", "UniProt_ID", "Target_Desc",
        "Organism", "Standard_Value", "Standard_Units",
        "Standard_Flag", "Standard_Type"
    rownames(qresultBA) <- NULL

    ## (3.1) Export annotation and bioassay results in list
    drug_target_list <- list(Annotation = qresult, Bioassay = qresultBA)
## Usage:
# ensembl_gene_id <- c("ENSG00000001626", "ENSG00000168748")
# idMap <- getSymEnsUp(EnsDb="EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86",
#              ids=ensembl_gene_id, idtype="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID")
# ens_gene_id <- idMap$ens_gene_id
# res_list90 <- getUniprotIDs(taxId=9606, kt="ENSEMBL",
#                keys=names(ens_gene_id), seq_cluster="UNIREF90", chunksize=1)
# queryBy <- list(molType="gene", idType="ensembl_gene_id",
#                     ids=names(ens_gene_id))
# res_list <- getParalogs(queryBy)
# drug_target_list <- runDrugTarget_Annot_Bioassay(res_list=res_list,
#                         up_col_id="ID_up_sp", ens_gene_id,
#                         chembldb, cmp_ids.rds)
girke-lab/drugTargetInteractions documentation built on Oct. 10, 2022, 10:35 p.m.