
Defines functions pullMap switchChrs switchChr findChr swapChrs mapToDend addOffset

Documented in addOffset findChr mapToDend pullMap swapChrs switchChr switchChrs

#' Creates map object
#' Creates map object from matrix of pairwise recombination frequencies.
#' @param rf Matrix of pairwise recombination frequencies.
#' @param split Split object.
#' @param fun Function to space the markers on the map. 
#' Default is "haldane". Alternatives are "kosambi", "carter" and "none.
#' @param corr Corrector, if recombinations are overestimated.
#' Allows to multiply all spaces by a fixed factor.
#' @return Ordered vector of marker locations. Each marker has a name attribute.
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetrageno <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetrageno, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' @export
pullMap <- function(rf,
                    fun = "haldane",
                    corr = 1) {
  fun <- match.arg(fun, c("haldane", "kosambi", "carter", "none"))
  rf <- rf[split$order, split$order]
  msplit <- max(split$split)
  globalMap <- vector(mode = "list", length = msplit)
  for (i in 1:msplit) {
    subset <- which(split$split[split$order] == i)
    lss <- length(subset)
    map <- rep(0, lss)
    for (j in 2:lss) {
      map[j] <- rf[subset, subset][j, j - 1]
    map <- switch(
      haldane = -log(1 - 2 * map) * 100,
      kosambi = 0.25 * log((1 + 2 * map) / (1 - 2 * map)) * 100,
      carter = 0.25 * (0.5 * (log(1 + 2 * map) - log(1 - 2 * map)) + atan(2 * map)) * 100,
      none = map
    map <- cumsum(map) * corr
    names(map) <-
      split$names[split$order][split$split[split$order] == i]
    if (any(is.infinite(map)))
      map <- map[!is.infinite(map)]
    globalMap[[i]] <- map

#' Switch Chromosomes
#' Wrapper function to switch chromosomes for the whole map
#' @param map Map to switch.
#' @param comp Other map for comparison.
#' @return map
#' @examples 
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetrageno <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetrageno, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split, method = "endlink")
#' map2 <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' map <- switchChrs(map, map2)
#' @export
switchChrs <- function(map, comp) {
  lapply(map, function(x)
    switchChr(x, comp))

#' Switch Chromosomes
#' Switches chromosomes if comparison map fits better.
#' This does improve the comparability without changing the order, 
#' as chromosomes are independent.
#' @param map Map to switch.
#' @param comp Other map for comparison.
#' @return map
#' @keywords internal
switchChr <- function(map, comp) {
  markers <- names(map)
  matchchr <- findChr(markers, comp)
  nmark <- length(markers)
  cnm <- ceiling(nmark / 2)
  front <- markers[1:cnm]
  back <- markers[(cnm + 1):nmark]
  markers <- names(comp[[matchchr]])
  nmark <- length(markers)
  front2 <- markers[1:cnm]
  back2 <- markers[(cnm + 1):nmark]
  ff <- sum(front %in% front2)
  fb <- sum(front %in% back2)
  bf <- sum(back %in% front2)
  bb <- sum(back %in% back2)
  if (ff < fb && bb < bf) {
    offs <- map[1] + map[length(map)]
    map <- offs - map

#' Find most equal chromosome in other map
#' @param map Map to switch.
#' @param comp Other map for comparison.
#' @return map
#' @keywords internal
findChr <- function(map, comp) {
  matches <- sapply(comp, function(x)
    sum(names(x) %in% map))
  which(matches == max(matches))[1]

#' Swap chromosomes
#' Finds best matching chromosome for each chromosome and brings them into the same order.
#' @param map Map to switch.
#' @param comp Other map for comparison.
#' @return map
#' @examples 
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetrageno <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetrageno, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split, method = "endlink")
#' map2 <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' map <- swapChrs(map, map2)
#' @export
swapChrs <- function(map, comp) {
  chrs <- sapply(map, function(x)
    findChr(names(x), comp))
  if (any(duplicated(chrs))) {
    warning("Not all chromosomes could be matched with their corresponding chromosome.")
  } else{
    map <- map[order(chrs)]

#' Transforming a map into a dendrogram
#' Create dendrogram object. The map specific distance are ignored and only the grouping and ordering is maintained.
#' Allows for comparison of whole map with package 'dendextend'
#' @param map One map. Required.
#' @param mergeoff Numeric, offset between chromosomes, to avoid equal heights in dendrogram.
#' Equal heights lead to problems in cor_bakers_gamma().
#' @return Dendogram object.
#' @import stats
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetrageno <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetrageno, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)   
#' dend <- mapToDend(map)  
#' plot(dend)
#' @export
mapToDend <- function(map, mergeoff = 0L) {
  if (!requireNamespace("dendextend", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("dendextend needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.list(map)) stop("map object is not a list. Please provide a list.",
                         call. = FALSE)
  nChr <- length(map)
  if(nChr == 1){
    out <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(map[[1]])))
    mergeval <- (1:nChr) * mergeoff + max(unlist(map)) * 1.2
    nMar <- sapply(map, length)
    out <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nChr) {
      hclu <- hclust(dist(map[[i]]), method = "complete")
      dend <- as.dendrogram(hclu)
      dend <- dendextend::rotate(dend, names(map[[i]]))
      if (is.null(out)) {
        out <- dend
      } else{
        out <- merge(out, dend, height = mergeval[i])


#' Add offset
#' Add offset to zero distance markers to allow computation of correlation between maps.
#' @param map One map. Required.
#' @param offset Numeric value for offset.
#' @return Map object.
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetrageno <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetrageno, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)
#' map <- addOffset(map)
#' @export
addOffset <- function(map, offset = 0.1) {
  for (i in 1:length(map)) {
    while (any(duplicated(map[[i]]))) {
      map[[i]][duplicated(map[[i]])] <-
        map[[i]][duplicated(map[[i]])] + offset
grafab/pergola documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:18 a.m.