
Defines functions run_kallisto_bulk_bg file.move handle_bulk_progress validate_bulk_labels validate_not_path validate_bulk_name validate_bulk_uploads confirmImportBulkModal uploadBulkModal volcanoPlotUI downloadResultsModal getUploadBulkInfo attrib_replace iqr_replicates add_adjusted add_vsd check_bulk_changed get_group_levels group_terms simplify name_list run_go get_path_res is_invertible validate_up_annot format_dl_annot format_up_annot remove_dataset_files load_bulk_datasets get_unpaired_pval get_paired_pval get_dtangle_pvals get_boxplotly_cell_args get_boxplotly_gene_args boxPlotlyCells boxPlotly validate_pdata

Documented in boxPlotly boxPlotlyCells check_bulk_changed format_dl_annot format_up_annot get_boxplotly_cell_args get_boxplotly_gene_args get_group_levels get_path_res is_invertible load_bulk_datasets remove_dataset_files validate_pdata validate_up_annot

#' Validate pdata before differential expression analysis
#' @param pdata data.frame with column \code{'Group'}
#' @return NULL if valid, otherwise a character vector indicating what's wrong
#' @keywords internal
validate_pdata <- function(pdata) {
  group <- pdata$Group
  group <- group[!is.na(group)]

  if (length(unique(group)) != 2) {
    msg <- 'Analysis requires test and control groups'

  } else if (length(group) < 3) {
    msg <- 'At least three samples are required for analysis'

  } else {
    msg <- NULL

#' Generate boxplotly for vsd normalized gene plots.
#' @param df \code{data.frame} with columns: \itemize{
#'  \item x Factor for x-labels.
#'  \item y Numeric column used for y-values.
#'  \item text Character column used for hoverinfo.
#'  \item name Character column used for legend names of \code{x} values.
#'  \item color Factor column used to generate ordered colors for boxplots for each \code{'x'} value.
#' }
#' @param boxgap Used for plotly layout.
#' @param boxgroupgap Used for plotly layout.
#' @param plot_fname Name to save plot as.
#' @param ytitle Y axis title.
#' @param xtitle X axis title.
#' @return plotly
#' @keywords internal
boxPlotly <- function(df, boxgap, boxgroupgap, plot_fname, ytitle, xtitle) {

  # legend styling
  l <- list(
    font = list(
      family = "sans-serif",
      size = 12,
      color = "#000"),
    bgcolor = "#f8f8f8",
    bordercolor = "#e7e7e7",
    borderwidth = 1)

  # make size smaller if many points
  size <- NULL
  genes <- unique(df$x)
  npts.grp <- table(df$name[df$x == genes[1]])

  if (length(genes) > 3 & max(npts.grp) > 15) size <- 3

  df %>%
    plotly::plot_ly() %>%
    plotly::add_trace(x = ~x,
                      y = ~y,
                      color = ~color,
                      colors = get_palette(levels(df$color)),
                      text = ~text,
                      name = ~name,
                      type = 'violin',
                      points = 'all',
                      jitter = 1,
                      pointpos = 0,
                      fillcolor = 'transparent',
                      hoverinfo = 'text',
                      hoveron = 'points',
                      marker = list(color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)", size = size)) %>%
    plotly::layout(violinmode = 'group', violingroupgap = boxgroupgap, violingap = boxgap,
                   xaxis = list(fixedrange=TRUE, title = xtitle),
                   yaxis = list(fixedrange=TRUE, title = ytitle),
                   legend = l) %>%
    plotly::config(displaylogo = FALSE,
                   displayModeBar = 'hover',
                   modeBarButtonsToRemove = c('lasso2d',
                   toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "png", filename = plot_fname))


#' Generate boxplotly for cell type deconvolution plots.
#' @param df \code{data.frame} with columns: \itemize{
#'  \item x Factor for x-labels.
#'  \item y Numeric column used for y-values.
#'  \item text Character column used for hoverinfo.
#'  \item name Character column used for legend names of \code{x} values.
#'  \item color Factor column used to generate ordered colors for boxplots for each \code{'x'} value.
#' }
#' @param boxgap Used for plotly layout.
#' @param boxgroupgap Used for plotly layout.
#' @param plot_fname Name to save plot as.
#' @param ytitle Y axis title.
#' @param xtitle X axis title.
#' @return plotly
#' @keywords internal
boxPlotlyCells <- function(df, boxgap, boxgroupgap, pvals, plot_fname, ytitle, xtitle) {

  # legend styling
  l <- list(
    font = list(
      family = "sans-serif",
      size = 12,
      color = "#000"),
    bgcolor = "#f8f8f8",
    bordercolor = "#e7e7e7",
    borderwidth = 1)

  # total width of plot
  nx <- length(unique(df$x))
  ng <- length(unique(df$name))
  plot_width <- max(923, (ng+2)*25*nx)

  annotations <- NULL
  if (!is.null(pvals)) {
    pval_text <- signif(pvals$adj.P.Val, 2)
    is.sig <- pval_text < 0.05
    pval_text[is.sig] <- sprintf('<span style="color:black">%s</span>', pval_text[is.sig])

    # x set up to work with numeric or non-numeric cluster names
    annotations <- list(
      x = match(row.names(pvals), levels(df$x))-1,
      y = pvals$ymax,
      text = pval_text,
      showarrow = FALSE,
      xanchor = "middle",
      yanchor = 'bottom',
      font = list(color = 'darkgray')

  df %>%
    plotly::plot_ly() %>%
    plotly::add_trace(x = ~x,
                      y = ~y,
                      color = ~color,
                      colors = get_palette(levels(df$color)),
                      text = ~text,
                      name = ~name,
                      type = 'box',
                      boxpoints = 'all',
                      jitter = 1,
                      pointpos = 0,
                      fillcolor = 'transparent',
                      hoverinfo = 'text',
                      hoveron = 'points',
                      marker = list(color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)", size = 3)) %>%
    plotly::layout(boxmode = 'group', boxgroupgap = boxgroupgap, boxgap = boxgap,
                   width = plot_width,
                   height = 620,
                   xaxis = list(fixedrange=TRUE, title = xtitle),
                   yaxis = list(fixedrange=TRUE, title = ytitle),
                   legend = l,
                   annotations = annotations) %>%
    plotly::config(displaylogo = FALSE,
                   displayModeBar = 'hover',
                   modeBarButtonsToRemove = c('lasso2d',
                   toImageButtonOptions = list(format = "png", filename = plot_fname))


#' Get arguments for gene boxplotly
#' @param eset ExpressionSet object with \code{'adjusted'} assayDataElement
#' @param explore_genes Character vector of genes to plot
#' @param dataset_name Name of bulk dataset.
#' @return List with items \code{'df'}, \code{'boxgap'}, \code{'boxgroupgap'}, and \code{'plot_fname'}.
#' @keywords internal
get_boxplotly_gene_args <- function(eset, explore_genes, dataset_name) {
  dat <- Biobase::assayDataElement(eset, 'vsd')
  pdata <- Biobase::pData(eset)

  dfs <- list()
  for (gene in explore_genes) {
    dfs[[gene]] <- data.frame(text = row.names(pdata),
                              x = gene,
                              y = dat[gene, row.names(pdata)],
                              name = as.character(pdata$`Group name`),
                              color = pdata$Group,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  df <- do.call(rbind, dfs)

  group_levels <- as.character(sort(unique(df$color)))

  # adjust gaps within/between group based on number of boxs (chosen by trial and error)
  nbox <- length(group_levels) * length(explore_genes)
  boxgap <- ifelse(nbox > 5, 0.4, 0.6)
  boxgroupgap <- ifelse(nbox > 6, 0.3, 0.6)

  df$color <- factor(df$color, levels = group_levels)
  df$x <- factor(df$x, levels = explore_genes)

  # name for saving plot
  fname <- paste(explore_genes, collapse = '_')
  fname <- paste('bulk', dataset_name, fname, Sys.Date(), sep='_')

  return(list(df = df,
              boxgap = boxgap,
              boxgroupgap = boxgroupgap,
              plot_fname = fname))

#' Get arguments for cells boxplotly
#' @param pdata data.frame of phenotype data.
#' @param dtangle_est data.frame of proportion estimates from dtangle.
#' @param dataset_name Name of bulk dataset.
#' @return List with items \code{'df'}, \code{'boxgap'}, \code{'boxgroupgap'}, and \code{'plot_fname'}.
#' @keywords internal
get_boxplotly_cell_args <- function(pdata, dtangle_est, dataset_name, contrast) {

  common <- intersect(row.names(dtangle_est), row.names(pdata))
  dtangle_est <- as.data.frame(dtangle_est)[common, ]
  pdata <- pdata[common, c('Title', 'Group name', 'Group', 'Pair')]
  colnames(pdata) <- c('text', 'name', 'color', 'pair')

  df <- utils::stack(dtangle_est)
  colnames(df) <- c('y', 'x')

  df <- cbind(pdata, df)
  group_levels <- as.character(sort(unique(df$color)))
  clus_levels <- colnames(dtangle_est)

  # adjust gaps within/between group based on number of boxs (chosen by trial and error)
  nbox <- length(group_levels) * length(clus_levels)
  boxgap <- ifelse(nbox > 5, 0.4, 0.6)
  boxgroupgap <- ifelse(nbox > 6, 0.3, 0.6)

  df$color <- factor(df$color, levels = group_levels)
  df$x <- factor(df$x, levels = clus_levels)

  # calculate significance if contrast
  dtangle_pvals <- get_dtangle_pvals(df, contrast)

  # name for saving plot
  fname <- paste(clus_levels, collapse = '_')
  fname <- gsub(' ', '', fname)
  fname <- paste(dataset_name, fname, Sys.Date(), sep='_')

  return(list(df = df,
              boxgap = boxgap,
              boxgroupgap = boxgroupgap,
              plot_fname = fname,
              pvals = dtangle_pvals))

get_dtangle_pvals <- function(df, contrast) {
  if (length(contrast) != 2) return(NULL)
  df <- df |> dplyr::arrange(.data$name, .data$pair)

  cell_types <- levels(df$x)
  pvals <- ymaxs <- c()

  for (i in seq_along(cell_types)) {
    cell_type <- cell_types[i]
    df_cell <- df[df$x == cell_type, ]
    ymaxs <- c(ymaxs, max(df_cell$y))

    df_cell <- df_cell[df_cell$name %in% contrast, ]

    # use paired t-test if have at least 4 pairs
    use.pairs <- sum(table(df_cell$pair) == 2) > 4

    if (use.pairs) {
      pval <- get_paired_pval(df_cell, contrast)
    } else {
      pval <- get_unpaired_pval(df_cell, contrast)

    pvals <- c(pvals, pval)

  na.pval <- is.na(pvals)

  res <- data.frame(
    pval = pvals,
    ymax = ymaxs,
    row.names = cell_types
  )[!na.pval, ]

  res$adj.P.Val <- stats::p.adjust(res$pval, method = 'BH')

get_paired_pval <- function(df_cell, contrast) {

  pairs <- df_cell$pair
  is.pair <- duplicated(pairs) | duplicated(pairs, fromLast = TRUE)
  df_cell <- df_cell[is.pair, ]

  is.test <- df_cell$name == contrast[1]

  res_cell <- stats::t.test(df_cell$y[is.test], df_cell$y[!is.test], paired = TRUE)

get_unpaired_pval <- function(df_cell, contrast) {

  is.test <- df_cell$name == contrast[1]
  res_cell <- stats::t.test(df_cell$y[is.test], df_cell$y[!is.test])

#' Load previous bulk datasets dataframe
#' @param data_dir Path to folder container \code{'bulk'} and \code{'single-cell'} directories
#' @return data.frame with columns "dataset_name" and "dataset_dir"
#' @keywords internal
load_bulk_datasets <-function(data_dir, with.explore = FALSE) {

  datasets <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(datasets) <- c("dataset_name", "dataset_dir")

  dataset_names <- list.dirs(file.path(data_dir, 'bulk'), full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)

  has.eset <- file_exists(file.path(data_dir, 'bulk', dataset_names, 'eset.qs'))
  dataset_names <- dataset_names[has.eset]

  # for excluding datasets without a contrast
  if (with.explore) {
    has.explore <- file_exists(file.path(data_dir, 'bulk', dataset_names, 'pdata_explore.qs'))
    dataset_names <- dataset_names[has.explore]

  datasets <- data.frame(dataset_name = dataset_names,
                         dataset_dir = file.path('bulk', dataset_names), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  datasets$value <-  datasets$label <- datasets$dataset_name
  if (nrow(datasets)) datasets$type <- datasets$group <- 'Bulk Data'


#' Delete stale dataset files after changing sample groups or running sva
#' @param data_dir Path to folder with dataset files
#' @param patterns patterns to remove. Default is all.
#' @keywords internal
remove_dataset_files <- function(data_dir, patterns = c('^adjusted_\\d+svs.qs$',
                                                        'diff_expr_symbol_.+_\\d+svs.qs$'), exclude = NULL) {

  #TODO: preface everything with hash based on group names so that don't have to delete

  for (pattern in patterns) {
    fpaths <- list.files(data_dir, pattern)
    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
      keep <- grepl(exclude, fpaths)
      fpaths <- fpaths[!keep]
    unlink(file.path(data_dir, fpaths))

#' Format uploaded annotation
#' @keywords internal
format_up_annot <- function(up, ref) {
  row.names(up) <- up$Title
  up[up == ''] <- NA

  # Group in order of Group name
  # allows changing color of groups by changing order or samples
  group <- up$`Group name`
  levels <- unique(group[!is.na(group)])
  group <- as.numeric(factor(group, levels =levels))
  up <- tibble::add_column(up, Group = group, .before = 1)

  up$Pair <- factor(up$Pair)

  # in case order of sample was changed
  up <- up[row.names(ref), ]

  # restore rna seq specific things
  up$lib.size <- ref$lib.size
  up$norm.factors <- ref$norm.factors



#' Format downloaded annotation
#' @keywords internal
format_dl_annot <- function(annot) {

  add_pair <- function(df) {
    pair <- df$Pair
    if (is.null(pair)) pair <- df$pair
    if (is.null(pair)) pair <- NA

    df$pair <- df$Pair <- NULL
    tibble::add_column(df, Pair = pair, .after = 'Title')

  annot <- add_pair(annot)
  annot <- annot[, !colnames(annot) %in% c('Group', 'lib.size', 'norm.factors')]


#' Validate uploaded bulk annotation
#' @keywords internal
validate_up_annot <- function(up, ref) {
  msg <- NULL

  req_cols <- c('Title', 'Group name', 'Pair')
  miss_cols <- req_cols[!req_cols %in% colnames(ref)]

  group <- up$`Group name`
  group <- group[!is.na(group)]
  ngroups <- length(unique(group))

  if (length(miss_cols)) {
    msg <- paste('Missing columns:', paste(miss_cols, collapse = ', '))

  } else if (!all(up$Title %in% ref$Title)) {
    msg <- 'Do not change Title column'

  } else if (ngroups < 2) {
    msg <- 'Need at least 2 groups'

  } else if (length(group) < 3) {
    msg <- 'Need at least 3 grouped samples'

  } else if (!is_invertible(up)) {
    msg <- 'Group name and Pair combination not solvable'


#' Check uploaded bulk pdata to make sure the study design is invertible
#' @keywords internal
is_invertible <- function(pdata) {
  pdata <- pdata[!is.na(pdata$`Group name`), ]
  pdata <- pdata[pdata$`Group name` != "", ]

  pair <- pdata$Pair
  if (length(unique(pair)) > 1) pdata$pair <- pair

  pdata$group <- pdata$`Group name`

  mod <- crossmeta::get_sva_mods(pdata)$mod

  methods::is(try(solve.default(t(mod) %*% mod),silent=TRUE), 'matrix')

#' Get and save pathway results for ebfit object
#' Used to avoid code reuse for single-cell and bulk
#' @param de Result of \code{\link[crossmeta]{fit_ebayes}} or
#'   \code{link[crossmeta]{get_top_table}}
#' @param goana_path Path to save goana Gene Ontology result
#' @return List with GO and KEGG results
#' @keywords internal
get_path_res <- function(de, goana_path, gs_dir, species = 'Hs', genego = NULL, gonames = NULL, coef = ncol(de), nmin = 50, max_fdr = 0.05, min_abs_logfc = 0) {

  is.marray <- methods::is(de, 'MArrayLM')
  if (!is.marray) {
    universe <- de$ENTREZID
    is.up <- de$logFC > min_abs_logfc
    is.dn <- de$logFC < -min_abs_logfc
    is.sig <- de$adj.P.Val < max_fdr

  } else {
    # order by pvals
    de <- de[order(de$p.value[, coef]), ]

    universe <- de$genes$ENTREZID
    is.up <- de$coefficients[, coef] > min_abs_logfc
    is.dn <- de$coefficients[, coef] < -min_abs_logfc
    is.sig <- stats::p.adjust(de$p.value[,coef], method = "BH") < max_fdr

  names(universe) <- row.names(de)

  # keep at least nmin up and down genes
  nsig.up <- sum(is.sig & is.up)
  nsig.dn <- sum(is.sig & is.dn)

  up <- utils::head(universe[is.up], nsig.up)
  dn <- utils::head(universe[is.dn], nsig.dn)

  de <- list(Up = up, Down = dn)

  universe <- universe[!duplicated(universe)]
  go_res <- run_go(de, universe, species, gs_dir, genego, gonames)

run_go <- function(de, universe, species, gs_dir, genego = NULL, gonames = NULL, min.genes = 4, max.genes = 250, min.diff = 3) {

  nsets <- length(de)

  # Ensure de gene IDs are unique and of character mode
  for (s in seq_len(nsets)) de[[s]] <- unique(as.character(de[[s]]))

  # Restrict DE genes to universe
  for (s in seq_len(nsets)) de[[s]] <- de[[s]][de[[s]] %in% universe]

  #	Check universe isn't empty
  NGenes <- length(universe)
  if (NGenes < 1L) stop("No annotated genes found in universe")

  # load gene to GO map and GO names
  if (is.null(genego)) genego <- get_genego(species, gs_dir)

  # Restrict pathways to universe
  genego <- genego[genego$gene_id %in% universe, ]
  if (is.null(gonames)) gonames <- get_gonames(genego, gs_dir)

  #	Overlap pathways with DE genes
  #	Create incidence matrix (X) of gene.pathway by DE sets
  X <- matrix(1, nrow(genego),nsets+1)
  colnames(X) <- c("N", names(de))
  for (s in seq_len(nsets)) X[, s+1] <- (genego[[1]] %in% de[[s]])

  #	Count genes and DE genes for each pathway
  S <- rowsum(X, group=genego[[2]], reorder=FALSE)

  # get gene identities
  gnames <- names(universe)
  names(gnames) <- universe

  gids <- tibble::tibble(cbind(genego, X))
  gids <- gids %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$Up | .data$Down) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gene_name = gnames[.data$gene_id]) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$go_id) %>%
      Up.Genes = name_list(.data$gene_name[.data$Up > 0], .data$go_id[1]),
      Down.Genes = name_list(.data$gene_name[.data$Down > 0], .data$go_id[1]))

  # Overlap tests
  PValue <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(S), ncol=nsets)
  colnames(PValue) <- rep("P.Value", 2)
  nde <- lengths(de, use.names=FALSE)

  #	Fisher's exact test
  for (j in seq_len(nsets))
    PValue[,j] <- stats::phyper(S[,1L+j]-0.5, nde[j], NGenes-nde[j], S[,"N"], lower.tail=FALSE)

  # Assemble output
  GOID <- rownames(S)
  TERM <- gonames[GOID]$TERM
  go_up <- data.frame(Term=TERM, Ont='BP', S, P.Value=PValue[, 1], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  go_dn <- data.frame(Term=TERM, Ont='BP', S, P.Value=PValue[, 2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  go_up <- go_up[order(go_up$P.Value), ]
  go_dn <- go_dn[order(go_dn$P.Value), ]

  # limit to terms with min.genes
  go_up <- go_up[go_up$Up >= min.genes, ]
  go_dn <- go_dn[go_dn$Down >= min.genes, ]

  # limit to terms with lt max.genes
  go_up <- go_up[go_up$N < max.genes, ]
  go_dn <- go_dn[go_dn$N < max.genes, ]

  # limit to terms with gt min.diff per 10
  ndiff_up <- go_up$Up - go_up$Down
  ndiff_dn <- go_dn$Down - go_dn$Up
  nmin_up <- pmax(1, go_up$Up/10)*min.diff
  nmin_dn <- pmax(1, go_dn$Down/10)*min.diff

  go_up <- go_up[ndiff_up > nmin_up, ]
  go_dn <- go_dn[ndiff_dn > nmin_dn, ]

  # adjust
  go_up$FDR <- stats::p.adjust(go_up$P.Value, 'BH')
  go_dn$FDR <- stats::p.adjust(go_dn$P.Value, 'BH')

  # filter by cutoff/min.go
  nsig.up <- sum(go_up$FDR < 0.05)
  nsig.dn <- sum(go_dn$FDR < 0.05)
  go_up <- utils::head(go_up, nsig.up)
  go_dn <- utils::head(go_dn, nsig.dn)

  # filter terms both up and down
  both <- intersect(row.names(go_up), row.names(go_dn))
  go_up <- go_up[!row.names(go_up) %in% both, ]
  go_dn <- go_dn[!row.names(go_dn) %in% both, ]

  # for adding gene names
  up_genes <- gids %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$go_id %in% row.names(go_up)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(idx = match(.data$go_id, row.names(go_up))) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$idx) %>%

  dn_genes <- gids %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$go_id %in% row.names(go_dn)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(idx = match(.data$go_id, row.names(go_dn))) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$idx) %>%

  # simplify using similarity
  # also formats FDRs and adds gene names
  go_up <- simplify(go_up, up_genes) %>% dplyr::rename(Genes = .data$genes)
  go_dn <- simplify(go_dn, dn_genes) %>% dplyr::rename(Genes = .data$genes)

  return(list(up=go_up, dn=go_dn))

name_list <- function(genes, name) {
  res <- list(genes)
  names(res) <- name

jaccard <- function (regmat) {

  nart <- ncol(regmat)
  jdist <- rep(0, nart * nart)
  dim(jdist) <- c(nart, nart)
  reg.col.sum <- apply(regmat, 2, sum)
  reg.aggrement <- t(regmat) %*% regmat
  reg.aggrement/(reg.col.sum - t(t(reg.aggrement) - reg.col.sum))

simplify <- function(go_res, genes, cutoff = 0.7, by = 'FDR') {
  # for R CMD check
  go1 <- go2 <- similarity <- NULL

  go_res$genes <- rep(NA, nrow(go_res))
  if (nrow(go_res) == 0) return(go_res)

  genes <- genes[row.names(go_res)]
  go_res$ID <- row.names(go_res)

  x <- table(utils::stack(genes))
  sim <- jaccard(x)

  sim.df <- as.data.frame(sim)
  sim.df$go1 <- row.names(sim.df)
  sim.df <- tidyr::gather(sim.df, go2, similarity, -go1)

  sim.df <- sim.df[!is.na(sim.df$similarity),]

  ## feature 'by' is attached to 'go1'
  sim.df <- merge(sim.df, go_res[, c("ID", by)], by.x="go1", by.y="ID")
  sim.df$go2 <- as.character(sim.df$go2)

  ID <- go_res$ID
  go_res$group <- 0
  go_res$genes <- NA

  used <- character()
  for (i in seq_along(ID)) {
    ii <- which(sim.df$go2 == ID[i] & sim.df$similarity > cutoff)
    if (length(ii) < 2) next

    sim_subset <- sim.df[ii,]

    jj <- which.min(sim_subset[, by])
    usedi <- sim_subset$go1
    usedi <- usedi[!usedi %in% used]

    if (length(usedi)) {
      go_res[usedi, 'group'] <- max(go_res$group)+1

      # put genes common to group first
      gni <- genes[usedi]
      common <- Reduce(intersect, gni)
      gni <- lapply(gni, function(x) c(common, setdiff(x, common)))
      go_res[usedi, 'genes'] <- unlist(lapply(gni, function(gs) paste(gs, collapse=', ')))

      used <- c(used, usedi)
  no.grp <- go_res$group == 0
  max.grp <- max(go_res$group)
  go_res$group[no.grp] <- seq(max.grp+1, max.grp+sum(no.grp))
  go_res$genes[no.grp] <- unlist(lapply(genes[no.grp], function(gs) paste(gs, collapse=', ')))

  go_res <- go_res %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$group) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gmin = min(.data$FDR)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$FDR) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Term = group_terms(.data$Term)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(FDR = format.pval(.data$FDR, eps = 0.0001, digits = 1)) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$gmin, .data$group) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$gmin, -.data$group) %>%

  row.names(go_res) <- go_res$ID
  go_res$ID <- NULL


# U+00B0 is the degree symbol
group_terms <- function(terms) {
  nterms <- length(terms)
  if (nterms == 1) return(terms)
  if (nterms == 2) return(c(terms[1], paste0('      \U00B0 -- ', terms[2])))

    paste0('      \U00A6 -- ', terms[2:(nterms-1)]),
    paste0('      \U00B0 -- ', terms[nterms]))

#' Get group levels for bulk data plots
#' @param pdata Data.frame of phenotype data
#' @keywords internal
get_group_levels <- function(pdata) {
  group <- pdata$`Group name`
  group_order <- order(unique(pdata$Group))

#' Check if newly uploaded pdata is the same as previously uploaded
#' @keywords internal
#' @return \code{TRUE} is \code{pdata} column 'Group name' or 'Pair' is different
#' from \code{prev}
check_bulk_changed <- function(prev, pdata) {

  # don't re-run if Group name or Pairs the same
  changed <-
    !identical(prev$`Group name`, pdata$`Group name`) |
    !identical(prev$Pair, pdata$Pair)


add_vsd <- function(eset, vsd_path = NULL, rna_seq = TRUE) {

  # for cases where manually added (e.g. nanostring dataset)
  els <- Biobase::assayDataElementNames(eset)
  if ('vsd' %in% els) return(eset)

  if (!rna_seq) {
    # for microarray use exprs
    vsd <- Biobase::assayDataElement(eset, 'exprs')

  } else if (!is.null(vsd_path) && file_exists(vsd_path)) {
    vsd <- qs::qread(vsd_path)

  } else {
    vsd <- crossmeta::get_vsd(eset)
    qs::qsave(vsd, vsd_path)

  Biobase::assayDataElement(eset, 'vsd') <- vsd

add_adjusted <- function(eset, adj_path, svobj = list(sv = NULL), numsv = 0) {

  if (file_exists(adj_path)) {
    Biobase::assayDataElement(eset, 'adjusted') <- qs::qread(adj_path)

  } else {
    eset <- crossmeta::add_adjusted(eset, svobj, numsv)
    adj <- Biobase::assayDataElement(eset, 'adjusted')
    qs::qsave(adj, adj_path)


iqr_replicates <- function(eset, keep_path, annot = "SYMBOL", rm.dup = FALSE) {

  if (file_exists(keep_path)) {
    keep <- qs::qread(keep_path)
    eset <- eset[keep, ]
    Biobase::featureNames(eset) <- Biobase::fData(eset)[, annot]

  } else {
    Biobase::fData(eset)$iqr_rows <- seq_len(nrow(eset))
    eset <- crossmeta::iqr_replicates(eset, annot, rm.dup)
    keep <- Biobase::fData(eset)$iqr_rows
    qs::qsave(keep, keep_path)


# used to validate fastq.gz files before uploading
attrib_replace <- function(x, cond, ...) {
  if (all(names(cond) %in% names(x)) && identical(cond, x[names(cond)])) x <- c(x, list(...))
  if ("attribs" %in% names(x)) x$attribs <- attrib_replace(x$attribs, cond = cond, ...)
  if ("children" %in% names(x)) x$children <- lapply(x$children, function(ch) attrib_replace(ch, cond = cond, ...))

getUploadBulkInfo <- function(is_local) {

  local_info <- tags$div(
    class='alert alert-warning', role = 'alert',
    tags$div(tags$b("For each sample upload file types:")),
    tags$div("- ", tags$code('fastq.gz'), "or"),
    tags$div("- ", tags$code('eset.qs'), "/", tags$code('eset.rds'), 'files produced with', tags$a(href = 'https://github.com/alexvpickering/rkal', tags$code('rkal::import_quants'))),
    tags$div('\U1F331 Only human fastq.gz files are currently supported.')

  server_info <- tags$div(
    class='alert alert-warning', role = 'alert',
    tags$div(tags$b("For each sample upload file types:")),
    tags$div("- ", tags$code('eset.qs'), "/", tags$code('eset.rds'), 'files produced with', tags$a(href = 'https://github.com/alexvpickering/rkal', tags$code('rkal::import_quants'))),
    tags$div('\U1F331 fastq.gz files can only be imported locally.')

  if (is_local) {
  } else {

# used to set filter options for pathway analysis
downloadResultsModal <- function(session, max_fdr, min_abs_logfc) {
  ns <- session$ns

        div(style = 'margin-bottom: -30px',
        numericInput(ns('min_abs_logfc'), 'Min absolute logFC:', value = min_abs_logfc, min = 0, step = 0.1, max = 3, width = '100%'),
        div(style = 'margin-bottom: -30px',
          numericInput(ns('max_fdr'), 'Max FDR:', value = max_fdr, min = 0, step = 0.01, max = 1, width = '100%'),
        tags$b('Up:'), textOutput(ns('ngenes_up'), inline = TRUE),
        tags$b('Down:'), textOutput(ns('ngenes_dn'), inline = TRUE),
    title = 'Pathway Filter Options',
    size = 'm',
    footer = tagList(
      actionButton(ns("confirm_dl_anal"), "Download Results", class = 'btn-warning'),
      tags$div(class='pull-left', modalButton('Cancel'))
    easyClose = TRUE

volcanoPlotUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
  shiny::plotOutput(ns('plot'), width = 380, height = 300)

# modal to upload bulk fastq.gz files
uploadBulkModal <- function(session, show_init, is_eset, import_dataset_name, paired) {

  is_local <- getShinyOption('is_local', TRUE)
  test_string <- ifelse(is_local, 'rds$|qs$|fastq.gz$', 'rds$|qs$')

    div(class='upload-validation dashed-upload',
            placeholder = 'drag files here',
            label = '',
            buttonLabel = 'upload',
            accept = c('.qs', '.fastq.gz', '.eset'),
            multiple = TRUE
          list(id = session$ns("up_raw"), type = "file"),
          onchange = sprintf("checkBulkFileName(this, '%s' ,'%s');", session$ns("up_raw_errors"), test_string)
          id = session$ns('validate-up-fastq'),
          tags$span(class = 'help-block', id = session$ns('error_msg_bulk_file'))
      id = session$ns('import_name_container'),
      style = ifelse(show_init, '', 'display: none;'),
        'Name for new dataset:',
        value = import_dataset_name,
        container_id = session$ns('validate-up-name'),
        help_id = session$ns('error_msg_name')
      id = session$ns('fastq_labels_container'),
      style = ifelse(show_init & !is_eset, '', 'display: none;'),
        container_id = session$ns('fastq_labels'),
        label = 'Label selected rows as:',
        help_id = session$ns('error_msg_labels'),
        actionButton(session$ns('pair'), 'Pairs'),
        actionButton(session$ns('rep'), 'Replicates', class = ifelse(paired, '', 'radius-left')),
        actionButton(session$ns('reset'), 'Clear Selected'),
        class = if (paired) '' else c('hidden', '', '')
        class= ifelse(show_init, 'dt-container', 'invisible-height dt-container'),
        span(class='pull-left', tags$i(class = 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', style='color: orange;'), ' make sure file sizes are correct before importing.', style='color: grey; font-style: italic;'),
        DT::dataTableOutput(session$ns('uploads_table'), width = '100%')
    title = 'Upload Bulk Dataset',
    size = 'l',
    footer = tagList(
        "Import Dataset",
        class = ifelse(show_init, 'btn-warning', 'btn-warning disabled'),
      tags$div(class='pull-left', modalButton("Cancel"))
    easyClose = FALSE

# modal to confirm import and run quantification
confirmImportBulkModal <- function(session) {

  UI <- tags$div(
      style='font-style: italic;',
      tags$dd(tags$i(class = 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', style='color: orange;'), ' file sizes match your local files.'),
      tags$dd(tags$i(class = 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', style='color: orange;'), ' all samples were uploaded.'),
      tags$dd(tags$i(class = 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', style='color: orange;'), ' any replicate or pair-ended files are labeled correctly.'),
      tags$i(class = 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', style='color: red;'),
      'This will take a while. If unsure, click ',
      ' and re-open Add Datasets modal.')

    title = 'Double check:',
    size = 'l',
    footer = tagList(
      tags$div(class = 'pull-left', modalButton("Cancel")),
      actionButton(session$ns("confirm"), "Quantify", class = 'btn-warning')

# validation when upload bulk files
validate_bulk_uploads <- function(up_df, is_eset = FALSE) {
  msg <- NULL

  sizes <- up_df$size
  if (any(sizes == 0)) {
    return('Files with 0 bytes. Remove and re-upload.')

  # only check file size if eset
  if (is_eset) return(NULL)

  # try to get a line from fastq files
  id1s <- rkal::get_fastq_id1s(up_df$datapath)
  not.fastqs <- id1s == ''

  if (any(not.fastqs)) {
    msg <- paste('Invalid files:', paste(up_df$name[not.fastqs], collapse = ', '))

  # check pairs
  pairs <- rkal::get_fastq_pairs(id1s)
  if (is.null(pairs)) {
    return("Format of fastq.gz files must be from older/newer Illumina software.")

  paired <- '2' %in% unique(pairs)
  each.paired <- sum(pairs == '1') == sum(pairs == '2')
  if (paired && !each.paired) {
    return("Upload both files for pair-ended fastq.gz files.")

  if (length(up_df$name) != length(unique(up_df$name))) {
    return('Files must have unique names.')


validate_bulk_name <- function(import_name) {

  if (!isTruthy(import_name)) {
    return('Provide dataset name.')


validate_not_path <- function(import_name) {

  is_path <- basename(import_name) != import_name
  if (is_path) {
    return('Name must not form a path.')

  starts_with_period <- grepl('^[.]', import_name)
  if (starts_with_period) {
    return('Name must not start with a period.')


# validation run after click "Import"
validate_bulk_labels <- function(up_df, reps, pairs, paired) {
  msg <- NULL

  # if paired, all must be in a pair
  na.pairs <- is.na(pairs)

  if (paired & any(na.pairs)) {
    msg <- 'All files must belong to a pair.'

  # need at least 3 samples
  nsample <- ifelse(

  if (nsample < 3) {
    msg <- 'At least 3 samples required.'


handle_bulk_progress <- function(bgs, progs, new_dataset) {

  bg_names <- names(bgs)
  if (!length(bg_names)) return(NULL)

  todel <- c()
  for (name in bg_names) {
    bg <- bgs[[name]]
    progress <- progs[[name]]
    if(is.null(bg)) next

    msgs <- bg$read_output_lines()
    if (length(msgs)) print(msgs)

    # for some reason this un-stalls bg process for integration
    # also nice to see things printed to stderr
    errs <- bg$read_error_lines()
    if (length(errs)) print(errs)

    started <- any(grepl('pseudoaligned', errs))
    if (started) {
      progress$set(value = progress$getValue() + 1)

    # for "Annotating dataset"
    if (length(msgs)) {
      progress$set(value = progress$getValue() + 1, message = msgs)

    if (!bg$is_alive()) {
      res <- bg$get_result()
      if (res) new_dataset(name)
      todel <- c(todel, name)
  for (name in todel) {
    bgs[[name]] <- NULL
    progs[[name]] <- NULL

file.move <- function(from, to) {
  if (any(file_exists(to))) unlink(to)
    file.rename(from, to),
    warning = function(w) {
      if (grepl('Invalid cross-device link', w$message)) {
        file.copy(from, to)

run_kallisto_bulk_bg <- function(indices_dir, data_dir, quant_meta, paired) {

  rkal::run_kallisto_bulk(indices_dir, data_dir, quant_meta, paired)
  cat('Annotating dataset')
  eset <- rkal::load_seq(data_dir, save_eset = FALSE)
  qs::qsave(eset, file.path(data_dir, 'eset.qs'))
hms-dbmi/drugseqr documentation built on June 24, 2024, 7:03 a.m.