

## reset later
original_contrasts_options <- getOption('contrasts')


tables <- list(
    mtcars[1:2, ],
    mtcars[1:2, 5],
    table(mtcars$am) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear, mtcars$carb),
    addmargins(table(mtcars$gear, mtcars$carb))

test_that('no error: multiline', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'multiline'), is_a('character'))
test_that('no error: simple', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'simple'), is_a('character'))
test_that('no error: grid', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'grid'), is_a('character'))
test_that('no error: rmarkdown', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'rmarkdown'), is_a('character'))

tables <- list(
    mtcars[1:2, ],
    mtcars[1:2, 5],
    table(mtcars$am) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear) + 0.1,
    t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep),
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear, mtcars$carb) + 0.1

test_that('split.tables', {
    # test exact values (#164)
    t <- data.frame(a = '7 chars', b = paste(rep('Δ', 5), collapse = ' '))
    expect_equal(nchar('Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ', type='width'), 9)
    res_grid <- pander_return(t, style='grid', split.tables = 23)
    expect_equal(length(res_grid), 8)
    expect_false(any(grepl('Table', res_grid)))
    res_grid <- pander_return(t, style='grid', split.tables = 22)
    expect_equal(length(res_grid), 18)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Table', res_grid)))
    res_simple <- pander_return(t, style='simple', split.tables = 17)
    expect_equal(length(res_simple), 6)
    expect_false(any(grepl('Table', res_simple)))
    res_simple <- pander_return(t, style='simple', split.tables = 16)
    expect_equal(length(res_simple), 14)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Table', res_simple)))

test_that('rmarkdown pipe-delimited table is correct (#186)', {
    d <- data.frame(a = 'foo|bar', b = 'my missing cell')
    res <- pander_return(d, style='rmarkdown')
    expect_true(any(grep('foo', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('bar', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('my missing cell', res)))
    rownames(d) <- 'x|y'
    res <- pander_return(d, style='rmarkdown')
    expect_true(any(grep('x', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('y', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('foo', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('bar', res)))
    expect_true(any(grep('my missing cell', res)))

test_that('pandoc.table.return behaves correctly', {
    expect_warning(pander_return(mtcars[,1:2], split.tables = Inf, split.cells = c('50%', '50%')))
    t <- mtcars[1:3, 1:2]
    attr(t, 'alignment') <- 'left'
    attr(t, 'caption') <- 'simplified mtcars'
    res <- pander_return(t, emphasize.rownames = F)
    expect_false(any(grep('^[[:space:]]', res))) # because of left alignment
    expect_true(any(grep('simplified mtcars', res)))
    expect_error(pander_return(t, justify = c('left', 'right'))) # needs 3 because of rownames
    expect_error(pander_return(t, justify = 'lr')) # needs 3 because of rownames
    res <- pander_return(t, justify = 'lrr')
    expect_false(any(grep('[[:space:]]$', res)))
    expect_error(pander_return(t, justify='laft'))
    res <- pander_return(t, split.tables = 1)
    expect_equal(length(res), 24)
    res <- pander_return(t, split.cells = c(10, 10, 10))
    expect_equal(length(res), 16)
    expect_warning(pander_return(t, split.cells = vector()))

dm <- panderOptions('decimal.mark')
panderOptions('decimal.mark', ',')
test_that('decimal mark', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_true(grepl(',', paste(pander_return(t), collapse = '\n')))

panderOptions('decimal.mark', dm)

context('highlight tables')

t <- mtcars[1:3, 1:5]
test_that('highlight 1D: no error', {
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t$mpg, emphasize.italics.cells = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t$mpg, emphasize.italics.cells = 1:2), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t$mpg, emphasize.strong.cells = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t$mpg, emphasize.strong.cells = 1:2), is_a('character'))

t <- table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)
test_that('emphasize 2D: no error', {
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.rows = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.rows = 1:2), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.cols = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.cols = 1:2), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.cells = which(t > 10, arr.ind = TRUE)), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.italics.cells = which(t > 20, arr.ind = TRUE)), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.rows = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.rows = 1:2), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.cols = 1), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.cols = 1:2), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.cells = which(t > 10, arr.ind = TRUE)), is_a('character'))
    expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, emphasize.strong.cells = which(t > 20, arr.ind = TRUE)), is_a('character'))

test_that('emphasize: error', {
    expect_that(pandoc.table(t, emphasize.italics.cols = 1:5), throws_error())
    expect_that(pandoc.table(t, emphasize.italics.cols = 1.5), throws_error())
    expect_that(pandoc.table(t, emphasize.strong.cols = 1:5), throws_error())
    expect_that(pandoc.table(t, emphasize.strong.cols = 1.5), throws_error())

test_that('no warning for highlight NA/empty strings', {
    expect_that(pandoc.table(data.frame(x = 1:2, y = c(1,NA)), emphasize.italics.cols = 2), not(gives_warning()))

test_that('emphasize.italics.rows works correctly', {
    # test for issue 176
    df <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=1:3, c=1:3)
    res <- capture.output(pander(df, emphasize.italics.rows = c(1,2), style = 'simple'))
    expect_equal(res[5], '*1* *1* *1*')
    expect_equal(res[6], '*2* *2* *2*')
    res <- capture.output(pander(df, emphasize.strong.rows = c(1,2), style = 'simple'))
    expect_equal(res[5], '**1** **1** **1**')
    expect_equal(res[6], '**2** **2** **2**')

test_that('emphasize.verbatim works correctly', {
    df <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6, c=7:9)
    res <- pander_return(df, emphasize.verbatim.rows = c(1,2), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[5], '`1` `4` `7`')
    expect_equal(res[6], '`2` `5` `8`')
    res <- pander_return(df, emphasize.verbatim.cols = c(1,2), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[5], '`1` `4`  7 ')
    expect_equal(res[6], '`2` `5`  8 ')
    res <- pander_return(df, emphasize.verbatim.cells = which(df > 5, arr.ind = TRUE), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[5], ' 1   4  `7`')
    expect_equal(res[6], ' 2   5  `8`')
    res <- pander_return(df, emphasize.verbatim.cells = which(df > 5, arr.ind = TRUE),
                         emphasize.strong.rows = c(1,2), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[5], '**1** **4** **`7`**')
    expect_equal(res[7], '  3    `6`    `9`  ')


tables <- list(
    mtcars[1:2, ],
    table(mtcars$am) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear) + 0.1,
    t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep),

has.caption <- function(ttt, evals = FALSE) {
    if (!evals)
        any(grepl('Table:', pander_return(ttt)))
        !is.null(attr(evals('get("ttt")', env = parent.frame())[[1]]$result, 'caption'))

test_that('direct call', {
    for (ttt in tables)
        expect_that(has.caption(ttt), is_true())

cache.dir <- evalsOptions('cache.dir')
graph.dir <- evalsOptions('graph.dir')
wd <- getwd()
evalsOptions('cache.dir',  file.path(tempdir(), '.cache'))
evalsOptions('graph.dir',  file.path(tempdir(), 'plots'))
test_that('evals', {
    for (ttt in tables)
        expect_that(has.caption(ttt, evals = TRUE), is_true())
evalsOptions('cache.dir',  cache.dir)
evalsOptions('graph.dir',  graph.dir)

context('default alignments')

tables <- list(
    mtcars[1:2, ],
    mtcars[1:2, 5],
    table(mtcars$am) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear) + 0.1,
    table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear, mtcars$carb)

tad <- panderOptions('table.alignment.default')
tar <- panderOptions('table.alignment.rownames')

panderOptions('table.alignment.default', 'centre')
panderOptions('table.alignment.rownames', 'right')
test_that('no error: allright', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'multiline'), is_a('character'))

f <- function(df) {
        if (class(df) != 'matrix' && !is.table(df) || length(dim(df)) < 2)
            ifelse(sapply(df, is.numeric), 'right', 'left')
            ifelse(apply(df, 2, is.numeric), 'right', 'left')
panderOptions('table.alignment.default', f)
test_that('no error: functions', {
    for (t in tables)
        expect_that(pandoc.table.return(t, style = 'multiline'), is_a('character'))
panderOptions('table.alignment.default', tad)
panderOptions('table.alignment.rownames', tar)

test_that('digits param', {
    m <- matrix(rep(0.111111, 6), nrow = 2)
    res <- pander_return(m, digits = c(2,4,1))
    expect_equal(res[3], '0.11 0.1111 0.1')
    expect_warning(pander_return(m, digits=c(1,2)))
    res <- pander_return(m, digits = c(2))
    expect_equal(res[3],'0.11 0.11 0.11')
    mt <- mtcars[1:4, 5:8]
    res <- pander_return(mt, digits = c(1,4,3,4), keep.trailing.zeros = T)
    expect_equal(res[5], '   **Mazda RX4**       4    2.62   16.5   0  ')

test_that('round param', {
    m <- matrix(rep(0.111111, 6), nrow = 2)
    res <- pander_return(m, round = c(2,4,1))
    expect_equal(res[3], '0.11 0.1111 0.1')
    expect_warning(pander_return(m, round=c(1,2)))
    res <- pander_return(m, round = c(2))
    expect_equal(res[3],'0.11 0.11 0.11')

test_that('keep.line.breaks works correctly', {
  # keeping line breaks in a simple data.frame with one line breaks differs lines amount by one
  x <- data.frame(a='Pander\nPackage') <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE), '\n')[[1]])
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + 1, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  # keeping line breaks in a simple data.frame with 2 rows with 1 line breaks differst lines amount by 2
  x <- data.frame(a=c('Pander\nPackage','Pander\nPackage')) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE), '\n')[[1]])
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + 2, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  #if there are no line breaks originally, they do not get introduced
  x <- data.frame(a=c('Pander Package','Pander Package')) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE), '\n')[[1]])
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal(, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  # works with random number of rows added
  rows <- sample(1:100, 1)
  x <- data.frame(a=rep('Pander\nPackage', rows)) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE), '\n')[[1]])
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + rows, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  # random number of line breaks in one cell
  n <- sample(1:10, 1)
  x <- data.frame(a=paste(rep('pander', n), collapse='\n')) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE, split.cells = Inf), '\n')[[1]])
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + n - 1, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  # random number of line breaks in cells, 3 columns
  n <- sample(1:10, 3)
  x <- data.frame(a=paste(rep('pander', n[1]), collapse='\n'),
                  b = paste(rep('pander', n[2]), collapse='\n'),
                  c = paste(rep('pander', n[3]), collapse='\n')) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE, split.cells = Inf, split.tables = Inf), '\n')[[1]]) #nolint
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + max(n) - 1, lines.x.keep.breaks)

  # 3 columns, 2 rows
  x <- rbind(x,x) <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = FALSE, split.cells = Inf, split.tables = Inf), '\n')[[1]]) #nolint
  lines.x.keep.breaks <- length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = TRUE), '\n')[[1]])
  expect_equal( + 2 * max(n) - 2, lines.x.keep.breaks)

test_that('split.cells works correctly',{
  x <- data.frame(a = 'foo bar\nfo bar')
  # single line break behaves correctly combines with keep line breaks
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = T, split.cells = 7),
               '\n-------\n   a   \n-------\nfoo bar\nfo bar \n-------\n\n')
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, keep.line.breaks = T, split.cells = 6),
               '\n------\n  a   \n------\n foo  \n bar  \nfo bar\n------\n\n')
  # Corner values of split.cells
  x <- data.frame(a = 'foo bar', b = 'foo bar')
  expect_equal(length(strsplit(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(6, Inf)), '\n')[[1]]), 8)
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(6, Inf)),
               '\n-----------\n a     b   \n--- -------\nfoo foo bar\nbar        \n-----------\n\n')
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(Inf, 6)),
               '\n-----------\n   a     b \n------- ---\nfoo bar foo\n        bar\n-----------\n\n')
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(7, 7)),
               '\n---------------\n   a       b   \n------- -------\nfoo bar foo bar\n---------------\n\n')
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(7, 7)), pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = Inf))
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(6 ,6)), pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = 6))
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(7 ,7)), pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = 7))
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(7 ,7)), pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = 7))
  # relative split.cells
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c('50%', '50%')),
               pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(7)))
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c('20%', '80%'), split.tables = 30),
               pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(6, Inf)))
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c('80%', '20%'), split.tables = 30),
               pandoc.table.return(x, split.cells = c(Inf, 6)))

test_that('split.cells param produces expected warnings',{
  mt <- mtcars[1:2, 1:4]
  expect_warning(pander(mt, split.cells = c(1,2)))
  expect_warning(pander(mt, split.cells = c(1,2,3)))
  expect_warning(pander(mt, split.cells = c('10%','10%','10%')))
  expect_warning(pander(mt, split.cells = c('30%','30%','40%')))


  x <- data.frame(a='Pander\nPackage')
  expect_error(pander(x, style='simple', keep.line.breaks = T))
  expect_error(pander(x, style='rmarkdown', keep.line.breaks = T))

table.expand <- function(cells, cols.width, justify, sep.cols, style) {
  .Call('pander_tableExpand_cpp', PACKAGE = 'pander', cells, cols.width, justify, sep.cols, style)

test_that('table.expand behaves correctly',{
  ## multiline style check
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 4L, 2L, 3L), .Label = c('&nbsp;',  'cyl', 'disp', 'mpg'), class = 'factor'), width = c(19, 5, 5,  6), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'centre', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'multiline'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)),
               length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2]))
  expect_equal(res, '      &nbsp;         mpg   cyl   disp ');

  ## grid style check
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L), .Label = c('&nbsp;',  'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'mpg'), class = 'factor'), width = c(20,  5, 5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'centre', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('| ', ' | ', ' |')
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
  expect_equal(nchar(res), nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2])) #nolint
  expect_equal(res, '|        &nbsp;        |  mpg  |  cyl  |  disp  |  hp  |' )

  ## rmarkdown style check
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 4L, 5L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c('**Mazda RX4**',  '110', '160', '21', '6'), class = 'factor'), width = c(20, 5,  5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'centre', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('| ', ' | ', ' |')
  style <-  'rmarkdown'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2]))
  expect_equal(res, '|    **Mazda RX4**     |  21   |   6   |  160   | 110  |')

  ## simple style check
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 3L, 4L, 2L, 5L), .Label = c('**Datsun 710**',  '108', '22.8', '4', '93'), class = 'factor'), width = c(20, 5,  5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'centre', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'simple'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2]))
  expect_equal(res, '   **Datsun 710**    22.8    4    108    93 ')

  ## left justification
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 4L, 5L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c('**Mazda',  '110', '160', '21', '6'), class = 'factor'), width = c(10, 5,  5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'left', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'multiline'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2]))
  expect_equal(res, '**Mazda    21    6     160    110 ');

  ## right justification
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 3L, 5L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c('**Hornet 4 Drive**',  '110', '21.4', '258', '6'), class = 'factor'), width = c(20,  5, 5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'right', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'simple'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(argv[,2]) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(argv[,2]))
  expect_equal(res, '  **Hornet 4 Drive**  21.4     6    258  110' );

  ## multiple lines
  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 3L, 5L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c('**Hornet\n4\nDrive**',  '110', '21.4', '258', '6'), class = 'factor'), width = c(10,  5, 5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'left', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'multiline'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)),
               length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(res, '**Hornet   21.4  6     258    110 \n4                                 \nDrive**                           '); #nolint

  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 3L, 4L, 2L, 5L), .Label = c('**Datsun\n710**',  '108', '22.8', '4', '93'), class = 'factor'), width = c(10, 5,  5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'left', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'multiline'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)),
               length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
  expect_equal(res, '**Datsun   22.8  4     108    93  \n710**                             ');

  argv <-  structure(list(txt = structure(c(1L, 4L, 5L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c('**Mazda\nRX4\nWag**',  '110', '160', '21', '6'), class = 'factor'), width = c(10, 5,  5, 6, 4), justify = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = 'left', class = 'factor')), .Names = c('txt',  'width', 'justify'), row.names = c('t.rownames', 'mpg', 'cyl',  'disp', 'hp'), class = 'data.frame') #nolint
  sep.cols <-  c('', ' ', '')
  style <-  'multiline'
  res <- table.expand(argv[,1], argv[,2], argv[,3], sep.cols, style)
  # max number of line breaks equals number of lines in the result
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(argv[,1]), '\n'), length)), length(strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]))
  expect_equal(res, '**Mazda    21    6     160    110 \nRX4                               \nWag**                             '); #nolint

  # empty cells
  cells <- c('','','')
  cols.width <- c(2, 2, 2)
  justify <- c('centre', 'centre', 'centre')
  sep.cols <- c('', ' ', '')
  res <- table.expand(cells, cols.width, justify, sep.cols, 'multiline')
  # when max.width param is small, every word is a line
  expect_equal(max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(cells), '\n'), length)), 0)
               nchar(sep.cols)[1] + (length(cells) - 1) * nchar(sep.cols)[2] + nchar(sep.cols)[3] + sum(cols.width))
  expect_equal(res, '        ')

  # backslashes issue (#22)
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(data.frame(a='\\1 \\ 32',b='23')),
               '\n-----------\n   a     b \n------- ---\n\\1 \\ 32 23 \n-----------\n\n')
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(data.frame(a='\\1 \\ 32',b='23'), justify = 'right'),
               '\n-----------\n      a   b\n------- ---\n\\1 \\ 32  23\n-----------\n\n')
               '\n-------\n a   b \n--- ---\n\\1  23 \n-------\n\n')

  # unicode string issue
  expect_equal(pandoc.table.return(data.frame(a = 'ßß')), '\n---\n a \n---\nßß \n---\n\n')

context('Empty objects')

test_that('Behavior for empty objects is correct', {
    mt <- mtcars[mtcars$mpg < 0, 1:4]
    res <- pander_return(mt)
    expect_equal(res[3], '**mpg** **cyl** **disp** **hp**')
    expect_equal(length(res), 6)
    colnames(mt) <- NULL
    res <- suppressWarnings(pander_return(mt))
    expect_equal(length(res), 0)
    mt <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 5)
    res <- suppressWarnings(pander_return(mt))
    expect_equal(length(res), 0)
    colnames(mt) <- 1:5
    res <- pander_return(mt)
    expect_equal(res[3], '**1** **2** **3** **4** **5**')
    expect_equal(length(res), 6)
    expect_equal(length(pander_return(data.frame())), 0)


test_that('plain.ascii option works correctly', {
    # dim is NULL
    x <- 1:10
    res <- pandoc.table.return(x, emphasize.cells=c(3,4), plain.ascii = T)
    res <- strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]
    expect_false(any(grepl('\\*', res)))
    expect_equal(res[3], '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10')
    # length(dim) == 1
    x <- array(1:10)
    res <- pandoc.table.return(x, emphasize.cells=c(3,4), plain.ascii = T)
    res <- strsplit(res, '\n')[[1]]
    expect_false(any(grepl('\\*', res)))
    expect_equal(res[3], '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10')
    # length(dim) > 1
    x <- mtcars[1:3, 1:4]
    res <- pandoc.table.return(x, emphasize.rows = 2, plain.ascii = T)
    expect_false(grepl('&nbsp;', res))
    expect_false(grepl('\\*', res))

context('S3 methods')

test_that('pander.tabular behaves correctly', {
    tab <- pander_return(tables::tabular(as.factor(am) ~ (mpg + hp + qsec) * (mean + median),
                                         data = mtcars),
                         emphasize.rownames = FALSE,
                         split.tables = Inf)
    expect_equal(length(tab), 10)
    tab <- pander_return(tables::tabular( (Species + 1) ~ (n = 1) + Format(digits = 2) * (Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width) * (mean + sd), data=iris ), #nolint
                         split.tables = Inf)
    expect_equal(length(tab), 14)

test_that('pander.CrossTable behaves correctly', {
    # issue
    x <- CrossTable(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$gear, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE, chisq = FALSE, prop.chisq = FALSE)
    res <- pander_return(x)
    expect_true(any(grepl(gsub('\\$', '\\\\$', x$ColData), res))) #nolint
    expect_true(any(grepl(gsub('\\$', '\\\\$', x$RowData), res))) #nolint
    # expected N, residual, std residual, adj std residual rownames was not included
    x <- suppressWarnings(CrossTable(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$gear, expected = T, resid = T, sresid = T, asresid = T))
    res <- pander_return(x)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Expected N', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Residual', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Std Residual', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Adj Std Resid', res)))
    # issue 211 support for total.r total.c
    x <- CrossTable(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$gear)
    res <- pander_return(x, total.c = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 27)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Total', res)), 4)
    res <- pander_return(x, total.r = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 30)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Total', res)), 4)
    res <- pander_return(x)
    expect_equal(length(res), 30)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Total', res)), 5)

test_that('pander.NULL behaves correctly', {
    expect_equal(length(pander_return(NULL)), 0)
    expect_equal(length(pander_return(c(NULL, NULL))), 0)

test_that('pander.cast_df behaves correctly', {
    df <- data.frame(type=c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), variable='n', value=c(71, 72, 68, 80, 21, 20))
    df.cast <- reshape::cast(df, type~., sum)
    expect_equal(pander_return(df.cast, style='simple'),
                 c('','',' type   (all) ','------ -------','  1      143  ','  2      148  ','  3      41   ',''))

test_that('pander.lm/pander.summary.lm behaves correctly', {
    ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
    trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
    group <- gl(2, 10, 20, labels = c('Ctl','Trt'))
    weight <- c(ctl, trt)
    lm.D9 <- lm(weight ~ group)
    res1 <- pander_return(lm.D9)
    expect_equal(length(res1), 11)
    expect_equal(max(nchar(res1)), 62)
    res <- pander_return(summary(lm.D9))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Fitting linear model', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Observations', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 18)

test_that('pander.glm/pander.summary.glm behaves correctly', {
    clotting <- data.frame(
        u = c(5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100),
        lot1 = c(118,58,42,35,27,25,21,19,18),
        lot2 = c(69,35,26,21,18,16,13,12,12))
    glmm <- glm(lot1 ~ log(u), data = clotting, family = Gamma)
    pglmm <- pander_return(glmm)
    expect_equal(length(pglmm), 11)
    expect_equal(max(nchar(pglmm)), 70)
    res <- pander_return(summary(glmm))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Null deviance', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 21)

test_that('pander.aov/pander.summary.aov behaves correctly', {
    npk.aovE <- aov(yield ~  N * P * K + Error(block), npk)
    paov <- pander_return(npk.aovE)
    psaov <- pander_return(summary(npk.aovE))
    expect_equal(paov, psaov) # choice of similar result for summary and standard
    expect_equal(length(psaov), 23)

test_that('pander.anova behaves correctly', {
    fit <- lm(sr ~ ., data = LifeCycleSavings)
    a <- anova(fit)
    pa <- pander_return(a, style = 'simple')
    expect_true(all(sapply(names(a)[-5], grepl, pa[3])))
    #more complicated run
    fit0 <- lm(sr ~ 1, data = LifeCycleSavings)
    fit1 <- update(fit0, . ~ . + pop15)
    fit2 <- update(fit1, . ~ . + pop75)
    fit3 <- update(fit2, . ~ . + dpi)
    fit4 <- update(fit3, . ~ . + ddpi)
    a <- anova(fit0, fit1, fit2, fit3, fit4, test = 'F')
    pa <- pander_return(a, style='simple')
    expect_true(all(sapply(names(a)[-6], grepl, pa[3])))

test_that('pander.aovlist/pander.summary.aovlist behaves correctly', {
    options(contrasts = c('contr.helmert', 'contr.poly'))
    N <- c(0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0)
    P <- c(1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0)
    K <- c(1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0)
    yield <- c(49.5,62.8,46.8,57.0,59.8,58.5,55.5,56.0,62.8,55.8,69.5,
               55.0, 62.0,48.8,45.5,44.2,52.0,51.5,49.8,48.8,57.2,59.0,53.2,56.0)
    npk <- data.frame(block=gl(6,4), N=factor(N), P=factor(P),
                      K=factor(K), yield=yield)
    a <- aov(yield ~  N * P * K + Error(block), npk)
    pa <- pander_return(a, style='simple')
    expect_equal(length(pa), 14)

test_that('pander.mtable behaves correctly', {
    lm0 <- lm(sr ~ pop15 + pop75,              data = LifeCycleSavings)
    pm <- pander_return(memisc::mtable(lm0), style='grid') # produces 2 columns, corner case
    expect_equal(length(strsplit(pm[3], '\\+')[[1]]), 3)
    expect_equal(length(pm), 35)

    berkeley <- Aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions)
    berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family='binomial')
    berk1 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender,data=berkeley,family='binomial')
    berk2 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~Gender + Dept,data=berkeley,family='binomial')
    pm <- pander_return(mtable(berk0, summary.stats=NULL), style='grid') # only one row
    expect_equal(length(pm), 7)
    # horizontal, produced an error before
    x <- memisc::mtable(berk0,berk1,berk2,
    pm <- pander_return(x, style='grid')
    expect_equal(length(pm), 33)
    expect_true(all(sapply(colnames(x$coeficient), grepl, pm[4])))

    # more complex mtable
    pm <- pander_return(memisc::mtable(berk0,berk1,berk2,
           summary.stats=c('Deviance','AIC','N')), style = 'grid')
    expect_equal(length(pm), 47)

test_that('pander.ts behaves correctly', {
    # ncol NULL
    res <- pander_return(ts(1:10, frequency = 4, start = c(1959, 2)), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[3], '  &nbsp;    Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4 ')
    expect_equal(length(res), 8)
    # ncol not NULL
    res <- pander_return(ts(matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3), start = c(1961, 1), frequency = 12), style = 'simple')
    expect_equal(res[3], '    &nbsp;      Series.1   Series.2   Series.3 ')
    expect_equal(length(res), 15)

test_that('pander.coxph behaves correctly', {
    test1 <- list(time=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3),
    # Fit a stratified model
    res <- pander_return(coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(sex), test1))
    expect_equal(res[3], '&nbsp;   coef   exp(coef)   se(coef)    z      p   ')
    expect_equal(length(res), 10)

test_that('pander.clogit works correctly', {
    resp <- levels(logan$occupation)
    n <- nrow(logan)
    indx <- rep(1:n, length(resp))
    logan2 <- data.frame(logan[indx,],
                         id = indx,
                         tocc = factor(rep(resp, each=n)))
    logan2$case <- (logan2$occupation == logan2$tocc)
    res <- pander_return(suppressWarnings(clogit(case ~ tocc + tocc:education + strata(id), logan2)))
    expect_true(grepl('Fitting Conditional logistic regression', res[24]))
    expect_equal(length(res), 26)

test_that('pander.zoo works correctly', {
    x.Date <- as.Date('2003-02-01') + c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14) - 1
    res <- pander_return(zoo(rnorm(5), x.Date), style='simple')
    expect_true(grepl('Value', res[3]))
    expect_equal(length(res), 10)
    # more complex example with colnames
    res <- pander_return(zoo(cbind(foo = rnorm(5), bar = rnorm(5))), style='simple')
    expect_true(grepl('foo', res[3]))
    expect_equal(length(res), 10)

test_that('pander.lme/pander.summary.lme behaves correctly', {
    l1 <- lme(distance ~ age, Orthodont, random = ~ age | Subject)
    sl <- summary(l1)
    pl <- pander_return(l1)
    spl <- pander_return(sl)
    expect_equal(length(pl), 11)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', pl)), 1)
    expect_equal(length(spl), 29)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', spl)), 3)

# test_that('pander.describe works correctly', {
#     suppressMessages(require(psych))
#     x <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=rnorm(10, 2, 2), c=rnorm(10, 3, 4))
#     res <- pander_return(describe(x))
#     expect_equal(length(res), 37)
#     expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)
#     res <- pander_return(describe(x), split.tables = Inf)
#     expect_equal(length(res), 11)
# })

test_that('pander.survdiff works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(survdiff(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ rx,data=ovarian))
    expect_equal(length(res), 12)
    expect_equal(res[3], '  &nbsp;    N   Observed   Expected   (O-E)^2/E   (O-E)^2/V ')
    # length(x$n) == 1
    expect <- survexp(futime ~ ratetable(age = (accept.dt - birth.dt),
                                         sex = 1,
                                         year = accept.dt,
                                         race = 'white'),
                      jasa, cohort = FALSE, ratetable = survexp.usr)
    res <- pander_return(survdiff(Surv(jasa$futime, jasa$fustat) ~ offset(expect)))
    expect_equal(res[3], ' Observed   Expected    Z     p ')
    expect_equal(length(res), 9)

test_that('pander.survfit works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml))
    expect_equal(length(res), 20)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Table', res)))
    # using additional options
    res <- pander_return(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml), print.rmean = T)
    expect_equal(length(res), 21)
    expect_equal(res[21], '* restricted mean with upper limit =  103')

test_that('pander.sessionInfo works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(sessionInfo())
    expect_true(any(grepl('locale', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('attached base package', res)))
    res <- pander_return(sessionInfo(), locale = F, compact = F)
    expect_false(any(grepl('locale', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('utils', res)))

test_that('pander.stat.table works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(stat.table(tension,list(count(),mean(breaks)),data=warpbreaks))
    expect_equal(length(res), 11)
    expect_equal(res[3], '&nbsp;   count()   mean(breaks) ')
    res <- pander_return(stat.table(index=list(tension,wool),mean(breaks),data=warpbreaks))
    expect_equal(length(res), 13)
    # here add test

test_that('pander.microbenchmark works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(microbenchmark(paste(1:10), paste0(1:10)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('Unit', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 11)
    res <- pander_return(microbenchmark(paste(1:10), paste0(1:10)), split.tables = Inf, expr.labels = c('A'))
    expect_true(any(grepl('A', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('paste0\\(1:10\\)', res)))
    res <- pander_return(microbenchmark(paste(1:10), paste0(1:10)), split.tables = Inf, expr.labels = c('A', 'B'))
    expect_true(any(grepl('A', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('B', res)))
    expect_false(any(grepl('paste0\\(1:10\\)', res)))
    res <- pander_return(microbenchmark(paste(1:10), paste0(1:10)), split.tables = Inf, expr.labels = c('A', 'B', 'C'))
    expect_true(any(grepl('A', res)))
    expect_true(any(grepl('B', res)))
    expect_false(any(grepl('paste0\\(1:10\\)', res)))

test_that('pander.function works correctly', {
    testf <- function(x) {
        y <- x + 1
    res <- pander_return(testf)
    expect_true(all(grepl('\t', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 5)
    res <- pander_return(testf, syntax.highlighting = T, = T)
    expect_equal(length(res), 7)
    expect_equal(res[1], '```r')
    expect_true(grepl('testf', res[2]))

test_that('pander.rlm works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(rlm(stack.loss ~ ., stackloss))
    expect_equal(res[4], ' (Intercept)   Air.Flow   Water.Temp   Acid.Conc. ')
    expect_equal(length(res), 13)
    res <- pander_return(rlm(stack.loss ~ ., stackloss, psi = psi.hampel, init = 'lts'))
    expect_equal(res[11], 'Degrees of freedom: 21 total; 17 residual')
    expect_equal(length(res), 13)

test_that('pander.summary.table works correctly', {
    ts <- summary(xtabs(cbind(ncases, ncontrols) ~ ., data = esoph))
    res <- pander_return(ts)
    expect_equal(res[6], ' Chisq   df   p.value ' )
    expect_equal(length(res), 13)
    res <- pander_return(ts, = F)
    expect_false(any(grepl('Calls', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 12)
    res <- pander_return(ts, caption = 'Factor')
    expect_equal(res[11], 'Table: Factor')
    res <- pander_return(summary(table(1:3)))
    expect_false(any(grepl('-', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 2)

test_that('pander.randomForest works correctly', {
    iris.rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris, importance=TRUE,
    res <- pander_return(iris.rf)
    expect_equal(length(res), 20)
    expect_equal(res[19], 'Table: Confusion Matrix')
    ozone.rf <- randomForest(Ozone ~ ., data=airquality, mtry=3,
                             importance=TRUE, na.action=na.omit)
    res <- pander_return(ozone.rf)
    expect_equal(length(res), 8)
    expect_false(any(grep('-', res)))
    # with test
    index <- 1:nrow(iris)
    trainindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index) / 2))
    trainset <- iris[trainindex, ]
    testset <- iris[-trainindex, ]
    res <- pander_return(randomForest(x=trainset[ ,-1], y=trainset[ ,1], xtest=testset[ ,-1], ytest=testset[ ,1]))
    expect_equal(length(res), 10)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Test set MSE', res)))
    res <- pander_return(randomForest(x=trainset[ ,-ncol(trainset)],
                                      y=trainset[ ,ncol(trainset)],
                                      xtest=testset[ ,-ncol(testset)],
                                      ytest=testset[ ,ncol(testset)]))
    expect_equal(length(res), 34)
    expect_equal(res[33], 'Table: Test Confusion Matrix')

test_that('pander.irts works correctly', {
    n <- 10
    t <- cumsum(rexp(n, rate = 0.1))
    v <- rnorm(n)
    res <- pander_return(as.irts(cbind(t, v)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 23)
    u <- rnorm(n)
    res <- pander_return(irts(t, cbind(u, v)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 23)

test_that('pander.manova/summary.manova works correctly', {
    npk2 <- within(npk, foo <- rnorm(24))
    x <- manova(cbind(yield, foo) ~ block + N * P * K, npk2)
    res1 <- pander_return(x)
    xs <- summary(x)
    res2 <- pander_return(xs)
    expect_equal(res1, res2)
    expect_equal(length(res1), 21)

test_that('pander.gtable works correctly', {
    a <- gtable(unit(1:3, c('cm')), unit(5, 'cm'))
    rect <- rectGrob(gp = gpar(fill = 'black'))
    a <- gtable_add_grob(a, rect, 1, 1)
    res <- pander_return(a)
    expect_equal(length(res), 7)

test_that('pander.nls/pander.summary.nls works correctly', {
    utils::data(muscle, package = 'MASS')
    with(muscle, table(Strip))
    musc.1 <- nls(Length ~ cbind(1, exp(-Conc / th)), muscle,
                start = list(th = 1), algorithm = 'plinear')
    res <- pander_return(musc.1, show.convergence = T)
    expect_equal(length(res), 17)
    res <- pander_return(musc.1)
    expect_equal(length(res), 14)
    musc.1.s <- summary(musc.1)
    res <- pander_return(musc.1.s)
    expect_equal(length(res), 18)
    res <- pander_return(musc.1.s, show.convergence = T)
    expect_equal(length(res), 21)
    musc.1.s <- summary(musc.1, correlation = T)
    res <- pander_return(musc.1.s)
    expect_true(any(grepl('Correlation', res)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 31)

test_that('pander.arima works correctly', {
    res <- pander_return(arima(lh, order = c(1,0,0)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 17)
    expect_true(any(grep('s\\.e', res)))
    res <- pander_return(arima(lh, order = c(3,0,0)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 17)
    expect_true(any(grep('s\\.e', res)))
    res <- pander_return(arima(lh, order = c(3,0,0), method = 'CSS'), se = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 15)
    expect_false(any(grep('s\\.e', res)))

test_that('pander.polr/summary.polr works correctly', {
    house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
    res <- pander_return(house.plr)
    expect_equal(length(res), 25)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)
    res <- pander_return(suppressMessages(summary(house.plr)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 39)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)
    res <- pander_return(suppressMessages(summary(house.plr, correlation = TRUE)), split.table = Inf)
    expect_equal(length(res), 60)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 3)

test_that('pander.survreg/summary.survreg works correctly', {
    x <- survreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ + rx, ovarian, dist='exponential')
    res <- pander_return(x)
    expect_equal(length(res), 27)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 1)
    res <- pander_return(suppressMessages(summary(x)))
    expect_equal(length(res), 33)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 1)
    res <- pander_return(suppressMessages(summary(x, correlation = TRUE)), split.table = Inf)
    expect_equal(length(res), 44)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)

test_that('pander.ols works correctly', {
    n <- 1000
    age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10)
    cholesterol <- rnorm(n, 200, 25)
    sex <- factor(sample(c('female', 'male'), n, TRUE))
    health <- data.frame(age, cholesterol)
    dd <- datadist(age, sex)
    fit1 <- ols(cholesterol ~ age)
    fit2 <- ols(cholesterol ~ age + sex)

    res1 <- pander_return(fit1)
    expect_equal(length(res1), 40)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res1)), 3)
    res2 <- pander_return(fit2, coefs = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res2), 29)
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res2)), 2)

test_that('pander.lrm works correctly', {
    x    <- 1:5
    y    <- c(0,1,0,1,0)
    reps <- c(1,2,3,2,1)
    res <- pander_return(lrm(y ~ x))
    expect_equal(length(res), 39)
    expect_true(any(grep('y ~ x', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)

    x <- rep(x, reps)
    y <- rep(y, reps)
    res <- pander_return(lrm(y ~ x), coefs = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 28)
    expect_true(any(grep('y ~ x', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 1)

    res <- pander_return(lrm(y ~ x, penalty = 0.1), coefs = TRUE)
    expect_true(any(grep('y ~ x', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 3)

test_that('pander.orm works correctly', {
    n <- 100
    y <- round(runif(n), 2)
    x1 <- sample(c(-1,0,1), n, TRUE)
    x2 <- sample(c(-1,0,1), n, TRUE)
    res <- pander_return(orm(y ~ x1 + x2, eps=1e-5))
    expect_equal(length(res), 39)
    expect_true(any(grep('y ~ x1 \\+ x2', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)

    res <- pander_return(orm(y ~ x1 + x2, eps=1e-5), coefs = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 28)
    expect_true(any(grep('y ~ x1 \\+ x2', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 1)

test_that('pander.Glm works correctly', {
    counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
    outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
    treatment <- gl(3,3)
    f <- Glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
    res <- pander_return(f)
    expect_equal(length(res), 37)
    expect_true(any(grep('counts ~ outcome \\+ treatment', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)
    res <- pander_return(f, coefs = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(res), 20)
    expect_true(any(grep('counts ~ outcome \\+ treatment', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 1)

test_that('pander.cph', {
    options(contrasts = original_contrasts_options)
    n <- 1000
    age <- 50 + 12 * rnorm(n)
    label(age) <- 'Age'
    sex <- factor(sample(c('Male','Female'), n, rep=TRUE, prob=c(.6, .4)))
    cens <- 15 * runif(n)
    h <- .02 * exp(.04 * (age - 50) + .8 * (sex == 'Female'))
    dt <- -log(runif(n)) / h
    label(dt) <- 'Follow-up Time'
    e <- ifelse(dt <= cens, 1, 0)
    dt <- pmin(dt, cens)
    units(dt) <- 'Year'
    dd <- datadist(age, sex)
    S <- Surv(dt,e)
    f <- cph(S ~ rcs(age,4) + sex, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
    res <- pander_return(f)
    expect_equal(length(res), 43)
    expect_true(any(grep('S ~ rcs\\(age, 4\\) \\+ sex', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 2)
    res <- pander_return(f, = 0.95)
    expect_equal(length(res), 58)
    expect_true(any(grep('S ~ rcs\\(age, 4\\) \\+ sex', res)))
    expect_equal(length(grep('Table', res)), 3)
huashan/pander documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:10 p.m.