Man pages for hurlab/RichR
Function Enrichment analysis and Network construction

Annot-classClass "Annot" This class represents the Annotation...
buildAnnot-methodsmake annotation database
buildMSIGDBDownload database from Msigdb and prepare for enrichment...
buildOwnmake annotation database using bioAnno results
comparedotdraw dotplot for multiple enrichment results
compareGSEAcompare GSEA enrichment results across different samples and...
compareResultcompare enrichment results across different samples
detaildetail generic
detail.GSEAResultextract the gene information and related pathway
detail.richResultextract the gene information and related pathway
dot-calculate_Enrichment_Scorecalculate enrichment score
dot-clean.charremove the newlines
dot-getmsigmsigdb support species
dot-kappakappa function
dot-kappa_cluster_internalcalculate kappa cluster
dot-makeGOdatamake GO annotation data function
dot-makeKOdatamake KEGG annotation data function
dot-makeKOMdatamake KEGG module annotation data function
dot-makeROdatamake Reactome annotation data function
dot-merge_termmerge term
dot-paste.charreplace the term string with newlines
enrich-ANY-Annot-methodEnrichment analysis function
enrich-ANY-data.frame-methodEnrichment analysis function
enrich_internalEnrichment analysis for any type of annotation data
enrich-methodsenrich method
getannbuild annotaion for kegg
getdetailget detail and integrate with the input gene information
ggbarbarplot for Enrichment results
ggbar-methodsggbar method
ggdotdotplot for Enrichment results
ggdot_internalDotplot for enrichment results
ggdot-methodsggdot method
ggGSEAplot the gsea result
ggheatmapPlot compare heatmap of Enrichment result among DEG groups
ggnetmapgenerate network based on Enrichment results
ggnetplotrichplot for Enrichment result
ggnetplot-methodggnetplot method
ggnetplot-richResult-methodrichplot for Enrichment results
ggnetworkgenerate network based on Enrichment results
ggnetwork-methodsggnetwork method
GO_childGet all children terms of node
GSEAResult-classClass "GSEAResult" This class represents the result from GSEA...
idconvertConvert ID between ENTREZID to SYMBOL or other type ID based...
msigdbinfoPrint MSIGDB infomation
msigdbrDownload database from Msigdb and prepare for enrichment...
plotGSEAplot multiple significant pathways
rbind.GSEAResultrbind generic function for GSEAResult object
rbind.richResultrbind generic function for richResult object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
resultresult generic
reverseListreverse List
richClusterkappa cluster analysis
richCluster-data.frame-methodkappa cluster analysis
richCluster-richResult-methodkappa cluster analysis
richDAVIDFunctional enrichment analysis with DAVID
richGO-ANY-Annot-methodGO Enrichment analysis function
richGO-ANY-data.frame-methodGO Enrichment analysis function
richGO_internalGO Enrichment analysis function
richGO-methodsrichGO method
richGSEA-ANY-Annot-methodGSEA Enrichment analysis function
richGSEA-ANY-data.frame-methodGSEA Enrichment analysis function
richGSEA_internalEnrichment analysis for any type of annotation data
richGSEA-methodsrichGSEA method
richKEGG-ANY-Annot-methodKEGG Enrichment analysis function
richKEGG-ANY-data.frame-methodKEGG Pathway Enrichment analysis function
richKEGG_internalKEGG Pathway Enrichment analysis function
richKEGG-methodsrichKEGG method
richLevel-ANY-Annot-methodPathway Enrichment analysis for different level function
richLevel-ANY-data.frame-methodPathway Enrichment analysis for different level function
richLevel_internalPathway Enrichment analysis for different level function
richLevel-methodsrichLevel method
richResult-classClass "richResult" This class represents the result of...
showDatashow avaliable data based on bioconductor annotation package
vec_to_dfvector to data.frame
hurlab/RichR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 8:07 p.m.