
genFixedNLL <- function(nll, whichFixed, fixedValues) {
  function(params) {
    params[whichFixed] <- fixedValues
    do.call(nll, list(params))

# nll the original negative log likelihood function
# MLE the full vector of MLE values
profileCI <- function(nll, whichPar, MLE, interval, level){
  stopifnot(length(whichPar) == 1)
  MLEnll <- nll(MLE)
  nPar <- length(MLE)
	chsq <- qchisq(level, 1)/2
  f <- function(value) {
    fixedNLL <- genFixedNLL(nll, whichPar, value)
		mleRestricted <- optim(MLE, fixedNLL)$value
    mleRestricted - MLEnll - chsq
  lower <- tryCatch(uniroot(f, c(interval[1],MLE[whichPar]))$root,
                    error = function(e) {
                      warning("Lower endpoint of profile confidence interval is on the boundary.",
                              call. = FALSE)
  upper <- tryCatch(upper <- uniroot(f, c(MLE[whichPar], interval[2]))$root,
                    error = function(e) {
                      warning("Upper endpoint of profile confidence interval is on the boundary.",
                              call. = FALSE)

## link functions and their gradients
logistic <- function(x) {
  1/(1 + exp(-x))

logistic.grad <- function(x) {

log.grad <- function(x) { # duh! (but for clarity)

explink <- function(x) exp(x)

identLink <- function(x) x

identLinkGrad <- function(x) 1

## use logarithms to vectorize row-wise products
## this speeds things up a LOT (vs. apply(x,1,prod))

rowProds <-
function(x, na.rm = FALSE)
  exp(rowSums(log(x), na.rm = na.rm))

# helper function to coerce an array of matrices to a list

arrToList <- function(x){
  nl <- list()
  for(i in 1:dim(x)[3]) {
    nl[[i]] <- x[,,i]
  names(nl) <- dimnames(x)[[3]]

## compute estimated asymptotic variances of parameter estimates
## using the observed information matrix

#sd.est <- function(fm) {
#    sqrt(diag(solve(fm$hessian)))

## delta method for variance of proportion given variance of its logistic-
## transformed counterpart
##' @nord
#sd.prop <- function(est,sd.est) {
#    exp(-est)/(1 + exp(-est))^2 * sd.est

### track linked list of parameters using a data frame
### add row to linked list

addParm <- function(list.df, parm.name, parm.length) {
    if(parm.length > 0) {
        if(nrow(list.df) == 0) {
            last.ind <- 0
        } else {
            last.ind <- list.df$end[nrow(list.df)]
        parm.df <- data.frame(parameter = parm.name, start = last.ind + 1,
                              end = last.ind + parm.length,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        list.df <- rbind(list.df, parm.df)

parmNames <- function(list.df) {
    npar <- list.df$end[nrow(list.df)]
    names <- character(npar)
    for(i in 1:npar) {
        which.par <- which(i >= list.df$start & i <= list.df$end)
        names[i] <- list.df$parameter[which.par]

# This function converts an appropriatedly formated comma-separated
# values file (.csv) to a format usable by \emph{unmarked}'s fitting
# functions (see \emph{Details}).
csvToUMF <-
function(filename, long=FALSE, type, species = NULL, ...)
  dfin <- read.csv(filename)

  if(long == TRUE) return(formatLong(dfin, species, type = type, ...))
  else return(formatWide(dfin, type = type, ...))

# utility function to create a variable that follows the dates as 1,2,3,...
# site id is first column
# julian date is second column

dateToObs <-
  sitecol <- dfin[[1]]
  datecol <- dfin[[2]]

  # order by site, then obs date
  dfin <- dfin[order(sitecol,datecol),]
  sitecol <- dfin[[1]]
  datecol <- dfin[[2]]

  dTab <- table(datecol,sitecol)
  sites <- unique(sitecol)
  nSite <- length(sites)
  nStop <- colSums(dTab)
  nStop <- nStop[nStop > 0]  # get rid of the stops for sites with no stops

  obsNum <- numeric(length(sitecol))
  # for each site i, replace stops with 1:nStop[i]
  for(i in 1:nSite){
    stops <- which(sitecol == sites[i])
    obsNum[stops] <- 1:nStop[i]

  dfout <- cbind(dfin,obsNum)

# take long data set and return data list
# column names must be
# site names, first
# date, one column
# response, one column
# obs vars, one per column
formatLong <-
function(dfin, species = NULL, type)

  if(missing(type)) stop("type must be supplied")

  ## copy dates to last column so that they are also a covdata var
  nc <- ncol(dfin)
  dfin[[nc+1]] <- dfin[[2]]
  names(dfin)[nc+1] <- "Date"

  if(!is.null(species)) {
    dfin$y <- ifelse(dfin$species == species, dfin$y, 0)
    dfin$y[is.na(dfin$y)] <- 0
    dfin$species = NULL
# TODO: double check that multiple cells per site*time are handled correctly.
#  # sum up counts within time/site
#  expr <- substitute(recast(dfin[,1:3], sv + dv ~ ..., id.var = 1:2,
#                            fun.aggregate = sum),
#                     list(sv = as.name(names(dfin)[1]),
#                          dv = as.name(names(dfin)[2])))
#  dfin2 <- eval(expr)
#  dfin1 <- dfin[!duplicated(dfin[,1:2]),]
#  dfin <- merge(dfin1,dfin2, by = 1:2)
#  dfin[,3] <- dfin[,length(dfin)]
#  dfin <- dfin[,-length(dfin)]
  names(dfin)[3] <- "y"

  dfin <- dateToObs(dfin)
  dfnm <- colnames(dfin)
  nV <- length(dfnm) - 1  # last variable is obsNum
  expr <- substitute(recast(dfin, newvar ~ obsNum + variable,
    id.var = c(dfnm[1],"obsNum"), measure.var = dfnm[3]),
  y <- as.matrix(eval(expr)[,-1])
  attr(y,"class") <- "matrix"

  expr <- substitute(recast(dfin, newvar ~ obsNum ~ variable,
    id.var = c(dfnm[1],"obsNum"), measure.var = dfnm[4:nV]),
  obsvars <- eval(expr)
  which.date <- which(dimnames(obsvars)$variable == "Date")
  dimnames(obsvars)$variable[which.date] <- "JulianDate"

  obsvars.matlist <- arrToList(obsvars)
  obsvars.veclist <- lapply(obsvars.matlist, function(x) as.vector(t(x)))
  obsvars.df <- data.frame(obsvars.veclist)

	do.call(type, list(y = y, obsCovs = obsvars.df))

# column names must be
# site (optional, but if present, labeled "site")
# response: y.1, y.2, ..., y.J
# site vars: namefoo, namebar, ...
# obs vars: namefoo.1, namefoo.2, ..., namefoo.J, namebar.1, ..., namebar.J,...

formatWide <-
function(dfin, sep = ".", obsToY, type, ...)
	# escape separater if it is regexp special
	reg.specials <- c('.', '\\', ':', '|', '(', ')', '[', '{', '^', '$', '*', '+', '?')
	if(sep %in% reg.specials) {
		sep.reg <- paste("\\",sep,sep="")
	} else {
		sep.reg <- sep

	dfnm <- colnames(dfin)

	y <- grep(paste("^y",sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]", sep=""),dfnm)
	J <- length(y)
	y <- as.matrix(dfin[,y])		
	M <- nrow(y)

  if(identical(tolower(colnames(dfin))[1],"site")) {
		dfin <- dfin[,-1]
		dfnm <- dfnm[-1]

  ncols <- length(dfnm)
	obsCovsPresent <- FALSE
	siteCovsPresent <- FALSE
  i <- J + 1
  while(i <= ncols) {     # loop through columns
    if(!identical(grep(paste(sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+$",sep=""),dfnm[i]),integer(0))) {  # check if this is obsdata
      newvar.name <- sub(paste(sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+$",sep=""),'',dfnm[i])
			newvar <- dfin[,grep(paste(newvar.name,sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+$",sep=""),dfnm)]
			if(obsCovsPresent) {
					if(ncol(newvar) != R) {
						stop("Not all observation-level covariates have the same number of columns.")
					} else {
						obsCovs[newvar.name] <- as.vector(t(newvar))
			} else {
				obsCovsPresent <- TRUE
				R <- ncol(newvar)
				obsCovs <- data.frame(newvar = as.vector(t(newvar)))
			colnames(obsCovs)[length(obsCovs)] <- newvar.name
      i <- i + R
    else {
				siteCovs <- cbind(siteCovs,dfin[,i])
			} else {
				siteCovsPresent <- TRUE
				siteCovs <- data.frame(newvar = dfin[,i])
      colnames(siteCovs)[length(siteCovs)] <- dfnm[i]
      i <- i + 1

	if(!obsCovsPresent) obsCovs <- NULL
	if(!siteCovsPresent) siteCovs <- NULL

	## if we don't know the true obsToY yet, use R X J matrix of ones or diag if R == J
	if(missing(obsToY)) {
		if(identical(R,J)) {
			obsToY <- diag(J)
		} else {
			obsToY <- matrix(0, R, J)
	do.call(type, list(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs, obsCovs = obsCovs, ...))

# This convenience function converts multi-year data in long format to unmarkedMultFrame Object.  See Details for more information.

formatMult <-
  years <- sort(unique(df.in[[1]]))
  nY <- length(years)
  df.obs <- list()
  nsamp <- numeric()
  maxsamp <- max(table(df.in[[1]], df.in[[2]])) # the maximum samples/yr
  for(t in 1:nY){
    df.t <- df.in[df.in[[1]] == years[t],] # subset for current year
    df.t <- df.t[,-1] # remove year column
    df.t <- dateToObs(df.t)
    nsamp <- max(df.t$obsNum)
    if(nsamp < maxsamp) {
      newrows <- df.t[1:(maxsamp - nsamp), ] # just a placeholder
      newrows[,"obsNum"] <- ((nsamp + 1) : maxsamp)
      newrows[,3 : (ncol(df.t) - 1)] <- NA
      df.t <- rbind(df.t, newrows)
    df.obs <- rbind(df.obs,cbind(year = years[t],df.t))
  dfnm <- colnames(df.obs)
  nV <- length(dfnm) - 1  # last variable is obsNum

  # create y matrix using reshape
  expr <- substitute(recast(df.obs, var1 ~ year + obsNum + variable,
    id.var = c(dfnm[2],"year","obsNum"), measure.var = dfnm[4]),
                                list(var1 = as.name(dfnm[2])))
  y <- as.matrix(eval(expr)[,-1])

  # create obsdata with reshape
  # include date (3rd col) and other measured vars
  expr <- substitute(recast(df.obs, newvar ~ year + obsNum ~ variable,
    id.var = c(dfnm[2],"year","obsNum"), measure.var = dfnm[c(3,5:nV)]),
  obsvars <- eval(expr)

  rownames(y) <- dimnames(obsvars)[[1]]
  colnames(y) <- dimnames(obsvars)[[2]]
	y <- as.matrix(y)
	obsvars.list <- arrToList(obsvars)
	obsvars.list <- lapply(obsvars.list, function(x) as.vector(t(x)))
	obsvars.df <- as.data.frame(obsvars.list)
	## check for siteCovs
	obsNum <- ncol(y)
	M <- nrow(y)
	site.inds <- matrix(1:(M*obsNum), M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
	siteCovs <- sapply(obsvars.df, function(x) {
				obsmat <- matrix(x, M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
				l.u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
							row.u <- unique(y)
				if(all(l.u %in% 0:1)) {  ## if there are 0 or 1 unique vals per row, we have a sitecov
					u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
								row.u <- unique(y)
								if(!all(is.na(row.u)))  ## only remove NAs if there are some non-NAs.
									row.u <- row.u[!is.na(row.u)]
	siteCovs <- as.data.frame(siteCovs[!sapply(siteCovs, is.null)])
	if(nrow(siteCovs) == 0) siteCovs <- NULL
  ## only check non-sitecovs
  obsvars.df2 <- as.data.frame(obsvars.df[, !(names(obsvars.df) %in% names(siteCovs))])
  names(obsvars.df2) <- names(obsvars.df)[!(names(obsvars.df) %in% names(siteCovs))]
	yearlySiteCovs <- sapply(obsvars.df2, function(x) {
				obsmat <- matrix(x, M*nY, obsNum/nY, byrow = TRUE)
				l.u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
							row.u <- unique(y)
				if(all(l.u %in% 0:1)) {  ## if there are 0 or 1 unique vals per row, we have a sitecov
					u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
								row.u <- unique(y)
								if(!all(is.na(row.u)))  ## only remove NAs if there are some non-NAs.
									row.u <- row.u[!is.na(row.u)]
	yearlySiteCovs <- as.data.frame(yearlySiteCovs[!sapply(yearlySiteCovs, is.null)])
	if(nrow(yearlySiteCovs) == 0) yearlySiteCovs <- NULL
	umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs, obsCovs = obsvars.df, yearlySiteCovs = yearlySiteCovs,
			numPrimary = nY)

# function to take data of form
# site  | species | count
# to
# site | spp1 | spp2 | ...

sppLongToWide <-
  df.m <- melt(df.in, id = c("site", "spp"))
  df.out <- cast(df.m, site ~ spp, add.missing=T, fill = 0)
  df.out <- df.out[order(df.out$site),]

# get estimated psi from rn fit

getPsi <-

# get estimatd p from rn fit (only for a null type model so far)

getP.bar <-
function(lam, r)
  K = 30
  psi <- getPsi(lam)
  pN.k <- dpois(0:K,lam)
  pY.k <- 1 - (1 - r)^(0:30)
  sum(pY.k * pN.k)

#handleNA <- function(stateformula, detformula, umf) {
#  y <- umf@y
#  # TODO: use J <- ncol(y) here and throughout instead of wrong use of obsNum?  ... fixed in new version "handleNA2"
#  obsNum <- umf@obsNum
#  M <- nrow(y)
#  siteCovs <- umf@siteCovs
#  obsCovs <- umf@obsCovs
#  umf.clean <- umf
#  ## set up obsCov indices
#  sites <- rep(1:M, each = obsNum)
#  obs <- rep(1:obsNum, M)
#  ## assume that siteCovs have already been added to obsCovs
#  X.mf <- model.frame(stateformula, siteCovs, na.action = NULL)
#  V.mf <- model.frame(detformula, obsCovs, na.action = NULL)
#  if(ncol(V.mf) > 0) {
#    ## which sites have NA's in obsCovs included in detformula?
#    V.NA <- apply(is.na(V.mf), 1, any)
#    V.NA.obs <- cbind(sites[V.NA], obs[V.NA])
#    V.NA.sites <- unique(sites[V.NA])
#    umf.clean@y[V.NA.obs] <- NA
#    if(any(!is.na(y[V.NA.obs]))) {
#      warning(sprintf("NA(s) found in 'obsCovs' that were not in 'y' matrix.
#Corresponding observation(s) 'y' were replaced with NA.
#Observations removed from site(s) %s", paste(V.NA.sites,collapse=", ")))
#    }
#  }
#  if(ncol(X.mf) > 0) {
#    ## which sites have NA in site var included in stateformula?
#    X.NA.sites <- unique(which(apply(is.na(X.mf), 1, any)))
#    umf.clean@y[X.NA.sites,] <- NA
#    if(length(X.NA.sites) > 0) {
#      warning(sprintf("NA(s) found in 'siteCovs' that were not in 'y' matrix.
#Corresponding site(s) in 'y' were replaced with NA: %s",
#                      paste(X.NA.sites,collapse=", ")))
#    }
#  }
#  ## which sites have all NA's in y?
#  na.sites <- which(apply(is.na(umf.clean@y), 1, all))
#  if(length(na.sites) > 0) {
#    umf.clean@y <- umf.clean@y[-na.sites,]
#    umf.clean@siteCovs <- subset(umf.clean@siteCovs,
#                                 !seq(length=M) %in% na.sites)
#    umf.clean@obsCovs <- umf.clean@obsCovs[!(sites %in% na.sites),]
#  }
#  ## reorder obs within year/site so that non-NA's come first
#  ## this is needed to use ragged array style indexing
#  if(umf.clean@primaryNum > 1) {
#    J <- umf.clean@obsNum/umf.clean@primaryNum
#    for(i in 1:M) {
#      obsCovs.i <- umf.clean@obsCovs[sites == i, ]
#      for(t in 1:umf.clean@primaryNum) {
#        y.it <- umf.clean@y[i,((t-1)*J + 1 ): (t*J) ]
#        obsCovs.it <- obsCovs.i[((t-1)*J + 1 ): (t*J), ]
#        notNA.inds <- which(!is.na(y.it))
#        numGoods <- length(notNA.inds)
#        y.it[seq(length=numGoods)] <- y.it[notNA.inds]
#        if(numGoods > 0) obsCovs.it[1:numGoods,] <- obsCovs.it[notNA.inds,]
#        if(numGoods < J) {
#          y.it[(numGoods+1) : J] <-  NA
#          obsCovs.it[(numGoods+1) : J, ] <- NA
#        }
#        umf.clean@y[i,((t-1)*J + 1 ): (t*J) ] <- y.it
#        obsCovs.i[((t-1)*J + 1 ): (t*J), ] <- obsCovs.it
#      }
#      umf.clean@obsCovs[sites == i, ] <- obsCovs.i
#    }
#  }
#  return(umf.clean)

## function to move data around:
## converts array obsdata to a list
## copies site covariate info from obsdata to sitedata
## puts all site covariates back into obsdata
## needed because all site vars need to be available for both state and det models
##' @nord
#arrangeData <-
#  require(abind)
#  y <- data$y
#  sitedata <- data$covdata.site
#  obsdata <- data$covdata.obs
#  J <- ncol(y)
#  M <- nrow(y)
#  nSV <- length(sitedata)
#  # if not null, then just add "ones"
#  if(!is.null(obsdata)) {
#      if(class(obsdata) == "list") obsdata$ones <- matrix(1,M,J)
#      if(class(obsdata) == "array") {
#          obsdata <- abind(obsdata, ones = matrix(1,M,J))
#      }
#  }
#  if(!is.null(sitedata)) sitedata <- cbind(ones = rep(1,M),sitedata)
#  # if data components are null, create as just ones
#  if(is.null(obsdata)) obsdata <- list(ones = matrix(1,M,J))
#  if(is.null(sitedata)) sitedata=data.frame(ones = rep(1,M))
#  # if obsdata is an array, coerce it to a list
#  if(identical(class(obsdata),"array")) obsdata <- arrToList(obsdata)
#  nOV <- length(obsdata)
#  # move all site data (single vectors and matrices of J repeated vectors)
#  # in obsdata into sitedata
#  toDel <- numeric(0)
#  nuniq <- function(x) length(as.numeric(na.omit(unique(x)))) # lil' helper fun
#  for(i in 1:nOV){
#    # test for equality across rows (matrix site data)
#    eqRow <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(obsdata[[i]]), 1, nuniq) == 1)
#    isRep <- as.logical(prod(eqRow)) # make sure all rows are
#    # move into site data if (vector) or (repeated vector as matrix)
#    if((dim(as.matrix(obsdata[[i]]))[2] == 1) || isRep){
#      obsdata[[i]] <- matrix(obsdata[[i]],nrow = M, ncol = J)
#      sitedata <- cbind(sitedata,obsdata[[i]][,1])
#      colnames(sitedata)[length(sitedata)] <- names(obsdata[i])
#      toDel <- c(toDel,i)
#    }
#    # ensure that obsdata is made of matrices rather than dataframes
#    obsdata[[i]] <- as.matrix(obsdata[[i]])
#  }
#  if(length(toDel) > 0) {   #obsdata[[toDel]] <- NULL # remove sitedata from obsdata
#    for(t in toDel) {
#      obsdata[[t]] <- NULL
#    }
#  }
#  if(length(obsdata) == 0) obsdata <- list(ones = matrix(1,M,J))
#  nSV <- length(sitedata) # update nSV
#  nOV <- length(obsdata)
#  # make all site terms into obs terms by copying them to
#  # obsdata (from vector to a matrix of repeated vectors)
#  # needed if site variables are used to model detection.
#  for(i in 1:nSV){
#    obsdata[[nOV + i]] <- matrix(sitedata[[i]],nrow=M,ncol=J)
#    names(obsdata)[nOV + i] <- colnames(sitedata)[i]
#  }
#  obsvars <- names(obsdata)
#  nOV <- length(obsdata) # update length
#  list(y = y, covdata.site = sitedata, covdata.obs = obsdata)

meanstate <- function(x) {
    K <- length(x) - 1

truncateToBinary <- function(y) {
  if(max(y, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
    y <- ifelse(y > 0, 1, 0)
    warning("Some observations were > 1.  These were truncated to 1.")

getSS <- function(phi) {
	ev.length <- nrow(phi)
	ev <- tryCatch(eigen(t(phi))$vectors[,1],
			error = function(x) rep(NA, ev.length))

imputeMissing <- function(umf, whichCovs = seq(length=ncol(obsCovs(umf)))) {
  ## impute observation covariates
  if(!is.null(umf@obsCovs)) {
    obsCovs <- umf@obsCovs
    J <- obsNum(umf)
    M <- nrow(obsCovs)/J
    obs <- as.matrix(obsCovs[,whichCovs])
    whichrows <- apply(obs, 1, function(x) any(!is.na(x)))
    if(sum(whichrows) == 0) return(obsCovs)
    whichels <- matrix(whichrows, M, J, byrow = TRUE)
    for(i in seq(length=length(whichCovs))) {
      obs.i <- obs[,i]
      obs.i.mat <- matrix(obs.i, M, J, byrow = TRUE) # get ith obsvar
      obs.i.missing <- is.na(obs.i.mat) & !whichels
      obs.i.imputed <- obs.i.mat
      for(j in 1:M) {
        for(k in 1:J) {
            if(all(is.na(obs.i.mat[j,]))) {
              obs.i.imputed[j,k] <- mean(obs.i.mat[,k], na.rm = T)
            } else {
              obs.i.imputed[j,k] <- mean(c(mean(obs.i.mat[j,],na.rm = T),
                                           mean(obs.i.mat[,k], na.rm = T)))
      obsCovs[,whichCovs[i]] <- as.numeric(t(obs.i.imputed))
    umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
                                        # TODO: impute site covariates

#wideToUMF <- function(formula, data)
#	detformula <- as.formula(formula[[2]])
#	stateformula <- as.formula(paste("~",formula[3],sep=""))
#	yVar <- all.vars(detformula)[1]
#	detVars <- all.vars(detformula)[-1]
#	# escape separater if it is regexp special
#	reg.specials <- c('.', '\\', ':', '|', '(', ')', '[', '{', '^', '$', '*', '+', '?')
#	if(sep %in% reg.specials) {
#		sep.reg <- paste("\\",sep,sep="")
#	} else {
#		sep.reg <- sep
#	}
#	## y columns must be in format y.1, y.2, ..., y.J where sep="." here
#	yNames <- grep(paste(yVar,sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+$",sep=""), colnames(data), value=TRUE)
#	timevary <- yNames
#	## detection covs must be in format either name alone, or name.1, name.2, ..., name.Q where sep="." here
#	detCols <- lapply(detVars, 
#			function(x) sort(grep(paste("^",x,"(",sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+)?$",sep=""), colnames(data), 
#								value=TRUE)))
#	names(detCols) <- detVars
#	if (length(detVars) > 0) {
#		toadd <- detVars[sapply(detCols, function(x) ifelse(length(x) > 
#											1, TRUE, FALSE))]
#		timevary <- as.character(c(timevary, unlist(detCols[toadd])))
#	}
#	dataLong <- reshape(data, timevary, direction = "long", sep = sep, 
#			timevar = "timeINDEX", idvar = "idINDEX", ids = rownames(data))
#	## reorder dataLong to be in site-major order
#	dataLong <- dataLong[order(dataLong$idINDEX, dataLong$timeINDEX),]
##	mf <- model.frame(stateformula, dataLong)
#	browser()
##	y <- data[,yNames]
##	X <- model.matrix(stateformula, data)
#	obsCovs <- model.frame(detformula, dataLong)
#	siteCovs <- model.frame()
##	return(list(y=y, X=X, V=V, dataLong=dataLong))

lambda2psi <- function(lambda)
if(any(lambda < 0))
	stop("lambda must be >= 0")
as.numeric(1 - exp(-lambda))

# Convert individual-level distance data to the transect-level format required by distsamp()

formatDistData <- function(distData, distCol, transectNameCol, dist.breaks)
transects <- distData[,transectNameCol]
M <- nlevels(transects)
J <- length(dist.breaks) - 1
y <- matrix(NA, M, J, 
	dimnames = list(levels(transects), paste("y", 1:J, sep=".")))
for(i in 1:M) {
	sub <- subset(distData, transects==rownames(y)[i])
	y[i,] <- table(cut(sub[,distCol], dist.breaks, include.lowest=TRUE))

## Sight distance to perpendicular distance

sight2perpdist <- function(sightdist, sightangle) 
if(any(0 > sightangle | sightangle > 180))
	stop("sightangle must be degrees in [0, 180]")
sightdist * sin(sightangle * pi / 180)

SSE <- function(fit) {
    sse <- sum(residuals(fit)^2, na.rm=TRUE)

# Prepare area argument for distsamp(). This is primarily for internal use

calcAreas <- function(dist.breaks, tlength, survey, output, M, J, unitsIn, 
	density = {
            km = conv <- 1,
            m = conv <- 1000
			line = {
				stripwidths <- (((dist.breaks*2)[-1] - 
                    (dist.breaks*2)[-(J+1)])) / conv
				tl <- tlength / conv
				a <- rep(tl, each=J) * stripwidths						# km^2
				a <- matrix(a, nrow=M, ncol=J, byrow=TRUE)
				if(unitsOut == "ha") a <- a * 100
			point = {
				W <- max(dist.breaks) / conv
				a <- matrix(rep(pi * W^2, each=J), M, J, byrow=TRUE) 	# km^2
				if(unitsOut == "ha") a <- a * 100			
	abund = {
        ndi <- length(unique(diff(dist.breaks)))
        if(!isTRUE(all.equal(ndi, 1)))
            stop("output cannot equal 'abund' when distance intervals differ. Use output='density' instead.")
            line = {
                ntl <- length(unique(tlength))
                if(!isTRUE(all.equal(ntl, 1)))
                    stop("output cannot equal 'abund' when transect lengths differ. Use output='density' instead.")
                a <- matrix(1 / J, M, J)
            point = a <- matrix(1, M, J)
ianfiske/unmarked documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:28 a.m.