#' dNdScv
#' Analyses of selection using the dNdScv and dNdSloc models. Default parameters typically increase the performance of the method on cancer genomic studies. Default arguments use the GRCh37/hg19 version of the human genome. To run dNdScv on other assemblies or species see the buildref function and the dndscv_data GitHub repository.
#' @author Inigo Martincorena (Wellcome Sanger Institute)
#' @details Martincorena I, et al. (2017) Universal patterns of selection in cancer and somatic tissues. Cell. 171(5):1029-1041.
#' @param mutations Table of mutations (5 columns: sampleID, chr, pos, ref, alt). Only list independent events as mutations.
#' @param gene_list List of genes to restrict the analysis (use for targeted sequencing studies)
#' @param refdb Reference database (path to .rda file or a pre-loaded array object in the right format)
#' @param sm Substitution model (precomputed models are available in the data directory)
#' @param kc List of a-priori known cancer genes (to be excluded from the indel background model)
#' @param cv Covariates (a matrix of covariates -columns- for each gene -rows-) [default: reference covariates] [cv=NULL runs dndscv without covariates]
#' @param max_muts_per_gene_per_sample If n<Inf, arbitrarily the first n mutations by chr position will be kept (default = 3, please set this to Inf to avoid filtering out any mutation)
#' @param max_coding_muts_per_sample Hypermutator samples often reduce power to detect selection
#' @param use_indel_sites Use unique indel sites instead of the total number of indels (default = TRUE, which tends to be more robust for typical cancer or somatic mutation datasets)
#' @param min_indels Minimum number of indels required to run the indel recurrence module
#' @param maxcovs Maximum number of covariates that will be considered (additional columns in the matrix of covariates will be excluded)
#' @param constrain_wnon_wspl This constrains wnon==wspl in the dNdScv model (this typically leads to higher power to detect selection)
#' @param outp Output: 1 = Global dN/dS values; 2 = Global dN/dS and dNdSloc; 3 = Global dN/dS, dNdSloc and dNdScv
#' @param numcode NCBI genetic code number (default = 1; standard genetic code). To see the list of genetic codes supported use: ? seqinr::translate. Note that the same genetic code must be used in the dndscv and buildref functions.
#' @param outmats Output the internal N and L matrices (default = F)
#' @param mingenecovs Minimum number of genes required to run the negative binomial regression model with covariates (default = 500)
#' @param onesided Option to run one-sided positive and negative selection tests per gene (default = FALSE). Note that one-sided tests are only performed for the wnon==wspl model, so using onesided=TRUE will overwrite constrain_wnon_wspl to TRUE.
#' @param dc Duplex coverage per gene. Named Numeric Vector with values reflecting the mean duplex coverage per site per gene, and names corresponding to gene names. Use this argument only when running dNdScv on duplex sequencing data to use gene coverage in the offset of the regression model (default = NULL)
#' @return 'dndscv' returns a list of objects:
#' @return - globaldnds: Global dN/dS estimates across all genes.
#' @return - sel_cv: Gene-wise selection results using dNdScv.
#' @return - sel_loc: Gene-wise selection results using dNdSloc.
#' @return - annotmuts: Annotated coding mutations.
#' @return - genemuts: Observed and expected numbers of mutations per gene.
#' @return - geneindels: Observed and expected numbers of indels per gene.
#' @return - mle_submodel: MLEs of the substitution model.
#' @return - exclsamples: Samples excluded from the analysis.
#' @return - exclmuts: Coding mutations excluded from the analysis.
#' @return - nbreg: Negative binomial regression model for substitutions.
#' @return - nbregind: Negative binomial regression model for indels.
#' @return - poissmodel: Poisson regression model used to fit the substitution model and the global dNdS values.
#' @return - wrongmuts: Table of input mutations with a wrong annotation of the reference base (if any).
#' @export
dndscv = function(mutations, gene_list = NULL, refdb = "hg19", sm = "192r_3w", kc = "cgc81", cv = "hg19", max_muts_per_gene_per_sample = 3, max_coding_muts_per_sample = 3000, use_indel_sites = T, min_indels = 5, maxcovs = 20, constrain_wnon_wspl = T, outp = 3, numcode = 1, outmats = F, mingenecovs = 500, onesided = F, dc = NULL) {
## 1. Environment
message("[1] Loading the environment...")
mutations = mutations[,1:5] # Restricting input matrix to first 5 columns
mutations[,c(1,2,3,4,5)] = lapply(mutations[,c(1,2,3,4,5)], as.character) # Factors to character
mutations[[3]] = as.numeric(mutations[[3]]) # Chromosome position as numeric
mutations = mutations[mutations[,4]!=mutations[,5],] # Removing mutations with identical reference and mutant base
colnames(mutations) = c("sampleID","chr","pos","ref","mut")
# Removing NA entries from the input mutation table
indna = which(is.na(mutations),arr.ind=T)
if (nrow(indna)>0) {
mutations = mutations[-unique(indna[,1]),] # Removing entries with an NA in any row
warning(sprintf("%0.0f rows in the input table contained NA entries and have been removed. Please investigate.",length(unique(indna[,1]))))
# [Input] Reference database
refdb_class = class(refdb)
if ("character" %in% refdb_class) {
if (refdb == "hg19") {
data("refcds_hg19", package="dndscv")
if (any(gene_list=="CDKN2A")) { # Replace CDKN2A in the input gene list with two isoforms
gene_list = unique(c(setdiff(gene_list,"CDKN2A"),"CDKN2A.p14arf","CDKN2A.p16INK4a"))
} else {
} else if("array" %in% refdb_class) {
# use the user-supplied RefCDS object
RefCDS = refdb
} else {
stop("Expected refdb to be \"hg19\", a file path, or a RefCDS-formatted array object.")
# [Input] Gene list (The user can input a gene list as a character vector)
if (is.null(gene_list)) {
gene_list = sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$gene_name) # All genes [default]
} else { # Using only genes in the input gene list
allg = sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$gene_name)
nonex = gene_list[!(gene_list %in% allg)]
if (length(nonex)>0) { stop(sprintf("The following input gene names are not in the RefCDS database: %s", paste(nonex,collapse=", "))) }
RefCDS = RefCDS[allg %in% gene_list] # Only input genes
gr_genes = gr_genes[gr_genes$names %in% gene_list] # Only input genes
# [Input] Covariates (The user can input a custom set of covariates as a matrix)
if (is.character(cv)) {
data(list=sprintf("covariates_%s",cv), package="dndscv")
} else {
covs = cv
# [Input] Known cancer genes (The user can input a gene list as a character vector)
if (kc[1] %in% c("cgc81")) {
data(list=sprintf("cancergenes_%s",kc), package="dndscv")
} else {
known_cancergenes = kc
# [Input] Substitution model (The user can also input a custom substitution model as a matrix)
if (length(sm)==1) {
data(list=sprintf("submod_%s",sm), package="dndscv")
} else {
substmodel = sm
# [Input] One-sided tests (onesided argument)
if (onesided == T & constrain_wnon_wspl == F) {
warning("One-sided tests are currently only implemented for the wnon==wspl model. The argument constrain_wnon_wspl has been overwritten to TRUE.")
# [Input] Duplex coverage (dc argument)
if (!is.null(dc)) {
if (is.vector(dc)) {
if (any(is.na(dc)) | any(dc<=0)) {
stop(sprintf("Invalid duplex coverage for some genes, please revisit your use of the dc argument: %s.", paste(names(dc[is.na(dc)]), collapse=", ")))
} else {
dc = dc[sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$gene_name)] # Duplex coverage vector
#dc = dc / mean(dc, na.rm=T) # Normalising values relative to the mean
Lallgenes = array(sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$L), dim=c(192,4,length(RefCDS))) # saving original L matrices
for (j in 1:length(RefCDS)) {
RefCDS[[j]]$L = RefCDS[[j]]$L * dc[j] # Exposures relative to dc
} else {
stop("dc must be a Named Numeric Vector with the vector values corresponding to the mean duplex coverage per site per gene, and with the vector names corresponding to gene names")
# Expanding the reference sequences [for faster access]
for (j in 1:length(RefCDS)) {
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds), split="")[[1]]
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1up = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1up), split="")[[1]]
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1down = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_cds1down), split="")[[1]]
if (!is.null(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice)) {
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice), split="")[[1]]
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1up = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1up), split="")[[1]]
RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1down = base::strsplit(as.character(RefCDS[[j]]$seq_splice1down), split="")[[1]]
## 2. Mutation annotation
message("[2] Annotating the mutations...")
nt = c("A","C","G","T")
trinucs = paste(rep(nt,each=16,times=1),rep(nt,each=4,times=4),rep(nt,each=1,times=16), sep="")
trinucinds = setNames(1:64, trinucs)
trinucsubs = NULL
for (j in 1:length(trinucs)) {
trinucsubs = c(trinucsubs, paste(trinucs[j], paste(substr(trinucs[j],1,1), setdiff(nt,substr(trinucs[j],2,2)), substr(trinucs[j],3,3), sep=""), sep=">"))
trinucsubsind = setNames(1:192, trinucsubs)
ind = setNames(1:length(RefCDS), sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$gene_name))
gr_genes_ind = ind[gr_genes$names]
# Warning about possible unannotated dinucleotide substitutions
if (any(diff(mutations$pos)==1)) {
warning("Mutations observed in contiguous sites within a sample. Please annotate or remove dinucleotide or complex substitutions for best results.")
# Warning about multiple instances of the same mutation in different sampleIDs
if (nrow(unique(mutations[,2:5])) < nrow(mutations)) {
warning("Same mutations observed in different sampleIDs. Please verify that these are independent events and remove duplicates otherwise.")
# Start and end position of each mutation
mutations$end = mutations$start = mutations$pos
l = nchar(mutations$ref)-1 # Deletions of multiple bases
mutations$end = mutations$end + l
ind = substr(mutations$ref,1,1)==substr(mutations$mut,1,1) & nchar(mutations$ref)>nchar(mutations$mut) # Position correction for deletions annotated in the previous base (e.g. CA>C)
mutations$start = mutations$start + ind
# Mapping mutations to genes
gr_muts = GenomicRanges::GRanges(mutations$chr, IRanges::IRanges(mutations$start,mutations$end))
ol = as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_muts, gr_genes, type="any", select="all"))
mutations = mutations[ol[,1],] # Duplicating subs if they hit more than one gene
mutations$geneind = gr_genes_ind[ol[,2]]
mutations$gene = sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$gene_name)[mutations$geneind]
mutations = unique(mutations)
# Optional: Excluding samples exceeding the limit of mutations/sample [see Default parameters]
nsampl = sort(table(mutations$sampleID))
exclsamples = NULL
if (any(nsampl>max_coding_muts_per_sample)) {
message(sprintf(' Note: %0.0f samples excluded for exceeding the limit of mutations per sample (see the max_coding_muts_per_sample argument in dndscv). %0.0f samples left after filtering.',sum(nsampl>max_coding_muts_per_sample),sum(nsampl<=max_coding_muts_per_sample)))
exclsamples = names(nsampl[nsampl>max_coding_muts_per_sample])
mutations = mutations[!(mutations$sampleID %in% names(nsampl[nsampl>max_coding_muts_per_sample])),]
# Optional: Limiting the number of mutations per gene per sample (to minimise the impact of unannotated kataegis and other mutation clusters) [see Default parameters]
mutrank = ave(mutations$pos, paste(mutations$sampleID,mutations$gene), FUN = function(x) rank(x))
exclmuts = NULL
if (any(mutrank>max_muts_per_gene_per_sample)) {
message(sprintf(' Note: %0.0f mutations removed for exceeding the limit of mutations per gene per sample (see the max_muts_per_gene_per_sample argument in dndscv)',sum(mutrank>max_muts_per_gene_per_sample)))
exclmuts = mutations[mutrank>max_muts_per_gene_per_sample,]
mutations = mutations[mutrank<=max_muts_per_gene_per_sample,]
# Additional annotation of substitutions
mutations$strand = sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$strand)[mutations$geneind]
snv = (mutations$ref %in% nt & mutations$mut %in% nt)
if (!any(snv)) { stop("Zero coding substitutions found in this dataset. Unable to run dndscv. Common causes for this error are inputting only indels or using chromosome names different to those in the reference database (e.g. chr1 vs 1)") }
indels = mutations[!snv,]
mutations = mutations[snv,]
mutations$ref_cod = mutations$ref
mutations$mut_cod = mutations$mut
compnt = setNames(rev(nt), nt)
isminus = (mutations$strand==-1)
mutations$ref_cod[isminus] = compnt[mutations$ref[isminus]]
mutations$mut_cod[isminus] = compnt[mutations$mut[isminus]]
for (j in 1:length(RefCDS)) {
RefCDS[[j]]$N = array(0, dim=c(192,4)) # Initialising the N matrices
# Subfunction: obtaining the codon positions of a coding mutation given the exon intervals
chr2cds = function(pos,cds_int,strand) {
if (strand==1) {
return(which(unlist(apply(cds_int, 1, function(x) x[1]:x[2])) %in% pos))
} else if (strand==-1) {
return(which(rev(unlist(apply(cds_int, 1, function(x) x[1]:x[2]))) %in% pos))
# Annotating the functional impact of each substitution and populating the N matrices
ref3_cod = mut3_cod = wrong_ref = aachange = ntchange = impact = codonsub = array(NA, nrow(mutations))
for (j in 1:nrow(mutations)) {
geneind = mutations$geneind[j]
pos = mutations$pos[j]
if (any(pos == RefCDS[[geneind]]$intervals_splice)) { # Essential splice-site substitution
impact[j] = "Essential_Splice"; impind = 4
pos_ind = (pos==RefCDS[[geneind]]$intervals_splice)
cdsnt = RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice[pos_ind]
ref3_cod[j] = sprintf("%s%s%s", RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice1up[pos_ind], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice[pos_ind], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice1down[pos_ind])
mut3_cod[j] = sprintf("%s%s%s", RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice1up[pos_ind], mutations$mut_cod[j], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_splice1down[pos_ind])
aachange[j] = ntchange[j] = codonsub[j] = "."
} else { # Coding substitution
pos_ind = chr2cds(pos, RefCDS[[geneind]]$intervals_cds, RefCDS[[geneind]]$strand)
cdsnt = RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds[pos_ind]
ref3_cod[j] = sprintf("%s%s%s", RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds1up[pos_ind], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds[pos_ind], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds1down[pos_ind])
mut3_cod[j] = sprintf("%s%s%s", RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds1up[pos_ind], mutations$mut_cod[j], RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds1down[pos_ind])
codon_pos = c(ceiling(pos_ind/3)*3-2, ceiling(pos_ind/3)*3-1, ceiling(pos_ind/3)*3)
old_codon = as.character(as.vector(RefCDS[[geneind]]$seq_cds[codon_pos]))
pos_in_codon = pos_ind-(ceiling(pos_ind/3)-1)*3
new_codon = old_codon; new_codon[pos_in_codon] = mutations$mut_cod[j]
old_aa = seqinr::translate(old_codon, numcode = numcode)
new_aa = seqinr::translate(new_codon, numcode = numcode)
aachange[j] = sprintf('%s%0.0f%s',old_aa,ceiling(pos_ind/3),new_aa)
ntchange[j] = sprintf('%s%0.0f%s',mutations$ref_cod[j],pos_ind,mutations$mut_cod[j])
codonsub[j] = sprintf('%s>%s',paste(old_codon,collapse=""),paste(new_codon,collapse=""))
# Annotating the impact of the mutation
if (new_aa == old_aa){
impact[j] = "Synonymous"; impind = 1
} else if (new_aa == "*"){
impact[j] = "Nonsense"; impind = 3
} else if (old_aa != "*"){
impact[j] = "Missense"; impind = 2
} else if (old_aa=="*") {
impact[j] = "Stop_loss"; impind = NA
if (mutations$ref_cod[j] != as.character(cdsnt)) { # Incorrect base annotation in the input mutation file (the mutation will be excluded with a warning)
wrong_ref[j] = 1
} else if (!is.na(impind)) { # Correct base annotation in the input mutation file
trisub = trinucsubsind[ paste(ref3_cod[j], mut3_cod[j], sep=">") ]
RefCDS[[geneind]]$N[trisub,impind] = RefCDS[[geneind]]$N[trisub,impind] + 1 # Adding the mutation to the N matrices
if (round(j/1e4)==(j/1e4)) { message(sprintf(' %0.3g%% ...', round(j/nrow(mutations),2)*100)) }
mutations$ref3_cod = ref3_cod
mutations$mut3_cod = mut3_cod
mutations$aachange = aachange
mutations$ntchange = ntchange
mutations$codonsub = codonsub
mutations$impact = impact
mutations$pid = sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$protein_id)[mutations$geneind]
if (any(!is.na(wrong_ref))) {
if (mean(!is.na(wrong_ref)) < 0.1) { # If fewer than 10% of mutations have a wrong reference base, we warn the user
warning(sprintf('%0.0f (%0.2g%%) mutations have a wrong reference base (see the affected mutations in dndsout$wrongmuts). Please identify the causes and rerun dNdScv.', sum(!is.na(wrong_ref)), 100*mean(!is.na(wrong_ref))))
} else { # If more than 10% of mutations have a wrong reference base, we stop the execution (likely wrong assembly or a serious problem with the data)
stop(sprintf('%0.0f (%0.2g%%) mutations have a wrong reference base. Please confirm that you are not running data from a different assembly or species.', sum(!is.na(wrong_ref)), 100*mean(!is.na(wrong_ref))))
wrong_refbase = mutations[!is.na(wrong_ref), 1:5]
mutations = mutations[is.na(wrong_ref),]
if (any(nrow(indels))) { # If there are indels we concatenate the tables of subs and indels
indels = cbind(indels, data.frame(ref_cod=".", mut_cod=".", ref3_cod=".", mut3_cod=".", aachange=".", ntchange=".", codonsub=".", impact="no-SNV", pid=sapply(RefCDS,function(x) x$protein_id)[indels$geneind]))
# Annotation of indels
ins = nchar(gsub("-","",indels$ref))<nchar(gsub("-","",indels$mut))
del = nchar(gsub("-","",indels$ref))>nchar(gsub("-","",indels$mut))
multisub = nchar(gsub("-","",indels$ref))==nchar(gsub("-","",indels$mut)) # Including dinucleotides
l = nchar(gsub("-","",indels$ref))-nchar(gsub("-","",indels$mut))
indelstr = rep(NA,nrow(indels))
for (j in 1:nrow(indels)) {
geneind = indels$geneind[j]
pos = indels$start[j]:indels$end[j]
if (ins[j]) { pos = c(pos-1,pos) } # Adding the upstream base for insertions
pos_ind = chr2cds(pos, RefCDS[[geneind]]$intervals_cds, RefCDS[[geneind]]$strand)
if (length(pos_ind)>0) {
inframe = (length(pos_ind) %% 3) == 0
if (ins[j]) { # Insertion
indelstr[j] = sprintf("%0.0f-%0.0f-ins%s",min(pos_ind),max(pos_ind),c("frshift","inframe")[inframe+1])
} else if (del[j]) { # Deletion
indelstr[j] = sprintf("%0.0f-%0.0f-del%s",min(pos_ind),max(pos_ind),c("frshift","inframe")[inframe+1])
} else { # Dinucleotide and multinucleotide changes (MNVs)
indelstr[j] = sprintf("%0.0f-%0.0f-mnv",min(pos_ind),max(pos_ind))
indels$ntchange = indelstr
annot = rbind(mutations, indels)
} else {
annot = mutations
annot = annot[order(annot$sampleID, annot$chr, annot$pos),]
## 3. Estimation of the global rate and selection parameters
message("[3] Estimating global rates...")
Lall = array(sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$L), dim=c(192,4,length(RefCDS)))
Nall = array(sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$N), dim=c(192,4,length(RefCDS)))
L = apply(Lall, c(1,2), sum)
N = apply(Nall, c(1,2), sum)
# Subfunction: fitting substitution model
fit_substmodel = function(N, L, substmodel) {
l = c(L); n = c(N); r = c(substmodel)
n = n[l!=0]; r = r[l!=0]; l = l[l!=0]
params = unique(base::strsplit(x=paste(r,collapse="*"), split="\\*")[[1]])
indmat = as.data.frame(array(0, dim=c(length(r),length(params))))
colnames(indmat) = params
for (j in 1:length(r)) {
indmat[j, base::strsplit(r[j], split="\\*")[[1]]] = 1
model = glm(formula = n ~ offset(log(l)) + . -1, data=indmat, family=poisson(link=log))
mle = exp(coefficients(model)) # Maximum-likelihood estimates for the rate params
ci = exp(confint.default(model)) # Wald confidence intervals
par = data.frame(name=gsub("\`","",rownames(ci)), mle=mle[rownames(ci)], cilow=ci[,1], cihigh=ci[,2])
return(list(par=par, model=model))
# Fitting all mutation rates and the 3 global selection parameters
poissout = fit_substmodel(N, L, substmodel) # Original substitution model
par = poissout$par
poissmodel = poissout$model
parmle = setNames(par[,2], par[,1])
mle_submodel = par
rownames(mle_submodel) = NULL
# Fitting models with 1 and 2 global selection parameters
s1 = gsub("wmis","wall",gsub("wnon","wall",gsub("wspl","wall",substmodel)))
par1 = fit_substmodel(N, L, s1)$par # Substitution model with 1 selection parameter
s2 = gsub("wnon","wtru",gsub("wspl","wtru",substmodel))
par2 = fit_substmodel(N, L, s2)$par # Substitution model with 2 selection parameter
globaldnds = rbind(par, par1, par2)[c("wmis","wnon","wspl","wtru","wall"),]
sel_loc = sel_cv = NULL
## 4. dNdSloc: variable rate dN/dS model (gene mutation rate inferred from synonymous subs in the gene only)
genemuts = data.frame(gene_name = sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$gene_name), n_syn=NA, n_mis=NA, n_non=NA, n_spl=NA, exp_syn=NA, exp_mis=NA, exp_non=NA, exp_spl=NA, stringsAsFactors=F)
genemuts[,2:5] = t(sapply(RefCDS, function(x) colSums(x$N)))
mutrates = sapply(substmodel[,1], function(x) prod(parmle[base::strsplit(x,split="\\*")[[1]]])) # Expected rate per available site
genemuts[,6:9] = t(sapply(RefCDS, function(x) colSums(x$L*mutrates)))
numrates = length(mutrates)
if (outp > 1) {
message("[4] Running dNdSloc...")
locll = function(nobs,nexp,x,indneut) {
mrfold = max(1e-10, sum(nobs[indneut])/sum(nexp[indneut])) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp ratio of "neutral" mutations under the model
w = rep(1,4)
w[-indneut] = nobs[-indneut]/nexp[-indneut]/mrfold
w[nexp==0] = 0 # Suppressing cases where the expected rate is 0 (e.g. splice site mutations in genes with 1 exon)
ll = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(w,dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) # loglik
lrt_onesided = function(ll0,llmis,lltrunc,llall,w) {
# Under the 2 w model (wnon==wspl), one-sided tests can be performed using the log-likelihoods already calculated under different levels of constrain.
# Positive selection: H0: wmis<=1, wtrunc<=1. H1: wmis>1 | wtrunc>1.
# Negative selection: H0: wmis>=1, wtrunc>=1. H1: wmis<1 | wtrunc<1.
if (w[1]>=1 & w[2]>=1) {
ll0pos = ll0
ll0neg = llall
} else if (w[1]>=1 & w[2]<=1) {
ll0pos = llmis
ll0neg = lltrunc
} else if (w[1]<=1 & w[2]>=1) {
ll0pos = lltrunc
ll0neg = llmis
} else if (w[1]<=1 & w[2]<=1) {
ll0pos = llall
ll0neg = ll0
# One-sided LRTs: conservatively assuming 2 df even when under mixtures of positive and negative selection, the range of some parameters is constrained (1 df)
p = 1-pchisq(2*(llall-c(ll0pos,ll0neg)),df=c(2,2))
selfun_loc = function(j) {
y = as.numeric(genemuts[j,-1])
nobs = y[1:4] # Number of observed mutations in the gene (Synonymous, Missense, Nonsense, Splice)
nexp = y[5:8] # Number of expected mutations in the gene (Synonymous, Missense, Nonsense, Splice)
x = RefCDS[[j]]
# Alternative likelihood models constraining specific classes of mutations to be neutral
ll0 = locll(nobs,nexp,x,1:4)$ll # Neutral model: wmis==1, wnon==1, wspl==1
llmis = locll(nobs,nexp,x,c(1,2))$ll # Missense model: wmis==1, wnon free, wspl free
lltrunc = locll(nobs,nexp,x,c(1,3,4))$ll # Truncation model: wmis free, wnon==1, wspl==1
h = locll(nobs,nexp,x,1) # Fully unconstrained free selection model: wmis free, wnon free, wspl free
llall_unc = h$ll
wfree = h$w[-1]; wfree[wfree>1e4] = 1e4 # MLEs for the free w parameters (values higher than 1e4 will be set to 1e4)
if (constrain_wnon_wspl == 0) { # Free selection model: free wmis, free wnon, free wspl (called llall_unc)
# Models allowing free wnon or free wspl
llnon = locll(nobs,nexp,x,c(1,3))$ll # Nonsense model: wmis free, wnon==1, wspl free
llspl = locll(nobs,nexp,x,c(1,4))$ll # Splice model: wmis free, wnon free, wspl==1
# LRTs: the free selection model is the alternative hypothesis, and the partially or fully constrained models are the nulls.
p = 1-pchisq(2*(llall_unc-c(llmis,llnon,llspl,lltrunc,ll0)),df=c(1,1,1,2,3))
} else { # Partially constrained free selection model: free wmis, free wnon==wspl (called llall)
# Model for truncating substitutions forcing wnon==wspl
mrfold = max(1e-10, sum(nobs[1])/sum(nexp[1])) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp of synonymous mutations in the gene
wmisfree = nobs[2]/nexp[2]/mrfold; wmisfree[nexp[2]==0] = 0
wtruncfree = sum(nobs[3:4])/sum(nexp[3:4])/mrfold; wtruncfree[sum(nexp[3:4])==0] = 0
wfree = c(wmisfree,wtruncfree,wtruncfree)
llall = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,wfree),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) # loglik
# LRTs: the free selection model is the alternative hypothesis, and the partially or fully constrained models are the nulls. The missense models (H0 and H1) is the same as for constrain_wnon_wspl == 0.
p = 1-pchisq(2*c(llall_unc-llmis,llall-c(lltrunc,ll0)),df=c(1,1,2)) # Notice that for lltrunc and ll0, there is one fewer df when using wnon==wspl
# Adding on-sided tests results if requested by the user
if (onesided == T) {
p_onesided = lrt_onesided(ll0,llmis,lltrunc,llall,wfree[1:2]) # ppos and pneg calculated by the lrt_onesided function
p = c(p, p_onesided)
sel_loc = as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:nrow(genemuts), function(j) selfun_loc(j))))
if (constrain_wnon_wspl == 0) {
colnames(sel_loc) = c("wmis_loc","wnon_loc","wspl_loc","pmis_loc","pnon_loc","pspl_loc","ptrunc_loc","pall_loc")
sel_loc$qmis_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pmis_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qnon_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pnon_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qspl_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pspl_loc, method="BH")
} else {
if (onesided == F) {
colnames(sel_loc) = c("wmis_loc","wnon_loc","wspl_loc","pmis_loc","ptrunc_loc","pall_loc")
sel_loc$qtrunc_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$ptrunc_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qall_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pall_loc, method="BH")
} else {
colnames(sel_loc) = c("wmis_loc","wnon_loc","wspl_loc","pmis_loc","ptrunc_loc","pall_loc", "ppos_loc", "pneg_loc")
sel_loc$qtrunc_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$ptrunc_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qall_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pall_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qpos_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$ppos_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qneg_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pneg_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc$qmis_loc = p.adjust(sel_loc$pmis_loc, method="BH")
sel_loc = cbind(genemuts[,1:5],sel_loc)
sel_loc = sel_loc[order(sel_loc$pall_loc,sel_loc$pmis_loc,-sel_loc$wmis_loc),]
## 5. dNdScv: Negative binomial regression (with or without covariates) + local synonymous mutations
nbreg = nbregind = geneindels = syncv = NULL
if (outp > 2) {
message("[5] Running dNdScv...")
# Covariates
if (is.null(cv)) {
nbrdf = genemuts[,c("n_syn","exp_syn")]
model = MASS::glm.nb(n_syn ~ offset(log(exp_syn)) - 1 , data = nbrdf)
message(sprintf(" Regression model for substitutions: no covariates were used (theta = %0.3g).", model$theta))
} else {
covs = as.matrix(covs[genemuts$gene_name,])
if (ncol(covs) > maxcovs) {
warning(sprintf("More than %s input covariates. Only the first %s will be considered.", maxcovs, maxcovs))
covs = covs[,1:maxcovs]
nbrdf = cbind(genemuts[,c("n_syn","exp_syn")], covs)
# Negative binomial regression for substitutions
if (nrow(genemuts)<mingenecovs) { # If there are <500 genes, we run the regression without covariates
model = MASS::glm.nb(n_syn ~ offset(log(exp_syn)) - 1 , data = nbrdf)
} else {
model = tryCatch({
MASS::glm.nb(n_syn ~ offset(log(exp_syn)) + . , data = nbrdf) # We try running the model with covariates
}, warning = function(w){
MASS::glm.nb(n_syn ~ offset(log(exp_syn)) - 1 , data = nbrdf) # If there are warnings or errors we run the model without covariates
}, error = function(e){
MASS::glm.nb(n_syn ~ offset(log(exp_syn)) - 1 , data = nbrdf) # If there are warnings or errors we run the model without covariates
message(sprintf(" Regression model for substitutions (theta = %0.3g).", model$theta))
if (all(model$y==genemuts$n_syn)) {
genemuts$exp_syn_cv = model$fitted.values
theta = model$theta
nbreg = model
# Subfunction: Analytical opt_t using only neutral subs
mle_tcv = function(n_neutral, exp_rel_neutral, shape, scale) {
tml = (n_neutral+shape-1)/(exp_rel_neutral+(1/scale))
if (shape<=1) { # i.e. when theta<=1
tml = max(shape*scale,tml) # i.e. tml is bounded to the mean of the gamma (i.e. y[9]) when theta<=1, since otherwise it takes meaningless values
# Subfunction: dNdScv per gene
selfun_cv = function(j) {
y = as.numeric(genemuts[j,-1])
x = RefCDS[[j]]
exp_rel = y[5:8]/y[5]
# Gamma
shape = theta
scale = y[9]/theta
# a. Neutral model
indneut = 1:4 # vector of neutral mutation types under this model (1=synonymous, 2=missense, 3=nonsense, 4=essential_splice)
opt_t = mle_tcv(n_neutral=sum(y[indneut]), exp_rel_neutral=sum(exp_rel[indneut]), shape=shape, scale=scale)
mrfold = max(1e-10, opt_t/y[5]) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp ratio of "neutral" mutations under the model
ll0 = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,1,1,1),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) + dgamma(opt_t, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=T) # loglik null model
# b. Missense model: wmis==1, free wnon, free wspl
indneut = 1:2
opt_t = mle_tcv(n_neutral=sum(y[indneut]), exp_rel_neutral=sum(exp_rel[indneut]), shape=shape, scale=scale)
mrfold = max(1e-10, opt_t/sum(y[5])) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp ratio of "neutral" mutations under the model
wfree = y[3:4]/y[7:8]/mrfold; wfree[y[3:4]==0] = 0
llmis = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,1,wfree),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) + dgamma(opt_t, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=T) # loglik free wmis
# c. Truncating muts model: free wmis, wnon==wspl==1
indneut = c(1,3,4)
opt_t = mle_tcv(n_neutral=sum(y[indneut]), exp_rel_neutral=sum(exp_rel[indneut]), shape=shape, scale=scale)
mrfold = max(1e-10, opt_t/sum(y[5])) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp ratio of "neutral" mutations under the model
wfree = y[2]/y[6]/mrfold; wfree[y[2]==0] = 0
lltrunc = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,wfree,1,1),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) + dgamma(opt_t, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=T) # loglik free wmis
# d. Free selection model: free wmis, free wnon, free wspl
indneut = 1
opt_t = mle_tcv(n_neutral=sum(y[indneut]), exp_rel_neutral=sum(exp_rel[indneut]), shape=shape, scale=scale)
mrfold = max(1e-10, opt_t/sum(y[5])) # Correction factor of "t" based on the obs/exp ratio of "neutral" mutations under the model
wfree = y[2:4]/y[6:8]/mrfold; wfree[y[2:4]==0] = 0
llall_unc = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,wfree),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) + dgamma(opt_t, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=T) # loglik free wmis
if (constrain_wnon_wspl == 0) {
p = 1-pchisq(2*(llall_unc-c(llmis,lltrunc,ll0)),df=c(1,2,3))
} else { # d2. Free selection model: free wmis, free wnon==wspl
wmisfree = y[2]/y[6]/mrfold; wmisfree[y[2]==0] = 0
wtruncfree = sum(y[3:4])/sum(y[7:8])/mrfold; wtruncfree[sum(y[3:4])==0] = 0
wfree = c(wmisfree,wtruncfree,wtruncfree)
llall = sum(dpois(x=x$N, lambda=x$L*mutrates*mrfold*t(array(c(1,wmisfree,wtruncfree,wtruncfree),dim=c(4,numrates))), log=T)) + dgamma(opt_t, shape=shape, scale=scale, log=T) # loglik free wmis, free wnon==wspl
p = 1-pchisq(2*c(llall_unc-llmis,llall-c(lltrunc,ll0)),df=c(1,1,2))
# Adding on-sided tests results if requested by the user
if (onesided == T) {
p_onesided = lrt_onesided(ll0,llmis,lltrunc,llall,wfree[1:2]) # ppos and pneg calculated by the lrt_onesided function
p = c(p, p_onesided)
sel_cv = as.data.frame(t(sapply(1:nrow(genemuts), selfun_cv)))
if (onesided == F) {
colnames(sel_cv) = c("wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv")
sel_cv$qmis_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pmis_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qtrunc_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$ptrunc_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qallsubs_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pallsubs_cv, method="BH")
} else {
colnames(sel_cv) = c("wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv","ppos_cv","pneg_cv")
sel_cv$qmis_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pmis_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qtrunc_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$ptrunc_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qallsubs_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pallsubs_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qpos_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$ppos_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qneg_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pneg_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv = cbind(genemuts[,1:5],sel_cv)
sel_cv = sel_cv[order(sel_cv$pallsubs_cv, sel_cv$pmis_cv, sel_cv$ptrunc_cv, -sel_cv$wmis_cv),] # Sorting genes in the output file
## Synonymous recurrence: based on the negative binomial regression
syncv = data.frame(gene_name=genemuts$gene_name, n_syn=genemuts$n_syn, exp_syn_cv=genemuts$exp_syn_cv, r=NA, psyn=NA, qsyn=NA)
syncv$r = syncv$n_syn/syncv$exp_syn_cv
syncv$psyn = pnbinom(q=syncv$n_syn-0.1, mu=syncv$exp_syn_cv, size=theta, lower.tail=F) # p-value calculation using Negative Binomial distribution
syncv$qsyn = p.adjust(syncv$psyn, method="BH") # q-value adjustment
syncv = syncv[order(syncv$psyn, -syncv$r), ] # Sorting genes by p-value and ratio
## Indel recurrence: based on a negative binomial regression (ideally fitted excluding major known driver genes)
if (nrow(indels) >= min_indels) {
geneindels = as.data.frame(array(0,dim=c(length(RefCDS),8)))
colnames(geneindels) = c("gene_name","n_ind","n_induniq","n_indused","cds_length","excl","exp_unif","exp_indcv")
geneindels$gene_name = sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$gene_name)
geneindels$n_ind = as.numeric(table(indels$gene)[geneindels[,1]]); geneindels[is.na(geneindels[,2]),2] = 0
geneindels$n_induniq = as.numeric(table(unique(indels[,-1])$gene)[geneindels[,1]]); geneindels[is.na(geneindels[,3]),3] = 0
geneindels$cds_length = sapply(RefCDS, function(x) x$CDS_length)
if (!is.null(dc)) {
geneindels$cds_length = geneindels$cds_length * dc # Normalising CDS length by duplex coverage as the relative "exposure" of the gene to indels
if (use_indel_sites) {
geneindels$n_indused = geneindels[,3]
} else {
geneindels$n_indused = geneindels[,2]
# Excluding known cancer genes (first using the input or the default list, but if this fails, we use a shorter data-driven list)
geneindels$excl = (geneindels[,1] %in% known_cancergenes)
min_bkg_genes = 50
if (sum(!geneindels$excl)<min_bkg_genes | sum(geneindels[!geneindels$excl,"n_indused"]) == 0) { # If the exclusion list is too restrictive (e.g. targeted sequencing of cancer genes), then identify a shorter list of selected genes using the substitutions.
newkc = as.vector(sel_cv$gene_name[sel_cv$qallsubs_cv<0.01])
geneindels$excl = (geneindels[,1] %in% newkc)
if (sum(!geneindels$excl)<min_bkg_genes | sum(geneindels[!geneindels$excl,"n_indused"]) == 0) { # If the new exclusion list is still too restrictive, then do not apply a restriction.
geneindels$excl = F
message(" No gene was excluded from the background indel model.")
} else {
warning(sprintf(" Genes were excluded from the indel background model based on the substitution data: %s.", paste(newkc, collapse=", ")))
geneindels$exp_unif = sum(geneindels[!geneindels$excl,"n_indused"]) / sum(geneindels[!geneindels$excl,"cds_length"]) * geneindels$cds_length
# Negative binomial regression for indels
if (is.null(cv)) {
nbrdf = geneindels[,c("n_indused","exp_unif")][!geneindels[,6],] # We exclude known drivers from the fit
model = MASS::glm.nb(n_indused ~ offset(log(exp_unif)) - 1 , data = nbrdf)
nbrdf_all = geneindels[,c("n_indused","exp_unif")]
} else {
nbrdf = cbind(geneindels[,c("n_indused","exp_unif")], covs)[!geneindels[,6],] # We exclude known drivers from the fit
if (sum(!geneindels$excl)<500) { # If there are <500 genes, we run the regression without covariates
model = MASS::glm.nb(n_indused ~ offset(log(exp_unif)) - 1 , data = nbrdf)
} else {
model = tryCatch({
MASS::glm.nb(n_indused ~ offset(log(exp_unif)) + . , data = nbrdf) # We try running the model with covariates
}, warning = function(w){
MASS::glm.nb(n_indused ~ offset(log(exp_unif)) - 1 , data = nbrdf) # If there are warnings or errors we run the model without covariates
}, error = function(e){
MASS::glm.nb(n_indused ~ offset(log(exp_unif)) - 1 , data = nbrdf) # If there are warnings or errors we run the model without covariates
nbrdf_all = cbind(geneindels[,c("n_indused","exp_unif")], covs)
message(sprintf(" Regression model for indels (theta = %0.3g)", model$theta))
theta_indels = model$theta
nbregind = model
geneindels$exp_indcv = exp(predict(model,nbrdf_all))
geneindels$wind = geneindels$n_indused / geneindels$exp_indcv
# Statistical testing for indel recurrence per gene
if (onesided == F) {
geneindels$pind = pnbinom(q=geneindels$n_indused-1, mu=geneindels$exp_indcv, size=theta_indels, lower.tail=F)
geneindels$qind = p.adjust(geneindels$pind, method="BH")
# Fisher combined p-values (substitutions and indels)
sel_cv = merge(sel_cv, geneindels, by="gene_name")[,c("gene_name","n_syn","n_mis","n_non","n_spl","n_indused","wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","wind","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv","pind","qmis_cv","qtrunc_cv","qallsubs_cv","qind")]
colnames(sel_cv) = c("gene_name","n_syn","n_mis","n_non","n_spl","n_ind","wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","wind_cv","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv","pind_cv","qmis_cv","qtrunc_cv","qallsubs_cv","qind_cv")
sel_cv$pglobal_cv = 1 - pchisq(-2 * (log(sel_cv$pallsubs_cv) + log(sel_cv$pind_cv)), df = 4)
sel_cv$qglobal_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pglobal, method="BH")
sel_cv = sel_cv[order(sel_cv$pglobal_cv, sel_cv$pallsubs_cv, sel_cv$pmis_cv, sel_cv$ptrunc_cv, -sel_cv$wmis_cv),] # Sorting genes in the output file
} else { # One-sided tests
geneindels$pind_pos = pnbinom(q=geneindels$n_indused-1, mu=geneindels$exp_indcv, size=theta_indels, lower.tail=F)
geneindels$pind_neg = pnbinom(q=geneindels$n_indused, mu=geneindels$exp_indcv, size=theta_indels, lower.tail=T)
geneindels$qind_pos = p.adjust(geneindels$pind_pos, method="BH")
geneindels$qind_neg = p.adjust(geneindels$pind_neg, method="BH")
# Fisher combined p-values (substitutions and indels)
sel_cv = merge(sel_cv, geneindels, by="gene_name")[,c("gene_name","n_syn","n_mis","n_non","n_spl","n_indused","wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","wind","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv","ppos_cv","pneg_cv","pind_pos","pind_neg","qmis_cv","qtrunc_cv","qallsubs_cv","qpos_cv","qneg_cv","qind_pos","qind_neg")]
colnames(sel_cv) = c("gene_name","n_syn","n_mis","n_non","n_spl","n_ind","wmis_cv","wnon_cv","wspl_cv","wind_cv","pmis_cv","ptrunc_cv","pallsubs_cv","psubpos_cv","psubneg_cv","pindpos_cv","pindneg_cv","qmis_cv","qtrunc_cv","qallsubs_cv","qsubpos_cv","qsubneg_cv","qindpos_cv","qindneg_cv")
sel_cv$pglobalpos_cv = 1 - pchisq(-2 * (log(sel_cv$psubpos_cv) + log(sel_cv$pindpos_cv)), df = 4)
sel_cv$pglobalneg_cv = 1 - pchisq(-2 * (log(sel_cv$psubneg_cv) + log(sel_cv$pindneg_cv)), df = 4)
sel_cv$qglobalpos_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pglobalpos_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv$qglobalneg_cv = p.adjust(sel_cv$pglobalneg_cv, method="BH")
sel_cv = sel_cv[order(sel_cv$pglobalpos_cv*sel_cv$pglobalneg_cv, sel_cv$pallsubs_cv, sel_cv$pmis_cv, sel_cv$ptrunc_cv, -sel_cv$wmis_cv),] # Sorting genes in the output file
if (!any(!is.na(wrong_ref))) {
wrong_refbase = NULL # Output value if there were no wrong bases
annot = annot[,setdiff(colnames(annot),c("start","end","geneind"))]
if (outmats) {
dndscvout = list(globaldnds = globaldnds, sel_cv = sel_cv, sel_loc = sel_loc, annotmuts = annot, genemuts = genemuts, geneindels = geneindels, mle_submodel = mle_submodel, exclsamples = exclsamples, exclmuts = exclmuts, nbreg = nbreg, nbregind = nbregind, poissmodel = poissmodel, wrongmuts = wrong_refbase, syncv = syncv, N = Nall, L = Lall)
} else {
dndscvout = list(globaldnds = globaldnds, sel_cv = sel_cv, sel_loc = sel_loc, annotmuts = annot, genemuts = genemuts, geneindels = geneindels, mle_submodel = mle_submodel, exclsamples = exclsamples, exclmuts = exclmuts, nbreg = nbreg, nbregind = nbregind, poissmodel = poissmodel, wrongmuts = wrong_refbase, syncv = syncv)
} # EOF
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