
Defines functions plotIDR calculateIDR getSelfConsistencyRatios getCrossConsistencyRatios find.peaks process.narrowpeak clean.data concatenate.chr deconcatenate.chr find.overlap fill.missing.peaks merge.peaks.best merge.peaks pair.peaks pair.peaks.filter overlap.middle comp.uri get.uri.2d scale.t2n compute.pair.uri get.uri.matched map.sig.value plot.uri.group get.ez gaussian.cop.den clayton.cop.den mle.gaussian.copula mle.clayton.copula loglik.2gaussian.copula loglik.2copula est.mar.hist est.cdf.rank get.pdf get.cdf get.pdf.cdf e.step.2gaussian e.step.2copula m.step.2gaussian m.step.2copula e.step.2gaussian.value e.step.2copula.value m.step.2gaussian.value m.step.2gaussian.value2 m.step.2copula.value loglik.2gaussian.copula.value loglik.2copula.value em.2gaussian.quick em.2copula.quick rm.unmatch fit.em fit.2copula.em fit.1.component fit.gaussian.1 fit.clayton.1 comp.uri.ez comp.ez.cutoff get.ez.tt get.mar.mean get.hist.mean get.hist.var plot.ez.group get.ez.tt.all get.pseudo.mix em.transform loglik.2binormal d.binormal e.step.2normal m.step.2normal init init.dist find.mu.sigma

Documented in calculateIDR getCrossConsistencyRatios getSelfConsistencyRatios plotIDR

#' plot irreproducible discovery rate
#' Make plots from the output of the function \code{calculateIDR}
#' The output of \code{calculateIDR()} is a list of tuples of ChIP samples.
#' \code{plotIDR()} draws plots which compare the two members of a tuple.
#' For every tuple six plots are generated:
#' - number of peaks in common as a function of the number of _all_ significant peaks
#' - slope of the previous plot
#' - number of peaks in common as a function of the number of _matched_ significant peaks
#' - slope of the previous plot
#' - IDR as a function of the number of significant peaks
#' - scatter plot of ranked peaks of the ChIP samples
#' Refer to Qunhua Li et al (2011) for an explanation on how to interpret
#' the plots.
#' Ref: Qunhua Li, James B. Brown, Haiyan Huang, and Peter J. Bickel: Measuring reproducibility of high-throughput experiments.
#'      Ann Appl Stat. 2011 October 13 
#' @export
#' @param chipTuple one item of the return value of \calc{calculateIDR}
#' @param idrCutoff peaks with an IDR greater than this cut-off are colored red in the scatter plot
#' @examples
#' chipTuples <- calculateIDR(c("IP1.bam", "IP2.bam"), c("input1.bam", "input2.bam"),
#'                             "Hsapiens", "UCSC", "hg19")
#' for (chipTuple in chipTuples) {
#'     pdf(paste(basename(chipTuple$rep1), "_VS_", basename(chipTuple$rep2), ".pdf", sep=""), paper="a4r", width=11, height=8.5)
#'     plotIDR(chipTuple)
#'     dev.off()
#' }
plotIDR <- function(chipTuple, idrCutoff=0.01) {
	df.txt <- 10

	ez <- get.ez.tt.all(chipTuple$em.output, chipTuple$uri.output$data12.enrich$merge1,
		chipTuple$uri.output$data12.enrich$merge2) # reverse =T for error rate

	# URI for all peaks
	uri.all.peaks <- chipTuple$uri.output$uri.n
	# URI for matched peaks
	uri.match <- get.uri.matched(chipTuple$em.output$data.pruned, df=df.txt)
	uri.matched.peaks <- uri.match$uri.n

	# calculate IDR values
	idrs <- 1-chipTuple$em.output$em.fit$e.z
	idrs[order(idrs)] <- cumsum(idrs[order(idrs)])/(1:length(idrs))
	peaksBelowIDRCutoff <- idrs <= idrCutoff

	############# plot and report output
	# plot correspondence curve for each pair,
	# plot number of selected peaks vs IDR
	# plot all into 1 file
	par(mfcol=c(2,3), pty="s", mar=c(2,5,2,2))
	plot.uri.group(list(uri.all.peaks), NULL, file.name=NULL, 1, title.txt="all peaks")
	plot.uri.group(list(uri.matched.peaks), NULL, file.name=NULL, 1, title.txt="matched peaks")
	plot.ez.group(list(ez), plot.dir=NULL, file.name=NULL, legend.txt=1, y.lim=c(0, 0.6))
		pch=19, cex=0.01,
		xlab="peak rank rep1", ylab="peak rank rep2", cex.lab=2,
		col=ifelse(idrs <= peaksBelowIDRCutoff, "black", "red")
	title(paste(sum(peaksBelowIDRCutoff), "peaks with IDR <=", idrCutoff))
	legend(0, length(chipTuple$em.output$data.pruned$sample2$signal.value), c(paste("IDR <=", idrCutoff), paste("IDR >", idrCutoff)), col=c("black", "red"), pch=16)


#' Calculate irreproducibly discovery rate
#' Assess the consistency between ChIP-Seq replicates according to Qunhua Li et al.
#' Assess the consistency between ChIP-Seq replicates according to Qunhua Li et al.:
#' Ref: Qunhua Li, James B. Brown, Haiyan Huang, and Peter J. Bickel: Measuring reproducibility of high-throughput experiments.
#'      Ann Appl Stat. 2011 October 13 
#' The irreproducible discovery rate (IDR) is a measure for the probability
#' that a peak is called in a ChIP-Seq sample, if it has been called in another
#' sample. Peaks that result from biological activity should be called
#' consistently between replicates. They are assigned a low IDR. In contrast,
#' peaks that are noise are typically not called in all replicates and are
#' assigned a high IDR.
#' The output of this function is meant to be used as input to the function
#' \code{plotIDR}, which generates plots for the assessment of the IDR of
#' ChIP-Seq replicates. Refer to Qunhua Li et al (2011) for an explanation on
#' how to interpret the plots.
#' @export
#' @param chipSamples vector of file names of immuno-precipitated samples in \code{.bam} format or list of \code{GAlignments} objects
#' @param inputSamples vector of file names of control samples in \code{.bam} format or list of \code{GAlignments} objects
#' @param org organism as described in the \code{BSGenome} package: \code{Hsapiens}, \code{Mmusculus}, ...
#' @param assembly assembly name: \code{UCSC}, \code{NCBI}, \code{TAIR}, ...
#' @param version assembly version: \code{hg19}, \code{mm9}, ...
#' @param readLength length of reads (helps identify phantom peak), if \code{NULL} then it is determined automatically from the first 10000 reads in the BAM file
#' @param shiftRange strand shifts at which cross-correlation is evaluated
#' @param binSize step size for \code{shiftRange}
#' @param crossCorrelationPeakShift user-defined cross-correlation peak shift (when given, SPP does not try to detect the peak shift automatically)
#' @param invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks strand shifts to exclude (to avoid phantom peaks)
#' @param halfWidth a numerical value to truncate the peaks to; \code{NULL} means use peak width reported by SPP
#' @param overlapRatio a value between 0 and 1. It controls how much overlaps two peaks need to have to be considered as calling the same region. It is the ratio of overlap / short peak of the two. When set to 0, two peaks are deemed as calling the same region, if they overlap by at least 1 bp
#' @param isBroadPeak if broadpeak is used, set to \code{T}; if narrowpeak is used, set to \code{F}
#' @param cluster a \code{snow} cluster: \code{cluster <- snow::makeCluster(4)}
#' @return object that is suitable as input to \code{plotIDR}
#' @examples
#' chipTuples <- calculateIDR(c("IP1.bam", "IP2.bam"), c("input1.bam", "input2.bam"),
#'                             "Hsapiens", "UCSC", "hg19")
#' for (chipTuple in chipTuples) {
#'     pdf(paste(basename(chipTuple$rep1), "_VS_", basename(chipTuple$rep2), ".pdf", sep=""), paper="a4r", width=11, height=8.5)
#'     plotIDR(chipTuple)
#'     dev.off()
#' }
calculateIDR <- function(chipSamples, inputSamples, org, assembly, version, readLength=NULL, shiftRange=c(-500,1500), binSize=5, crossCorrelationPeakShift=NULL, invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks=c(10, readLength+10), halfWidth=NULL, overlapRatio=0, isBroadPeak=F, cluster=NULL) {

	# read the length of the chromosomes, which will be used to concatenate chr's
	chr.size <- data.frame(V1=names(seqlengths(get(org))), V2=seqlengths(get(org)), row.names=NULL)

	# Load SPP library

	if (is.null(readLength)) {
		# if no read length is given, automatically determine it
		# by taking the median of the first 10000 alignments
		if (class(chipSamples[[1]]) == "GAlignments") {
			readLength <- round(median(qwidth(head(chipSamples[[1]], 10000))))
		} else if (is.character(chipSamples[[1]])) {
			reads <- scanBam(BamFile(chipSamples[[1]], yieldSize=10000), param=ScanBamParam(what="seq"))
			readLength <- round(median(width(reads[[1]]$seq)))
		} else {
			stop("chipSamples must be a list of file paths or GAlignments objects")
		cat(paste("auto-detected read length:", readLength), fill=T)

	# load chip samples
	chip.data <- list()
	for (i in 1:length(chipSamples)) {
		chipSample <- chipSamples[i]
		if (class(chipSample[[1]]) == "GAlignments") {
			fileName <- paste("chipSample", i, sep="")
			alignments <- gAlignmentsToSppTags(chipSample[[1]])
		} else if (is.character(chipSample[[1]])) {
			fileName <- chipSample[[1]]
			alignments <- read.bam.tags(chipSample[[1]])
		} else {
			stop("chipSamples must be a list of file paths or GAlignments objects")
		if (!is.null(names(chipSample)))
			fileName <- names(chipSample)
		chip.data[[length(chip.data)+1]] <- list(fileName=fileName, alignments=alignments)

	# load input samples and merge them into a single pooled sample
	control.data <- list(tags=list(), quality=list())
	for (i in 1:length(inputSamples)) {
		inputSample <- inputSamples[i]
		if (class(inputSample[[1]]) == "GAlignments") {
			fileName <- paste("inputSample", i, sep="")
			bam.tags <- gAlignmentsToSppTags(inputSample[[1]])
		} else if (is.character(inputSample[[1]])) {
			fileName <- inputSample[[1]]
			bam.tags <- read.bam.tags(inputSample[[1]])
		} else {
			stop("inputSamples must be a list of file paths or GAlignments objects")

		# merge samples
		keys <- unique(c(names(bam.tags$tags), names(control.data$tags)))
		control.data$tags <- setNames(mapply(c, bam.tags$tags[keys], control.data$tags[keys], SIMPLIFY=F), keys)
		keys <- unique(c(names(bam.tags$quality), names(control.data$quality)))
		control.data$quality <- setNames(mapply(c, bam.tags$quality[keys], control.data$quality[keys], SIMPLIFY=F), keys)

	tuplesToCompare <- list()
	for (i in 1:(length(chip.data)-1))
		for (j in (i+1):length(chip.data))
			tuplesToCompare[[length(tuplesToCompare)+1]] <- list(rep1=i, rep2=j)

	# create pooled sample
	pooledSample <- list(fileName="pooledChipSamples", alignments=list(tags=list(), quality=list()))
	for (chip.data1 in chip.data) {
		# merge samples
		keys <- unique(c(names(chip.data1$alignments$tags), names(pooledSample$alignments$tags)))
		pooledSample$alignments$tags <- setNames(mapply(c, chip.data1$alignments$tags[keys], pooledSample$alignments$tags[keys], SIMPLIFY=F), keys)
		keys <- unique(c(names(chip.data1$alignments$quality), names(pooledSample$alignments$quality)))
		pooledSample$alignments$quality <- setNames(mapply(c, chip.data1$alignments$quality[keys], pooledSample$alignments$quality[keys], SIMPLIFY=F), keys)
	chip.data[[length(chip.data)+1]] <- pooledSample

	# create pseudo-replicates
	set.seed(001) # ensures reproducibility
	for (chip.data1 in chip.data) {
		cat(paste("generating pseudo-replicates for", chip.data1$fileName), fill=T)
		pseudoRep1 <- list(fileName=paste(chip.data1$fileName, "PseudoRep1", sep="_"), alignments=list(tags=list(), quality=list()))
		pseudoRep2 <- list(fileName=paste(chip.data1$fileName, "PseudoRep2", sep="_"), alignments=list(tags=list(), quality=list()))

		for (i in 1:length(chip.data1$alignments$tags)) {
			# randomly decide which tags go in which pseudo-replicate
			subsample <- sample(c(T, F), length(chip.data1$alignments$tags[[i]]), replace=T)

			contig <- names(chip.data1$alignments$tags[i])

			# pseudo-replicate 1
			pseudoRep1$alignments$tags[[contig]] <- chip.data1$alignments$tags[[i]][subsample]
			pseudoRep1$alignments$quality[[contig]] <- chip.data1$alignments$quality[[i]][subsample]

			# pseudo-replicate 2 (complement of pseudo-replicate 1)
			pseudoRep2$alignments$tags[[contig]] <- chip.data1$alignments$tags[[i]][!subsample]
			pseudoRep2$alignments$quality[[contig]] <- chip.data1$alignments$quality[[i]][!subsample]

		chip.data[[length(chip.data)+1]] <- pseudoRep1
		chip.data[[length(chip.data)+1]] <- pseudoRep2
		tuplesToCompare[[length(tuplesToCompare)+1]] <- list(rep1=length(chip.data)-1, rep2=length(chip.data))

	# call peaks
	for (i in unique(as.integer(unlist(tuplesToCompare)))) {
		cat(paste("finding peaks for", chip.data[[i]]$fileName), fill=T)
		chip.data[[i]]$peaks <- find.peaks(chip.data[[i]]$alignments, control.data, readLength, shiftRange, binSize, crossCorrelationPeakShift, invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks, cluster)
		chip.data[[i]]$alignments <- list() # free memory
	control.data <- list() # free memory

	############# process the data
	# process data, summit: the representation of the location of summit
	computeURIandEM <- function(tupleToCompare, chr.size, halfWidth, isBroadPeak, overlapRatio) {
		chip.tuple <- list(rep1=tupleToCompare$rep1$fileName, rep2=tupleToCompare$rep2$fileName)

		rep1 <- process.narrowpeak(tupleToCompare$rep1$peaks, chr.size, half.width=halfWidth, summit="offset", broadpeak=isBroadPeak)
		rep2 <- process.narrowpeak(tupleToCompare$rep2$peaks, chr.size, half.width=halfWidth, summit="offset", broadpeak=isBroadPeak)

		cat(paste("computing correspondence profile (URI) for", tupleToCompare$rep1$fileName, "and", tupleToCompare$rep2$fileName), fill=T)
		uri.output <- compute.pair.uri(rep1$data.cleaned, rep2$data.cleaned, sig.value1="signal.value", sig.value2="signal.value", overlap.ratio=overlapRatio)
		chip.tuple$uri.output <- uri.output

		cat(paste("computing EM procedure for", tupleToCompare$rep1$fileName, "and", tupleToCompare$rep2$fileName), fill=T)
		em.output <- fit.em(uri.output$data12.enrich, fix.rho2=T)
		chip.tuple$em.output <- em.output

	tuplesToCompare <- lapply(tuplesToCompare, function(tupleToCompare, chip.data) { return(list(rep1=chip.data[[tupleToCompare$rep1]], rep2=chip.data[[tupleToCompare$rep2]])) }, chip.data)
	if (is.null(cluster)) {
		chip.tuples <- list()
		for (tupleToCompare in tuplesToCompare) {
			chip.tuples[[length(chip.tuples)+1]] <- computeURIandEM(tupleToCompare, chr.size, halfWidth, isBroadPeak, overlapRatio)
	} else {
		clusterExport(cluster, as.vector(lsf.str(envir=.GlobalEnv))) # export all functions to cluster nodes
		chip.tuples <- clusterApplyLB(cluster, tuplesToCompare, computeURIandEM, chr.size, halfWidth, isBroadPeak, overlapRatio)

#' Get self-consistency ratios
#' Calculate the ratio of peaks below a given IDR threshold between all pseudo-replicates
#' The ChIP-Seq guidelines of the ENCODE consortium recommend that the number
#' of peaks with an IDR below 0.01 should not differ by more than a factor of 2
#' between any pair of pseudo-replicates. This function counts the peaks of all
#' pseudo-replicates with an IDR <= 0.01 and calculates the quotient of
#' the number of peaks for all possible pairs of pseudo-replicates. It produces
#' a N x N matrix, where N is the number of true replicates. The values of the
#' matrix are calculated as:
#'   [peak count of replicate in column] / [peak count of replicate in row]
#' All values should be within a range of 0.5 to 2. Deviations from this
#' range indicate low reproducibility.
#' Ref: Stephen G. Landt, Georgi K. Marinov, Anshul Kundaje, Pouya Kheradpour,
#' Florencia Pauli, Serafim Batzoglou, Bradley E. Bernstein, Peter Bickel,
#' James B. Brown, Philip Cayting, Yiwen Chen, Gilberto DeSalvo,
#' Charles Epstein, Katherine I. Fisher-Aylor, Ghia Euskirchen, Mark Gerstein,
#' Jason Gertz, Alexander J. Hartemink, Michael M. Hoffman,
#' Vishwanath R. Iyer, Youngsook L. Jung, Subhradip Karmakar, Manolis Kellis,
#' Peter V. Kharchenko, Qunhua Li, Tao Liu, X. Shirley Liu, Lijia Ma,
#' Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Richard M. Myers, Peter J. Park,
#' Michael J. Pazin, Marc D. Perry, Debasish Raha, Timothy E. Reddy,
#' Joel Rozowsky, Noam Shoresh, Arend Sidow, Matthew Slattery,
#' John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, Michael Y. Tolstorukov, Kevin P. White,
#' Simon Xi, Peggy J. Farnham, Jason D. Lieb, Barbara J. Wold, Michael Snyder:
#' ChIP-seq guidelines and practices of the ENCODE and modENCODE consortia
#' Genome Res. Sep 2012; 22(9): 1813–1831.
#' @export
#' @param chipTuples output of \code{calculateIDR}
#' @param idrCutoff count only peaks below this IDR value (for mammalian cells a value of 0.01 is recommended)
#' @return matrix with quotients of peak counts for all possible combinations of replicates
#' @examples
#' chipTuples <- calculateIDR(c("IP1.bam", "IP2.bam"), c("input1.bam", "input2.bam"),
#'                             "Hsapiens", "UCSC", "hg19")
#' getSelfConsistencyRatios(chipTuples)
getSelfConsistencyRatios <- function(chipTuples, idrCutoff=0.01) {
	replicateNames <- c()
	peaksBelowIDRCutoff <- c()
	for (chip.tuple in chipTuples)
		if (length(grep("_PseudoRep.$", chip.tuple$rep1)) > 0 & length(grep("pooledChipSamples_PseudoRep.$", chip.tuple$rep1)) == 0) {
			replicateNames <- c(replicateNames, paste(chip.tuple$rep1, chip.tuple$rep2, sep="_VS_"))
			peaksBelowIDRCutoff <- c(peaksBelowIDRCutoff, sum(1-chip.tuple$em.output$em.fit$e.z <= idrCutoff))
	result = sapply(peaksBelowIDRCutoff, function(x) { x/peaksBelowIDRCutoff })
	colnames(result) <- replicateNames
	rownames(result) <- replicateNames

#' Get cross-consistency ratios
#' Calculate the ratio of peaks below a given IDR threshold between all true replicates and the pooled pseudo-replicates
#' The ChIP-Seq guidelines of the ENCODE consortium recommend that the number
#' of peaks with an IDR below 0.01 should not differ by more than a factor of 2
#' between the pair of pooled pseudo-replicates and any pair of true replicates.
#' This function counts the peaks of all pairs of true replicates with an IDR
#' below 0.01 as well as the peaks of pseudo-replicates from a pooled sample.
#' The output is a list of quotients calculated as:
#'   [peak count of pooled replicates] / [peak count of true replicate]
#' All values should be lower than or equal to 2. Higher values indicate low
#' reproducibility.
#' Ref: Stephen G. Landt, Georgi K. Marinov, Anshul Kundaje, Pouya Kheradpour,
#' Florencia Pauli, Serafim Batzoglou, Bradley E. Bernstein, Peter Bickel,
#' James B. Brown, Philip Cayting, Yiwen Chen, Gilberto DeSalvo,
#' Charles Epstein, Katherine I. Fisher-Aylor, Ghia Euskirchen, Mark Gerstein,
#' Jason Gertz, Alexander J. Hartemink, Michael M. Hoffman,
#' Vishwanath R. Iyer, Youngsook L. Jung, Subhradip Karmakar, Manolis Kellis,
#' Peter V. Kharchenko, Qunhua Li, Tao Liu, X. Shirley Liu, Lijia Ma,
#' Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Richard M. Myers, Peter J. Park,
#' Michael J. Pazin, Marc D. Perry, Debasish Raha, Timothy E. Reddy,
#' Joel Rozowsky, Noam Shoresh, Arend Sidow, Matthew Slattery,
#' John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, Michael Y. Tolstorukov, Kevin P. White,
#' Simon Xi, Peggy J. Farnham, Jason D. Lieb, Barbara J. Wold, Michael Snyder:
#' ChIP-seq guidelines and practices of the ENCODE and modENCODE consortia
#' Genome Res. Sep 2012; 22(9): 1813–1831.
#' @export
#' @param chipTuples output of \code{calculateIDR}
#' @param idrCutoff count only peaks below this IDR value (for mammalian cells a value of 0.01 is recommended)
#' @return list of quotients of peak counts (pooled pseudo-replicates / true replicates)
#' @examples
#' chipTuples <- calculateIDR(c("IP1.bam", "IP2.bam"), c("input1.bam", "input2.bam"),
#'                             "Hsapiens", "UCSC", "hg19")
#' getCrossConsistencyRatios(chipTuples)
getCrossConsistencyRatios <- function(chipTuples, idrCutoff=0.01) {
	replicateNames <- c()
	peaksBelowIDRCutoff <- c()
	for (chip.tuple in chipTuples)
		if (length(grep("_PseudoRep.$", chip.tuple$rep1)) == 0) {
			replicateNames <- c(replicateNames, paste(chip.tuple$rep1, chip.tuple$rep2, sep="_VS_"))
			peaksBelowIDRCutoff <- c(peaksBelowIDRCutoff, sum(1-chip.tuple$em.output$em.fit$e.z <= idrCutoff))
		} else if (chip.tuple$rep1 == "pooledChipSamples_PseudoRep1" & chip.tuple$rep2 == "pooledChipSamples_PseudoRep2") {
			pooledPeaksBelowIDRCutoff <- sum(1-chip.tuple$em.output$em.fit$e.z <= idrCutoff)
	result = sapply(peaksBelowIDRCutoff, function(x) { pooledPeaksBelowIDRCutoff/x })
	names(result) <- replicateNames

##################### internal functions #####################

# use peak-caller SPP to find peaks
find.peaks <- function(chipData, pooledInputData, readLength, shiftRange=c(-500,1500), binSize=5, crossCorrelationPeakShift=NULL, invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks=NULL, cluster=NULL) {

	# Read ChIP tagAlign/BAM files
	chipData$num.tags <- sum(unlist(lapply(chipData$tags,function(d) length(d))))
	pooledInputData$num.tags <- sum(unlist(lapply(pooledInputData$tags,function(d) length(d))))

	# #################################    
	# Calculate cross-correlation for various strand shifts
	# #################################    
	# crosscorr
	# $cross.correlation : Cross-correlation profile as an $x/$y data.frame
	# $peak : Position ($x) and height ($y) of automatically detected cross-correlation peak.
	# $whs: Optimized window half-size for binding detection (based on the width of the cross-correlation peak) 
	crosscorr <- get.binding.characteristics(chipData,
	# Smooth the cross-correlation curve if required
	cc <- crosscorr$cross.correlation
	crosscorr$min.cc <- crosscorr$cross.correlation[ length(crosscorr$cross.correlation$y) , ] # minimum value and shift of cross-correlation
	sbw <- 2*floor(ceiling(5/binSize) / 2) + 1 # smoothing bandwidth
	cc$y <- runmean(cc$y,sbw,alg="fast")
	# Compute cross-correlation peak
	bw <- ceiling(2/binSize) # crosscorr[i] is compared to crosscorr[i+/-bw] to find peaks
	peakidx <- (diff(cc$y,bw)>=0) # cc[i] > cc[i-bw]
	peakidx <- diff(peakidx,bw)
	peakidx <- which(peakidx==-1) + bw        
	# exclude peaks within invalid region
	if ( is.null(invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks) ) {
		invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks <- c(10, readLength+10)
	peakidx <- peakidx[(cc$x[peakidx] < invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks[1]) | (cc$x[peakidx] > invalidCrossCorrelationPeaks[2]) | (cc$x[peakidx] < 0) ]    
	cc <- cc[peakidx,]
	# Find max peak position and other peaks within 0.9*max_peakvalue that are further away from maxpeakposition   
	maxpeakidx <- which.max(cc$y)
	maxpeakshift <- cc$x[maxpeakidx]
	maxpeakval <- cc$y[maxpeakidx]
	peakidx <-which((cc$y >= 0.9*maxpeakval) & (cc$x >= maxpeakshift)) 
	cc <- cc[peakidx,]
	# pick best peak
	cc.peak <- cc[order(cc$y,decreasing=TRUE),]
	# Override peak shift if user supplies peak shift
	if (! is.null(crossCorrelationPeakShift)) {
		cc.peak <- approx(crosscorr$cross.correlation$x,crosscorr$cross.correlation$y,crossCorrelationPeakShift,rule=2)
	# Reset values in crosscorr
	crosscorr$peak$x <- cc.peak$x[1]
	crosscorr$peak$y <- cc.peak$y[1]
	# Compute window half size
	whs.thresh <- crosscorr$min.cc$y + (crosscorr$peak$y - crosscorr$min.cc$y)/3
	crosscorr$whs <- max(crosscorr$cross.correlation$x[crosscorr$cross.correlation$y >= whs.thresh])
	# #################################    
	# Call peaks
	# #################################
	# Remove local tag anomalies
	chipData <- remove.local.tag.anomalies(chipData$tags)
	pooledInputData <- remove.local.tag.anomalies(pooledInputData$tags)
	# Find peaks
	narrow.peaks <- find.binding.positions(signal.data=chipData,control.data=pooledInputData,fdr=0.99,method=tag.lwcc,whs=crosscorr$whs,cluster=cluster)
	region.peaks <- add.broad.peak.regions(chipData,pooledInputData,narrow.peaks,window.size=max(50,round(crosscorr$whs/4)),z.thr=9)

	# convert peaks to data frame (as in write.narrowpeak.binding)
	margin <- round(crosscorr$whs/2)
	chrl <- names(region.peaks$npl)
	names(chrl) <- chrl
	md <- do.call(rbind, lapply(chrl, function(chr) {
		df <- region.peaks$npl[[chr]]
		x <- df$x
		rs <- df$rs
		if (is.null(rs)) {
			rs <- rep(NA, length(x))
		re <- df$re
		if (is.null(re)) {
			re <- rep(NA, length(x))
		ivi <- which(is.na(rs))
		if (any(ivi)) {
			rs[ivi] <- x[ivi] - margin
		ivi <- which(is.na(re))
		if (any(ivi)) {
			re[ivi] <- x[ivi] + margin
		cbind(chr, rs, re, df$y, -1, df$fdr, x - rs)
	md <- md[order(as.numeric(md[, 4]), decreasing = T), ]
        md <- md[1:min(nrow(md),300000),]

# revised on 2-20-10
# - fix error in pass.structure: reverse rank.combined, so that big sig.value
#  are ranked with small numbers (1, 2, ...)
# - fix error on get.ez.tt.all: get ez.cutoff from sorted e.z

# modified EM procedure to compute empirical CDF more precisely - 09/2009

# this file contains the functions for  
# 1. computing the correspondence profile (upper rank intersection and derivatives)
# 2. inference of copula mixture model
# It also has functions for
# 1. reading peak caller results
# 2. processing and matching called peaks
# 3. plotting results

################ read peak caller results

# process narrow peak format
# some peak callers may not report q-values, p-values or fold of enrichment
# need further process before comparison
# stop.exclusive: Is the basepair of peak.list$stop exclusive? In narrowpeak and broadpeak format they are exclusive.
# If it is exclusive, we need subtract peak.list$stop by 1 to avoid the same basepair being both a start and a stop of two 
# adjacent peaks, which creates trouble for finding correct intersect  
process.narrowpeak <- function(narrow.data, chr.size, half.width=NULL, summit="offset", stop.exclusive=T, broadpeak=F){

    bb.ori <- data.frame(chr=narrow.data[,1], start=as.numeric(narrow.data[,2]), stop=as.numeric(narrow.data[,3]), signal.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,4]), p.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,5]), q.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,6]))
    bb.ori <- data.frame(chr=narrow.data[,1], start=as.numeric(narrow.data[,2]), stop=as.numeric(narrow.data[,3]), signal.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,4]), p.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,5]), q.value=as.numeric(narrow.data[,6]), summit=as.numeric(narrow.data[,7]))

    bb.ori$summit <- bb.ori$summit-bb.ori$start # change summit to offset to avoid error when concatenating chromosomes
  bb <- concatenate.chr(bb.ori, chr.size)

  #bb <- bb.ori

  # remove the peaks that has the same start and stop value
  bb <- bb[bb$start != bb$stop,]

    bb$stop <- bb$stop-1

    bb$start.ori <- bb$start    #Anshul changed this
    bb$stop.ori <- bb$stop 	#Anshul changed this

    # if peak is narrower than the specified window, stay with its width
    # otherwise chop wider peaks to specified width
    width <- bb$stop-bb$start +1
    is.wider <- width > 2*half.width

    if(summit=="offset" | summit=="summit"){ # if summit is offset from start
      bb$start[is.wider] <- bb$start.ori[is.wider] + bb$summit[is.wider]-half.width
      bb$stop[is.wider] <- bb$start.ori[is.wider] + bb$summit[is.wider]+half.width
    } else { 
        bb$start[is.wider] <- bb$start.ori[is.wider]+round(width[is.wider]/2) - half.width
        bb$stop[is.wider] <- bb$start.ori[is.wider]+round(width[is.wider]/2) + half.width

    bb$start.ori <- bb.ori$start    #Anshul changed this
    bb$stop.ori <- bb.ori$stop      #Anshul changed this

  bb <- clean.data(bb)
  invisible(list(data.ori=bb.ori, data.cleaned=bb))

# clean data 
# and concatenate chromosomes if needed
clean.data <- function(adata){

  # remove the peaks that has the same start and stop value
  adata <- adata[adata$start != adata$stop,]

  # if some stops and starts are the same, need fix them
  stop.in.start <- is.element(adata$stop, adata$start)
  n.fix <- sum(stop.in.start)
  if(n.fix >0){
    print(paste("Fix", n.fix, "stops\n"))
    adata$stop[stop.in.start] <- adata$stop[stop.in.start]-1 

# concatenate peaks
# peaks: the dataframe to have all the peaks
# chr.file: the file to keep the length of each chromosome 
# chr files should come from the species that the data is from
concatenate.chr <- function(peaks, chr.size){

 # chr.size <- read.table(chr.file)
  chr.o <- order(chr.size[,1])
  chr.size <- chr.size[chr.o,]

  chr.shift <- cumsum(c(0, chr.size[-nrow(chr.size),2]))
  chr.size.cum <- data.frame(chr=chr.size[,1], shift=chr.shift)  

  peaks$start.ori <- peaks$start
  peaks$stop.ori <- peaks$stop
  for(i in 1:nrow(chr.size)){
    is.in <- as.character(peaks$chr) == as.character(chr.size.cum$chr[i])
      peaks[is.in,]$start <- peaks[is.in,]$start + chr.size.cum$shift[i]
      peaks[is.in,]$stop <- peaks[is.in,]$stop + chr.size.cum$shift[i]


deconcatenate.chr <- function(peaks, chr.size){

  chr.o <- order(chr.size[,1])
  chr.size <- chr.size[chr.o,]

  chr.shift <- cumsum(c(0, chr.size[-nrow(chr.size),2]))
  chr.size.cum <- data.frame(chr=chr.size[,1], shift=chr.shift)  

  peaks$chr <- rep(NA, nrow(peaks))
  for(i in 1:(nrow(chr.size.cum)-1)){
    is.in <- peaks$start > chr.size.cum[i,2] & peaks$start <= chr.size.cum[i+1, 2]
      peaks[is.in,]$start <- peaks[is.in,]$start - chr.size.cum[i,2]
      peaks[is.in,]$stop <- peaks[is.in,]$stop - chr.size.cum[i,2]+1    
      peaks[is.in,]$chr <- chr.size[i,1]

  if(i == nrow(chr.size.cum)){
    is.in <- peaks$start > chr.size.cum[i, 2]
      peaks[is.in,]$start <- peaks[is.in,]$start - chr.size.cum[i,2]
      peaks[is.in,]$stop <- peaks[is.in,]$stop - chr.size.cum[i,2]+1    
      peaks[is.in,]$chr <- chr.size[i,1]

################ preprocessing peak calling output

# read two calling results and sort by peak starting locations, 
# then find overlap between peaks
#   rep1: the 1st replicate
#   rep2: the 2nd replicate
#   id1, id2: the labels for the identified peaks on the replicates
find.overlap <- function(rep1, rep2){

  o1 <- order(rep1$start)
  rep1 <- rep1[o1,]
  o2 <- order(rep2$start)
  rep2 <- rep2[o2,]

  n1 <- length(o1)
  n2 <- length(o2)
  # assign common ID to peaks
  id1 <- rep(0, n1) # ID assigned on rep1
  id2 <- rep(0, n2) # ID assigned on rep2
  id <- 1 # keep track common id's
  # check if two replicates overlap with each other
  i <- 1
  j <- 1

  while(i <= n1|| j <= n2){

    # && (id1[n1] ==0 || id2[n2] ==0)
    # if one list runs out
    if(i > n1 && j < n2){
      j <- j+1
      id2[j] <- id
      id <- id +1
    } else{
      if(j > n2 && i < n1){
        i <- i+1        
        id1[i] <- id
        id <- id +1
      } else {
        if(i >= n1 && j >=n2)

    # if not overlap

    if(!(rep1$start[i] <= rep2$stop[j] && rep2$start[j] <= rep1$stop[i])){

      # at the start of loop, when both are not assigned an ID
      # the one locates in front is assigned first
      if(id1[i] ==0 && id2[j]==0){
        if(rep1$stop[i] < rep2$stop[j]){
          id1[i] <- id
        } else {
          id2[j] <- id
      } else { # in the middle of the loop, when one is already assigned
      # The one that has not assigned gets assigned
      #  if(id1[i] ==0){ # id1[i] is not assigned
      #    id1[i] <- id
      #  } else { # id2[i] is not assigned
      #    id2[j] <- id 
      #  }

        # order the id according to location
        if(rep1$stop[i] <= rep2$stop[j]){
          id1[i] <- max(id2[j], id1[i])
          id2[j] <- id  
        } else {
          if(rep1$stop[i] > rep2$stop[j]){
            id2[j] <- max(id1[i], id2[j])
            id1[i] <- id
      id <- id +1
    } else { # if overlap
      if(id1[i] == 0 && id2[j] == 0){ # not assign label yet
        id1[i] <- id 
        id2[j] <- id
        id <- id +1
      } else { # one peak is already assigned label, the other is 0
        id1[i] <- max(id1[i], id2[j]) # this is a way to copy the label of the assigned peak without knowing which one is already assigned
        id2[j] <- id1[i] # syncronize the labels        
    if(rep1$stop[i] < rep2$stop[j]){
      i <- i+1
    } else {
      j <- j+1

  invisible(list(id1=id1, id2=id2))

# Impute the missing significant value for the peaks called only on one replicate.
# value 
#   rep1, rep2: the two peak calling output 
#   id1, id2: the IDs assigned by function find.overlap, vectors
#        If id1[i]==id2[j], peak i on rep1 overlaps with peak j on rep2
#   p.value.impute: the significant value to impute for the missing peaks 
# OUTPUT:   
#   rep1, rep2: peaks ordered by the start locations with imputed peaks
#   id1, id2: the IDs with imputed peaks
fill.missing.peaks <- function(rep1, rep2, id1, id2, p.value.impute){

#   rep1 <- data.frame(chr=rep1$chr, start=rep1$start, stop=rep1$stop, sig.value=rep1$sig.value)
#   rep2 <- data.frame(chr=rep2$chr, start=rep2$start, stop=rep2$stop, sig.value=rep2$sig.value)   
   o1 <- order(rep1$start)
   rep1 <- rep1[o1,]
   o2 <- order(rep2$start)
   rep2 <- rep2[o2,]  
   entry.in1.not2 <- !is.element(id1, id2)
   entry.in2.not1 <- !is.element(id2, id1)

   if(sum(entry.in1.not2) > 0){
     temp1 <- rep1[entry.in1.not2, ]

     # impute sig.value
     temp1$sig.value <- p.value.impute
     temp1$signal.value <- p.value.impute
     temp1$p.value <- p.value.impute
     temp1$q.value <- p.value.impute
     rep2.filled <- rbind(rep2, temp1)
     id2.filled <- c(id2, id1[entry.in1.not2])
   } else {
     id2.filled <- id2
     rep2.filled <- rep2

   if(sum(entry.in2.not1) > 0){

     temp2 <- rep2[entry.in2.not1, ]

     # fill in p.values to 1
     temp2$sig.value <- p.value.impute
     temp2$signal.value <- p.value.impute
     temp2$p.value <- p.value.impute
     temp2$q.value <- p.value.impute

     # append to the end
     rep1.filled <- rbind(rep1, temp2)

     id1.filled <- c(id1, id2[entry.in2.not1])
   } else {
     id1.filled <- id1
     rep1.filled <- rep1

   # sort rep1 and rep2 by the same id
   o1 <- order(id1.filled)
   rep1.ordered <- rep1.filled[o1, ]

   o2 <- order(id2.filled)
   rep2.ordered <- rep2.filled[o2, ]   
   invisible(list(rep1=rep1.ordered, rep2=rep2.ordered,
                  id1=id1.filled[o1], id2=id2.filled[o2]))

# Merge peaks with same ID on the same replicates 
# (They are generated if two peaks on rep1 map to the same peak on rep2)
# need peak.list have 3 columns: start, stop and sig.value 
merge.peaks.best <- function(peak.list, id){

  i <- 1
  j <- 1
  dup.index <- c()
  sig.value <- c()
  start.new <- c()
  stop.new <- c()
  id.new <- c()

  # original data
  chr <- c()
  start.ori <- c()
  stop.ori <- c()
  signal.value <- c()
  p.value <- c()
  q.value <- c()

  while(i < length(id)){
    if(id[i] == id[i+1]){
      dup.index <- c(dup.index, i, i+1) # push on dup.index
    } else {
      if(length(dup.index)>0){ # pop from dup.index        
    #    sig.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$sig.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)
        sig.value[j] <- max(peak.list$sig.value[unique(dup.index)])
        start.new[j] <- peak.list$start[min(dup.index)]
        stop.new[j] <- peak.list$stop[max(dup.index)]
        id.new[j] <- id[max(dup.index)]
    #    signal.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$signal.value[unique(dup.index)])        #    p.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$p.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)
    #    q.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$q.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)     
        signal.value[j] <- max(peak.list$signal.value[unique(dup.index)]) 
        p.value[j] <- max(peak.list$p.value[unique(dup.index)]) 
        q.value[j] <- max(peak.list$q.value[unique(dup.index)]) 

        chr[j] <- as.character(peak.list$chr[min(dup.index)])
        start.ori[j] <- peak.list$start.ori[min(dup.index)]
        stop.ori[j] <- peak.list$stop.ori[max(dup.index)]
        dup.index <- c()
      } else { # nothing to pop
        sig.value[j] <- peak.list$sig.value[i]
        start.new[j] <- peak.list$start[i]
        stop.new[j] <- peak.list$stop[i]
        id.new[j] <- id[i]

        signal.value[j] <- peak.list$signal.value[i] 
        p.value[j] <- peak.list$p.value[i] 
        q.value[j] <- peak.list$q.value[i] 

        chr[j] <- as.character(peak.list$chr[i])
        start.ori[j] <- peak.list$start.ori[i]
        stop.ori[j] <- peak.list$stop.ori[i]
      j <- j+1
    i <- i+1

  data.new <- data.frame(id=id.new, sig.value=sig.value, start=start.new, stop=stop.new, signal.value=signal.value, p.value=p.value, q.value=q.value, chr=chr, start.ori=start.ori, stop.ori=stop.ori)

# Merge peaks with same ID on the same replicates 
# (They are generated if two peaks on rep1 map to the same peak on rep2)
# need peak.list have 3 columns: start, stop and sig.value 
merge.peaks <- function(peak.list, id){

  i <- 1
  j <- 1
  dup.index <- c()
  sig.value <- c()
  start.new <- c()
  stop.new <- c()
  id.new <- c()

  # original data
  chr <- c()
  start.ori <- c()
  stop.ori <- c()
  signal.value <- c()
  p.value <- c()
  q.value <- c()

  while(i < length(id)){
    if(id[i] == id[i+1]){
      dup.index <- c(dup.index, i, i+1) # push on dup.index
    } else {
      if(length(dup.index)>0){ # pop from dup.index
        sig.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$sig.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)
        start.new[j] <- peak.list$start[min(dup.index)]
        stop.new[j] <- peak.list$stop[max(dup.index)]
        id.new[j] <- id[max(dup.index)]
        signal.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$signal.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)
        p.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$p.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)
        q.value[j] <- mean(peak.list$q.value[unique(dup.index)]) # mean of -log(pvalue)

        chr[j] <- as.character(peak.list$chr[min(dup.index)])
        start.ori[j] <- peak.list$start.ori[min(dup.index)]
        stop.ori[j] <- peak.list$stop.ori[max(dup.index)]
        dup.index <- c()
      } else { # nothing to pop
        sig.value[j] <- peak.list$sig.value[i]
        start.new[j] <- peak.list$start[i]
        stop.new[j] <- peak.list$stop[i]
        id.new[j] <- id[i]

        signal.value[j] <- peak.list$signal.value[i] 
        p.value[j] <- peak.list$p.value[i] 
        q.value[j] <- peak.list$q.value[i] 

        chr[j] <- as.character(peak.list$chr[i])
        start.ori[j] <- peak.list$start.ori[i]
        stop.ori[j] <- peak.list$stop.ori[i]
      j <- j+1
    i <- i+1

  data.new <- data.frame(id=id.new, sig.value=sig.value, start=start.new, stop=stop.new, signal.value=signal.value, p.value=p.value, q.value=q.value, chr=chr, start.ori=start.ori, stop.ori=stop.ori)

# a wrap function to fill in missing peaks, merge peaks and impute significant values
# out1 and out2 are two peak calling outputs
pair.peaks <- function(out1, out2, p.value.impute=0){

  aa <- find.overlap(out1, out2)
  bb <- fill.missing.peaks(out1, out2, aa$id1, aa$id2, p.value.impute=0)

  cc1 <- merge.peaks(bb$rep1, bb$id1)
  cc2 <- merge.peaks(bb$rep2, bb$id2)

  invisible(list(merge1=cc1, merge2=cc2))

# overlap.ratio is a parameter to define the percentage of overlap
# if overlap.ratio =0, 1 basepair overlap is counted as overlap
# if overlap.ratio between 0 and 1, it is the minimum proportion of
# overlap required to be called as a match
# it is computed as the overlap part/min(peak1.length, peak2.length)
pair.peaks.filter <- function(out1, out2, p.value.impute=0, overlap.ratio=0){

  aa <- find.overlap(out1, out2)
  bb <- fill.missing.peaks(out1, out2, aa$id1, aa$id2, p.value.impute=0)

  cc1 <- merge.peaks(bb$rep1, bb$id1)
  cc2 <- merge.peaks(bb$rep2, bb$id2)

  frag12 <- cbind(cc1$start, cc1$stop, cc2$start, cc2$stop)
  frag.ratio <- apply(frag12, 1, overlap.middle)

  frag.ratio[cc1$sig.value==p.value.impute | cc2$sig.value==p.value.impute] <- 0

  cc1$frag.ratio <- frag.ratio
  cc2$frag.ratio <- frag.ratio

  merge1 <- cc1[cc1$frag.ratio >= overlap.ratio,]
  merge2 <- cc2[cc2$frag.ratio >= overlap.ratio,]
  invisible(list(merge1=merge1, merge2=merge2))

# x[1], x[2] are the start and end of the first fragment
# and x[3] and x[4] are the start and end of the 2nd fragment 
# If there are two fragments, we can find the overlap by ordering the
# start and stop of all the ends and find the difference between the middle two
overlap.middle  <- function(x){

  x.o <- x[order(x)]
  f1 <- x[2]-x[1]
  f2 <- x[4]-x[3]
  f.overlap <- abs(x.o[3]-x.o[2])
  f.overlap.ratio <- f.overlap/min(f1, f2)


####### compute correspondence profile

# compute upper rank intersection for one t
# tv: the upper percentile
# x is sorted by the order of paired variable
comp.uri <- function(tv, x){
  n <- length(x)
  qt <- quantile(x, prob=1-tv[1]) # tv[1] is t
#  sum(x[1:ceiling(n*tv[2])] >= qt)/n/tv[2]- tv[1]*tv[2] #tv[2] is v
  sum(x[1:ceiling(n*tv[2])] >= qt)/n


# compute the correspondence profile
# tt, vv: vector between (0, 1) for percentages
get.uri.2d <- function(x1, x2, tt, vv, spline.df=NULL){

  o <- order(x1, x2, decreasing=T)
  # sort x2 by the order of x1
  x2.ordered <- x2[o]
  tv <- cbind(tt, vv)
  ntotal <- length(x1) # number of peaks    

  uri <- apply(tv, 1, comp.uri, x=x2.ordered)

  # compute the derivative of URI vs t using small bins
  uri.binned <- uri[seq(1, length(uri), by=4)]
  tt.binned <- tt[seq(1, length(uri), by=4)]
  uri.slope <- (uri.binned[2:(length(uri.binned))] - uri.binned[1:(length(uri.binned)-1)])/(tt.binned[2:(length(uri.binned))] - tt.binned[1:(length(tt.binned)-1)])

  # smooth uri using spline
  # first find where the jump is and don't fit the jump
  # this is the index on the left
  # jump.left.old  <- which.max(uri[-1]-uri[-length(uri)])
  short.list.length <- min(sum(x1>0)/length(x1), sum(x2>0)/length(x2))

  if(short.list.length < max(tt)){
    jump.left <- which(tt>short.list.length)[1]-1
  } else {
    jump.left <- which.max(tt)

#  reversed.index <- seq(length(tt), 1, by=-1)
#  nequal <- sum(uri[reversed.index]== tt[reversed.index])
#  temp  <- which(uri[reversed.index]== tt[reversed.index])[nequal]
#  jump.left <- length(tt)-temp
  if(jump.left < 6){
   jump.left <- length(tt)
    uri.spl <- smooth.spline(tt[1:jump.left], uri[1:jump.left], df=6.4)
    uri.spl <- smooth.spline(tt[1:jump.left], uri[1:jump.left], df=spline.df)
  # predict the first derivative
  uri.der <- predict(uri.spl, tt[1:jump.left], deriv=1)

  invisible(list(tv=tv, uri=uri, 
                 uri.slope=uri.slope, t.binned=tt.binned[2:length(uri.binned)], 
                 uri.spl=uri.spl, uri.der=uri.der, jump.left=jump.left,

# change the scale of uri from based on t (percentage) to n (number of peaks or basepairs)
# this is for plotting multiple pairwise URI's on the same plot 
scale.t2n <- function(uri){

  ntotal <- uri$ntotal
  tv <- uri$tv*uri$ntotal
  uri.uri <- uri$uri*uri$ntotal
  jump.left <- uri$jump.left
  uri.spl <- uri$uri.spl
  uri.spl$x <- uri$uri.spl$x*uri$ntotal 
  uri.spl$y <- uri$uri.spl$y*uri$ntotal

  t.binned <- uri$t.binned*uri$ntotal
  uri.slope <- uri$uri.slope
  uri.der <- uri$uri.der
  uri.der$x <- uri$uri.der$x*uri$ntotal
  uri.der$y <- uri$uri.der$y

  uri.n <- list(tv=tv, uri=uri.uri, t.binned=t.binned, uri.slope=uri.slope, uri.spl=uri.spl, uri.der=uri.der, ntotal=ntotal, jump.left=jump.left)

# a wrapper for running URI for peaks from peak calling results
# both data1 and data2 are calling results in narrowpeak format
compute.pair.uri <- function(data.1, data.2, sig.value1="signal.value", sig.value2="signal.value", spline.df=NULL, overlap.ratio=0){

  tt <- seq(0.01, 1, by=0.01)
  vv <- tt

    data.1.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.1$chr, start.ori=data.1$start.ori, stop.ori=data.1$stop.ori, start=data.1$start, stop=data.1$stop, sig.value=data.1$signal.value, signal.value=data.1$signal.value, p.value=data.1$p.value, q.value=data.1$q.value)
  } else {
      data.1.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.1$chr, start.ori=data.1$start.ori, stop.ori=data.1$stop.ori, start=data.1$start, stop=data.1$stop, sig.value=data.1$p.value, signal.value=data.1$signal.value, p.value=data.1$p.value, q.value=data.1$q.value)
    } else {
        data.1.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.1$chr, start.ori=data.1$start.ori, stop.ori=data.1$stop.ori, start=data.1$start, stop=data.1$stop, sig.value=data.1$q.value, signal.value=data.1$signal.value, p.value=data.1$p.value, q.value=data.1$q.value)

    data.2.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.2$chr, start.ori=data.2$start.ori, stop.ori=data.2$stop.ori, start=data.2$start, stop=data.2$stop, sig.value=data.2$signal.value, signal.value=data.2$signal.value, p.value=data.2$p.value, q.value=data.2$q.value)
  } else {
      data.2.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.2$chr, start.ori=data.2$start.ori, stop.ori=data.2$stop.ori, start=data.2$start, stop=data.2$stop, sig.value=data.2$p.value, signal.value=data.2$signal.value, p.value=data.2$p.value, q.value=data.2$q.value)
    } else {
        data.2.enrich <- data.frame(chr=data.2$chr, start.ori=data.2$start.ori, stop.ori=data.2$stop.ori, start=data.2$start, stop=data.2$stop, sig.value=data.2$q.value, signal.value=data.2$signal.value, p.value=data.2$p.value, q.value=data.2$q.value)

  ### by peaks
  # data12.enrich <- pair.peaks(data.1.enrich, data.2.enrich)
  data12.enrich <- pair.peaks.filter(data.1.enrich, data.2.enrich, p.value.impute=0, overlap.ratio)
  uri <- get.uri.2d(as.numeric(as.character(data12.enrich$merge1$sig.value)), as.numeric(as.character(data12.enrich$merge2$sig.value)), tt, vv, spline.df=spline.df)
  uri.n <- scale.t2n(uri)

  return(list(uri=uri, uri.n=uri.n, data12.enrich=data12.enrich, sig.value1=sig.value1, sig.value2=sig.value2))


# compute uri for matched sample
get.uri.matched <- function(data12, df=10){

  tt <- seq(0.01, 1, by=0.01)
  vv <- tt
  uri <- get.uri.2d(data12$sample1$sig.value, data12$sample2$sig.value, tt, vv, spline.df=df)

  # change scale from t to n
  uri.n <- scale.t2n(uri)

  return(list(uri=uri, uri.n=uri.n))

# map.uv is a pair of significant values corresponding to specified consistency FDR
# assuming values in map.uv and qvalue are linearly related
# data.set is the original data set
# sig.value is the name of the significant value in map.uv, say enrichment
# nominal.value is the one we want to map to, say q-value
map.sig.value <- function(data.set, map.uv, nominal.value){

  index.nominal <- which(names(data.set$merge1)==nominal.value)
  nentry <- nrow(map.uv)  
  map.nominal <- rbind(map.uv[, c("sig.value1", "sig.value2")])

  for(i in 1:nentry){

    map.nominal[i, "sig.value1"] <- data.set$merge1[unique(which.min(abs(data.set$merge1$sig.value-map.uv[i, "sig.value1"]))), index.nominal]
    map.nominal[i, "sig.value2"] <- data.set$merge2[unique(which.min(abs(data.set$merge2$sig.value-map.uv[i, "sig.value2"]))), index.nominal]


############### plot correspondence profile

# plot multiple comparison wrt one template
# uri.list contains the total number of peaks
# plot.missing=F: not plot the missing points on the right 
plot.uri.group <- function(uri.n.list, plot.dir, file.name=NULL, legend.txt, xlab.txt="num of significant peaks", ylab.txt="num of peaks in common", col.start=0, col.txt=NULL, plot.missing=F, title.txt=NULL){

    col.txt <- c("black", "red", "purple", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "orange", "grey")

  n <- length(uri.n.list)  

  ntotal <- c()
  for(i in 1:n)
    ntotal[i] <- uri.n.list[[i]]$ntotal

  jump.left <- c()
  jump.left.der <- c()
  ncommon <- c()
  for(i in 1:n){
#    jump.left[i]  <- which.max(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri[-1]-uri.n.list[[i]]$uri[-length(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri)])
#    if(jump.left[i] < 6)
#      jump.left[i] <- length(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri)

##  reversed.index <- seq(length(uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[,1]), 1, by=-1)
##  nequal <- sum(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri[reversed.index]== uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[reversed.index,1])
##  temp  <- which(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri[reversed.index]== uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[reversed.index,1])[nequal]
##  jump.left[i] <- length(uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[,1])-temp
##   jump.left[i] <- uri.n.list[[i]]$jump.left

#    jump.left.der[i] <- sum(uri.n.list[[i]]$t.binned < uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.der$x[length(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.der$x)])

    jump.left[i] <- uri.n.list[[i]]$jump.left
    jump.left.der[i] <- jump.left[i]
    ncommon[i] <- uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[jump.left[i],1]

    max.peak <- max(ntotal)
  } else {
    max.peak <- max(ncommon)*1.05

    postscript(paste(plot.dir, "uri.", file.name, sep=""))
    par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,4,2))

  plot(uri.n.list[[1]]$tv[,1], uri.n.list[[1]]$uri, type="n", xlab=xlab.txt, ylab=ylab.txt, xlim=c(0, max.peak), ylim=c(0, max.peak), cex.lab=2)

  for(i in 1:n){

#    if(plot.missing){ 
#      points(uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[,1], uri.n.list[[i]]$uri, col=col.txt[i+col.start], cex=0.5 )
#    } else {
#      points(uri.n.list[[i]]$tv[1:jump.left[i],1], uri.n.list[[i]]$uri[1:jump.left[i]], col=col.txt[i+col.start], cex=0.5)
#    }
    lines(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.spl, col=col.txt[i+col.start], lwd=4)
  abline(coef=c(0,1), lty=3)
#  legend(0, max.peak, legend=legend.txt, col=col.txt[(col.start+1):length(col.txt)], lty=1, lwd=3, cex=2)


    postscript(paste(plot.dir, "duri.", file.name, sep=""))
    par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,4,2))
  plot(uri.n.list[[1]]$t.binned, uri.n.list[[1]]$uri.slope, type="n", xlab=xlab.txt, ylab="slope", xlim=c(0, max.peak), ylim=c(0, 1.5), cex.lab=2)

  for(i in 1:n){
#    if(plot.missing){ 
#      points(uri.n.list[[i]]$t.binned, uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.slope, col=col.txt[i+col.start], cex=0.5)
#    } else {
#      points(uri.n.list[[i]]$t.binned[1:jump.left.der[i]], uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.slope[1:jump.left.der[i]], col=col.txt[i+col.start], cex=0.5)
#    }
    lines(uri.n.list[[i]]$uri.der, col=col.txt[i+col.start], lwd=4)
  abline(h=1, lty=3)
#  legend(0.5*max.peak, 1.5, legend=legend.txt, col=col.txt[(col.start+1):length(col.txt)], lty=1, lwd=3, cex=2)



####################### copula fitting for matched peaks

# estimation from mixed copula model 

# 4-5-09
# A nonparametric estimation of mixed copula model

# updated

# c1, c2, f1, f2, g1, g2 are vectors
# c1*f1*g1 and c2*f2*g2 are copula densities for the two components
# xd1 and yd1 are the values of marginals for the first component
# xd2 and yd2 are the values of marginals for the 2nd component
# ez is the prob for being in the consistent group
get.ez <- function(p, c1, c2, xd1, yd1, xd2, yd2){

  return(p*c1*xd1*yd1/(p*c1*xd1*yd1 + (1-p)*c2*xd2*yd2))

# checked

# this is C_12 not the copula density function c=C_12 * f1* f2
# since nonparametric estimation is used here for f1 and f2, which
# are constant throughout the iterations, we don't need them for optimization
# bivariate gaussian copula function
# t and s are vectors of same length, both are percentiles 
# return a vector
gaussian.cop.den <- function(t, s, rho){

  A <- qnorm(t)^2 + qnorm(s)^2
  B <- qnorm(t)*qnorm(s)

  loglik <-  -log(1-rho^2)/2 - rho/(2*(1-rho^2))*(rho*A-2*B)


clayton.cop.den <- function(t, s, rho){

  if(rho > 0)
    return(exp(log(rho+1)-(rho+1)*(log(t)+log(s))-(2+1/rho)*log(t^(-rho) + s^(-rho)-1)))


    stop("Incorrect Clayton copula coefficient")

# checked
# estimate rho from Gaussian copula
mle.gaussian.copula <- function(t, s, e.z){

  # reparameterize to bound from rho=+-1
  l.c <- function(rho, t, s, e.z){
#    cat("rho=", rho, "\n")
    sum(e.z*log(gaussian.cop.den(t, s, rho)))}

  rho.max <- optimize(f=l.c, c(-0.998, 0.998), maximum=T, tol=0.00001, t=t, s=s, e.z=e.z)


#cat("cor=", cor(qnorm(t)*e.z, qnorm(s)*e.z), "\t", "rho.max=", rho.max$m, "\n")
#  return(sign(rho.max$m)/(1+rho.max$m))

# estimate mle from Clayton copula, 
mle.clayton.copula <- function(t, s, e.z){

  l.c <- function(rho, t, s, e.z){
    lc <- sum(e.z*log(clayton.cop.den(t, s, rho)))
#    cat("rho=", rho, "\t", "l.c=", lc, "\n")

  rho.max <- optimize(f=l.c, c(0.1, 20), maximum=T, tol=0.00001, t=t, s=s, e.z=e.z)


# updated
# mixture likelihood of two gaussian copula
# nonparametric and ranked transformed
loglik.2gaussian.copula <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, x.mar, y.mar){
  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
  c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)

  sum(log(p*c1*px.1$pdf*py.1$pdf + (1-p)*c2*px.2$pdf*py.2$pdf))

loglik.2copula <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, x.mar, y.mar, copula.txt){

  px.1 <- pdf.cdf$px.1
  px.2 <- pdf.cdf$px.2
  py.1 <- pdf.cdf$py.1
  py.2 <- pdf.cdf$py.2

    c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
    c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  } else {
      c1 <- clayton.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
      c2 <- clayton.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  sum(log(p*c1*px.1$pdf*py.1$pdf + (1-p)*c2*px.2$pdf*py.2$pdf))

# estimate the marginals of each component using histogram estimator in EM
# return the density, breaks, and cdf of the histogram estimator 
est.mar.hist <- function(x, e.z, breaks){

  binwidth <- c()
  nbin <- length(breaks)-1
  nx <- length(x) 

  # the histogram
  x1.pdf <- c()
  x2.pdf <- c()
  x1.cdf <- c()
  x2.cdf <- c()

  # the pdf for each point
  x1.pdf.value <- rep(NA, nx)
  x2.pdf.value <- rep(NA, nx)

  x1.cdf.value <- rep(NA, nx)
  x2.cdf.value <- rep(NA, nx) 

  for(i in 1:nbin){

    binwidth[i] <- breaks[i+1] - breaks[i]
    if(i < nbin)
      in.bin <- x>= breaks[i] & x < breaks[i+1]
    else    # last bin
      in.bin <- x>= breaks[i] & x <=breaks[i+1]

    # each bin add one observation to avoid empty bins
    # multiple (nx+nbin)/(nx+nbin+1) to avoid blowup when looking up for
    # quantiles 
    x1.pdf[i] <- (sum(e.z[in.bin])+1)/(sum(e.z)+nbin)/binwidth[i]*(nx+nbin)/(nx+nbin+1)        
    x2.pdf[i] <- (sum(1-e.z[in.bin])+1)/(sum(1-e.z)+nbin)/binwidth[i]*(nx+nbin)/(nx+nbin+1) 

#    x1.pdf[i] <- sum(e.z[in.bin])/sum(e.z)/binwidth[i]*nx/(nx+1)        
#    x2.pdf[i] <- sum(1-e.z[in.bin])/sum(1-e.z)/binwidth[i]*nx/(nx+1) 
# treat each bin as a value for a discrete variable    
#    x1.cdf[i] <- sum(x1.pdf[1:i]*binwidth[1:i])
#    x2.cdf[i] <- sum(x2.pdf[1:i]*binwidth[1:i])

    # cumulative density before reaching i
      x1.cdf[i] <- sum(x1.pdf[1:(i-1)]*binwidth[1:(i-1)])
      x2.cdf[i] <- sum(x2.pdf[1:(i-1)]*binwidth[1:(i-1)])    
    } else{
      x1.cdf[i] <- 0
      x2.cdf[i] <- 0

    # make a vector of nx to store the values of pdf and cdf for each x
    # this will speed up the computation dramatically
    x1.pdf.value[in.bin] <- x1.pdf[i]
    x2.pdf.value[in.bin] <- x2.pdf[i]

    x1.cdf.value[in.bin] <- x1.cdf[i] + x1.pdf[i]*(x[in.bin]-breaks[i])
    x2.cdf.value[in.bin] <- x2.cdf[i] + x2.pdf[i]*(x[in.bin]-breaks[i])      

#  x1.cdf <- cumsum(x1.pdf*binwidth)
#  x2.cdf <- cumsum(x2.pdf*binwidth)

  f1 <-list(breaks=breaks, density=x1.pdf, cdf=x1.cdf)
  f2 <-list(breaks=breaks, density=x2.pdf, cdf=x2.cdf)

  f1.value <- list(pdf=x1.pdf.value, cdf=x1.cdf.value)
  f2.value <- list(pdf=x2.pdf.value, cdf=x2.cdf.value)

  return(list(f1=f1, f2=f2, f1.value=f1.value, f2.value=f2.value))

# estimate the marginal cdf from rank
est.cdf.rank <- function(x, conf.z){

  # add 1 to prevent blow up
  x1.cdf <- rank(x[conf.z==1])/(length(x[conf.z==1])+1)

  x2.cdf <- rank(x[conf.z==0])/(length(x[conf.z==0])+1)

  return(list(cdf1=x1.cdf, cdf2=x2.cdf))

# df is a density function with fields: density, cdf and breaks, x is a scalar
get.pdf <- function(x, df){

  if(x < df$breaks[1])
    cat("x is out of the range of df\n")

  index <- which(df$breaks >= x)[1]

    index <- index +1

# get cdf from histgram estimator for a single value
get.cdf <- function(x, df){

  index <- which(df$breaks >= x)[1]
    index <- index +1

# df is a density function with fields: density, cdf and breaks
get.pdf.cdf <- function(x.vec, df){

  x.pdf <- sapply(x.vec, get.pdf, df=df)
  x.cdf <- sapply(x.vec, get.cdf, df=df) 
  return(list(cdf=x.cdf, pdf=x.pdf))

# E-step
# x and y are the original observations or ranks
# rho1 and rho2 are the parameters of each copula
# f1, f2, g1, g2 are functions, each is a histogram 
e.step.2gaussian <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, x.mar, y.mar){

  # get pdf and cdf of each component from functions in the corresponding component 
  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
  c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  return(get.ez(p, c1, c2, px.1$pdf, py.1$pdf, px.2$pdf, py.2$pdf))

# E-step
# rho1 and rho2 are the parameters of each copula 
e.step.2copula <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, x.mar, y.mar, copula.txt){

  # get pdf and cdf of each component from functions in the corresponding component 
  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

    c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
    c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  } else {
      c1 <- clayton.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
      c2 <- clayton.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  return(get.ez(p, c1, c2, px.1$pdf, py.1$pdf, px.2$pdf, py.2$pdf))

# M-step
m.step.2gaussian <- function(x, y, e.z, breaks){

  # compute f1, f2, g1 and g2
  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  rho1 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  
  rho2 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 

  p <- sum(e.z)/length(e.z) 

  return(list(p=p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2, x.mar=x.mar, y.mar=y.mar))

m.step.2copula <- function(x, y, e.z, breaks, copula.txt){

  # compute f1, f2, g1 and g2
  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

    rho1 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  
    rho2 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 
  } else {
      rho1 <- mle.clayton.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  
      rho2 <- mle.clayton.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z)      
  p <- sum(e.z)/length(e.z) 

  return(list(p=p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2, x.mar=x.mar, y.mar=y.mar))

# E-step: pass values
# x and y are the original observations or ranks
# rho1 and rho2 are the parameters of each copula
# f1, f2, g1, g2 are functions, each is a histogram 
e.step.2gaussian.value <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, pdf.cdf){

  c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.1$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.1$cdf, rho1)
  c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.2$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.2$cdf, rho2)
  e.z <- get.ez(p, c1, c2, pdf.cdf$px.1$pdf, pdf.cdf$py.1$pdf, 
               pdf.cdf$px.2$pdf, pdf.cdf$py.2$pdf)

e.step.2copula.value <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, pdf.cdf, copula.txt){

  if(copula.txt =="gaussian"){
    c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.1$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.1$cdf, rho1)
    c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.2$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.2$cdf, rho2)
  } else {
    if(copula.txt =="clayton"){
      c1 <- clayton.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.1$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.1$cdf, rho1)
      c2 <- clayton.cop.den(pdf.cdf$px.2$cdf, pdf.cdf$py.2$cdf, rho2)      
  e.z <- get.ez(p, c1, c2, pdf.cdf$px.1$pdf, pdf.cdf$py.1$pdf, 
               pdf.cdf$px.2$pdf, pdf.cdf$py.2$pdf)

# M-step: pass values
m.step.2gaussian.value <- function(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2){

  # compute f1, f2, g1 and g2
  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

#  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
#  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
#  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
#  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  px.1 <- x.mar$f1.value
  px.2 <- x.mar$f2.value
  py.1 <- y.mar$f1.value
  py.2 <- y.mar$f2.value

  rho1 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  

    rho2 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 
    rho2 <- 0

  p <- sum(e.z)/length(e.z) 

  pdf.cdf <- list(px.1=px.1, px.2=px.2, py.1=py.1, py.2=py.2)

  return(list(p=p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2, x.mar=x.mar, y.mar=y.mar,

m.step.2gaussian.value2 <- function(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, x.mar, y.mar){

  # compute f1, f2, g1 and g2
#  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
#  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

#  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
#  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
#  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
#  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  px.1 <- x.mar$f1.value
  px.2 <- x.mar$f2.value
  py.1 <- y.mar$f1.value
  py.2 <- y.mar$f2.value

  rho1 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  

    rho2 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 
    rho2 <- 0

  p <- sum(e.z)/length(e.z) 

  pdf.cdf <- list(px.1=px.1, px.2=px.2, py.1=py.1, py.2=py.2)

  return(list(p=p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2, x.mar=x.mar, y.mar=y.mar,

m.step.2copula.value <- function(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, copula.txt){

  # compute f1, f2, g1 and g2
  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

#  px.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f1)
#  px.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(x, x.mar$f2)
#  py.1 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f1)
#  py.2 <- get.pdf.cdf(y, y.mar$f2)

  px.1 <- x.mar$f1.value
  px.2 <- x.mar$f2.value
  py.1 <- y.mar$f1.value
  py.2 <- y.mar$f2.value

    rho1 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  
      rho2 <- mle.gaussian.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 
      rho2 <- 0
  } else {

      rho1 <- mle.clayton.copula(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, e.z)  
        rho2 <- mle.clayton.copula(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, 1-e.z) 
        rho2 <- 0
  p <- sum(e.z)/length(e.z) 

  pdf.cdf <- list(px.1=px.1, px.2=px.2, py.1=py.1, py.2=py.2)

  return(list(p=p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2, x.mar=x.mar, y.mar=y.mar,

# updated
# mixture likelihood of two gaussian copula
# nonparametric and ranked transformed
loglik.2gaussian.copula.value <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, pdf.cdf){

  px.1 <- pdf.cdf$px.1
  px.2 <- pdf.cdf$px.2
  py.1 <- pdf.cdf$py.1
  py.2 <- pdf.cdf$py.2

  c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
  c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)

  sum(log(p*c1*px.1$pdf*py.1$pdf + (1-p)*c2*px.2$pdf*py.2$pdf))

# updated
# mixture likelihood of two gaussian copula
# nonparametric and ranked transformed
loglik.2copula.value <- function(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, pdf.cdf, copula.txt){

  px.1 <- pdf.cdf$px.1
  px.2 <- pdf.cdf$px.2
  py.1 <- pdf.cdf$py.1
  py.2 <- pdf.cdf$py.2

    c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
    c2 <- gaussian.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)
  } else {
      c1 <- clayton.cop.den(px.1$cdf, py.1$cdf, rho1)
      c2 <- clayton.cop.den(px.2$cdf, py.2$cdf, rho2)

  sum(log(p*c1*px.1$pdf*py.1$pdf + (1-p)*c2*px.2$pdf*py.2$pdf))

# EM for 2 Gaussian, speed up computation, unfinished

em.2gaussian.quick <- function(x, y, p0, rho1.0, rho2.0, eps, fix.p=F, stoc=T, fix.rho2=T){

  x <- rank(x, tie="average")
  y <- rank(y, tie="average")

  # nbin=20
  xy.min <- min(x, y)
  xy.max <- max(x, y)
  binwidth <- (xy.max-xy.min)/50
  breaks <- seq(xy.min-binwidth/100, xy.max+binwidth/100, by=(xy.max-xy.min+binwidth/50)/50)
#  breaks <- seq(xy.min, xy.max, by=binwidth)

  # initiate marginals 
  # initialization: first p0 data has 
#  e.z <- e.step.2gaussian(x, y, p0, rho1.0, rho2.0, x0.mar, y0.mar) # this starting point assumes two components are overlapped

  e.z <- c(rep(0.9, round(length(x)*p0)), rep(0.1, length(x)-round(length(x)*p0)))

    para <- m.step.2gaussian.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2)
    para <- m.step.2gaussian.stoc.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2)

    p <- p0
  } else {
    p <- para$p  

    rho2 <- rho2.0
  } else {
    rho2 <- para$rho2

#  rho1 <- 0.8
  rho1 <- para$rho1

  l0 <- loglik.2gaussian.copula.value(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf)

  loglik.trace <- c()
  loglik.trace[1] <- l0
#  loglik.trace[2] <- l1
  to.run <- T

  i <- 2

  # this two lines to remove
#  x.mar <- est.mar.hist(x, e.z, breaks)
#  y.mar <- est.mar.hist(y, e.z, breaks)  

    e.z <- e.step.2gaussian.value(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf) 
      para <- m.step.2gaussian.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2)
      para <- m.step.2gaussian.stoc.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2)

    # fix x.mar and y.mar : to remove
#    if(!stoc)
#      para <- m.step.2gaussian.value2(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, x.mar, y.mar)
#    else
#      para <- m.step.2gaussian.stoc.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2)

      p <- p0
    } else {
      p <- para$p  

      rho2 <- rho2.0
    } else {
      rho2 <- para$rho2

#    rho1 <- 0.8
    rho1 <- para$rho1

  #  l0 <- l1
    l1 <- loglik.2gaussian.copula.value(x, y, p, rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf)
    loglik.trace[i] <- l1

#cat("l1=", l1, "\n") 

    # Aitken acceleration criterion
    if(i > 2){
      l.inf <- loglik.trace[i-2] + (loglik.trace[i-1] - loglik.trace[i-2])/(1-(loglik.trace[i]-loglik.trace[i-1])/(loglik.trace[i-1]-loglik.trace[i-2])) 
      to.run <- abs(l.inf - loglik.trace[i]) > eps 
#cat("para=", "p=", para$p, " rho1=", rho1, " rho2=", rho2, "\n")
#cat("l.inf=", l.inf, "\n")
#cat(l.inf-loglik.trace[i], "\n")     

    i <- i+1

  bic <- -2*l1 + (2*(length(breaks)-1+1)+1-fix.p-fix.rho2)*log(length(x)) # parameters
  return(list(para=list(p=para$p, rho1=rho1, rho2=rho2), 
              loglik=l1, bic=bic, e.z=e.z, conf.z = para$conf.z, 
              loglik.trace=loglik.trace, x.mar=para$x.mar, y.mar=para$y.mar,

em.2copula.quick <- function(x, y, p0, rho1.0, rho2.0, eps, fix.p=F, stoc=T, fix.rho2=T, copula.txt, nbin=50){

  x <- rank(x, tie="first")
  y <- rank(y, tie="first")

  # nbin=50
  xy.min <- min(x, y)
  xy.max <- max(x, y)
  binwidth <- (xy.max-xy.min)/50
  breaks <- seq(xy.min-binwidth/100, xy.max+binwidth/100, by=(xy.max-xy.min+binwidth/50)/nbin)  
#  breaks <- seq(xy.min, xy.max, by=binwidth)
  # initiate marginals 
  # initialization: first p0 data has 
#  e.z <- e.step.2gaussian(x, y, p0, rho1.0, rho2.0, x0.mar, y0.mar) # this starting point assumes two components are overlapped

  e.z <- c(rep(0.9, round(length(x)*p0)), rep(0.1, length(x)-round(length(x)*p0)))

    para <- m.step.2copula.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, copula.txt)
    para <- m.step.2copula.stoc.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, copula.txt)

    p <- p0
  } else {
    p <- para$p  

    rho2 <- rho2.0
  } else {
    rho2 <- para$rho2

  l0 <- loglik.2copula.value(x, y, p, para$rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf, copula.txt)

  loglik.trace <- c()
  loglik.trace[1] <- l0
#  loglik.trace[2] <- l1
  to.run <- T

  i <- 2


    e.z <- e.step.2copula.value(x, y, p, para$rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf, copula.txt) 
      para <- m.step.2copula.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, copula.txt)
      para <- m.step.2copula.stoc.value(x, y, e.z, breaks, fix.rho2, copula.txt)

      p <- p0
    } else {
      p <- para$p  

      rho2 <- rho2.0
    } else {
      rho2 <- para$rho2

  #  l0 <- l1
    l1 <- loglik.2copula.value(x, y, p, para$rho1, rho2, para$pdf.cdf, copula.txt)
    loglik.trace[i] <- l1

cat("l1=", l1, "\n") 

    # Aitken acceleration criterion
    if(i > 2){
      l.inf <- loglik.trace[i-2] + (loglik.trace[i-1] - loglik.trace[i-2])/(1-(loglik.trace[i]-loglik.trace[i-1])/(loglik.trace[i-1]-loglik.trace[i-2])) 
      to.run <- abs(l.inf - loglik.trace[i]) > eps 
cat("para=", "p=", para$p, " rho1=", para$rho1, " rho2=", rho2, "\n")
#cat("l.inf=", l.inf, "\n")
#cat(l.inf-loglik.trace[i], "\n")     

    i <- i+1

  bic <- -2*l1 + (2*(length(breaks)-1+1)+1-fix.p-fix.rho2)*log(length(x)) # parameters
  return(list(para=list(p=para$p, rho1=para$rho1, rho2=rho2), 
              loglik=l1, bic=bic, e.z=e.z, conf.z = para$conf.z, 
              loglik.trace=loglik.trace, x.mar=para$x.mar, y.mar=para$y.mar,

####################### fit EM procedure for the matched peaks
rm.unmatch <- function(sample1, sample2, p.value.impute=0){

  sample1.prune <- sample1[sample1$sig.value > p.value.impute & sample2$sig.value > p.value.impute,]
  sample2.prune <- sample2[sample1$sig.value > p.value.impute & sample2$sig.value > p.value.impute,]
  invisible(list(sample1=sample1.prune, sample2=sample2.prune))

# fit 2-component model
fit.em <- function(sample12, fix.rho2=T){

  prune.sample <- rm.unmatch(sample12$merge1, sample12$merge2)

  em.fit <- em.2gaussian.quick(-prune.sample$sample1$sig.value, -prune.sample$sample2$sig.value,
 p0=0.5, rho1.0=0.7, rho2.0=0, eps=0.01, fix.p=F, stoc=F, fix.rho2)

  invisible(list(em.fit=em.fit, data.pruned=prune.sample))

fit.2copula.em <- function(sample12, fix.rho2=T, copula.txt){

  prune.sample <- rm.unmatch(sample12$merge1, sample12$merge2)

#  o <- order(prune.sample$sample1)
#  n <- length(prune.sample$sample1)
#  para <- init(prune.sample$sample1$sig.value, prune.sample$sample2$sig.value, c(rep(0, round(n/3)), rep(c(0,1), round(n/6)), rep(1, n-round(n/3)-round(n/6))))

#  temp <- init.dist(f0, f1)
  para <- list()
  para$rho <- 0.6
  para$p <- 0.3
  para$mu <- 2.5
  para$sigma <- 1
##  para$mu <- -temp$mu
##  para$sigma <- temp$sigma
#cat("mu=", para$mu, "sigma=", para$sigma, "\n")
#  em.fit <- em.transform.1loop(-prune.sample$sample1, -prune.sample$sample2,
  cat("EM is running")
  em.fit <- em.transform(prune.sample$sample1$sig.value, prune.sample$sample2$sig.value, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p, eps=0.01)

  invisible(list(em.fit=em.fit, data.pruned=prune.sample))

# fit 1-component model
fit.1.component <- function(data.pruned, breaks){

#  gaussian.1 <- fit.gaussian.1(-data.pruned$sample1$sig.value, -data.pruned$sample2$sig.value, breaks)
#  clayton.1 <- fit.clayton.1(-data.pruned$sample1$sig.value, -data.pruned$sample2$sig.value, breaks)

  gaussian.1 <- fit.gaussian.1(-data.pruned$sample1, -data.pruned$sample2, breaks)
  clayton.1 <- fit.clayton.1(-data.pruned$sample1, -data.pruned$sample2, breaks)

  return(list(gaussian.1=gaussian.1, clayton.1=clayton.1))

# Fit a single component  

# a single gaussian copula
# if breaks=NULL, use empirical pdf, otherwise use histogram estimate
fit.gaussian.1 <- function(x, y, breaks=NULL){

  # rank transformed and compute the empirical cdf
  t <- emp.mar.cdf.rank(x)
  s <- emp.mar.cdf.rank(y)

  mle.rho <- mle.gaussian.copula(t, s, rep(1, length(t)))

  c1 <- gaussian.cop.den(t, s, mle.rho)
cat("c1", sum(log(c1)), "\n")

    f1 <- emp.mar.pdf.rank(t)
    f2 <- emp.mar.pdf.rank(s)
  } else {
    x.mar <- est.mar.hist(rank(x), rep(1, length(x)), breaks)
    y.mar <- est.mar.hist(rank(y), rep(1, length(y)), breaks)

    f1 <- x.mar$f1.value$pdf  # only one component
    f2 <- y.mar$f1.value$pdf

cat("f1", sum(log(f1)), "\n")
cat("f2", sum(log(f2)), "\n")

  loglik <- sum(log(c1)+log(f1)+log(f2))

  bic <- -2*loglik + log(length(t))*(1+length(breaks)-1)

  return(list(rho=mle.rho, loglik=loglik, bic=bic))

# a single Clayton copula
fit.clayton.1 <- function(x, y, breaks=NULL){

  # rank transformed and compute the empirical cdf
  t <- emp.mar.cdf.rank(x)
  s <- emp.mar.cdf.rank(y)

  mle.rho <- mle.clayton.copula(t, s, rep(1, length(t)))

  c1 <- clayton.cop.den(t, s, mle.rho)

    f1 <- emp.mar.pdf.rank(t)
    f2 <- emp.mar.pdf.rank(s)
  } else {
    x.mar <- est.mar.hist(rank(x), rep(1, length(x)), breaks)
    y.mar <- est.mar.hist(rank(y), rep(1, length(y)), breaks)

    f1 <- x.mar$f1.value$pdf  # only one component
    f2 <- y.mar$f1.value$pdf

  loglik <- sum(log(c1)+log(f1)+log(f2))

  bic <- -2*loglik + log(length(t))*(1+length(breaks)-1)

  return(list(rho=mle.rho, tau=rho/(rho+2), loglik=loglik, bic=bic)) 

## obsolete function (01-06-2010)
## compute the average posterior probability to belong to the random component
## for peaks selected at different cutoffs 
comp.uri.ez <- function(tt, u, v, e.z){

   u.t <- quantile(u, prob=(1-tt))
   v.t <- quantile(v, prob=(1-tt))

 #  ez <- mean(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=u.t]) Is this wrong?
   ez <- mean(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=v.t])


## obsolete function (01-06-2010)
# compute the largest posterior error probability corresponding to
# the square centered at the origin and spanned top tt% on both coordinates
# so the consistent low rank ones are excluded
# boundary.txt: either "max" or "min", if it is error prob, use "max"
comp.ez.cutoff <- function(tt, u, v, e.z, boundary.txt){

   u.t <- quantile(u, prob=(1-tt))
   v.t <- quantile(v, prob=(1-tt))

   if(boundary.txt == "max"){
 #    ez.bound <- max(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=u.t])
     ez.bound <- max(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=v.t])
   } else {
 #    ez.bound <- min(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=u.t])
     ez.bound <- min(e.z[u >= u.t & v >=v.t])     



# created: 01-06-2010
# Output IDR at various number of selected peaks
# Find cutoff (idr cutoff, sig.value cutoff on each replicate) for specified IDR level
# IDR definition is similar to FDR
get.ez.tt <- function(em.fit, idr.level=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1)){

#  u <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample1$sig.value
#  v <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample2$sig.value
  u <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample1
  v <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample2
  e.z <-  1-em.fit$em.fit$e.z # this is the error prob
  o <- order(e.z)
  e.z.ordered <- e.z[o]
  n.select <- c(1:length(e.z))
  IDR <- cumsum(e.z.ordered)/n.select

  u.o <- u[o]
  v.o <- v[o]

  n.level <- length(idr.level)
#  sig.value1 <- rep(NA, n.level)
#  sig.value2 <- rep(NA, n.level)
  ez.cutoff <- rep(NA, n.level)
  n.selected <- rep(NA, n.level)
  for(i in 1:length(idr.level)){

    # find which uri.ez is closet to fdr.level
    index <- which.min(abs(IDR - idr.level[i]))
#    sig.value1[i] <- min(u.o[1:index])
#    sig.value2[i] <- min(v.o[1:index])
    ez.cutoff[i] <- e.z[index]      
    n.selected[i] <- sum(e.z<=ez.cutoff[i])    

  # output the cutoff of posterior probability, number of selected overlapped peaks 
#  map.uv <- cbind(ez.cutoff, sig.value1, sig.value2, n.selected)

  map.uv <- cbind(ez.cutoff, n.selected)

  return(list(n=n.select, IDR=IDR, idr.level=idr.level, map.uv=map.uv))
#  return(list(n=tt*length(u), uri.ez=uri.ez,  fdr.level=fdr.level,  map.uv=map.uv, e.z=e.z, error.prob.cutoff=error.prob.cutoff))  

### compute the mean of the marginals
get.mar.mean <- function(em.out){

  x.f1 <- em.out$x.mar$f1
  x.f2 <- em.out$x.mar$f2

  y.f1 <- em.out$y.mar$f1
  y.f2 <- em.out$y.mar$f2

  x.stat1 <- get.hist.mean(x.f1)
  x.stat2 <- get.hist.mean(x.f2)
  y.stat1 <- get.hist.mean(y.f1)
  y.stat2 <- get.hist.mean(y.f2)

  return(list(x.mean1=x.stat1$mean, x.mean2=x.stat2$mean, 
              y.mean1=y.stat1$mean, y.mean2=y.stat2$mean,
              x.sd1=x.stat1$sd, x.sd2=x.stat2$sd, 
              y.sd1=y.stat1$sd, y.sd2=y.stat2$sd


# compute the mean of marginals
get.hist.mean  <- function(x.f){

  nbreaks <- length(x.f$breaks)
  x.bin <- x.f$breaks[-1]-x.f$breaks[-nbreaks]

  x.mid <- (x.f$breaks[-nbreaks]+x.f$breaks[-1])/2
  x.mean <- sum(x.mid*x.f$density*x.bin)
  x.sd <- sqrt(sum(x.mid*x.mid*x.f$density*x.bin)-x.mean^2)
  return(list(mean=x.mean, sd=x.sd))

get.hist.var <- function(x.f){

  nbreaks <- length(x.f$breaks)
  x.bin <- x.f$breaks[-1]-x.f$breaks[-nbreaks]

  x.mid <- (x.f$breaks[-nbreaks]+x.f$breaks[-1])/2
  x.mean <- sum(x.mid*x.f$density*x.bin)


plot.ez.group <- function(ez.list, plot.dir, file.name=NULL, legend.txt, y.lim=NULL, xlab.txt="num of significant peaks",  ylab.txt="IDR", col.txt=NULL, title.txt=NULL){

    col.txt <- c("black", "red", "purple", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "orange", "grey")

  n.entry <- length(ez.list)
  x <- rep(NA, n.entry)
  y.max <- rep(NA, n.entry)

  for(i in 1:n.entry){
    x[i] <- max(ez.list[[i]]$n)
    y.max[i] <- max(ez.list[[i]]$IDR)

    y.lim <- c(0, max(y.max))

    postscript(paste(plot.dir, "ez.", file.name, sep=""))
    par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,5,4,2))

  plot(c(0, max(x)), y.lim, ylim=y.lim, type="n", xlab=xlab.txt, ylab=ylab.txt, lwd=4, cex=5, cex.lab=2)

  q <- seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01)
  for(i in 1:length(ez.list)){

    n.plot <- round(quantile(ez.list[[i]]$n, prob=q))
    IDR.plot <- ez.list[[i]]$IDR[n.plot]
    lines(n.plot, IDR.plot, col=col.txt[i], cex=2, lwd=5)    

#  legend(0, y.lim[2], legend=legend.txt, col=col.txt[1:length(col.txt)], lty=1, lwd=5, cex=2)



# statistics about peaks selected on the individual replicates
# idr.level: the consistency cutoff, say 0.05
# uri.output: a list of uri.output from consistency analysis generated by batch-consistency-analysis.r
# ez.list : a list of IDRs computed from get.ez.tt using the same idr.level

get.ez.tt.all <- function(em.fit, all.data1, all.data2, idr.level=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1)){

  u <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample1$sig.value
  v <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample2$sig.value
#  u <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample1
#  v <- em.fit$data.pruned$sample2
  e.z <-  1-em.fit$em.fit$e.z # this is the error prob
  o <- order(e.z)
  e.z.ordered <- e.z[o]
  n.select <- c(1:length(e.z))
  IDR <- cumsum(e.z.ordered)/n.select

  u.o <- u[o]
  v.o <- v[o]

  n.level <- length(idr.level)
#  sig.value1 <- rep(NA, n.level)
#  sig.value2 <- rep(NA, n.level)
  ez.cutoff <- rep(NA, n.level)
  n.selected <- rep(NA, n.level)
  npeak.rep1 <- rep(NA, n.level)
  npeak.rep2 <- rep(NA, n.level)
  for(i in 1:length(idr.level)){

    # find which uri.ez is closet to fdr.level
    index <- which.min(abs(IDR - idr.level[i]))
#    sig.value1[i] <- min(u.o[1:index])
#    sig.value2[i] <- min(v.o[1:index])
    ez.cutoff[i] <- e.z.ordered[index]      # fixed on 02/20/10
    n.selected[i] <- sum(e.z<=ez.cutoff[i])
#    npeak.rep1[i] <- sum(all.data1["sig.value"] >= sig.value1[i])
#    npeak.rep2[i] <- sum(all.data2["sig.value"] >= sig.value2[i])     

  # output the cutoff of posterior probability, number of selected overlapped peaks 
  map.uv <- cbind(ez.cutoff, n.selected)

  return(list(n=n.select, IDR=IDR, idr.level=idr.level, map.uv=map.uv))
#  return(list(n=tt*length(u), uri.ez=uri.ez,  fdr.level=fdr.level,  map.uv=map.uv, e.z=e.z, error.prob.cutoff=error.prob.cutoff))  

####### the following is for determining thresholds for merged dataset

###### new fitting procedure

# 1. rank pairs

# 2. initialization
# 3. convert to pseudo-number

# 4. EM

# need plugin and test
# find the middle point between the bins
get.pseudo.mix <- function(x, mu, sigma, rho, p){

  # first compute cdf for points on the grid
  # generate 200 points between [-3, mu+3*sigma]
  nw <- 1000
  w <- seq(min(-3, mu-3*sigma), max(mu+3*sigma, 3), length=nw) 
  w.cdf <- p*pnorm(w, mean=mu, sd=sigma) + (1-p)*pnorm(w, mean=0, sd=1)

  i <- 1

  quan.x <- rep(NA, length(x))

  for(i in c(1:nw)){
    index <- which(x >= w.cdf[i] & x < w.cdf[i+1])
    quan.x[index] <- (x[index]-w.cdf[i])*(w[i+1]-w[i])/(w.cdf[i+1]-w.cdf[i]) +w[i]

  index <- which(x < w.cdf[1])
    quan.x[index] <- w[1]

  index <- which(x > w.cdf[nw])
    quan.x[index] <- w[nw]  
#  linear.ext <- function(x, w, w.cdf){
  # linear interpolation
#    index.up <- which(w.cdf>= x)[1]
#    left.index <- which(w.cdf <=x)
#    index.down <- left.index[length(left.index)]
#    quan.x <- (w[index.up] + w[index.down])/2  
#  }
#  x.pseudo <- sapply(x, linear.ext, w=w, w.cdf=w.cdf)

#  invisible(x.pseudo)

# EM to compute the latent structure
# steps:
# 1. raw values are first transformed into pseudovalues
# 2. EM is used to compute the underlining structure, which is a mixture
#    of two normals
em.transform <- function(x, y, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps){
  x.cdf.func <- ecdf(x)
  y.cdf.func <- ecdf(y)
  afactor <- length(x)/(length(x)+1)
  x.cdf <- x.cdf.func(x)*afactor
  y.cdf <- y.cdf.func(y)*afactor
  # initialization
  para <- list()
  para$mu <- mu
  para$sigma <- sigma
  para$rho <- rho
  para$p <- p  

  j <- 1
  to.run <- T
  loglik.trace <- c()
  loglik.inner.trace <- c()
  #to.run.inner <- T
  z.1 <- get.pseudo.mix(x.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)
  z.2 <- get.pseudo.mix(y.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)

#  cat("length(z1)", length(z.1), "\n")
    # get pseudo value in each cycle
#    z.1 <- get.pseudo.mix(x.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)
#    z.2 <- get.pseudo.mix(y.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)

    i <- 1
      # EM for latent structure
      e.z <- e.step.2normal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)
      para <- m.step.2normal(z.1, z.2, e.z)
#para$rho <- rho
#para$p <- p    
#para$mu <- mu
#para$sigma <- sigma    
      if(i > 1)
        l.old <- l.new
      # this is just the mixture likelihood of two-component Gaussian
      l.new <- loglik.2binormal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)

      loglik.inner.trace[i] <- l.new 

      if(i > 1){
        to.run <- loglik.inner.trace[i]-loglik.inner.trace[i-1]>eps         
#      if(i > 2){
#        l.inf <- loglik.inner.trace[i-2] + (loglik.inner.trace[i-1] - loglik.inner.trace[i-2])/(1-(loglik.inner.trace[i]-loglik.inner.trace[i-1])/(loglik.inner.trace[i-1]-loglik.inner.trace[i-2]))

#        if(loglik.inner.trace[i-1]!=loglik.inner.trace[i-2])
#          to.run <- abs(l.inf - loglik.inner.trace[i]) > eps
#        else
#          to.run <- F
#      }

      cat("loglik.inner.trace[", i, "]=", loglik.inner.trace[i], "\n")
    cat("mu=", para$mu, "sigma=", para$sigma, "p=", para$p, "rho=", para$rho, "\n\n")
      i <- i+1

    # get pseudo value in each cycle
    z.1 <- get.pseudo.mix(x.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)
    z.2 <- get.pseudo.mix(y.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)

    if(j > 1)
      l.old.outer <- l.new.outer

    l.new.outer <- loglik.2binormal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho, para$p)

    loglik.trace[j] <- l.new.outer
    if(j == 1)
      to.run <- T
    else{ # stop when iteration>100
      if(j > 100)
        to.run <- F
        to.run <- l.new.outer - l.old.outer > eps

#    if(j %% 10==0)
      cat("loglik.trace[", j, "]=", loglik.trace[j], "\n")
    cat("mu=", para$mu, "sigma=", para$sigma, "p=", para$p, "rho=", para$rho, "\n")
    j <- j+1

  bic <- -2*l.new + 4*log(length(z.1))
  return(list(para=list(p=para$p, rho=para$rho, mu=para$mu, sigma=para$sigma),
              loglik=l.new, bic=bic, e.z=e.z, loglik.trace=loglik.trace))

# compute log-likelihood for mixture of two bivariate normals
loglik.2binormal <- function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho, p){

  l.m <- sum(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0)+log(p*exp(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho)-d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0))+(1-p)))
#  l.m <- sum((p*d.binormal(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho) + (1-p)*d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0)))

# check this when rho=1

# density of binomial distribution with equal mean and sigma on both dimensions
d.binormal <- function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho){

  loglik <- (-log(2)-log(pi)-2*log(sigma) - log(1-rho^2)/2 - (0.5/(1-rho^2)/sigma^2)*((z.1-mu)^2 -2*rho*(z.1-mu)*(z.2-mu) + (z.2-mu)^2))


# E-step for computing the latent strucutre
# e.z is the prob to be in the consistent group
# e.step for estimating posterior prob
# z.1 and z.2 can be vectors or scalars
e.step.2normal <- function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho, p){

  e.z <- p/((1-p)*exp(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0)-d.binormal(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho))+ p)

# M-step for computing the latent structure
# m.step for estimating proportion, mean, sd and correlation coefficient
m.step.2normal <- function(z.1, z.2, e.z){

  p <- mean(e.z)
  mu <- sum((z.1+z.2)*e.z)/2/sum(e.z) 
  sigma <- sqrt(sum(e.z*((z.1-mu)^2+(z.2-mu)^2))/2/sum(e.z))
  rho <- 2*sum(e.z*(z.1-mu)*(z.2-mu))/(sum(e.z*((z.1-mu)^2+(z.2-mu)^2)))

  return(list(p=p, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, rho=rho))

# assume top p percent of observations are true
# x and y are ranks, estimate
init <- function(x, y, x.label){
  x.o <- order(x)

  x.ordered <- x[x.o]
  y.ordered <- y[x.o]
  x.label.ordered <- x.label[x.o]
  n <- length(x)
  p <- sum(x.label)/n
  rho <- cor(x.ordered[1:ceiling(p*n)], y.ordered[1:ceiling(p*n)])

  temp <- find.mu.sigma(x.ordered, x.label.ordered)
  mu <- temp$mu
  sigma <- temp$sigma
  invisible(list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, rho=rho, p=p))


# find mu and sigma if the distributions of marginal ranks are known
# take the medians of the two dist and map back to the original
init.dist <- function(f0, f1){

  # take the median in f0
  index.median.0 <- which(f0$cdf>0.5)[1]
  q.0.small <- f0$cdf[index.median.0] # because f0 and f1 have the same bins
  q.1.small <- f1$cdf[index.median.0]

  # take the median in f1
  index.median.1 <- which(f1$cdf>0.5)[1]
  q.0.big <- f0$cdf[index.median.1] # because f0 and f1 have the same bins
  q.1.big <- f1$cdf[index.median.1]

  # find pseudo value for x.middle[1] on normal(0,1) 
  pseudo.small.0 <- qnorm(q.0.small, mean=0, sd=1)
  pseudo.small.1 <- qnorm(q.1.small, mean=0, sd=1)

  # find pseudo value for x.middle[2] on normal(0,1) 
  pseudo.big.0 <- qnorm(q.0.big, mean=0, sd=1)
  pseudo.big.1 <- qnorm(q.1.big, mean=0, sd=1)

  mu <- (pseudo.small.0*pseudo.big.1 - pseudo.small.1*pseudo.big.0)/(pseudo.big.1-pseudo.small.1) 

  sigma <- (pseudo.small.0-mu)/pseudo.small.1

  return(list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma))  

# generate labels

# find the part of data with overlap

# find the percentile on noise and signal

# Suppose there are signal and noise components, with mean=0 and sd=1 for noise
# x and x.label are the rank of the observations and their labels,
# find the mean and sd of the other component
# x.label takes values of 0 and 1
find.mu.sigma <- function(x, x.label){

  x.0 <- x[x.label==0]
  x.1 <- x[x.label==1]

  n.x0 <- length(x.0)
  n.x1 <- length(x.1)

  x.end <- c(min(x.0), min(x.1), max(x.0), max(x.1))
  o <- order(x.end)
  x.middle <- x.end[o][c(2,3)]

  # the smaller end of the overlap
  q.1.small <- mean(x.1 <= x.middle[1])*n.x1/(n.x1+1)
  q.0.small <- mean(x.0 <= x.middle[1])*n.x0/(n.x0+1)

  # the bigger end of the overlap
  q.1.big <- mean(x.1 <= x.middle[2])*n.x1/(n.x1+1)
  q.0.big <- mean(x.0 <= x.middle[2])*n.x0/(n.x0+1)

  # find pseudo value for x.middle[1] on normal(0,1) 
  pseudo.small.0 <- qnorm(q.0.small, mean=0, sd=1)
  pseudo.small.1 <- qnorm(q.1.small, mean=0, sd=1)

  # find pseudo value for x.middle[2] on normal(0,1) 
  pseudo.big.0 <- qnorm(q.0.big, mean=0, sd=1)
  pseudo.big.1 <- qnorm(q.1.big, mean=0, sd=1)

  mu <- (pseudo.small.0*pseudo.big.1 - pseudo.small.1*pseudo.big.0)/(pseudo.big.1-pseudo.small.1) 

  sigma <- (pseudo.small.0-mu)/pseudo.small.1

  return(list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma))
imbforge/encodeChIPqc documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:45 a.m.