
oSCR.fit.cost <-
  function (model = list(D ~ 1, p0 ~ 1, sig ~ 1, asu ~1), scrFrame,
            ssDF = NULL, costDF = NULL, distmet = c("euc", "user","lcp","resist")[1],
            sexmod = c("constant", "session")[1], encmod = c("B","P")[1],
            DorN = c("D", "N")[1], directions = 8, Dmat = NULL, trimS = NULL,
            start.vals = NULL, PROJ = NULL, pxArea = 1, plotit = F, mycex = 0.5,
            tester = F, pl = 0, nlmgradtol = 1e-06, nlmstepmax = 10, predict = FALSE,
            smallslow = FALSE, multicatch = FALSE, hessian = T, print.level = 0,
            getStarts = FALSE){

    my.model.matrix <- function(form, data) {
      mdm <- suppressWarnings(
        model.matrix(form, data,
                     contrasts.arg = lapply(data.frame(data[, sapply(data.frame(data), is.factor)]),
                                            contrasts, contrasts = FALSE)))
    max.dist <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(scrFrame$caphist)) {
      for (j in 1:nrow(scrFrame$caphist[[i]])) {
        where <- apply(scrFrame$caphist[[i]][j, , ], 1, sum) >
        if (sum(where) > 1)
          max.dist <- c(max.dist, max(0, dist(scrFrame$traps[[i]][where,
                                                                  c("X", "Y")]), na.rm = T))
    mmdm <- mean(max.dist[max.dist > 0], na.rm = T)
    ptm <- proc.time()
    starttime <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S %d %b %Y")
    cl <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    if (!require(abind))
      stop("need to install package 'abind'")
    if (!require(Formula))
      stop("need to load package 'Formula'")
    if (distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")) {
      if (!require(raster))
        stop("need to install package 'raster'")
      if (!require(gdistance))
        stop("need to install package 'gdistance'")
    if (!inherits(scrFrame, "scrFrame")) {
      stop("Data must be of class 'scrFrame'")
    if (encmod == "B" & max(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist, max))) >
        1) {
      stop("Data in caphist must be Binary")
    if(distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")){
      if (is.null(PROJ)) {
        message("Projection not provided, using default: '+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84'")
    if (!is.null(ssDF) & length(ssDF) != length(scrFrame$caphist))
      stop("A 'state space' object must be provided for EACH session.")
    if (multicatch) {
      for (s in 1:length(scrFrame$caphist)) {
        captures <- apply(scrFrame$caphist[[s]], c(1, 3),
        if (any(captures > 1))
          stop("error: multicatch system cannot have > 1 capture.")
    if (predict & is.null(start.vals)) {
      stop("Starting values required to predict (hint: use estimated MLEs)")
    maxY <- unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist, max))
    if (any(maxY > 1) & encmod == "B")
      stop("caphist must be binary when using the Binomial encounter model")
    if (all(maxY == 1) & encmod == "P")
      stop("caphist looks binary but Poisson encounter model is selected")
    pars.p0 <- NULL
    names.p0 <- NULL
    pars.sig <- NULL
    names.sig <- NULL
    pars.beta.trap <- NULL
    names.beta.trap <- NULL
    pars.beta.den <- NULL
    names.beta.den <- NULL
    pars.n0 <- NULL
    names.n0 <- NULL
    pars.beta.den <- NULL
    names.beta.den <- NULL
    pars.dist <- NULL
    names.dist <- NULL
    pars.dist <- NULL
    names.dist <- NULL
    singleS <- NULL
    singleT <- NULL
    singleG <- NULL
    D <- list()
    YY <- list()
    dm.den <- list()
    tmp.dm <- list()
    dm.trap <- list()
    dm.cost <- list()
    posterior <- list()
    dHPP <- FALSE
    dIPP <- FALSE
    n0Session <- FALSE
    trap.covs <- FALSE
    pDot <- FALSE
    pTime <- FALSE
    pJustsex <- FALSE
    pJustsesh <- FALSE
    pBothsexnsesh <- FALSE
    pBehave <- FALSE
    anySex <- FALSE
    aDot <- FALSE
    aJustsex <- FALSE
    aJustsesh <- FALSE
    aBothsexnsesh <- FALSE
    bDot <- FALSE
    bJustsex <- FALSE
    bJustsesh <- FALSE
    bBothsexnsesh <- FALSE
    if (length(model) == 3) {
      model[[4]] <- formula(~1)
    for (i in 1:4) {
      model[[i]] <- update.formula(model[[i]], NULL ~ .)
    if (is.null(ssDF)) {
      message("Generating a state space based on traps")
      dHPP <- TRUE
      ssDF <- make.ssDF(scrFrame, buffer, res)
    ns <- length(scrFrame$caphist)
    nt <- length(scrFrame$traps)
    nK <- unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist, function(x) dim(x)[3]))
    hiK <- max(nK)
    nG <- unlist(lapply(ssDF, nrow))
    nnn <- all(unlist(lapply(ssDF, function(x) {
      "session" %in% names(x)
    areaS <- NULL
    if ("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]]) & (!nnn)) {
      for (s in 1:ns) {
        ssDF[[s]]$session <- factor(rep(s, nrow(ssDF[[s]])),
                                    levels = 1:ns)
    allvars.D <- all.vars(model[[1]])
    dens.fx <- allvars.D[!allvars.D %in% c("D", "session")]
    allvars.T <- all.vars(model[[2]])
    trap.fx <- allvars.T[!allvars.T %in% c("p0", "session", "sex",
                                           "t", "T", "b")]
    allvars.sig <- all.vars(model[[3]])
    allvars.dist <- all.vars(model[[4]])
    var.p0.1 <- "sex" %in% allvars.T
    var.p0.2 <- "session" %in% allvars.T
    var.p0.3 <- "t" %in% allvars.T
    var.p0.4 <- any(c("sex:session", "session:sex") %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
    var.sig.1 <- "sex" %in% allvars.sig
    var.sig.2 <- "session" %in% allvars.sig
    var.sig.3 <- any(c("sex:session", "session:sex") %in% attr(terms(model[[3]]),
    var.b.1 <- "b" %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]), "term.labels")
    var.b.2 <- any(c("b:sex", "sex:b") %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
    var.b.3 <- any(c("b:session", "session:b") %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
    var.b.4 <- any(c("b:session:sex", "b:sex:session", "sex:session:b",
                     "sex:b:session", "session:b:sex", "session:sex:b") %in%
                     attr(terms(model[[2]]), "term.labels"))
    pBehave <- any(c(var.b.1, var.b.2, var.b.3, var.b.4))
    for (s in 1:ns) {
      if (!is.null(trimS)) {
        pixels.prior <- rep(T, nG[s])
        pixels.post <- apply(e2dist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][,
                                                        c("X", "Y")], ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")]), 2, min) <=
        pixels <- (pixels.prior & pixels.post)
        pixels <- ifelse(pixels, 1, 0)
      else {
        pixels <- rep(1, nG[s])
      areaS <- c(areaS, sum(pixels) * pxArea)
    if (length(trap.fx) > 0) {
      trap.covs <- TRUE
      tcovnms <- colnames(scrFrame$trapCovs[[1]][[1]])
      tCovMissing <- trap.fx[which(!trap.fx %in% tcovnms)]
      if (length(tCovMissing) > 0) {
        stop("I cant find theses covariates in 'scrFrame$trapCovs'",
             for (i in tCovMissing) print(i))
      mod2 <- update(model[[2]], ~. - sex - session - t - b -
      if ("session" %in% all.vars(mod2)) {
        mod2 <- as.formula(paste0("~", paste(all.vars(mod2)[all.vars(mod2) !=
                                                              "session"], collapse = "+")))
        mod2 <- update(mod2, ~. - 1)
      if (any(c("session") %in% allvars.T))
        tSession <- TRUE
      for (s in 1:ns) {
        tmp.dm <- list()
        for (k in 1:nK[s]) {
          tmp.dm[[k]] <- my.model.matrix(mod2, scrFrame$trapCovs[[s]][[k]])
          if (s == 1 && k == 1)
            t.nms <- colnames(tmp.dm[[k]])
          if (nrow(tmp.dm[[k]]) != nrow(scrFrame$trapCovs[[s]][[k]])) {
            mis <- setdiff(rownames(scrFrame$trapCovs[[s]][[k]]),
                           rownames(my.model.matrix(mod2, scrFrame$trapCovs[[s]][[k]])))
            tmp.insert <- matrix(NA, length(mis), ncol(tmp.dm[[k]]))
            row.names(tmp.insert) <- mis
            tmp.dm[[k]] <- rbind(tmp.dm[[k]], tmp.insert)
            tmp.dm[[k]] <- tmp.dm[[k]][order(as.numeric(row.names(tmp.dm[[k]]))),
        dm.trap[[s]] <- tmp.dm
      if (any(paste0("session:", t.nms) %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
                                                  "term.labels"))) {
        t.nms.sess <- t.nms[which(paste0("session:", t.nms) %in%
                                    attr(terms(model[[2]]), "term.labels"))]
        tmpTsess <- rep(1:ns, each = length(t.nms.sess))
        tmpTcovs <- rep(t.nms.sess, ns)
        names.beta.trap1 <- paste("t.beta.", tmpTcovs, ".sess",
                                  tmpTsess, sep = "")
        if (length(t.nms) > length(t.nms.sess)) {
          t.nms.nosess <- t.nms[!t.nms %in% t.nms.sess]
          names.beta.trap <- c(names.beta.trap1, paste("t.beta.",
                                                       t.nms.nosess, sep = ""))
        else {
          names.beta.trap <- names.beta.trap1
        pars.beta.trap <- rnorm(length(names.beta.trap))
      else {
        names.beta.trap <- paste("t.beta.", t.nms, sep = "")
        pars.beta.trap <- rnorm(length(names.beta.trap))
    if (length(dens.fx) > 0) {
      dcovnms <- colnames(ssDF[[1]])
      dCovMissing <- dens.fx[which(!dens.fx %in% dcovnms)]
      if (length(dCovMissing) > 0) {
        stop("I can't find these covariates in 'ssDF'", for (i in dCovMissing) print(i))
    if (DorN == "N") {
      if (length(dens.fx) > 0) {
        dIPP <- TRUE
        mod1 <- update(model[[1]], ~. - sex - session - 1)
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          dm.den[[s]] <- my.model.matrix(mod1, ssDF[[s]])
          if (s == 1)
            d.nms <- colnames(dm.den[[s]])
        if ("Session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
          tmpDsess <- rep(1:ns, each = length(d.nms))
          tmpDcovs <- rep(d.nms, ns)
          names.beta.den <- paste("d.beta.", tmpDcovs,
                                  ".sess", tmpDsess, sep = "")
          pars.beta.den <- rnorm(length(names.beta.den))
          names.n0 <- paste0("n0.sess", 1:ns)
          pars.n0 <- log(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
        if ("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
          names.beta.den <- paste0("d.beta.", d.nms, sep = "")
          pars.beta.den <- rnorm(length(names.beta.den))
          names.n0 <- paste("n0.sess", 1:ns)
          pars.n0 <- log(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
        if (!("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) & !("Session" %in%
                                                       all.vars(model[[1]]))) {
          names.beta.den <- paste0("d.beta.", d.nms, sep = "")
          pars.beta.den <- rnorm(length(names.beta.den))
          names.n0 <- paste0("n0.")
          pars.n0 <- log(mean(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
      else {
        dHPP <- TRUE
        names.beta.den <- NULL
        pars.beta.den <- NULL
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          dm.den[[s]] <- my.model.matrix(~1, ssDF[[s]])
        if ("Session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
          n0Session <- TRUE
          names.n0 <- paste0("n0.sess", 1:ns)
          pars.n0 <- log(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
        if ("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
          n0Session <- TRUE
          names.n0 <- paste0("n0.sess", 1:ns)
          pars.n0 <- log(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
        if (!("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) & !("Session" %in%
                                                       all.vars(model[[1]]))) {
          names.n0 <- paste0("n0.")
          pars.n0 <- log(mean(unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
    if (DorN == "D") {
      mod1 <- update(model[[1]], ~. - sex)
      for (s in 1:ns) {
        dm.den[[s]] <- model.matrix(mod1, as.data.frame(ssDF[[s]]))
      d.nms <- colnames(dm.den[[1]])
      names.beta.den <- paste("d.beta", d.nms, sep = ".")
      chx <- grep("Intercept", names.beta.den)
      if (length(chx) > 0)
        names.beta.den[chx] <- "d0."
      pars.d0 <- log(mean((unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
                                         nrow)))/unlist(lapply(ssDF, nrow))))
      pars.beta.den <- c(pars.d0, rep(0.1, length(names.beta.den) -
      pars.n0 <- NULL
      names.n0 <- NULL
    if ((distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")) && length(allvars.dist) == 0) {
      message("You specified 'ecological distance'  but provided no\ncost surface.\n    
              Euclidean distance will be used.")
    if (length(allvars.dist) > 0) {
      ccovnms <- colnames(costDF[[1]])
      cCovMissing <- allvars.dist[which(!allvars.dist %in% ccovnms)]
      if (length(cCovMissing) > 0) {
        stop("I cant find theses covariates in 'costDF'",
             for (i in cCovMissing) print(i))
    mod4 <- update(model[[4]], ~. - sex - session - 1)
    if (distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")) {
      for (s in 1:ns) {
        dm.cost[[s]] <- my.model.matrix(mod4, costDF[[s]])
        names.dist <- paste("c.beta.", allvars.dist, sep = "")
        pars.dist <- rep(0, length(names.dist))
    if (!smallslow) {
      if (distmet == "euc") {
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          D[[s]] <- e2dist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X",
                                                   "Y")], ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")])
    if ("indCovs" %in% names(scrFrame)) {
      if ("sex" %in% names(scrFrame$indCovs[[1]])) {
        anySex <- TRUE
    tmp.p0.names <- "p0.int"
    if (sum(var.p0.1, var.p0.2, var.p0.3, var.p0.4) == 0) {
      tmp.p0.names <- "p0.int"
      pDot <- TRUE
    if (var.p0.1 & !var.p0.2) {
      tmp.p0.names <- c("p0.int", "p0.male")
      pJustsex <- TRUE
    if (!var.p0.1 & var.p0.2) {
      if (ns > 1) {
        tmp.p0.names <- c("p0.int", paste0("p0.sess", 2:ns))
        pJustsesh <- TRUE
      else {
        tmp.p0.names <- "p0.int"
        pDot <- TRUE
    if (var.p0.1 & var.p0.2) {
      tmp.p0.names <- c("p0.int", "p0.male")
      if (ns > 1) {
        tmp.p0.names <- c(tmp.p0.names, paste0("p0.sess",
        pJustsesh <- TRUE
      else {
        tmp.p0.names <- tmp.p0.names
        pJustsex <- TRUE
      pJustsex <- TRUE
    if (var.p0.3) {
      tmp.p0.names <- c(tmp.p0.names, paste0("p0.t", 2:hiK))
      pTime <- TRUE
    if (var.p0.4) {
      if (ns > 1) {
        tmp.p0.names <- c("p0.int", paste0("p0.f.sess", 2:ns),
                          paste0("p0.m.sess", 1:ns))
        pBothsexnsesh <- TRUE
      else {
        tmp.p0.names <- c("p0.int", "p0.male")
        pJustsex <- TRUE
    names.p0 <- tmp.p0.names
    pars.p0 <- rep(0, length(names.p0))
    pars.p0[1] <- -1.5
    if (any(var.p0.1, var.p0.1, var.sig.1) && !anySex)
      stop("Sex defined in a model but no sex data provided.")
    if (var.b.1 & !var.b.2 & !var.b.3 & !var.b.4) {
      pars.p0 <- c(pars.p0, 0)
      names.p0 <- c(names.p0, "p.behav")
      bDot <- TRUE
    if (var.b.2 & !var.b.4) {
      pars.p0 <- c(pars.p0, 0, 0)
      names.p0 <- c(names.p0, "p.behav.f", "p.behav.m")
      bJustsex <- TRUE
    if (var.b.3 & !var.b.4) {
      pars.p0 <- c(pars.p0, rep(0, ns))
      names.p0 <- c(names.p0, paste0("p.behav.sess", 1:ns))
      bJustsesh <- TRUE
    if (var.b.4) {
      pars.p0 <- c(pars.p0, rep(0, 2 * ns))
      names.p0 <- c(names.p0, paste0("p.behav.f.sess", 1:ns),
                    paste0("p.behav.m.sess", 1:ns))
      bBothsexnsesh <- TRUE
    tmp.sig.names <- "sig.int"
    if (sum(var.sig.1, var.sig.2, var.sig.3) == 0) {
      aDot <- TRUE
    if (var.sig.2 & !var.sig.3) {
      if (ns > 1) {
        tmp.sig.names <- c(tmp.sig.names, paste0("sig.sess.",
        aJustsesh <- TRUE
      else {
        aDot <- TRUE
    if (var.sig.1 & !var.sig.3) {
      tmp.sig.names <- c(tmp.sig.names, "sig.male")
      aJustsex <- TRUE
    if (var.sig.3) {
      if (ns > 1) {
        tmp.sig.names <- c(tmp.sig.names, paste0("sig.f.sess",
                                                 2:ns), paste0("sig.m.sess", 1:ns))
        aBothsexnsesh <- TRUE
      else {
        aJustsex <- TRUE
    names.sig <- tmp.sig.names
    pars.sig <- rep(0.1, length(names.sig))
    pars.sig[1] <- log(0.5 * mmdm)
    if (scrFrame$type == "scr") {
      YY <- scrFrame$caphist
    if (scrFrame$type == "secr") {
      YY <- "secr2scr"
    if (anySex) {
      if (sexmod == "constant") {
        pars.sex <- 0
        names.sex <- "psi.constant"
      if (sexmod == "session") {
        pars.sex <- rep(0, ns)
        names.sex <- paste("psi", 1:ns, sep = "")
    else {
      pars.sex <- NULL
      names.sex <- NULL
    pv <- round(c(pars.p0, pars.sig, pars.beta.trap, pars.beta.den,
                  pars.dist, pars.n0, pars.sex), 2)
    pn <- c(names.p0, names.sig, names.beta.trap, names.beta.den,
            names.dist, names.n0, names.sex)
    if (!is.null(start.vals)) {
      if (length(pv) == length(start.vals)) {
        pv <- start.vals
      else {
        message("The number of starting values provided doesnt match the \n\n           number of parameters in the model. Randomly generated values \n\n           are being used. Use getStarts = T to get correct length.")
    if (pBehave) {
      prevcap <- list()
      for (s in 1:length(YY)) {
        Ys <- YY[[s]]
        prevcap[[s]] <- array(0, dim = c(dim(Ys)[1], dim(Ys)[2],
        first <- matrix(0, dim(Ys)[1], dim(Ys)[2])
        for (i in 1:dim(Ys)[1]) {
          for (j in 1:dim(Ys)[2]) {
            if (sum(Ys[i, j, ]) > 0) {
              first[i, j] <- min((1:(dim(Ys)[3]))[Ys[i,
                                                     j, ] > 0])
              prevcap[[s]][i, j, 1:first[i, j]] <- 0
              if (first[i, j] < dim(Ys)[3])
                prevcap[[s]][i, j, (first[i, j] + 1):(dim(Ys)[3])] <- 1
        zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(prevcap[[s]])[2], dim(prevcap[[s]])[3]))
        prevcap[[s]] <- abind(prevcap[[s]], zeros, along = 1)

    if (getStarts == TRUE) {
      oSCR.start <- list(parameters = pn, values = pv)

    nR<- nC<- list()
    trimR <- trimC <- list()
    for (s in 1:length(YY)) {

      Ys <- YY[[s]]
      if (!multicatch) {
        zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
        Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)
      if (multicatch) {
        zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
        Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)

      trimR[[s]] <- list()
      trimC[[s]] <- list()
      nR[[s]]<- nC[[s]]<- list()

      for (i in 1:nrow(Ys)) {
        trimR[[s]][[i]]<- list()
        nR[[s]][[i]]<- list()
        if (is.null(trimS)) {
          pp <- rep(T, ncol(Ys))
          trimC[[s]][[i]] <- rep(T, nG[s])
          for(k in 1:nK[s]){
            trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]] <- pp
        else {
          if (i < nrow(Ys)) {
            pp <- apply(Ys[i, , ], 1, sum) > 0

            for(k in 1:nK[s]){
              if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {

                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]] <- (apply(rbind(rep(trimS*3 +
                                                           2, nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])), e2dist(matrix(unlist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                                                                                   c("X", "Y")]), sum(pp), 2), scrFrame$traps[[s]][,
                                                                                                                                                                                   c("X", "Y")])), 2, min) <= (2 * trimS)) & (scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][,k]==1)

                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]] <- apply(rbind(rep(trimS*3 +
                                                          2, nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])), e2dist(matrix(unlist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                                                                                  c("X", "Y")]), sum(pp), 2), scrFrame$traps[[s]][,
                                                                                                                                                                                  c("X", "Y")])), 2, min) <= (2 * trimS)

              nR[[s]][[i]][[k]]<- sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]   )

            trimC[[s]][[i]] <- apply(rbind(rep(trimS +
                                                 2, nG[s]), e2dist(matrix(unlist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                                                     c("X", "Y")]), sum(pp), 2), ssDF[[s]][, c("X",
                                                                                                                                               "Y")])), 2, min, na.rm = T) <= trimS
          }   # end loop over i
          else {

            pp <- rep(T, ncol(Ys))
            trimC[[s]][[i]] <- apply(rbind(rep(trimS +
                                                 2, nG[s]), e2dist(matrix(unlist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                                                     c("X", "Y")]), sum(pp), 2), ssDF[[s]][, c("X",
                                                                                                                                               "Y")])), 2, min, na.rm = T) <= trimS
            for(k in 1:nK[s]){
              if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {
                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]<- pp & (scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][,k]==1)
                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]<- pp

              nR[[s]][[i]][[k]]<- sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]])


        if (multicatch) {
          for(k in 1:nK[s]){
            trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]] <- rep(T, length(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]))
            nR[[s]][[i]][[k]]<- sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]] )
        nC[[s]][[i]]<- sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])

    msLL.nosex <- function(pv = pv, pn = pn, YY = YY, D = D,
                           hiK = hiK, nG = nG, nK = nK, dm.den = dm.den, dm.trap = dm.trap) {
      alpha0 <- array(0, dim = c(ns, hiK, 2))
      tmpP <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.int", names.p0)]]
      if (pDot & !pTime) {
        alpha0[, , ] <- tmpP
      if (pDot & pTime) {
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1] <- tmpP + tmpT
      if (pJustsesh & !pTime) {
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s]
      if (pJustsesh & pTime) {
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s] + tmpT
      BRmat <- array(0, c(ns, hiK, 1))
      if (bDot) {
        BRmat[, , 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav",
      if (bJustsesh) {
        for (k in 1:hiK) {
          BRmat[, k, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.sess",
          BRmat[, k, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.sess",
      alpha0[, , 2] <- alpha0[, , 1] + BRmat[, , 1]
      alphsig <- numeric(ns)
      if (aDot) {
        tmpA <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.int", names.sig)]]
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alphsig[s] <- tmpA
      if (aJustsesh) {
        tmpA <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.int", names.sig)]]
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alphsig[s] <- tmpA + tmpSS[s]
      alphsig <- 1/(2 * exp(alphsig)^2)
      if (trap.covs) {
        t.beta <- matrix(NA, ns, length(t.nms))
        if (any(paste0("session:", t.nms) %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
                                                    "term.labels"))) {
          for (s in 1:ns) {
            if (length(t.nms) > length(t.nms.sess)) {
              t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% c(names.beta.trap[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                     s, sep = ""), names.beta.trap)], names.beta.trap[as.vector(unlist(sapply(t.nms.nosess,
                                                                                                                                              function(x) {
                                                                                                                                                grep(x, names.beta.trap)
            else {
              t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% c(names.beta.trap[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                     s, sep = ""), names.beta.trap)])]
        else {
          for (s in 1:ns) {
            t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.trap]
      if (DorN == "N") {
        if (dIPP) {
          d.beta <- matrix(NA, ns, length(d.nms))
          if ("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
            for (s in 1:ns) {
              d.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                  s, sep = ""), names.beta.den)]]
          else {
            for (s in 1:ns) {
              d.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den]
      else {
        d.beta <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den]
      if (distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")) {
        dist.beta <- pv[pn %in% names.dist]
      if (n0Session)
        n0 <- exp(pv[pn %in% names.n0])
      if (!n0Session)
        n0 <- rep(exp(pv[pn %in% names.n0]), ns)
      outLik <- 0
      if (predict) {
        preds <- list()
        lik.bits <- list()
        ss.bits <- list()
      for (s in 1:length(YY)) {
        Ys <- YY[[s]]
        if (predict)
          preds[[s]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Ys) + 1,
                               ncol = nrow(ssDF[[s]]))
        if (!multicatch) {
          zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
          Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)
        if (multicatch) {
          zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
          Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)
        if (distmet == "lcp") {
          cost <- exp(dm.cost[[s]] %*% dist.beta)
          costR <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(costDF[[s]][, c(1,2)], cost))
          if (is.null(PROJ)) {
            projection(costR) <- "+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84"
          else {
            projection(costR) <- PROJ
          tr <- transition(costR, transitionFunction = function(x) (1/(mean(x))),
                           direction = directions)
          trLayer <- geoCorrection(tr, scl = F)
          D[[s]] <- costDistance(trLayer, as.matrix(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X", "Y")]), as.matrix(ssDF[[s]][, c("X","Y")]))
        if (distmet == "resist") {
          cost <- exp(dm.cost[[s]] %*% dist.beta)
          costR <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(costDF[[s]][, c(1,2)], cost))
          if (is.null(PROJ)) {
            projection(costR) <- "+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84"
          else {
            projection(costR) <- PROJ
          tr <- transition(costR, transitionFunction = function(x) (1/(mean(x))),
                           direction = directions)
          trLayer <- geoCorrection(tr, scl = F)
          allPts<-rbind(as.matrix(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X", "Y")]), 
                        as.matrix(ssDF[[s]][, c("X","Y")]))
          D[[s]] <- as.matrix(commuteDistance(trLayer,allPts))[1:nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]]),(nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])+1):(nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])+nrow(ssDF[[s]]))]
        if (smallslow) {
          if (distmet == "euc") {
            D <- list()
            D[[s]] <- e2dist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][,c("X","Y")],
                             ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")])
        lik.marg <- rep(NA, nrow(Ys))
        if (!is.null(trimS)) {
          pixels.prior <- rep(T, nG[s])
          pixels.post <- apply(D[[s]], 2, min) <= trimS
          pixels <- (pixels.prior & pixels.post)
          pixels <- ifelse(pixels, 1, 0)
        else {
          pixels <- rep(1, nG[s])
        if (DorN == "N") {
          if (dIPP) {
            d.s <- exp(dm.den[[s]] %*% d.beta[s, ])
            pi.s <- (d.s * pixels)/sum(d.s * pixels)
          if (dHPP) {
            pi.s <- pixels/(sum(pixels))
        else {
          d.s <- exp(dm.den[[s]] %*% d.beta)
          pi.s <- (d.s * pixels)/sum(d.s * pixels)
        Kern <- exp(-alphsig[s] * D[[s]]^2)
        for (i in 1:nrow(Ys)) {
          if (plotit) {
            plot(ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")], pch = 16, col = "grey",
                 cex = 0.5, asp = 1, main = paste("Session:",
                                                  s, " Individual: ", i, " traps: ", sum(pp),
                                                  sep = " "))
            points(ssDF[[s]][trimC[[s]][[i]], c("X", "Y")],
                   pch = 16, col = 2, cex = mycex)
            points(ssDF[[s]][trimC[[s]][[i]], ], pch = 16,
                   col = 2, cex = mycex)
            # this is dumb, I'm just plotting k=1 here because I changed trimR size
                                       c("X", "Y")], pch = 3, col = 4, cex = mycex,
                   lwd = mycex)
            points(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp, c("X")], scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                        c("Y")], pch = 16, col = 3, cex = 1.5)

          lik.cond <- numeric(nG[s])
          #               if (multicatch)
          #                  Pm <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]) + 1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))
          #                if (!multicatch)
          #                  Pm <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]), sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))

          for (k in 1:nK[s]) {

            if (pBehave) {
              a0 <- alpha0[s, k, 1] * (1 - c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                          , k])) + alpha0[s, k, 2] * c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                                                    , k])
            else {
              a0 <- rep(alpha0[s, k, 1], nrow(D[[s]]))
            if (trap.covs) {
              a0 <- a0 + (dm.trap[[s]][[k]] %*% c(t.beta[s,
            if (encmod == "B")
              probcap <- c(plogis(a0[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                Kern[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], trimC[[s]][[i]] ]
            if (encmod == "P")
              probcap <- c(exp(a0[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                Kern[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], trimC[[s]][[i]]]
            if (!multicatch) {
              if (encmod == "B") {
                probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dbinom(rep(Ys[i,
                                                              trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                       1, probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
              if (encmod == "P") {
                probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dpois(rep(Ys[i,
                                                             trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                      probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
            else {
              probcap <- rbind(probcap, rep(1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])))
              probcap <- t(t(probcap)/colSums(probcap))
              vvv <- rep(c(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], 1 -
                             any(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k] > 0)), sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))
              vvv[vvv == 1] <- log(probcap[1:length(probcap)][vvv ==
              probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- vvv
            #      if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {
            #        probcap <- probcap * scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]],  k]
            #      }
            #cat("dim probca: ", dim(probcap),fill=TRUE)
            #cat("length lik.cond: ", length(lik.cond),fill=TRUE)
            #cat("sum trimC: ", sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]), fill=TRUE)

            ####        lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)

              lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)
              lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + probcap
            #            if(i==nrow(Ys) & k==1){
            #                b<<- probcap
            #                return(0)
            #                }
            #Pm[1:length(Pm)] <- Pm[1:length(Pm)] + probcap[1:length(probcap)]
          }  # end k loop
          #                lik.cond <- numeric(nG[s])
          #    lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(colSums(Pm, na.rm = T))
          lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]])  ####colSums(Pm, na.rm = T))
          #  b<<- lik.cond
          #  return(0)
          lik.marg[i] <- sum(lik.cond * pi.s)

          if (predict)
            preds[[s]][i, ] <- (lik.cond * pi.s)/lik.marg[i]
        if (!predict) {
          if (DorN == "N") {
            nv <- c(rep(1, length(lik.marg) - 1), n0[s])
            part1 <- lgamma((nrow(Ys) - 1) + n0[s] + 1) -
              lgamma(n0[s] + 1)
            part2 <- sum(nv * log(lik.marg))
          if (DorN == "D") {
            nv <- c(rep(1, length(lik.marg) - 1), 1)
            atheta <- 1 - lik.marg[nrow(Ys)]
            nind <- nrow(Ys) - 1
            part1 <- nind * log(sum(d.s * pixels)) - sum(d.s *
                                                           pixels) * atheta
            part2 <- sum(nv[1:nind] * log(lik.marg[1:nind]))
          ll <- -1 * (part1 + part2)
          outLik <- outLik + ll
        if (predict) {
          lik.bits[[s]] <- cbind(lik.mar = lik.marg)
          ss.bits[[s]] <- cbind(pi.s, d.s, lik.cond)
          colnames(ss.bits[[s]]) <- c("pi.s", "d.s", "lik.cond")
      if (!predict) {
        out <- outLik
      if (predict) {
        return(list(preds = preds, lik.bits = lik.bits, ss.bits = ss.bits,
                    ssDF = ssDF, data = YY, traps = scrFrame$traps))
    msLL.sex <- function(pv, pn, YY, D, Y, nG, nK, hiK, dm.den,
                         dm.trap) {
      alpha0 <- array(0, c(ns, hiK, 2, 2))
      tmpP <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.int", names.p0)]]
      if (pDot & !pTime) {
        alpha0[, , , 1] <- tmpP
      if (pTime) {
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT
      if (pJustsex & !pTime & !pJustsesh & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpS <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.male", names.p0)]]
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpS
      if (pJustsex & pTime & !pJustsesh & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        tmpS <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.male", names.p0)]]
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpS
      if (pJustsesh & !pTime & !pJustsex & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s]
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s]
      if (pJustsesh & pTime & !pJustsex & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s]
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s]
      if (pJustsesh & pJustsex & !pTime & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpS <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.male", names.p0)]]
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s]
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSS[s] + tmpS
      if (pJustsesh & pJustsex & pTime & !pBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpS <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.male", names.p0)]]
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s]
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s] +
      if (pBothsexnsesh & !pTime) {
        tmpSSF <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.f.sess",
        tmpSSM <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.m.sess", names.p0)]]
        for (k in 1:hiK) {
          alpha0[, k, 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSSF
          alpha0[, k, 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpSSM
      if (pBothsexnsesh & pTime) {
        stop("model with time varying parameters AND a sex-session interaction not implemented")
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.sess",
        tmpS <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.male", names.p0)]]
        tmpT <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p0.t", names.p0)]])
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alpha0[s, , 1, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s]
          alpha0[s, , 2, 1] <- tmpP + tmpT + tmpSS[s] +
      BRmat <- array(0, c(ns, hiK, 2, 1))
      if (bDot) {
        BRmat[, , , 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav",
      if (bJustsex) {
        BRmat[, , 1, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.f",
        BRmat[, , 2, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.m",
      if (bJustsesh) {
        for (k in 1:hiK) {
          BRmat[, k, 1, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.sess",
          BRmat[, k, 2, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.sess",
      if (bBothsexnsesh) {
        for (k in 1:hiK) {
          BRmat[, k, 1, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.f.sess",
          BRmat[, k, 2, 1] <- pv[pn %in% names.p0[grep("p.behav.m.sess",
      alpha0[, , 1, 2] <- alpha0[, , 1, 1] + BRmat[, , 1, 1]
      alpha0[, , 2, 2] <- alpha0[, , 2, 1] + BRmat[, , 2, 1]
      alphsig <- matrix(0, ns, 2)
      tmpA <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.int", names.sig)]]
      if (aDot) {
        alphsig[, ] <- tmpA
      if (aJustsex & !aJustsesh) {
        tmpSex <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.male", names.sig)]]
        alphsig[, 1] <- tmpA
        alphsig[, 2] <- tmpA + tmpSex
      if (aJustsesh & !aJustsex) {
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.sess",
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alphsig[s, 1] <- tmpA + tmpSS[s]
          alphsig[s, 2] <- tmpA + tmpSS[s]
      if (aJustsesh & aJustsex) {
        tmpSS <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.sess",
        tmpSex <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.male", names.sig)]]
        for (s in 1:ns) {
          alphsig[s, 1] <- tmpA + tmpSS[s]
          alphsig[s, 2] <- tmpA + tmpSS[s] + tmpSex
      if (aBothsexnsesh) {
        tmpSF <- c(0, pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.f.sess",
        tmpSM <- pv[pn %in% names.sig[grep("sig.m.sess",
        alphsig[, 1] <- tmpA + tmpSF
        alphsig[, 2] <- tmpA + tmpSM
      alphsig <- 1/(2 * exp(alphsig)^2)
      if (trap.covs) {
        t.beta <- matrix(NA, ns, length(t.nms))
        if (any(paste0("session:", t.nms) %in% attr(terms(model[[2]]),
                                                    "term.labels"))) {
          for (s in 1:ns) {
            if (length(t.nms) > length(t.nms.sess)) {
              t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% c(names.beta.trap[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                     s, sep = ""), names.beta.trap)], names.beta.trap[as.vector(unlist(sapply(t.nms.nosess,
                                                                                                                                              function(x) {
                                                                                                                                                grep(x, names.beta.trap)
            else {
              t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% c(names.beta.trap[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                     s, sep = ""), names.beta.trap)])]
        else {
          for (s in 1:ns) {
            t.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.trap]
      if (DorN == "N") {
        if (dIPP) {
          d.beta <- matrix(NA, ns, length(d.nms))
          if ("session" %in% all.vars(model[[1]])) {
            for (s in 1:ns) {
              d.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den[grep(paste("sess",
                                                                  s, sep = ""), names.beta.den)]]
          else {
            for (s in 1:ns) {
              d.beta[s, ] <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den]
      else {
        d.beta <- pv[pn %in% names.beta.den]
      if (distmet %in% c("lcp","resist")) {
        dist.beta <- pv[pn %in% names.dist]
      if (n0Session)
        n0 <- exp(pv[pn %in% names.n0])
      if (!n0Session)
        n0 <- rep(exp(pv[pn %in% names.n0]), ns)
      if (sexmod == "constant")
        psi.sex <- rep(plogis(pv[grep("psi", pn)]), ns)
      if (sexmod == "session")
        psi.sex <- plogis(pv[grep("psi", pn)])
      outLik <- 0
      if (predict) {
        preds <- list()
        lik.bits <- list()
        ss.bits <- list()
      for (s in 1:length(YY)) {
        Ys <- YY[[s]]
        if (predict)
          preds[[s]] <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Ys) + 1,
                               ncol = nrow(ssDF[[s]]))
        if (!multicatch) {
          zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
          Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)
        if (multicatch) {
          zeros <- array(0, c(1, dim(Ys)[2], dim(Ys)[3]))
          Ys <- abind(Ys, zeros, along = 1)
        sx <- c(scrFrame$indCovs[[s]]$sex + 1, NA)
        if (distmet == "lcp") {
          cost <- exp(dm.cost[[s]] %*% dist.beta)
          costR <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(costDF[[s]][, c(1,
                                                       2)], cost))
          if (is.null(PROJ)) {
            projection(costR) <- "+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84"
          else {
            projection(costR) <- PROJ
          tr <- transition(costR, transitionFunction = function(x) (1/(mean(x))),
                           direction = directions)
          trLayer <- geoCorrection(tr, scl = F)
          D[[s]] <- costDistance(trLayer, as.matrix(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X", "Y")]), as.matrix(ssDF[[s]][, c("X","Y")]))
        if (distmet == "resist") {
          cost <- exp(dm.cost[[s]] %*% dist.beta)
          costR <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(costDF[[s]][, c(1,
                                                       2)], cost))
          if (is.null(PROJ)) {
            projection(costR) <- "+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=WGS84"
          else {
            projection(costR) <- PROJ
          tr <- transition(costR, transitionFunction = function(x) (1/(mean(x))),
                           direction = directions)
          trLayer <- geoCorrection(tr, scl = F)
          allPts<-rbind(as.matrix(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X", "Y")]), 
                        as.matrix(ssDF[[s]][, c("X","Y")]))
          D[[s]] <- as.matrix(commuteDistance(trLayer,allPts))[1:nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]]),(nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])+1):(nrow(scrFrame$traps[[s]])+nrow(ssDF[[s]]))]
        if (smallslow) {
          if (distmet == "euc") {
            D <- list()
            D[[s]] <- e2dist(scrFrame$traps[[s]][, c("X",
                                                     "Y")], ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")])
        lik.marg <- lik.marg1 <- lik.marg2 <- rep(NA, nrow(Ys))
        if (!is.null(trimS)) {
          pixels.prior <- rep(T, nG[s])
          pixels.post <- apply(D[[s]], 2, min) <= trimS
          pixels <- (pixels.prior & pixels.post)
          pixels <- ifelse(pixels, 1, 0)
        else {
          pixels <- rep(1, nG[s])
        if (DorN == "N") {
          if (dIPP) {
            d.s <- exp(dm.den[[s]] %*% d.beta[s, ])
            pi.s <- (d.s * pixels)/sum(d.s * pixels)
          if (dHPP) {
            pi.s <- pixels/(sum(pixels))
        else {
          d.s <- exp(dm.den[[s]] %*% d.beta)
          pi.s <- (d.s * pixels)/sum(d.s * pixels)
        for (i in 1:nrow(Ys)) {
          if (plotit) {
            plot(ssDF[[s]][, c("X", "Y")], pch = 16, col = "grey",
                 cex = 0.5, asp = 1, main = paste("Session:",
                                                  s, " Individual: ", i, " traps: ", sum(pp),
                                                  sep = " "))
            points(ssDF[[s]][trimC[[s]][[i]], c("X", "Y")],
                   pch = 16, col = 2, cex = mycex)
            points(ssDF[[s]][trimC[[s]][[i]], ], pch = 16,
                   col = 2, cex = mycex)
            # again, this is dumb: I just plot the k=1 value here
                                       c("X", "Y")], pch = 3, col = 4, cex = mycex,
                   lwd = mycex)
            points(scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp, c("X")], scrFrame$traps[[s]][pp,
                                                                        c("Y")], pch = 16, col = 3, cex = 1.5)
          if (!is.na(sx[i])) {

            #                     if (multicatch)
            #                  Pm <- Pm1 <- Pm2 <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]) +                     1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))
            #                if (!multicatch)
            #                  Pm <- Pm1 <- Pm2 <- tmpPm <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]), sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))

            lik.cond <- numeric(nG[s])

            for (k in 1:nK[s]) {

              if (pBehave) {
                a0 <- alpha0[s, k, sx[i], 1] * (1 - c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                   , k])) + alpha0[s, k, sx[i], 2] * c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                                                                    , k])
              else {
                a0 <- rep(alpha0[s, k, sx[i], 1], nrow(D[[s]]))
              if (trap.covs) {
                a0 <- a0 + (dm.trap[[s]][[k]] %*% c(t.beta[s,
              if (encmod == "B")
                probcap <- c(plogis(a0[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, sx[i]] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (encmod == "P")
                probcap <- c(exp(a0[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, sx[i]] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (!multicatch) {
                if (encmod == "B") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dbinom(rep(Ys[i,
                                                                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                         1, probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
                if (encmod == "P") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dpois(rep(Ys[i,
                                                               trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                        probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
              else {
                probcap <- rbind(probcap, rep(1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])))
                probcap <- t(t(probcap)/colSums(probcap))
                vvv <- rep(c(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k],
                             1 - any(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k] > 0)),
                vvv[vvv == 1] <- log(probcap[1:length(probcap)][vvv ==
                probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- vvv
              #                    if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {
              #                      probcap <- probcap * scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]],k]
              #                    }

                lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)
                lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + probcap

              #####Pm[1:length(Pm)] <- Pm[1:length(Pm)] + probcap[1:length(probcap)]


            #                  lik.cond <- numeric(nG[s])
            lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]])  ####colSums(Pm, na.rm = T))
            ######            lik.cond[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(colSums(Pm,na.rm = T))
            tmpPsi <- (sx[i] == 1) * (1 - psi.sex[s]) +
              (sx[i] == 2) * psi.sex[s]
            lik.marg[i] <- sum(lik.cond * pi.s) * tmpPsi
            if (predict) {
              preds[[s]][i, ] <- lik.cond * pi.s * tmpPsi/lik.marg[i]
          else {

            #               if (multicatch)
            #                  Pm <- Pm1 <- Pm2 <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]) +                     1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))
            #                if (!multicatch)
            #                  Pm <- Pm1 <- Pm2 <- tmpPm <- matrix(0, sum(trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]),                     sum(trimC[[s]][[i]]))

            lik.cond1<- lik.cond2 <- numeric(nG[s])

            for (k in 1:nK[s]) {

              if (pBehave) {
                a0.1 <- alpha0[s, k, 1, 1] * (1 - c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                 , k])) + alpha0[s, k, 1, 2] * c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                                                              , k])
                a0.2 <- alpha0[s, k, 2, 1] * (1 - c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                 , k])) + alpha0[s, k, 2, 2] * c(prevcap[[s]][i,
                                                                                                              , k])
              else {
                a0.1 <- rep(alpha0[s, k, 1, 1], nrow(D[[s]]))
                a0.2 <- rep(alpha0[s, k, 2, 1], nrow(D[[s]]))
              if (trap.covs) {
                a0.1 <- a0.1 + (dm.trap[[s]][[k]] %*% c(t.beta[s,
                a0.2 <- a0.2 + (dm.trap[[s]][[k]] %*% c(t.beta[s,
              if (encmod == "B")
                probcap <- c(plogis(a0.1[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, 1] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (encmod == "P")
                probcap <- c(exp(a0.1[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, 1] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (!multicatch) {
                if (encmod == "B") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dbinom(rep(Ys[i,
                                                                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                         1, probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
                if (encmod == "P") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dpois(rep(Ys[i,
                                                               trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                        probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
              else {
                probcap <- rbind(probcap, rep(1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])))
                probcap <- t(t(probcap)/colSums(probcap))
                vvv <- rep(c(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k],
                             1 - any(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k] > 0)),
                vvv[vvv == 1] <- log(probcap[1:length(probcap)][vvv ==
                probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- vvv
              #                    if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {
              #                      probcap <- probcap * scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],  k]
              #                    }

              #Pm1[1:length(Pm1)] <- Pm1[1:length(Pm1)] +  probcap[1:length(probcap)]
                lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)
                lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + probcap

              #               lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)

              if (encmod == "B")
                probcap <- c(plogis(a0.2[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, 2] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (encmod == "P")
                probcap <- c(exp(a0.2[trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]]])) *
                  exp(-alphsig[s, 2] * D[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]],
              if (!multicatch) {
                if (encmod == "B") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dbinom(rep(Ys[i,
                                                                trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                         1, probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
                if (encmod == "P") {
                  probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- c(dpois(rep(Ys[i,
                                                               trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k], sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])),
                                                        probcap[1:length(probcap)], log = TRUE))
              else {
                probcap <- rbind(probcap, rep(1, sum(trimC[[s]][[i]])))
                probcap <- t(t(probcap)/colSums(probcap))
                vvv <- rep(c(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k],
                             1 - any(Ys[i, trimR[[s]][[i]][[k]], k] > 0)),
                vvv[vvv == 1] <- log(probcap[1:length(probcap)][vvv ==
                probcap[1:length(probcap)] <- vvv
              #                    if (!is.null(scrFrame$trapOperation)) {
              #                      probcap <- probcap * scrFrame$trapOperation[[s]][trimR[[s]][[i]],
              #                        k]
              #                    }

                lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)
                lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + probcap

              #               lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]]<- lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]] + colSums(probcap)

              ###Pm2[1:length(Pm2)] <- Pm2[1:length(Pm2)] +  probcap[1:length(probcap)]

            ###lik.cond1 <- lik.cond2 <- numeric(nG[s])
            #     lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(colSums(Pm1, na.rm = T))
            #     lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(colSums(Pm2, na.rm = T))

            lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(lik.cond1[trimC[[s]][[i]]])  ####colSums(Pm, na.rm = T))
            lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]] <- exp(lik.cond2[trimC[[s]][[i]]])  ####colSums(Pm, na.rm = T))

            lik.marg1[i] <- sum(lik.cond1 * pi.s)
            lik.marg2[i] <- sum(lik.cond2 * pi.s)
            lik.marg[i] <- lik.marg1[i] * (1 - psi.sex[s]) +
              lik.marg2[i] * psi.sex[s]
            if (predict) {
              lik.cond <- (lik.cond1 * (1 - psi.sex[s]) +
                             lik.cond2 * psi.sex[s])
              preds[[s]][i, ] <- (lik.cond * pi.s)/lik.marg[i]
        if (!predict) {
          if (DorN == "N") {
            nv <- c(rep(1, length(lik.marg) - 1), n0[s])
            part1 <- lgamma((nrow(Ys) - 1) + n0[s] + 1) -
              lgamma(n0[s] + 1)
            part2 <- sum(nv * log(lik.marg))
          if (DorN == "D") {
            nv <- c(rep(1, length(lik.marg) - 1), 1)
            atheta <- 1 - lik.marg[nrow(Ys)]
            nind <- nrow(Ys) - 1
            part1 <- nind * log(sum(d.s * pixels)) - sum(d.s *
                                                           pixels) * atheta
            part2 <- sum(nv[1:nind] * log(lik.marg[1:nind]))
          ll <- -1 * (part1 + part2)
          outLik <- outLik + ll
        if (predict) {
          lik.bits[[s]] <- cbind(lik.mar = lik.marg)
          ss.bits[[s]] <- cbind(pi.s, d.s, lik.cond)
          colnames(ss.bits[[s]]) <- c("pi.s", "d.s", "lik.cond")
      if (!predict) {
        out <- outLik
      if (predict) {
        return(list(preds = preds, ss.bits = ss.bits, lik.bits = lik.bits,
                    ssDF = ssDF, data = YY, traps = scrFrame$traps))

    }   # end likelihood

    if(getStarts == FALSE){
      if (!predict){
        message("Fitting model: D", paste(model)[1], ", p0",
                paste(model)[2], ", sigma", paste(model)[3],
                ", asu", paste(model)[4], sep = " ")
        if (!anySex) {
          message("Using ll function 'msLL.nosex' \nHold on tight!")
          message(paste(pn, " ", sep = " | "))
          message(" ")
          myfit <- suppressWarnings(nlm(msLL.nosex, p = pv,
                                        pn = pn, YY = YY, D = D, nG = nG, nK = nK,
                                        hiK = hiK, dm.den = dm.den, dm.trap = dm.trap,
                                        hessian = hessian, print.level = print.level, iterlim = 200))
        else {
          message("Using ll function 'msLL.sex' \nHold on tight!")
          message(paste(pn, " ", sep = " | "))
          message(" ")
          myfit <- suppressWarnings(nlm(msLL.sex, p = pv,
                                        pn = pn, YY = YY, D = D, nG = nG, nK = nK,
                                        hiK = hiK, dm.den = dm.den, dm.trap = dm.trap,
                                        hessian = hessian, print.level = print.level, iterlim = 200))
        links <- rep(NA, length(pn))
        pars <- myfit$estimate
        if (encmod == "B") {
          links[grep("p0.int", pn)] <- "(logit)"
        else {
          links[grep("p0.int", pn)] <- "(log)"
        links[grep("sig.int", pn)] <- "(log)"
        links[grep("n0.", pn)] <- "(log)"
        links[grep("d0.", pn)] <- "(log)"
        links[grep("psi", pn)] <- "(logit)"
        links[grep("beta", pn)] <- "(Identity)"
        trans.mle <- rep(0, length(pv))
        if (encmod == "B") {
          trans.mle[grep("p0.int", pn)] <- plogis(pars[grep("p0.int", pn)])
        else {
          trans.mle[grep("p0.int", pn)] <- exp(pars[grep("p0.int", pn)])
        trans.mle[grep("sig.int", pn)] <- exp(pars[grep("sig.int", pn)])
        trans.mle[grep("n0.", pn)] <- exp(pars[grep("n0.", pn)])
        trans.mle[grep("d0.", pn)] <- exp(pars[grep("d0.", pn)])
        trans.mle[grep("psi", pn)] <- plogis(pars[grep("psi", pn)])
        trans.mle[grep("beta", pn)] <- pars[grep("beta", pn)]
        if (pBehave) {
          links[grep("pBehav", pn)] <- "(Identity)"
          trans.mle[grep("pBehav", pn)] <- pars[grep("pBehav", pn)]
        std.err <- rep(rep(NA, length(pv)))
        trans.se <- rep(NA, length(pv))
        if("hessian" %in% names(myfit)) {
          if(sum(myfit$hessian) != 0){
            std.err <- sqrt(diag(solve(myfit$hessian)))
        outStats <- data.frame(parameters = pn, link = links,
                               mle = myfit$estimate, std.er = std.err, mle.tr = trans.mle,
                               se.tr = trans.se)
        VcV <- NULL
        if (DorN == "N") {
          ED <- (exp(pars[grep("n0.", pn)]) + unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
        else {
          ED <- NULL
        endtime <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S %d %b %Y")
        output <- list(call = cl, rawOutput = myfit, outStats = outStats,
                       coef.mle = data.frame(param = pn, mle = myfit$estimate),
                       Area = areaS, ED = ED, nObs = unlist(lapply(scrFrame$caphist,
                                                                   nrow)), mmdm = mmdm, nll = myfit$minimum, AIC = 2 *
                         myfit$minimum + 2 * length(myfit$estimate),
                       started = starttime, ended = endtime, proctime = (proc.time() -
        class(output) <- "oSCR.fit"
      if (predict) {
        message("Predicting model: D", paste(model)[1], ", p0",
                paste(model)[2], ", sigma", paste(model)[3],
                ", cost", paste(model)[4], sep = " ")
        if (!anySex) {
          message("Using ll function 'msLL.nosex' \nHold on tight!")
          message(paste(pn, " ", sep = " | "))
          message(" ")
          myfit <- msLL.nosex(p = start.vals, pn = pn,
                              YY = YY, D = D, hiK = hiK, nG = nG, nK = nK,
                              dm.den = dm.den, dm.trap = dm.trap)
        else {
          message("Using ll function 'msLL.sex' \nHold on tight!")
          message(paste(pn, " ", sep = " | "))
          message(" ")
          myfit <- msLL.sex(p = start.vals, pn = pn, YY = YY,
                            D = D, nK = nK, nG = nG, hiK = hiK, dm.den = dm.den,
                            dm.trap = dm.trap)
jaroyle/oSCR documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 12:46 p.m.