
Defines functions .inputCheckSinglets .norm.log.counts .norm.counts .inputCheckMultiplets .checkEstimateCellsInput

#' @include All-classes.R

#' CIMseqSinglets
#' Subtitle
#' Imports count, count.ercc, dimensionality reduction, and classification data
#' to a CIMseqSinglets object for sequenced singlets.
#' @name CIMseqSinglets
#' @rdname CIMseqSinglets
#' @param counts matrix; Counts matrix with samples as columns and genes as rows.
#' @param counts.ercc matrix; A matrix containing ercc spike-in reads.
#' @param counts.cpm matrix; Normalized counts per million.
#' @param counts.log matrix; Log2 normalized counts per million.
#' @param dim.red matrix; Dimensionality reduced representation of the data.
#' @param classification character; Sample classes.
#' @param x CIMseqSinglets; CIMseqSinglets object.
#' @param object CIMseqSinglets; A CIMseqSinglets to show.
#' @param value Replacment value.
#' @param n Data to extract from CIMseqSinglets object.
#' @param .Object Internal object.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return CIMseqSinglets object.
#' @author Jason T. Serviss
#' @examples
#' #setup test data
#' s <- grepl("^s", colnames(testCounts))
#' ercc <- grepl("^ERCC\\-[0-9]*$", rownames(testCounts))
#' singlets <- testCounts[!ercc, s]
#' singletsERCC <- testCounts[ercc, s]
#' #dimensionality reduction
#' select <- selectTopMax(singlets, 100)
#' pdist <- pearsonsDist(singlets, select)
#' dim.red <- runTsne(pdist)
#' #classes
#' classes <- testMeta$cellTypes[match(colnames(singlets), testMeta$sample)]
#' #setup CIMseqSinglets object
#' cObj <- CIMseqSinglets(singlets, singletsERCC, dim.red, classes)

#' @rdname CIMseqSinglets
#' @export

setGeneric("CIMseqSinglets", function(
  counts, ...

#' @rdname CIMseqSinglets
#' @export

setMethod("CIMseqSinglets", "missing", function(
    counts = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    counts.log = .norm.log.counts,
    counts.cpm = .norm.counts,
    counts.ercc = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    dim.red = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    classification = character(),

#' @rdname CIMseqSinglets
#' @export

setMethod("CIMseqSinglets", "matrix", function(
  counts, counts.ercc, dim.red, classification, ...
  .inputCheckSinglets(counts, counts.ercc, dim.red, classification)
    counts = counts,
    counts.log = .norm.log.counts,
    counts.cpm = .norm.counts,
    counts.ercc = counts.ercc,
    dim.red = dim.red,
    classification = classification,

.inputCheckSinglets <- function(counts, counts.ercc, dim.red, classification) {
  if((dim(counts)[2]) != (dim(counts.ercc)[2])) {
    message("ncol(counts) != ncol(counts.ercc).")
  if(any(is.na(c(counts, counts.ercc)))) {
    message("is.na(c(counts, counts.ercc) returned TRUE")
  if(ncol(counts) != length(classification)) {
    message("length(classification) != ncol(counts)")
  if(!length(unique(classification)) > 1) {
    message("length(unique(classification)) > 1 is not TRUE")
  if(nrow(dim.red) != ncol(counts)) {
    message("nrow(dim.red) != ncol(counts)")

.norm.log.counts <- function(counts) {
  log2(.norm.counts(counts) + 1)

.norm.counts <- function(counts) {
  t(t(counts) / colSums(counts) * 10^6)

#' CIMseqMultiplets
#' Subtitle
#' Imports count, count.ercc, and feature data
#' to a CIMseqSinglets object for sequenced multiplets.
#' @name CIMseqMultiplets
#' @rdname CIMseqMultiplets
#' @param counts matrix; Counts matrix with samples as columns and genes as rows.
#' @param counts.ercc matrix; A matrix containing ercc spike-in reads.
#' @param counts.cpm matrix; Normalized counts per million.
#' @param counts.log matrix; Log2 normalized counts per million.
#' @param features numeric; The indexes of the features/genes for use in 
#' deconvolution.
#' @param x CIMseqMultiplets; CIMseqMultiplets object.
#' @param object CIMseqMultiplets; A CIMseqMultiplets to show.
#' @param value Replacment value.
#' @param n Data to extract from CIMseqMultiplets object.
#' @param .Object Internal object.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return CIMseqMultiplets object.
#' @author Jason T. Serviss
#' @examples
#' s <- grepl("^s", colnames(testCounts))
#' ercc <- grepl("^ERCC\\-[0-9]*$", rownames(testCounts))
#' features <- selectTopMax(testCounts[!ercc, s], 2000)
#' cObj <- CIMseqMultiplets(testCounts[!ercc, !s], testCounts[ercc, !s], features)

#' @rdname CIMseqMultiplets
#' @export

setGeneric("CIMseqMultiplets", function(
  counts, ...

#' @rdname CIMseqMultiplets
#' @export

setMethod("CIMseqMultiplets", "missing", function(
    counts = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    counts.log = .norm.log.counts,
    counts.cpm = .norm.counts,
    counts.ercc = matrix(nrow=0, ncol = 0),
    features = numeric(),

#' @rdname CIMseqMultiplets
#' @export

setMethod("CIMseqMultiplets", "matrix", function(
  counts, counts.ercc, features, ...
  .inputCheckMultiplets(counts, counts.ercc)
    counts = counts,
    counts.log = .norm.log.counts,
    counts.cpm = .norm.counts,
    counts.ercc = counts.ercc,
    features = features,

.inputCheckMultiplets <- function(counts, counts.ercc) {
  if((dim(counts)[2]) != (dim(counts.ercc)[2])) {
    message("ncol(counts) != ncol(counts.ercc).")
  if(any(is.na(c(counts, counts.ercc)))) {
    message("is.na(c(counts, counts.ercc) returned TRUE")

#' estimateCells
#' Subtitle
#' Uses ERCC data to calculate the fraction of ERCC reads in the samples. In
#' addition, this function utilizes ERCC data to estimate the cell number
#' in each sample.
#' @name estimateCells
#' @rdname estimateCells
#' @param singlets A CIMseqSinglets object.
#' @param multiplets A CIMseqMultiplets object.
#' @param theoretical.max integer; Cuts the estimated cell number at the 
#'  provided value such that all values > than the theoretical.max become equal
#'  to the theoretical.max.
#' @param warning logical; Indicates if a warning should be issued when all ERCC
#'  counts for a sample are equal to 0. If this warning is issued it can be
#'  resolved by setting the ERCC reads for these samples to NA.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on
#' @return A data frame including the fraction of ercc reads and cell counts for
#'    each sample.
#' @author Jason T. Serviss
#' @examples
#' output <- estimateCells(CIMseqSinglets_test, CIMseqMultiplets_test)

#' @export

setGeneric("estimateCells", function(
  singlets, multiplets, ...

#' @rdname estimateCells
#' @import tibble tibble
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

setMethod("estimateCells", "CIMseqSinglets", function(
  singlets, multiplets, theoretical.max = Inf, warning = TRUE, ...
  frac.ercc <- NULL
  counts <- cbind(
    getData(singlets, "counts"), 
    getData(multiplets, "counts")
  counts.ercc <- cbind(
    getData(singlets, "counts.ercc"), 
    getData(multiplets, "counts.ercc")
  n.sng <- ncol(getData(singlets, "counts"))
  n.mul <- ncol(getData(multiplets, "counts"))
  #check if any samples have ERCC that are all 0
  if(warning) .checkEstimateCellsInput(counts.ercc)
  fe <- colSums(counts.ercc) / (colSums(counts.ercc) + colSums(counts))
  ecn <- median(fe[1:n.sng]) / fe
  if(!is.null(theoretical.max)) ecn[ecn > theoretical.max] <- theoretical.max
    sample = colnames(counts),
    sampleType = c(rep("Singlet", n.sng), rep("Multiplet", n.mul)),
    frac.ercc = fe, estimatedCellNumber = ecn

.checkEstimateCellsInput <- function(counts.ercc) {
  all0 <- apply(counts.ercc, 2, function(x) all(x == 0))
  if(any(all0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    zeroIDs <- colnames(counts.ercc)[which(all0)]
    if(length(zeroIDs) > 5) {
      zeroIDs <- paste0(paste(zeroIDs[1:5], collapse = ", "), ", ...")
    } else {
      zeroIDs <- paste(zeroIDs, collapse = ", ")
      "Results will not be accurate. ", 
      "These samples ERCC reads are all 0's: ", zeroIDs
jasonserviss/CIMseq documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 4:42 a.m.