
Defines functions ezcamerapr

Documented in ezcamerapr

#' A wrapper function for \code{cameraPR} with output to Excel
#' Test whether a set of genes is highly ranked relative to other genes in terms of differential expression, 
#' accounting for inter-gene correlation with \code{\link[limma:camera]{cameraPR}}.
#' To find pathways whose genes have large magnitude changes, independent of direction of their change, 
#' provide \code{abs} of gene stats, and set \code{alternative="Up"}.
#' It returns a data frame with statistics per gene set, and writes this to an Excel file. 
#' The Excel file links to CSV files, which contain statistics per gene set. 
#' @param stats.tab A matrix-like data object with gene row names & named columns of numeric gene-wise statistics 
#' (e.g. z-scores, t-statistics) by which genes can be ranked. 
#' The row names should be the same as the row names of \code{feat.tab}.
#' All values must be \code{\link[base:is.finite]{finite}}.
#' @param alternative Alternative hypothesis; must be one of\code{"two.sided"}; \code{"greater"} or \code{"less"},
#' or their synonyms  \code{"Up"} or \code{"Down"}.
#' @param inter.gene.cor Numeric inter-gene correlation within tested sets. Can be estimated with 
#' \code{\link[limma:camera]{interGeneCorrelation}}.
#' @inheritParams limma::camera
#' @inheritParams roast_contrasts
#' @return Data frame of gene set statistics.
#' @details Pathway (i.e. gene set) names are altered to be valid filenames in Windows and Linux. Numeric columns are
#' rounded to 8 significant figures.
#' @export

ezcamerapr <- function(stats.tab, G, feat.tab, name=NA, adjust.method ="BH", alternative=c("two.sided", "greater", "less", "Up", "Down"),
                      min.nfeats=3, max.nfeats=1000, inter.gene.cor=0.01, pwy.nchar=199){
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  if (is.data.frame(stats.tab)){ stats.tab <- as.matrix(stats.tab) }
  stopifnot(!is.null(rownames(stats.tab)), !is.null(colnames(stats.tab)), rownames(stats.tab) %in% rownames(feat.tab),
            is.finite(stats.tab), is.numeric(stats.tab))
  # stats.tab must be matrix
  index <- g_index(G=G, object=stats.tab, min.nfeats=min.nfeats, max.nfeats=max.nfeats)

  for (col.ind in 1:ncol(stats.tab)){
    stats.tab.v <- stats::setNames(stats.tab[, col.ind], nm=rownames(stats.tab))
    tab.tmp <- t(vapply(index, FUN=function(xx){
      # stats.tab must be vector
      tmp <- limma::cameraPR(statistic=stats.tab.v, index=xx, inter.gene.cor=inter.gene.cor)
      tmp$Direction <- ifelse(tmp$Direction == "Up", yes = 1, no = -1)
      # data.matrix(tmp)
    }, FUN.VALUE = stats::setNames(numeric(3), nm=c("NGenes", "Direction", "p"))))
    tab.tmp <- as.data.frame(tab.tmp)
    if (alternative!="two.sided"){
      tab.tmp$p <- two2one_tailed(tab=tab.tmp, alternative = alternative)[,1]
    tab.tmp$FDR <- stats::p.adjust(tab.tmp$p, method=adjust.method)
    # change FDR to appropriate adjustment name if user doesn't use FDR
    if (!(adjust.method %in% c("BH", "fdr"))){
      colnames(tab.tmp) <- gsub("FDR$", adjust.method, colnames(tab.tmp))
    # don't name ngenes
    colnames(tab.tmp)[-1] <- paste(colnames(stats.tab)[col.ind], colnames(tab.tmp)[-1], sep=".")
    # NGenes must be conserved, b/c all stats must be finite
    if (col.ind == 1) tab <- tab.tmp else tab <- data.frame(tab, tab.tmp[rownames(tab), setdiff(colnames(tab.tmp), "NGenes")])
  # order rows by p-values
  tab <- tab[order(combine_pvalues(tab)), ]
  res.xl <- df_signif(as.data.frame(tab), digits=8)
  # write xlsx file with links
  if (!is.na(name)){
    nm <- paste(name, "cameraPR", sep="_")
    write_linked_xl(pwy.tab=res.xl, feat.lst=index, feat.tab=feat.tab, name=nm, pwy.nchar=pwy.nchar)
jdreyf/ezlimma documentation built on April 28, 2024, 1:10 p.m.