fm: Output from running FLASHFMwithJAM on the simulated dataset...

fmR Documentation

Output from running FLASHFMwithJAM on the simulated dataset in this package


This is a list with two components: fm$mpp.pp is a list with 4 components giving the SNP-level results (mpp.pp$PP,mpp.pp$MPP) and SNP group level results (mpp.pp$MPPg, mpp.pp$PPg); and fm$snpGroups is a list with 2 components giving the SNP groups construced under single-trait (snpGroups[[1]]) and multi-trait fine-mapping (snpGroups[[2]])




An object of class list of length 2.

jennasimit/flashfm documentation built on July 31, 2022, 7:32 p.m.