# == title
# Get gap regions from UCSC
# == param
# -genome UCSC genome, such as "hg19".
# -seqnames A vector of chromosome names.
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object.
# == example
# getGapFromUCSC("hg19")
getGapFromUCSC = function(genome, seqnames = NULL) {
lt = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "ucsc_gaps.rds", package = "rGREAT"))
if(genome %in% names(lt)) {
tb = lt[[genome]]
} else {
url = paste0("https://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/", genome, "/database/gap.txt.gz")
gap = paste0(tempdir(), "/", genome, "_gap.txt.gz")
if(!file.exists(gap)) {
e = try(suppressWarnings(download.file(url, destfile = gap, quiet = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(e, "try-error")) {
stop_wrap(qq("It seems UCSC does not provide 'gap.txt.gz' for @{genome} or the internet connection was interrupted. If possible, download gap file directly from @{url}."))
tb = read.table(gzfile(gap), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 2:4]
tb[, 2] = tb[, 2] + 1
if(!is.null(seqnames)) {
tb = tb[tb[, 1] %in% seqnames, , drop = FALSE]
GRanges(seqnames = tb[, 1], ranges = IRanges(tb[, 2], tb[, 3]))
getChromInfoFromUCSC = function(genome, seqlevels = NULL, max_seq = 500) {
suppressWarnings(tb <- GenomeInfoDb::getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome, assembled.molecules.only = TRUE))
if(genome %in% registered_UCSC_genomes()[, "genome"]) {
chrlen = structure(tb[, 2], names = tb[, 1])
} else {
chrlen = structure(tb[, 2], names = tb[, 1])
if(is.null(seqlevels)) {
chrlen = filter_seqlength(chrlen, max_seq = max_seq)
} else {
chrlen = chrlen[intersect(names(chrlen), seqlevels)]
filter_seqlength = function(sl, max_seq = 500) {
sl = sl*1.0
sl = structure(sl, names = names(sl))
sl = sort(sl)
l = cumsum(sl*1.0)/sum(sl*1.0) > 0.05 & nchar(names(sl)) < min(nchar(names(sl))) + 5
if(sum(l) < 5) {
l = cumsum(sl*1.0)/sum(sl*1.0) > 0.05
sl = sl[l]
if(length(sl) > max_seq) {
sl = sl[order(-sl)[1:max_seq]]
# == title
# Get RefSeq genes from UCSC
# == param
# -genome UCSC genome, such as "hg19".
# -subset Subset of RefSeq genes. See https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=refSeqComposite .
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges` object.
getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC = function(genome, subset = c("RefSeqSelect", "RefSeqCurated")) {
subset = match.arg(subset)[1]
url = qq("https://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/@{genome}/database/ncbi@{subset}.txt.gz")
refseq = paste0(tempdir(), qq("/@{genome}_ncbi@{subset}.txt.gz"))
if(!file.exists(refseq)) {
e = try(suppressWarnings(download.file(url, destfile = refseq, quiet = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(e, "try-error")) {
if(subset == "RefSeqSelect") {
stop_wrap(qq("It seems UCSC does not provide 'ncbi@{subset}.txt.gz' for @{genome} or the internet connection was interrupted. If possible, download file directly from @{url}. Or you can try 'RefSeqCurated' subset."))
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("It seems UCSC does not provide 'ncbi@{subset}.txt.gz' for @{genome} or the internet connection was interrupted. If possible, download file directly from @{url}."))
tb = read.table(gzfile(refseq), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, c(3, 5, 6, 4, 2)]
tb[, 5] = gsub("\\.\\d+", "", tb[, 5])
tb[, 2] = tb[, 2] + 1
gene_id_type = "REFSEQ"
i = which(BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb == genome)
if(length(i)) {
orgdb = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[i][1]
map = get_table_from_orgdb("REFSEQ2EG$", orgdb)
map = unlist(as.list(map))
tb[, 5] = map[tb[, 5]]
tb = tb[!is.na(tb[, 5]), ,drop = FALSE]
gene_id_type = "ENTREZ"
gr = GRanges(seqnames = tb[, 1], ranges = IRanges(tb[, 2], tb[, 3]), strand = tb[, 4], gene_id = tb[, 5])
gr = unique(gr)
chrlen = getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome)
gr = gr[seqnames(gr) %in% names(chrlen)]
seqlevels(gr) = names(chrlen)
seqlengths(gr) = chrlen
m = metadata(gr)
attr(m, "genome") = genome
attr(m, "gene_id_type") = gene_id_type
metadata(gr) = m
# == title
# Get built-in TSS from GREAT
# == param
# -genome Only support "hg19", "hg38", "mm10", "mm9". Files are downloaded from https://great-help.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GREAT/pages/655445/Genes .
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object.
getGREATDefaultTSS = function(genome) {
if(!genome %in% c("hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10")) {
stop_wrap("`genome` can only take value in 'hg19', 'hg38', 'mm9', 'mm10'.")
tb = read.table(gzfile(system.file("extdata", paste0("GREATv4.genes.", genome, ".tsv.gz"), package = "rGREAT")))
tb[is.na(tb[, 1]), 1] = ""
if(genome %in% c("hg19", "hg38")) {
map1 = unlist(as.list(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG))
map2 = unlist(as.list(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG))
} else {
map1 = unlist(as.list(org.Mm.eg.db::org.Mm.egENSEMBL2EG))
map2 = unlist(as.list(org.Mm.eg.db::org.Mm.egSYMBOL2EG))
gene_id_1 = map1[tb[, 1]]
l = nchar(tb[, 1]) > 15
gene_id_1[l] = sapply(strsplit(tb[l, 1], ","), function(x) {
x2 = map1[x]
x2 = x2[!is.na(x2)]
if(length(x2) == 0) {
} else {
l = grep("^ENS.*\\d+$", tb[, 5])
gene_id_2 = map2[tb[, 5]]
gene_id_2[l] = map1[tb[l, 5]]
gene_id = ifelse(is.na(gene_id_1), gene_id_2, gene_id_1)
gene_id = unname(gene_id)
gr = GRanges(seqnames = tb[, 2], ranges = IRanges(tb[, 3]+1, tb[, 3]+1), strand = tb[, 4], gene_id = gene_id)
gr = gr[!is.na(gr$gene_id)]
chrlen = getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome)
gr = gr[seqnames(gr) %in% names(chrlen)]
seqlevels(gr) = names(chrlen)
seqlengths(gr) = chrlen
m = metadata(gr)
attr(m, "genome") = genome
attr(m, "gene_id_type") = "ENTREZ"
metadata(gr) = m
# == title
# Get Gencode genes
# == param
# -version Gencode version, e.g. v19 for human, vM21 for mouse.
# == details
# Only the protein coding genes.
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object.
getGenesFromGencode = function(version) {
lt = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "gencode_gene.rds", package = "rGREAT"))
if(version == "hg19") {
versio = "v19"
} else if(version == "hg38") {
version = "v40"
} else if(version == "mm9") {
version = "vM1"
} else if(version == "mm10") {
version = "vM25"
} else if(version == "mm11") {
version = "vM29"
version = gsub("^V", "v", version)
if(!qq("gencode.@{version}.annotation.gtf.gz") %in% names(lt)) {
if(qq("gencode.v@{version}.annotation.gtf.gz") %in% names(lt)) {
version = paste0("v", version)
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("Cannot find gencode version @{version}."))
gr = lt[[qq("gencode.@{version}.annotation.gtf.gz")]]
if(version %in% paste0("v", 4:19)) {
genome = "hg19"
} else if(version %in% paste0("v", 20:40)) {
genome = "hg38"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 1)) {
genome = "mm9"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 2:25)) {
genome = "mm10"
} else if(version %in% paste0("vM", 26:29)) {
genome = "mm11"
chrlen = getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome)
gr = gr[seqnames(gr) %in% names(chrlen)]
seqlevels(gr) = names(chrlen)
seqlengths(gr) = chrlen
m = metadata(gr)
attr(m, "genome") = genome
attr(m, "gene_id_type") = "ENSEMBL"
metadata(gr) = m
getTSSFromOrgDb = function(orgdb) {
stop_wrap("OrgDb is not supported any more.")
i = detect_orgdb(orgdb)
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap(qq("OrgDb package '@{orgdb}' is not supported."))
orgdb = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[i]
map_chr = get_table_from_orgdb("CHR$", orgdb)
map_pos_start = get_table_from_orgdb("CHRLOC$", orgdb)
map_pos_end = get_table_from_orgdb("CHRLOCEND$", orgdb)
chrlen = get_table_from_orgdb("CHRLENGTHS$", orgdb)
if(orgdb == "org.Sc.sgd.db") {
if(any(grepl("chrXIII", names(chrlen)))) {
chr_nm_map = c("chrIV" = "chr4",
"chrXV" = "chr15",
"chrVII" = "chr7",
"chrXII" = "chr12",
"chrXVI" = "chr16",
"chrXIII" = "chr13",
"chrII" = "chr2",
"chrXIV" = "chr14",
"chrX" = "chr10",
"chrXI" = "chr11",
"chrV" = "chr5",
"chrVIII" = "chr8",
"chrIX" = "chr9",
"chrIII" = "chr3",
"chrVI" = "chr6",
"chrI" = "chr1",
"chrM" = "chrM")
names(chrlen) = chr_nm_map[ names(chrlen) ]
if(is.null(map_chr) || is.null(map_pos_start) || is.null(chrlen)) {
stop_wrap(qq("@{orgdb} does not contain gene coordinates information."))
if(!grepl("^chr", names(chrlen)[1])) {
names(chrlen) = paste0("chr", names(chrlen))
map_pos_start = sapply(as.list(map_pos_start), function(x) {
if(!is.null(names(x))) {
x = x[nchar(names(x)) < 10]
if(length(x)) {
} else {
map_pos_end = sapply(as.list(map_pos_end), function(x) {
if(!is.null(names(x))) {
x = x[nchar(names(x)) < 10]
if(length(x)) {
} else {
l = !is.na(map_pos_start) & !is.na(map_pos_end)
map_pos_start = map_pos_start[l]
map_pos_end = map_pos_end[l]
map_chr = as.list(map_chr)
cn = intersect(names(map_pos_start), names(map_chr))
map_pos_start = map_pos_start[cn]
map_pos_end = map_pos_end[cn]
map_chr = sapply(map_chr[cn], function(x) x[1])
if(!grepl("^chr", sample(map_chr, 1))) {
map_chr = paste0("chr", map_chr)
strand = ifelse(map_pos_start > 0, "+", "-")
gene = GRanges(seqnames = map_chr, ranges = IRanges(abs(map_pos_start), abs(map_pos_end)), strand = strand, gene_id = names(map_pos_start))
tss = promoters(gene, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
l = map_pos_end <= chrlen[map_chr]; l[is.na(l)] = FALSE # possible chr in map_chr but not in chrlen
tss = tss[l]
tss = unique(tss)
chrlen = chrlen[nchar(names(chrlen)) < 10]
chromosomes = names(chrlen)
tss = tss[seqnames(tss) %in% chromosomes]
map_genetype = get_table_from_orgdb("GENETYPE$", orgdb)
if(!is.null(map_genetype)) {
gene_type = unlist(as.list(map_genetype))
ind = gene_type[tss$gene_id] == "protein-coding"
ind[is.na(ind)] = FALSE
tss = tss[ind]
if(length(tss) == 0) {
stop_wrap("No TSS left.")
seqlevels(tss) = chromosomes
info = seqinfo(tss)
info = info[chromosomes, ]
seqinfo(tss) = info
seqlengths(tss) = chrlen
getTSSFromTxDb = function(txdb_pkg) {
i = detect_txdb(txdb_pkg)
if(length(i) == 0) {
stop_wrap(qq("TxDb package '@{txdb_pkg}' is not supported."))
txdb_pkg = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$txdb[i]
check_pkg(txdb_pkg, bioc = TRUE)
suppressMessages(gene <- genes( getFromNamespace(txdb_pkg, txdb_pkg) ))
genome = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$genome_version_in_txdb[i]
cl = CHR_LEN_DB[[genome]]
chromosomes = names(cl)
gene = gene[seqnames(gene) %in% chromosomes]
orgdb = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$orgdb[i]
check_pkg(orgdb, bioc = TRUE)
all_tb = ls(envir = getNamespace(orgdb))
i_tb = which(grepl("ENSEMBL2EG", all_tb))
gene_id_type = BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$gene_id_in_txdb[i]
if(BIOC_ANNO_PKGS$gene_id_in_txdb[i] == "Ensembl gene ID" & length(i_tb)) {
map = as.list(get_table_from_orgdb("ENSEMBL2EG", orgdb))
map = sapply(map, function(x) x[1])
names(map) = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", names(map))
gene_id = names(gene)
new_gene_id = map[ gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", gene_id) ]
l = !is.na(new_gene_id)
gene = gene[l, ]
gene$gene_id = new_gene_id[l]
names(gene) = new_gene_id[l]
gene_id_type = "Entrez Gene ID"
i_tb2 = which(grepl("GENETYPE", all_tb))
if(length(i_tb2)) {
gene_type_tb = getFromNamespace(all_tb[i_tb2], orgdb)
gene_type = unlist(as.list(gene_type_tb))
ind = gene_type[names(gene)] == "protein-coding"
ind[is.na(ind)] = FALSE
gene = gene[ind]
seqlevels(gene) = chromosomes
info = seqinfo(gene)
info = info[chromosomes, ]
seqinfo(gene) = info
promoters(gene, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
getGenesFromBioMart = function(dataset, filter = FALSE, max_seq = 500) {
check_pkg("BioMartGOGeneSets", bioc = TRUE, github = "jokergoo")
g = BioMartGOGeneSets::getBioMartGenes(dataset)
g = g[g$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"]
colnames(mcols(g))[1] = "gene_id"
if(filter) {
sl = tapply(end(g), seqnames(g), max)
sl = filter_seqlength(sl, max_seq = max_seq)
g = g[seqnames(g) %in% names(sl)]
seqlevels(g) = unique(as.character(seqnames(g)))
# == title
# Get GO gene sets from BioMart
# == param
# -dataset Name of the dataset.
# -ontology Value should be bp, mf or cc.
# == details
# GO gene sets are from ``BioMartGOGeneSets::getBioMartGOGeneSets``.
# == value
# A list of vectors where each vector contains Ensembl IDs annotated to a GO term.
getGeneSetsFromBioMart = function(dataset, ontology = "bp") {
check_pkg("BioMartGOGeneSets", bioc = TRUE, github = "jokergoo")
ontology = tolower(ontology)
BioMartGOGeneSets::getBioMartGOGeneSets(dataset, ontology)
# == title
# Get the internally used TSS
# == param
# -tss_source The same format as in `great`.
# -biomart_dataset The same format as in `great`.
# == value
# A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object.
getTSS = function(tss_source, biomart_dataset = NULL) {
if(!is.null(biomart_dataset)) {
biomart_dataset = tolower(biomart_dataset)
genes = getGenesFromBioMart(biomart_dataset)
tss = promoters(genes, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
} else {
tss_source = parse_tss_source(tss_source)
if(tss_source$category == "TxDb") {
tss = getTSSFromTxDb(tss_source$source)
} else if(tss_source$category == "OrgDb") {
tss = getTSSFromOrgDb(tss_source$source)
} else if(tss_source$category == "Gencode") {
genes = getGenesFromGencode(tss_source$source)
tss = promoters(genes, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeq") {
genes = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqSelect")
tss = promoters(genes, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeqCurated") {
genes = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqCurated")
tss = promoters(genes, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
} else if(tss_source$category == "RefSeqSelect") {
genes = getRefSeqGenesFromUCSC(tss_source$genome, subset = "RefSeqSelect")
tss = promoters(genes, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
} else if(tss_source$category == "GREAT") {
tss = getGREATDefaultTSS(tss_source$genome)
} else {
stop_wrap("Wrong `tss_source`.")
rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded = list()
# == title
# Get the corresponding assembly id for a kegg organism
# == param
# -organism The organism code on KEGG.
# == value
# The Refseq access ID for the genome.
getKEGGGenome = function(organism) {
link = paste0("https://rest.kegg.jp/get/gn:", organism)
if(is.null(rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]])) {
con = url(link)
ln = readLines(con)
rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]] = ln
} else {
ln = rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]]
ln = grep("Assembly: GCF_\\d+", ln, value = TRUE)
if(length(ln) == 0) {
gsub("^.*(GCF_\\d+\\.\\d+).*$", "\\1", ln)
# == title
# Get KEGG pathway gene sets
# == param
# -organism The organism code on KEGG.
# -as_table Whether to return the gene sets as a two-column table.
# == value
# A list of a data frame, depends on the value of ``as_table``.
getKEGGPathways = function(organism, as_table = FALSE) {
link = paste0("https://rest.kegg.jp/link/pathway/", organism)
if(is.null(rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]])) {
df = read.table(url(link), sep = "\t")
rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]] = df
} else {
df = rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link]]
df[, 1] = gsub("^.*:", "", df[, 1])
df[, 2] = gsub("^.*:", "", df[, 2])
link2 = paste0("https://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/", organism)
if(is.null(rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link2]])) {
df2 = read.table(url(link2), sep = "\t")
rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link2]] = df2
} else {
df2 = rGREAT_env$KEGGGenomeDownloaded[[link2]]
df2[, 2] = gsub(" - [^-]*$", "", df2[, 2])
map = structure(df2[, 2], names = df2[, 1])
df[, 2] = paste0(df[, 2], ": ", map[df[, 2]])
if(as_table) {
return(df[, 2:1])
} else {
split(df[, 1], df[, 2])
# == title
# Get GO gene sets from OrgDb object
# == param
# -orgdb An ``OrgDb`` object.
# -ontology Value should be bp, mf or cc.
# == value
# A list of vectors where each vector contains Entrez IDs annotated to a GO term.
getGeneSetsFromOrgDb = function(orgdb, ontology = "BP") {
ontology = toupper(ontology)
tb = select(orgdb, keys = keys(orgdb, "ENTREZID"), columns = c("GOALL", "ONTOLOGYALL"), keytype = "ENTREZID")
tb = tb[tb$ONTOLOGYALL %in% ontology, ]
split(tb$ENTREZID, tb$GOALL)
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