
# util.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2015, Karl W Broman
#     [find.pheno, find.flanking, and a modification to create.map
#      from Brian Yandell]
# last modified Aug, 2015
# first written Feb, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: markernames, c.cross, create.map, reduce2grid,
#           clean, clean.cross, drop.nullmarkers, nullmarkers
#           drop.markers, pull.markers, drop.dupmarkers
#           geno.table, genotab.em
#           mf.k, mf.h, imf.k, imf.h, mf.cf, imf.cf, mf.m, imf.m,
#           mf.stahl, imf.stahl
#           switch.order, flip.order, makeSSmap,
#           subset.cross, fill.geno, checkcovar, find.marker,
#           find.pseudomarker,
#           adjust.rf.ri, lodint, bayesint,
#           comparecrosses, movemarker, summary.map (aka summaryMap),
#           print.summary.map, find.pheno,
#           convert, convert.scanone, convert.scantwo
#           find.flanking, strip.partials, comparegeno
#           qtlversion, locateXO, jittermap, getid,
#           find.markerpos, geno.crosstab, LikePheVector,
#           matchchr, convert2sa, charround, testchr,
#           scantwoperm2scanoneperm, subset.map, [.map, [.cross,
#           findDupMarkers, convert2riself, convert2risib,
#           switchAlleles, nqrank, cleanGeno, typingGap,
#           calcPermPval, phenames, updateParallelRNG

# markernames
# pull out the marker names for selected chromosomes as one big vector

markernames <-
  function(cross, chr)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    temp <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    names(temp) <- NULL

# chrnames
# pull out the chrnames for a cross

chrnames <-

# create.map
# create a new map with inserted inter-marker locations
# Note: map is a vector or a matrix with 2 rows
# stepwidth = "fixed" is the original R/qtl version;
# stepwidth="variable" is for Brian Yandell and the qtlbim package
# stepwidth="max" creates the minimal number of inserted pseudomarkers
#                 to have the maximum stepwidth = step
create.map <-
  function(map, step, off.end, stepwidth = c("fixed", "variable", "max"))
    stepwidth <- match.arg(stepwidth)
    if(step<0 || off.end<0) stop("step and off.end must be > 0.")

    if(!is.matrix(map)) { # sex-ave map
      if(stepwidth == "variable") {
        if(off.end > 0) {
          tmp <- names(map)
          ## Append and prepend by off.end value (exact here, no roundoff).
          map <- c(map[1] - off.end, map, map[length(map)] + off.end)
          names(map) <- c("loc000", tmp, "loc999")
        if(step == 0)

        ## Determine differences and expansion vector.
        dif <- diff(map)
        expand <- pmax(1, floor(dif / step))

        ## Create pseudomarker map.
        a <- min(map) + cumsum(c(0, rep(dif / expand, expand)))

        ## Names are marker names or locNNN.
        namesa <- paste("loc", seq(length(a)), sep = "")
        namesa[cumsum(c(1, expand))] <- names(map)
        names(a) <- namesa

      if(stepwidth == "max") {
        if(off.end > 0) {
          toadd <- c(map[1] - off.end, map[length(map)]+off.end)

          if(step==0) {
            names(toadd) <- paste("loc", 1:2, sep="")
            map <- sort(c(map, toadd))

          nmap <- c(map[1] - off.end, map, map[length(map)]+off.end)
        else {
          nmap <- map
          toadd <- NULL

        if(step==0 || (length(map)==1 && off.end==0)) return(unclass(map))

        d <- diff(nmap)
        nadd <- ceiling(d/step)-1
        if(sum(nadd) > 0) {
          for(j in 1:(length(nmap)-1)) {
              toadd <- c(toadd, seq(nmap[j], nmap[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
        if(length(toadd) > 0)  {
          names(toadd) <- paste("loc", 1:length(toadd), sep="")
          map <- sort(c(map, toadd))

      if(length(map) == 1) { # just one marker!
        if(off.end==0) {
          if(step == 0) step <- 1
          nam <- names(map)
          map <- c(map,map+step)
          names(map) <- c(nam,paste("loc",step,sep=""))
        else {
          if(step==0) m <- c(-off.end,off.end)
          else m <- seq(-off.end,off.end,by=step)
          m <- m[m!=0]
          names(m) <- paste("loc",m,sep="")
          map <- sort(c(m+map,map))

      minloc <- min(map)
      map <- map-minloc

      if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(map+minloc)
      else if(step==0 && off.end > 0) {
        a <- c(floor(min(map)-off.end),ceiling(max(map)+off.end))
        names(a) <- paste("loc", a, sep="")
      else if(step>0 && off.end == 0) {
        a <- seq(floor(min(map)),max(map),
                 by = step)
        if(any(is.na(match(a, map)))) {
          a <- a[is.na(match(a,map))]
          names(a) <- paste("loc",a,sep="")
        else return(map+minloc)
      else {
        a <- seq(floor(min(map)-off.end),ceiling(max(map)+off.end+step),
                 by = step)
        a <- a[is.na(match(a,map))]

        # no more than one point above max(map)+off.end
        z <- (seq(along=a))[a >= max(map)+off.end]
        if(length(z) > 1) a <- a[-z[-1]]

        names(a) <- paste("loc",a,sep="")
    } # end sex-ave map
    else { # sex-specific map
      if(stepwidth == "variable") {
        if(off.end > 0) {
          tmp <- colnames(map)
          map <- cbind(map[, 1] - off.end, map, map[, ncol(map)] + off.end)
          dimnames(map) <- list(NULL, c("loc000", tmp, "loc999"))
        if(step == 0)

        ## Determine differences and expansion vector.
        dif <- diff(map[1, ])
        expand <- pmax(1, floor(dif / step))

        ## Create pseudomarker map.
        a <- min(map[1, ]) + cumsum(c(0, rep(dif / expand, expand)))
        b <- min(map[2, ]) + cumsum(c(0, rep(diff(map[2, ]) / expand, expand)))

        namesa <- paste("loc", seq(length(a)), sep = "")
        namesa[cumsum(c(1, expand))] <- dimnames(map)[[2]]
        map <- rbind(a,b)
        dimnames(map) <- list(NULL, namesa)

      if(stepwidth == "max") {
        if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(unclass(map))
        if(step==0 && off.end>0) {
          if(ncol(map)==1) { # only one marker; assume equal recomb in sexes
            L1 <- L2 <- 1
          else {
            L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
            L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

          nam <- colnames(map)
          nmap1 <- c(map[1,1]-off.end, map[1,], map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
          nmap2 <- c(map[2,1]-off.end*L2/L1, map[2,], map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)
          map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
          colnames(map) <- c("loc1", nam, "loc2")

        if(ncol(map)==1) L1 <- L2 <- 1
        else {
          L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
          L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

        nam <- colnames(map)

        if(off.end > 0) {
          toadd1 <- c(map[1,1] - off.end, map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
          toadd2 <- c(map[2,1] + off.end*L2/L1, map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)

          neword <- order(c(map[1,], toadd1))
          nmap1 <- c(map[1,], toadd1)[neword]
          nmap2 <- c(map[2,], toadd2)[neword]
        else {
          nmap1 <- map[1,]
          nmap2 <- map[2,]
          toadd1 <- toadd2 <- NULL

        d <- diff(nmap1)
        nadd <- ceiling(d/step)-1
        if(sum(nadd) > 0) {
          for(j in 1:(length(nmap1)-1)) {
            if(nadd[j]>0) {
              toadd1 <- c(toadd1, seq(nmap1[j], nmap1[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
              toadd2 <- c(toadd2, seq(nmap2[j], nmap2[j+1], len=nadd[j]+2)[-c(1,nadd[j]+2)])
        newnam <- paste("loc", 1:length(toadd1), sep="")

        toadd1 <- sort(toadd1)
        toadd2 <- sort(toadd2)
        neword <- order(c(map[1,], toadd1))
        nmap1 <- c(map[1,], toadd1)[neword]
        nmap2 <- c(map[2,], toadd2)[neword]
        map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
        colnames(map) <- c(nam, newnam)[neword]


      minloc <- c(min(map[1,]),min(map[2,]))
      map <- unclass(map-minloc)
      markernames <- colnames(map)

      if(step==0 && off.end==0) return(map+minloc)
      else if(step==0 && off.end > 0) {
        map <- map+minloc
        if(ncol(map)==1) { # only one marker; assume equal recomb in sexes
          L1 <- L2 <- 1
        else {
          L1 <- diff(range(map[1,]))
          L2 <- diff(range(map[2,]))

        nam <- colnames(map)
        nmap1 <- c(map[1,1]-off.end, map[1,], map[1,ncol(map)]+off.end)
        nmap2 <- c(map[2,1]-off.end*L2/L1, map[2,], map[2,ncol(map)]+off.end*L2/L1)
        map <- rbind(nmap1, nmap2)
        colnames(map) <- c("loc1", nam, "loc2")
      else if(step>0 && off.end == 0) {

        if(ncol(map)==1) return(map+minloc)

        a <- seq(floor(min(map[1,])),max(map[1,]),
                 by = step)
        a <- a[is.na(match(a,map[1,]))]

        if(length(a)==0) return(map+minloc)

        b <- sapply(a,function(x,y,z) {
          ZZ <- min((seq(along=y))[y > x])
          (x-y[ZZ-1])/(y[ZZ]-y[ZZ-1])*(z[ZZ]-z[ZZ-1])+z[ZZ-1] }, map[1,],map[2,])

        m1 <- c(a,map[1,])
        m2 <- c(b,map[2,])

        names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(paste("loc",a,sep=""),markernames)
      else {
        a <- seq(floor(min(map[1,])-off.end),ceiling(max(map[1,])+off.end+step),
                 by = step)
        a <- a[is.na(match(a,map[1,]))]
        # no more than one point above max(map)+off.end
        z <- (seq(along=a))[a >= max(map[1,])+off.end]
        if(length(z) > 1) a <- a[-z[-1]]

        b <- sapply(a,function(x,y,z,ml) {
          if(x < min(y)) {
            return(min(z) - (min(y)-x)/diff(range(y))*diff(range(z)) - ml)
          else if(x > max(y)) {
            return(max(z) + (x - max(y))/diff(range(y))*diff(range(z)) - ml)
          else {
            ZZ <- min((seq(along=y))[y > x])
        }, map[1,],map[2,], minloc[2])
        m1 <- c(a,map[1,])
        m2 <- c(b,map[2,])
        names(m1) <- names(m2) <- c(paste("loc",a,sep=""),markernames)

# reduce2grid
# for high-density marker data, rather than run scanone at both the
# markers and at a set of pseudomarkers, we could reduce to just
# a set of evenly-spaced pseudomarkers
# first run calc.genoprob (or sim.geno) and then use this.
reduce2grid <-
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # sample one element from a vector
    sampleone <- function(x) ifelse(length(x)==1, x, sample(x, 1))

    # for a map containing a grid with a given step size,
    # find the grid min(map), min(map)+step, min(map)+2step, ...
    gridindex <- function(map, step) {
      if(is.matrix(map)) stop("reduce2grid isn't working for sex-specific maps")
      grid <- seq(min(map), max(map), by=step)
      index <- match(grid, map)
        index <- sapply(grid, function(a,b) { d <- abs(a-b); sampleone(which(d == min(d))) }, map)

    attr2fix <- c("error.prob", "step", "off.end", "map.function", "stepwidth")

    reduced <- FALSE
    if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])) {
      stepwidth <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$prob, "stepwidth")
      if(stepwidth != "fixed") {
        warning("You need to have run calc.genoprob with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")

      step <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$prob, "step")

      for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        pr <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob
        map <- attr(pr, "map")
        butes <- attributes(pr)

        reduced <- gridindex(map, step)
        pr <- pr[,reduced,,drop=FALSE]
        attr(pr, "map") <- map[reduced]
        for(a in attr2fix)
          attr(pr, a) <- butes[[a]]

        attr(pr, "reduced2grid") <- TRUE
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- pr

      reduced <- TRUE
    if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])) {
      stepwidth <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "stepwidth")
      if(stepwidth != "fixed") {
        warning("You need to have run sim.geno with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")

      step <- attr(cross$geno[[1]]$draws, "step")

      for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        dr <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws
        map <- attr(dr, "map")
        butes <- attributes(dr)

        reduced <- gridindex(map, step)
        dr <- dr[,reduced,,drop=FALSE]
        attr(dr, "map") <- map[reduced]
        for(a in attr2fix)
          attr(dr, a) <- butes[[a]]

        attr(dr, "reduced2grid") <- TRUE
        cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- dr

      reduced <- TRUE

      warning("You first need to run calc.genoprob or sim.geno with stepwidth=\"fixed\".")


# clean functions
clean <-
  function(object, ...)

# clean.cross
# remove all of the extraneous stuff from a cross object, to get back
# to just the data

clean.cross <-
  function(object, ...)
    if(!any(class(object) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    cross2 <- list(geno=object$geno,pheno=object$pheno)

    if("cross" %in% names(object))
      cross2$cross <- object$cross

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(object))
      cross2$founderGeno <- object$founderGeno

    if(!is.null(attr(object, "alleles")))
      attr(cross2, "alleles") <- attr(object, "alleles")

    if(!is.null(attr(object, "scheme")))
      attr(cross2, "scheme") <- attr(object, "scheme")

    for(i in 1:length(object$geno)) {
      cross2$geno[[i]] <- list(data=object$geno[[i]]$data,
      class(cross2$geno[[i]]) <- class(object$geno[[i]])

    class(cross2) <- class(object)

# drop.qtlgeno
# remove any QTLs from the genotype data and the genetic maps
# from data simulated via sim.cross. (They all have names "QTL*")

#drop.qtlgeno <-
#  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
#  mar.names <- lapply(cross$geno, function(a) {
#    m <- a$map
#    if(is.matrix(m)) return(colnames(m))
#    else return(names(m)) } )
#  for(i in 1:n.chr) {
#    o <- grep("^QTL[0-9]+",mar.names[[i]])
#    if(length(o) != 0) {
#      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,-o,drop=FALSE]
#      if(is.matrix(cross$geno[[i]]$map))
#        cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,-o,drop=FALSE]
#      else
#        cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[-o]
#    }
#  }
#  cross

# drop.nullmarkers
# remove markers that have no genotype data from the data matrix and
# genetic maps

drop.nullmarkers <-
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      o <- !apply(cross$geno[[i]]$data,2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
      if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
        mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
        if(length(mn.drop) == ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
          keep.chr[i] <- FALSE # removing all markers from this chromosome

        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,!o,drop=FALSE]

          cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,!o,drop=FALSE]
          cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[!o]

        # results of calc.genoprob
        if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$prob))
          cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

        # results of argmax.geno
        if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax))
          cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- cross$geno[[i]]$argmax[,-o,drop=FALSE]

        # results of sim.geno
        if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws))
          cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

        # results of est.rf
        if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
          attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$rf))
          cross$rf <- cross$rf[-o,-o]

          if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
            attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod
    cross$geno <- cross$geno[keep.chr]

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
      cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# nullmarkers
# identify markers that have no genotype data from the data matrix and
# genetic maps

nullmarkers <-
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    all2drop <- NULL
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      o <- !apply(cross$geno[[i]]$data,2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))
      if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
        mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
        all2drop <- c(all2drop, mn.drop)


# drop.markers
# remove a vector of markers from the data matrix and genetic maps

drop.markers <-
  function(cross, markers)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    keep.chr <- rep(TRUE,n.chr)
    found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      # find markers on this chromosome
      o <- match(markers,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
      found[!is.na(o)] <- TRUE
      o <- o[!is.na(o)]
      a <- rep(FALSE,ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
      a[o] <- TRUE
      o <- a

      if(any(o)) { # remove from genotype data and map
        mn.drop <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)[o]
        if(length(mn.drop) == ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
          keep.chr[i] <- FALSE # removing all markers from this chromosome

        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,!o,drop=FALSE]

          cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,!o,drop=FALSE]
          cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[!o]

        # results of calc.genoprob
        if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$prob))
          cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

        # results of argmax.geno
        if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax))
          cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- cross$geno[[i]]$argmax[,-o,drop=FALSE]

        # results of sim.geno
        if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]])) {
          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$draws))
          cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws[,-o,,drop=FALSE]

        # results of est.rf
        if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
          attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

          o <- match(mn.drop,colnames(cross$rf))
          cross$rf <- cross$rf[-o,-o]

          if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib))
            attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    if(sum(keep.chr) == 0)
      stop("You're attempting to drop *all* of the markers, which isn't allowed.")

      warning("Markers not found: ", paste(markers[!found],collapse=" "))

    cross$geno <- cross$geno[keep.chr]

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
      cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# pull.markers
# like drop.markers, but retain just those indicated
pull.markers <-
  function(cross, markers)
    mn <- markernames(cross)
    m <- match(markers, mn)
      warning("Some markers couldn't be found: ", paste(markers[is.na(m)], collapse=" "))
    drop.markers(cross, mn[is.na(match(mn, markers))])

# drop.dupmarkers
# drop duplicate markers, retaining the consensus genotypes
drop.dupmarkers <-
  function(cross, verbose=TRUE)
    mn <- markernames(cross)
    tab <- table(mn)
    if(all(tab==1)) {
      if(verbose) cat("No duplicate markers.\n")

    dup <- names(tab[tab > 1])
    if(verbose) cat(" ", length(dup), "duplicate markers\n")

    # get consensus genotypes
    g <- pull.geno(cross)[,!is.na(match(mn, dup))]
    ng.omitted <- rep(NA, length(dup))
    tot.omitted <- 0
    nmar.omitted <- 0
    for(i in seq(along=dup)) {
      gg <- g[,colnames(g)==dup[i],drop=FALSE]
      res <- apply(gg, 1, function(a)
        if(all(is.na(a))) return(c(NA, 0))
        a <- unique(a[!is.na(a)])
        if(length(a)==1) return(c(a, 0))
        return(c(NA, 1))
      } )
      if(verbose>1) {
        cat("  ", dup[i], ":\t", sum(res[2,]), " genotypes omitted\n", sep="")
        if(sum(res[2,]) > 1) cat("      ", paste(which(res[2,]>0), collapse=" "), "\n")
      tot.omitted <- tot.omitted + sum(res[2,])

      flag <- FALSE
      for(j in seq(along=cross$geno)) {
        mn <- colnames(cross$geno[[j]]$data)
        wh <- mn==dup[i]
        if(!any(wh)) next
        wh <- which(wh)
        if(!flag) {
          flag <- TRUE
          cross$geno[[j]]$data[,wh[1]] <- res[1,]
          if(length(wh)==1) next
          else wh <- wh[-1]
        if(length(wh) > 0) {
          nmar.omitted <- nmar.omitted + length(wh)
          cross$geno[[j]]$data <- cross$geno[[j]]$data[,-wh,drop=FALSE]
            cross$geno[[j]]$map <- cross$geno[[j]]$map[,-wh,drop=FALSE]
            cross$geno[[j]]$map <- cross$geno[[j]]$map[-wh]
    if(verbose) {
      cat("  Total genotypes omitted:", tot.omitted, "\n")
      cat("  Total markers omitted:  ", nmar.omitted, "\n")

    if("founderGeno" %in% names(cross))
      cross$founderGeno <- cross$founderGeno[,markernames(cross)]


# geno.table
# create table showing observed numbers of individuals with each
# genotype at each marker

geno.table <-
  function(cross, chr, scanone.output=FALSE)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

      cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    type <- class(cross)[1]
    is.bcs <- type == "bcsft"
    cross.scheme <- attr(cross, "scheme")
      is.bcs <- (cross.scheme[2] == 0)

    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
    allchrtype <- rep(chrtype, nmar(cross))
    chrname <- names(cross$geno)
    allchrname <- rep(chrname, nmar(cross))

    ## Actually plan to have our own geno.table.bcsft routine.
    if(type == "f2" || (type == "bcsft" && !is.bcs)) {
      n.gen <- 5
      temp <- getgenonames("f2", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      gen.names <- c(temp, paste("not", temp[c(3,1)]))
    else if(type %in% c("bc", "riself", "risib", "dh", "haploid", "bcsft")) {
      n.gen <- 2
      gen.names <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
    else if(type == "4way") {
      n.gen <- 14
      temp <- getgenonames("4way", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      gen.names <- c(temp,
                     paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste("not", temp[1]),
                     paste("not", temp[2]),
                     paste("not", temp[3]),
                     paste("not", temp[4]))

      gen.names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
    else stop("Unknown cross type: ",type)

    res <- lapply(cross$geno, function(a,ngen) {
      a <- a$data; a[is.na(a)] <- 0
      apply(a,2,function(b,ngen) table(factor(b,levels=0:ngen)),ngen)

    results <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(res))
      results <- rbind(results,t(res[[i]]))

    colnames(results) <- c("missing",gen.names)
    rownames(results) <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))

    pval <- rep(NA,nrow(results))
    if(type %in% c("bc","risib","riself","dh","haploid") || (type=="bcsft" & is.bcs)) {
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
      if((type == "bc" || type=="bcsft") && any(chrtype == "X") && !is.null(sexpgm$sex) && any(sexpgm$sex==1)) {
        for(i in which(allchrtype=="A")) {
          x <- results[i,2:3]
          if(sum(x) > 0)
            pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.5,0.5))$p.value
          else pval[i] <- 1

        gn <- getgenonames("bc","X", "full", sexpgm, attributes(cross))
        wh <- which(is.na(match(gn, colnames(results))))
        temp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(results), ncol=length(wh))
        colnames(temp) <- gn[wh]
        results <- cbind(results, temp)

        for(i in which(chrtype=="X")) {
          dat <- reviseXdata("bc", "full", sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,
          dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
          tab <- t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels=0:length(gn)))))
          colnames(tab) <- c("missing", gn)
          results[allchrname==chrname[i],] <- 0
          results[allchrname==chrname[i],colnames(tab)] <- tab

          for(j in 1:ncol(dat)) {
            stat <- apply(table(sexpgm$sex, cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]),1,
                          function(a) if(length(a) > 1 && sum(a)>0) return(chisq.test(a,p=c(0.5,0.5))$stat)
                          else return(0))
            pval[allchrname==chrname[i]][j] <- 1-pchisq(sum(stat),length(stat))
        results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
      else {
        for(i in 1:length(pval)) {
          x <- results[i,2:3]
          if(sum(x) > 0)
            pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.5,0.5))$p.value
            pval[i] <- 1
        results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
    else  if(type == "f2" || (type == "bcsft" && !is.bcs)) {
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)

      ## F2 with set initial genotype probabilities.
      init.geno <- c(0.25,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.75)
      ## BCsFt initial genotype probabilities need to be computed.
      if(type == "bcsft") {
        ret <- .C("genotab_em_bcsft",
                  init.geno = as.double(init.geno))
        init.geno <- ret$init.geno

      for(i in which(allchrtype=="A")) {
        dat <- results[i,2:6]
        if(sum(dat)==0) pval[i] <- 1
        else if(dat[4]==0 && dat[5]==0)
          pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[1:3],   p=init.geno[1:3]   )$p.value
        else if(all(dat[2:4]==0))
          pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[c(1,5)],p=init.geno[c(1,5)])$p.value
        else if(all(dat[c(1,2,5)]==0))
          pval[i] <- chisq.test(dat[3:4],   p=init.geno[3:4]   )$p.value
        else { # this is harder: some dominant and some not
          pval[i] <- genotab.em(dat, init.geno)

      for(i in which(chrtype=="X")) {
        gn <- getgenonames("f2","X","full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))
        wh <- which(is.na(match(gn, colnames(results))))
        temp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(results), ncol=length(wh))
        colnames(temp) <- gn[wh]
        results <- cbind(results, temp)

        dat <- reviseXdata("f2", "full", sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,
        dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
        tab <- t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels=0:length(gn)))))
        colnames(tab) <- c("missing", gn)
        results[allchrname==chrname[i],] <- 0
        results[allchrname==chrname[i],colnames(tab)] <- tab

        cn <- colnames(results)
        f <- grep("f$", cn)
        r <- grep("r$", cn)
        if(length(f)>0 && length(r)>0) {
          results <- results[,c(1:2,f,3,r,(1:ncol(results))[-c(1:3,f,r)])]
          colnames(results) <- cn[c(1:2,f,3,r,(1:ncol(results))[-c(1:3,f,r)])]

        sex <- sexpgm$sex
        pgm <- sexpgm$pgm
        for(j in 1:ncol(dat)) {
          g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
          if(!is.null(sex)) {
              g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,sex,pgm)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
              g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,sex)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
          else {
            if(!is.null(pgm)) {
              g <- matrix(as.numeric(table(g,pgm)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
            else g <- matrix(table(g),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
          stat <- apply(g, 1,
                        function(a) if(sum(a)>0) return(chisq.test(a,p=c(0.5,0.5))$stat)
                        else return(0))
          pval[allchrname==chrname[i]][j] <- 1-pchisq(sum(stat),length(stat))

      results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)
    else if(type == "4way") {
      for(i in 1:length(pval)) {
        x <- results[i,2:5]
        y <- results[i,-(1:5)]
        if(sum(x) > 0 && sum(y)==0)
          pval[i] <- chisq.test(x,p=c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25))$p.value
        else {
          if(allchrtype[i] == "A") {
            res <- results[i,-1]
            if(all(res==0)) pval[i] <- 1 # entirely missing
            else if(all(res[-c(1,11)]==0))      # AC/not AC
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,11)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(2,12)]==0)) # BC/not BC
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,12)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(3,13)]==0)) # AD/not AD
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(3,13)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(4,14)]==0)) # BD/not BD
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(4,14)], p=c(0.25, 0.75))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(5,6)]==0)) # A/B
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(5,6)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(7,8)]==0)) # C/D
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(7,8)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(9,10)]==0)) # AC/BD or AD/BC
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(9,10)], p=c(0.5, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(2,4,5)]==0)) # BC/BD/A
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,4,5)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(1,3,6)]==0)) # AC/AD/B
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,3,6)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(3,4,7)]==0)) # AD/BD/C
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(3,4,7)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(1,2,8)]==0)) # AC/BC/D
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,2,8)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(2,3,9)]==0)) # AC/BD or AD or BC
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(2,3,9)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
            else if(all(res[-c(1,4,10)]==0)) # AD/BC or AC or BD
              pval[i] <- chisq.test(res[c(1,4,10)], p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))$p.value
      results <- cbind(results, P.value=pval)

      return(data.frame(chr=rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross)),results, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))

    themap <- pull.map(cross)
      thepos <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[1,]))
    else thepos <- unlist(themap)

    temp <- results[,1:(ncol(results)-1),drop=FALSE]
    res <- data.frame(chr=rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross)),
                      missing=temp[,1]/apply(temp, 1, sum),
                      temp[,-1]/apply(temp[,-1], 1, sum), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    class(res) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")
    rownames(res) <- rownames(results)
    res[,1] <- factor(as.character(res[,1]), levels=unique(as.character(res[,1])))

genotab.em <-
  function(dat, init.geno, tol=1e-6, maxit=10000, verbose=FALSE)

    genotab.ll <-
      function(dat, gam, init.geno)
        p <- c(init.geno[1]*(1-gam[2]), init.geno[2]*gam[1], init.geno[3]*(1-gam[3]),
               gam[2]*init.geno[4], gam[3]*init.geno[5])
        if(any(p==0 & dat > 0)) return(-Inf)
        return( sum((dat*log(p))[dat>0 & p>0]) )

    n <- sum(dat)

    gam <- c(sum(dat[1:3]), dat[4], dat[5])/n

    curll <- genotab.ll(dat, gam, init.geno)

    flag <- 0
    if(verbose) cat(0, gam, curll, "\n")
    for(i in 1:maxit) {
      # estep
      zAA <- dat[1]*gam[3]/(gam[1]+gam[3])
      zBB <- dat[3]*gam[2]/(gam[1]+gam[2])

      # mstep
      gamnew <- c(sum(dat[1:3])-zAA-zBB, dat[4]+zBB, dat[5]+zAA)/n

      newll <- genotab.ll(dat, gamnew, init.geno)

      if(verbose) cat(i, gamnew, newll, "\n")

      if(abs(curll-newll) < tol) {
        flag <- 1
      gam <- gamnew
      curll <- newll
    if(!flag) warning("Didn't converge.")

    gam <- gamnew
    p <- c(init.geno[1]*(1-gam[2]), init.geno[2]*gam[1], init.geno[3]*(1-gam[3]),
           gam[2]*init.geno[4], gam[3]*init.geno[5])
    ex <- p*n
    1-pchisq(sum(((dat-ex)^2/ex)[ex>0]), 2)

# geno.crosstab
# Get a cross-tabulation of the genotypes at two markers,
# with the markers specified by name
geno.crosstab <-
  function(cross, mname1, mname2, eliminate.zeros=TRUE)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(mname2) && length(mname1)>1) {
      mname2 <- mname1[2]
      mname1 <- mname1[1]

    if(length(mname1) > 1 || length(mname2) > 1)
      stop("mname1 and mname2 should both have lenght 1, or mname1 should have length 2 and mname1 should be missing.")

      stop("You must give two distinct marker names.")

    pos <- find.markerpos(cross, c(mname1, mname2))
    if(any(is.na(pos$chr))) {
        stop("Markers ", mname1, " and ", mname2, " not found.")
        stop("Marker ", rownames(pos)[is.na(pos$chr)], " not found.")

    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno[pos$chr], class)
    crosstype <- class(cross)[1]

    g1 <- pull.geno(cross, pos$chr[1])[,mname1, drop=FALSE]
    g2 <- pull.geno(cross, pos$chr[2])[,mname2, drop=FALSE]

    if(chrtype[1] == "X")
      g1 <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", getsex(cross), geno=g1, cross.attr=attributes(cross))

    if(chrtype[2] == "X")
      g2 <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", getsex(cross), geno=g2, cross.attr=attributes(cross))

    g1[is.na(g1)] <- 0
    g2[is.na(g2)] <- 0

    g1names <- getgenonames(crosstype, chrtype[1], "full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))
    g2names <- getgenonames(crosstype, chrtype[2], "full", getsex(cross), attributes(cross))

    if(chrtype[1] != "X") {
      if(crosstype == "f2")
        g1names <- c(g1names, paste("not", g1names[c(3,1)]))
      else if(crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "risib" || crosstype=="riself" || crosstype=="dh" || crosstype=="haploid") {
      else if(crosstype == "4way") {
        temp <- g1names
        g1names <- c(temp,
                     paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste("not", temp[1]),
                     paste("not", temp[2]),
                     paste("not", temp[3]),
                     paste("not", temp[4]))

        g1names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
      else stop("Unknown cross type: ",crosstype)
    if(chrtype[2] != "X") {
      if(crosstype == "f2")
        g2names <- c(g2names, paste("not", g2names[c(3,1)]))
      else if(crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "risib" || crosstype=="riself" || crosstype=="dh" || crosstype=="haploid") {
      else if(crosstype == "4way") {
        temp <- g2names
        g2names <- c(temp,
                     paste(temp[c(1,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,2)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(3,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(1,4)], collapse="/"),
                     paste(temp[c(2,3)], collapse="/"),
                     paste("not", temp[1]),
                     paste("not", temp[2]),
                     paste("not", temp[3]),
                     paste("not", temp[4]))

        g2names[5:8] <- substr(temp[c(1,2,1,3)], c(1,1,2,2), c(1,1,2,2))
      else stop("Unknown cross type: ",crosstype)
    g1names <- c("-", g1names)
    g2names <- c("-", g2names)

    g1 <- as.character(g1)
    g2 <- as.character(g2)

    for(i in 1:length(g1names)) {
      j <- as.character(i-1)
      g1[g1==j] <- g1names[i]
    g1 <- factor(g1, levels=g1names)

    for(i in 1:length(g2names)) {
      j <- as.character(i-1)
      g2[g2==j] <- g2names[i]
    g2 <- factor(g2, levels=g2names)

    tab <- table(g1, g2)
    names(attributes(tab)$dimnames) <- c(mname1, mname2)

    if(eliminate.zeros) { # eliminate rows and columns with no data (but always include missing data row and column)
      rs <- apply(tab, 1, sum); rs[1] <- 1
      tab <- tab[rs>0,,drop=FALSE]
      cs <- apply(tab, 2, sum); cs[1] <- 1
      tab <- tab[,cs>0,drop=FALSE]


# map functions
mf.k <- function(d) 0.5*tanh(d/50)
mf.h <- function(d) 0.5*(1-exp(-d/50))
imf.k <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; 50*atanh(2*r) }
imf.h <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; -50*log(1-2*r) }
mf.m <- function(d) sapply(d,function(a) min(a/100,0.5))
imf.m <- function(r) sapply(r,function(a) min(a*100,50))

# carter-falconer: mf.cf, imf.cf
imf.cf <- function(r) { r[r >= 0.5] <- 0.5-1e-14; 12.5*(log(1+2*r)-log(1-2*r))+25*atan(2*r) }

mf.cf <-
    d[d >= 300] <- 300

    icf <- function(r,d)

    sapply(d,function(a) {
      if(a==0) return(0)
      uniroot(icf, c(0,0.5-1e-14),d=a,tol=1e-12)$root })

# switch.order: change the marker order on a given chromosome to some
#               specified order

switch.order <-
  function(cross, chr, order, error.prob=0.0001,
           maxit=4000, tol=1e-6, sex.sp=TRUE)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    map.function <- match.arg(map.function)

    # check chromosome argument
    if(missing(chr)) {
      chr <- names(cross$geno)[1]
      warning("Assuming you mean chromosome ", chr)
    else {
      if(length(chr) > 1) {
        chr <- chr[1]
        warning("switch.order can deal with just one chromosome at a time; assuming you want chr ", chr)
      if(!testchr(chr, names(cross$geno)))
        stop("Chr ", chr, " not found.")
    chr <- matchchr(chr, names(cross$geno))

    # check order argument
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)
    if(n.mar[chr] == length(order)-2 || n.mar[chr]==length(order)-1)
      order <- order[1:n.mar[chr]]     # useful for output from ripple()
    if(n.mar[chr] != length(order))
      stop("Incorrect number of markers.")

    # save recombination fractions
    flag <- 0
    if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
      attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

      rf <- cross$rf
      # determine column within rec fracs
      whchr <- which(names(cross$geno)==chr)
      oldcols <- cumsum(c(0,n.mar))[whchr]+seq(along=order)
      newcols <- cumsum(c(0,n.mar))[whchr]+order
      rf[oldcols,] <- rf[newcols,]
      rf[,oldcols] <- rf[,newcols]
      colnames(rf)[oldcols] <- colnames(rf)[newcols]
      rownames(rf)[oldcols] <- rownames(rf)[newcols]
      flag <- 1

    # remove any intermediate calculations (except rec fracs),
    #   as they will no longer be meaningful
    cross <- clean(cross)

      first <- min(cross$geno[[chr]]$map)
      first <- apply(cross$geno[[chr]]$map,1,min)

    # re-order markers
    cross$geno[[chr]]$data <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,order,drop=FALSE]
    m <- seq(0,by=5,length=ncol(cross$geno[[chr]]$data))
    names(m) <- colnames(cross$geno[[chr]]$data)
      cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- rbind(m,m)
      cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- m

    # re-estimate rec fracs for re-ordered chromosome
    if(flag==1) {
      temp <- est.rf(subset(cross, chr=chr))$rf
      rf[oldcols,oldcols] <- temp
      cross$rf <- rf
      if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib))
        attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    # re-estimate map
    newmap <- est.map(cross, chr=chr,
                      error.prob=error.prob, map.function=map.function,
                      maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)

      cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- newmap[[1]] + first
    else {
      cross$geno[[chr]]$map[1,] <- newmap[[1]][1,] + first[1]
      cross$geno[[chr]]$map[2,] <- newmap[[1]][2,] + first[2]
      rownames(cross$geno[[chr]]$map) <- NULL


# flip.order: flip the order of markers on a set of chromosomes

flip.order <-
  function(cross, chr)
    # utility function to flip a map
    flipChrOnMap <-
        if(is.matrix(map)) {
          map <- map[,ncol(map):1,drop=FALSE]
          for(j in 1:nrow(map))
            map[j,] <- max(map[j,]) - map[j,]
        } else {
          map <- max(map) - map[length(map):1]

    # utility function to flip intermediate calc
    flipChrInterCalc <-
      function(object, attr2consider=c("error.prob", "step", "off.end", "map.function", "stepwidth"))
        the_attr <- attributes(object)
        ndim <- length(dim(object))
        if(ndim == 3)
          object <- object[,ncol(object):1,,drop=FALSE]
          object <- object[,ncol(object):1,drop=FALSE]
        for(a in attr2consider) {
          if(a %in% names(the_attr))
            attr(object, a) <- the_attr[[a]]
        if("map" %in% names(the_attr))
          attr(object, "map") <- flipChrOnMap(the_attr$map)


    chr <- matchchr(chr, names(cross$geno))

    for(i in chr) {
      nc <- ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,nc:1,drop=FALSE]
      cross$geno[[i]]$map <- flipChrOnMap(cross$geno[[i]]$map)

      if("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
        cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)
      if("argmax" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
        cross$geno[[i]]$argmax <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$argmax)
      if("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
        cross$geno[[i]]$draws <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$draws)
      if("errorlod" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))
        cross$geno[[i]]$errorlod <- flipChrInterCalc(cross$geno[[i]]$errorlod,
                                                     c("error.prob", "map.function"))

    cross$rf <- NULL


# subset.cross: General subsetting function for a cross object

subset.cross <-
  function(x, chr, ind, ...)
    if(!any(class(x) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(chr) && missing(ind))
      stop("You must specify either chr or ind.")

    n.chr <- nchr(x)
    n.ind <- nind(x)

    # pull out relevant chromosomes
    if(!missing(chr)) {
      chr <- matchchr(chr, names(x$geno))

      if("rf" %in% names(x)) { # pull out part of rec fracs
        if(totmar(x) != ncol(x$rf))
          x <- clean(x)
        else {
          attrib <- attributes(x$rf)

          n.mar <- nmar(x)
          n.chr <- n.chr
          wh <- rbind(c(0,cumsum(n.mar)[-n.chr])+1,cumsum(n.mar))
          dimnames(wh) <- list(NULL, names(n.mar))
          wh <- wh[,chr,drop=FALSE]
          wh <- unlist(apply(wh,2,function(a) a[1]:a[2]))
          x$rf <- x$rf[wh,wh]

          if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
            attr(x$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

      x$geno <- x$geno[chr]

      if("founderGeno" %in% names(x))
        x$founderGeno <- x$founderGeno[,unlist(lapply(x$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))]

    if(!missing(ind)) {
      theid <- getid(x)

      if(is.logical(ind)) {
        ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
        if(length(ind) != n.ind)
          stop("ind argument has wrong length (", length(ind), "; should be ", n.ind, ")")
        ind <- (1:n.ind)[ind]

      else if(is.numeric(ind)) { # treat as numeric indices; don't match against individual identifiers
        if(all(ind < 0)) { # drop all but these
          ind <- -ind
          if(any(ind > nind(x))) {
            a <- -ind[ind > nind(x)]
            if(length(a) > 1) a <- sample(a, 1)
            stop("Invalid ind values (e.g., ", a, ")")
          ind <- (1:n.ind)[-ind]
        else if(all(ind > 0)) { # keep these
          if(any(ind > nind(x))) {
            a <- ind[ind > nind(x)]
            if(length(a) > 1) a <- sample(a, 1)
            stop("Invalid ind values (e.g., ", a, ")")
        else {
          stop("Need ind to be all > 0 or all < 0.")

      else if(!is.null(theid)) { # cross has individual IDs
        ind <- as.character(ind)
        if(all(substr(ind, 1,1) == "-")) {
          ind <- substr(ind, 2, nchar(ind))
          m <- match(ind, theid)
            stop("No matching individuals.")
            warning("Individuals not found: ", paste(ind[is.na(m)]))
          ind <- (1:n.ind)[-m[!is.na(m)]]
        else  {
          m <- match(ind, theid)
            warning("Individuals not found: ", paste(ind[is.na(m)], collapse=" "))
          ind <- m[!is.na(m)]
        ind <- ind[!is.na(ind)]
      else { # no individual IDs
        stop("In the absense of individual IDs, ind should be logical or numeric.")
      # Note: ind should now be a numeric vector

      if(length(ind) == 0)
        stop("Must retain at least one individual.")
      if(length(ind) == 1)
        warning("Retained only one individual!")

      x$pheno <- x$pheno[ind,,drop=FALSE]

      if("cross" %in% names(x))
        x$cross <- x$cross[ind,,drop=FALSE]

      for(i in 1:nchr(x)) {
        x$geno[[i]]$data <- x$geno[[i]]$data[ind,,drop=FALSE]

        if("prob" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
          temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$prob) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
          x$geno[[i]]$prob <- x$geno[[i]]$prob[ind,,,drop=FALSE]
          # put attributes back in
          for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
            if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
              attr(x$geno[[i]]$prob, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

        if("errorlod" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
          temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$prob) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
          x$geno[[i]]$errorlod <- x$geno[[i]]$errorlod[ind,,drop=FALSE]
          # put attributes back in
          for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
            if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
              attr(x$geno[[i]]$errorlod, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

        if("argmax" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
          temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$argmax) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
          x$geno[[i]]$argmax <- x$geno[[i]]$argmax[ind,,drop=FALSE]
          # put attributes back in
          for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
            if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
              attr(x$geno[[i]]$argmax, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

        if("draws" %in% names(x$geno[[i]])) {
          temp <- attributes(x$geno[[i]]$draws) # all attributes but dim and dimnames
          x$geno[[i]]$draws <- x$geno[[i]]$draws[ind,,,drop=FALSE]
          # put attributes back in
          for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
            if(names(temp)[k] != "dim" && names(temp)[k] != "dimnames")
              attr(x$geno[[i]]$draws, names(temp)[k]) <- temp[[k]]

      if("qtlgeno" %in% names(x))
        x$qtlgeno <- x$qtlgeno[ind,,drop=FALSE]

#pull.chr <-
#function(cross, chr) {
#  warning("pull.chr is deprecated; use subset.cross.")
#  subset.cross(cross, chr)

# c.cross: Combine crosses

c.cross <-
    args <- list(...)
    n.args <- length(args)

    for(i in seq(along=args)) {
      if(!any(class(args[[i]]) == "cross"))
        stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # if only one cross, just return it
    if(n.args==1) return(args[[1]])

    if(any(sapply(args, function(a) !any(class(a) == "cross"))))
      stop("All arguments must be cross objects.")

    # crosses must be all the same, or must be combination of F2 and BC
    classes <- sapply(args,function(a) class(a)[1])
    if(length(unique(classes))==1) {
      allsame <- TRUE
      type <- classes[1]
    else {
      if(any(classes != "bc" & classes != "f2"))
        stop("Experiments must be either the same type or be bc/f2.")
      allsame <- FALSE
      type <- "f2"

    if(length(unique(sapply(args, nchr))) > 1)
      stop("All arguments must have the same number of chromosomes.")

    x <- args[[1]]
    chr <- names(x$geno)
    n.mar <- nmar(x)
    marnam <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) colnames(b$data)))
    marpos <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) b$map))

    map.mismatch <- 0
    for(i in 2:n.args) {
      y <- args[[i]]
      y.marnam <- unlist(lapply(y$geno, function(b) colnames(b$data)))
      y.marpos <- unlist(lapply(y$geno, function(b) b$map))
      if(chr != names(y$geno) || any(n.mar != nmar(y)) ||
         any(marnam != y.marnam) || any(marpos != y.marpos)) {
        map.mismatch <- 1
    if(map.mismatch) { # get the maps to line up
      for(i in 1:nchr(args[[1]])) {
        themap <- NULL

        themaps <- vector("list", n.args)

        for(j in 1:n.args)  {
            stop("c.cross() won't work with sex-specific maps.")

          themaps[[j]] <- args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$map
          themap <- c(themap, themaps[[j]])
        themap <- sort(themap)
        mn <- unique(names(themap))

        newmap <- rep(0,length(mn))
        names(newmap) <- mn
        for(j in 1:length(newmap))
          newmap[j] <- mean(themap[names(themap) == mn[j]])

        for(j in 1:n.args) {
          m <- match(names(themaps[[j]]), mn)
          m <- m[!is.na(m)]
          if(any(diff(m)) < 0)
            stop(" Markers must all be in the same order.")

          if(!all(mn %in% names(themaps[[j]]))) {
            temp <- matrix(ncol=length(mn), nrow=nind(args[[j]]))
            colnames(temp) <- mn
            temp[,names(themaps[[j]])] <- args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$data
            args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$data <- temp
          args[[j]]$geno[[i]]$map <- newmap


    } # end of map mismatch fix

    x <- args[[1]]
    chr <- names(x$geno)
    n.mar <- nmar(x)
    marnam <- unlist(lapply(x$geno,function(b) colnames(b$data)))

    # create genotype information
    geno <- x$geno
    for(j in 1:nchr(x)) { # drop extraneous stuff
      geno[[j]] <- list(data=geno[[j]]$data, map=geno[[j]]$map)
      class(geno[[j]]) <- class(x$geno[[j]])
    for(i in 2:n.args)
      for(j in 1:nchr(x))
        geno[[j]]$data <- rbind(geno[[j]]$data,args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$data)

    # get all phenotype names
    phenam <- names(x$pheno)
    for(i in 2:n.args)
      phenam <- c(phenam, names(args[[i]]$pheno))
    phenam <- unique(phenam)

    # form big phenotype matrix
    n.ind <- sapply(args,nind)
    pheno <- matrix(nrow=sum(n.ind),ncol=length(phenam))
    colnames(pheno) <- phenam
    pheno <- as.data.frame(pheno, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

    if(!allsame) {
      crosstype <- factor(rep(c("bc","f2")[match(classes,c("bc","f2"))],n.ind),
      pheno <- cbind(pheno,crosstype=crosstype)

    for(i in 1:length(phenam)) {
      phe <- vector("list",n.args)
      for(j in 1:n.args) {
        o <- match(phenam[i],names(args[[j]]$pheno))
        if(is.na(o)) phe[[j]] <- rep(NA,n.ind[j])
        else phe[[j]] <- args[[j]]$pheno[,o]
      pheno[,i] <- unlist(phe)

    # indicator of which cross
    whichcross <- matrix(0,ncol=n.args,nrow=sum(n.ind))
    colnames(whichcross) <- paste("cross",1:n.args,sep="")
    thecross <- rep(NA, sum(n.ind))
    prev <- 0
    for(i in 1:n.args) {
      wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
      prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
      whichcross[wh,i] <- 1
      thecross[wh] <- i
    pheno <- cbind(pheno,cross=thecross,whichcross)

    x$pheno <- pheno

    if(!map.mismatch) { # keep probs and draws only if we've not re-aligned the maps
      # if probs exist in each and all have the same
      #     set up values, keep them
      wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("prob",names(a$geno[[1]])))
      step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"step"))
      error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"error.prob"))
      off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"off.end"))
      map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"map.function"))
      map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$prob,"map"))
      if(!any(is.na(wh)) && length(unique(step))==1 &&
         length(unique(error.prob))==1 && length(unique(off.end))==1 &&
         length(unique(map.function))==1) {
        if(allsame) { # all same cross type
          for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
            geno[[j]]$prob <- array(dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(x$geno[[j]]$prob)[-1]))
            dimnames(geno[[j]]$prob) <- dimnames(x$geno[[j]]$prob)
            prev <- 0
            for(i in 1:n.args) {
              wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
              prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
              geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob
        else { # mixed F2 and BC
          for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
            wh <- match("f2",classes)
            geno[[j]]$prob <- array(0,dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(args[[wh]]$geno[[j]]$prob)[-1]))
            dimnames(geno[[j]]$prob) <- dimnames(args[[wh]]$geno[[j]]$prob)
            prev <- 0
            for(i in 1:n.args) {
              wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
              prev <- prev + n.ind[i]

                geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob
              else # backcross
                geno[[j]]$prob[wh,,1:2] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$prob

        for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
          wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("prob",names(a$geno[[j]])))
          step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"step"))
          error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"error.prob"))
          off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"off.end"))
          map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"map.function"))
          map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$prob,"map"))

          attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"step") <- step[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"error.prob") <- error.prob[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"off.end") <- off.end[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"map.function") <- map.function[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$prob,"map") <- map[[1]]

      # if draws exist in each and all have the same
      #     set up values, keep them
      wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("draws",names(a$geno[[1]])))
      step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"step"))
      error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"error.prob"))
      off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"off.end"))
      map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"map.function"))
      map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[1]]$draws,"map"))
      ndraws <- sapply(args,function(a) dim(a$geno[[1]]$draws)[3])
      if(!any(is.na(wh)) && length(unique(step))==1 &&
         length(unique(error.prob))==1 && length(unique(off.end))==1 &&
         length(unique(map.function))==1 && length(unique(ndraws))==1) {
        for(j in 1:nchr(x)) {
          geno[[j]]$draws <- array(0,dim=c(sum(n.ind),dim(x$geno[[j]]$draws)[-1]))
          dimnames(geno[[j]]$draws) <- dimnames(x$geno[[j]]$draws)
          prev <- 0
          for(i in 1:n.args) {
            wh <- prev + 1:n.ind[i]
            prev <- prev + n.ind[i]
            geno[[j]]$draws[wh,,] <- args[[i]]$geno[[j]]$draws

          wh <- sapply(args, function(a) match("draws",names(a$geno[[j]])))
          step <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"step"))
          error.prob <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"error.prob"))
          off.end <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"off.end"))
          map.function <- sapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"map.function"))
          map <- lapply(args,function(a) attr(a$geno[[j]]$draws,"map"))

          attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"step") <- step[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"error.prob") <- error.prob[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"off.end") <- off.end[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"map.function") <- map.function[1]
          attr(geno[[j]]$draws,"map") <- map[[1]]

    x <- list(geno=geno, pheno=pheno)
    class(x) <- c(type,"cross")

# fill.geno: Run argmax.geno or sim.geno and then fill in the
#            genotype data with the results.  This will allow
#            rough genome scans by marker regression without
#   the newer method, "no_dbl_XO", fills in missing genotypes between
#   markers with matching genotypes

fill.geno <-
  function(cross, method=c("imp","argmax", "no_dbl_XO", "maxmarginal"),
           error.prob=0.0001, map.function=c("haldane","kosambi","c-f","morgan"),
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    method <- match.arg(method)

    # don't let error.prob be exactly zero (or >1)
    if(error.prob < 1e-50) error.prob <- 1e-50
    if(error.prob > 1) {
      error.prob <- 1-1e-50
      warning("error.prob shouldn't be > 1!")

    # remove any extraneous material
    cross <- clean(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)

    if(method=="imp") {
      # do one imputation
      temp <- sim.geno(cross,n.draws=1,step=0,off.end=0,
      # replace the genotype data with the results,
      #     stripping off any attributes
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        nam <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        if(n.mar[i] == 1)
          cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
          cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
        colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data) <- nam
    else if(method=="argmax") {
      # run the Viterbi algorithm
      temp <- argmax.geno(cross,step=0,off.end=0,error.prob=error.prob,
      # replace the genotype data with the results,
      #     stripping off any attributes
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        nam <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        if(n.mar[i] == 1)
          cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
          cross$geno[[i]]$data <-
        colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data) <- nam
    else if(method=="maxmarginal") {
      temp <- calc.genoprob(cross, step=0, off.end=0, error.prob=error.prob,

      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        p <- temp$geno[[i]]$prob
        whmax <- apply(p, 1:2, which.max)
        maxpr <- apply(p, 1:2, max)
        g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        g[maxpr >= min.prob] <- whmax[maxpr > min.prob]
        g[maxpr < min.prob] <- NA
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- g
    else {
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
        dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
        nr <- nrow(dat)
        nc <- ncol(dat)
        dn <- dimnames(dat)
        dat <- .C("R_fill_geno_nodblXO",
        dat[dat==0] <- NA
        dat <- matrix(dat, ncol=nc, nrow=nr)
        dimnames(dat) <- dn
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat

# checkcovar
# This is a utility function for scanone and scantwo.  We remove
# individuals with missing phenotypes or covariates and check
# that the covariates are of the appropriate form.

checkcovar <-
  function(cross, pheno.col, addcovar, intcovar, perm.strata, ind.noqtl=NULL, weights=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)

    # drop individuals whose sex or pgm is missing if X chr is included
    if(any(chrtype=="X")) {
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
      keep <- rep(TRUE,nind(cross))
      flag <- 0
      if(!is.null(sexpgm$sex)) {
        if(any(is.na(sexpgm$sex))) {
          keep[is.na(sexpgm$sex)] <- FALSE
          flag <- 1
      if(!is.null(sexpgm$pgm)) {
        if(any(is.na(sexpgm$pgm))) {
          keep[is.na(sexpgm$pgm)] <- FALSE
          flag <- 1
      if(flag) {
        if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", sum(!keep), " individuals with missing sex or pgm.\n")
        cross <- subset(cross, ind=keep)
        if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
          if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) addcovar <- addcovar[keep]
          else addcovar <- addcovar[keep,]
        if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
          if(!is.matrix(intcovar)) intcovar <- intcovar[keep]
          else intcovar <- intcovar[keep,]

    # check phenotypes - we allow multiple phenotypes here
    if(pheno.col < 1 || pheno.col > nphe(cross))
      stop("Specified phenotype column is invalid.")
    # check if all phenotypes are numeric
    pheno <- cross$pheno[,pheno.col,drop=FALSE]
    idx.nonnum <- which(!apply(pheno,2, is.numeric))
    if(length(idx.nonnum) > 0)
      stop("Following phenotypes are not numeric: Column ",
           paste(idx.nonnum, collapse=","))

    orig.n.ind <- nind(cross)

    # drop individuals with missing phenotypes
    if(any(!is.finite(unlist(pheno)))) {
      keep.ind <- as.numeric(which(apply(pheno, 1, function(x) !any(!is.finite(x)))))
      #    keep.ind <- (1:length(pheno))[!is.na(pheno)]
      n.drop <- nind(cross) - length(keep.ind)
      keep.ind.boolean <- rep(FALSE, nind(cross))
      keep.ind.boolean[keep.ind] <- TRUE
      cross <- subset.cross(cross,ind=keep.ind.boolean)
      pheno <- pheno[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
      if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", n.drop, " individuals with missing phenotypes.\n")
    else keep.ind <- 1:nind(cross)
    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)      # number of chromosomes
    type <- class(cross)[1]   # type of cross

    n.addcovar <- n.intcovar <- 0
    if(!is.null(addcovar)) { # for additive covariates
      if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) {
          stop("addcovar should be numeric")
        if(is.vector(addcovar) || is.data.frame(addcovar))
          addcovar <- as.matrix(addcovar)
        else stop("addcovar should be a matrix")
        stop("All columns of addcovar must be numeric")
      if( nrow(addcovar) != orig.n.ind ) {
        # the length of additive covariates is incorrect
        stop("Number of rows in additive covariates is incorrect")
      addcovar <- addcovar[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
      n.addcovar <- ncol(addcovar)

    if(!is.null(intcovar)) { # interacting covariates
      if(!is.matrix(intcovar)) {
          stop("intcovar should be a numeric")
        if(is.vector(intcovar) || is.data.frame(intcovar))
          intcovar <- as.matrix(intcovar)
        else stop("intcovar should be a matrix")
        stop("All columns of intcovar must be numeric")
      if(nrow(intcovar)[1] != orig.n.ind) {
        # the length of interacting covariates is incorrect
        stop("The length of interacting covariates is incorrect!")
      intcovar <- intcovar[keep.ind,,drop=FALSE]
      n.intcovar <- ncol(intcovar)
    if(!is.null(perm.strata)) perm.strata <- perm.strata[keep.ind]
    if(!is.null(ind.noqtl)) ind.noqtl <- ind.noqtl[keep.ind]
    if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[keep.ind]

    # drop individuals missing any covariates
    if(!is.null(addcovar)) { # note that intcovar is contained in addcovar
      wh <- apply(cbind(addcovar,intcovar),1,function(a) any(!is.finite(a)))
      if(any(wh)) {
        cross <- subset.cross(cross,ind=(!wh))
        pheno <- pheno[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
        addcovar <- addcovar[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.null(intcovar)) intcovar <- intcovar[!wh,,drop=FALSE]
        n.ind <- nind(cross)
        if(!is.null(perm.strata)) perm.strata <- perm.strata[!wh]
        if(!is.null(ind.noqtl)) ind.noqtl <- ind.noqtl[!wh]
        if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[!wh]
        if(verbose) warning("Dropping ", sum(wh), " individuals with missing covariates.\n")

    # make sure columns of intcovar are contained in addcovar
    if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
      if(is.null(addcovar)) {
        addcovar <- intcovar
        n.addcovar <- n.intcovar
        if(verbose) warning("addcovar forced to contain all columns of intcovar\n")
      else {
        wh <- 1:n.intcovar
        for(i in 1:n.intcovar) {
          o <- (apply(addcovar,2,function(a,b) max(abs(a-b)),intcovar[,i])<1e-14)
          if(any(o)) wh[i] <- (1:n.addcovar)[o]
          else wh[i] <- NA
        if(any(!is.finite(wh))) {
          addcovar <- cbind(addcovar,intcovar[,!is.finite(wh)])
          n.addcovar <- ncol(addcovar)
          if(verbose) warning("addcovar forced to contain all columns of intcovar")

    if(n.addcovar > 0) { # check rank
      if(qr(cbind(1,addcovar))$rank < n.addcovar+1)
        if(verbose) warning("addcovar appears to be over-specified; consider dropping columns.\n")
    if(n.intcovar > 0) { # check rank
      if(qr(cbind(1,intcovar))$rank < n.intcovar+1)
        if(verbose) warning("intcovar appears to be over-specified; consider dropping columns.\n")

    pheno <- as.matrix(pheno)

    list(cross=cross, pheno=pheno, addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=intcovar,
         n.addcovar=n.addcovar, n.intcovar=n.intcovar, perm.strata=perm.strata,
         ind.noqtl=ind.noqtl, weights=weights)

# Find the nearest marker to a particular position
find.marker <-
  function(cross, chr, pos, index)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    if(missing(pos) && missing(index))
      stop("Give either pos or index.")
    if(!missing(pos) && !missing(index))
      stop("Give just one of pos or index.")

    # if chr has length 1, expand if necessary
    if(length(chr) == 1) {
        chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
        chr <- rep(chr, length(index))
    # otherwise, chr and pos should have same length
    else {
      if(!missing(pos) && length(chr) != length(pos))
        stop("chr and pos must be the same length.")
      if(!missing(index) && length(chr) != length(index))
        stop("chr and index must be the same length.")

    markers <- rep("",length(chr))
    chrnotfound <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(chr)) {
      # find chromosome
      o <- match(chr[i], names(cross$geno))
      if(is.na(o)) {
        markers[i] <- NA  # chr not matched
        chrnotfound <- c(chrnotfound, chr[i])
      else {
        thismap <- cross$geno[[o]]$map # genetic map
        # sex-specific map; look at female positions
        if(is.matrix(thismap)) thismap <- thismap[1,]

        if(!missing(pos)) {
          # find closest marker
          d <- abs(thismap-pos[i])
          o2 <- (1:length(d))[d==min(d)]
          if(length(o2)==1) markers[i] <- names(thismap)[o2]
          # if multiple markers are equidistant,
          #     choose the one with the most data
          #     or choose among them at random
          else {
            x <- names(thismap)[o2]
            n.geno <- apply(cross$geno[[o]]$data[,o2],2,function(a) sum(!is.na(a)))

            o2 <- o2[n.geno==max(n.geno)]
            if(length(o2) == 1)
              markers[i] <- names(thismap)[o2]
              markers[i] <- names(thismap)[sample(o2,1)]

        else { # by index
          if(index[i] < 1 || index[i] > length(thismap))
            stop("Misspecified index ", index[i], " on chr ", chr[i])
          markers[i] <- names(thismap)[index[i]]
    if(length(chrnotfound) > 0) {
      chrnotfound <- sort(unique(chrnotfound))
      if(length(chrnotfound) == 1)
        warning("Chromosome ", paste("\"", chrnotfound, "\"", sep=""), " not found")
        warning("Chromosomes ", paste("\"", chrnotfound, "\"", sep="", collapse=", "), " not found")


### Find the nearest pseudomarker to a particular position
find.pseudomarker <-
  function(cross, chr, pos, where=c("draws","prob"), addchr=TRUE)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # if chr has length 1, expand if necessary
    if(length(chr) == 1)
      chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
    # otherwise, chr and pos should have same length
    else if(length(chr) != length(pos))
      stop("chr and pos must be the same length.")

    markers <- rep("",length(chr))

    where <- match.arg(where)
    if(where=="draws" && !("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
      stop("You'll need to first run sim.geno")
    if(where=="prob" && !("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
      stop("You'll need to first run calc.genoprob")

    for(i in 1:length(chr)) {
      # find chromosome
      o <- match(chr[i], names(cross$geno))
      if(is.na(o)) markers[i] <- NA  # chr not matched
      else {
        if(where=="draws") {
          if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$draws)))
            thismap <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "map")
          else {
            stp <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "step")
            oe <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "off.end")

            if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$draws)))
              stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "stepwidth")
            else stpw <- "fixed"
            thismap <- create.map(cross$geno[[o]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)
            attr(cross$geno[[o]]$draws, "map") <- thismap
        else { # prob
          if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$prob)))
            thismap <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "map")
          else {
            stp <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "step")
            oe <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "off.end")

            if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[o]]$prob)))
              stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "stepwidth")
            else stpw <- "fixed"
            thismap <- create.map(cross$geno[[o]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)
            attr(cross$geno[[o]]$prob, "map") <- thismap

        # sex-specific map; look at female positions
        if(is.matrix(thismap)) thismap <- thismap[1,]

        # find closest marker
        d <- abs(thismap-pos[i])
        o2 <- (1:length(d))[d==min(d)]
        if(length(o2)==1) themarker <- names(thismap)[o2]
        else themarker <- names(thismap)[sample(o2, 1)]

        if(addchr && length(grep("^loc[0-9]+\\.*[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)*$", themarker)) > 0)
          themarker <- paste("c", chr[i], ".", themarker, sep="")
        markers[i] <- themarker


# expand recombination fractions for RI lines
adjust.rf.ri <-
  function(r, type=c("self","sib"), chrtype=c("A","X"), expand=TRUE)
    # type of RI lines
    type <- match.arg(type)
    chrtype <- match.arg(chrtype)

    if(type=="self") {
      if(expand) return(r*2/(1+2*r))
      else return(r/2/(1-r))
    else {
      if(chrtype=="A") { # autosome / sib mating
        if(expand) return(r*4/(1+6*r))
        else return(r/(4-6*r))
      else { # X chromosome/ sib mating
        if(expand) return(8/3*r/(1+4*r))
        else return(3/8*r/(1-1.5*r))

# lodint: function to get lod support interval
lodint <-
  function(results, chr, qtl.index, drop=1.5, lodcolumn=1,
    if(!("scanone" %in% class(results))) {
      if(!("qtl" %in% class(results)))
        stop("Input must have class \"scanone\" or \"qtl\".")
      else {
        if(!("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(results))))
          stop("qtl object needs to be produced by refineqtl with keeplodprofile=TRUE.")
        else { # qtl object
          if(lodcolumn != 1) {
            warning("lod column ignored if input is a qtl object.")
            lodcolumn <- 1
          results <- attr(results, "lodprofile")
          if(missing(qtl.index)) {
              results <- results[[1]]
              stop("You must specify qtl.index.")
          else {
            if(length(qtl.index)>1) stop("qtl.index should have length 1")
            if(qtl.index < 1 || qtl.index > length(results))
              stop("qtl.index misspecified.")
            results <- results[[qtl.index]]
          chr <- results[1,1]
    else {
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn +2 > ncol(results))
        stop("Argument lodcolumn misspecified.")

      if(missing(chr)) {
          stop("Give a chromosome ID.")
      else {
        if(length(chr) > 1) stop("chr should have length 1")
        if(is.na(match(chr, results[,1])))
          stop("Chromosome misspecified.")
        results <- results[results[,1]==chr,]

    if(all(is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]))) return(NULL)

    maxlod <- max(results[,lodcolumn+2],na.rm=TRUE)
    w <- which(!is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]) & results[,lodcolumn+2] == maxlod)
    o <- range(which(!is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]) & results[,lodcolumn+2] > maxlod-drop))

    if(length(o)==0) o <- c(1,nrow(results))

    else {
      if(o[1] > 1) o[1] <- o[1]-1
      if(o[2] < nrow(results)) o[2] <- o[2]+1

    if(expandtomarkers) {
      markerpos <- (1:nrow(results))[-grep("^c.+\\.loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$", rownames(results))]
      if(any(markerpos <= o[1]))
        o[1] <- max(markerpos[markerpos <= o[1]])
      if(any(markerpos >= o[2]))
        o[2] <- min(markerpos[markerpos >= o[2]])

    rn <- rownames(results)[c(o[1],w,o[2])]

    # look for duplicate rows
    if(length(w)>1 && rn[length(rn)]==rn[length(rn)-1]) w <- w[-length(w)]
    else if(length(w)>1 && rn[2]==rn[1]) w <- w[-1]
    rn <- rownames(results)[c(o[1],w,o[2])]

    # look for more duplicate rows
    if(any(table(rn)> 1)) {
      tab <- table(rn)
      temp <- which(tab>1)
      for(j in temp) {
        z <- which(rn==names(tab)[j])
        for(k in 2:length(z))
          rn[z[k:length(z)]] <- paste(rn[z[k:length(z)]], " ", sep="")

    results <- results[c(o[1],w,o[2]),]
    rownames(results) <- rn
    class(results) <- c("scanone","data.frame")


# bayesint: function to get Bayesian probability interval
bayesint <-
  function(results, chr, qtl.index, prob=0.95, lodcolumn=1, expandtomarkers=FALSE)
    if(!("scanone" %in% class(results))) {
      if(!("qtl" %in% class(results)))
        stop("Input must have class \"scanone\" or \"qtl\".")
      else {
        if(!("lodprofile" %in% names(attributes(results))))
          stop("qtl object needs to be produced by refineqtl with keeplodprofile=TRUE.")
        else { # qtl object
          if(lodcolumn != 1) {
            warning("lod column ignored if input is a qtl object.")
            lodcolumn <- 1
          results <- attr(results, "lodprofile")
          if(missing(qtl.index)) {
              results <- results[[1]]
              stop("You must specify qtl.index.")
          else {
            if(length(qtl.index)>1) stop("qtl.index should have length 1")
            if(qtl.index < 1 || qtl.index > length(results))
              stop("qtl.index misspecified.")
            results <- results[[qtl.index]]
          chr <- results[1,1]
    else {
      if(lodcolumn < 1 || lodcolumn +2 > ncol(results))
        stop("Argument lodcolumn misspecified.")

      if(missing(chr)) {
          stop("Give a chromosome ID.")
      else {
        if(length(chr) > 1) stop("chr should have length 1")
        if(is.na(match(chr, results[,1])))
          stop("Chromosome misspecified.")
        results <- results[results[,1]==chr,]

    if(all(is.na(results[,lodcolumn+2]))) return(NULL)

    loc <- results[,2]
    width <- (c(loc[-1], loc[length(loc)]) - c(loc[1], loc[-length(loc)]))/2
    width[c(1, length(width))] <- width[c(1, length(width))]*2 # adjust widths at ends

    area <- 10^results[,lodcolumn+2]*width
    area <- area/sum(area)

    o <- order(results[,lodcolumn+2], decreasing=TRUE)

    cs <- cumsum(area[o])

    wh <- min(which(cs >= prob))
    int <- range(o[1:wh])

    if(expandtomarkers) {
      markerpos <- (1:nrow(results))[-grep("^c.+\\.loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$", rownames(results))]
      if(any(markerpos <= int[1]))
        int[1] <- max(markerpos[markerpos <= int[1]])
      if(any(markerpos >= int[2]))
        int[2] <- min(markerpos[markerpos >= int[2]])

    rn <- rownames(results)[c(int[1],o[1],int[2])]
    # look for duplicate rows
    if(any(table(rn)> 1)) {
      rn[2] <- paste(rn[2], "")
      if(rn[1] == rn[3]) rn[3] <- paste(rn[3], " ")

    results <- results[c(int[1],o[1],int[2]),]
    rownames(results) <- rn
    class(results) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")

# makeSSmap: convert a genetic map, or the genetic maps in a cross
#            object, to be sex-specific (i.e., 2-row matrices)
makeSSmap <-
    if(!any(class(cross) == "map")) {
      # input object is a genetic map
      for(i in 1:length(cross)) {
          cross[[i]] <- rbind(cross[[i]], cross[[i]])
    else { # input object is assumed to be a "cross" object
      n.chr <- nchr(cross)
      for(i in 1:n.chr) {
          cross$geno[[i]]$map <-
            rbind(cross$geno[[i]]$map, cross$geno[[i]]$map)


# comparecrosses: verify that two cross objects have identical
#                 classes, chromosomes, markers, genotypes, maps,
#                 and phenotypes
comparecrosses <-
  function(cross1, cross2, tol=1e-5)
    if(missing(cross1) || missing(cross2))
      stop("Two crosses must be input.")

    # both are of class "cross"
    if(!any(class(cross1) == "cross") ||
       !any(class(cross2) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    # classes are the same
    if(any(class(cross1) != class(cross2)))
      stop("crosses are not the same type.")

    if(nchr(cross1) != nchr(cross2))
      stop("crosses do not have the same number of chromosomes.")

    if(any(names(cross1$geno) != names(cross2$geno)))
      stop("Chromosome names do not match.")

    if(any(nmar(cross1) != nmar(cross2)))
      stop("Number of markers per chromosome do not match.")

    mnames1 <- unlist(lapply(cross1$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    mnames2 <- unlist(lapply(cross2$geno, function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    if(any(mnames1 != mnames2)) {
      #    stop("Markers names do not match.")
      for(i in 1:nchr(cross1))
        if(any(colnames(cross1$geno[[i]]$data) != colnames(cross2$geno[[i]]$data)))
          stop("Marker names on chr ", names(cross1$geno)[i], " don't match.")

    chrtype1 <- sapply(cross1$geno, class)
    chrtype2 <- sapply(cross2$geno, class)
    if(any(chrtype1 != chrtype2))
      stop("Chromosome types (autosomal vs X) do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nchr(cross1)) {
      if(any(abs(diff(cross1$geno[[i]]$map) - diff(cross2$geno[[i]]$map)) > tol))
        stop("Genetic maps for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
             " do not match.")

      if(abs(cross1$geno[[i]]$map[1] - cross2$geno[[i]]$map[1]) > tol)
        warning("Initial marker positions for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
                " do not match.")

    if(nind(cross1) != nind(cross2))
      stop("Number of individuals do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nchr(cross1)) {
      g1 <- cross1$geno[[i]]$data
      g2 <- cross2$geno[[i]]$data
      if(any((is.na(g1) & !is.na(g2)) | (!is.na(g1) & is.na(g2)) |
             (!is.na(g1) & !is.na(g2) & g1!=g2)))
        stop("Genotype data for chromosome ", names(cross1$geno)[i],
             " do not match.")

    if(nphe(cross1) != nphe(cross2))
      stop("Number of phenotypes do not match.")

    if(any(names(cross1$pheno) != names(cross2$pheno)))
      stop("Phenotype names do not match.")

    for(i in 1:nphe(cross1)) {
      phe1 <- cross1$pheno[,i]
      phe2 <- cross2$pheno[,i]
      if(is.numeric(phe1) & is.numeric(phe2)) {
        phe1[phe1 == Inf] <- max(phe1[phe1 < Inf], na.rm=TRUE)+5
        phe2[phe2 == Inf] <- max(phe2[phe2 < Inf], na.rm=TRUE)+5
        phe1[phe1 == -Inf] <- min(phe1[phe1 > -Inf], na.rm=TRUE)-5
        phe2[phe2 == -Inf] <- min(phe2[phe2 > -Inf], na.rm=TRUE)-5
        if(any((is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2)) | (!is.na(phe1) & is.na(phe2)) |
               (!is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2) & abs(phe1-phe2) > tol))) {
          stop("Data for phenotype ", names(cross1$pheno)[i],
               " do not match.")
      else {
        if(any((is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2)) | (!is.na(phe1) & is.na(phe2)) |
               (!is.na(phe1) & !is.na(phe2) &
                as.character(phe1) != as.character(phe2)))) {
          stop("Data for phenotype ", names(cross1$pheno)[i], " do not match.")

    message("\tCrosses are identical.")

# move marker
# Move a marker to a new chromosome...placed at the end
movemarker <-
  function(cross, marker, newchr, newpos)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    mnames <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))
    chr <- rep(names(cross$geno),nmar(cross))
    pos <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) 1:ncol(a$data)))
    oldindex <- match(marker, mnames)

    # Marker found precisely once?
    if(is.na(oldindex)) stop(marker, " not found.\n")
    if(length(oldindex) > 1) stop(marker, " found multiple times.\n")

    chr <- chr[oldindex]
    pos <- pos[oldindex]

    # pull out genotype data
    g <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,pos]

    chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[chr]])
    mapmatrix <- is.matrix(cross$geno[[chr]]$map)

    # delete marker
    if(nmar(cross)[chr] == 1)  { # only marker on that chromosome, so drop the chromosome
      cross$geno <- cross$geno[-match(chr,names(cross$geno))]
      delchr <- TRUE
    else {
      delchr <- FALSE
      cross$geno[[chr]]$data <- cross$geno[[chr]]$data[,-pos,drop=FALSE]
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- cross$geno[[chr]]$map[,-pos,drop=FALSE]
        cross$geno[[chr]]$map <- cross$geno[[chr]]$map[-pos]

    if(is.numeric(newchr)) newchr <- as.character(newchr)

    if(!(newchr %in% names(cross$geno))) { # create a new chromosome
      n <- length(cross$geno)
      cross$geno[[n+1]] <- list("data"=as.matrix(g),
      names(cross$geno)[n+1] <- newchr
      class(cross$geno[[n+1]]) <- chrtype
      colnames(cross$geno[[n+1]]$data) <- marker
      if(mapmatrix) {
        if(missing(newpos)) newpos <- 0
        cross$geno[[n+1]]$map <- matrix(newpos, ncol=1, nrow=2)
        colnames(cross$geno[[n+1]]$map) <- marker
      else {
        if(missing(newpos)) newpos <- 0
        cross$geno[[n+1]]$map <- newpos
        names(cross$geno[[n+1]]$map) <- marker

    if(missing(newpos)) {
      # add marker to end of new chromosome
      n.mar <- nmar(cross)[newchr]

      cross$geno[[newchr]]$data <- cbind(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data,g)
      colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data)[n.mar+1] <- marker

      if(is.matrix(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)) {
        cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- cbind(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map,
        colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)[n.mar+1] <- marker
      else {
        cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- c(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map,
        names(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)[n.mar+1] <- marker
    else {
      # add marker to the specified position
      dat <- cross$geno[[newchr]]$data
      map <- cross$geno[[newchr]]$map

      if(length(newpos) != 1)
        stop("newpos should be a single number.")

      if(is.matrix(map)) { # sex-specific maps
        wh <- which(map[1,] < newpos)
        if(length(wh) == 0) { # place in first spot
          map <- cbind(c(newpos,map[2,1]-(map[1,1]-newpos)),map)
          colnames(map)[1] <- marker
        else {
          wh <- max(wh)
          if(wh == ncol(map)) { # place at end of chromosome
            map <- cbind(map,c(newpos,map[2,ncol(map)]+(newpos-map[1,ncol(map)])))
            colnames(map)[ncol(map)] <- marker
          else {
            left <- map[,1:wh,drop=FALSE]
            right <- map[,-(1:wh),drop=FALSE]
            marleft <- colnames(left)
            marright <- colnames(right)
            left <- left[,ncol(left)]
            right <- right[,1]

            newpos2 <- (newpos-left[1])/(right[1]-left[1])*(right[2]-left[2])+left[2]
            map <- cbind(map[,1:wh], c(newpos,newpos2), map[,-(1:wh)])
            colnames(map) <- c(marleft, marker, marright)
      else {
        wh <- which(map < newpos)
        if(length(wh) == 0) { # place in first position
          map <- c(newpos,map)
          names(map)[1] <- marker
        else {
          wh <- max(wh)
          if(wh == length(map)) { # place in last position
            map <- c(map,newpos)
            names(map)[length(map)] <- marker
          else {
            map <- c(map[1:wh],newpos,map[-(1:wh)])
            names(map)[wh+1] <- marker
      cross$geno[[newchr]]$map <- map

      if(length(wh)==0) { # place marker in first position
        dat <- cbind(g, dat)
        colnames(dat)[1] <- marker
      else if(wh == ncol(dat)) { # place marker in last position
        dat <- cbind(dat, g)
        colnames(dat)[ncol(dat)] <- marker
      else { # place marker in the middle
        dat <- cbind(dat[,1:wh],g,dat[,-(1:wh)])
        colnames(dat)[wh+1] <- marker
      cross$geno[[newchr]]$data <- dat

      # make sure the marker names for the data and the genetic map match
        colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data) <- colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)
        colnames(cross$geno[[newchr]]$data) <- names(cross$geno[[newchr]]$map)

    # update genoprob, errorlod, argmax, draws, rf
    if("rf" %in% names(cross)) {
      # reorder the recombination fractions
      #  -- a bit of pain, 'cause we need LODs in upper triangle
      #     and rec fracs in lower triangle
      newmar <- unlist(lapply(cross$geno,function(a) colnames(a$data)))

      attrib <- attributes(cross$rf)

      rf <- cross$rf
      lods <- rf;lods[lower.tri(rf)] <- t(rf)[lower.tri(rf)]
      rf[upper.tri(rf)] <- t(rf)[upper.tri(rf)]
      lods <- lods[newmar,newmar]
      rf <- rf[newmar,newmar]
      rf[upper.tri(rf)] <- lods[upper.tri(rf)]

      cross$rf <- rf

      if("onlylod" %in% names(attrib)) # save the onlylod attribute if its there
        attr(cross$rf, "onlylod") <- attrib$onlylod

    if(!delchr) thechr <- c(chr,newchr)
    else thechr <- newchr
    for(i in thechr) {
      tempg <- cross$geno[[i]]
      tempx <- subset(cross, chr=i)
      if("prob" %in% names(tempg))
        atp <- attributes(tempg$prob)
      if("draws" %in% names(tempg)) {
        at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$draws)
        tempg$draws <- sim.geno(tempx,
      if("argmax" %in% names(tempg)) {
        at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$argmax)
        tempg$argmax <- argmax.geno(tempx,
      if("errorlod" %in% names(tempg)) {
        at <- attributes(cross$geno[[1]]$errorlod)
        tempg$errorlod <- argmax.geno(tempx,
      if("prob" %in% names(tempg))
        tempg$prob <- calc.genoprob(tempx,

      cross$geno[[i]] <- tempg


# summary.map
# Give a short summary of a genetic map object.
summaryMap <- summary.map <-
  function(object, ...)
    map <- object
    if(any(class(map) == "cross")) # a cross object
      map <- pull.map(map)
    if(!any(class(map) == "map"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\" or \"map\".")

    n.chr <- length(map)
    chrnames <- names(map)
    if(is.null(chrnames)) chrnames <- 1:length(map)
    if(is.matrix(map[[1]])) { # sex-specific map
      sexsp <- TRUE
      n.mar <- sapply(map,ncol)
      tot.mar <- sum(n.mar)
      fmap <- lapply(map,function(a) a[1,])
      mmap <- lapply(map,function(a) a[2,])

      len.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) diff(range(a)))
      len.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) diff(range(a)))
      avesp.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
      avesp.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
      maxsp.f <- sapply(fmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
      maxsp.m <- sapply(mmap,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
      totlen.f <- sum(len.f)
      totlen.m <- sum(len.m)

      tot.avesp.f <- mean(unlist(lapply(fmap,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
      tot.avesp.m <- mean(unlist(lapply(mmap,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
      tot.maxsp.f <- max(maxsp.f,na.rm=TRUE)
      tot.maxsp.m <- max(maxsp.m,na.rm=TRUE)

      output <- rbind(cbind(n.mar,len.f,len.m,avesp.f,avesp.m, maxsp.f, maxsp.m),
                        tot.maxsp.f, tot.maxsp.m))
      dimnames(output) <- list(c(chrnames,"overall"),
                                 "max.spacing.female", "max.spacing.male"))
    else {
      n.mar <- sapply(map,length)
      len <- sapply(map,function(a) diff(range(a)))
      tot.mar <- sum(n.mar)

      len <- sapply(map,function(a) diff(range(a)))
      avesp <- sapply(map,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); mean(diff(a))})
      maxsp <- sapply(map,function(a) {if(length(a)<2) return(NA); max(diff(a))})
      totlen <- sum(len)
      tot.avesp <- mean(unlist(lapply(map,diff)), na.rm=TRUE)
      tot.maxsp <- max(maxsp, na.rm=TRUE)

      output <- rbind(cbind(n.mar,len,avesp, maxsp),
                      c(tot.mar,totlen,tot.avesp, tot.maxsp))
      dimnames(output) <- list(c(chrnames,"overall"),
                               c("n.mar","length","ave.spacing", "max.spacing"))

    output <- as.data.frame(output)
    attr(output, "sexsp") <- sexsp
    class(output) <- c("summary.map", "data.frame")

# print.summary.map
# Print out the result of summary.map()
print.summary.map <-
  function(x, ...)
    sexsp <- attr(x, "sexsp")
    if(sexsp) cat("Sex-specific map\n\n")

    x <- apply(x,2,round,1)

# convert functions
convert <-
  function(object, ...)

# convert.scanone
# Convert scanone output from the format for R/qtl ver 0.97 to
# that for R/qtl ver 0.98
# (previously, inter-maker locations named loc*.c*; now c*.loc*)
convert.scanone <-
  function(object, ...)
    if(!any(class(object) == "scanone"))
      stop("Input should have class \"scanone\".")

    rn <- rownames(object)
    o <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*\\.c[0-9A-Za-z]+$", rn)
    if(length(o) > 0) {
      temp <- rn[o]
      temp <- strsplit(temp,"\\.")
      temp <- sapply(temp, function(a)
      rownames(object)[o] <- temp

# convert.scantwo
# convert scantwo output from the format used in R/qtl version 1.03
# and earlier to that used in R/qtl version 1.04 and later.
# 1.03 and earlier: contained joint and interactive LOD scores
# 1.04 and later:   contains joint LOD scores and LOD scores from the
#                   additive QTL model
convert.scantwo <-
  function(object, ...)
    if(!any(class(object) == "scantwo"))
      stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

    lod <- object$lod
    if(length(dim(lod)) == 2) {
      u <- upper.tri(lod)
      lod[u] <- t(lod)[u] - lod[u]
    else { # multiple phenotypes
      u <- upper.tri(lod[,,1])
      for(i in 1:dim(lod)[3])
        lod[,,i][u] <- t(lod[,,i])[u] - lod[,,i][u]
    object$lod <- lod

# convert.map
# convert a genetic map from one map function to another
convert.map <-
  function(object, old.map.function=c("haldane", "kosambi", "c-f", "morgan"),
           new.map.function=c("haldane", "kosambi", "c-f", "morgan"), ...)
    old.map.function <- match.arg(old.map.function)
    new.map.function <- match.arg(new.map.function)
    if(!("map" %in% class(object)))
      stop("Input should have class \"map\".")

    if(old.map.function==new.map.function) {
      warning("old and new map functions are the same; no change.")

    mf <- switch(old.map.function,
    imf <- switch(new.map.function,

    if(is.matrix(object[[1]])) { # sex-specific map
      for(i in seq(along=object)) {
        theclass <- class(object[[i]])
        thenames <- colnames(object[[i]])
        for(j in 1:2)
          object[[i]][j,] <- cumsum(c(object[[i]][j,1], imf(mf(diff(object[[i]][j,])))))

        class(object[[i]]) <- theclass
        colnames(object[[i]]) <- thenames
    else {
      for(i in seq(along=object)) {
        theclass <- class(object[[i]])
        thenames <- names(object[[i]])
        object[[i]] <- cumsum(c(object[[i]][1], imf(mf(diff(object[[i]])))))
        class(object[[i]]) <- theclass
        names(object[[i]]) <- thenames


# find.pheno
# utility to get pheno number given pheno name
find.pheno <-
  function( cross,  pheno )
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    seq( ncol( cross$pheno ))[match(pheno,names(cross$pheno))]

# find.flanking
# utility to get flanking and/or closest marker to chr and pos
find.flanking <-
  function( cross, chr, pos)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    map = pull.map(cross)

    if(is.matrix(map[[1]]) && nrow(map[[1]]) > 1)
      stop("This function works only for crosses with sex-averaged maps.")

    if(length(chr) == 1 && length(pos) > 1) {
      chr <- rep(chr,length(pos))
    wh <- match(chr, names(cross$geno))
    if(any(is.na(wh))) {
      stop("Chr ", paste(chr[is.na(wh)], collapse=", "), " not found.")
      wh <- wh[!is.na(wh)]
    chr <- names(cross$geno)[wh]

    marker = NULL
    for (i in seq(length(chr))) {
      tmp = map[[chr[i]]]-pos[i]
      m = names(map[[chr[i]]])
      left = sum(tmp < 0)
      at = sum(tmp == 0)
      right = sum(tmp > 0)
      f <- if (at > 0)
      else {
        if (right > 0)
      marker = rbind(marker,m[f[c(1:2,order(abs(tmp[f]))[1])]])
    dimnames(marker) <- list(paste(chr,":",pos,sep=""),
    as.data.frame(marker, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

# strip.partials
# Removes partially informative genotypes in an intercross.
# Input: a cross object; if verbose=TRUE, a statement regarding the
#        number of genotypes removed is printed.
strip.partials <-
  function(cross, verbose=TRUE)
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    type <- class(cross)[1]
    if(type != "f2")
      stop("This is for intercrosses only")

    n.removed <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
      g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
      wh <- !is.na(g) & g>3
      if(any(wh)) {
        g[wh] <- NA
        cross$geno[[i]]$data <- g
        n.removed <- n.removed + sum(wh)
    if(verbose) {
      if(n.removed == 0) cat(" --Didn't remove any genotypes.\n")
      else cat("Removed", n.removed, "genotypes.\n")

# comparegeno
comparegeno <-
  function(cross, what=c("proportion","number", "both"))
    if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
      stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

    what <- match.arg(what)
    g <- pull.geno(cross)
    g[is.na(g)] <- 0
    n.ind <- nrow(g)
    n.mar <- ncol(g)
    z <- .C("R_comparegeno",

    if(what=="number") {
      z <- matrix(z$n.match,n.ind,n.ind)
    else {
      if(what=="proportion") {
        z <- matrix(z$n.match/(n.mar-z$n.missing),n.ind,n.ind)
        diag(z) <- NA
      else {
        prop <- matrix(z$n.match/(n.mar-z$n.missing),n.ind,n.ind)
        z <- matrix(z$n.match,n.ind,n.ind)
        z[lower.tri(z)] <- prop[lower.tri(z)]

# print the installed version of R/qtl
qtlversion <-
    version <- unlist(packageVersion("qtl"))

    # make it like #.#-#
    paste(c(version,".","-")[c(1,4,2,5,3)], collapse="")

# locateXO
# Locate crossovers on a single chromosome in each individual
# Look at just the first chromosome

locateXO <-
  function(cross, chr, full.info=FALSE)
    if(!missing(chr)) {
      cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
      if(nchr(cross) != 1)
        warning("locateXO works on just one chr; considering chr ", names(cross$geno)[1])

    # individual IDs
    id <- getid(cross)
    if(is.null(id)) id <- as.character(1:nind(cross))

    if(nmar(cross)[1] == 1) { # just one marker; don't need to do anything
      warning("Just one marker.")
      res <- vector("list", nind(cross))
      names(res) <- id
      for(i in seq(along=res)) res[[i]] <- numeric(0)

    geno <- cross$geno[[1]]$data
    geno[is.na(geno)] <- 0
    type <- class(cross)[1]

    if(type != "bc" && type != "f2" && type != "riself" && type != "risib" && type!="dh" && type!="haploid")
      stop("locateXO only working for backcross, intercross or RI strains.")

    map <- cross$geno[[1]]$map
    if(is.matrix(map)) map <- map[1,]
    #  map <- map - map[1] # shift first marker to 0

    # bc or intercross?  thetype==0 for BC and ==1 for intercross
    if(type=="f2") {
      if(class(geno) == "X") thetype <- 0
      else thetype <- 1
    else thetype <- 0

    n.ind <- nrow(geno)
    n.mar <- ncol(geno)

    z <- .C("R_locate_xo",
            gleft=as.integer(rep(0, n.ind*2*(n.mar-1))),
            gright=as.integer(rep(0, n.ind*2*(n.mar-1))),
    location <- t(matrix(z$location, nrow=n.ind))
    nseen <- z$nseen
    if(full.info) {
      ileft <- t(matrix(z$ileft, nrow=n.ind))
      iright <- t(matrix(z$iright, nrow=n.ind))
      left <- t(matrix(z$left, nrow=n.ind))
      right <- t(matrix(z$right, nrow=n.ind))
      gleft <- t(matrix(z$gleft, nrow=n.ind))
      gright <- t(matrix(z$gright, nrow=n.ind))
      ntype <- t(matrix(z$ntype, nrow=n.ind))

      res <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, location), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                    function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })
    else {
      location <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, location), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                         function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      ileft <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, ileft), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                      function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      iright <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, iright), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                       function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      left <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, left), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                     function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      right <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, right), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                      function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      gleft <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, gleft), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                      function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      gright <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, gright), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                       function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      ntype <- lapply(as.data.frame(rbind(nseen, ntype), stringsAsFactors=TRUE),
                      function(a) { if(a[1]==0) return(numeric(0)); a[(1:a[1])+1] })

      res <- location
      for(i in seq(along=res)) {
        if(length(res[[i]])>0) {
          ntype[[i]][length(ntype[[i]])] <- NA
          res[[i]] <- cbind(location=location[[i]],

    names(res) <- id

# jittermap: make sure no two markers are at precisely the same position
jittermap <-
  function(object, amount=1e-6) # x is either a cross object or a map
    if(any(class(object) == "cross")) {
      themap <- pull.map(object)
      return.cross <- TRUE
    else {
      if(!any(class(object) == "map"))
        stop("Input must be a cross or a map")
      return.cross <- FALSE
      themap <- object

    for(i in 1:length(themap)) {
      if(is.matrix(themap[[i]])) { # sex-specific maps
        n <- ncol(themap[[i]])
        if(n > 1) {
          for(j in 1:2)
            themap[[i]][j,] <- themap[[i]][j,] + c(0,cumsum(rep(amount, n-1)))
      else {
        n <- length(themap[[i]])
        if(n > 1)
          themap[[i]] <- themap[[i]] + c(0,cumsum(rep(amount, n-1)))

      return(clean(replace.map(object, themap)))


print.map <-
  function(x, ...)
    for(i in seq(along=x))
      attr(x[[i]], "loglik") <- NULL

    if(length(x) == 1)
      print(unclass(lapply(x, unclass)))

# map function for Stahl model
mf.stahl <-
  function(d, m=0, p=0)
    if(any(d < 0))
      stop("d must be >= 0\n")
    if(m < 0)
      stop("Must have m >= 0\n")
    if(p < 0 || p > 1)
      stop("Must have 0 <= p <= 1\n")

    # handle missing values
    if(any(!is.finite(d))) {
      which.finite <- is.finite(d)
      dsub <- d[which.finite]
      dropped.some <- TRUE
    } else {
      dsub <- d
      dropped.some <- FALSE

    result <- .C("R_mf_stahl",
                 as.double(dsub/100), # convert to Morgans

    if(dropped.some) {
      d[!which.finite] <- NA
      d[which.finite] <- result
      result <- d

# inverse map function for Stahl model
imf.stahl <-
  function(r, m=0, p=0, tol=1e-12, maxit=1000)
    if(any(r < 0 | r > 0.5))
      stop("r must be >= 0 or <= 0.5\n")
    if(m < 0)
      stop("Must have m >= 0\n")
    if(p < 0 || p > 1)
      stop("Must have 0 <= p <= 1\n")

    # handle missing values
    if(any(!is.finite(r))) {
      which.finite <- is.finite(r)
      rsub <- r[which.finite]
      dropped.some <- TRUE
    } else {
      rsub <- r
      dropped.some <- FALSE

    result <- .C("R_imf_stahl",
                 PACKAGE="qtl")$result*100 # convert to cM

    if(dropped.some) {
      r[!which.finite] <- NA
      r[which.finite] <- result
      result <- r

# getid: internal function to pull out the "ID" column from the
#        phenotype data, if there is one
getid <-
    phe <- cross$pheno
    nam <- names(phe)
    if("id" %in% nam) {
      id <- phe$id
      phenam <- "id"
    else if("ID" %in% nam) {
      id <- phe$ID
      phenam <- "ID"
    else if("Id" %in% nam) {
      id <- phe$Id
      phenam <- "Id"
    else if("iD" %in% nam) {
      id <- phe$iD
      phenam <- "iD"
    else {
      id <- NULL
      phenam <- NULL

      id <- as.character(id)

    attr(id, "phenam") <- phenam


# find the chromosome and position of a vector of markers
find.markerpos <-
  function(cross, marker)
    if(length(marker) != length(unique(marker))) {
      warning("Dropping duplicate marker names.")
      marker <- unique(marker)

    output <- data.frame(chr=rep("", length(marker)),
                         pos=rep(NA, length(marker)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    output$chr <- as.character(output$chr)
    rownames(output) <- marker

    map <- pull.map(cross)
    n.mar <- nmar(cross)
    chr <- rep(names(map), n.mar)

    if(!is.matrix(map[[1]])) {
      pos <- unlist(map)
      onemap <- TRUE
    else {
      pos <- unlist(lapply(map, function(a) a[1,]))
      pos2 <- unlist(lapply(map, function(a) a[2,]))
      onemap <- FALSE
      output <- cbind(output, pos2=rep(NA, length(marker)))
      colnames(output)[2:3] <- c("pos.female","pos.male")

    mnam <- markernames(cross)

    for(i in seq(along=marker)) {

      wh <- match(marker[i], mnam)
      if(is.na(wh)) {
        output[i,1] <- NA
        output[i,2] <- NA
      else {
        if(length(wh) > 1) {
          warning("Marker ", marker[i], " found multiple times.")
          wh <- sample(wh, 1)
        output[i,1] <- chr[wh]
        output[i,2] <- pos[wh]
        if(!onemap) output[i,3] <- pos2[wh]


# find the chromosome and position of a vector of pseudomarkers
find.pseudomarkerpos <-
  function(cross, marker, where=c("draws","prob"))
    if(length(marker) != length(unique(marker))) {
      warning("Dropping duplicate pseudomarker names.")
      marker <- unique(marker)

    output <- data.frame(chr=rep("", length(marker)),
                         pos=rep(NA, length(marker)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    output$chr <- as.character(output$chr)
    rownames(output) <- marker

    where <- match.arg(where)
    if(where=="draws" && !("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
      stop("You'll need to first run sim.geno")
    if(where=="prob" && !("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]])))
      stop("You'll need to first run calc.genoprob")

    themap <- vector("list", nchr(cross))
    names(themap) <- names(cross$geno)
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        themap[[i]] <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws, "map")
        themap[[i]] <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "map")

    if(!is.matrix(themap[[1]])) {
      pmar <- unlist(lapply(themap, names))
      pos <- unlist(themap)
      onemap <- TRUE
      chr <- rep(names(themap), sapply(themap, length))
    else {
      pos <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[1,]))
      pos2 <- unlist(lapply(themap, function(a) a[2,]))
      onemap <- FALSE
      pmar <- unlist(lapply(themap, colnames))
      output <- cbind(output, pos2=rep(NA, length(marker)))
      colnames(output)[2:3] <- c("pos.female","pos.male")
      chr <- rep(names(themap), sapply(themap, ncol))
    whnotmarker <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]*", pmar)
    pmar[whnotmarker] <- paste("c", chr[whnotmarker], ".", pmar[whnotmarker], sep="")

    for(i in seq(along=marker)) {
      wh <- match(marker[i], pmar)
      if(is.na(wh)) {
        output[i,1] <- NA
        output[i,2] <- NA
      else {
        if(length(wh) > 1) {
          warning("Pseudomarker ", marker[i], " found multiple times.")
          wh <- sample(wh, 1)
        output[i,1] <- chr[wh]
        output[i,2] <- pos[wh]
        if(!onemap) output[i,3] <- pos2[wh]


# utility function for determining whether pheno.col (as argument
# to scanone etc) can be interpreted as a vector of phenotypes,
# versus a vector of phenotype columns
LikePheVector <-
  function(pheno, n.ind, n.phe)
    if(is.numeric(pheno) && length(pheno)==n.ind &&
       any(pheno < 1 | pheno > n.phe | pheno!=round(pheno)))

# for matching chromosome names
matchchr <-
  function(selection, thechr)
    if(is.factor(thechr)) thechr <- as.character(thechr)
    if(length(thechr) > length(unique(thechr)))
      stop("Duplicate chromosome names.")

    if(is.logical(selection)) {
      if(length(selection) != length(thechr))
        stop("Logical vector to select chromosomes is the wrong length")

    if(is.numeric(selection)) selection <- as.character(selection)

    if(length(selection) > length(unique(selection))) {
      warning("Dropping duplicate chromosomes")
      selection <- unique(selection)

    g <- grep("^-", selection)
    if(length(g) > 0 && length(g) < length(selection))
      stop("In selecting chromosomes, all must start with '-' or none should.")
    if(length(g) > 0) {
      selectomit <- TRUE
      selection <- substr(selection, 2, nchar(selection))
    else selectomit <- FALSE

    wh <- match(selection, thechr)
    if(any(is.na(wh))) {
      warning("Chr ", paste(selection[is.na(wh)], collapse=", "), " not found")
      wh <- wh[!is.na(wh)]
      if(length(wh) == 0) return(thechr)

    if(selectomit) return(thechr[-wh])

# check that chromosomes match appropriately
# TRUE = chr okay
# FALSE = problem
testchr <-
  function(selection, thechr)
    if(is.factor(thechr)) thechr <- as.character(thechr)
    if(length(thechr) > length(unique(thechr))) {
      #    warning("Duplicate chromosome names.")

    if(is.logical(selection)) {
      if(length(selection) != length(thechr)) {
        #      warning("Logical vector to select chromosomes is the wrong length")

    if(is.numeric(selection)) selection <- as.character(selection)

    if(length(selection) > length(unique(selection))) {
      #    warning("Dropping duplicate chromosomes")
      selection <- unique(selection)

    g <- grep("^-", selection)
    if(length(g) > 0 && length(g) < length(selection)) {
      #    stop("In selecting chromosomes, all must start with '-' or none should.")
    if(length(g) > 0) {
      selectomit <- TRUE
      selection <- substr(selection, 2, nchar(selection))
    else selectomit <- FALSE

    wh <- match(selection, thechr)
    if(any(is.na(wh))) return(FALSE)


# convert2sa
# convert a sex-specific maps to a sex-averaged one.
# We pull out just the female map, and give a warning if the male and
# female maps are too different
convert2sa <-
  function(map, tol=1e-4)
    if(!("map" %in% class(map)))
      stop("Input should have class \"map\".")

      stop("Input map doesn't seem to be a sex-specific map.")

    theclass <- sapply(map, class)

    fem <- lapply(map, function(a) a[1,])

    dif <- sapply(map, function(a) { if(ncol(a)==1) return(diff(a))
      a <- apply(a, 1, diff);
      if(is.matrix(a)) return(max(abs(apply(a, 1, diff))))
      abs(diff(a)) })

    if(max(dif) > tol)
      warning("Female and male inter-marker distances differ by as much as ", max(dif), ".")

    for(i in seq(along=theclass)) class(fem[[i]]) <- theclass[i]

    class(fem) <- "map"

# round as character string, ensuring ending 0's are kept.
charround <-
  function(x, digits=1)
    if(digits < 1)
      stop("This is intended for the case digits >= 1.")

    y <- as.character(round(x, digits))

    z <- strsplit(y, "\\.")
    sapply(z, function(a, digits)
      if(length(a) == 1)
        b <- paste(a[1], ".", paste(rep("0", digits),collapse=""), sep="")
      else {
        if(nchar(a[2]) == digits)
          b <- paste(a, collapse=".")
          b <- paste(a[1], ".", a[2],
                     paste(rep("0", digits - nchar(a[2])), collapse=""),
    }, digits)

# scantwoperm2scanoneperm
# pull out the scanone permutations from scantwo permutation results,
# so that one may use the scantwo perms in calls to summary.scanone
scantwoperm2scanoneperm <-
    if(!("scantwoperm" %in% class(scantwoperms)))
      stop("Input must have class \"scantwoperm\".")
    if(!("one" %in% names(scantwoperms)))
      stop("Input doesn't contain scanone permutation results.")
    scanoneperms <- scantwoperms$one
    class(scanoneperms) <- c("scanoneperm")

# subset.map
subset.map <-
  function(x, ...)
    cl <- class(x)
    x <- x[...]
    class(x) <- cl

`[.map` <-
  function(x, ...)
    x <- unclass(x)[...]
    class(x) <- "map"

# subset.cross with [ ]
`[.cross` <-
  function(x, chr, ind)
    subset(x, chr, ind)

# findDupMarkers
# find markers whose genotype data is identical to another marker
# (which thus might be dropped, as extraneous)
# chr          (Optional) set of chromosomes to consider
# exact.only   If TRUE, look for markers with the same genotypes
#                       and the same pattern of missing data
#              If FALSE, also identify markers whose observed
#                        genotypes match another marker, with no
#                        observed genotypes for which the other is
#                        missing
# adjacent.only   If TRUE, only consider adjacent markers

findDupMarkers <-
  function(cross, chr, exact.only=TRUE, adjacent.only=FALSE)
    if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

    g <- pull.geno(cross)
    markers <- colnames(g)
    markerloc <- lapply(nmar(cross), function(a) 1:a)
    if(length(markerloc) > 1) {
      for(j in 2:length(markerloc))
        markerloc[[j]] <- markerloc[[j]] + max(markerloc[[j-1]]) + 10
    markerloc <- unlist(markerloc)

    if(exact.only) {
      g[is.na(g)] <- 0

      # genotype data patterns
      pat <- apply(g, 2, paste, collapse="")

      # table of unique values
      tab <- table(pat)

      # no duplicates; return
      if(all(tab == 1)) return(NULL)

      wh <- which(tab > 1)
      theloc <- themar <- vector("list", length(wh))
      for(i in seq(along=wh)) {
        themar[[i]] <- names(pat)[pat==names(tab)[wh[i]]]
        theloc[[i]] <- markerloc[pat==names(tab)[wh[i]]]

      if(adjacent.only) {
        extraloc <- list()
        extramar <- list()
        for(i in seq(along=theloc)) {
          d <- diff(theloc[[i]]) # look for adjacency
          if(any(d>1)) { # split into adjacent groups
            temp <- which(d>1)
            first <- c(1, temp+1)
            last <- c(temp, length(theloc[[i]]))
            for(j in 2:length(first)) {
              extraloc[[length(extraloc)+1]] <- theloc[[i]][first[j]:last[j]]
              extramar[[length(extramar)+1]] <- themar[[i]][first[j]:last[j]]
            themar[[i]] <- themar[[i]][first[1]:last[1]]
            theloc[[i]] <- theloc[[i]][first[1]:last[1]]
        themar <- c(themar, extramar)
        theloc <- c(theloc, extraloc)

        nm <- sapply(themar, length)
        if(all(nm==1)) return(NULL) # nothing left
        themar <- themar[nm>1]
        theloc <- theloc[nm>1]

      # order by first locus
      o <- order(sapply(theloc, min))
      themar <- themar[o]

      randompics <- sapply(themar, function(a) sample(length(a), 1))
      for(i in seq(along=themar)) {
        names(themar)[i] <- themar[[i]][randompics[i]]
        themar[[i]] <- themar[[i]][-randompics[i]]

    else {
      themar <- NULL

      ntyp <- ntyped(cross, "mar")
      o <- order(ntyp, decreasing=TRUE)

      g[is.na(g)] <- 0
      z <- .C("R_findDupMarkers_notexact",
      if(all(z$result==0)) return(NULL)
      u <- unique(z$result[z$result != 0])
      themar <- vector("list", length(u))
      names(themar) <- colnames(g)[u]
      for(i in seq(along=themar))
        themar[[i]] <- colnames(g)[z$result==u[i]]


# convert2riself
convert2riself <-
    if(class(cross)[2] != "cross")
      stop("input must be a cross object.")
    curtype <- class(cross)[1]
    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
    whX <- NULL
    if(any(chrtype != "A")) { # there's an X chromosome
      whX <- names(cross$geno)[chrtype != "A"]
      if(length(whX) > 1)
        warning("Converting chromosomes ", paste(whX, collapse=" "), " to autosomal.")
        warning("Converting chromosome ", whX, " to autosomal.")
      for(i in whX) class(cross$geno[[i]]) <- "A"

    gtab <- table(pull.geno(cross))
    usethree <- FALSE
    if(!is.na(gtab["3"])) {
      if(!is.na(gtab["2"]) && gtab["3"] < gtab["2"])
        usethree <- FALSE
      else usethree <- TRUE

    g2omit <- g3omit <- g4omit <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
      dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
      g1 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==1)
      g2 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==2)
      g3 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==3)
      g4 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat>3)
      if(usethree && chrtype[i] == "A") {
        dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
        dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
        g2omit <- g2omit + g2
        g4omit <- g4omit + g4
      else {
        dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
        g3omit <- g3omit + g3
        g4omit <- g4omit + g4
      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat
    if(g2omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g2omit, " genotypes with code==2.")
    if(g3omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g3omit, " genotypes with code==3.")
    if(g4omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g4omit, " genotypes with code>3.")

    class(cross)[1] <- "riself"


# convert2risib
convert2risib <-
    if(class(cross)[2] != "cross")
      stop("input must be a cross object.")
    curtype <- class(cross)[1]
    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)

    gtab <- table(pull.geno(cross))
    usethree <- FALSE
    if(!is.na(gtab["3"])) {
      if(!is.na(gtab["2"]) && gtab["3"] < gtab["2"])
        usethree <- FALSE
      else usethree <- TRUE

    g2omit <- g3omit <- g4omit <- 0
    for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
      dat <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
      g1 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==1)
      g2 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==2)
      g3 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat==3)
      g4 <- sum(!is.na(dat) & dat>3)
      if(usethree) {
        if(chrtype[i] == "A") {
          dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
          dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
          g2omit <- g2omit + g2
          g4omit <- g4omit + g4
        else { # X chromosome
          if(g2 >= g3) {
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
            g3omit <- g3omit + g3
            g4omit <- g4omit + g4
          else {
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=3] <- NA
            dat[!is.na(dat) & dat==3] <- 2
            g2omit <- g2omit + g2
            g4omit <- g4omit + g4
      else {
        dat[!is.na(dat) & dat!=1 & dat!=2] <- NA
        g3omit <- g3omit + g3
        g4omit <- g4omit + g4
      cross$geno[[i]]$data <- dat
    if(g2omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g2omit, " genotypes with code==2.")
    if(g3omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g3omit, " genotypes with code==3.")
    if(g4omit > 0)
      warning("Omitting ", g4omit, " genotypes with code>3.")

    class(cross)[1] <- "risib"


rescalemap <-
  function(object, scale=1e-6)
    if("cross" %in% class(object)) {
      for(i in 1:nchr(object)) {
        object$geno[[i]]$map <-
          object$geno[[i]]$map * scale
      if(abs(scale - 1) > 1e-6)
        object <- clean(object) # strip off intermediate calculations
    } else if("map" %in% class(object)) {
      for(i in seq(along=object)) {
        object[[i]] <- object[[i]] * scale
    } else
      stop("rescalemap works only for objects of class \"cross\" or \"map\".")


shiftmap <-
  function(object, offset=0)
    if("cross" %in% class(object)) {
      if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, nchr(object))
      else if(length(offset) != nchr(object))
        stop("offset must have length 1 or n.chr (", nchr(object), ")")

      for(i in 1:nchr(object)) {
        if(is.matrix(object$geno[[i]]$map)) {
          for(j in 1:2)
            object$geno[[i]]$map[j,] <- object$geno[[i]]$map[j,] - object$geno[[i]]$map[j,1] + offset[i]
        } else {
          object$geno[[i]]$map <- object$geno[[i]]$map - object$geno[[i]]$map[1] + offset[i]
    } else if("map" %in% class(object)) {
      if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, length(object))
      else if(length(offset) != length(object))
        stop("offset must have length 1 or n.chr (", length(object), ")")
      for(i in seq(along=object)) {
        if(is.matrix(object[[i]])) {
          for(j in 1:2)
            object[[i]][j,] <- object[[i]][j,] - object[[i]][j,1] + offset[i]
        } else {
          object[[i]] <- object[[i]] - object[[i]][1] + offset[i]
    } else
      stop("shiftmap works only for objects of class \"cross\" or \"map\".")


# switch alleles in a cross
switchAlleles <-
  function(cross, markers, switch=c("AB","CD","ABCD", "parents"))
    type <- class(cross)[1]
    switch <- match.arg(switch)

    if(type %in% c("bc", "risib", "riself", "dh", "haploid")) {
      if(switch != "AB")
        warning("Using switch = \"AB\".")

      found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
      for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        m <- match(markers, cn)
        if(any(!is.na(m))) {
          found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
          for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
            g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==1,j] <- 2
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==2,j] <- 1

    else if(type=="f2" || type=="bcsft") {
      if(switch != "AB")
        warning("Using switch = \"AB\".")

      found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
      for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        m <- match(markers, cn)
        if(any(!is.na(m))) {
          found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
          for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
            g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==1,j] <- 3
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==3,j] <- 1
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==4,j] <- 5
            cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==5,j] <- 4
    else if(type=="4way") {

        newg <- c(2,1,4,3,6,5,7,8,10,9,12,11,14,13)
      else if(switch=="CD")
        newg <- c(3,4,1,2,5,6,8,7,10,9,13,14,11,12)
      else if(switch=="ABCD")
        newg <- c(4,3,2,1,6,5,8,7,9,10,14,13,12,11)
      else # switch parents
        newg <- c(1,3,2,4,7,8,5,6,9,10,11,13,12,14)

      found <- rep(FALSE, length(markers))
      for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) {
        cn <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        m <- match(markers, cn)
        if(any(!is.na(m))) {
          found[!is.na(m)] <- TRUE
          for(j in m[!is.na(m)]) {
            g <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,j]
            for(k in 1:14)
              cross$geno[[i]]$data[!is.na(g) & g==k,j] <- newg[k]

    else {
      stop("Cross type ", type, " not supported by switchAlleles()")

      warning("Some markers not found: ", paste(markers[!found], collapse=" "))


# nqrank: Convert a set of quantitative values to the corresponding
#         normal quantiles (preserving mean and SD)

nqrank <-
  function(x, jitter=FALSE)
    y <- x[!is.na(x)]
    themean <- mean(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    thesd <- sd(y, na.rm=TRUE)

    y[y == Inf] <- max(y[y<Inf])+10
    y[y == -Inf] <- min(y[y > -Inf]) - 10
      y <- rank(y+runif(length(y))/(sd(y)*10^8))
    else y <- rank(y)

    x[!is.na(x)] <- qnorm((y-0.5)/length(y))

    x*thesd/sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)-mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)+themean

# cleanGeno: omit genotypes that are possibly in error, as indicated
#            by apparent double-crossovers separated by a distance of
#            no more than maxdist and having no more than maxmark
#            interior typed markers

cleanGeno <-
  function(cross, chr, maxdist=2.5, maxmark=2, verbose=TRUE)
    if(!(class(cross)[1] %in% c("bc", "riself", "risib", "dh", "haploid")))
      stop("This function currently only works for crosses with two genotypes")

    if(!missing(chr)) cleaned <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    else cleaned <- cross

    thechr <- names(cleaned$geno)
    totdrop <- 0
    maxmaxdist <- max(maxdist)
    for(i in thechr) {
      xoloc <- locateXO(cleaned, chr=i, full.info=TRUE)
      nxo <- sapply(xoloc, function(a) if(is.matrix(a)) return(nrow(a)) else return(0))
      g <- pull.geno(cleaned, chr=i)

      ndrop <- 0
      for(j in which(nxo > 1)) {
        maxd <- xoloc[[j]][-1,"right"] - xoloc[[j]][-nrow(xoloc[[j]]),"left"]
        wh <- maxd <= maxmaxdist
        if(any(wh)) {
          for(k in which(wh)) {
            nt <- sum(!is.na(g[j,(xoloc[[j]][k,"ileft"]+1):(xoloc[[j]][k+1,"iright"]-1)]))
            if(nt > 0 && any(nt <= maxmark & maxd[k] < maxdist)) {
              cleaned$geno[[i]]$data[j,(xoloc[[j]][k,"ileft"]+1):(xoloc[[j]][k+1,"iright"]-1)] <- NA
              ndrop <- ndrop + nt
              totdrop <- totdrop + nt
      if(verbose && ndrop > 0) {
        totgen <- sum(ntyped(subset(cross, chr=i)))
        cat(" ---Dropping ", ndrop, " genotypes (out of ", totgen, ") on chr ", i, "\n", sep="")

    if(verbose && nchr(cleaned)>1 && totdrop > 0) {
      totgen <- sum(ntyped(subset(cross, chr=thechr)))
      cat(" ---Dropped ", totdrop, " genotypes (out of ", totgen, ") in total\n", sep="")

    for(i in names(cleaned$geno))
      cross$geno[[i]] <- cleaned$geno[[i]]


# typingGap: calculate gaps between typed markers

typingGap <-
  function(cross, chr, terminal=FALSE)
      cross <- subset(cross, chr)

    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    gaps <- matrix(nrow=n.ind, ncol=n.chr)
    colnames(gaps) <- names(cross$geno)

    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
      map <- c(map[1], map, map[length(map)])
      if(is.matrix(map)) stop("This function can't currently handle sex-specific maps.")

      if(terminal) # just look at terminal gaps
        gaps[,i] <- apply(cbind(1,cross$geno[[i]]$data,1), 1,
                          function(a,b) {d <- diff(b[!is.na(a)]); max(d[c(1,length(d))]) }, map)
        gaps[,i] <- apply(cbind(1,cross$geno[[i]]$data,1), 1,
                          function(a,b) max(diff(b[!is.na(a)])), map)
    if(n.chr==1) gaps <- as.numeric(gaps)

# calcPermPval
# calculate permutation pvalues for summary.scanone()
calcPermPval <-
  function(peaks, perms)
      peaks <- as.matrix(peaks)
      perms <- as.matrix(perms)

    ncol.peaks <- ncol(peaks)
    nrow.peaks <- nrow(peaks)
    n.perms <- nrow(perms)

    if(ncol.peaks != ncol(perms))
      stop("ncol(peaks) != ncol(perms)")

    pval <- .C("R_calcPermPval",

    matrix(pval, ncol=ncol.peaks, nrow=nrow.peaks)

# phenames: pull out phenotype names
phenames <-

# updateParallelRNG
# set RNGkind
# advance RNGstream by no. clusters
updateParallelRNG <-
    kind <- RNGkind()[1]
    if(kind != "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG")

    s <- .Random.seed
    if(n.cluster < 1) n.cluster <- 1
    for(i in 1:n.cluster) s <- nextRNGStream(s)
    .Random.seed <<- s ## global assign new .Random.seed

# formMarkerCovar
# cross: cross object
# markers: marker names or pseudomarker names (like "c5loc25.1" or "5@25.1")
# method: use genotype probabilities or imputated genotypes (imputed with imp or argmax)
# ...: passed to fill.geno, if necessary
formMarkerCovar <-
  function(cross, markers, method=c("prob", "imp", "argmax"), ...)
    method <- match.arg(method)

    # check if the marker names are all like "5@25.1"
    grepresult <- grep("@", markers)
    if(length(grepresult) == length(markers) && all(grepresult == seq(along=markers))) {
      spl <- strsplit(markers, "@")
      chr <- sapply(spl, "[", 1)
      pos <- as.numeric(sapply(spl, "[", 2))
      m <- match(chr, chrnames(cross))
        stop("Some chr not found: ", paste(unique(chr[m]), collapse=" "))

        markers <- find.pseudomarker(cross, chr, pos, where="prob")
        markers <- find.marker(cross, chr, pos)

    chr <- unique(find.markerpos(cross, markers)[,1])

    cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)
    isXchr <- (sapply(cross$geno, class) == "X")
    crosstype <- class(cross)[1]
    sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
    crossattr <- attributes(cross)

    if(method=="prob") {
      if(any(isXchr) && crosstype %in% c("f2", "bc", "bcsft")) {
        for(i in which(isXchr))
          cross$geno[[i]]$prob <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", sexpgm=sexpgm, prob=cross$geno[[i]]$prob,


      if(any(isXchr) && any(!isXchr)) # some X, some not
        prob <- cbind(pull.genoprob(cross[!isXchr,], omit.first.prob=TRUE),
                      pull.genoprob(cross[isXchr,], omit.first.prob=TRUE))
      else # all X or all not X
        prob <- pull.genoprob(cross, omit.first.prob=TRUE)

      markercols <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(prob), ":"), "[", 1)
      m <- match(markers, markercols)
        warning("Some markers/pseudomarkers not found: ", paste(unique(markers[is.na(m)]), collapse=" "))
      return(prob[,!is.na(match(markercols, markers)), drop=FALSE])
    else {
      cross <- fill.geno(cross, method=method, ...)

      if(any(isXchr) && crosstype %in% c("f2", "bc", "bcsft")) {
        for(i in which(isXchr))
          cross$geno[[i]]$data <- reviseXdata(crosstype, "full", sexpgm=sexpgm, geno=cross$geno[[i]]$data,

      geno <- pull.geno(cross)
      markercols <- colnames(geno)
      m <- match(markers, markercols)
        warning("Some markers not found: ", paste(unique(markers[is.na(m)]), collapse=" "))

      geno <- geno[,!is.na(match(markercols, markers)), drop=FALSE]

      # expand each column
      nalle <- apply(geno, 2, function(a) length(unique(a)))
      g <- matrix(ncol=sum(nalle-1), nrow=nrow(geno))
      colnames(g) <- as.character(1:ncol(g))
      cur <- 0
      for(i in 1:ncol(geno)) {
        if(nalle[i] <= 1) next
        for(j in 2:nalle[i])
          g[,cur+j-1] <- as.numeric(geno[,i] == j)
        colnames(g)[cur - 1 + (2:nalle[i])] <- paste(colnames(geno)[i], 2:nalle[i], sep=".")
        cur <- cur + nalle[i] - 1

# end of util.R

# calc.pairprob.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2013, Karl W Broman
# last modified Sep, 2013
# first written Nov, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: calc.pairprob

# calc.pairprob: calculate joint genotype probabilities for all pairs
#                of putative QTLs, conditional on the observed marker
#                data
# This is an *internal* function, not to be called by the user.
# The input argument cross is assumed to have just one chromosome.

calc.pairprob <-
  function(cross, step=0, off.end=0, error.prob=0.0001,
           map, assumeCondIndep=FALSE)
    # which type of cross is this?
    type <- class(cross)[1]

    if(assumeCondIndep) { # assume conditional independence of QTL given markers
      if(!("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[1]]))) {
        cross <- calc.genoprob(subset(cross, chr=1), step=step, off.end=off.end,
                               error.prob=error.prob, map.function=map.function)
      prob <- cross$geno[[1]]$prob
      n.ind <- dim(prob)[1]
      n.pos <- dim(prob)[2]
      n.gen <- dim(prob)[3]

      if(n.pos < 2) return(NULL)

      z <- .C("R_calc_pairprob_condindep",
              pairprob=as.double(rep(0,n.ind*choose(n.pos, 2)*n.gen*n.gen)),

      pairprob <- array(z$pairprob, dim=c(n.ind,n.pos*(n.pos-1)/2,n.gen,n.gen))


    if(step==0 && off.end > 0) step <- off.end*2

    # map function
    map.function <- match.arg(map.function)
    if(map.function=="kosambi") mf <- mf.k
    else if(map.function=="c-f") mf <- mf.cf
    else if(map.function=="morgan") mf <- mf.m
    else mf <- mf.h

    # don't let error.prob be exactly zero (or >1)
    if(error.prob < 1e-50) error.prob <- 1e-50
    if(error.prob > 1) {
      error.prob <- 1-1e-50
      warning("error.prob shouldn't be > 1!")
    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.chr <- nchr(cross)

    # type of chromosome?
    chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[1]])
    if(chrtype=="X") xchr <- TRUE
    else xchr <- FALSE

    if(type == "f2") {
      one.map <- TRUE
      if(!xchr) { # autosome
        cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_f2"
        n.gen <- 3
        gen.names <- getgenonames("f2", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      else {                             # X chromsome
        cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_bc"
        n.gen <- 2
        gen.names <- c("g1","g2")
    else if(type == "bc") {
      cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_bc"
      n.gen <- 2
      if(!xchr) # autosome
        gen.names <- getgenonames("bc", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      else gen.names <- c("g1","g2")
      one.map <- TRUE
    else if(type == "riself" || type=="risib" || type=="dh" || type=="haploid") {
      cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_bc"
      n.gen <- 2
      gen.names <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
      one.map <- TRUE
    else if(type == "4way") {
      cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_4way"
      n.gen <- 4
      one.map <- FALSE
      gen.names <- getgenonames(type, "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
    else if(type == "ri4self" || type=="ri4sib" || type=="ri8self" || type=="ri8sib" || type=="magic16") {
      cfunc <- paste("calc_pairprob_", type, sep="")
      if(type=="magic16") n.gen <- 16
      else n.gen <- as.numeric(substr(type, 3, 3))
      one.map <- TRUE
      gen.names <- LETTERS[1:n.gen]
        warning("calc.pairprob not working properly for the X chromosome for 4- or 8-way RIL.")
    else if(type == "bcsft") {
      one.map <- TRUE
      cfunc <- "calc_pairprob_bcsft"
      cross.scheme <- attr(cross, "scheme") ## c(s,t) for BC(s)F(t)
      if(!xchr) { # autosome
        gen.names <- getgenonames("bcsft", "A", cross.attr=attributes(cross))
        n.gen <- 2 + (cross.scheme[2] > 0)
      else { ## X chromsome
        cross.scheme[1] <- cross.scheme[1] + cross.scheme[2] - (cross.scheme[1] == 0)
        cross.scheme[2] <- 0
        gen.names <- c("g1","g2")
        n.gen <- 2
      stop("calc.pairprob not available for cross type ", type, ".")

    # genotype data
    gen <- cross$geno[[1]]$data
    gen[is.na(gen)] <- 0

    # get recombination fractions
    if(one.map) {
      #    map <- create.map(cross$geno[[1]]$map,step,off.end)
      rf <- mf(diff(map))
      if(type=="risib" || type=="riself")
        rf <- adjust.rf.ri(rf,substr(type,3,nchar(type)),class(cross$geno[[1]]))
      rf[rf < 1e-14] <- 1e-14

      # new genotype matrix with pseudomarkers filled in
      newgen <- matrix(ncol=length(map),nrow=nrow(gen))
      colnames(newgen) <- names(map)
      newgen[,colnames(gen)] <- gen
      newgen[is.na(newgen)] <- 0
      n.pos <- ncol(newgen)
      marnames <- names(map)
    else {
      #    map <- create.map(cross$geno[[1]]$map,step,off.end)
      rf <- mf(diff(map[1,]))
      rf[rf < 1e-14] <- 1e-14
      rf2 <- mf(diff(map[2,]))
      rf2[rf2 < 1e-14] <- 1e-14

      # new genotype matrix with pseudomarkers filled in
      newgen <- matrix(ncol=ncol(map),nrow=nrow(gen))
      colnames(newgen) <- colnames(map)
      newgen[,colnames(gen)] <- gen
      newgen[is.na(newgen)] <- 0
      n.pos <- ncol(newgen)
      marnames <- colnames(map)

    if(n.pos < 2) return(NULL)

    # below: at least two positions
    # call the C function
    if(one.map) {
      ## Hide cross scheme in genoprob to pass to routine. BY
      temp <- as.double(rep(0,n.gen*n.ind*n.pos))
      if(type == "bcsft")
        temp[1:2] <- cross.scheme

      z <- .C(cfunc,
              as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
              as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
              as.integer(newgen),        # genotype data
              as.double(rf),             # recombination fractions
              as.double(error.prob),     #
    else {
      z <- .C(cfunc,
              as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
              as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
              as.integer(newgen),        # genotype data
              as.double(rf),             # recombination fractions
              as.double(rf2),            # recombination fractions
              as.double(error.prob),     #

    pairprob <- array(z$pairprob, dim=c(n.ind,n.pos*(n.pos-1)/2,n.gen,n.gen))

    # 4- and 8-way RIL: reorganize the results
    if(type=="ri4self" || type=="ri4sib" || type=="ri8self" || type=="ri8sib" || type=="bgmagic16")
      pairprob <- reorgRIpairprob(cross, pairprob)


# end of calc.pairprob.R

# xchr.R
# copyright (c) 2004-2013, Karl W Broman
# last modified Sep, 2013
# first written Apr, 2004
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: Utilities for dealing with the X chromosome.
#           getsex, getgenonames, reviseXdata, scanoneXnull
#           revisecovar, dropXcol
#           [See also fixXgeno.bc & fixXgeno.f2 in read.cross.R]

# get sex and pgm columns from phenotype data
getsex <-
    type <- class(cross)[1]
    if(type != "bc" && type != "f2" && type != "4way") return(list(sex=NULL, pgm=NULL))

    phe.names <- names(cross$pheno)

    sex.column <- grep("^[Ss][Ee][Xx]$", phe.names)
    pgm.column <- grep("^[Pp][Gg][Mm]$", phe.names)

    if(length(sex.column)==0) { # no sex included
      sex <- NULL
    else {
        warning("'sex' included multiple times.  Using the first one.")
      temp <- cross$pheno[,sex.column[1]]
      if(is.numeric(temp)) {
        if(any(!is.na(temp) & temp != 0 & temp != 1)) {
          warning("Sex column should be coded as 0=female 1=male; sex ignored.")
          sex <- NULL
        else sex <- temp
      else {
        if(!is.factor(temp)) temp <- as.factor(temp)

        if(length(levels(temp)) == 1) {
          if(levels(temp) == "F" || levels(temp)=="f" ||
             toupper(levels(temp)) == "FEMALE") sex <- rep(0,nind(cross))
          else if(levels(temp) == "M" || levels(temp)=="m" ||
                  toupper(levels(temp)) == "MALE") sex <- rep(1,nind(cross))
            warning("Sex column should be coded as 0=female 1=male; sex ignored.")
        else if(length(levels(temp)) > 2) {
          warning("Sex column should be coded as a two-level factor; sex ignored.")
          sex <- NULL
        else { # is a factor with two levels
          lev <- levels(temp)
          if(length(grep("^[Ff]",lev))>0 &&
             length(males <- grep("^[Mm]",lev))>0) {
            temp <- as.character(temp)
            sex <- rep(0,length(temp))
            sex[is.na(temp)] <- NA
            sex[!is.na(temp) & temp==lev[males]] <- 1
            warning("Don't understand levels in sex column; sex ignored.")

    if(length(pgm.column)==0 || type=="4way") { # no pgm included
      pgm <- NULL
    else {
        warning("'pgm' included multiple times.  Using the first one.")
      temp <- cross$pheno[,pgm.column[1]]
        temp <- as.numeric(temp)-1
      if(any(!is.na(temp) & temp != 0 & temp != 1)) {
        warning("pgm column should be coded as 0/1; pgm ignored.")
        pgm <- NULL
      else pgm <- temp

    if(!is.null(sex) && any(is.na(sex))) {
      if(all(sex[!is.na(sex)]==1)) {
        warning(sum(is.na(sex)), " individuals with missing sex; assuming they're male like the others")
        sex[is.na(sex)] <- 1
      else if(all(sex[!is.na(sex)]==0)) {
        warning(sum(is.na(sex)), " individuals with missing sex; assuming they're female like the others")
        sex[is.na(sex)] <- 0
      else {
        warning(sum(is.na(sex)), " individuals with missing sex; assuming they're female")
        sex[is.na(sex)] <- 0

    if(!is.null(pgm) && any(is.na(pgm))) {
      if(all(pgm[!is.na(pgm)]==1)) {
        warning(sum(is.na(pgm)), " individuals with missing pgm; assuming pgm==1 like the others")
        pgm[is.na(pgm)] <- 1
      else if(all(pgm[!is.na(pgm)]==0)) {
        warning(sum(is.na(pgm)), " individuals with missing pgm; assuming pgm==0 like the others")
        pgm[is.na(pgm)] <- 0
      else {
        warning(sum(is.na(pgm)), " individuals with missing pgm; assuming pgm==0")
        pgm[is.na(pgm)] <- 0


# get names of genotypes
# used in discan, effectplot, plotPXG, scanone, scantwo, vbscan, reviseXdata
# cross.attr gives the cross attributes
getgenonames <-
           chrtype=c("A","X"), expandX=c("simple","standard","full"),
           sexpgm, cross.attr)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    chrtype <- match.arg(chrtype)
    expandX <- match.arg(expandX)

    ## Treat bcsft as bc if no intercross generations; otherwise as f2.
    if(type == "bcsft") {
      if(cross.attr$scheme[2] == 0)
        type <- "bc"
        type <- "f2"

    if(chrtype=="X") {
      sex <- sexpgm$sex
      pgm <- sexpgm$pgm

    if(type=="special") return(cross.attr$genotypes)

    if(missing(cross.attr) || !("alleles" %in% names(cross.attr))) {
      if(type == "4way") alleles <- LETTERS[1:4]
      else alleles <- LETTERS[1:2]
      alleles <- cross.attr$alleles

    tempgn <- c(paste(rep(alleles[1],2),collapse=""),

    # get rid of missing sex and pgm values, if there are any
    if(chrtype=="X") {
      if(length(sex)>0) sex <- sex[!is.na(sex)]
      if(length(pgm)>0) pgm <- pgm[!is.na(pgm)]

    if(type=="riself" || type=="risib" || type=="dh")
      gen.names <- tempgn[c(1,3)]

    else if(type=="haploid")
      gen.names <- alleles

    else if(type == "4way") {
        gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[1],alleles[3],sep=""),
        gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[1],alleles[3],sep=""),

    else if(type == "bc") {

      if(chrtype=="A") # autosome
        gen.names <- tempgn[1:2] # AA AB

      else { # X chromosome

        #                 simple     standard       full
        #   -both sexes   A-/AB/BY   AA/AB/AY/BY    same as std
        #   -all females  AA/AB      same           same
        #   -all males    AY/BY      same           same

        if(length(sex)==0 || all(sex==0)) # all females
          gen.names <- tempgn[1:2] # AA AB
        else if(all(sex==1)) # all males
          gen.names <- tempgn[4:5] # AY BY
        else { # some of each
          if(expandX == "simple")
            gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[1], "-", sep=""),
                           tempgn[c(2,5)]) # A-, AB, BY
          else gen.names <- tempgn[c(1,2,4,5)]  # AA,AB,AY,BY

    else { # intercross
      if(chrtype == "A")  # autosomal
        gen.names <- tempgn[1:3]
      else { # X chromsome

        # both crosses     simple     standard         full
        #   -both sexes   A-/AB/B-    AA/AB/BB/AY/BY   AA/AB1/AB2/BB/AY/BY
        #   -all females  AA/AB/BB    same as simple   AA/AB1/AB2/BB
        #   -all males    AY/BY       same             same
        # forw cross
        #   -both sexes   A-/AB/BY    AA/AB/AY/BY      same as std
        #   -all females  AA/AB       same             same
        #   -all males    AY/BY       same             same
        # backw cross
        #   -both sexes   B-/AB/AY    BB/AB/AY/BY      same as std
        #   -all females  BB/AB       same             same
        #   -all males    AY/BY       same             same

        if(length(sex)==0 || all(sex==0)) { # all females
          if(length(pgm)==0 || all(pgm==0)) # all forw dir
            gen.names <- tempgn[1:2] # AA AB
          else if(all(pgm==1))  # all backw dir
            gen.names <- tempgn[3:2] # BB AB
          else { # some of each direction
              gen.names <- c(tempgn[1],
                             paste(tempgn[2],c("f","r"), sep=""),
            else gen.names <- tempgn[1:3]
        else if(all(sex==1))  # all males
          gen.names <- tempgn[4:5]
        else { # some of each sex
          if(length(pgm)==0 || all(pgm==0)) { # all forw
              gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[1],"-", sep=""),
            else gen.names <- tempgn[c(1,2,4,5)]
          else if (all(pgm==1)) { # all backw
              gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[2], "-",sep=""),
            else gen.names <- tempgn[c(3,2,4,5)]
          else { # some of each dir
              gen.names <- c(paste(alleles[1],"-",sep=""),
            else if(expandX=="standard")
              gen.names <- tempgn
              gen.names <- c(tempgn[1],


# revise genotype data, probabilities or imputations for the X chromosome
reviseXdata <-
  function(type=c("f2","bc","bcsft"), expandX=c("simple","standard","full"),
           sexpgm, geno, prob, draws, pairprob, cross.attr, force=FALSE)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    expandX <- match.arg(expandX)

    ## Treat bcsft as bc if no intercross generations; otherwise as f2.
    if(type == "bcsft") {
      if(cross.attr$scheme[2] == 0)
        type <- "bc"
        type <- "f2"

    sex <- sexpgm$sex
    pgm <- sexpgm$pgm

    notmissing <- (!missing(geno)) + (!missing(prob)) + (!missing(draws)) +
    if(notmissing == 0)
      stop("Provide one of geno, prob, draws, pairprob.")
    if(notmissing > 1)
      stop("Provide just one of geno, prob, draws, pairprob.")

    # get genonames
    genonames <- getgenonames(type, "X", expandX, sexpgm, cross.attr)

    if(type == "bc") { # backcross

      if(length(sex)==0 || ((all(sex==0) || all(sex==1)) && !force)) { # all one sex
        # no changes necessary
        if(!missing(geno)) return(geno)
        else if(!missing(prob)) {
          dimnames(prob)[[3]] <- genonames
        else if(!missing(draws))
        else # pairprob

      else { # both sexes

        if(!missing(geno)) {
          gmale <- geno[sex==1,]
            gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 3
          else {
            gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 3
            gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 4
          geno[sex==1,] <- gmale

        else if(!missing(draws)) {
          gmale <- draws[sex==1,,]
            gmale[gmale==2] <- 3
          else {
            gmale[gmale==1] <- 3
            gmale[gmale==2] <- 4
          draws[sex==1,,] <- gmale

        else if(!missing(prob)) {
          dimprob <- dim(prob)
          dimprob[3] <- length(genonames)
          newprob <- array(0,dim=dimprob)
          dimnames(newprob) <- c(dimnames(prob)[1:2],list(genonames))
          newprob[sex==0,,1:2] <- prob[sex==0,,1:2]

          if(expandX=="simple") {
            newprob[sex==1,,1] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
            newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
          else {
            newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
            newprob[sex==1,,4] <- prob[sex==1,,2]

        else { # pairprob
          dimpairprob <- dim(pairprob)
          dimpairprob[3] <- dimpairprob[4] <- length(genonames)
          newpairprob <- array(0,dim=dimpairprob)
          newpairprob[sex==0,,1:2,1:2] <- pairprob[sex==0,,,]

          if(expandX=="simple") {
            newpairprob[sex==1,,1,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,1,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,3,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]
          else {
            newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,3,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,4,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
            newpairprob[sex==1,,4,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]

      } # end of "both sexes" / backcross

    } # end of backcross

    else { # intercross

      if(length(sex)==0 || all(sex==0)) { # all females

        if(length(pgm)==0 || ((all(pgm==0) || all(pgm==1)) && !force)) { # one dir, females
          if(!missing(geno)) return(geno)
          else if(!missing(draws)) return(draws)
          else if(!missing(pairprob)) return(pairprob)
          else {
            dimnames(prob)[[3]] <- genonames

        else { # both dir, females
          if(!missing(geno)) {
            gback <- geno[pgm==1,]
            if(expandX!="full") {
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==1] <- 3
              geno[pgm==1,] <- gback
            else {
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==1] <- 4
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==2] <- 3
              geno[pgm==1,] <- gback
          else if(!missing(draws)) {
            gback <- draws[pgm==1,,]
            if(expandX!="full") {
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==1] <- 3
            else {
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==1] <- 4
              gback[!is.na(gback) & gback==2] <- 3
            draws[pgm==1,,] <- gback
          else if(!missing(prob)) {
            dimprob <- dim(prob)
            dimprob[3] <- length(genonames)
            newprob <- array(0,dim=dimprob)
            dimnames(newprob) <- c(dimnames(prob)[1:2],list(genonames))
            newprob[pgm==0,,1:2] <- prob[pgm==0,,1:2]

            if(expandX!="full") { # simple/standard
              newprob[pgm==1,,3] <- prob[pgm==1,,1]
              newprob[pgm==1,,2] <- prob[pgm==1,,2]
            else {
              newprob[pgm==1,,4] <- prob[pgm==1,,1]
              newprob[pgm==1,,3] <- prob[pgm==1,,2]
          else { # pairprob
            dimpairprob <- dim(pairprob)
            dimpairprob[3] <- dimpairprob[4] <- length(genonames)
            newpairprob <- array(0,dim=dimpairprob)
            newpairprob[pgm==0,,1:2,1:2] <- pairprob[pgm==0,,,]

            if(expandX!="full") { # simple/standard
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,3,2] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,2,3] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,2,2] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,2,2]
            else {
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,4,4] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,4,3] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,3,4] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[pgm==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[pgm==1,,2,2]
      else if(all(sex==1) && !force)  { # all males
        if(!missing(geno)) return(geno)
        else if(!missing(draws)) return(draws)
        else if(!missing(pairprob)) return(pairprob)
        else {
          dimnames(prob)[[3]] <- genonames

      else { # both sexes

        if(length(pgm)==0 || all(pgm==0)) { # both sexes, forw dir
          if(!missing(geno)) {
            gmale <- geno[sex==1,]
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 3
            else {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 4
            geno[sex==1,] <- gmale

          else if(!missing(draws)) {
            gmale <- draws[sex==1,,]
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 3
            else {
              gmale[gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 4
            draws[sex==1,,] <- gmale

          else if(!missing(prob)) {
            dimprob <- dim(prob)
            dimprob[3] <- length(genonames)
            newprob <- array(0,dim=dimprob)
            dimnames(newprob) <- c(dimnames(prob)[1:2],list(genonames))
            newprob[sex==0,,1:2] <- prob[sex==0,,1:2]

            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newprob[sex==1,,1] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
            else {
              newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,4] <- prob[sex==1,,2]

          else { # pairprob
            dimpairprob <- dim(pairprob)
            dimpairprob[3] <- dimpairprob[4] <- length(genonames)
            newpairprob <- array(0,dim=dimpairprob)
            newpairprob[sex==0,,1:2,1:2] <- pairprob[sex==0,,,]

            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newpairprob[sex==1,,1,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,1,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]
            else {
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,4,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,4,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]
        } # both sexes, forw dir

        if(all(pgm==1) && !force) { # both sexes, backw dir
          if(!missing(geno)) {
            gmale <- geno[sex==1,]
            if(expandX!="full") {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 1
            else {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 4
            geno[sex==1,] <- gmale

          else if(!missing(draws)) {
            gmale <- draws[sex==1,,]
            if(expandX!="full") {
              gmale[gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 1
            else {
              gmale[gmale==1] <- 3
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 4
            draws[sex==1,,] <- gmale

          else if(!missing(prob)) {
            dimprob <- dim(prob)
            dimprob[3] <- length(genonames)
            newprob <- array(0,dim=dimprob)
            dimnames(newprob) <- c(dimnames(prob)[1:2],list(genonames))
            newprob[sex==0,,1:2] <- prob[sex==0,,1:2]

            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,1] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
            else {
              newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,4] <- prob[sex==1,,2]

          else { # pairprob
            dimpairprob <- dim(pairprob)
            dimpairprob[3] <- dimpairprob[4] <- length(genonames)
            newpairprob <- array(0,dim=dimpairprob)
            newpairprob[sex==0,,1:2,1:2] <- pairprob[sex==0,,,]

            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,1,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,1,1] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]
            else {
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,3,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,1,2]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,4,3] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,1]
              newpairprob[sex==1,,4,4] <- pairprob[sex==1,,2,2]
        } # both sexes, backw dir

        else { # both dir, both sexes

          if(!missing(geno)) {
            gmale <- geno[sex==1,]
            gfemaler <- geno[sex==0 & pgm==1,]
            if(expandX=="simple") {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 3
              gfemaler[!is.na(gfemaler) & gfemaler==1] <- 3
            else if(expandX=="standard") {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 4
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 5
              gfemaler[!is.na(gfemaler) & gfemaler==1] <- 3
            else {
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==1] <- 5
              gmale[!is.na(gmale) & gmale==2] <- 6
              gfemaler[!is.na(gfemaler) & gfemaler==1] <- 4
              gfemaler[!is.na(gfemaler) & gfemaler==2] <- 3
            geno[sex==1,] <- gmale
            geno[sex==0 & pgm==1,] <- gfemaler

          else if(!missing(draws)) {
            gmale <- draws[sex==1,,]
            gfemaler <- draws[sex==0 & pgm==1,,]
            if(expandX=="simple") {
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 3
              gfemaler[gfemaler==1] <- 3
            else if(expandX=="standard") {
              gmale[gmale==1] <- 4
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 5
              gfemaler[gfemaler==1] <- 3
            else {
              gmale[gmale==1] <- 5
              gmale[gmale==2] <- 6
              gfemaler[gfemaler==1] <- 4
              gfemaler[gfemaler==2] <- 3
            draws[sex==1,,] <- gmale
            draws[sex==0 & pgm==1,,] <- gfemaler

          else if(!missing(prob)) {
            dimprob <- dim(prob)
            dimprob[3] <- length(genonames)
            newprob <- array(0,dim=dimprob)
            dimnames(newprob) <- c(dimnames(prob)[1:2],list(genonames))
            newprob[sex==0 & pgm==0,,1:2] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==0,,1:2]

            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newprob[sex==1,,1] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,3] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,3] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,2] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,2]
            else if(expandX=="standard") {
              newprob[sex==1,,4] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,5] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,3] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,2] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,2]
            else {
              newprob[sex==1,,5] <- prob[sex==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==1,,6] <- prob[sex==1,,2]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,4] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,1]
              newprob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,3] <- prob[sex==0 & pgm==1,,2]

          else { # pairprob
            dimpairprob <- dim(pairprob)
            dimpairprob[3] <- dimpairprob[4] <- length(genonames)
            newpairprob <- array(0,dim=dimpairprob)
            newpairprob[sex==0 & pgm==0,,1:2,1:2] <- pairprob[sex==0 & pgm==0,,,]

            male <- (sex==1)
            femaler <- (sex==0) & (pgm==1)
            if(expandX=="simple") {
              newpairprob[male,,1,1] <- pairprob[male,,1,1]
              newpairprob[male,,1,3] <- pairprob[male,,1,2]
              newpairprob[male,,3,1] <- pairprob[male,,2,1]
              newpairprob[male,,3,3] <- pairprob[male,,2,2]

              newpairprob[femaler,,3,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,3,2] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,2]
              newpairprob[femaler,,2,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,2,2] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,2]
            else if(expandX=="standard") {
              newpairprob[male,,4,4] <- pairprob[male,,1,1]
              newpairprob[male,,4,5] <- pairprob[male,,1,2]
              newpairprob[male,,5,4] <- pairprob[male,,2,1]
              newpairprob[male,,5,5] <- pairprob[male,,2,2]

              newpairprob[femaler,,3,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,3,2] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,2]
              newpairprob[femaler,,2,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,2,2] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,2]
            else {
              newpairprob[male,,5,5] <- pairprob[male,,1,1]
              newpairprob[male,,5,6] <- pairprob[male,,1,2]
              newpairprob[male,,6,5] <- pairprob[male,,2,1]
              newpairprob[male,,6,6] <- pairprob[male,,2,2]

              newpairprob[femaler,,4,4] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,4,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,1,2]
              newpairprob[femaler,,3,4] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,1]
              newpairprob[femaler,,3,3] <- pairprob[femaler,,2,2]


    } # end of intercross


# scanoneXnull
# figure out null hypothesis business for scanone on X chromosome
scanoneXnull <-
  function(type, sexpgm, cross.attr)
    sex <- sexpgm$sex
    pgm <- sexpgm$pgm

    if(type == "risib" || type=="riself" || type=="dh" || type=="haploid") type <- "bc"

    if(type == "bcsft") {
      if(cross.attr$scheme[2] == 0)
        type <- "bc"
        type <- "f2"

    ### first figure out sex/pgm pattern

    # sex
    if(length(sex)==0 || all(sex==0)) { # all female
      onesex <- allfemale <- TRUE
    else if(all(sex==1)) { # all male
      onesex <- TRUE
      allfemale <- FALSE
    else { # both sexes
      onesex <- allfemale <- FALSE
    # pgm
    if(length(pgm)==0 || all(pgm==0) || all(pgm==1)) # one direction
      onedir <- TRUE
    else onedir <- FALSE

    allmale <- onesex && !allfemale
    bothsex <- !onesex
    bothdir <- !onedir

    ### now figure out the null hypothesis and pull out appropriate
    ### covariates for the null

    # backcross, one sex
    # OR intercross, one dir and one sex
    # OR intercross, both dir and all male
    if((type=="bc" && onesex) ||
       (type=="f2" && ((onedir && onesex) || (bothdir && allmale)))) {
      adjustX <- FALSE
      parX0 <- 1
      sexpgmcovar <- sexpgmcovar.alt <- NULL

    # backcross, both sexes
    # OR intercross, one direction and both sexes
    else if((type=="bc" && bothsex) ||
            (type=="f2" && onedir && bothsex)) {
      adjustX <- TRUE
      parX0 <- 2
      sexpgmcovar <- cbind(sex)
      sexpgmcovar.alt <- sex+1

    # intercross, both dir and all female
    else if(type=="f2" && bothdir && allfemale) {
      adjustX <- TRUE
      parX0 <- 2
      sexpgmcovar <- cbind(pgm)
      sexpgmcovar.alt <- pgm+1

    # intercross, both dir and both sexes
    else {
      adjustX <- TRUE
      parX0 <- 3
      sexpgmcovar <- cbind(sex,as.numeric(sex==0 & pgm==1))
      sexpgmcovar.alt <- rep(3,length(sex))
      sexpgmcovar.alt[sex==0 & pgm==0] <- 1
      sexpgmcovar.alt[sex==0 & pgm==1] <- 2

    list(adjustX=adjustX, parX0=parX0, sexpgmcovar=sexpgmcovar,

# revisecovar
# Drop sex and pgm and their interxn as covariates for the X chr.
revisecovar <-
  function(sexpgm, covar)
    if(is.null(covar) || (is.null(sexpgm$sex) && is.null(sexpgm$pgm))) {
      if(!is.null(covar)) attr(covar, "n.dropped") <- 0

    covar <- as.matrix(covar)

    sex <- sexpgm$sex
    pgm <- sexpgm$pgm

    if(!is.null(pgm) && length(unique(pgm))==1) pgm <- NULL
    allfemale <- FALSE
    if(is.null(sex)) allfemale <- TRUE
    else {
      if(all(sex==0)) {
        allfemale <- TRUE
        sex <- NULL
      else if(all(sex==1)) {
        allfemale <- FALSE
        sex <- NULL

    if(!is.null(pgm)) { # some of each direction
      if(!is.null(sex)) { # some of each sex
        femf <- as.numeric(pgm==0 & sex==0)
        femr <- as.numeric(pgm==1 & sex==0)
        mal <- sex
        X <- cbind(femf, femr, mal)
      else { # all of one sex
          X <- cbind(1-pgm, pgm)
          X <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(covar)))
    else { # all of one direction
      if(!is.null(sex))  # some of each sex
        X <- cbind(sex, 1-sex)
      else X <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(covar)))

    nc <- ncol(X)

    keep <- rep(TRUE,ncol(covar))
    for(i in 1:ncol(covar)) {
      if(qr(cbind(X,covar[,i]))$rank <= nc)
        keep[i] <- FALSE
      covar <- numeric(0)
      covar <- covar[,keep,drop=FALSE]

    attr(covar, "n.dropped") <- sum(!keep)

# dropXcol: for use with scantwo() for the X chromosome:
#           figure out what columns to drop...both for the full model
#           and for the additive model.
dropXcol <-
  function(type=c("f2","bc", "riself", "risib", "4way", "dh", "haploid", "special","bcsft"),
           sexpgm, cross.attr)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    ## Treat bcsft as bc if no intercross generations; otherwise as f2.
    if(type == "bcsft") {
      if(cross.attr$scheme[2] == 0)
        type <- "bc"
        type <- "f2"

    gn <- getgenonames(type, "X", "full", sexpgm, cross.attr)

    if(length(gn)==2) return(rep(0,4))

    if(length(gn)==4) return( c(0,0,0,0,0,1,0,  0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0) )

    if(length(gn)==6) {
      todrop <- c(rep(0,11), rep(1,25))
      todrop[c(8,10)] <- 1
      todrop[11+c(1,13,25)] <- 0


# end of xchr.R
jtlovell/qtlTools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:14 a.m.