
#' @title Scanone qtl analysis permitting GWERk analysis.
#' @description
#' \code{scanone.GWERk}  see qtl::scanone for details. GWERk = 0 runs normal scanone
#' permutations. Otherwise GWERk perms are used.
#' @import qtl
#' @export
scanone.GWERk <-
  function(cross, chr, pheno.col=1, model=c("normal","binary","2part","np"),
           addcovar=NULL, intcovar=NULL, weights=NULL,
           use=c("all.obs", "complete.obs"), upper=FALSE,
           ties.random=FALSE, start=NULL, maxit=4000, tol=1e-4,
           n.perm, perm.Xsp=FALSE, perm.strata=NULL, verbose, batchsize=250,
           n.cluster=1, ind.noqtl, GWERk = 0)
    if(batchsize < 1) stop("batchsize must be >= 1.")
    model <- match.arg(model)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    use <- match.arg(use)

    # in RIL, treat X chromomse like an autosome
    chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
    if(any(chrtype=="X") && (class(cross)[1] == "risib" || class(cross)[1] == "riself"))
      for(i in which(chrtype=="X")) class(cross$geno[[i]]) <- "A"

    if(!missing(n.perm) && n.perm > 0 && n.cluster > 1) {
      cat(" -Running permutations via a cluster of", n.cluster, "nodes.\n")

      scanonePermInParallel <- function(n.perm, cross, chr, pheno.col, model, method, addcovar,
                                        intcovar, weights, use, upper, ties.random, start, maxit, tol,
                                        perm.Xsp, perm.strata, batchsize)
        scanone(cross=cross, chr=chr, pheno.col=pheno.col, model=model, method=method, addcovar=addcovar,
                intcovar=intcovar, weights=weights, use=use, upper=upper, ties.random=ties.random, start=start,
                maxit=maxit, tol=tol, n.perm=n.perm, perm.Xsp=perm.Xsp, perm.strata=perm.strata, batchsize=batchsize,
                n.cluster=0, verbose=FALSE)

      n.perm <- ceiling(n.perm/n.cluster)
      if(missing(chr)) chr <- names(cross$geno)
      if(Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") { # Windows doesn't support mclapply, but it's faster if available
        cl <- makeCluster(n.cluster)
        operm <- clusterApply(cl, rep(n.perm, n.cluster), scanonePermInParallel, cross=cross, chr=chr, pheno.col=pheno.col,
                              model=model, method=method, addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=intcovar, weights=weights, use=use,
                              upper=upper, ties.random=ties.random, start=start, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, perm.Xsp=perm.Xsp,
                              perm.strata=perm.strata, batchsize=batchsize)
      else {
        operm <- mclapply(rep(n.perm, n.cluster), scanonePermInParallel, cross=cross, chr=chr, pheno.col=pheno.col,
                          model=model, method=method, addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=intcovar, weights=weights, use=use,
                          upper=upper, ties.random=ties.random, start=start, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, perm.Xsp=perm.Xsp,
                          perm.strata=perm.strata, batchsize=batchsize, mc.cores=n.cluster)
      for(j in 2:length(operm))
        operm[[1]] <- c(operm[[1]], operm[[j]])

    # check perm.strat
    if(!missing(perm.strata) && !is.null(perm.strata)) {
      if(length(perm.strata) != nind(cross))
        stop("perm.strata, if given, must have length = nind(cross) [", nind(cross), "]")

    # individuals with no QTL effect
    if(missing(ind.noqtl)) ind.noqtl <- rep(FALSE, nind(cross))
    else {
      if(method %in% c("mr", "mr-imp", "mr-argmax","ehk") ||
         model %in% c("2part", "np")) {
        ind.noqtl <- rep(FALSE, nind(cross))
        warning("ind.noqtl ignored for model=", model, ", method=", method)
      else if(is.null(addcovar) && (!is.logical(ind.noqtl) || any(ind.noqtl))) {
        ind.noqtl <- rep(FALSE, nind(cross))
        warning("ind.noqtl ignored when no additive covariates")
      else if(!is.logical(ind.noqtl) || length(ind.noqtl) != nind(cross))
        stop("ind.noqtl be a logical vector of length n.ind (", nind(cross), ")")

    if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr)
    if(missing(n.perm)) n.perm <- 0

    if(missing(verbose)) {
      if(!missing(n.perm) && n.perm > 0) verbose <- TRUE
      else verbose <- FALSE

    if(LikePheVector(pheno.col, nind(cross), nphe(cross))) {
      cross$pheno <- cbind(pheno.col, cross$pheno)
      pheno.col <- 1

    if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
      num <- find.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
      if(any(is.na(num))) {
        if(sum(is.na(num)) > 1)
          stop("Couldn't identify phenotypes ", paste(paste("\"", pheno.col[is.na(num)], "\"", sep=""),
                                                      collapse=" "))
          stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col[is.na(num)], "\"")
      pheno.col <- num

    if(any(pheno.col < 1 | pheno.col > nphe(cross)))
      stop("pheno.col values should be between 1 and the no. phenotypes")

    if(length(pheno.col)==1 && n.perm>=0) use <- "complete.obs"

    if(n.perm >= 0) {    # not in the midst of a permutation test
      # If use="all.obs", check whether there are individuals missing some
      # phenotypes but not others.  If not, act like "complete.obs".
      if(use=="all.obs" && length(pheno.col) > 1) {
        n.phe <- length(pheno.col)
        temp <- apply(cross$pheno[,pheno.col], 1, function(a) sum(is.na(a)))
        if(all(temp==0 | temp==n.phe)) use <- "complete.obs"

      # If use="complete.obs", drop individuals with any missing phenotypes
      if(use=="complete.obs") {
        temp <- checkcovar(cross, pheno.col, addcovar, intcovar,
                           perm.strata, ind.noqtl, weights, TRUE)
        cross <- temp[[1]]
        pheno <- temp[[2]]
        addcovar <- temp[[3]]
        intcovar <- temp[[4]]
        n.addcovar <- temp[[5]]
        n.intcovar <- temp[[6]]
        perm.strata <- temp[[7]]
        ind.noqtl <- temp[[8]]
        weights <- temp[[9]]

    # use all observations; not in a permutation test; different phenotypes have different sets of missing values
    #   -> want to do in batches, but need to define batches by the pattern of missing data
    if(n.perm <= 0 && use=="all.obs" && length(pheno.col) > 1 && (method=="hk" || method=="imp") && model == "normal") {
      # drop individuals with missing covariates
      cross$pheno <- cbind(cross$pheno, rep(1, nind(cross)))
      temp <- checkcovar(cross, nphe(cross), addcovar, intcovar,
                         perm.strata, ind.noqtl, weights, TRUE)
      cross <- temp[[1]]
      pheno <- cross$pheno[,pheno.col, drop=FALSE]
      addcovar <- temp[[3]]
      intcovar <- temp[[4]]
      n.addcovar <- temp[[5]]
      n.intcovar <- temp[[6]]
      perm.strata <- temp[[7]]
      ind.noqtl <- temp[[8]]
      weights <- temp[[9]]

      # determine the batches (defined by the pattern of missing data)
      patterns <- apply(pheno, 2, function(a) paste(!is.na(a), collapse=":"))
      upat <- unique(patterns)
      m <- match(patterns, upat)
      batches <- vector("list", length(upat))
      upat <- lapply(strsplit(upat, ":"), function(a) as.logical(a))
      for(i in seq(along=batches)) batches[[i]] <- pheno.col[m==i]

      # run scanone for one batch at a time
      out <- NULL
      for(i in seq(along=batches)) {
        if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
          if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) addcovar <- as.matrix(addcovar)
          tempac <- addcovar[upat[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
        else tempac <- addcovar
        if(!is.null(intcovar)) {
          if(!is.matrix(intcovar)) intcovar <- as.matrix(intcovar)
          tempic <- intcovar[upat[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
        else tempic <- intcovar

        temp <- scanone(subset(cross, ind=upat[[i]]), chr=chr, pheno.col=batches[[i]], model=model,
                        method=method, addcovar=tempac, intcovar=tempic,
                        weights=weights[upat[[i]]], use="complete.obs", upper=upper, ties.random=ties.random,
                        start=start, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, n.perm=n.perm, perm.Xsp=perm.Xsp,
                        perm.strata=perm.strata[upat[[i]]], verbose=verbose, batchsize=batchsize,
        if(is.null(out)) out <- temp
        else out <- cbind(out, temp)

      # reorder LOD score columns and make sure that the names are correct
      colnames(out)[-(1:2)] <- colnames(cross$pheno)[unlist(batches)]
      out[,-(1:2)] <- out[,colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]]
      colnames(out)[-(1:2)] <- colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]


    # multiple phenotype for methods except imp or hk with normal model
    if(length(pheno.col)>1 && n.perm <= 0 && (model != "normal" ||
                                              (method!="imp" && method != "hk"))) {
      out <- scanone(cross, chr, pheno.col[1], model, method,
                     addcovar, intcovar, weights, use, upper, ties.random,
                     start, maxit, tol, n.perm, perm.Xsp, perm.strata,
                     verbose, batchsize, n.cluster=0)
      nc <- ncol(out)-2
      cn <- colnames(out)[-(1:2)]
      for(i in 2:length(pheno.col))
        out[,ncol(out)+1:nc] <- scanone(cross, chr, pheno.col[i], model,
                                        method, addcovar, intcovar, weights,
                                        use, upper, ties.random, start,
                                        maxit, tol, n.perm, perm.Xsp,
                                        perm.strata, verbose, batchsize, n.cluster=0)[,-(1:2)]

      if(length(cn) > 1)
        colnames(out)[-(1:2)] <- paste(rep(cn,length(pheno.col)),
        colnames(out)[-(1:2)] <- colnames(cross$pheno)[pheno.col]


    if(n.perm>0) {
      return(scanone.perm(cross, pheno.col, model, method, addcovar,
                          intcovar, weights, use, upper, ties.random,
                          start, maxit, tol, n.perm, perm.Xsp, perm.strata,
                          verbose, batchsize, GWERk))

    if(n.perm < 0) { # in the midst of permutations
      if(use=="all.obs") {
        temp <- checkcovar(cross, pheno.col, addcovar, intcovar,
                           perm.strata, ind.noqtl, weights, n.perm==-1)
        cross <- temp[[1]]
        pheno <- temp[[2]]
        addcovar <- temp[[3]]
        intcovar <- temp[[4]]
        n.addcovar <- temp[[5]]
        n.intcovar <- temp[[6]]
        perm.strata <- temp[[7]]
        ind.noqtl <- temp[[8]]
        weights <- temp[[9]]
      else {
        pheno <- as.matrix(cross$pheno[,pheno.col])
        if(is.null(addcovar)) n.addcovar <- 0
        else n.addcovar <- ncol(addcovar)
        if(is.null(intcovar)) n.intcovar <- 0
        else n.intcovar <- ncol(intcovar)

    n.chr <- nchr(cross)
    n.ind <- nind(cross)
    n.phe <- ncol(pheno)
    type <- class(cross)[1]
    is.bcs <- FALSE
    if(type == "bcsft") {
      cross.scheme <- attr(cross, "scheme")
      is.bcs <- (cross.scheme[2] == 0)

    # fill in missing genotypes with imputed values
    if(n.perm==0) { # not in the midst of permutations
        cross <- fill.geno(cross,method="argmax")
        cross <- fill.geno(cross,method="imp")

    # weights for model="normal"
    if(model != "normal") {
      if(!is.null(weights) && !all(weights==1) && n.perm > -2)
        warning("weights used only for normal model.")
    else {
        weights <- rep(1, nind(cross))
        if(length(weights) != nind(cross))
          stop("weights should either be NULL or a vector of length n.ind")
      if(any(weights <= 0))
        stop("weights should be entirely positive")
      weights <- sqrt(weights)

    if(model=="binary") {
      if(method=="imp") {
        if(n.perm > -2) warning("Method imp not available for binary model; using em")
        method <- "em"
      return(discan(cross, pheno, method, addcovar, intcovar, maxit, tol, verbose, n.perm > -2, ind.noqtl))
    else if(model=="2part") {
      if((n.addcovar > 0 || n.intcovar > 0) && n.perm > -2)
        warning("Covariates ignored for the two-part model.")
      if(method!="em") {
        if(n.perm > -2) warning("Only em method is available for the two-part model")
        method <- "em"
      return(vbscan(cross, pheno.col, upper, method, maxit, tol))
    else if(model=="np") {
      if((n.addcovar > 0 || n.intcovar > 0) && n.perm > -2)
        warning("Covariates ignored for non-parametric interval mapping.")
      if(method!="em") {
        if(n.perm > -2) warning("Method argument ignored for non-parametric interval mapping.")
        method <- "em"

    # if non-parametric, convert phenotypes to ranks
    if(model=="np") {
      if(ties.random) {
        y <- pheno[!is.na(pheno)]
        y <- rank(y+runif(length(y))/(sd(y)*10^8))
        pheno[!is.na(pheno)] <- y
        correct <- 1
      else {
        ties <- table(pheno)
        if(any(ties > 1)) {
          ties <- ties[ties>1]
          correct <- 1-sum(ties^3-ties)/(n.ind^3-n.ind)
        else correct <- 1
        pheno <- rank(pheno)

    results <- NULL

    # starting points for interval mapping
    if(method=="em" && model=="normal") {
      if(is.null(start)) std.start <- 1
      else if(length(start)==1) std.start <- -1
      else std.start <- 0

    # scan genome one chromosome at a time
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[i]])
      if(chrtype=="X") {
        sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
        ac <- revisecovar(sexpgm,addcovar)

        if(!is.null(addcovar) && (nd <- attr(ac, "n.dropped")) > 0 && n.perm > -2)
          warning("Dropped ", nd, " additive covariates on X chromosome.")

        if(length(ac)==0) {
          n.ac <- 0
          ac <- NULL
        else n.ac <- ncol(ac)
        ic <- revisecovar(sexpgm,intcovar)
        if(!is.null(intcovar) && (nd <- attr(ic, "n.dropped")) > 0 && n.perm > -2)
          warning("Dropped ", nd, " interactive covariates on X chromosome.")
        if(length(ic)==0) {
          n.ic <- 0
          ic <- NULL
        else n.ic <- ncol(ic)
      else {
        sexpgm <- NULL
        ac <- addcovar
        n.ac <- n.addcovar
        ic <- intcovar
        n.ic <- n.intcovar

      # get genotype names
      gen.names <- getgenonames(type,chrtype,"full",sexpgm,attributes(cross))
      n.gen <- length(gen.names)

      # starting values for interval mapping
      if(method=="em" && model=="normal") {
        this.start <- rep(0,n.gen+1)
        if(std.start == 0) {
          if(length(start) < n.gen+1)
            stop("Length of start argument should be 0, 1 or ", n.gen+1)
          this.start <- c(start[1:n.gen],start[length(start)])

      # pull out reconstructed genotypes (mr)
      # or imputations (imp)
      # or genotype probabilities (em or hk)
      if(method=="mr" || method=="mr-imp" || method=="mr-argmax") {
        newgeno <- cross$geno[[i]]$data
        newgeno[is.na(newgeno)] <- 0

        # discard partially informative genotypes
        if(type=="f2" || (type=="bcsft" && !is.bcs)) newgeno[newgeno>3] <- 0
        if(type=="4way") newgeno[newgeno>4] <- 0

        # revise X chromosome genotypes
        if(chrtype=="X" && (type %in% c("bc","f2","bcsft")))
          newgeno <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm, geno=newgeno,

        n.pos <- ncol(newgeno)
        map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
        if(is.matrix(map)) {
          marnam <- colnames(map)
          map <- map[1,]
        else marnam <- names(map)
      else if(method == "imp") {
        if(!("draws" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))) {
          # need to run sim.geno
          if(n.perm > -2) warning("First running sim.geno.")
          cross <- sim.geno(cross)

        draws <- cross$geno[[i]]$draws
        n.pos <- ncol(draws)
        n.draws <- dim(draws)[3]

        # revise X chromosome genotypes
        if(chrtype=="X" && (type %in% c("bc","f2","bcsft")))
          draws <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm, draws=draws,

        if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$draws)))
          map <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws,"map")
        else {
          stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws, "step")
          oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws, "off.end")

          if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$draws)))
            stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$draws, "stepwidth")
          else stpw <- "fixed"
          map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

        if(is.matrix(map)) {
          marnam <- colnames(map)
          map <- map[1,]
        else marnam <- names(map)
      else {
        if(!("prob" %in% names(cross$geno[[i]]))) {
          # need to run calc.genoprob
          if(n.perm > -2) warning("First running calc.genoprob.")
          cross <- calc.genoprob(cross)
        genoprob <- cross$geno[[i]]$prob
        n.pos <- ncol(genoprob)

        # revise X chromosome genotypes
        if(chrtype=="X" && (type %in% c("bc","f2","bcsft")))
          genoprob <- reviseXdata(type, "full", sexpgm, prob=genoprob,

        if("map" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)))
          map <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob,"map")
        else {
          stp <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "step")
          oe <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "off.end")

          if("stepwidth" %in% names(attributes(cross$geno[[i]]$prob)))
            stpw <- attr(cross$geno[[i]]$prob, "stepwidth")
          else stpw <- "fixed"
          map <- create.map(cross$geno[[i]]$map,stp,oe,stpw)

        if(is.matrix(map)) {
          marnam <- colnames(map)
          map <- map[1,]
        else marnam <- names(map)

      # call the C function
      if(method == "mr" || method=="mr-imp" || method=="mr-argmax")
        z <- .C("R_scanone_mr",
                as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                as.integer(newgeno),       # genotype data
                as.double(ac),       # additive covariates
                as.double(ic),       # interactive covariates
                as.double(pheno),          # phenotype data
                as.double(weights),        # weights
      else if(method=="imp") {
        if(n.phe > batchsize) {
          firstcol <- 1
          z <- NULL
          while(firstcol <= n.phe) {
            if(verbose > 2) cat("chr", names(cross$geno)[i], "phe", firstcol, "...\n")
            thiscol <- firstcol + 0:(batchsize-1)
            thiscol <- thiscol[thiscol <= n.phe]
            thisz <- .C("R_scanone_imp",
                        as.integer(length(thiscol)), # number of phenotypes
                        as.integer(ind.noqtl),       # indicators of ind'l w/o QTL effects
            firstcol <- firstcol + batchsize
            if(is.null(z)) {
              z <- thisz
              z$result <- matrix(ncol=n.phe, nrow=n.pos)
            z$result[,thiscol] <- matrix(thisz$result, nrow=n.pos)
        else {
          z <- .C("R_scanone_imp",
                  as.integer(n.phe), # number of phenotypes
                  as.integer(ind.noqtl),       # indicators of ind'l w/o QTL effects
      else if(method=="hk") { # Haley-Knott regression
        if(n.phe > batchsize) {
          firstcol <- 1
          z <- NULL
          while(firstcol <= n.phe) {
            if(verbose > 2) cat("chr", names(cross$geno)[i], "phe", firstcol, "...\n")
            thiscol <- firstcol + 0:(batchsize-1)
            thiscol <- thiscol[thiscol <= n.phe]
            thisz <- .C("R_scanone_hk",
                        as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                        as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                        as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                        as.double(genoprob),       # genotype probabilities
                        as.double(ac),         # additive covariates
                        as.double(ic),         # interactive covariates
                        as.double(pheno[,thiscol]),          # phenotype data
                        as.integer(length(thiscol)), # number of phenotypes
                        as.integer(ind.noqtl),       # indicators of ind'l w/o QTL effects
            firstcol <- firstcol + batchsize
            if(is.null(z)) {
              z <- thisz
              z$result <- matrix(ncol=n.phe, nrow=n.pos)
            z$result[,thiscol] <- matrix(thisz$result, nrow=n.pos)
        else {
          z <- .C("R_scanone_hk",
                  as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                  as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                  as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                  as.double(genoprob),       # genotype probabilities
                  as.double(ac),         # additive covariates
                  as.double(ic),         # interactive covariates
                  as.double(pheno),          # phenotype data
                  as.integer(n.phe), # number of phenotypes
                  as.integer(ind.noqtl),       # indicators of ind'l w/o QTL effects
      else if(method=="ehk")  { # extended Haley-Knott method
        z <- .C("R_scanone_ehk",
                as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                as.double(genoprob),       # genotype probabilities
                as.double(ac),         # additive covariates
                as.double(ic),         # interactive covariates
                as.double(pheno),          # phenotype data

      else if(method=="em" && model=="normal")  # interval mapping
        z <- .C("R_scanone_em",
                as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                as.double(genoprob),       # genotype probabilities
                as.double(pheno),          # phenotype data
                as.integer(0), # debugging verbose off
                as.integer(ind.noqtl),       # indicators of ind'l w/o QTL effects

      else if(model=="np")  # non-parametric interval mapping
        z <- .C("R_scanone_np",
                as.integer(n.ind),         # number of individuals
                as.integer(n.pos),         # number of markers
                as.integer(n.gen),         # number of possible genotypes
                as.double(genoprob),       # genotype probabilities
                as.double(pheno) ,         # phenotype data

        stop("Model ", model, " with method ", method, " not available")

      z <- matrix(z$result,nrow=n.pos)

      # interval mapping without covariates:
      #   rescale log likelihood
      if(model == "np" && !ties.random)
        z <- z/correct  # correct for ties

      # setup column names for z
        colnames(z) <- "lod"
      else {
          colnames(z) <- paste("lod", pheno.col, sep="")
          colnames(z) <- colnames(pheno)

      # get null log10 likelihood
      if(i==1 & model != "np") {
        if(n.ac > 0)
          resid0 <- lm(pheno ~ ac, weights=weights^2)$resid
          resid0 <- lm(pheno ~ 1, weights=weights^2)$resid

        if(method=="hk")  {
          if(n.phe > 1) {
            nllik0 <- apply(resid0, 2, function(x)
            nllik0 <- (n.ind/2)*log10(sum((resid0*weights)^2))

        else {
          sig0 <- sqrt(sum((resid0*weights)^2)/n.ind)
          nllik0 <- -sum(dnorm(resid0,0,sig0/weights,log=TRUE))/log(10)

      # re-scale with null log10 likel for methods em and ehk
      if(method=="em" && model=="normal")
        z <- nllik0 - z

      else if(method=="ehk")
        z <- z/log(10) + nllik0

      else if(method == "hk") {
        if(n.phe > 1) {
          z <- t(nllik0 - t(z))
          z <- nllik0 - z

      # get null log10 likelihood for the X chromosome
      if(chrtype=="X") {

        # determine which covariates belong in null hypothesis
        temp <- scanoneXnull(type, sexpgm, cross.attr=attributes(cross))
        adjustX <- temp$adjustX
        parX0 <- temp$parX0+n.ac
        sexpgmcovar <- temp$sexpgmcovar

        if(adjustX) {
          if(model == "np") {
            sexpgmcovar <- factor(apply(sexpgmcovar,1,paste,collapse=":"))
            nllikX <- kruskal.test(pheno ~ sexpgmcovar)$stat/(2*log(10))
            z <- z - nllikX
          else if(method=="mr") {
            for(s in 1:ncol(newgeno)) {
              wh <- newgeno[,s] != 0

              if(n.ac > 0) {
                residX <- lm(pheno ~ ac+sexpgmcovar, weights=weights^2,subset=wh)$resid
                resid0 <- lm(pheno ~ ac, weights=weights^2,subset=wh)$resid
              else {
                residX <- lm(pheno ~ sexpgmcovar, weights=weights^2,subset=wh)$resid
                resid0 <- lm(pheno ~ 1, weights=weights^2,subset=wh)$resid
              nllikX <- (sum(wh)/2)*log10(sum((residX*weights[wh])^2))
              nllik0 <- (sum(wh)/2)*log10(sum((resid0*weights[wh])^2))

              # rescale LOD score
              z[s,] <- z[s,] + nllikX - nllik0
          else {
            if(n.ac > 0) {
              outX <- lm(pheno ~ ac+sexpgmcovar, weights=weights^2)
              residX <- outX$resid
              # revise the parX0, if some columns got dropped
              parX0 <- outX$rank
              residX <- lm(pheno ~ sexpgmcovar, weights=weights^2)$resid

            if(method=="hk") {
                nllikX <- (n.ind/2)*log10(sum((residX*weights)^2))
                nllikX <- (n.ind/2)*apply(residX, 2, function(a,b)
                  log10(sum((a*b)^2)), weights)
            else {
              if(method=="imp") {
                if(n.ac > 0) {
                  out0 <- lm(pheno ~ ac, weights=weights^2)
                  resid0 <- out0$resid
                else {
                  out0 <- lm(pheno ~ 1, weights=weights^2)
                  resid0 <- out0$resid

                if(n.phe > 1) {
                  sig0 <- sqrt(apply(resid0, 2, function(a,b) sum((a*b)^2),weights)/n.ind)
                  nllik0 <- sig0
                  for(j in seq(along=nllik0))
                    nllik0[j] <- -sum(dnorm(resid0[,j],0,sig0[j]/weights,log=TRUE))/log(10)
                else {
                  sig0 <- sqrt(sum((resid0*weights)^2)/n.ind)
                  nllik0 <- -sum(dnorm(resid0,0,sig0/weights,log=TRUE))/log(10)

              if(n.phe > 1) {
                sigX <- sqrt(apply(residX, 2, function(a,b) sum((a*b)^2),weights)/n.ind)
                nllikX <- sigX
                for(j in seq(along=nllikX))
                  nllikX[j] <- -sum(dnorm(residX[,j],0,sigX[j]/weights,log=TRUE))/log(10)
              else {
                sigX <- sqrt(sum((residX*weights)^2)/n.ind)
                nllikX <- -sum(dnorm(residX,0,sigX/weights,log=TRUE))/log(10)

          if(method != "mr" && model != "np") {
            # rescale LOD score
            z <- t(t(z) + nllikX - nllik0)

      # replace missing or negative LODs with 0
      z[is.na(z) | z<0] <- 0

      w <- marnam
      o <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]+",w)
      if(length(o) > 0) # inter-marker locations cited as "c*.loc*"
        w[o] <- paste("c",names(cross$geno)[i],".",w[o],sep="")

      z <- as.data.frame(z, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
      z <- cbind(chr=rep(names(cross$geno)[i],length(map)),
                 pos=as.numeric(map), z)
      rownames(z) <- w

      results <- rbind(results, z)

    class(results) <- c("scanone","data.frame")
    attr(results,"method") <- method
    attr(results,"type") <- type
    attr(results,"model") <- model


# scanone.perm: Permutation test of scanone

scanone.perm <-
  function(cross, pheno.col=1, model=c("normal","binary","2part","np"),
           addcovar=NULL, intcovar=NULL, weights=NULL,
           use=c("all.obs", "complete.obs"), upper=FALSE,
           ties.random=FALSE, start=NULL, maxit=4000, tol=1e-4,
           n.perm=1000, perm.Xsp=FALSE, perm.strata=NULL,
           verbose=TRUE, batchsize=250, GWERk)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    model <- match.arg(model)
    use <- match.arg(use)

    if((model=="2part" || model=="np") && (!is.null(addcovar) || !is.null(intcovar))) {
      warning("Use of covariates not available for model ", model)
      addcovar <- intcovar <- NULL

    chr.type <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
    if((all(chr.type=="X") || all(chr.type=="X")) && perm.Xsp==TRUE)
      warning("All chromosomes of the same type, so X-chr specific permutations not needed.\n")

    if(any(chr.type=="X") && any(chr.type=="A") && perm.Xsp) { # autosome and X-specific perms
      # X chr versus autosomes
      xchr <- chr.type=="X"
      names(xchr) <- names(cross$geno)

      # chromosome lengths
      L <- summary(pull.map(cross))[,2]
      L <- L[-length(L)]
      La <- sum(L[!xchr])
      Lx <- sum(L[xchr])

      n.perm.X <- ceiling(La/Lx*n.perm)

      if(verbose) cat("--Autosome permutations\n")
      resA <- scanone.perm.engine(n.perm, subset(cross, chr=!xchr),
                                  pheno.col, model,
                                  method, addcovar, intcovar, weights, use,
                                  upper, ties.random, start, maxit, tol,
                                  verbose, perm.strata, batchsize,GWERk)

      if(verbose) cat("--X chromosome permutations\n")
      resX <- scanone.perm.engine(n.perm.X, subset(cross, chr=xchr),
                                  pheno.col, model,
                                  method, addcovar, intcovar, weights, use,
                                  upper, ties.random, start, maxit, tol,
                                  verbose, perm.strata, batchsize,GWERk)
      res <- list("A"=resA, "X"=resX)
      attr(res, "xchr") <- xchr
      attr(res, "L") <- c("A"=La, "X"=Lx)

    else {
      res <- scanone.perm.engine(n.perm, cross, pheno.col, model,
                                 method, addcovar, intcovar, weights, use,
                                 upper, ties.random, start, maxit, tol,
                                 verbose, perm.strata, batchsize,GWERk)

    attr(res,"method") <- method
    attr(res,"model") <- model
    attr(res,"type") <- class(cross)[1]

    if(any(chr.type=="X") && any(chr.type=="A") && perm.Xsp)
      class(res) <- c("scanoneperm", "list")
      class(res) <- c("scanoneperm", "matrix")


# engine function to permform permutation test
scanone.perm.engine <-
  function(n.perm, cross, pheno.col, model,
           method, addcovar, intcovar, weights, use,
           upper, ties.random, start, maxit, tol,
           verbose, perm.strata, batchsize=250, GWERk)
    ## local variables
    n.phe <- length(pheno.col)
    n.addcov <- ncol(addcovar)
    n.intcovar <- ncol(intcovar)
    n.ind <- dim(cross$pheno)[1]

    if(method=="mr-imp") # save version with missing genotypes
      tempcross <- cross
    if(method=="mr-argmax") # impute genotypes
      cross <- fill.geno(cross,method="argmax")

    ## if there's only one phenotype, no covariate, and method is imp or hk,
    ## generate permuted phenotype as a matrix
    ## we also need one sex and one direction, or that the
    ##     stratification is within those groups
    batch.mode <- FALSE
    if( (n.phe==1) && ((method=="imp") || (method=="hk")) &&
        model == "normal" &&
        is.null(addcovar) && is.null(intcovar) ) {
      chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
      sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
      sex <- sexpgm$sex
      pgm <- sexpgm$pgm
        batch.mode <- TRUE
      else if((is.null(sex) || length(unique(sex))==1) &&
              (is.null(pgm) || length(unique(pgm))==1))
        batch.mode <- TRUE
      else if(!is.null(perm.strata)) {
        sp <- paste(sex, pgm, sep=":")
        tab <- table(sp, perm.strata)
        if(all(apply(tab, 2, function(a) sum(a != 0))==1))
          batch.mode <- TRUE

    if(batch.mode) {
        cat("Doing permutation in batch mode ...\n")
      ## if there's only one phenotype, no covariate, and method is imp or hk,
      ## generate permuted phenotype as a matrix and do permutation
      ## as multiple phenotypes
      ord <- matrix(0, n.ind, n.perm)
      if(!is.null(perm.strata)) {  # stratified permutation test
        if(length(perm.strata) != n.ind)
          stop("perm.strata must be NULL or have length nind(cross).")
        u <- unique(perm.strata)
        theindex <- 1:n.ind
          stop("All elements of perm.strata are unique, so there will be no real permutation.")
          warning("Just one unique element in perm.strata, so the perms are not stratified.")

        for(iperm in 1:n.perm) {
          for(j in u) {
            wh <- perm.strata==j
            if(sum(wh)==1) ord[wh,iperm] <- theindex[wh]
            else ord[wh,iperm] <- sample(theindex[wh])
      else {
        for(iperm in 1:n.perm)
          ord[,iperm] <- sample(n.ind)

      cross$pheno <- cbind(matrix(cross$pheno[,pheno.col][ord], nrow=n.ind), cross$pheno)

      pheno.col <- 1:n.perm
      tem <- scanone(cross,,pheno.col,model,method,addcovar,
                     intcovar, weights, use, upper,ties.random,start,
                     maxit,tol,n.perm= -1, perm.Xsp=FALSE, perm.strata, verbose=FALSE, batchsize,

      res <- matrix(apply(tem[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) {
        m<-tapply(x,tem$chr,max, na.rm=TRUE) # get the maximum LOD scores / chromosome
        m[order(-m)][GWERk+1] # get the kth + 1 highest lod peak
      }), ncol=1)
      colnames(res) <- "lod"
    else { ## all other cases, do one permutation at a time
      ## rnd: how often to print tracing information
      if(verbose > 1) rnd <- 1
      else {
        if(n.perm >= 1000) rnd <- 20
        else if(n.perm >= 100) rnd <- 5
        else rnd <- 1

      addcovarp <- addcovar
      intcovarp <- intcovar
      if(!is.null(addcovar)) addcovarp <- as.matrix(addcovarp)
      if(!is.null(intcovar)) intcovarp <- as.matrix(intcovarp)

      if(model=="2part") res <- matrix(ncol=3*n.phe,nrow=n.perm)
      else res <- matrix(0, n.perm, n.phe)

      for(i in 1:n.perm) {
        if(verbose && i/rnd == floor(i/rnd))
          cat("Permutation", i, "\n")
        # impute genotypes for method "mr-imp"
        if(method=="mr-imp") cross <- fill.geno(tempcross)

        if(!is.null(perm.strata)) {  # stratified permutation test
          if(length(perm.strata) != n.ind)
            stop("perm.strata must be NULL or have length nind(cross).")
          u <- unique(perm.strata)
          theindex <- 1:n.ind
            stop("All elements of perm.strata are unique, so no real permutations.")
          if(length(u)==1 && i==1)
            warning("Just one unique element in perm.strata, so the perms are not stratified.")

          o <- 1:n.ind
          for(j in u) {
            wh <- perm.strata==j
            if(sum(wh)>1) o[wh] <- sample(o[wh])
          o <- sample(1:n.ind)

        cross$pheno <- cross$pheno[o,,drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.null(addcovar)) addcovarp <- addcovarp[o,,drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.null(intcovar)) intcovarp <- intcovarp[o,,drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[o]

        tem <- scanone(cross,,pheno.col,model,method,addcovarp,
                       maxit,tol,n.perm= -i, perm.Xsp=FALSE, perm.strata, verbose=FALSE, batchsize,

        res[i,] <- apply(tem[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) {
          m<-tapply(x,tem$chr,max, na.rm=TRUE) # get the maximum LOD scores / chromosome
          mk<-m[order(-m)][GWERk+1] # get the kth + 1 highest lod peak


      } # finish permutation

      colnames(res) <- colnames(tem)[-(1:2)]

    ## set row and column names when n.phe>1
    rownames(res) <- 1:n.perm

    ## return

jtlovell/qtlTools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:14 a.m.