
Defines functions DR.fit.DoseVolume DVH.lq.correct DVH.baseStat DVH.Dvolume DVH.Vdose DVH.merge DVH.eud DVH.absolute DVH.relative DVH.mean DVH.extract DVH.cum.to.diff DVH.diff.to.cum DVH.generate

Documented in DR.fit.DoseVolume DVH.absolute DVH.baseStat DVH.cum.to.diff DVH.diff.to.cum DVH.Dvolume DVH.eud DVH.extract DVH.generate DVH.lq.correct DVH.mean DVH.merge DVH.relative DVH.Vdose

#' Function that creates a \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @param dvh.number The number of DVHs to be generated
#' @param type The type of DVH to be generated: \code{random} generates all possible variation in dose distribution, 
#'        \code{convex} for DVH similar to PTV structures with good dose homogeneity to high levels,
#'        \code{concave} for DVH with low level of dose delivered to the volume as a spared structure,
#'        \code{mix} for DVH where dose distribution is averaged in the whole volume spectrum.
#' @param dvh.type The type of volume distribution to be created: \code{differential} or \code{cumulative}.
#' @param vol.distr Defines if the volume bins have to be divided by the total volume of the structure (\code{relative}) or not (\code{absolute}).
#' @param max.dose The upper bound of the dose distribution to be simulated.
#' @param dose.bin The dose bin in Gy to compute the value of volume parts in the final DVH.
#' @param volbin.side The value of the side of each cube (in mm) that builds the final volume of the simulated structure.
#' @param min.vol The minimum volume of the range to be simulated.
#' @param max.vol The maximum volume of the range to be simulated.
#' @description  Creates an object of class \code{dvhmatrix}.
#' @details Dose Volume Histograms (DVH) are the basic representation of how the radiation doses distribute inside structures.
#'          Usually they are shown in two forms: \code{differential} or \code{cumulative} being related each other because
#'          \code{cumultive} DVHs are the integral form of \code{"differential"} ones. This function provides a siumlated series
#'          of structures with the features defined by function parameters. The simulated series are useful for producing simulated
#'          Dose/Response models using the modeling functions defined in this package.
#'          class objects.
#' @references Van den Heuvela F. \emph{Decomposition analysis of differential dose volume histograms.} Med Phys. 2006 Feb;33(2):297-307. PubMed PMID: 16532934.
#' @return An object of \code{dvhmatrix} class.
#' @examples ## creates a dvhmatrix object with 200 differential - relative histograms
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number=200, dvh.type="differential", vol.distr="relative")
#' ## creates a dvhmatrix object containing 150 cumulative - absolute histograms
#' ## maximum dose in simulated series is 60 Gy
#' b<-DVH.generate(dvh.number=150, dvh.type="cumulative", vol.distr="absolute", max.dose=60)
#' @export
DVH.generate<-function(dvh.number, type=c("random","convex","concave","mix"), 
                       dvh.type=c("differential", "cumulative"), vol.distr=c("relative", "absolute"),
                       max.dose = 75, dose.bin = 0.5, volbin.side = 2.5, min.vol=180, max.vol=220) {
  if (min.vol<2) {
    warning("Minimum volumes under 2 cc aren't allowed, min.vol set to 2.")
    min.vol <- 2
  if (max.dose <= 10) stop("max.dose must by higher than 10 Gy")
  # create the vector of volumes  
  volumes <- runif(n = dvh.number, min = min.vol, max = max.vol)  
  volbin.num <- round(volumes/((volbin.side/10)^3)) # number of bins for each volume
  # function for generating convex DVHs voxels series
  convex.dvh <- function(n) {
    mean.dose <- runif(n = 1, min = max.dose - (max.dose/3), max = max.dose - max.dose/6)
    sd.dose <- (max.dose - mean.dose)/2.5
    return(rnorm(n = n, mean = mean.dose, sd = sd.dose))
  # function for generating concave DVHs voxels series
  concave.dvh <- function(n) {
    mean.dose <- runif(n = 1, min = 2, max = max(10, max.dose/2.5))
    sd.dose <- mean.dose/3
    result<-rnorm(n = n, mean = mean.dose, sd = sd.dose)
    # takes only the voxels with dose>=0
    # adds more voxels to reach the expected number with random uniform distribution
    return(c(result, runif(n = n - length(result), min = 0, max = 2*mean.dose)))
  # function for creating mix DVHs voxels series
  mix.dvh <- function(n) {
    contrib<-c(runif(n = 1, min = .05, max = .3), runif(n = 1, min = .05, max = .3))
    # proportions in contributions to final DVH
    contrib<-c(contrib[1], 1 - sum(contrib), contrib[2])
    part1<-concave.dvh(n = round(contrib[1] * n))
    part3<-convex.dvh(n = round(contrib[3] * n))
    part2.mean<-runif(n = 1, min = max.dose/20, max = max.dose - max.dose/5)
    part2.sd  <-(max.dose - part2.mean)/(8 * 1/runif(n = 1, min = 1.5, max = 3.5))
    part2<-rnorm(n = n - (length(part1) + length(part3)), 
                 mean = part2.mean, 
                 sd = part2.sd)
    result<-c(part1, part2, part3)
    # compensate the negative values when available
    return(c(result, runif(n = n - length(result), min = 0, max = max.dose)))    
  # function that creates random DVHs according the previous three given functions
  random.dvh <- function(n) {
    FUN <- sample(x = c(convex.dvh, concave.dvh, mix.dvh), size = 1, replace = T, prob = c(.25,.25,.5))
  # voxels creation
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type=="convex") dose.voxels<-sapply(X = volbin.num, FUN = convex.dvh)
  if (type=="concave") dose.voxels<-sapply(X = volbin.num, FUN = concave.dvh)
  if (type=="mix") dose.voxels<-sapply(X = volbin.num, FUN = mix.dvh)
  if (type=="random") dose.voxels<-sapply(X = volbin.num, FUN = random.dvh)
  VolBin<-volbin.side^3/1000 # Volume Bin in cc
  # delete dose.voxels with exceeding value over 15% max
  dose.voxels<-sapply(X = dose.voxels, FUN = function(x) return(x[which(x<(max.dose+max.dose*.15))]), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  # creates the vector of structures volumes
  if (dvh.number > 1) volume<-sapply(X = dose.voxels, FUN = function(x) VolBin * length(x), simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) else volume <- VolBin * length(dose.voxels)
  # creates the dvhmatrix object
  dvh.type<-match.arg(arg = dvh.type)
  vol.distr<-match.arg(arg = vol.distr)
  result@dvh.type<-"differential" # default value, corrected by DVH.diff.to.cum if dvh.type = "cumulative"
  result@vol.distr<-"absolute"    # default DVH vol.distr type
  # creates the list of differential histograms
  if (dvh.number > 1) {
    hlist<-lapply(X = dose.voxels, FUN = hist, 
                  breaks = seq(from = 0, to = max(c(unlist(lapply(X = dose.voxels, FUN = max))) + dose.bin * 4, max.dose), by = dose.bin), plot = FALSE)
    if (dvh.type=="differential") {
      result@dvh<-cbind(hlist[[1]]$mids, sapply(X = hlist, FUN = function(x) cbind(x$counts * VolBin), simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
      #if (vol.distr=="relative") for (n in 2:ncol(result@dvh)) result@dvh[,n]<-result@dvh[,n]/result@volume[n-1]
    if (dvh.type=="cumulative") {
      result@dvh<-cbind(hlist[[1]]$mids, sapply(X = hlist, FUN = function(x) cbind(x$counts * VolBin), simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
      result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result)
      #if (vol.distr=="relative") result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result, relative = TRUE) else result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result, relative = FALSE)
  } else {    
    hlist<-hist(x = dose.voxels, breaks = seq(from = 0, to = max(max(dose.voxels) + dose.bin * 4, max.dose), by = dose.bin), plot = FALSE)
    if (dvh.type=="differential") {
      result@dvh <- cbind(hlist$mids, hlist$counts * VolBin)
      #if (vol.distr=="relative") result@dvh[,2] <- result@dvh[,2]/result@volume
    if (dvh.type=="cumulative") {
      result@dvh <- cbind(hlist$mids, hlist$counts * VolBin)
      result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result)
      #if (vol.distr=="relative") result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result, relative = TRUE) else result<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = result, relative = FALSE)
  if (vol.distr == "relative") result<-DVH.relative(dvh = result)

#' Function that converts differential DVHs into cumulative ones
#' @param dvh Either an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or \code{matrix} type.
#' @description Function that converts an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or a simple \code{matrix} that 
#'              represents a differential DVH into a cumulative one.
#' @return Either an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or a \code{matrix} according the argument \code{dvh}.
#' @export
DVH.diff.to.cum <- function(dvh) {
  if ((!is.matrix(dvh))&&(class(dvh)!="dvhmatrix")) stop("dvh MUST be either an object of class dvhmatrix or a matrix")
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") dvh.matrix<-dvh@dvh else dvh.matrix<-dvh  
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") if (dvh@dvh.type=="cumulative") return(dvh)
  dvh.size <- dim(dvh.matrix)
  DVHList <- matrix(nrow=dvh.size[1] + 1, ncol=dvh.size[2])   # create the matrix of cumulative DVHs     
  for (m in 2:dvh.size[2]) {                                  
    total.volume <- sum(dvh.matrix[,m])    
    for (n in 1:dvh.size[1])                                     # loop for rows
      DVHList[n+1, m] <- total.volume - sum(dvh.matrix[c(1:n),m]) # elements of the matrix as relative volume
    DVHList[1,m] <- total.volume  # first element is total volume by default    
  for (n in 2:nrow(DVHList)) DVHList[n,1]<-2*dvh.matrix[n-1,1]-DVHList[n-1,1] # set doses
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") {
  } else return(DVHList)

#' Function that converts cumulative DVHs into differential ones
#' @param dvh Either an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or \code{matrix} type.
#' @description Function that converts an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or a simple \code{matrix} that 
#'              represents a cumulative DVH into a differential one.
#' @return Either an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or a \code{matrix} according the argument \code{dvh}.
#' @export
DVH.cum.to.diff <- function(dvh) {
  if ((!is.matrix(dvh))&&(class(dvh)!="dvhmatrix")) stop("dvh MUST be either an object of class dvhmatrix or a matrix")
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") dvh.matrix<-dvh@dvh else dvh.matrix<-dvh
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") if (dvh@dvh.type=="differential") return(dvh)
  dvh.size <- dim(dvh.matrix)
  DVHList <- matrix(nrow=dvh.size[1] - 1, ncol=dvh.size[2])   # create the matrix of differential DVHs
  for (m in 2:dvh.size[2]) {                                  # loop for columns (volumes)
    total.volume<-dvh.matrix[1,m]                             # set total volume to 1st element of the cumulative DVH
    for (n in 2:dvh.size[1])                                  # loop for rows
      DVHList[n-1,m] <- (dvh.matrix[n-1,m]-dvh.matrix[n,m])   # differential volume for absolute distribution
  for (m in 2:dvh.size[1]) {                                   # loop for column of dose values
    DVHList[m-1,1]<-dvh.matrix[m-1,1]+(dvh.matrix[m,1]-dvh.matrix[m-1,1])/2 # sets the dose values
  if (class(dvh)=="dvhmatrix") {
  } else return(DVHList)

#' Extracts a DVH from a vector of dose bins
#' @param x vector of dose bins.
#' @param max.dose Upper dose bound for limiting the DVH computation.
#' @param dose.bin The dose bin for DVH computation in Gy.
#' @param dvh.type The type of volume distribution to be created: \code{differential} or \code{cumulative}.
#' @param vol.distr Defines if the volume bins have to be divided by the total volume of the structure (\code{relative}) or not (\code{absolute}).
#' @param createObj if \code{TRUE} returns a \code{dvhmatrix} class object.
#' @param volbin.side The value of the side of each cube (in cm) that builds the final volume of the structure.
#' @param voxel.volume The value of the volume of a single voxel (in cc) to compute the ROI total volume
#' @param total.volume The value of the total volume of the ROI (in cc)
#' @description Function that given a vector of dose bins (either a vector got from sampling a 3D mesh or a vector of
#' simple values of dose) extracts the DVH that summarizes that vector. Either \code{volbin.side}, \code{voxel.volume} or \code{total.volume} have to be
#' not \code{NULL} values. The priority list for computing the volume (if more than one argument is not \code{NULL}) is total.volume \code{->} voxel.volume \code{->} volbin.side.
#' @return Either an object of class \code{dvhmatrix} or a \code{matrix} according the argument \code{dvh} type.
#' @examples ## simulate a vector of dose bins
#' doses <- c(rnorm(n = 10000, mean = 45, sd = 3), rnorm(n = 7000, mean = 65, sd = 2.5))
#' ## creates a dvhmatrix class object
#' DVH<-DVH.extract(x = doses)
#' @export
DVH.extract<-function(x, max.dose=NULL, dose.bin=.25, dvh.type=c("differential","cumulative"),vol.distr=c("relative","absolute"), createObj=TRUE,  volbin.side=NULL, voxel.volume = NULL, total.volume = NULL) {
  # default VolBin is given in cm3 
  if (!is.null(total.volume)) VolBin <- total.volume / length(x)
  else if (!is.null(voxel.volume)) VolBin <- voxel.volume
  else if (is.null(volbin.side)) stop('Either total.volume, voxel.volume or volbin.side MUST be a not NULL value')
  else VolBin <- volbin.side^3 
  if (is.null(x=max.dose)) max.dose<-max(x)+dose.bin*4
  h<-hist(x=x, breaks=seq(from=0, to=max.dose,by=dose.bin), plot=FALSE)
  diff<-cbind(h$mids, h$density/sum(h$density)*TotalVol)
  # function for converting differential DVHs into
  # relative differential DVHS
  rel.diff.dvh <- function(dvh.matrix) {
    dvh.size <- dim(dvh.matrix)
    DVHList <- matrix(nrow=dvh.size[1], ncol=dvh.size[2])       # create the matrix of  DVHs
    for (m in 2:dvh.size[2]) {                                  # loop for columns (volumes) 
      tot.volume <- sum(dvh.matrix[,m])                       # calculate the total volume
      for (n in 1:dvh.size[1]) {                                # loop for rows
        DVHList[n, m] <- dvh.matrix[n, m]/tot.volume          # elements of the matrix as relative volume
    DVHList[,1]<-dvh.matrix[,1]                                 # sets the dose column  
  # function for converting a matrix of differential DVH 
  # into matrix of cumulative DVH (relative volume)
  cum.dvh <- function(dvh.matrix, relative=TRUE)
    dvh.size <- dim(dvh.matrix)
    DVHList <- matrix(nrow=dvh.size[1] + 1, ncol=dvh.size[2])   # create the matrix of cumulative DVHs     
    for (m in 2:dvh.size[2]) {                                  # loop for columns (volumes) 
      tot.volume <- sum(dvh.matrix[,m])                       # calculate the total volume
      if (relative==TRUE) {
        for (n in 1:dvh.size[1]) {                                    # loop for rows
          DVHList[n+1, m] <- (tot.volume - sum(dvh.matrix[c(1:n),m]))/tot.volume # elements of the matrix as relative volume
        DVHList[1,m] <- 1 # first element is 1 by default if relative==TRUE
      } else {
        for (n in 1:dvh.size[1]) {                                    # loop for rows
          DVHList[n+1, m] <- tot.volume - sum(dvh.matrix[c(1:n),m]) # elements of the matrix as relative volume
        DVHList[1,m] <- tot.volume  # first element is total volume by default
    #  DVHList[2:nrow(DVHList),1]<-dvh.matrix[,1]
    for (n in 2:nrow(DVHList)) DVHList[n,1]<-2*dvh.matrix[n-1,1]-DVHList[n-1,1]
  # return matrix without dvhmatrix class structure
  if ((dvh.type=="differential") && (vol.distr=="absolute"))  final.matrix<-diff
  if ((dvh.type=="differential") && (vol.distr=="relative"))  final.matrix<-rel.diff.dvh(diff)
  if ((dvh.type=="cumulative")   && (vol.distr=="absolute"))  final.matrix<-cum.dvh(dvh.matrix=diff, relative=FALSE)
  if ((dvh.type=="cumulative")   && (vol.distr=="relative"))  final.matrix<-cum.dvh(dvh.matrix=diff, relative=TRUE)
  if (createObj==FALSE) return(final.matrix)
  # return matrix within a dvhmatrix object
  if (createObj==TRUE) return(new("dvhmatrix", dvh=final.matrix, dvh.type=dvh.type, vol.distr=vol.distr, volume=TotalVol))  

#' mean of DVHs
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @description Function that gives the value of the mean dose of a \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @return a vector with the means of doses in the \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @export
#' @examples ## generate a dataset of DVHs
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100)
#' m<-DVH.mean(a)
DVH.mean<-function(dvh)  {
  if (class(dvh)!="dvhmatrix") stop("dvh MUST be a dvhmatrix class object")
  if (dvh@dvh.type=="cumulative") dvh<-DVH.cum.to.diff(dvh = dvh)
  return(DVH.eud(dvh = dvh, a = 1)) # use a = 1 that corresponds to mean dose

#' Converts absolute \code{dvhmatrix} class objects to relative
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @description Function that converts an object of \code{dvhmatrix} class where DVH are stored in absoulte mode into
#' another \code{dvhmatrix} class object where DVH are stored in relative mode.
#' @return A \code{dvhmatrix} class object.
#' @export
#' @examples ## generate a dataset of absolute DVHs
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 10, vol.distr = "absolute")
#' b<-DVH.relative(dvh = a)
DVH.relative<-function(dvh) {
  if (dvh@vol.distr=="absolute")
    for (n in 1:(ncol(dvh@dvh) - 1)) dvh@dvh[,n+1]<-dvh@dvh[,n+1]/dvh@volume[n]

#' Converts relative \code{dvhmatrix} class objects to absolute
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @description Function that converts an object of \code{dvhmatrix} class where DVH are stored in relative mode into
#' another \code{dvhmatrix} class object where DVH are stored in absolute mode.
#' @return A \code{dvhmatrix} class object.
#' @export
#' @examples ## generate a dataset of relative DVHs
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 10, vol.distr = "relative")
#' b<-DVH.absolute(dvh = a)
DVH.absolute<-function(dvh) {
  if (dvh@vol.distr=="relative")
    for (n in 1:(ncol(dvh@dvh) - 1)) dvh@dvh[,n+1]<-dvh@dvh[,n+1]*dvh@volume[n]

#' Calculates Equivalent Uniform Dose for a \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @param a Value for parallel-serial correlation in radiobiological response
#' @description Function that calculates the value of Equivalent Uniform Dose (EUD) for a \code{dvhmatrix} object. The
#' formula to compute the equivalent uniform dose
#' is \deqn{EUD=\left (\sum_{i=1}^{ }D_{i}^{a}\cdot \frac{V_{i}}{V_{tot}}  \right )^{1/a}}{EUD=(Sum(Di^a * Vi/Vtot))^(1/a)}
#' where \emph{i} is the counter of volume bins in the structure and \emph{a} is the parameter that relates
#' the organs response to the \emph{serial} or \emph{parallel} physiological function of the organ. Usually \emph{parallel}
#' structures are organs that can suffer depletion of functional subunits up to a given threshold, as liver, lungs or kidneys.
#' They are more sentitive to mean dose rather than hot spots and maximum dose levels delivered to the structure. On the other hand
#' \emph{serial} structures are organs more sensitive to hot-spots delivered in the volume, such as spinal cord.
#' @return A vector containing the values of EUD(s) for the given DVH(s)
#' @export
#' @references Niemierko A. \emph{Reporting and analyzing dose distributions: a concept of equivalent uniform dose.} Med Phys. 1997 Jan;24(1):103-10. PubMed PMID: 9029544.
#' @useDynLib moddicom
DVH.eud<-function(dvh, a = 1) {
  dvh<-DVH.cum.to.diff(dvh = dvh)
  dvh<-DVH.relative(dvh = dvh)
  Ncol<-ncol(dvh@dvh) - 1
  ceud<-rep.int(x = 0, times = Ncol) 
  volumebin<-dvh@dvh[,2:(Ncol + 1)]
  result<-.C("cEUD", as.double(dosebin), as.double(volumebin), as.double(a), as.integer(Nrow), 
             as.integer(Ncol), as.double(ceud))

#' Merge two different \code{dvhmatrix} class objects into one
#' @param receiver The \code{dvhmatrix} object that will receive the \code{addendum} object.
#' @param addendum The \code{dvhmatrix} object to be merged with \code{addendum}.
#' @description This function can e used to create a \code{dvhmatrix} class object from two different
#'              ones. The slots of the resulting object will be the same in the \code{receiver} one,
#'              so some convertions can be automatically realized to create the homogeneous final result.
#' @return A \code{dvhmatrix} class object.
#' @export
#' @examples ## creates two different dvhmatrx objects
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100, dvh.type="differential", vol.distr = "relative")
#' b<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100, dvh.type="cumulative", vol.distr = "absolute")
#' ab<-DVH.merge(receiver = a, addendum = b)
DVH.merge<-function(receiver=NULL, addendum=NULL) {
  # check dvhmatrix class
  if ((class(receiver)!="dvhmatrix") || (class(addendum)!="dvhmatrix")) 
    stop("BOTH receiver AND addendum MUST be dvhmatrix class objects")
  # creates list of dose bins
  dbin<-list(receiver=receiver@dvh[3,1]-receiver@dvh[2,1], addendum=addendum@dvh[3,1]-addendum@dvh[2,1])
  if (receiver@vol.distr=="relative") { # relative state of receiver
    vol.distr.fun.name <- "DVH.relative"
  else {
    vol.distr.fun.name <- "DVH.absolute"
  # STEP (0): check the relative/absolute distribution
  if (receiver@vol.distr!=addendum@vol.distr) {
    vol.distr.fun <- match.fun(FUN = vol.distr.fun.name)
    addendum <- vol.distr.fun(addendum)
  # STEP (1): identify conversion function if DVH types are different and convert addendum according receiver type
  if (receiver@dvh.type!=addendum@dvh.type) {
    if (receiver@dvh.type=="cumulative") conv.funct.name<-"DVH.diff.to.cum"
    if (receiver@dvh.type=="differential") conv.funct.name<-"DVH.cum.to.diff"
    # correct the addendum if receiver has absolute distribution
  # STEP (2): check the dose-bin for interpolating addendum or receiver according the lowest dbin
  if (dbin$receiver!=dbin$addendum) {
    warning("Different dose bins between receiver and addendum: linear interpolation performed.")
    dose.seq<-seq(from = min(receiver@dvh[,1], addendum@dvh[,1]),
                  to   = max(receiver@dvh[,1], addendum@dvh[,1]),
                  by   = min(diff(x = receiver@dvh[,1]), diff(x = addendum@dvh[,1])))
    if (ncol(receiver@dvh) == 2) { # single DVH receiver
      apf.receiver  <- approxfun(x = receiver@dvh[,1], y = receiver@dvh[,2])
      temp.receiver <- cbind(dose.seq, apf.receiver(dose.seq))
    } else {  # multiple DVH receiver
      apf.receiver  <- apply(X = receiver@dvh[,2:ncol(receiver@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, x = receiver@dvh[,1])  # generate list of approxfun
      temp.receiver <- cbind(dose.seq, sapply(X = apf.receiver, FUN = function(x) return(x(dose.seq)), USE.NAMES = FALSE) )  # generate new dvh matrix
    if (ncol(addendum@dvh) == 2) { # single DVH addendum
      apf.addendum  <- approxfun(x = addendum@dvh[,1], y = addendum@dvh[,2])
      temp.addendum <- cbind(dose.seq, apf.addendum(dose.seq))
    } else {  # multiple DVH addendum
      apf.addendum  <- apply(X = addendum@dvh[,2:ncol(addendum@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, x = addendum@dvh[,1])  # generate list of approxfun
      temp.addendum <- cbind(dose.seq, sapply(X = apf.addendum, FUN = function(x) return(x(dose.seq)), USE.NAMES = FALSE) )  # generate new dvh matrix
  } else {
  # STEP (3): check if the two dvhs have equal length
  if (nrow(temp.receiver)>nrow(temp.addendum)) {
    for (n in 1:(nrow(temp.receiver)-nrow(temp.addendum))) temp.addendum<-rbind(temp.addendum, 0)
  if (nrow(temp.receiver)<nrow(temp.addendum)) {
    for (n in 1:(nrow(temp.addendum)-nrow(temp.receiver))) temp.receiver<-rbind(temp.receiver, 0)
  # STEP (4): joins the two dvhs
  result.DVH<-unname(cbind(temp.receiver, temp.addendum[,2:ncol(temp.addendum)]))
  return(new("dvhmatrix", dvh=result.DVH, dvh.type=receiver@dvh.type, vol.distr=receiver@vol.distr, 
             volume=c(receiver@volume, addendum@volume)))

#' method for plotting the Log-Likelihood values in \code{DoseVolumeModel} class object
#' @description This method plots the results of fitting process for a \emph{Dose/Volume} model. The \emph{x} axis represents either the Dose,
#'              or the Volume, the \emph{y} axis represents the Log-Likelihood result of the modeing process.
#' @param x The \code{DoseVolumeModel} class object
#' @param ShowFittingValue A logical value for showing the fitting point in the Log-Likelihood plot
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to \code{plot} function
#' @details The \code{DoseVolumeModel} class object contains the results of a modeling process across different values of Dose or 
#'          Volumes (depending on which kind of fitting was chosen during fitting process). The plot doesn't show the impact of other covariates
#'          that could be part of the model itself.
#' @exportMethod plot          
setMethod('plot', signature(x = 'DoseVolumeModel'),
          function(x, ShowFittingValue = TRUE, ...) {
            M  <- slot(object = x, name = 'output.matrix')
            tp <- slot(object = x, name = 'fitted.parameter')
            value <- slot(object = x, name = 'fitted.value')
            if (tp == 'Vdose')   xlbl <- 'V-Dose [Gy]'
            if (tp == 'Dvolume') xlbl <- 'D-Volume [cc]'
            plot(x = M[,1], y = M[,2], xlab = xlbl, ylab = 'Log-Likelihood', type = 'l', ...)
            if (ShowFittingValue == TRUE) {
              abline(h = min(M[,2]), lty = 2)
              abline(v = value, lty = 2)
              points(x = value, y = min(M[,2]), ...)
              axis(side = 1, at = round(x = value, digits = 2))

# method for class dvhmatrix
# enhance: is a vector of number of DVHs to be enhanced in the plot
# mean: plots the mean DVH overlapped to the background
# elements: if equal to a string "all" (default value) plots all the DVHs, if it is a vector plots only the
#   chosen DVHs
#' method for plotting \code{dvhmatrix} class objects
#' @description This method overrides the default method \code{plot} and handles the plots of \code{dvhmatrix}
#'              class objects.
#' @param x The \code{dvhmatrix} object to be plotted.
#' @param elements A vector containing the indeces of the DVHs to be plotted.
#' @param enhance A vector containing the indeces of the DVHs curves to be enhanced in the plot by changing de default color.
#' @param mean.dvh A \code{logical} value, if \code{TRUE} the mean dvh is plotted.
#' @param median.dvh A \code{logical} value, if \code{TRUE} the median dvh is plotted.
#' @param mean.median.alone A \code{logical} value, if \code{TRUE} only the mean and/or median DVH(s) is/are plotted.
#'        Mean or median DVHs are plotted according the values in \code{mean.dvh} and \code{median.dvh}.
#' @param el.color The color for plotting DVHs. The default value is \code{"black"}.
#' @param en.color The color for plotting the enhanced DVHs. The default value is \code{"red"}.
#' @param mean.color The color for the mean dvh plot. The default value is \code{"blue"}.
#' @param median.color The color for the median dvh plot. The default value is \code{"red"}.
#' @param lwd The size of the lines in the plot. Default value is 1.
#' @param C.I.dvh Plot the confidence interval of mean and/or median DVH(s) according the values in \code{mean.dvh} and
#'        \code{median.dvh}.
#' @param C.I.dvh.width The width of confidence interval of mean, median DVH(s) and overall dvh series.
#' @param C.I.dvh.range Plot the confidence interval of the whole DVHs series according the value in \code{C.I.dvh.width}.
#' @param n.boot The number of bootstrap repetitions for calculating the confidence interval of mean and median DVHs.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to \code{plot} function.
#' @details The dvh are stored in the slot \code{dvh} of a \code{dvhmatrix} class object. Of course it is possible for7
#'          users to use these matrices for plotting the dvhs considering that the structure of the matrix is referenced
#'          under \code{\link{dvhmatrix-class}}. In order to simplify the plotting operations this method has been coded
#'          allowing users to automatically obtain some useful features in the graphs, as the mean and median dvh curves,
#'          and the confidence intervals for mean, median and overall dvh matrix. The confidence intervals of mean and
#'          median are calculated by bootstrapping the whole \code{dvhmatrix} and calculating a given number of mean and
#'          median dvh values that finally are reduced by using a quantile function to create the final plot.
#' @exportMethod plot
#' @examples ## create a dvhmatrix object
#' b <- DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100, dvh.type = "cumulative", vol.distr = "absolute")
#' plot(x = b, mean.dvh = TRUE, median.dvh = TRUE, mean.median.alone = TRUE, 
#'      C.I.dvh = TRUE, C.I.dvh.range = TRUE, C.I.dvh.width = .67, lwd = 2)
setMethod("plot", signature(x="dvhmatrix"), 
          function(x, elements=NULL, enhance=NULL, mean.dvh=FALSE, median.dvh=FALSE, 
                   mean.median.alone=FALSE, el.color="black", en.color="red",  mean.color="blue", median.color="red",
                   lwd=1, C.I.dvh=FALSE, C.I.dvh.width=.95, C.I.dvh.range=FALSE, n.boot=2000, ...){
            dvh <- slot(x,"dvh")
            dvh.type <- slot(x, "dvh.type")
            vol.distr <- slot(x, "vol.distr")
            # define the lables for the y axis
            if ((dvh.type=="cumulative") && (vol.distr=="relative")) ylab<-"Volume [*100%]"
            if ((dvh.type=="cumulative") && (vol.distr=="absolute")) ylab<-"Volume [cc]"
            if ((dvh.type=="differential") && (vol.distr=="relative")) ylab<-"dVolume/dDose [*100%/Gy]"
            if ((dvh.type=="differential") && (vol.distr=="absolute")) ylab<-"dVolume/dDose [cc/Gy]"
            # max value of y axes
            ymax<-max(dvh[,2:ncol(dvh)], na.rm = TRUE)
            # direct plot for a single DVH
            if (ncol(dvh)==2) plot(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,2], type="l", ylab=ylab, xlab="Dose [Gy]", lwd=lwd, ...)
            # plot for more than one DVH
            if ((ncol(dvh)>2) && (mean.median.alone==FALSE)) {
              # creates the vector of elements to be plotted and enhanced
              if (is.null(elements)) elements<-c(2:ncol(dvh)) else elements<-elements+1
              if (!is.null(enhance)) for (n in 1:length(enhance)) elements<-elements[elements!=(enhance[n]+1)]              
              # open the plot panel and raws the 1st plot
              if (length(elements)>0) plot(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,elements[1]], ylim=c(0, ymax), col=el.color, 
                                           lwd=lwd, type="l", xlab="Dose [Gy]", ylab=ylab, ...)
                if (length(elements)>0) lines(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,elements[1]], ylim=c(0, ymax), col=el.color, 
              # plots the remaining DVHs into "elements"
              if (length(elements)==0) {
                plot(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,enhance[1]+1], col=en.color, lwd=lwd, type="l", ...)
              } else start.enhance<-1
              if (length(elements)>1)
                for (n in 2:length(elements)) lines(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,elements[n]], col=el.color, lwd=lwd)
              # plots DVHs to be enhanced
              if (length(enhance)>0)
                for (n in start.enhance:length(enhance)) lines(x=dvh[,1], y=dvh[,enhance[n]+1], col=en.color, lwd=lwd)
            # plot the mean DVH
            if (ncol(dvh)>2) {
              mean.DVH<-apply(X=dvh[,2:ncol(dvh)], MARGIN=1, FUN=mean)
              median.DVH<-apply(X=dvh[,2:ncol(dvh)], MARGIN=1, FUN=median)
            if (mean.median.alone==FALSE) { 
              if ((mean.dvh==TRUE) && (ncol(dvh)>2)) 
                lines(x=dvh[,1], y=mean.DVH, col=mean.color, lwd=lwd)
              if ((median.dvh==TRUE) && (ncol(dvh)>2)) 
                lines(x=dvh[,1], y=median.DVH , col=median.color, lwd=lwd)
            if (mean.median.alone==TRUE) {
              # plot both mean and median
              if ((mean.dvh==TRUE) && (median.dvh==TRUE)) {
                plot(x=dvh[,1], y=mean.DVH, ylim=c(0, ymax), col=mean.color, 
                     lwd=lwd, type="l", xlab="Dose [Gy]", ylab=ylab, ...)
                lines(x=dvh[,1], y=median.DVH , col=median.color, lwd=lwd)
              # plot only mean
              if ((mean.dvh==TRUE) && (median.dvh==FALSE)) {
                plot(x=dvh[,1], y=mean.DVH, ylim=c(0, ymax), col=mean.color, 
                     lwd=lwd, type="l", xlab="Dose [Gy]", ylab=ylab, ...)
              # plot only median
              if ((mean.dvh==FALSE) && (median.dvh==TRUE)) {
                plot(x=dvh[,1], y=median.DVH, ylim=c(0, ymax), col=median.color, 
                     lwd=lwd, type="l", xlab="Dose [Gy]", ylab=ylab, ...)
            # plot of C.I. area, both 95% C.I. of the mean dose and 95% with quantiles are calculated
            if ((C.I.dvh==TRUE) && (ncol(dvh)>2)) {
              message("sampling DVHs for C.I. calculation...")
              DVH.CI<-DVH.baseStat(dvh = x, C.I.width = C.I.dvh.width, n.boot = n.boot)
              if ((mean.dvh==TRUE)&&(median.dvh==FALSE)){            
                lowerCI.mean <- DVH.CI@dvh[,3]
                higherCI.mean<- DVH.CI@dvh[,4]
                xpoly.mean<-c(dvh[,1], rev(dvh[,1]))             # vector of x coordinates of polygon of CI
                ypoly.mean<-c(lowerCI.mean, rev(higherCI.mean))  # vector of y coordinates of polygon of CI of mean
                # draws the polygon of mean CI
                polygon(x=xpoly.mean, y=ypoly.mean, col=adjustcolor(col=mean.color, alpha.f=.25))
              if ((mean.dvh==FALSE)&&(median.dvh==TRUE)){
                lowerCI.median <- DVH.CI@dvh[,6]
                higherCI.median<- DVH.CI@dvh[,7]
                xpoly.median<-c(dvh[,1], rev(dvh[,1]))                # vector of x coordinates of polygon of CI
                ypoly.median<-c(lowerCI.median, rev(higherCI.median)) # vector of y coordinates of polygon of CI of median
                # draws the polygon of median CI
                polygon(x=xpoly.median, y=ypoly.median, col=adjustcolor(col=median.color, alpha.f=.25))
              if ((median.dvh==TRUE)&&(mean.dvh==TRUE)){
                lowerCI.mean <- DVH.CI@dvh[,3]
                higherCI.mean<- DVH.CI@dvh[,4]
                xpoly.mean<-c(dvh[,1], rev(dvh[,1]))             # vector of x coordinates of polygon of CI
                ypoly.mean<-c(lowerCI.mean, rev(higherCI.mean))  # vector of y coordinates of polygon of CI of mean
                lowerCI.median <- DVH.CI@dvh[,6]
                higherCI.median<- DVH.CI@dvh[,7]
                xpoly.median<-c(dvh[,1], rev(dvh[,1]))                # vector of x coordinates of polygon of CI
                ypoly.median<-c(lowerCI.median, rev(higherCI.median)) # vector of y coordinates of polygon of CI of median
                # draws the polygon of mean CI
                polygon(x=xpoly.mean, y=ypoly.mean, col=adjustcolor(col=mean.color, alpha.f=.25))
                # draws the polygon of median CI
                polygon(x=xpoly.median, y=ypoly.median, col=adjustcolor(col=median.color, alpha.f=.25))
            # plot the C.I. of data range of DVHs
            if (C.I.dvh.range==TRUE) {
              # quantiles for DVHs data range
              lowerCI <- c()
              higherCI <- c()
              for (n in 1:nrow(dvh)) {
                lowerCI <- c(lowerCI,  quantile(x=dvh[n,2:ncol(dvh)], probs=((1-C.I.dvh.width)/2)))
                higherCI<- c(higherCI, quantile(x=dvh[n,2:ncol(dvh)], probs=((1+C.I.dvh.width)/2)))
              xpoly<-c(dvh[,1], rev(dvh[,1]))      # vector of x coordinates of polygon of CI
              ypoly<-c(lowerCI, rev(higherCI))     # vector of y coordinates of polygon of CI              
              polygon(x=xpoly, y=ypoly, col=adjustcolor(col="grey", alpha.f=.25))  # draws the polygon

#' Function for extracting the V-Dose from cumulative DVH(s)
#' @description Function for calculating the value of V-Dose of a \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @param Dose The dose for calculating the V-Dose value(s)
#' @details V-Dose is, in a given Dose Volume Histogram, the value of the volume of the structure receiving
#'          \strong{at least} the chosen level of dose.
#' @return A vector containing the value(s) of V-Dose(s).
#' @export
#' @examples ## create a dvhmatrix class object
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100)
#' DVH.Vdose(dvh = a, Dose = 50)

DVH.Vdose <- function(dvh, Dose) {
  dvh<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = dvh)
  dv<-dvh@dvh[,1]  # vector of doses
  if (ncol(dvh@dvh) > 2) {
    apf <- apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, x = dv)  # generate list of approxfun
    return( sapply(X = apf, FUN = function(x) return(x(Dose))) )
  } else { # option with 1 single DVH
    apf <- approxfun(x = dv, y = dvh@dvh[,2])

#' Function for extracting the D-Volume from cumulative DVH(s)
#' @description Function for calculating the value of D-Volume of a \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @param Volume Volume for calculating the D-Volume value(s). Default is 0.001, corresponding to about maximum dose
#'        delivered to the structure.
#' @details D-Volume is, in a given Dose Volume Histogram, the value of the dose received
#'          by a given volume of the structure(s) of interest.
#' @return A vector containing the value(s) of D-Volume(s).
#' @export
#' @examples ## create a dvhmatrix class object
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100)
#' DVH.Dvolume(dvh = a, Volume = 0.5)
DVH.Dvolume <- function(dvh,  Volume=0.001) {
  dvh<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = dvh)
  dv<-dvh@dvh[,1]  # vector of doses
  if (ncol(dvh@dvh) > 2) {
    apf <- apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, y = dv)  # generate list of approxfun
    DVol <- sapply(X = apf, FUN = function(x) return(x(Volume)))
    DVol[which(is.na(DVol))] <- 0
  } else { # option with 1 single DVH
    apf <- approxfun(x = dvh@dvh[,2], y = dv)
    DVol <- apf(Volume) 
    if(is.na(DVol)) DVol <- 0

#' Function for calculating the mean and median dvh with related confidence intervals
#' @description This function calculates the mean dvh from a \code{dvhmatrix} class object. The mean dvh is
#'              calculated with its confidence interval that is given by a bootstrapped dvh series from
#'              the dvh given in the \code{dvh} object.
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} class object
#' @param C.I.width The width of confidence interval
#' @param n.boot The number of bootstrapped dvhs for computing the quantile in C.I. calculation
#' @return A \code{dvhmatrix} object where 7 columns: Dose, mean DVH, low C.I. of mean DVH, high C.I. of mean DVH, 
#'         median DVH, low C.I. of median DVH, high C.I. of median DVH.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib moddicom
#' @examples ## creates a dvhmatrix class object with 100 DVHs
#' a<-DVH.generate(dvh.number = 100, dvh.type = "cumulative", vol.distr = "relative")
#' b<-DVH.baseStat(dvh = a)
#' ## plot the dvhmatrix object "b", showing both mean, 
#' ## median DVH and corresponding confidence intarvals
#' plot(b)
DVH.baseStat<-function(dvh, C.I.width = .95, n.boot = 2000) {
  # calculate mean dvh
  mean.dvh<-apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  median.dvh<-apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 1, FUN = median)
  # vectorized DVH
  # vector for sampled dvh
  sampledvh<-rep.int(x = 0, times = nrow(x = dvh@dvh) * (ncol(x = dvh@dvh) - 1))
  # create the mean dvh vector
  meanV<-rep.int(x = 0, times = nrow(dvh@dvh) * n.boot)
  stepMedian<-rep.int(x = 0, times = ncol(dvh@dvh) - 1)
  # number of histograms
  Ndvh <- ncol(dvh@dvh) - 1
  result<-(.C("meanmediandvh", as.double(Vdvh), as.integer(nrow(dvh@dvh)), as.integer(n.boot), 
              as.double(meanV), as.double(sampledvh), as.integer(Ndvh), as.double(medianV), as.double(stepMedian)))
  # create dvh matrix
  meanDvh<-matrix(data = result[[4]], nrow = nrow(dvh@dvh))
  # generate the mean CI DVH
  meanCI<-apply(X = meanDvh, MARGIN = 1, FUN = quantile, probs = c((1-C.I.width)/2, (1+C.I.width)/2))
  # generate the median CI DVH
  medianDvh<-matrix(data = result[[7]], nrow = nrow(dvh@dvh))
  medianCI<-apply(X = medianDvh, MARGIN = 1, FUN = quantile, probs = c((1-C.I.width)/2, (1+C.I.width)/2))
  #  return(new("dvhmatrix", dvh = cbind(dvh@dvh[,1], medianDvh), dvh.type = dvh@dvh.type,
  #             vol.distr = dvh@vol.distr, volume = rep.int(x = mean(dvh@volume), times = n.boot)))
  result.DVH<-new("dvhmatrix", dvh = cbind(dvh@dvh[,1], mean.dvh, meanCI[1,], meanCI[2,], median.dvh, medianCI[1,], medianCI[2,]), dvh.type = dvh@dvh.type,
                  vol.distr = dvh@vol.distr, volume = c(rep.int(x = mean(dvh@volume), times = 3),
                                                        rep.int(x = median(dvh@volume), times = 3)))
  colnames(x = result.DVH@dvh)<-c("Dose [Gy]", "mean", paste((1-C.I.width)/2,"% C.I. of mean"), paste((1+C.I.width)/2,"% C.I. of mean"),
                                  "median", paste((1-C.I.width)/2,"% C.I. of median"), paste((1+C.I.width)/2,"% C.I. of median"))

#' Function that returns the linear quadratic correction of dose bin in a \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @description This function appies the linear-quadratic correction for the dose in a \code{dvmatrix} object by 
#' converting each dose bins as function of a given \eqn{\alpha\beta} ratio (default value is 3, valid for late outcome).
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param ref.frac Reference fractionation, default value 2 for direct computing EQD2
#' @param nf Fractions number for the input dvh
#' @param alphabeta \eqn{\alpha\beta} ratio for computing LQ cvonversion, default value 3
#' @return A \code{dvhmatrix} object with converted dose bins
#' @export
DVH.lq.correct<-function(dvh, ref.frac = 2, nf, alphabeta = 3, reverse = TRUE) {
  dvh@dvh[,1] <- dvh@dvh[,1] * (alphabeta + dvh@dvh[,1]/nf) / (alphabeta + ref.frac)

#' Function for fitting Vdose and Dvolume to a given \code{dvhmatrix} object and outcome vector
#' @description This function can be used to find the best \emph{Vdose} or \emph{Dvolume} values that describe
#' a given clinically observed outcome 
#' @details The \emph{Vdose} is the value of the volume of a structure in a dose volume histogram that receives
#' a given level of dose. It is a widely used indicator and predictor of possible outcome when DVHs
#' have to be clinically evaluated. There are many papers that exploit the correct use of \emph{Vdose} for
#' clinical evaluation of treatment plans. The \code{DR.fit.DoseVolume} function used inside the \pkg{moddicom} package
#' allows to fit clinical data with \code{dvhmatrix} objects in order to detect the dose-volume relationship achievable
#' by dosimetric data. The dose-volume-outcome fitting is performed by iterative search, so, as far as the author know,
#' this is the first example of dose-volume-outcome fitting function that allows to find out \emph{the best fitting value}
#' of \emph{Vdose} or \emph{Dvolume}, rather than using an empyrical search from pre-fetermined values as usually reported in literature.
#' When setting the \code{model} parameter the users have to chose between a \code{\link[stats]{glm}} model and a \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} model
#' by writing the formula of the model \emph{without} the \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param dvh A \code{dvhmatrix} object
#' @param outcome A vector of binary values (if not it will coerced to binary values) showing the observed outcome
#' @param model The model that will be used to fit the dose-volume-response data (see examples). Models with available 
#' the \code{\link[stats]{logLik}} method can be used belonging to classes \code{lm}, \code{glm} and \code{coxph}
#' @param type A character value representing the two type of dose-volume fitting as \code{Vdose} or \code{Dvolume}
#' @param CI Logcal Value for calculating the confidence interval of the dose-volume fitting parameter and for the \eqn{\alpha\beta} if modLQ is optioned \code{TRUE}
#' @param CI.width Width of confidence interval
#' @param epsilon Error limit for calculating the Log Likelihood function in determining the confidence interval of dose-volume parameter
#' @examples ## NOT RUN DR.fit.DoseVolume(dvh = D, outcome = Dout, model = glm(formula = Dout ~ 1 , family = binomial(link = 'logit')), type = 'Vdose')
#' @references \emph{Special Considerations Regarding Absorbed-Dose and Dose-Volume Prescribing and Reporting in IMRT}. J ICRU. 2010 Apr;10(1):27-40. doi: 10.1093/jicru/ndq008. PubMed PMID: 24173325.
#' @references Graham MV, Purdy JA, Emami B, Harms W, Bosch W, Lockett MA, Perez CA. \emph{Clinical dose-volume histogram analysis for pneumonitis after 3D treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)}. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1999 Sep 1;45(2):323-9. PubMed PMID: 10487552.
#' @export
DR.fit.DoseVolume<-function(dvh, outcome, model, type = c("Vdose", "Dvolume"), CI = FALSE, CI.width = 0.95, epsilon = 1e-6) {
  type <- match.arg(arg = type)
  if (dvh@dvh.type == "differential") dvh<-DVH.diff.to.cum(dvh = dvh) # transform in cumulative if differential
  if (type == "Vdose")   { # create the approxfun and the fitting Vdose function (FUN)
    value<-seq(from = 1, to = max(floor(dvh@dvh[,1])), by = .5) # create the dose vector
    apf <- apply(X = dvh@dvh[, 2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, x = dvh@dvh[, 1]) # approxfun list
    update.model<-function(model, Vdose) {  # function for interactively update the model
      Vdose <<- Vdose                       # .GlobalEnv needed for scoping of variable
      new.model<-update(object = model, formula. = ". ~ . + Vdose")
    f <- function(val)   return(sapply(X = apf, FUN = function(x) return(x(val))))  # function that calculates the Vdoses
    for (n in 1:length(value)) { 
      temp.model<-update.model(model = model, Vdose = Vd)
      if ( length(coeff) == length(temp.model$coefficients) ) # check length to prevent joining models with only one covariate
        output.matrix<-rbind(output.matrix, c(value[n], -logLik(temp.model), coeff)) else 
          warning(paste("Vdose =", value[n], "Gy doesn't fit a model"))
    obj.FUN<-function(x) {   # objective function for optimizing the best model
      new.model<-update(object = model, formula. = ". ~ . + Vdose")
    opt.model<-nlminb(start = output.matrix[which(output.matrix[,2] == min(output.matrix[,2])), 1], objective = obj.FUN)
    optimized.model<-update.model(model = model, Vdose = f(opt.model$par[1]))  
    output.matrix<-rbind(output.matrix, c(opt.model$par[1], -logLik(optimized.model), coeff))
    rm(Vdose, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (type == "Dvolume") { # create the approxfun and the fitting Dvolume function (FUN)
    maxVol<-min(apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], FUN = max, MARGIN = 2)) # the minimum of max Volume
    minVol<-max(apply(X = dvh@dvh[,2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], FUN = min, MARGIN = 2)) # the maximum of min Volume
    # browser()
    # dVol<-(maxVol - minVol)/200  # delta Volume
    value <- dvh@dvh[2:(nrow(dvh@dvh) - 1), 1]  # create volume vector removing extreme values
    apf <- apply(X = dvh@dvh[2:(nrow(dvh@dvh) - 1), 2:ncol(dvh@dvh)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = approxfun, x = value)    
    update.model<-function(model, Dvolume) {
      Dvolume <<- Dvolume
      new.model<-update(object = model, formula. = ". ~ . + Dvolume")
    f <- function(val)   return(sapply(X = apf, FUN = function(x) return(x(val))))  
    for (n in 1:length(value)) {
      temp.model<-update.model(model = model, Dvolume = Dv)
      if ( length(coeff) == length(temp.model$coefficients) ) # check length to prevent joining models with only one covariate
        output.matrix<-rbind(output.matrix, c(value[n], -logLik(temp.model), coeff)) else 
          warning(paste("Dvolume =", value[n], "doesn't fit a model"))      
    obj.FUN<-function(x) {   # objective function for optimizing the best model
      new.model<-update(object = model, formula. = ". ~ . + Dvolume")
    opt.model<-nlminb(start = output.matrix[which(output.matrix[,2] == min(output.matrix[,2])), 1], objective = obj.FUN)
    optimized.model<-update.model(model = model, Dvolume = f(opt.model$par[1]))  
    output.matrix<-rbind(output.matrix, c(opt.model$par[1], -logLik(optimized.model), summary(optimized.model)$coefficients[,4]))
    rm(Dvolume, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  colnames(output.matrix)<-c("Dose", "-LL", names(summary(optimized.model)$coefficients[,4]))
  # calculating confidence interval for Dvolume and Vdose
  CI.val <- NULL
  if (CI == TRUE) { 
    bound <- qchisq(CI.width,1)/2
    ### confidence interval for Vdose
    if (type == "Vdose") {
      #### start caluclation for low bound of CI ####
      start.value<-fit.par  # start with optimal parameter value
      delta.value<-(fit.par - value[1])/2  # delta for steps going down in the CI boundary
      while ( delta.value > epsilon ) {
        start.value <- start.value - delta.value  # create step for the value to be fitted
        while (( start.value >= 0 ) && ((logLik(object = update.model(model = model, Vdose = f(start.value))) -logLik(optimized.model) + bound) > 0 )) 
          start.value <- start.value - delta.value
        start.value <- start.value + delta.value
        delta.value <- delta.value / 2
      low.bound.CI <- start.value - delta.value / 2
      #### start calculation for highbound of CI ####
      start.value<-fit.par  # start with optimal parameter value
      delta.value<-(value[length(value)] - fit.par)/2  # delta for steps going up in the CI boundary
      while ( delta.value > epsilon ) {
        start.value <- start.value + delta.value  # create step for the value to be fitted
        while (( start.value <= value[length(value)]) && ((logLik(object = update.model(model = model, Vdose = f(start.value))) -logLik(optimized.model) + bound) > 0 )) 
          start.value <- start.value + delta.value
        start.value <- start.value - delta.value
        delta.value <- delta.value / 2
      high.bound.CI <- start.value + delta.value / 2
    ### confidence interval for Dvolume
    if (type == "Dvolume") {
      #### start caluclation for low bound of CI ####
      start.value<-fit.par  # start with optimal parameter value
      delta.value<-(fit.par - value[1])/2  # delta for steps going down in the CI boundary
      while ( delta.value > epsilon ) {
        start.value <- start.value - delta.value  # create step for the value to be fitted
        while (( start.value >= 0 ) && ((logLik(object = update.model(model = model, Dvolume = f(start.value))) -logLik(optimized.model) + bound) > 0))
          start.value <- start.value - delta.value
        start.value <- start.value + delta.value
        delta.value <- delta.value / 2
      low.bound.CI <- start.value - delta.value / 2
      #### start calculation for highbound of CI ####
      start.value<-fit.par  # start with optimal parameter value
      delta.value<-(value[length(value)] - fit.par)/2  # delta for steps going up in the CI boundary
      while ( delta.value > epsilon ) {
        start.value <- start.value + delta.value  # create step for the value to be fitted
        while (( start.value <= value[length(value)]) && ((logLik(object = update.model(model = model, Dvolume = f(start.value))) -logLik(optimized.model) + bound) > 0 )) 
          start.value <- start.value + delta.value
        start.value <- start.value - delta.value
        delta.value <- delta.value / 2
      high.bound.CI <- start.value + delta.value / 2
    CI.val <- c(low.bound.CI, high.bound.CI)
    names(CI.val) <- c(paste((1-CI.width)/2, "%"), paste((1+CI.width)/2, "%"))
  result <- new('DoseVolumeModel')
  result@output.matrix <- output.matrix
  result@fitted.model <- optimized.model
  result@fitted.value <- fit.par
  result@CI <- CI.val
  result@fitted.parameter <- type
  # return(list(output.matrix = output.matrix, optimized.model = optimized.model, fit.par = fit.par, CI = CI.val))
kbolab/moddicom documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 9:11 p.m.